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Ponies' favorite Pokémons


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In your opinion, what would be the ponies' favorite Pokémons?


Regarding the mane 6, I think it would be:

Rainbow Dash: Altaria Sprite_6_x_334.png, Ninjask Sprite_6_x_291.png

Twilight Sparkle: Xatu Sprite_6_x_178_f.png

Pinkie Pie: Wynaut Sprite_6_x_360.png

Fluttershy: Almost all of them, but especially Butterfree Sprite_6_x_012_f.png

Rarity: Carbink Sprite_6_x_703.png, Delcatty Sprite_6_x_301.png

Applejack: Arcanine Sprite_6_x_059.png

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh this'll be fun to see what people say! I wonder if I could make a sort of sister thread for Digimon...  :huh:


Rainbow Dash; Ho-oh (cause it leaves a rainbow in its wake)


Twilight; Alakazam


Pinkie; Slurpuff


Fluttershy; Gardevoir


Rarity; Sableye or Purugly


Applejack; Machamp

  • Brohoof 4


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Rainbow Dash- Staraptor

Rarity- Milotic

Fluttershy- All of them

Pinkie Pie- Drifloon

Applejack- Tauros

Twilight- Gardevior, Noctowl.


Derpy- Slowpoke

Celestia- Solrock

Luna- Lunatone

Cadence- Luvdisc, Alomomola

Lyra- The Trainer

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Luna- Lunatone

Eh I would think Cresselia would fit her better... And then Nightmare Moon would be Darkrai, basically the reverse Cresselia :D

  • Brohoof 3


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Rainbow Dash: Swellow, they're both fast and blue. xP

Applejack: Growlithe, since it's known for its loyalty to its trainer and family. c:

Twilight Sparkle: Espeon, or probably Mew. xP

Pinkie Pie: Jigglypuff, they're pink, bubbly and love to sing.

Fluttershy: Probably all of them, but mostly Beautifly. I could also see her really like Togekiss.

Rarity: Carbink and maybe Glameow. Carbink is made of crystals while Glameow is an obvious reference to Opalescence.

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  • 6 months later...

Meh I already did the Mane 6 before so I might as well have some fun with the others...


Nightmare Moon: Darkrai


Discord: Any Pokemon with the move Trick, though I think he'd like the terrifying Mr. Mime


Sombra: Mega-Sableye


Chrysalis: Any cocoon Pokemon, Zoroark, or Ditto


Tirek: I feel Giratina... Dunno why...




Lyra: Any humanoid Pokemon


Octavia: Kricketune


Vinyl: Exploud


Big Mac: Conkelldur


Trixie: Could also be Zoroark since, you know, Illusions Pokemon


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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Can't think of the others right now but I can imagine Applejack liking Hitmonlee. After all, Hitmonlee could help kick all those apples out the trees :icwudt:

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As always, I'm gonna over think this. Please bare with me though.

Rainbow-- Swellow are Pokemon that are graceful, fast, and diligent. In the sky, RD's just that, in her own special way.

Twilight-- Metang because it has strong psychokinetic power and it's the pre-evolution of Metagross (since Metagross is so smart it must imply that Metang looks for knowledge too). Twi loves learning, and she's very smart.

Pinkie-- Ditto because it's unpredictable. That's the pink one.

AJ-- Bibarel. I know it's an odd choice, but Bibrael are industrious workers, and the fact that their dams don't overflow banks means that they take others into consideration. AJ's one of the hard-working pony, and she tries to be the voice of reason when she can. They'd be a good team

Rarity-- Furfrou are elegant and the guardians of the king. Rarity's Sweetie's guardian and kinda the guardian of fashion, so they'd work well

Fluttershy-- Whismur (Do I even have to explain myself?)


And, just for the heck of it:

Celestia-- Lapras since it has a gentle heart, high intelligence, and enjoys singing to those close to it. All of which are traits found in our Benevolent Princess.

Luna-- Banette had a major grudge against the kid that didn't give it enough attention. When it opens it's mouth its cursed energy escapes (I noticed that Luna's Royal Canterlot voice sounds anguished sometimes). It's pretty easy to draw the parallels between the two. I think Luna and Banette would be able to give each other lots of emotional support

Discord-- Because Rotom likes to make mischief, and in today's electrical world, it'd have no trouble messing us up. Discord would have the perfect partner in crime

Spike-- Sableye because gemstones

  • Brohoof 3

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Haha neat idea for a thread!


Twilight: Espeon or Noctowl

Rarity: Swanna or Serperior

Applejack: Amphoros or Sawsbuck

Rainbow Dash: Zebsrika or Hawlucha

Fluttershy: Gardevoir or Lilligant

Pinkie Pie: Wigglytuff or Lickilicky

Spike: Dragonite or Flygon

Apple Bloom: Growlithe or Zigzagoon

Sweetie Belle: Cubchoo or Chimeco

Scootaloo: Staraptor or Buizel


Why? IDK...Why not?


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