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Who Is Your LEAST Favorite Of The Main Ponies?  

182 users have voted

  1. 1. Least Favorite Pony Mane Six + Spike

    • RainbowDash
    • Twilight Sparkle
    • AppleJack
    • FlutterShy
    • Rarity
    • PinkiePie
    • Spike
  2. 2. Least favorite Secondary Character

    • Apple Bloom
    • Sweetie Belle
    • Scootaloo
    • Princess Celestia
    • Princess Luna
    • Princess Cadance
    • Shining Armor
    • Prince Blueblood
    • Granny Smith
    • Big McIntosh
    • Hayseed
    • Mr. Cake
    • Mrs. Cake
    • Diamond Tiara
    • Silver Spoon
    • Snips
    • Snails
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Derpy
    • Trixie
    • Suri Polomare
    • Lightning Dust
    • Gilda
    • Daring Do
    • Spitfire
    • Soarin
    • Fleetfoot
    • Cheerilee
    • Bulk Biceps
    • Coco Pommel
    • Cheese Sandwich
    • Maud Pie
    • Other - Because So Many Ponies O.O

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-_- I thought it was "least favorite characters" but the poll title says "worst pony".

But I put my least favorite characters, keep in mind that I do NOT hate them, and it's not that those I chose are the worst.

1st. Spike. Just a least favorite from the main characters.

2nd. Prince Blueblood. I don't think him (that) bad. Maybe he's just used living in luxurious life.

3rd. Cause I don't know much about these ponies in the choices, so I just put Diamond Tiara there. I have a little hate for her.

Thanks to @Digiral for the sketch of my avatar.

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The ones I choose seem to be the most popular to dislike. Rarity, Diamond Tiara and Prince blueblood. I wouldn't say I hate them but they just don't appeal as much to me, and sometimes get on my nerves.

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I cannot stand Spike lol He is so annoying lol So I would say Spike is my... least favorite. Gilda is probably second. Then Snips and Snails. 
Cant believe how many people dislike Rarity :P

 "We are all in the gutter, but some of are looking at the stars" ~ Oscar Wilide


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Probably Rainbow Dash and Trixe, I hate arrogance, as there are many people in my family and at school who are constantly like Rainbow and Trixe. Also, I hate all that Elitist crap Trixe says. 


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I don't hate any of the mane six in any way, but, I had to pick at least one, so, I picked Rainbow Dash. Why? She can be just a tad too obnoxious at times.


Not that the other five characters aren't without personality flaws. Nor is it really a bad thing that characters on a TV series have flaws; if they were perfect and never had to grow or change in any way, they would be really dull.









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I like them all but Rarity is probably the one is least like. Diamond Tiara, and silver spoon obviously because they're mean.

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I picked Fluttershy since I really didn't like her much in S1. She's gotten better though.


Poll needs to be updated to include Zecora. She's alright, but she's WAY too overused and is actually kind of bland once you get to know her. I wouldn't mind if we never saw Zecora again. There are way better characters that could use more screentime. Like Luna, Big Mac, PHOTO FINISH, even Diamond Tiara got some great character development in Ponyville Confidential, I wanted to see more of her after that. Zecora's had more than her 15 minutes, move on already.

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Fluttershy has a bland personality, while Luna and Derpy are the most overrated characters in the fandom so far.


But I will say this; at least Luna has a personality and I understand why she's so popular. Derpy just have googly-eyes and say the word 'Muffin' and she quickly became one of the most popular background ponies in the fandom.

creative but lazy

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  • 4 weeks later...

For me it's gotta be Snips and Snails. I consider them the Jar Jar Binks of the show. I don't hate them but I just find them REALLY annoying. Not really sure why they were even put in the show in the first place.

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Probably Rainbow Dash and Trixe, I hate arrogance, as there are many people in my family and at school who are constantly like Rainbow and Trixe. Also, I hate all that Elitist crap Trixe says. 


I have sometimes broken into this thread to defend Trixie (and, on occasion, Rainbow Dash) from haters.  However, it seems like a lost cause.


I would, nevertheless, like to point out one thing: Toa of Ponies, like many others, has successfully found a way to feel superior to narcissists.  Bravo.

Edited by Starswirl the Trixie
  • Brohoof 2



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Either Gilda or Diamond Tiara, Gilda refuses to change even after being humiliated at Pinkie's party, and Tiara is a stuck up bully.

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The real worst character isn't on this list.


Sombra is so far beyond any other character on the show. Just watch how the crystal ponies talk about his rule, and Celestia wasn't nearly as worried when Discord escaped as when Sombra returned.


I voted for the Windigos and the Hydra. Both were creatures with no redeemable qualities. Even Fluttershy couldn't handle Hydra, and Windigos are literally made of evil and negative energy.

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I would have to say Gilda. Trixie at first was just irritating but she grew on me with how the fans took her character and added a lot of depth to her. Plus her additional episode with Magical Dual helped redeem her character with realizing her mistakes and apologizing for them.


Gilda on the other hand is another story. I've read many good stories with her and Dash becoming friends again and that works for me. I do hope we get a Gilda episode later down the line with forgiving friends for past actions.

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I have sometimes broken into this thread to defend Trixie (and, on occasion, Rainbow Dash) from haters.  However, it seems like a lost cause.


I would, nevertheless, like to point out one thing: Toa of Ponies, like many others, has successfully found a way to feel superior to narcissists.  Bravo.

You make an excellent point, Trixie and RD are definitely Hated a lot. But this doesn't mean I feel superior to them, in fact the thought had never crossed my mind until now. Sorry if  stepped out of linehappy.png


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Hello there. For many, the difference between the worst character and their least favorite will be minimal to nonexistent, so for convenience I have merged your thread with one for sharing our least favorite characters.


As for me, I don't particularly dislike any character that isn't plainly supposed to be loathed.

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Not surprised that Blueblood and Diamond T aka Pig are on the top of those lists, but cmon, Rarity and Spike?


I honestly don't like RD for a number of reasons,  particularly her arrogant personality.

Edited by Carbon Maestro

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My least favorite mane character would have to be Pinkie Pie

My least favorite secondary characters would have to be Photo finish, Prince Blueblood,  Spitfire and King Sombra

My least favorite background characters would have to be definitely Snips and Snails.

I think both Derpy and Vinyl are highly overrated but I still like them. :)



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"You thought you were there to guide me but you were only in my way."

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It's still nonsense that Pinkie Pie has any votes at all wink.png


I've decided that there's a pony that gets under my skin more than Snips & Snails. Yeah, I never thought it would happen either. But after re-watching and realising how irritating she is, she's gone and claimed the spot.




Gosh, she gets surprisingly little attention for being a surprisingly massive irritation. She was the one that cut in front of Fluttershy during Putting Your Hoof Down:




How can you do that to someone like Fluttershy? What a jerk! She was also the one to get mouthy and cut off Spike during his stage performance:




She's a pony that embodies all those things you hate in public. Cutting in line, obnoxious voice, acts snide and bratty (piping up like at the Hearth's Warming Eve production... poor Spike!) and she does all this while still being a run-of-the-mill character. This is a pony that was never scripted to be dislikeable, and she's still god damn dislikeable!

Edited by Flipturn ツ
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Oh, that's EASY!

Four little words..........

Gilda the ********* Griffin.

Seriously, there is NO OTHER character that can even compare.

First of all, her design: Yes, it IS intimidating.............until she TALKS.

Secondly: Her personality. Just the stereotypical "bully" character, except she's FAR more annoying than Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and the idiots from Sonic Rainboom. She will NEVER shut up with 80's and 90's catchphrases that honestly never took off in reality.

Also, using an insult from UNCLE JESSIE from FULL HOUSE?!?!?! NO.

And of course her being a total prick doesn't help. Unlike Trixie however, she has NOTHING charming, likable, or..........intriging about her.

And NO, I don't hate her for making Fluttershy cry. Why should I when there's a whole WORLD of reasons to hate her?

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