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Casual Stroll - An Introductionary RP mainly around Equestria OOC [Open Entry For All]

Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

 Sorry too, been caught up in the stresses of work too! 


 See, I think for a while there we were playing well off a stoic guardsmare you had and that kind of worked. Think the thing is that Widdershins does care alot about coexisting with others, he's just a fair bit mad and can't gauge well what's too extreme a response. Basic cartoon in real life, kinda thing. He tries hard to play with and "hover" around others to impress them, and that can make him pretty impressionable. While creating matter out of nothing is kind of the draconequus "chaotic" shtick, its more complicated than that i believe, as he's too unfocused to channel even Chaos that does still make him a source of power. It wouldn't be the first time he's aided an obvious villain just because he wanted to help.

And blowing up A version of Earth for an interstellar highway was kind of just a paycheck at the time so...

Like, he can be used as a battery and accomplice or he can be taught the uphill lesson that maybe not everything has to be an epic, long quest. Like any wishgranter, that tends to be the reason any mortal seeks him out. I like the idea of attending a sort of Friendship School like they have now, where he can learn that Fire isn't a good answer to things and that most people don't like dying or being forced to walk on their lips for the rest of the day. 

Widdershins tends to play the role of the MacGuffin magical force sought out to solve the big issue, if only you can learn how to point him in the right direction. Or the odd magical creature you talk into stop doing that thing that keeps endangering the local populace. Or the annoying friend who can't take a hint to leave someone alone! 

I have always felt he might get along well with your lil bomb filly. Lessons in restraint! Think a teacher of sorts could work, yeah!


  Also, side question? Think typing around here has changed? Like, there a search function to find when last you were Mentioned? Or if there be other forum minutiae i might need to relearn.

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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I think the site changed a bit, when you switch between pages, but I am not sure about the search. Haven't had to check last mentioned for a while, but it should be fairly easy to find last time you were written to, I can imagine.

As for your idea, Blitz is currently occupied with Sekel, but hmm... Y'know, I've been rather vague with what happened to the rest of the family, and the town they were in. Just going *They vanished without a trace, after something attacked the town*. There's also the Boom's father, who have been missing for some ten years or so, but I have written in that there's been found some evidence of his presence recently, at the outskirts of Chimera territory.

So while the young is occupied, you could have Widders become an accidental savior of the older generation. At least part of them. I'd need to think of a setting, but it should be plausible, until Blitz were free to be used properly. Or I can make up another who could be in a good way to both be taught things, and to teach Widders. There's... Hmm, maybe.


She ain't chaotic, but she does have issues. Magma Del Ray. Former scientist at Center Zero, that got into a lab accident, and accidentally fused with a fire elemental. When she's in control of herself, her outside hardens enough to make her seem a regular pony, but she's essentially a walking volcano. She are trying to learn how to use the fire in some ways, as she lost her magical abilities due to the accident, and have only just recently tentatively thought that it were safe to go near others again. She gets too emotional, and the fire starts heating up, and she begins crackling, like in this picture.

She could try to act as a teacher of sorts for Widders, and trying to reel him in, and keep him from causing too much trouble. Potentially learn him what is right from wrong and all that. But she also needs help to try and grasp control over herself better, and when she does go nuclear, someone who could contain her. There's stil a long way for her, to feel like she is able to handle herself well enough, and are for now, relying on some special gum that were made via the rp, with Rising Dusk's character, that helps to cool her core down some.  But it's a patchwork solution, for someone who have a hard time even accepting what she is now.

Something like that might work?




Always room for more folks here, so we can certainly look into it. :)

Let us start with some basics. Could you please present us with your character?


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Sorry for the delay, been a long work day.

So, when it comes to character, you start with a name, and a general look. If you are completely new to this, I can suggest some creator programs, that can help you make a model to work from, if you'd like? The best one I've used so far, is a mobile one. It's via that I've made some like this fellah:


Or this gal:


Next step after having a look, is some basic story, and powers, if your character have powers. Make sure to not make them overpowered, and actually have some flaws. Mary Sue chars are troublesome to deal with. :)  They could have an allergy, or accidentally talk too much, and being a bit obnoxious towards others, etc. Something that gives them some layers.

Top one I linked a picture of for instance, is Cover Up. He's great at making tattoos, but he's also shy, and the tattoos he puts on himself, are to cover a myriad of old scars, after his old home collapsed on top of him.

Bottom one, is Zeehva. She can take residual magic that lingers after others use magic, and gather it up into droplets, that she uses for potions. She can't harvest a lot though, and some magic can cause rather random effects in her potions. She's also referred to as *The Weeping Widow* due to her constantly mourning her dead husband.

That is an incredibly dense look into them, but it is a baseline one can work with. :)

If you are new, I'd say to keep it simple. Make a pony, keep any powers simple, and direct. Like if it's a unicorn, make it so that they can do regular unicorn stuff, and then maybe slight pyrokinesis or something, to add a bit of personal layer. Perhaps the pyrokinesis sometimes happen by accident, and a flaw is that they have to sometimes stop, and put out fires, after their magic misfired, for instance.

After that, make a backstory. Keep it simple, and somewhat open ended, as to not limit yourself too much. You can add more during the RP itself after all, as you begin to get a better feel for the character. :)

That's the general beginning to things, that I would recommend.

As for the app, it is called Avatar Maker: Fantasy Pony. They seem to have some for dragons, gryphons, etc. too, but this is the one for ponies at least. :)


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Post information about said character, along with some minor background, and an overview of powers, if said character have that. Then we go from there, until you have a character we can put in the RP. :) It's a minor screening, just to try and catch potential Mary Sue trouble before it blooms.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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  • 3 weeks later...

@Catpone Cerberus

Sorry for doing this again, Catpone. I had set off a fair bit of time to do things proper, and then I started to do some work on a Magic the Gathering deck, and time just melted away. I'll try and get a response added in before lunch. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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You need to put actual words in. For all I know, Light at some point went into a coma, and Shark have been dragging him along by the tail. xD




Sorry for the delay. Work and other RP posts, rattled my brain. Let's have a look. :)

Alright, there's... A lot to go through here.

So, first off, I don't have a problem with someone related to one of the real cast. Could be perfectly explained away that Empire was at the pegasus academy, a rare pegasus in the otherwise mostly earth pony apple family, and wasn't around for farm work. Hence why no one's ever seen him. No issue there.

Went along with Rainbow Dash, not an issue either. She hung out with Applejack. Makes sense she'd run into her brother if they were at the same school, and chat up now and again. Being in the reserves? Fine there too. Apple family seems to be hard working, loyal folks. I could see some of them joining the army in at least some fashion.

But then things start to get a little uhm... Well, too perfect, I think is a way one can put it. Goes from being behind Rainbow Dash, to top of the class, indicating that he beat her. Alright, that's fine. Good flyer, that's neat, though an odd shift out of nowhere.

My biggest issue is after that. With two things in particular.

Powering through a battle of the ages to win it all, is not something that a single being can just do. Especially not without magic. Were it a battle, like one of the fights between Troy and Equestria, where he managed to eventually be with those in front, to push out the Trojans? Perfectly fine. A regular battle, with beatings and issues on both sides, where he were part of the last ditch effort, and earned his cutie mark from that.

But then, there is the second thing. Earning a cutie mark is one thing, but why does a regular apple, appear from a battle? There seems to lack an explanation for the mark.

Also, the element of courage, doesn't appear to be an actual thing. I just went checking for a bit, to see if I could find it, and it only seemed mentioned in some fan fics.

As it stands now, Empire is bogged down by him simply being too much of a flawless main character. He isn't shown to have any weaknesses, he's connected to most of the main cast, and he is put as the sole savior, and bearer of an unknown element, that for some reason weren't needed for harmony at all. What I can see now, I'd have to reject, as this is not something that's really easy to work with.

But! We can sort this. Adding a few details, will add nuance, and can make it far more plausible.

My suggestions would be for instance, to put less emphasis on him being the center of everything. Make the battle a lesser scale one, where he were part of the push to win the fight, rather than being the sole catalyst. He can claim it was all him of course, and oversell how big of a deal that were, and you can add that he have a character flaw of being delusional, or being too vain, and thinking too high of himself. Flaws are good, as it makes a character more relatable, and less linear.

The element? Make it a lesser element. Something that isn't as grandly important, or powerful, but he wants it to be. Him striving to prove he's as good as any real element wearer, like his sister, could add some nice complexity to him. You'd also have to explain how he got said element in the first place, as it isn't like they materialize from thin air. That's cutie marks :)

As for the mark... Apple with an arrow through it. You don't need to change the picture, just say it's something like that, to add a battle element. :)

I'm not trying to fundamentally change your character. But to make it something that's nice to work with, along with others, being less perfect tends to help. hence why I suggest - not demand - some changes that I think would be useful. He can still be strong, athletic, and generally well liked. He can also hang out with the main cast, no issue with that. But without flaws, and putting him as the front and center, it does limit what to do with him.

Personally, a few things sorted, and I'd say we could start something. I'd then perhaps also think of having a character interact with him, that would in some way humble him, so to speak. Show him that he can lose. Not gonna like, cripple, or try and kill him or something like that. Just someone showing him that he isn't infallible, could be useful. For instance, if there is courage, so too much there be cowardice.

My thoughts on things thus far anyway. Looking forward to reading what you think about things, and seeing if we can make this work a bit better. You have a potentially fine character. He just needs to be made a bit more relatable, and a bit less comic book main superhero. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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I get it. I’ve spent a lot of time on my own stories and I kinda went overboard. I can go back and change some things up to give him some… more human/pony like traits if you need to.

Edit: I made some adjustments add-ones to Empire and hopefully they helped make him seem less perfect

Edited by 14Fan
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A great improvement, while still leaving room for a lot of details and life to blow into him, during the RP itself. :) He's fully approved for the RP now.

Now then, we need to think of a setting for ya then. You did mention the element of courage before, which I see you have now removed. If you want, we could have you start with that, setting you out on a journey to find a mystical artifact, somewhat reminiscent of the elements of harmony.? Perhaps something like... Hmm, Courage seems like a thing that could be rather inspirational, so that could be a route, and then go with is being something left by Muses. A fair bit of MLP have Greek influences. The muses could well be one that would fit in too, and be something that helps to inspire those around them.

Just a thought, of course. It could also be more down to earth, and start at the farm, or you could be doing something in your role, as part of the reserves. Perhaps gone off to work with The Coastal Guard on a mission? It's a third branch of the army, that we use here. Not royal though. They were independents, who have made ties with the royal army, and their general does technically have a say in big matters, but they're seen as a lesser force, despite dealing with ocean trouble. I figured it'd make sense to have something like that, considering stuff like the Siren Sisters, and sea serpents, seem to just pop out of the ocean. :)

Happy to hear your idea though, on how you'd like to proceed. I try to less force a path for those I am with, and instead provide a surrounding for them to tell their only story, supported by external things I can add in with. Sometimes it leads to me directing the narrative sometimes, if the story goes there, like how Rising Dusk and I, are now in a fictionalized version of Denmark, but stories just sometimes goes weird.

Ah yes. Which does remind me, that if you'd want your character in other places, like Neighpon, Saddle Arabia, Caneighda, etc. that's fine too. I can work off of most settings. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Heyo! I have some time again and I was wondering if it were possible to pick up RP when they get to the house to meet Ginger's mother, Queen Siren. I've been having ideas on how to introduce her. 

I also forgot  where we were previously, so having a point to start at helps, I think. 

Been a bit stressed irl (Job hunting.)

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Nice to have you back. ^^ We can pick it up from there, sure.

The characters were basically just on the train, on the way, so we're not skipping much. Just some chitter chatter, and then we'll be there. :)

Sorry for not responding before. Been some busy days.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Here's every post after your last post with text



On 2023-06-15 at 7:26 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Shark wasn't thrown away, as much as just pushed back, while she still stood on her hooves, but she appreciated that he were catching her all the same. It felt rather nice, feeling that he had her back. Such a good mate she had found herself.

She'd show her affection in her usual manner, of rubbing the side of her face, against his cheek, with a happy smile on her face. A sight which made the kitsune elder smile a little wider it seemed, though she kept on moving. Even as she were addressed, which meant that Light would be speaking to her back, until she slowly turned around. Though the twins were clearly about to say something first. Hachi especially, had his tail raised some, and a stance that told that he were about to say something. Probably about having to show the elder some respect, due to being there to help them, and carrying such an esteemed position in the town, as she did.

But the elderly kitsune would tap her staff into the ground, making both twins hold their tongue, and take a step each to the side, leaving the elders view unobstructed.

"At ease, children. He have a right to ask, even if this is as little my home, as it is his.

As for my manners, there were a matter of priority, to take care of. If you were overtaken, giving you time to react, would have been unwise. Oni's are rather troublesome things, to allow an upper paw with. Especially at my age.

That is also why I pushed your friend here backwards. I mean her no harm, but it would be a bit too much for me, if I were tackled."

"Is fine. Shark okay. Will be nice to big fluffy one."

She'd raise a hoof, and wave enthusiastically instead, with a big, toothy grin on her face. This would be nice and friendly too, yes?

"Such a peculiar, yet delightful creature you are. Perhaps some other time, you can tell me of your creator? I'm getting somewhat curious."

"Special one in forest? Shark can do that!"

It sounded like things were nice and calm now, so unless there were anything else, Elder Rhugan would like to keep moving again.


On 2023-06-18 at 12:00 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

Neither of the kobolds felt the 'scan' per say, but Trox could tell that something did happen due to the systems in his cybernetics, as there was an insignificant change in magic equivalent to something like a natural variation in electric flow. They also had no real opinion on being magically scanned so they didn't comment on that in any way; it was because they were used to being scanned, be it usually a technological scan rather than magical one. 

Regarding the elder's observation, they simply nodded, though if it had been a different situation, they would have pointed out jokingly that technically 'they' weren't wrong, as the two kobolds were not something this world had offered. 

They also didn't have anything to add on the Shark situation, as Rhugan hadn't attacked Shark, and even if she would have, it would have been Shark's own fault. Besides they didn't have any reason to be protective of the creature, they had expressed it before, but this whole ally ship thing was just that, they had no emotional connection to these creatures, and ultimately, as harsh as it may be, Shark was probably the least useful for them when it came to their goal, they would choose the kitsune over Shark and Light if it would have come to it. 

 "Getting rid of the thing was the sole reason to contact you in the first place, so of course." Sheska stated "And if you think there's even a chance I don't come with, you clearly didn't get to know the kobolds you met well enough." The didn't care for the kelpie, so they had no thoughts on that, and they weren't surprised by his cowardice, after all, those who openly take joy from dominating those weaker than them, be it through violence or mind games, tend to be the most insecure and cowardly of them all, because truly strong individuals don't need to tell others they are strong. That was something they had to give for those like Sheez or Scorch, as evil as they both were, they didn't need to prove anything to anyone, their mere presence was enough to strike fear to the hearts of their enemies. 

The twins took their place following the elder by walking to the side from the kitsune, though they did stay in such angle that they could see her without needing to look away from where they were going too much, not for any reason of respect, but rather just because she was the one to lead the way, they weren't in a hurry, since the situation was still at most inconvenient to them. 


On 2023-06-20 at 1:08 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"And who is to tell that kobolds are the same, between worlds? But it sounds as if your sense of community remains. I shall keep that in mind."

Elder Rhugan would turn, and continue her walk out of this room, and then down the hallway. She would ask the twins which way to exit, and they would lead her, yet stay behind. You could see that they had a good deal of respect for the elder, and not one born out of fear, or forced subservience. To them, Rhugan deserved the respect, and thus, they would offer it to her, as were proper.

"Tell me, Oni aside, how have you taken your stay so far? Are they treating you well?"

"Yes. It's not been long, but no one have tried to attack us, or insult us, or anything like that. Most just seem curious."

"Hmm. That is good to hear."

As they wandered along, occasionally, the staf would tap the ground, and a small wave of magic would roll out. The elder were continuing to look for traces of their foe like this, but thus far, were not finding anything. She did discover several other things though. Some spellwork, how the building were structured, the location of several youngsters, etc. It seemed a nice enough place, if you took away the general terror over what were currently hunting in the town, that were. It strengthened her resolve some on the matter, of the kitsune making contact with the faraway Equestria. She had been sceptic of the idea, thinking that little good would come of it, but had been in the minority among the elders. Perhaps she had been rash in her judgement then? They would see. This did not give her much in the way of a true look at things, but it were something at least. The words of the kits, were comforting too.

They would not go far, before they reached the office of the principal, at which point, the elder would stop.

"I need a moment to talk to her. Stay here please."

She would go in, and be out again within three minutes. If they looked, they'd see that Starlight Glimmer were there, and seemed to be in a state of bewilderment, as the elder kitsune left her office, and closed the door behind her.

"Yes, I believe I know where we should go now. A library, in a castle? I am to understand there are locals huddled up scared there, and that it were where you last saw the Oni. Scared minds, are easy for the taking. I would think it sensible to check there. But as time seems off the essence, perhaps we have a need to speed things up somewhat."

Her staff would tap into the ground three times, and the puffs from her cauldron would suddenly turn to thick puffs of pale smoke, roiling down the staff, and gathered beneath her paws.  It did not spread further, and in fact, it seemed to lift her up a third of a meter from the ground, as if she were riding a cloud like a pegasus. The staff would keep roiling smoke though, making it apparent that it needed to be replenished to be sustainable.

"There, that should help things. Let us proceed to the exit."

She did halt a moment though, as Shark got nearer, and would poke at the cloud with her nose, transfixed on the odd sight. Then she'd stick her whole head into it, trying to see if she could find some semblance of something tangible in here, that were not the fluffy one. After a half dozen seconds though, she'd pull her head back out, and let out a off of pale smoke from her mouth.

Elder Rhugan smirked slightly at the sight, and then began to float along halfway in the cloud, at a brisk pace. She had wanted to conserve her magic, and have a nice, peaceful walk around this place, but if shelters and innocents were in easy crossfire, she would have to wait for that later. Quite frankly, she would be expecting some tea at the least, once this ordeal were over. It were plain hospitality to do so, when one came to their aid.

They should soon make their way outside, and hopefully not run into a mechanized kobold, who were aiming to visit her family. Them wanting her to or not, likely not much of a concern, judging by what they had said about her so far.


On 2023-06-25 at 11:19 AM, Catpone Cerberus said:

The kobolds stayed quiet mostly, only really talking when silently discussing something between each other; those discussions didn't seem to started by anything specific, so it was anyone's guess what the topics were, if even related to current events. Their responses to the elder were just nods and other such gestures, since she didn't really address them directly at any point, and rather seemed to speak either generally or directly to the other kitsune. 

While they found the smoke spell curious, they didn't comment or it, or really even give it too much thought, because, well, it was magic, and while a spell they hadn't personally seen used before, more you understood about magic, less impressive even the wildest things got, not that this spell was especially weird or wild in the grand scheme. Shark's reaction to the cloud amused them though, the innocent curiosity she showed was endearing, and they enjoyed seeing it.

Sheez didn't make an appearance yet, nor did the kobold siblings expect it, while their comment earlier on her probably coming to bother them at night was in a way figurative, it also had some truth behind it, because as much as they hated the traitor, they knew her well, and they knew she'd try to time her visit to a place and time when they would have some privacy. They also knew that she was probably watching them at this moment, the drone they destroyed was only one of many, and she was smart enough to keep the others far enough to stay unnoticed. 

What they were a bit surprised about was that Solar hadn't come to bother them since the last time, though then again, he's the one who showed them the first evidence of Sheez being in this world, so it could be that he was busy trying to locate her, since unlike the twins, she was an actual threat to this world.


On 2023-06-26 at 12:03 AM, Blitz Boom said:

They would get to the castle not long after, at which point, the elder would land in front of the door, and walk down from her cloud. As she did, the smoke would stop pouring from the cauldron, and it would rapidly deteriorate, before vanishing entirely.

"Yes, I think this was a wise choice."

The staff would float next to her, as she laid a paw upon the door. At first, nothing would seem to happen. Then a sound like a gong would erupt, as a ripple burst out from her paw, going over the door. It revealed a net of red lines, and oozing runes of magic above the frame. The second ripple would disintegrate those, and when that were done, she would lower her paw once more.

"A control spell. Be on your guard in here. Whoever passed after this were set up, will be made to do as the oni says, even if they are not in that body. Defend yourself, but try not to kill anyone. They cannot help themselves."

Her staff would tap the ground, and a puff of mint-green air would rush forth in front of her, and push against the door, opening it for them.

They wouldn't have to go far in the hallway, before something would happen. That being A griffon and two ponies going towards them, having heard the door opening. They seemed surprised at who were there, yet as they got closer, the two ponies would push the griffon into the wall on the right, and charge at the group. Meanwhile above them, a bat pony would swoop down. The bat pony were aiming for the kits, while the ponies went for the elder.

She did not move, or do anything yet. She wanted to see if these other would act first. But in case they did not, she would intercept them with a paw on each of their closest hooves, and then in a fluid motion, use their own force and momentum, to wander past them, and direct their hooves to impact one another's face, knocking them out in the process. A defensive kind of combat ability, that took finesse to handle well, and were best suited for the weak of body. It relied less on their own strength, and more of that of their opponents, so it were more suitable for ones such as the elder.

The bat pony would be intercepted even before that though, not getting close enough to the kits to matter, before he were suddenly yanked away in the air, and crashed on the ground, back first. The culprit being Shark, who had rushed up and tackled into them, whilst now standing right above, face to face, teeth barred, and growling slightly.

"Shark protect fluffy ones."

"W-What are you doing? I d-don't... P-Please, don't eat me."

The bat pony at least seemed to be at their sensibilities, or the fear just overrode the control. Could be a trick too. Either way, this were a rather sad, first showing, from what were supposed to be a dangerous foe. Might just be they were being tested.

As for the griffon? She rose up from the floor, over at the wall she had been pushed into, looking extremely confused, at what had just happened.


@Blitz Boom You did forget to mention @Kujamih in few of the last posts, though at the same, I did remember the mention every time, so you @Kujamihshould have gotten notifications about my posts at least.


“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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Ooooooh bugger! @Catpone Cerberus is right, I forgot to tag you in things. No wonder you didn't see things. I'm sorry about that. :/

That said, Catpone have written and tagged, and your last post was just random signs, which is not a post that can be responded to. I poked you about that here in the OOC.

I'll be responding here on this thread in a few days. So if you can prep something for that, I will respond to things. And tag you, of course. Sorry about that. :(




Aight, I'll make a setup on the farm then, on Saturday. :)


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Your response is fine. Not everyone need to make a big post, I just do it cause I... Honestly, I just do it because I can't make them short. xD

Only thing I would say, is that you shouldn't write "2", instead of "Two". It doesn't look all that well to write like that, outside of text messages. :)

Also, a recommendation? Try to put the things being said, in color. It helps to differentiate the words being said, from the rest. Though it is your choice, of course.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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2 minutes ago, Blitz Boom said:


Your response is fine. Not everyone need to make a big post, I just do it cause I... Honestly, I just do it because I can't make them short. xD

Only thing I would say, is that you shouldn't write "2", instead of "Two". It doesn't look all that well to write like that, outside of text messages. :)

Also, a recommendation? Try to put the things being said, in color. It helps to differentiate the words being said, from the rest. Though it is your choice, of course.

Oh ok, thanks for the feedback! I’ll put that into play

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@Blitz Boom
I has... a minor pwablim wif being responsiwve.

I keep forgetting the forums and setting side time to post. I'm sorry about that. Pretty sure I posted? Or maybe i'm only remembering having had the thought to?

 Been doing the job only, pretty much, heh~

On 2023-05-30 at 3:43 AM, Blitz Boom said:

She could try to act as a teacher of sorts for Widders, and trying to reel him in, and keep him from causing too much trouble. Potentially learn him what is right from wrong and all that.

Have thought that was what the primary genesis to my character was. I don't think the show ever taught the lesson of tempering the whole Friendship thing. That if you focus too hard on being a friend, that you can wind up pushing people away or just not meeting a person in the way they want that would be a natural way to friendship. That you don't have to continiously push onto another and have the constant, episodic adventures and maybe sometimes friendships fall apart and that's natural and okay.
Probably Pinkie Pie. Sounds like her. Think there was one episode she was bugging an old donkey. 

 Like, you don't have to present a dramatic crisis to have a reason to be around another being
 Well now, I can see you're dealing with this hard. But we can work through this as you tell me how you *FEEL* about me vanishing your legs away. And stop screaming. It's happened to me dozens of times, I told you that you get used to the dismemberment. 

 Or that you can be something other than the magical entity summoned to grant a wish or do the bidding of whoever's summoned him. That is usually how he's met others. Widdershins has lived longer than he can remember and its gotten to be a blur of just surviving in whatever predicement he's found his way into and forcing a Narrative to include him as opposed to just floating around.


 So yeah, with that in mind, I think he could work with whoever you choose.


 ...I did make a response post, right?...

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Aaaah. So basically, a botched summoning ritual, could accidentally end up summoning him?

...I will mull this over for a few days, but might have an idea from that.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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2 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

Aaaah. So basically, a botched summoning ritual, could accidentally end up summoning him?

Weeell, basically the whole "Oh yee great spirits from the beyond and elaborate thesaurus descriptions! Heed mine call to be top hobknob at the unicorn gala!" kind of shameal. Most summonings and pacts are just comedically wide open to specification in spite of what you'd think. And JUST TO BE CLEAR, LIKE, i'm TOTALLY not a demon or nothin. It's all spirt hoopla nonsense. It gets pretty vauge as you get up there, doncha know?     I've spent alot of time trapped in orbs and staves and such. Happens when you're a energy battery for chaos magic.

Edited by Widdershins
Couldn't start a new paragraph without deleting the first sentence. Weird.

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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Ooooh, bugger. I forgot I was gonna write a part up for you... I'll do it when I reply again here in a few days mate, promise. I'll think of something of a setup, and we'll see what can happen.




You should read a bit more of the post. Light's about to be attacked, and Shark can't move. You're gonna need to add some input there at some point please. :)


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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