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Why do some Bronies hate the intro?


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There you go then. :lol:




"Doesn't fit the show?"


Well, it's a children's show after all... :P

I think Tay Zonday went through puberty three times... I mean, MY GOODNESS... I, personally, am admittedly jealous of his voice.  I freaking loved that video...




I LOVE the MLP intro.  I watched the other countries versions, and I gotta say, I think they are pretty bad.  


For me, watching the [AMERICAN] intro is an essential part to watching the episode.  It just brings back a certain nostalgia from when I first started watching it.


Seriously guys, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  


Chocolate Rain = overrated.


Tay Zonday = underrated.


That is all.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, I'm just not a big fan of the intro because like you said, it just seems a bit, "too" girly for my tastes. What I mean is that the show itself actually isn't THAT girly for it being a show about talking cartoon ponies, and to be honest the show was purposely meant to be entertaining to people outside it's originally intended audience with all it's references to pop culture and what not.


Also a second guess is that a lot of bronies don't like it simply because a lot of people tend to judge it straight away based on the theme alone and thus don't bother to actually delve deeper into the show to find out it is actually good. *Theme comes on* "Nope, not doing this" kinda deal.


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While I will admit, I cringed at the theme for a few of the episodes when i first started watching MLP. But it's grown on me and now I sing along to the theme whenever it plays. But everyone has different tastes, so some will hate it. I wouldn't know why though. The main reason why cringed was because I thought it was girly, but I can't speak for others. 

  • Brohoof 1
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While I will admit, I cringed at the theme for a few of the episodes when i first started watching MLP. But it's grown on me and now I sing along to the theme whenever it plays. But everyone has different tastes, so some will hate it. I wouldn't know why though. The main reason why cringed was because I thought it was girly, but I can't speak for others. 


Actually listening to it for the first time I cringed too. I was a major pony hater before Gen 4, so exposing myself to MLP was a big step up from being a closed minded hater. In the end, I ended up enjoying the opening and it has stuck with me to this day. I will admit to not seeing much of Season 4 regrettably. I really need to watch that season all the way through.

  • Brohoof 1

"Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me


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I personally hate the outro more. Because every TVTropes summary about an episode with a cliffhanger now ends with a *Cue happy credits music* that references the Mood Whiplash page. This is intensely annoying, since it isn't really an example of Mood Whiplash, which should be based on narrative, not on the need for TV series to have opening and closing credits. Bit of bugbear for me.


The intro itself is fine once you get past the first "My Little Pony, My Little Pony, ah-ah-ah--ahhhhh..." line, which really does make it sound girly. I don't find the show itself all that girly, so for me that bit just gives the wrong impression.

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Signature by Midnightive

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It's not my favorite song on the show for sure(Probably because it isn't written by Daniel Ingram who is amazing.) but it's not that bad. 


I don't particularly like the part that is picked for the normal show intro a ton, I like some of the parts that are only in the extended version, I find it much better, but I don't hate the intro.


Infact I hum along to it many a time.


The other intros like the Japanese and Italian ones are pretty different, so i guess it really depends what you like.


I quite like the Italian one, and the Japanese one, the English one is fine too.


Basically, I don't hate the intro, but it isn't my favorite thing ever. Most times that i skip it are just because I don't want to waste time on an intro i've seen before many times.(As many times as I've rewatched the show, that's a lot.)


But honestly, I listen to the extended one here and there, so I don't dislike it, but there are songs in the show I like better. 


Could be better, could be worse.



Ps. I would like to add that when I first was starting to watch the show, i did not like the intro, because i find it to be too girly, the rest of the show I honestly didn't find nearly as girly.


Now, well I suppose it's a little girly maybe you could say, but I don't really care now xD.

Edited by Zygen
  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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First of all, it's boring. I don't hate it, but it could use a little "umph".

Second of all, it draws people away from the show. They think it's all girly, and they won't look past it.

Finally, it means waiting for interesting show plot.

Enter the Forest...

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First of all, it's boring. I don't hate it, but it could use a little "umph".

Second of all, it draws people away from the show. They think it's all girly, and they won't look past it.

Finally, it means waiting for interesting show plot.

Well yeah.

I do hate when people judge the show on the intro...


which is EXACTLY what the FineBros did.

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Well yeah.

I do hate when people judge the show on the intro...


which is EXACTLY what the FineBros did.

The world needs controversial stuff. Not stuff that makes sense if you understand it. That's why people who investigate it always try and make it seem odd. Also, could you link the video?

Enter the Forest...

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The world needs controversial stuff. Not stuff that makes sense if you understand it. That's why people who investigate it always try and make it seem odd. Also, could you link the video?


WARNING: you may rage while watching this.

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WARNING: you may rage while watching this.

The dude who said something about Wipeout... He's in denial. And Brony came from the fact that we started in the /b/ 4chan message boards. It doesn't seem as cool, but it's true.

  • Brohoof 1

Enter the Forest...

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It makes me feel ashamed of my self. That intro sucks every inch out of the actual meaning and awesomeness of MLP, turns it back into a little girl show for me, and drives me nuts. I skip that, and the credits at the end so I don't have to hear it. When I watch MLP, I don't see it as a kid show, but the intro reminds me it is indeed one.

  • Brohoof 2


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I dislike it cause it's not catchy in any way.


The lyrics are tired,and the animation isn't exciting.


Compare it to the Italian and Japanese intro and you'll see what I mean.




Honestly any show in japan will have a more animated intro, the song is awesome too


"What are you trying to accomplish, putting yourselves in danger like that? Trying to see "justice" done? Is that really justice, though? Aren't you just doing this because you want a little spice in your boring lives? What's the difference between that and a criminal who gets his kicks by murdering people?You see what I'm getting at? There's still a lot of time left. Give it some thought."

If you can read this and have a problem with me...take it up with my lawyer

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Hm.. I've got mixed feelings about that intro.

I think they should remix it or something, because well.. It is a bit girly. That's not necessarily the thing I like about MLP on the other hand. It's catchy and positive yes. But I just think it's too "childish" for me to really enjoy it.


But, that's to be expected of course. It's MLP. Still, I think that a revamped version of the Themesong would be better received by quite a lot of people in and outside of the brony fandom.

  • Brohoof 1


Now with more added tea leaves!

My fantastic signature made by Gone Airbourne

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I think the intro to MLP:FIM should be fifteen minutes long and include a wailing guitar solo for at least ten of those minutes.  At roughly the halfway mark, Pinkie Pie will burst out of a giant pink and black striped balloon and begin reciting the poems of Jim Morrison.  Rainbow Dash will do some magnificent skywriting in the background, but all of the characters will be deliberately written backwards (and members of the audience will be encouraged to hold a mirror up to the television screen).  The text will read:




My little

But not so very




Is marked

Your true self




Sun raising







Oh no wait - it's just a show intro lol.  It's in and it's out; doesn't take away too much from the show's allotted time.  Just lets me know what I'm watching.  Also I can totes skip it: DVD FORMAT, FILLIES!

  • Brohoof 1

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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I don't hate the intro.


I actually kinda like it, but after hearing it about 200 times I wouldn't mind if I used a DVD and could skip it.  [rather than internet and will spend 20 seconds to skip 15 seconds.]

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