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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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@@Stardust Balance



"Well, that was embarrassing."


Dark had given better first impressions, but thankfully the yellow stallion didn't seem all that bothered by his clumsiness. In fact he looked more-so amused and simply brushed off the incident, and Dark gave a short exhale of relief. "Ever the understanding folk these Ponyville residents." He thought to himself. "If this were Manehattan I'd probably be on the receiving end of a lecture right about now." He gave an inward chuckle and continued his way towards Sugarcube Corner.


He took another brief glance at the two as he stepped by them. He had never seen either of them before in Ponyville, odd considering how memorable most of the other residents had become in his many visits to the town. He knew it was a stretch for him to suggest that he knew every pony in the area, but it couldn't help but perk his curiosity whenever he encountered a new face in Ponyville. Perhaps they were visitors like him? He wondered...


Turning around to face the two again, he cleared his throat and spoke with a more confident tone. "Pardon my intrusiveness, but I don't suppose either of you are going to Ponyville's main square? I was just on my way to Sugarcube Corner there and I thought maybe I could treat you both to a confection or two? Consider it my apology for making such a poor entrance." He gave a sunny smile towards the two.

"Always watching - Always lurking."


Signature by @Kyoshi

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@@Seamore Sandwich, @@Blitz Boom,

Ginger Lightning stood up, crying a little and took the fruit that was offered to her and ate pretty quickly."Thank you I was really hungry." she said to Sisilia trying to stop crying but the wing she fell on hurt a lot...

It was hard to tell if her wing was broken due to the large size of her wings.

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"Good choice. Let us get my gear done first though, then we'll talk."


Giddon waited until Bashful's back were turned on him on the way back upstairs before smiling again. Were it not because it were frankly beneath him, it were possible he would have followed this with a brief chuckle over his good fortunes, but that wouldn't be professional. Besides, his laughter tended to carry a certain tone of malice in it, and he wouldn't want to unnerve this valuable little being he had found now, would he?


When they came upstairs, he looked as Bashful went on with his current job of fixing up Giddon's gear, but didn't say anything just yet. There were still work to be done there after all, even if it were going... Better, than he had expected. It were not the degree of his regular tailor, but it seemed like it would hold well and not stick out if the cloth were an indication at least, so considering this were a non-magical job, he saw little to no reason to complain.


After a little of watching this he reached back and slowly untied the leather strap holding an old looking pouch attached to his belt.



(Like this. Picture from google search)


As a middle man between buyers of objects, and sometimes a hired hand to acquire items for said trade, Giddon had plenty of chances to inspect and evaluate a good deal of enchanted, magical or cursed items that often circulated around those his main trades went on with. Usually it were not things that brought him much interest, but now and again an item would be mentioned as being up for sale that did catch his eye, and instead of finding a buyer he used some of his own welath to acquire said item. Usually not something that were much of a problem as it were cheaper to deal with him directly than through him after all.


One of those items, had been a pouch of limited holding. Created roughly 400 years ago for the kind of beings who had a need to carry wealth with them many places, yet not the want for an inconvenience like a wagon, the pouch solved the issue by having a small pocket dimension that could hold a good deal of riches if needed without inconveniences.


Now, it were not a rare item per se. There had been created thousands off these, and most of them were still in circulation, but a few things worked against them. Namely, that they were rather limiting in that nothing bigger than the opening could be put down in it, nothing living, and if you attempted to stuff anything magically infused down there... Well, *unstable timebomb* would somewhat cover the disaster that could happen afterwards.


Another issue had also been that since a lot tended to stuff them full of raw gold, gems and such, they were prone to being stolen, and with the superstitions rampaging back then it began to give the things a rumour for being cursed. A word that in general killed the appeal and sales fast at the time, and the production had stopped.


These days they were still around and had a secondary market in the underground community, though they hadn't the appeal they once had as there were better, more inclusive versions for those who had the bits to fork over for it. Which had been fortunate, as it made it possible for him to buy this particular one rather cheap.


Sure, he Had the finances to get a higher end one, but he liked items with history, and frankly didn't have the lust to pay 300 times the price or more just so he could stuff magical items in there. It did what he needed, fitted well with his gear, and had more to it than *I have obscene wealth*. Something he didn't care for showing himself as it would for example make him a more attractive target for looters who thought the potential price worth the risk.


That aside, he placed the pouch in one talon and used his beak to open the top, all the while keeping an eye on Bashful. Just in case the changeling started to get into a feisty mood again and attempted to rush him.


"What will the price be for the repair? And will you prefer it in bits, gold, or gems?"


It were few who took the option of raw gold, as they didn't care to refine it to use in jewellery, though some did pick precious gems at times. There were times when the more uncultured had thought the gold more or less worthless, as it were just uncut bits for them, and they had tried to tell him off about it. Something that once upon a time made him explain the sheer scale of how wrong they were as bits weren't made from pure gold, but different layered metals with gold and silver being the miniscule parts, yet after the first few times he just started to shut up and let them pick one of the other payment methods. It were easier than the headache talking with fools usually turned out to be.


He doubted he were talking with somepony capable of being That short-minded now though, as Bashful had so far played it smart. A little rash perhaps, but smart nonetheless.






@@Seamore Sandwich,

@@Lonk Chase,



"I cannot say I understand exactly what you mean with the connection you speak of, but please, be my guest and use it as necessary."


Though Briar were in contact with nature, and in many regards were a bigger part of it than most sentient beings, he could not claim to feel any connection to a particular network of any kind. The earth felt more.. Vibrant, and easier to traverse in certain places with enough vegetation, but to say that he felt connected to things around him didn't ring much of a bell with him. He just considered it a case of feeling more at ease and at home amongst trees than in busy towns.


Yet who were he to say that there were something, but he had just never taken notice? He had been like this for the entirety of his life and had little idea what were not considered normal by other, more meaty beings, so for all intends and purposes it could be something that he didn't notice because it were how it had always been for him. So to speak, normal in his eyes.


*sigh* it were times like these he found it pitiful that his breed were never allowed in the school back home. Perhaps there were some education that could have enlightened him at an early age then, yet he could not only blame them for a lack of knowing better really. he had been in towns with other Evergrown before and never asked, so his own ignorance were to blame as well.


Regardless, if the connection were there and it could help Syo and her friend then for all intends and purposes, he would have little issue with them using it if it were needed. Though he would hope it did not end up doing damage. He had been smashed enough around last night and had little interest in making new wounds today.


At the same time, over with Sisilia, Ginger and Lonk, Meeko hadn't totally given up on getting up to get a hold of the serpentine feline, but had stopped just trying to jump in place as a way to get there. it didn't help him, especially not when she moved to a new tree and begun to rummage around with the fruit for Ginger.


Then Ginger had fallen and Meeko finally stopped his attempts to get Sisilia - for now - and slowly went over to the crying half-changeling. He had fallen down a lot too in his time, trying to climb trees or slipping on a big rock or something, and so had most of the others in the litter he were part of, but they just tended to shrug it off when they fell down and move on to other stupid cub things. Ginger didn't seem to be doing well after her fall though, and he wasn't sure why.


Yet, he neared her, looking up on her with his ears hanging down a bit and a somewhat worried look in his small, glowing eyes, instinctively knowing Something were wrong, and that he should perhaps do like when others were harmed in the flock and gather up to help, but without knowing exactly what it were, nor how he should help.





@@Seamore Sandwich,



Last looked at between the path out of the castle and the preparations Quill were doing with an impatient stare towards them both.


She understood the need to prepare your weapons, and especially when it had to improvised ones such as this, but with every second they stood here Nemo would get further and further away, taking more ponies with him and likely growing stronger from doing so. Frankly, time were not on their side.


When Quill seemed to be done with his work, she nodded at him and turned towards the exit.


"Not bad, but I'd suggest you stay behind me when we find him. Now let's get going before he get too far away from us."


The first part might sound a little like she were talking down to Quill, but the fact of the matter were that she had a sword, and a life's worth of knowledge of close combat, whilst this pony had... Well, a bunch of improvised blowdarts and the experience of getting out of scraps McGyver style. Good skills, sure, but he would do better at doing his at a distance and her taking the focus in close quarters when time came.


But there wasn't time to think about that either. They had been idle enough, it were time for action. And so she took off, thinking Quill could keep up as he were a pegasus as she ran towards the exit and the first step on their way towards Nemo in this strange layer of existence.







Ziggy weren't sure if she were supposed to cringe or snicker at the hot sauce prank. It Sounded like it could end really poorly, yet at the same time... It Were a good prank.


It left her looking like she were halfway between a thought getting lodged sideways in her head and trying to laugh at something she didn't know if she should laugh over, though there wasn't any sound for the few seconds this lasted before she just basically got past her 404 error and reverted to how she had been before it.


"I guess I have to watch out for Pinkie Pie then. Oh, or We would prank Her with a trick muffin at some point. Might be a fun, future adventure."


Tricking tricksters were a bad habit of hers, and one that rarely ended as well as she had hoped, like back at medical school when she had tried to get back at Fluff Button... That one Still made her twitch at times when she smelled lavender.


"Mind if I ask by the way, what're Horseshoe Bay like? I don't think I've been around there before."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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she fell out of the tree onto one of her wings.

"Ouch. You OK?" Lonk asked Ginger.

It seemed like quite a fall, and he didn't want anypony to get hurt badly any time soon.




The chimera is nicer than Lonk originally thought.

Whether that was all from the goodness of her heart or just a step in some scheme was unknown, but if it was the latter, she's doing a good job keeping him guessing. He'd assume the former till the latter becomes more obvious. He has a soul too.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@@Blitz Boom


The silence was deafening as Bashful got to work, taking a lot longer to place the metal rings in the newly punched leather.  It was a delicate task, and with his hooves trying to keep still as he worked, he lost himself in the process.  Even when the world seemed to be falling apart, there was always this, worlds of creation with thread and fabric.  This made sense.


It was difficult for Bashful Thread to concentrate, knowing what Giddon had just scene.  Giddon knew what he was, but Bashful had no idea what Giddon was.  That kind of ignorance might get him outed a lot earlier, and he would have to give up this life, this little piece of home of his own. 


The clock continued to tick, the passage of time seemed to take forever, but finally his work was complete.  The gashes in the leather re-enforced, the cloth stitched with hidden thread, with extra leather covering up the seam.  It wasn't terrible work, definetly functional, though it probably didn't have the flair other tailors would be confident in.


"Payments are handled in trade, gems go well depending on the season."  Scribbling a figure on a receipt, he slid the paper to Giddon.

Walking up to the door, he threw the latch to lock the door.  "Alright Giddon, you have my complete and undivided attention...  What's the price to make you just go away and forget?  And how do I know you're a... a.... Whatever you are, good to his word?"  There was definitely a defeated bitterness in Bashful's tone, but what could he do?

Bashful began picking up his mess, folding cloth and sorting it by colour and type, some took longer to identify as others, each piece folded neatly and placed among the many many shelves filled with sewing materials.  Eventually some of the organization started to declutter the area, and beneath the clutter was organization, pins and needles in well-dressed pin-cushions, filing of cloth and materials with labels, and the shelves themselves were well cleaned and polished. 

He continued to look at Giddon from time to time, though there was little more he could do save for hear the creature out as he cleaned and organized. 

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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade stops, closes her eyes and sighs, "It's different from say a river or a pond...it's the open ocean, and the tides." She takes a deep breath, "I guess it would be kinda like how I've heard Pegasi describe the open sky. Feeling the tides move your mane, and just letting your worries wash away." She opens her eyes, and gives Ziggy a smile, "Nothing is like it, and sometimes....sometimes I wish I could be more open about my nature, and not have to hide it." She shrugs. 

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Giddon looked at the receipt he were given, then examined his gear to make sure that the work were done properly. He were reluctant to pay for sub-par work, and when it came to the layer that protected him from death most of the times when he had to get his talons dirty, it were essential that he made sure that it wasn't flimsy work he were presented with.


Yet this seemed... Rather well done actually. The outer layer of cloth had a miniscule visible amount of thread that blended in with the colour and would be hard to see even if somepony were really close to him, and both it and the patched leather beneath were holding up when he tried to see if stretching it would make the work fall apart.


Satisfied with things, he nodded and put the pouch down on the counter before sticking his metallic leg down there - like literally, the whole thing - and rummaged around for a few seconds before withdrawing with three deep onyx pearls with small glimmers like stars inside it in his talon. Each were about half the size of a parasprite, and if Bashful knew even a little about gems he would know that the things in question tended to be referred to as Luna's Tears. Gems that were of enough value to make the three Giddon put down on the receipt cover the asked price and about a 50% tip.


"You don't. But ask yourself this: Why would I bring the law's attention upon myself? I doubt you'd not start chirping about me if you knew a bit more and had little to loose, and I have no interest in becoming a scrutinised gryphon over something like that."


Giddon smirked ever so slightly as he looked at Bashful. Trust would likely not happen between them, but perhaps knowing that the law would slam hard down on him if he didn't keep quiet would ease his mind a little. Not yet of course, as for now he hardly knew anything about him, but during their dealing the changeling tailor would likely learn a few things that might draw the ear of officials enough to make them check him out.


Not that it wasn't something he could handle, as bribing the right officials and having paperwork prepared for the worst things would keep him away from a life behind bars, but it would scare away some of his clients, and That were something he had no interest in whatsoever.


"As for the job, there is a group that have acquired a cursed artefact a few hours away from this town that have them brain-controlled and are forming them into quite the little cult. I want the object, and I have something ready to cleanse it of the worst of the corruption, but they don't take kindly to outsiders and getting in is difficult. Now,  if they thought I were a Prisoner on the other talon..."


His smirk grew a little more and there seemed to come a short-lived spark in his eyes.


"I want to hire you to impose as a member of them and then get me in as a forced convert. From there on we will find the inner chamber, and I will get to work with the artefact. Once it's cleansed and the cult gotten back to their senses, we leave, and our business will be over..


I pay good rates, and considering what failure might result in, a sizeable hazard pay as well. Your fee can be gotten in regular bits, gems, and/or other artefacts, some which I think might be of some considerable interest to a changeling such as yourself."


The knowing look in Giddons eyes after he laid out what he wanted to hire Bashful for would likely seem like he were just thinking more of his wares than what were warranted, but the gryphon wasn't Just boasting. Some, certainly, but he were pretty sure he had at least one object that might be of some interest to the hungry changeling as he had gotten that thing specifically for if/when he had to deal with one of their kind.


It were not something that had a big value outside of certain circles, but for a hidden one like this... He doubted it wouldn't at the very least be tempting.


"When we have agreed to a price, I will pay half up front, and the rest when we are done. Any questions?"


Considering it would potentially hurt Bashful if he didn't take the offer, and that a simple infiltration job were something that should be little issue for a Changeling, Giddon saw little reason not to be up front about what would happen. There were only the two of them here after all, so why bother with the secrecy this time around?


It might seem kinda odd to Bashful that the gryphon were willing to pay good money for a job as simple as what he described, but fact of the matter were that it were hard to deal with changelings these days. Those still in hives didn't have any reason to make business with him, and with the laws set out since the failed invasion of Canterlot, it had become tricky to find any of the hiveless around.


Sure, there were other shapeshifters, and even unicorns had their ways of taking on another form if they were specialised enough, but none of them were as good to infiltrate as a changeling as their kind could play off with for example the feelings of those around them to make things more convincing, and he had to have this job done perfectly.







"Perhaps the day comes soon when it's okay? I mean, I see all sorts of beings in towns, like Dragons, Diamond Dogs, Longma's and so on, and they weren't always openly welcomed either. Sure, there's still some odd looks to some of them at times, but they're free to be open about it, and I bet that the day will come when it will be okay to be a Siren too. Long as the law's being followed and all."


It wasn't just words trying to cheer up Serenade that Ziggy fired off, but actually a good deal of truth as well. diamond dogs had often been seen as dangerous brutes, and once upon a time dragons had as well, but they were welcome if they kept to the laws set down now after all. Even the longma, who were still looked at funnily since they were rare to see around, were more than welcome to wander town, and she had even had a friend back in Las Pegasus of the race in question. A good chap to stuck to the rules, and he were treated like any civilian by the police.


Now, changelings she weren't sure about as she honestly didn't know much about their race or where they hung around - Heck, she hadn't even Heard the name before the news on the Canterlot attack - but some of the laws seemed to say that if they just followed some guidelines they were allowed around too, so were it really That hard to imagine that siren's would also come eventually?


Sure, they might feed off strife, but she had seen places in Baltimare for example that had enough of that, not to speak of Fillydelphia. Oh man, the time when she flew down the wrong path there... Aaaaawkward.


"And Princess Luna is your friend, so I bet it will happen before you know it. I'm sure it just takes time to get these sort of things done politically and all. Even for a monarchy."

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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 @@Blitz Boom,


With what light was available, the two moved through the forest and they were not too far from the castle ruins. The footbridge across a ravine, one with a visible, naturally occurring stone staircase at that, was the indicator that they weren't too far now. A few more minutes of walking and Senlin lay his sights on the shed big for one. 

It wasn't much to look at. One makeshift home fashioned a home from a hollow log opened on one side and made use of twigs, leaves, and a medium-sized piece of cloth wasn't what ponies would call an abode but he didn't have a home other than the one far, far away. He was rather fortunate about taking those lessons from the master scouts of his clan before he left. Under the ground within the hollow tree trunk was the pile of dirt and with it, his goods.

"Thank the elders it is still here." Senlin turned to Omen, slinging his satchel around his neck.


"Well, this is my home away from home. I probably won't find an inn that can accommodate me with what meager amount of bits I have so this will do. I might spend the next few days here so I decided to put this up."

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade smiles, "I know. I'm just being a little overly morose this morning." Serenade keeps walking, "I'm hoping to get to the pond and get some practice in before lunch or anypony shows up."  As she walks, her eyes glaze over and it's almost as if anybody who leans close enough can hear her brain tick, Serenade is so deep in her own thoughts that she almost completely misses the pond and almost ends up walking into it. 

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@@Blitz Boom



A winged grey mare with a blonde mane sat by the water, her head low. Her mailbag was lying on the ground next to her with one letter left, and it was addressed to Rainbow Dash. It would be clear to Ziggy and Serenade that she were upset, although she wasn't crying at all. It wasn't that bad, but it she was disappointed in herself.



@@Blitz Boom



Quill took to the air, following quickly. He turned sharp and closed his wings in time to fit through the narrow gap between worlds. Flying just behind Last, he says, "Well, that's obvious. You have a sword, which is obviously a close range weapon, and I have a dart shooter which is mid range at best. The name's Quill, by the way."



@@Lonk Chase


@@Blitz Boom


Sisilia just stared at Ginger. She never really interacted much with the locals back home, so she wasn't really sure what to do in this situation. She stepped back and waited to see what either Ginger or Lonk would do.




@@Blitz Boom



Miles just watched and waited for Briar to finish talking to the voice in his head. Meanwhile, Seamore began to dig small holes to begin the planting.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Seamore Sandwich, @@Blitz Boom, @@Lonk Chase,

"I think I'm alright...It doesn't feel like anything is broken...My wing just hurts."Ginger Lightning said stretching out her wing that she fell on. She winced when she stretched the wing out all the way. her wing didn't seem swollen like it would if it was broken...maybe she just sprang it.

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@@Seamore Sandwich@@Blitz Boom,  Serenade stops just as she's about to walk into the water, and blinking looks over at the grey mare then back at Ziggy, "Um...Morning. Is...everything okay?...." Serenade has tucked her wings in close. She turns to ZIggy and mouths the words, "I have completely forgotten her name, help me"

Edited by Moonlit
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@@Blitz Boom

Bashful Thread looked over his work with Giddon.  It took some time before Giddon spoke, and when he laid out his plan for the pony, he couldn't believe what he was being asked.  It wasn't Bashful's line of work, and he looked about the shop.  He thought long and hard over the plan that Giddon had set, but it wasn't like he could just say No to him.


He sighed heavily before speaking. "If that's what you're wanting.  Cursed Artifacts... This has bad news writen all over it."  Raising an eyebrow, Bashful turned his gaze to the window, and watched as various ponies of Ponyville passed by.  "If that's what you need from me, I need to get something from you first."


With each step he began walking around the dark red creature, speaking in hushed tones with his tiny voice, what barely qualified as a whisper, as he began to organize his thoughts as he had been organizing the room.  "My stay has been taxing, it takes a lot of effort to pass as someone else, a lot of energy for prolonged change.  It's been... uncomfortable, and if I am going to go down this road with you, I need to know you are good as your word.  A... sampling."  Bashful could feel his mouth water at the prospect of what he was about to ask.

"Feed Me.  Give me something I can feed on, give me something I can use.  If you want this done right, then you're going to need to present me with something sweeter than cupcakes.  Since you know so much about us Changelings, I am assuming you know of our dietary restrictions?"


"I need it.  Not just to do what you ask, but to make the journey.  You say it's not far, but then again look at the size of you, you'll say you've gone hungry, but you've never really tasted it like I have. I mean, Look At You!"  Green flame swirled around him for an instant, and then standing before Giddon was Giddon!


Giddon could hear his own voice coming from Bashful Thread, who now was a mirror to Giddon.  "This is the body of someone who endures to who gets what they want."  A steel talon clenched between the two, as wings unfurled.  "Be bigger, be more brash, it doesn't matter who gets hurt or who gets in your way.  You want something, you just take it.  Who would stop you?  You?"

Giddon's reflection in Bashful looked back upon him with accusatory glances.  He stepped up towards Giddon, and then looked to 'his' steel talon.  He looked back at the wares he had just fixed up.  Like lightning to his own greymatter, he understood something.  Bashful, as Giddon, smiled weakly.  "That's the problem though isn't it?  You ARE stopping you.  Ever time, you lose a bit of yourself.  You have made choices that cost you more and more.  Sometimes, it's clothes, sometimes, it's a talon...  Yeah, I can see it clearly.  You are going to take yourself apart piece by piece as you continue."


"But the worst part about it, is you do enjoy it.  It makes you feel validated.  Everything around you is so small, so weak.  With these eyes, this beak, these talons and wings and things, everything feels small.  And you keep going like it doesn't matter.  You lost that a while back.  Maybe it was the first thing you sacrificed.  The first thing on the Alter of Self."


With another flash of green flame, Bashful Thread was once again that tiny awkward tailor that Giddon first met.  His look had changed though.  It was no longer accusatory, it was no longer hostile.  Now, it was something far worse.


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Well, if there was the best time to go to Ponyville and figure out what all this Jaraco stuff is, this would be that time.

Ginger might need medical assistance, which would require a hospital, which Ponyville has.

"How about we head on towards Ponyville or Canterlot to get you patched up? I don't want any other bad thing to happen because of that," offers Lonk.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

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Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,



"...Last Stand, former guard of where this thing came from."


She kept moving, looking forwards at the direction where Ponyville were. They still had some way to go, but so far they hadn't run into any issues that had slowed them down, so hopefully they were making good headway and getting closer to Nemo.


"And before you ask, I have no ideas what he is. Some kind of malevolent spirit I'd guess since he seems to have possessed somepony, but I frankly ain't sure. Never seen what we guarded before today."






@@Seamore Sandwich,


"...Derpy, right? Are you okay?"


It had taken a bit before Ziggy recognised the mailmare, but after a bit the coin had dropped and she recalled the strange mare with the funny eyes she had looked over whe she were hiding in a sky yesterday, preparing to swoop down and surprise-hug somepony. She wasn't sure if Derpy had seen her hide in the cloud, but she had taken notice of the mare at least, and the name... Well, she heard somepony say it around the same time. Something about flying the wrong way.


Wandering over she kneeled down and looked over the mare with a warm smile and the bunk of her energy contained. Usually depressed ones didn't take well to the overly cheery ones around them. At least not where she came from.


It was about then she noticed the single letter in the otherwise empty mailbag and got an inkling about what might be happening here. Wasn't sure it was Actually the reason, but you never knew, right?


"Is there something wrong with the letter?"







Omen took a few steppes and looked around Senlin's humble home. It weren't much compared to the houses that she had seen others built, but it were still impressive to her. She couldn't really build anything herself, as she were used to only doing it with her mind like back in her home realm, so seeing any form of construction being made by another from clever use of the materials around them without the added benefit of it being workable, dark blobs, were something else in her mind. Especially since he didn't have the sort of stone she saw most work with in town, which were easy to work with it looked like.


A movement caught her eye above the shed, where a loose twig blew on the wind and towards the construction. That is, until her tongue shot out and grabbed the thing before it hit and pulled it back to her mouth.


"Looks like a solid shelter. Well made."


With that, and whilst still looking at his shelter, Omen began to absent-mindedly crunch through and eat the stick, leaves and all. There could be all sorts of grand reasons for that, but basically she just didn't know where to put it right now, so it seemed to make sense to eat it to her.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


Senlin had enough bits for several small meals though he was a little reluctant to spend even a quarter on it. He had several months of empty bellies with very little in the way of a hearty meal in between them but he knew there was no purpose behind hoarding the money, lest he begin to show more dragon-like characteristics. 

"I can't guarantee anything in the way of a complete, hearty meal with what I have but these might be more than enough something sweet. I think there was a bakery in town that sells confections. Maybe we might have something sweet. Have you had anything sweet before?"

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Giddon had looked over Bashful with eyes like cold steel as he had gone through his little routine, but he did not rise to the bait. Tempting as it was, and though his being screamed at him to do so, he did not lash out and crush the parasitic little bug's neck between his talons. He wanted to - By Celestia he did - but... Grrrr, accursed oath sometimes...


"Until you know what I lost, you cannot fathom what my sacrifice meant. What I had to do when I finally learned the truth."


His metallic talon clenched and a brief, pained look went over the cold anger soaring through his eyes.


What did this insect think he knew about him? About who he had been, and what he had found to be the only way he could survive with his sanity remaining and still do what he had sworn so long ago? He knew nothing. He just saw the shell, the results and the facade of a being who had done some sacrifices and did his to appear strong, then made up a story from that. But he didn't know what were beneath the layers, and that is why he couldn't understand who Giddon were. Just who he made himself appear as.


"Pray that you'll never learn it like I did. Now shut up, and let us get this over with."


He didn't want to discuss the past with strangers. Heck, he barely wanted to discuss any of it with those he knew. Double Chow in this town were one of the few who knew a fair share, but none in his life knew the full story about what had happened the last decade with him, and he wasn't keen on changing that now.


As for the *sampling* the hungry leech wanted...


Giddon went over and checked if the door were truly closed before getting back to where he had just been and putting his organic talon to his neck and rummaged around in the feathers there before pulling out a silver chain with a strange bauble at the end, roughly the size of a parasprite without the wings.


No explanations were given as to What it were, but after turning it a little in his talons, he stopped the movement, pressed two points there whilst sliding in a pattern, and then... Well, the lock got undone, and suddenly the bauble started to shine like it were made from a glowing pearl. Well, a glowing pearl with a focused beam that went into the eyes of the gryphon that were.


This particular thing wasn't as uncommon as most of the things he tended to see. In fact, most beings would likely know of some variation of the *Memory Sphere* even if they hadn't seen it. A small object, carrying some copied recollections that would only be shown to the one who opened the lock on it. Sure, most weren't as intricate as what Giddon had done, but perhaps he had more reason to keep his memories away from others.


The effect were easy to see as Giddon went from anger, to calming slowly down before beginning to get a more serene look on his face. Instead of the tough gryphon that he portrayed himself as, instead now stood one who looked more uplifted, genuinely smiling and with a kindness in the look that were focused on nothing but the imagery projected into his head by the light that were hard to describe. It almost would seem fake considering how he had looked so far, if not for the emotions that Bashful should be able to feel out as well. Feelings that were hard to fake for his kind.


Some sorrow were there as the memories went their way, a tinge of stubbornness and pride too, but the majority had been pressed aside by a presence of love that would likely sate Bashful's  hunger. At least for a bit.


Though he shouldn't go too overboard with it. Whilst these baubles usually kept their users fixated until they were done, if something major happened - say, a changeling were sucking you dry of any emotion - the self would shine through again and Giddon would likely Not be too thrilled about it. Heck, it were unlikely he even liked having to do this when there were somepony watching, but such were his part of the deal right now.







"Yes. Master loved sweets when I knew him. Always made chocolate rain, candy bushes and many other sugary things. Tastes funny, but fine. I prefer this."


Her tongue shot out again, though this time her target had been a piece of rock that had fallen off the path from before and rolled around on the ground a few times to get nearer to Senlin's little home away from home.


Without saying more, she opened her mouth wider - showing nothing out of the ordinary, like sharp teeth or something - and crunched down on the actual rock, biting through it like with a sound like it were a crunchy carrot crackling.


"The forest tastes differently everywhere. I like the variety."


Though it wasn't explicitly said, this were also a bit of way for Senlin to get the message that she did not need to be bought any food. She quite literally took it off the ground and ate it like it were nothing, and said she preferred that over sweet things and such. A bit of a laugh if told by most others, but Omen hadn't lied yet, so why would she start now?






@@Seamore Sandwich,

@@Lonk Chase,



Meeko didn't like the look on Ginger's face. It looked like she were trying to play off a broken paw or a chipped fang, and those sort of thing needed other of the flock to look out until things were okay. Currently, Meeko Were the flock, so that mean him giving as much attention directly to Ginger as his curious little mind could handle before swaying off for a few seconds.


He let out some small barks and leaned up against her, trying to see... Well, he wasn't sure. If he r leg were hurting? Trying to show he were there, like a flock would be? He wondered what her mane tasted like? It could be hard to tell. He might seem okay with things right now after all, but he were still a wild animal, and those beings tended to have simpler thoughts at times. At least until they grew old and strong enough to hunt and such, though it weren't Much of an improvement after that to be perfectly honest.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


Ashta ran along with the others, scatterered in formation as they neared the small blimp of a village where their first of many targets were in. Perhaps more of them were there too, but they would get them as well before the hour was done if they were foolish enough to stay within the walls.


The group of them were professionals, and Ashta as much as them were prepared for what had to happen. In fact, you could say that he were delighted about it as these kinds of missions as he enjoyed the scared and confused look of their targets, as well as any casualties that would come from them getting their mission done with. Something about that, and the light flickering off in their eyes, really made him day at times, and today was going to be special.


Not only would they get to wrestle with an ancient evil, for whom they were armed and prepared to have erased from the face of existence, they also had a rich degree of others targets, including the mysterious Traveller himself.


Ashta had gotten a detailed enough description of what he would look like, but frankly he didn't care for that as much as just the fact that they might get to include a being they didn't even Know how old were on their kill list. A being that, by all accounts, hadn't been a torn to them enough for a hit before he began to mess with the prison of the Forgotten One, yet now were a hunted creature.


A hunted creature that He were going to get, rest assured of that. A price like that wasn't something he could just say no too after all.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Musical Strokes was randomly flying around, reading a "book" So...thats the city that I should came? he thinks, looking down at Ponyville It doesn't really seems fitting for Pegasi, really, that looks more like for Unicorns or Earth po-   he hits a tree and falls to the ground before he can finish his thinking Crap.


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@@Blitz Boom

Bashful thread turned away from Giddon, that red winged behemoth with the steel talon. Part of him was screaming inside for him to get out while he could, this was entrapment and he could have just as easily moved on. He could just find some other town to situate, and with his experiences in Ponyville it would be easier this time. He could get to the door, unlock it, and disappear.

In that storm of thoughts though, one stayed with him; The thought of leaving Orange Lace and Fire Cracker. It was unacceptable to leave his two only companions, no matter how twisted their relationship was. These two were too important to him. Not just for sustenance, but for more. For the companionship, for the understanding, the patience, their strength. Orange Lace's creativity and gentile nature, and Fire Cracker's 'big brother' feeling. Bashful wished Fire Cracker was here right now, he'd show Giddon the door the hard way. Still, it wasn't time to play that card just yet.

Instead, his legs trembled as he opened his mouth with a deep inhale, it would seem like the first time he drawn breath, but it was something more. Love was infectious, it was like a miasma that filled the room, and with that in mind he could only describe it's sweetness as something akin to butterscotch pudding. He didn't know what butterscotch pudding tasted like, but the way Lace would pine over it, he had to assume it was much of the same reaction.

And there it was, hidden between that aftertaste of spiced hardship and watered down flavour of sorrow, unpalatable... Who would have guessed Giddon was even capable of registering Love. He certainly didn't display anything of the like since he stepped in.

Giddon's words were showing just how small inside he was. Alone, you could taste it, using something to evoke memory rather than the true emotion. He's just a husk, this would barely serve as a sampler platter of sustenance. It was a shame, but more so the spice of Giddon's life became all the more evident. He seemed to think that he was incapable of being understood by a Changeling, especially something so opposite to himself. He was a warrior, a pilar of strength scarred and ragged from adventues. while Bashful Thread was timid, with only bursts of false confidence and wrapped up in his own worries and fear. Still, the insult was paid for.

It took a few deep breaths through his mouth before he had what he required. There was something pulling at Giddon's heart, something that held the Remanence of his kindness, even if it was only by a memory or whatever it was he was doing to bring about the state he was in.

When Bashful opened his eyes again, finishing the last of the tainted strength he had taken from Giddon, he simply sat down right there on his hind hoofs. He looked around the room as though looking at it with new eyes. The colours of the fabric piles seemed more vibrant, the room seemed more robust, and the light that peered through the window fell towards the flow of dust dancing like faeries. For that moment, he was at complete peace, his heart content with it's new found affection, and taking the moment to enjoy it.

He gazed at the object then in the talon of Giddon, and his head tilted to the side. "Just prepared for everything arn't you Giddon. Deal with many other Changelings then? I wouldn't think so. I don't like it, not one bit. It makes it feel like drinking mud, and has the texture of a rattlesnake's hiss in the end. It looks like music and smells like ruin."

"Nope, I don't like it one bit."

He could taste something artificial in the after-taste. It would be the equivalent of chewing on tinfoil, if he would describe such a thing. Bashful couldn't let that destract him from this moment. It was difficult, even with that remaining fear still gripping at him, but then there was that moment he had earlier, and it's ghost still with him. Pity.

"If you are only interested in continuing banter, I don't need much else from you Giddon. You want this little escipade of yours to go smoothly, then we will have to get it done. Then we will be done and I will not see you in this shop again, we're done. That's the cost of you getting out of my life and my business, fine."

Bashful Thread stood up, and started to continue his cleaning ritual. At least the shop was turning into something presentable. Now if only he could find out where that little bauble went.....

Edited by MDLineArt
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@@Damonater, @@Blitz Boom, @@Frosty Frost,


summer, blitz and frosty all stood around damon, trying to cheer him up but he didn't look like it was working and summer got a bit annoyed. she wanted to find barrel too and she knew that it was tough for damon but she just couldn't stand it if ponys, or humans, sat somewhere being sad and not doing anything to change it.

summer flew in front of damon and said kind but firmly 'listen damon, if you say you're fine then act like at. we are never going to find barrel like this. but if there is something wrong then you can tell us and if there isn't then get up and we can find barrel okay?' and she putted her hoof on damons shoulder to show him that she would be there for him. and that they would find barrel together and save damon's dimension.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Giddon didn't react to what Bashful said. Not at first anyway, though he did her the spiteful little being have another stab at him.


As it stood though, like nearly every time he went through the usage of his bauble, he had a hard time to let go of these scattered memories that flooded his mind and frankly considered the changelings words to be secondary in importance compared to these. Yet, after about 10 seconds more, his claws moved backwards the intricate pattern he had to use to open it to begin with and the light faded as the bauble slumbered and locked up once more.


There were a few seconds where Giddon's look were still somewhat calm, and had a look like he weren't even in the room, but all things came to an end and he soon let out a small sigh and reverted back into how he had been. When he had entered the shop to begin with though, and not the part where the smouldering hatred he had started to feel for the changeling had begun to rise up.


"Then we go, now."


With nothing more said, he headed toward the door so that he could be ready for the changeling tailor to open up so they could get this over with.


Usually he didn't mind some banter, but he hadn't the interest in it when it was done by somepony who had nothing but insults and false insight to throw at him. The changeling weren't able to understand anything except the base idea of lashing out at those not following the narrow norm he were used to it seemed so far, and even IF Giddon cared enough to tell him what he were sorely misunderstanding - something that he currently had as much want to do as strangling himself with a rattlesnake - he couldn't see things would change. If the bug wanted to see him as just the ruthless bully that he had pictured in his mind, then he could do that for all he cared.


Perhaps if he at least understood the significance of using a memory bauble wasn't to infuse yourself with false joy or artificial love he would get at least Something of it, but it seemed he weren't receptive of ideas outside of his predetermined ones. How else could he ignore the obvious in that the bauble didn't just show you memories, but actively flooded them to a degree where it were hard for the one watching to think anything of their own whilst it went on?


Then again, perhaps he did get it. Perhaps the small mind inside this exoskeleton got the point, but thought it just more vile. That Giddon couldn't just think of anything that gave him true love to feed from, because something had happened that his mind would jump to straight after, and kill the emotion in it's infancy. Something that wouldn't happen when he couldn't think straight and the chosen memories filled almost his entire mind.


To say it were artificial wasn't correct though in his mind, but... *sigh* Why did he even think over this? He had a job to get done, and now he had the piece of the puzzle he needed to complete it. That were what were important right now. Not trying to understand a being that frankly wanted him around even less than the queen of their kind he had once met, and for more or less the same reasons.


He stood impatiently at the door, silent and waiting for Bashful to get ready. They had a bit of way to go, and he wanted to get it over with.







Right after he hits the ground, the sound of somepony walking closer would be heard before it'd stop, and the shadow of somepony fell on Musical.


"Heh, nice crash landing sugar."


The friendly voice belonged to the even friendlier looking grey and faded-blond coated mare starring down on him with a smile on her face. She seemed to be up in her lolder years, but at good health, and as she pushed some of her long, brown mane to the side and pushed her hat down so it'd hold before reaching down a hoof to help the youngster get up, he might be able to see the glimmer of slight amusement of seeing him having literally dumped in from above.


"Need a hoof?"


Crash Course had been taking a stroll around the area when she had stopped up for a bit to enjoy the shade under a nearby tree. Then before you knew it, the silence had been broken by somepony crashing down through said tree and now... Well, now she were curious as to who this might be.


She wasn't a local, so she hadn't any idea who this might be. She had taken some days off from her usual stint and come to visit her nephew that lived in town. A good kid really, but after a while she had just needed to get a bit of fresh air and time to think for herself. Nothing that would bring her anywhere that looked seriously dangerous, which is why she were only wearing her straw cowboyhat and the belt with a hoofful of throwing knives, the rope and a sheathed longblade in its grasp, but she couldn't say that a little risk didn't make her calm down a whole lot more.





@@Frosty Frost,

@@Summer Breeze,



Blitz had been about to say something a little like what Summer had said, just a bit more basic and including a bit of *yey*, so she hadn't anything to add to it, but she looked up at him with a big smile on her face and nodded in agreement to what Summer were saying. She couldn't really express things better than that, so if this didn't work... Well, she had little ideas. Fireworks perhaps? That seemed to cheer many beings up in general.


Buuuut then again... They Had more or less just been through a fire. Probably for the best not to set off anything off around here just yet.







"Uhm... Hello? Are you okay? P-Please tell me that you can hear me?"


The nervous, low voice would be heard over the pony when he would get to his senses, something that would include at least a light throbbing from the back of his head where he had been hit earlier on.


It hadn't been something he would have taken much notice off. A pony in a cape had showed out of of seemingly nowhere and started to talk to him for a while before thinks suddenly went dark, the result of another one having snuck up on him and knocking him out before dragging him away to... Well, wherever this place were.


It looked like a stone chamber. There wasn't much room to the ceiling, but there were enough for both him and the only other being in this room to stand up and even jump a little if it were. Though it really didn't seem like the place where there would be much reason to jump around happily considering there were no windows, the only door looked to be of thick oak and likely locked, and if he would look around in the room and see that the only few things there were him, another being lurking in the shadows in the opposite corner, and the only light being small slivers that only gave some of the room a dull and inconsistent lighting, he shouldn't think this were a good thing.


Frankly, it wouldn't take a genius to realise that he had been kidnapped, but by who he wouldn't know. The only one he would have seen were the pony with the strange marking over her right eye that had talked with him a bit before her partner had done or her attack, though perhaps the other one here would know something?


"Please... I-I don't want to be alone here..."


Whoever it were, it sounded like a female, but exactly of what kind weren't easy to make out as she were in a corner covered in darkness. She didn't sound too old though, but more than anything the voice just sounded scared. Perhaps talking with her would draw her out? Or he could go and check. He wasn't chained down after all.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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" Well, not really, but thanks anyways..." Musical gets up " ...and by the way, do you know any navy-colored house with some clouds around it? They sent me and my pets here to- actually, where are them?" soon a cat was slashing the friendly grey mare's mane " Really? Zit! Manes are not for scratching!" he says, taking the cat off.


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@@Blitz Boom



"I made a big mistake. This letter was supposed to be hoof delivered directly to Rainbow Dash, but I forgot to give it to her when I saw her this morning. Now she's gone on a trip to see the Wonderbolts perform. The letter is from Princess Luna, too, so it must be really important," the sad grey mare said, looking at the reflection of her misaligned eyes in the water.



@@Blitz Boom



Arriving in the castle, Quill was a bit confused at what he saw. "Is this the castle of the two sisters? How did we-" He cut his sentence short when he noticed something. "Something seems a bit off." He flew around staring at a spot in the air. "Are you seeing this?" He flew into a position which would make it clear to Last what he was talking about. There was a trailing distortion of the light, like looking at a funhouse mirror. It made Quill look rather silly, looking through it, but it was fading away slowly. This trail would lead right out the front door of the castle.



@@Lonk Chase


@@Blitz Boom


Sisilia jumped up into the tree again. If they were going to move again, she would try to stay hidden, but not from Lonk, Ginger and Meeko. In the event that the others needed protection, she could ambush any attackers if they didn't know she was there.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Blitz Boom


I stand up and look in the direction of the voice while checking to see if I'm injured.


"Hello, how did I get here and how long have you been here for?"


I slowly walk over to see if she is ok. As I walk over to her I look around the room to see if there is anything unique about the room.

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@@Blitz Boom


"Ashta, take Ko and head to where the Guardian was killed, three of the targets are in that area. Miststalker and Carl, to the castle, you will find two targets there. I will go alone for the one target in Ponyville. Whoever they are, they managed to kill the Guardian and break the seal, they must be quite dangerous. It's a good thing a tracking spell was imbedded in it. It appears none of them noticed. Go now, we cannot fail our Queen," said Sylar of the Dark Fang. Queen Ananasa only told him and his second in command Ashta about The Forgotten One, and how the creature could make the world forget you with a stroke of its hand. But there was more information that only Sylar was trusted with. Sylar broke off, heading toward Ponyville, while Mistatalker and Carl followed orders heading straight for the castle.

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