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What purpose do Unicorns serve in Equestria?

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I wrote an episode Where Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash were sent to Canterlot to represent each species and how they are important to Equestria. Rarity can't find what importance Unicorns have because they no longer raise the sun and the moon. She goes for a walk around Canterlot with Spike, and she starts explaining the history of the buildings. Spike comments on her intelligence and realizes that unicorns are often highly intelligent and could help with the education of Ponyville. 


After writing that, however, I realized that there are no unicorn teachers, so that wouldn't work.


What is the purpose of Unicorns in Equestria? 

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm sure it gave their general purpose in the hearths warming eve episode, but alas I cannot remember it nor find a relevant clip of that episode.


And their overall purpose would be magic. Because they do live in a world were other creatures are not only bigger and stronger than them, but were elder gods of chaos take yellow pegasi out on dates. Having a race that is naturally gifted in magic would only help as the other races could not defend against magic without it of their own, and magic in the FiM universe just seems to make everything easer.



Also, piror to the birth of Celestia and Luna, the mages of the unicorn kingom were in charge of the day/night cycle (at least according to the journal of the two sisters).

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All pony races have a sort of latent magic which they can utilize subconsciously like the earth ponies tie to the land for example and the pegasi being able to control the weather and walk on clouds. But unicorns are the only ones who can actually manipulate magic itself, most unicorns will only ever learn a few basic spells but there are a few gifted ones who are the MLP equivalent of wizards and archmages.

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Well, here is a list I made of things unicorns can do that benefit Equestria:


  • Popping balloons
  • Charging at enemies in a jousting-like manner
  • Cast spells for defensive or offensive purposes against forces of evil
  • Nest-weave for birds being guided back from the south
  • Brohoof 4
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...Do ponies NEED a reason to exist or a purpose to exist? Isn't their existence alone worth celebrating? I am extremely happy that all my friends were born and I cherish their existence. I hope they feel the same about me. And as far as the show goes, having a cutie mark doesn't define the pony, it just says what they are best at. Fluttershy has an eye for fashion just as much as Rarity, but she loves taking care of animals more.

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All ponies eventually go into the working field, so, unicorns are expected to work as well (that's their general purpose. Along with everyone else's).

But, they also serve a more unique purpose. Their magic is probably used more often than we think. They may assist in fixing buildings, healing, etc.

A good example would be Shining Armor in 'A Canterlot Wedding'.

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Fluttershy has an eye for fashion just as much as Rarity, but she loves taking care of animals more.

She used general fashion terminology that even I know after watching a few episodes of Project Runway...just saying, man. :confused:


Rarity's shock was probably not at the amount of knowledge Fluttershy had but just the sheer fact she possessed an understanding of fashion despite showing no interest in it. Not gonna get off-topic much further, but...yeahh. Huge stretch :confused:



As for your question, it's obvious - to be the master race.


But nahh. I dislike the notion that each race has a "task" they're supposed to do. Maybe back in the olden days, around the timeline of the story told in "Hearth's Warming Eve," but Equestrian society has likely advanced far past that, and that means that mindsets likely have as well - meaning a looser classification based on race.


Like, even though only Pegasi are allowed to be in the Wonderbolts, the reason is obvious - because they're the only ones who fly. That's all I can think of that discriminates on race within the show. It's not impossible for a unicorn to plow the fields or an Earth Pony to make a living in Canterlot, because I'd like to think that the civilization only discriminates on race when needed as opposed to specifically assigning duties and lifestyles based on whether they have a horn, whether they have wings, or if they don't have either of those.


Just my two cents.


  • Brohoof 2
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She used general fashion terminology that even I know after watching a few episodes of Project Runway...just saying, man. :confused:


Rarity's shock was probably not at the amount of knowledge Fluttershy had but just the sheer fact she possessed an understanding of fashion despite showing no interest in it. Not gonna get off-topic much further, but...yeahh. Huge stretch :confused:



As for your question, it's obvious - to be the master race.


But nahh. I dislike the notion that each race has a "task" they're supposed to do. Maybe back in the olden days, around the timeline of the story told in "Hearth's Warming Eve," but Equestrian society has likely advanced far past that, and that means that mindsets likely have as well - meaning a looser classification based on race.


Like, even though only Pegasi are allowed to be in the Wonderbolts, the reason is obvious - because they're the only ones who fly. That's all I can think of that discriminates on race within the show. It's not impossible for a unicorn to plow the fields or an Earth Pony to make a living in Canterlot, because I'd like to think that the civilization only discriminates on race when needed as opposed to specifically assigning duties and lifestyles based on whether they have a horn, whether they have wings, or if they don't have either of those.


Just my two cents.



Really? Because I didn't know anything about fashion until I saw that episode. Was the first time I'd ever heard the words "haute couture". :wau:  Could have fooled me.

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To sell toys


To show off all their magical prowess to the earth and pegasi ponies.


On a serious note, if there's a task that the other two species can't do, than a unicorn is perfect for the job.

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Could have fooled me

I agree when Flutters talked about that I was just....speechless.


Anyway, on a more related note, unicorns are (or at least were) the protectors of Equestria.

Now the reason I say this is that with ponies like Discord and Tirek on the loose, it doesn't matter how physically capable you are. Magic will win hands down. So at least before Celestia and Luna they protected the other races.


Nowadays we see unicorns using magic to do everyday things. Some still protect the empire as seen in "A Canterlot Wedding" and let's not forget about "Too Many Pinkie Pie's" Twilight had to use her magic to send the extra Pinkie's back.

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I've always though that most of the technological advancements were made possible by unicorns, seeing as they are the only ones able to make things really precise, and most things in Equestria seem to be powered by magic. Also, most artistic ponies tend to be unicorns, because let's face it how hard would it be to paint with your mouth or play guitar with large hooves? Unicorns are precise, and magic is a huge shortcut in daily life (Not to mention it's basically the pony equivalent of science)

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Magic is more in the intellectual areas and the arts. Unicorns that focus on magic usually do so to advance science, which is why Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns exists. They're also more useful in a fight, which is why shining armor is captain of the guard and Luna leads the night guards on patrols.

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To provide and maintain magic. Since most of Equestria is made of magic, it would obviously be a bit of a problem if the unicorn race went extinct. :P

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They serve as magical protection, for those that can, etc. The show doesn't really convey that enough for me. Spatially, their magic is limited, unfortunately. 

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