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I really like A Derpy's Goodbye. It was one of the few stories that made my cry and made me love Derpy more. Not even My Little Dashie made me cry, and that's saying something.


I also like Sweet Apple Massacre. It's like a Cannibal Corpse album come to life.



Made by my wonderful boyfriend Kyoshi <3

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Well I dunno if it's been posted in here or not but since My Little Dashie keeps getting posted why not.


Sweetie Belle finds out where babies come from is like my favorite fanfic of all time. This is just holy god beautiful.

Gonna be honest, don't take anything you see from me seriously on here. I don't go by the Lord Bababa username on anything anymore because of so many reasons including me being a jerk from time to time. This is the very condensed version of it but I'm not the same person now, I'm better. Not gonna post anymore on here so yeah.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Fallout: Equestria is a good way to pass time if you haven't read it yet. Has to be one of the best fanfics I've ever read AND one of the reasons I became a brony in the first place.


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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Trying to find a way to make the summer pass. last night i finished all the "my little dashie" fan fictions now i dont know what to do. if you have any good suggestions i would love to hear them.

thanks img-1590131-1-happy.png



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  • 2 weeks later...

WELL. I really haven't read very many of the super-famous ones, like My Little Dashie, Anthropology, Affliction of the heart, Our Chaotic [insert thing here], etc. But I do have some I recommend that are lesser known:


http://www.fimfiction.net/story/94285/whats-really-the-most-important'>What's Really The Most Important by KrishnaKarnak


This is an awesome RD story about her realtionships with Scootaloo and Soarin. And hey, I'm the one who made the chapter headers for this! :D


http://www.fimfiction.net/story/100347/my-son-is-a-changeling'>My Son is a Changeling by Draconian Soul


Shining Armor finds out he accidentally had a son with Chrysalis, and now she's dumped taking care of their son on him. Funny, well-written, all-around awesome story :)


http://www.fimfiction.net/story/47514/silver-spoon-vs-breakfast'>Silver Spoon vs Breakfast by Your Antagonist


Yay for comedy stories! Breakfast is not always what it seems...


http://www.fimfiction.net/story/100686/broken'>Broken by SparkBrony


Jk but seriously. I've been told by multiple people this is a really good story, see what you think! :D


The Brony Who Does Way Too Much Stuff!

Check me out on Fimfiction!

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"Scootaloo Drops Her Ice Cream" By DeiStar, leagues sadder than My Little Dashie


Serious fics that I enjoyed

"Post Nuptials" and it's sequel "Families" by Darthlink22 are really good for the drama between the mane 6 after the Royal Wedding

"My Brother, The Story Teller" by nygiants93 is also good with it's drama but this time between Thunderlane and his brother Rumble(as well as some Rumbloo shipping)

"Rainbooms and Royalty" by Trinary was an interesting AU take on what'd be like if Celestia picked RD as her student


And if you like Megas XLR, "My Little Megas XLR" by Alkem is hilarious



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I'm not a *huge* fancfiction fan, but not long ago I read "Ah Ain't Got No Ack-cent!" a charming little fic about Rarity and Applejack with Rarity trying a "My Fair Lady" style re-education of Applejack for a high-end agriculture show and exhibition.  AJ lets it slip that she once learned to be a sophisticated pony in Manehattan, and all sorts of fancy shenanigans ensue. 


A lot of fun, I must say.  :lol:


Sig by Thunderstorm

Check out my Rarity fansite!

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The only fanfic that really sucked me into it was Fallout: Equestria. It helps that I'm a huge fallout fan too :3 I don't think that I've ever read something that long (and enjoyed it soooooooooooooooo much) in my life. The depth of the characters makes you feel attached to them and if you've played fallout, you can imagine their surroundings pretty easily.


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This fanfiction I was reading just got done, and I thought it was pretty good, its a Twishy ship but its pretty good I think.



I'd also recommend you read the prequeals to this, not only because things make more sense, but because they're also pretty good.


I've not read a whole lot of fanfics, but I've got some reading of fanfics to do that have been recommended to me, so yeah i need to get to them :P.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Two of my favorite fanfics are....


1: Shipping and Handling- It's wonderful story of how Derpy Hooves got roped into a little more than she expected when she gets fired from her old job and finds a new one. I love this story! It is extremely well-written.


2: The Keepers Of Discord- A short fanfic, with rather long chapters, it has good humor as well as a wonderful, tear-jerking story. It's an alterate reformation of Discord. The Mane 6 are not in it. It has brilliant original characters and it is told from Discord's point of view when he's in stone. I laughed as well as cried throughout the course of the story. Absolutely brilliant!


Signature made by- Kyoshi

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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"Equestria's First Human" by Ceehoff. Follows multiple HIE cliches, yet not only does some well, but also subverts several others, the most notable of which being...

...the cliche of the human dying (at the end) and being reincarnated as a pony; the subversion is him becoming an Earth pony instead of a pegasus or unicorn (He non-specifically chooses "pony," but is satisfied with the end result anyway.).


Edited by Anti-Villain
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Well, I haven't read that many pony fics, but off the top of my head:


1. Fallout: Equestria (I've never played Fallout, but this fanfic is incredible. I know that the OP said they didn't like grimdark, however, and FoE certainly falls into that category).


2. Pony Psychology (In particular the Muffins spin-off, which is a brilliant story about who Derpy/Ditzy-doo really is).


3. And for all you shippers out there, this untitled Flutterdash fic, the first chapter of which can be found here: http://browse.deviantart.com/art/It-wasn-t-always-like-this-313671715 I like it because it's different from all the typical Flutterdash fics (or shipfics in general), not everything is all happy sunshine and rainbows all the time, it takes a more realistic look at how a relationship between Flutters and Dashie might go.  The quality of the writing in terms of technical accuracy may vary from chapter to  chapter (confusion of tenses, typos and grammatical errors) but the story is very entertaining, even becoming gripping, and you get great artwork to go with each chapter! What's not to love?

Uh...I have no idea what to put here.





"Yes a perfect gift for me,

 Is a smile as wide as a mile,

To make me happy as can be!"

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Well two fanfics that I really enjoyed would be.


1.Rocket to Insanity- dawn of a dying Pegasus


2. Hero of War(http://www.fimfiction.net/story/22722/a-hero-of-war-unedited)


I also like the famous ones such as "My Little Dashie" and yes even the dreaded "cupcakes". I've also read some great crossover Fics such as Dbz/mlp bleach/mlp that were pretty fun overall to! ^_^


Edit: Oh yea I also forgot to mention that I'm reading one now called "trapped" which is so far pretty good although it does have some minor clop fic to it the writing is still great and it has got got a quit a bit of substance to it as well.


Edited by buster500
  • Brohoof 1


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"Fixing Up Miss Smartypants" by Arkensaw Pinkerton

"It's a Dangerous Business, Going Out Your Door" by Jetfire

"Off the Edge of the Map" by Daetrin

These are some of my all time favorite fics, but if I had to name them all I might break the forum.

“The road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began,
Now far ahead the road has gone,
And I must follow if I can.”

http://soaranddash.tumblr.com http://politetosociety.tumblr.com http://www.fimfiction.net/user/TheEgghead

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  • 2 weeks later...

My New life in Equestria By MaxBreezy


And She's Having A Foal By the Same Guy





They're Really Great fics, i recommend reading both 


http://dascottishbrony.deviantart.com/ My DeviantArt Page.


Why Only Tuesdays, I'm Not even in this fandom, i've just been sent here to spy on all of you. You guys are defenseless without your tin-foil hats!
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Honestly, I kind of like Cupcakes. Not just because of the story, but I love how controversial ponies got over it! It's very interesting that somepony could make something so disturbing and horrible, but get so many ponies to read it... Idunno, I just like it.


Also, this is a great fanfiction right here:http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/03/story-memories-of-days-long-past.html


It's just plain woonderful...


If you like cupcakes then try this one.


I haven't actually read this yet but from what I have heard it is having just as much of an impact as cupcakes, maybe even worse.

Now as for my favorite, hmmm, it would either have to be on a cross and arrow or fallout equestria. On a cross and arrow stuck with me because it was the first fanfic I had ever read after coming into the fandom. It is just sentimental. Now fallout equestria is in a different boat entirely. When I had first heard of it I didn't really read it because it wasn't really my thing at the time. But after watching a certain video I decided to give it a try and was blown away.

  • Brohoof 1
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FoE is awesome but I prefer FoE: Project Horizons my self. mainly for its incredible immersion in to the story and how much you come to care about Blackjack and her friends.

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FoE is awesome but I prefer FoE: Project Horizons my self. mainly for its incredible immersion in to the story and how much you come to care about Blackjack and her friends.


Yeah I totally couldn't tell that you like project horizon. That is acually what I am reading right now. And I am really into it.

  • Brohoof 1
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Yeah I totally couldn't tell that you like project horizon. That is acually what I am reading right now. And I am really into it.

What chapter are you on? the current total is 57 and somber is still not finished with it. (I hope he doesn't finish it at least until he reaches 100 chapters!)

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What chapter are you on? the current total is 57 and somber is still not finished with it. (I hope he doesn't finish it at least until he reaches 100 chapters!)


21 at the moment. Though I do have about 20 hours coming up of nothing to do. So we'll see what happens after that. And honestly 100 chapters might be a bit much for me, especially if each chapter is going to be about the same length.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*ahem* Other than mine... <.<




I really appreciate

The Sun Princess (About Winona)


Photo Memory

Photo Album


Of Challenges and Kisses. I really wish there was more Featherweight fanworks of various types.

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