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Blitz Boom

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Oh Sweet Celestia.

It seems like the changeling part of Ginger did not like the timberwolf at all what so ever and took over to destroy her.

That is bad.


Lonk could tell that the timberwolf wants to fight back, but he just winks at her as a way of saying, "I got this."

Lonk jumped on top of the mutated Ginger and forced her to the ground. His wound is still open, so a drop of blood fell on her. He was half-expecting for it to burn through her skin like acid, but it did absolutely nothing. It seems like the surprises are coming to an end finally.

He slapped Omega-Ginger on the cheek. "Pull yourself together!" he cried. "I don't know what the heck you are, but stop being that, OK?"


If Ginger was conscious at the time, she could see the faint green glow on his eyes grow brighter. If that means anything is yet to be seen.


The timberwolf came over to... Lonk? Is that his name? Weird. Anyways, she threw him off of the creature. She didn't want him to get hurt. He's just a pony, and one little scratch made him bleed, so being stabbed repeatedly isn't going to make matters better. She growled at the monster, threatening it death if it tried to attack.


Lonk was thrown so hard he slammed against the wall, the wind knocked out of him. All he can do now is sit and watch. This is not good. Well, everything isn't good right now, so that's a given.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade couldn't help but giggle at the thought of Ziggy hugging a Cacti. "Well, good to know. So here is the deal, to avoid any...unpleasantness, you have my permission to hug me once a day. Unless my Siren form modifies that number. " Looking up she notices that they have made it to Serenade's place, and turning to Ziggy, "Two Hours then? Just knock several times I should hear that." Serenade gives Ziggy a quick hug, you know...just in case, and turned to head inside.

Edited by Moonlit
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@Blitz Boom


Wane shrugged- he wasn't exactly the kind of pony for paperwork.  While his research certainly had its share, the constant shuffle of papers and writings are certainly something he'd rather do without.  Regardless, he valued being able to look back in his work.  While he did have the web of leads and relations, he had to still peruse his writings every so often, in case the idea went stale in his head.


"I understand.  Besides, my alchemic know-how is not something I use often.  Most times, I tend to just use it for food and water on the road."


Wane stretched his back, much like a large, winged cat.  After a satisfying crackle of loosened vertabrae, he continued,


"However, I am well-versed in the subject, so feel free to call on me if you ever need help."


He glanced at the position of the moon in the sky; it was already 11'o clock.  If the meeting was in the morning, he'd need time to gather up the highlights of his research.


"So, when should I swing by the castle for the audience?  I might need to rest up- fighting our diurnal schedule is a real pain at times."



Ebb and flow, the power grows.

Wax and wane, the power drains.

My OC.

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@@Lonk Chase,

Ginger Lightning blinked a couple times and looked at Lonk

  "Lonk your eyes are glowing...And why am I...Oh Celestia I feel really sick...but,you look upset...I thought I was pretty sil- Oh my...What happened exactly? I did feel upset about the timber wolf... then I kinda thought about being big and scary...And then I can't quite remember...Oh my...I look like that thing from my nightmares!!"Ginger Lightning said she was pretty confused she was starting to freak out once she realized what she looked like she had had some pretty freaky nightmares most having to with changelings...

        But the one with the thing...What did she call it,again? not demon pony...Not half pony....Oh, she called it 'The lost pony' but that made no sense because she would never want to find a pony like that...If it was even a pony to begin with...And it wasn't a changeling...And It only comes in a few nightmares,Or ruins a perfectly good dream...She would think about that later...All she cared about at the moment was the fact she looked like it...

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@@Blitz Boom


"I believe so," Senlin replied with certainty. He knew it had been used and he had seen in before. "Such spells were used as wards to keep intruders away from places or objects intended to be kept a secret. But those who used them did so for their protection and not for anything otherwise. What I saw in that part of the forest didn't feel right, as if the misdirection spell was intended for more... malign purposes."


Unfortunately, that brought him back to square one. Without any knowledge in the use of magic, he was left guessing what alternatives he could use. Normally, the wards could be dispelled with the original user's magic or an enchanted pendant could nullify the ward's effects n the user. Right now, he had access to neither. There was one thing that came to mind, however.


"Omen, do you think finding Discord could help in this situation?"

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@@Wax n' Wane,


"The meeting is set at 7 in the morning. Earlier than I thought to begin with, but it's not like this town have let me rest yet, so I should not be surprised."


Far be it from the norm with him to complain about the job, but the lack of sleep with the amount of energy needed the last couple of days were taking its toll slowly, and while he would keep doing his duty, it didn't mean that a little bit of resentment started to get into his mind. Not anger, no, but there were a point when even the most steadfast would have to think that the duty could wait a few hours for them to get a nap, and reaching that point made at least him slightly annoyed.


But, duty before everything were what he had been drilled to live by all those years back when he sort of chose to begin his service the the Night Guard and Princess Luna, and duty he would follow at last for some time yet. He might long for a chance to restore his energy, but caffeine worked well enough for now and he still had a patrol to finish, some things that needed to be unpacked at his office, the last few things to assemble to get the cell functional, and then of course, he needed to drag his bed upstairs. Though that last one could wait until another day to be fair.


"If you want though, we can fly towards the castle and see if the princess might be awake and available for a minor audience tonight. I have been told she is a great student of Princess Celestia and might be up late to scour through some tomes, though I make no guarantees. She is a very new princess, and I have unfortunately never had the pleasure of meeting her myself. I only have the stories I were told by the other guards and her majesty before she sent me towards Ponyville, and stories tend to distort reality a little."







"Mmmmm, fuzzy."


Ziggy held the Siren in disguise close and enjoyed the little hug before they parted again and she could look down on the tired Serenade with a big, cheeky gin on her face.


"Okay, I'm back in two hours then, and try to take care of yourself, you hear me? I don't wanna come back and see you got hunted by your food instead of the other way around."


With that, Ziggy zoomed off with a giggle, heading towards the forest by all accounts, though what she were going to do there were anypony's guess. But they'd see in a few hours when all were said and done and she would return.





@@Lonk Chase,


@@Seamore Sandwich,


Meeko slowly approached Lonk that had been tossed away, limping to him and sniff the pony and the strange liquid that flowed from him before averting his snout and placing a paw on top of it to keep the smell out. It were like that from before, which really didn't smell good, though what it were he didn't know. The pony had weird blood perhaps? Rotten sap?


He had wanted to go over and see if the bigger pony pup were still okay after the other timerwolf had slammed him away, but with the smell hanging really thickly over him, Meeko couldn't get any nearer than he were now and instead just looked at Lonk with big eyes, and something resembling worry in the overall confusion and curiosity going through.


He kept an ear on what happened behind him though. After Ginger had changed and started to look strange, he had taken a few steps back and tried to understand what were happening there before the other pony had landed on her and then got slung away. What to think of things he didn't know, as his mind were rather small and focused on this pony for now, but the beating he got earlier made him cautious in case he heard the other timberwolf walk closer.







"I don't know. Master does things he want, so even if we find him, he must want to help with this. And I don't know if that will help after that. Master never told me if he found who I couldn't, so I don't know if it kept him away too, though I think his magic is too strong for that."


Master Discord had many times said to her that there were nothing that he couldn't do, but there was many he found too boring to try. What those things were never stayed the same, and without pattern everything could be turned on its head - both literally and figuratively - before he then went on to do other things again.


Omen had seen him help others before, either because they showed him the right respect, were good sports about being played with in one of his many games, or it entertained him to see what would happen. Yet at the same time,s he had seen him reject those that had done the first two things as well, or help a rival for the reasons she couldn't fathom, but she were sure changed too. He were impossible for her to understand as he were as chaotic as the element that made his being, and because of that she didn't now what he would do if he were asked to help with this.


Still, she were sure that if he wanted to he could, and perhaps he would if meeting her again put him in a good mood. If her long absence or his reform made him resent seeing her, that would be another thing, but he might still help Senlin if it were. Though the question of course still remained as to exactly Where he were.


The Princess had told that Discord corresponded with the yellow mare, so waiting for her would be an option, but it were getting late now and ponies began to sleep a little by little as the darkness fell as far as she knew, so perhaps he wouldn't ask her more tonight. It would keep them away for at least another day, which didn't matter to her as she had the time, but for Senlin likely mattered a good deal more.


"Still, finding him isn't easy. I have tried for a long time and still haven't gotten closer than the yellow mare.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Oh Sweet Celestia Meeko is being the absolute cutest timberpup in the entire universe.

But does that really matter in the grand scheme of things?

Does Meeko's absolute cuteness change the course of history, or gives Lonk an advantage in any way?


All Lonk can do is stare back at Meeko and give a warm smile.

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@@Lonk Chase, @@Blitz Boom,

Ginger Lightning used some changeling magic to turn back to normal again it was a lot easier to turn back to her normal self then It was to turn into the demon pony thing..."Meeko! here doggy, doggy! ...Lonk do you have a bandage or a piece of cloth? Meeko is hurt..."Ginger Lightning said as she resisted the urge to vomit...The smell of Lonk's blood makes her really noxious...

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@@Blitz Boom"You got it doc" Serenade shouts back, before turning to head inside. 

If anypony had been watching, they would see Serenade remove her pendant, transform back into her Siren form and leap into the pool. Half a hour would pass with no visible ripple on the surface, then her fin would break the surface. Blinking, she hauls herself back up onto her rock, roll onto her side and take a power nap. 

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@Seamore Sandwich, @Quinch, @SugarfootWillie, @Blitz Boom [Ponyville]


This was annoying, and getting worse. Vivid getting decapitated was... problematic, especially since whatever had thrown her in a tizzy in the first place was, unfortunately, real.


Crazy people were so much easier to deal with.


He set the sensors to full blast, hoping to get a glimpse of whatever it was that was seemingly eating the locals alive. Radar, sonar, lidar, imrec, sound analysis, motion sensors, x-ray... the display practically exploded in his face with information, more than he could actually chew. "Adolf," he muttered, "filter for nonvisibles." His request was met by a momentary green checkmark in the sea of symbols floating in front of his eyes that were already starting to give him a headache. As much as he could delegate to the AI in his head, he would still need to read all the outputs to make sense of them.


The winds were causing a pandemonium among the ponies, but none of it seemed particularly dangerous - more intent on keeping everyone contained than anything, and even if he could get some of them out, he considered that what they were keeping hemmed in wasn't he could see. He put the idea of evac on backburner, even if he could - for all its size, the suit was mostly empty space.


He looked up at the creature standing on top of the rooftop, shouting riddles as usual.


"I've got plenty of anger, buddy!", he shouted back, closing his fists. "You got anything to take it out on?"

Current project: The Olden World audiobook

What's to stop you?

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Miststalker shot a web at one of the stands across from Priestess. He used his downward momentum to slingshot himself back to a strand that was as the same level Priestess was on. "You expect me to believe you defeated our guardian, yet you did not see the diamond on its back? Do you take me for a fool?" While Miststalker spoke, Carl disconnected the strand Priestess was standing on from the wall, ignoring the nearby changeling until he would attack. Priestess was more of a threat, and she was also the only target.


Up above, the trapdoor opened slightly, exposing the webbing that was holding it shut.



@@Blitz Boom


"The Traveler is the one who sealed away this creature in the first place. None know his true intentions. What is known is that he appears in folklore and myths, but he is real. He'll come in a time of need, but then he will vanish, and no magic can find him." Sylar didn't blindly accept that all of the stories were true, but neither did he dismiss the possibility. The three of them arrived at the edge of Ponyville, the winds still raging.



@@Lonk Chase


@@Blitz Boom


Sissilia saw the Timberwolf threatening Ginger, so she raised her neck so she would be taller, flared her hood, hissed with her mouth open wide, and snapped her head forward a couple times to show that she was ready to strike. Hopefully this display would be enough to finally scare off the Timberwolf. Even a Timberwolf shouldn't be immune to her venom. The threat should be clear from one predator to another, Sissilia was a wild animal, but she was also capable of higher brain function, unlike most of the wildlife around here.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

@@Lonk Chase,


Meeko started to look up a bit as the pony smiled. If something were really wrong, he would have not smiled but screamed, cried or something else, right? So this was good, but what about-


The line of thought had barely even started before he heard the voice of Ginger behind him and turned - paws still on his snout - to face the changeling who now looked like herself again, thoiugh he had no idea what she were talking about. What was a doggy? She looked at him whilst she said the word twice, and she did say *here* too so... Perhaps it was a pony nickname? Something that meant *here* too?


He didn't know, but he did get closer to her, tail wagging slightly at the sight of her before turning to the other timberwolf and rather weakly barking a little at her, tail still wagging. He wouldn't have done this normally, but seeing Sisilia stand up to it and hissing made him get a small amount of courage into his being to stand with her against the timberwolf. Though, still behind her, as Sisilia were bigger and the biggest one were best to have in front.


The rough translation - as Meeko wasn't exactly an English major - would be *Stay away, they're mine.* Though as usual, he didn't exactly have the physique to make any threat along with it, and it was likely that the timberwolf would think even less of him as he were acting like a pet without a leash without knowing it.


As for his wounds, they had stopped leaking more or less at this point. The pro of having sap as blood were that it stuck the wound fast and more or less sealed it fairy quickly, which didn't mean that it didn't hurt or that he didn't still have the open wounds, but it did mean that much like with scar tissue, he had them covered, so to speak.





@@Seamore Sandwich,


"Right now it looks more like he creates great times of need."


Myths and folklore wasn't something that Last had grown up much with. Her kin at the shrine had their stories, sure, but it were things they knew and tales of great mares and stallions before them instead of beings that might be out there somewhere or tales of places far away, driven by the hoof of a puppeteer at times that none could find.


They had enough to deal with where they were and didn't see the point in teaching their foals about what might be out there when there were horrid enough things in plentiful numbers where they were that they could actually prove were there, and had to be dealt with at some points. To them, it just made more sense to tell warning tales of what they had, and inspiring stories of who they knew compared to outside sources.


Besides, they had more or less been isolated for a thousand years where they were and had come there with little more than some tools, farming equipment, and the armors on their back. They hadn't the stories to pick from even if they wanted to tell them.


As they reached Ponyville, the winds didn't stop and let them through. However as Last approached o see exactly what they were dealing with, Last paused for a few seconds and then passed her hoof into the harsh winds... Yet nothing happened. She could see the wind bashing against her, and feel that it were there too, but much like when Quill had been unable to touch the others from before, it seemed as if this wind were not something that kept them out.


It begged the question though, what Did it mean to keep out then? Nemo were on their level more than likely since they had followed his trail, so if this weren't something that could keep him in, what were the point? Unless... No, no that was just paranoid thinking. There were no reason for anypony to keep others trapped for him unless he had disciples or something, and she doubted that were the case as he seemed to be more than able and willing to handle things personally. Sure, it could be his own magic, but she hadn't seen any magic yet so it seemed... Doubtful. Yet still, not impossible.


"I think if we just don't try and force it, we can get through here. Don't take chances though and hammer through. We need all that can fight when we get in here."


And with that, she began to walk forward, slowly passing through the wind barrier that did have a little resistance it turned out, but felt more like she were walking through jelly than anything threatening to just smack her aside.


@@Seamore Sandwich,




Inside the town, the one responsible turned his head towards the part of town where he had felt the next pieces showing up, awaiting their arrival. Which ones he didn't know, but there were some beings travelling in the region where no mortal had any business passing through, and as this fight were for now on another plane of existence more or less, whoever they were were likely some that had come to face against the ancient one.


Sure, it were not guaranteed, and even if he would be able to see them eventually, he couldn't read their paths as being forgotten frayed their potential futures to his vision. More than that, the consequences of being forgotten meant that he had no idea if this were some of those he had wanted to guide towards this in the proceedings as any memory of them were stripped from him, and he only knew that some beings would perhaps show that carried with them some of the tools of the end. Information that he only knew because he could see in the paths of some of the gathered ones, the end of this were the ancient one were dead, and that could not happen without influence from others as the paths were he worked more directly were easy to spot, and he did not see them in all of them.


But still, it could also be helpers or servants of the ancient one that would make this more troubling. For now that were impossible to tell, yet as they passed through his barrier it became an obvious case of him simply having to wait and see for a little longer.


"Anger will pass, but it holds merit. It guides strikes and focuses the mind, yet clouds the eyes in the progress. A dangerous emotion if used wrongly, and one that you will soon get the chances see if you can use correctly, or fall to its alluring fire. Still, some pieces are missing from our presence, and what fire you feel in your being must linger there for a little longer if you wish for it to consume others than yourself."


That Quinch seemed to be workable enough to not go into an unfocused rage at this point were good. It eliminated the three most problematic, short term paths regarding the human that he had seen, and even if that still left plenty to be, it might also wander down the road where he could be helpful in ending what were now occurring. But they would see. There were still those he could remember that he needed here before things could truly proceed as he saw them, and things could change in a matter of seconds.





@@Seamore Sandwich,



At the castle, the skittering sound of steps would eventually get there if the changelings did not stand in the way of Ko and Reverend. They would still be at the outer layers, but they were getting there as fast as were mortally possible without magic - unless Reverend did something at least, as Ko didn't have magic - and if anything got in their way, he would quickly strike it away and be on his way, not having time for this.


He kept the poisonous weaponry to himself for now though, as whatever changelings did here weren't his concern, but might end up causing further diplomatic issues if he tried to kill any of them. Hurting wasn't off the table though if it were, but that were besides the point.







*knock* *knock* *knock*


A rapid series of three knocks were heard from outside Serenade's home, before a giggling were heard along with it.


If the door got opened, the sight of Ziggy wouldn't be a great surprise. The couple of hours had gone after all, though the fact that her mane and tail were wet and she had a slightly ruffled look over her - like she had showed a little  with small shards of rocks - would perhaps be a surprise. As well as the cloth bag she were holding closed in her left front hoof as whatever were in there seemed to be moving and about the size of a basketball.


But that were all when the door would potentially open. For now though, there were just the voice, the giggling, and after a bit more, a few knocks yet again.


"Perhaps she's sleeping?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Lonk saw that Meeko's wounds--wait, where did they come from? Lonk didn't see any wounds. Well anyways, they're dry now, so everything's fine.

"He's fine, Ginger!" Lonk teased.


A hiss rang around the room. The timberwolf looked back to see a chimera threatening her. She was a little frightened--her venom probably would kill her-- but she ignored it and went back to her original task... But the beast that was under her before was turned into a half-pony half-changeling hybrid. The hybrid looked at her with wide eyes, possibly in a mix of fear and amazement. She suddenly feels sympathy with the creature. It didn't know what it just did, and it just wants to leave. Also provoked by the chimera, she lowered her paw and stepped off. She looks at Lonk. She walks over to Lonk--his eyes are still glowing... weird--and pushes him up.


"Agh," Lonk exclaimed as a shot of pain went through him. That timberwolf has some muscles.

Then he realized the timberwolf is helping him up.

Lonk looked into the timberwolf's eyes. They showed pity. Pity for him and Ginger. Timberwolves aren't supposed to have emotions. But there they are.

He appreciates that.


"Thank you..." he started. If a timberpup can be named Meeko...

"Clara." ...timberwolves can have one too, Lonk guesses.


Clara liked that name. She's going to keep it.

Edited by Lonk Chase

My gaming YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrLinkfan321

My second YouTub: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaNkpCoSD4MrXGRfuDt5Zjw

My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/linksteam

Profile picture by me. Because I am best p0ne.

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@@Blitz Boom, The door swings open, it wasn't locked to begin with.  Ziggy hears a humming coming from inside, whereupon she see's Serenade - in her Siren form - on her back. Her eyes are closed, her forehooves and tail fluke are waving back and forth to the tune that Serenade is humming. 

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@@Seamore Sandwich@@Blitz Boom,


"Oh for makers sake!" Allure screamed out. She flew to the side where the opening was starting to be exposed. She charged her horn and fired, blasting the trap door away ans well as leaving a smoldering trench in the floor.  "Now get my mate and bring me the intruders!" Half a dozen drones flew in to join their comrades. 


Priestess grabbed a nearby strand with her tail and swung up, mere inches fro the pit. "Hey, drone! Give me a lift!" The drone did as commanded, using it's magic to pull Priestess up. "That diamond..." she leaped up to a strand. " was fine..." she sprung off that. "when I last..." rebounded off the wall. "Checked, you..." and springboarded off another web, rolling in mid air. "flankhat!" And using her spin to throw a wave of shuriken & kunai knives at Miststalker.  

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@@Blitz Boom


Miststalker jumped to the side to dodge the incoming shurikens, but one of the kunai knives pinned his leg to the strand as the others cut through most of the strand. Now weakened, the web gave in and snapped under Miststalker's weight. Due to the way the magic worked, he couldn't split into crawlerling form while he was pinned, so as the strand started to fall, it dragged him down with it. Unless someone else stopped his fall, he would die in a pit of acid.




@@Blitz Boom

@@Mentis Soliloquy



Seamore took the bag of seeds off his back and put it on the ground near the one of the holes. "Bring over that seed I gave you and plant it here. Make sure you set it pointed end up and press it into the dirt softly."


Miles had taken a few steps closer to the newcomers, not noticing that the tree he had fired at was charging up another blast. When the blast hit him, his body went limp. He still had a pulse, but nobody was home. He was now an astral projection, a soul outside its body. He could now only be seen by those that could see the spirits. "At least the tree understood part of the plan," he thought aloud, not that Anypony could hear him. The unicorn would just have to take care of herself, but at least the human wouldn't be without help when the time came.



@@Blitz Boom




On the other side of the wind barrier, the Forgotten would see the creature that had done this to them, motionless. It was rather unsettling and Sylar decided to wait until it moved before he would attack. This beast were dangerous enough, rushing in blindly while it seemed to be waiting would be foolish.


Inside The Forgotten One's mind, Charlie did his best to help hold back the beast and keep it from expelling Vivid. It wasn't easy, but he could at least keep it at bay for now. "Don't worry, I have a plan. Look, the others are here. Do you remember them yet? This monster made you forget them, but it shouldn't affect you anymore."


Penny focused her magic, not even hearing what Zhu had to say. She focused on the magic she used to see the unseen, but to no avail. The Forgotten One what still not visible to her despite her best efforts.

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@@Seamore Sandwich,@Blitz Boom,

"Someling go and grab him." Priestess said as she waited on the string. One of the drones grabbed Miststalker with their magic. Each of the drones that were paralyzed and pinned were retrieved. Two more left to cover them. That now left Karl & a hovering miststalker facing off against 5 drones and a Kitsune. "It's over dudes. Surrender now and we won't involve this pit of acid during our interrogation." 

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Seeing the sleeping Siren Ziggy shut up and slowly wandered in, closing the door behind her at the satchel in her grip started to fight less as the humming get registered by whatever was in there.


It wasn't the only thing though, as Ziggy started to get affected as well, though she didn't notice it at first. To begin with it was just a soothing tune as she got a little closer and stood still to watch Serenade. Soothing, calming... Relaxing...


Once again, it seemed as if Ziggy was unknowingly getting lulled into a trance under the soothing Siren song. Some ponies never seemed to learn.






@@Seamore Sandwich,


"The hostilities end now."


Beneath Mist, having run down to stand ready to catch him before the fool got himself melted, Ko stood tall on some webbing he had spread at the wall, looking over the ones above him as he thres down his blades into the web he was on as a sign of surrender.


"Miststalker, Karl, by the direct orders of Ashta you are to stand down and surrender your weapons. The High Priestess are under the diplomatic immunity of Subterrena and are no longer a target. Fail to comply and... Well, you know Ashta."


He kept some eyes on the two of them, being prepared to throw a poisoned dagger into the first skull that didn't hold the brain to understand that a direct order were not to be crossed, but otherwise focused his sight on the tracked one. The Kitsune High Priestess that thankfully had struggled enough.


"On behalf of the Beast Court, I apologise for this horrid misunderstanding. We weren't aware that someone with your ties had been amongst them triggering the trap. You will have our full cooperation from here on out."


Ko looked closely towards his fellow assassins again, internally praising the gods that they got here in time so he didn't need to kill them, but on the outside seemingly being stern and somewhat judgemental. An attitude that he needed right now as to make this seem like things were now under control from a higher ranking one than them, even if he were on the same rank as them and only had something to say as he was passing along the orders of Ashta.





@@Seamore Sandwich,




"...I remember the swordsmare. The others I dont... Urg... I don't know them."


It was true. Whilst her memories had been removed of Last Stand for a while as she were forgotten, she recalled the swordsmare now. However, the others she had never set her eyes upon. Quill looked like the strange pony who had run around screaming about his brother, but that were basically what she knew, and Sylak? She were pretty sure that she would remember seeing something like that.


As her back had been turned at the time, she had not taken notice of the fact that Sylak were the one who had killed her, and after emerging in the spirit world, she had not had much focus on anything besides the one who had blasted her, and of course the thing she were now trying to cling unto with as much force as possible.


Last didn't hear the words between Charlie and Vivid though, and had no idea that either of them were in front of her. What she saw were purely what she had been sent to hunt down, and now finally stood in front of her. Nemo, the one who had taken her, deceived her, and used her for his own gain. The beast that she had helped set free, and now would end if it stood to her.


"I found you Nemo."


She took a step forward, growling under her breath with the hilt of the sword she were given firmly in her mouth, her whole being saying that she were ready to do what she had been sent here to do in the first place.


Zhu meanwhile, didn't do or say anything, and let Penny try her methods to tracking down what could not be seen. He were sure that it would be fruitless, but it kept her occupied, and the time was still not entirely there. Close, that he were sure of, but there were still a need to arm thselves with a little more patience.


Their part would be played soon enough.





@@Mentis Soliloquy,


@@Seamore Sandwich,


As Miles had gotten hit, Briar had sent a vine over towards his now limp body, feeling around his nect for... Yes, there were a pulse!


He had been unaware of what the trees were going to do, but if there were a pulse, he were still alive, and he would have to think positive and hope that it were only a stunning thing, or a loss of consciousness then. He would like to do more, but... They were not in a position where that were possible right now, with the two walls of silence behind them and him having to make sure that Brittle - who had gotten on her hooves again, but wasn't saying anything and were pressed closely up to him whilst shivering and looking into the ground - were okay, there were not much he were able to without starting a fight. Something which were tempting, but he wouldn't unless one of the two others had another childish episode that required him to do so. Something that he silently hoped for, even if he knew he shouldn't, just so that he would have an excuse.


Trying to avoid focusing too much on that, he activated his magic and the flower on his head started to glow and wave slightly whilst the green glow came around the seed he had hidden up there and floated towards one of the holes that Seamore had pointed out. This were what he could help with, and what he should be focused on to some extend instead of all the bad things hanging in the air, so after making sure that it were turned the right way, he did as he were told and slowly pushed it into the ground with the natural magic in use. What would happen from there they'd see.





@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,


"-told you not to do that!"


The disembodied voice would ring in a low tone around them before suddenly, a flash of light followed by complete darkness swallowed them all up, making them loose consciousness right after the feeling of their beings churning and being dragged drifted away would have happened.


When they would wake up again, they'd find themselves in an unfamiliar place far from Ponyville, laying in a small, scorched crater near a waterfall that flowed with liquid that seemingly changed colour at random. It seemed that wherever they were it wasn't someplace where anypony lived. Or at least not that they'd be able to see from where they stood in the large valley they had somehow come too.


There were one thing they might notice though, which were the lack of somepony. Or rather, some-Human.


"Ouch my head... What happened?"


Blitz rose up, feeling groggy and nearly falling over again. When she had landed, it seemed as if her fall had been stopped by a root that had hit her head. Nothing serious, but it did give her a bit of a hammering in her skull right now.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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 H@@Blitz Boom, After a time, Ziggy will notice the humming has stopped and the entire house is eerily silent and dark. Only the gentle lapping of the pond breaks it, and the only illumination comes from the rising moon. Serenade is no where to be seen. Her satchel has been moved to a peg next to the door. 

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@@Blitz Boom,

@@Frosty Frost,


all of a sudden, everything went black. summer didn't know what happened, the only thing she knew what that it wasn't right. she was used to weird things happening in the ever free forest but not things like this.


summer woke up, she found herself in a valley. it appeared that she had landed safely. she shook her head and looked around, she had never been here during all of her travels because she surely would have remembered a rainbow waterfall.


summer saw blitz boom getting up, she quickly ran to her little friend 'are you okay??' she asked worried 'you're not hurt right?' and she quickly scanned blitz to see if she had any visible damage, but it didn't look like so. then she looked around to see where the others where, she saw frosty laying on the ground a little bit further but she didn't saw damon anywhere.

Edited by Summer Breeze


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Blitz Boom


"If it helps, I'd like it that it would be a benefit to us both," Senlin replied, pondering about the advantages of knocking two birds with one stone should Discord help out. But it was getting late, the evening had come with Luna's raising of the moon. As disappointing as the day was, there was always the old teachings about counting one's blessings, no matter how big or small. Senlin took comfort in what leads were uncovered during the day, and how much different Ponyville was over any other town he had been to.

"I'm curious though, how do you or your kind sleep? Do your kind follow the natural processes like other ponies do or is it much different?"

It was strange to ask but then again, the night had arrived and there was still much to learn. Curiosity wouldn't restrain itself when something of interest would come up.

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@@Blitz Boom,

It was all Bashful Thread could do to keep his nerves under control.  It was a large task, to do all alone, no one in his corner to back him up.  Isolation was never his strong suit, but he would be banished to the moon before he let that get the better of him.


Taking a moment, he began to hum, closing his eyes as though remembering a lullaby from a time long past.

After a moment, he seemed to collect himself.  "You get the guards... I got the others.  Mother loves me, nothing can go wrong now!"  This out of place comment may not make sense to Giddon, but to Bashful it was what he needed to remind himself.  He began to change his direction, beginning the hunt for those who were being processed.  Watching along the corridors, he followed many of the paths to no avail, trying not to make eye contact, letting them pass him by among as one of them.


"Mother loves me, Mother is here, because I am here.  We are here, I am here, so She is too.  She won't let harm come to what is hers.  She won't let me get hurt." He whispered to himself, as he listened, not with his ears, but his heart, that place where Mother always whispers.  Bashful could hear it, the buzzing of wings, the chittering of his brothers and sisters, and that song, the one that left his lips filling him with that tiny bit of courage. 


The sight changed, he was different, because he wasn't alone, even if the hall was long and empty.  The chorus in his heart, the backbeat of membrane wings,


"We the swarm will take whatever lands upon our plates
We don't care what price we must pay!
And in any kind of weather we all have to stick together,
And we don't want it any other way!
Let's FEED!"


Predatory instinct.  Those in the hall were sustenance, a means to drink in that love and admiration, opportunity lands itself before him.  There was strength to take, to make his own, to make the swarm's.  It was then he turned the corner, and saw the cells. 


Many of them were earth ponies and pegasi, shackled as they listened to one of the cultists drone on and on.  They look starved, huddled together to keep warm in the dark damp brickwork of their prison.  From under the hood, Bashful's eyes... no... Scissor Biter's eyes locked upon his first feast.  It was all he could do to keep his fangs from showing as all he wanted to do was drink in all this brainwashed cultist's little passion left, as he passed on belief like a disease. 


Scissor Biter couldn't hear him though.  His mind was miles away, among the chatter of his brothers and sisters, nestled under the heart of his Queen, Mother watches, Mother loves, Mother protects.  It was so easy now, he could not understand the fear he felt, it was like a foreign concept now, alien.  Now there was a different relationship with the world...  A predator lurking among it's prey.


Scissor Biter walked up to the cultist, a small earth pony who's mane was a cold ice blue.  That's as much detail as he could gather before his hoofs moved on their own, coming down upon their mouth.  Pulling them by the head into the dark away from the torch, the figure tried to yell out, but only a peep could be heard as that green slime substance left the mouth of Scissor Biter and bound the cultist's voice with a quickly hardening cocoon.  The thrashing was over as quick as it began, there was a reason this one was teaching and not guarding the gates, and with Scissor Biter's current form, there was enough muscle to overtake the small one.


Looking over the body at the edge of the torch light, there was a small flash of green flame, and from the darkness, the figure of purple, massive and winged appeared, carrying keys from the unconscious pony, he walked to the cells, his eyes deep and focused as the cell unlocked.


The unlocking of the cell was met with reactions of several of the prisoners pulling away.  "I'm getting you out of here."  The words were a bit robotic, words not of his own but what was agreed to be said.  Extending a hoof to help those remove their chains, he felt their sense of hope rise, he was a hero in their eyes, if only for that moment.  Admiration, a superficial love, was more than enough with the numbers in this cell, and he could feel it pulse through his veins.



As quickly as they got excited for escape, they went to an almost hypnotic melancholy again.  They came out one by one, hanging onto one another to keep balance, it was clear the conditions that they were put through.  Scissor Biter could empathize if he was capable at the time, hunger was the killer of all.  But not for him, not now.  Here, he feasted, and that strength was pouring through him.


Leading them through corridors, it was too big of a group to get them all out without detection.  There was consensus, keep feeding, keep getting stronger, power through.  Flashbacks of bashing his body against a city-wide shield came to him, and Scissor Biter understood.  Throw himself into the fray, because he is not alone, the swarm is with him, and with them he will prevail.


Changelings are considered and treated as monsters.  He was about to provide a reason for this belief.  So what was that tiny voice among the swarm?  Ignore it, move forward....

  • Brohoof 1
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@Summer Breeze

@Blitz Boom


Suddenly everything around Frosty became black. Frosty freaked out when this happened, he really didn't see it coming.


When he woke up he noticed he was lying face-first in the ground. He got up shakily, and looked around. He seemed to be standing in a crater, and there was a rainbow waterfall.


...How did I get here? Frosty thought. He remembered there being a weird voice... then a flash, and then nothing at all... This definitely went on his top 10 of weirdest things that happened to him.


He looked for the others, and saw Summer standing next to Blitz, who looked a bit shaky. He looked around a bit more, but didn't see Damon anywhere.


Frosty walked up to Blitz and Summer.


"Hey, are you guys ok? What happened? Where's Damon? Where are we? What's going on? Why did this happen? Andhow?Whowasthatguy?Aaaaaaaaaaargh."


Frosty was pretty confused. Nothing of this made any sense, and he didn't like surprises. At all. As much as he liked creeping up on people and spooking them, he hated being spooked.


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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That was the first word that entered Giddon's mind as Bashful had started to hum his little song and just move along. Considering how he had been before and how much calmer he seemed it should be a relief, but there was a little voice in the back of his head telling him to be on guard instead. Perhaps it was just paranoia, but a sudden change in personality like that just seemed unnerving to him.


Though it wasn't something he had the chance to think about for long as they rounded a corner and were faced with the beginning of the end: The caged prisoners.


The sight were sickening. Earth ponies and pegasi alike, physically and mentally malnourished whilst a cultist preaches to them, passing along the words that would stick with them as they would be gathered under the artefact and converted to their ranks.


It was the effect he had read up on would happen from those under the influence of the Spine of Zinthar, so he knew what they might be faced with. Yet, knowing were not the same as being ready for seeing the scared looks in their eyes and the monotone words of the cultist babble on and on, completing the last stages of the transition from breaking their spirits to forcing the artefact upon them so they too would end up like him. Just like the artefact had done twice before from what he had found, and if myths were true, what Zinthar himself had once been up to before he were defeated.


Something that had gone on for far too long for his taste. And as it seemed to turn out, for Bashful's too.


The gryphon raised an eyebrow in disbelief when he saw the changeling in disguise pounce on the preaching cultist and drag him slightly away to - hopefully - incapacitate him for a little while. He had been sure that he had needed to do this himself, yet now the tailor had taken that part into his own hooves, leaving him with the task of shaking off the chains whilst Bashful came back - yet again draped in the larger guard form that he had taken whilst they flew here - and began to free the prisoners.


The sight caused him pause. To see the ones who had thought they were lost suddenly find light again, and having the spark of hope reignited in their beings whilst they gazed upon their saviour with thankful eyes... The feeling that should go over Bashful with every small thank you and blessing from those who now finally had a hero to save them...


For a moment, he didn't see what happened in front of him, but instead a scene from a time gone by where talons had tirelessly tried to tear away chains and fight off the oppressors amidst the begging voices of those in need, fuelled by a fire that led to the moment when the lock finally clicked and they realised they were saved. When they would look at their saviour with the glimmer that made the one helping them realise why he bothered.


His metallic arm rose and the talons there reached forward to what he saw with a lingering longing going over his glazed eyes, as if he were trying to grab this mirage like he could return to then and watch this happen again like none of this had ever happened... And then the moment passed, and all that remained were the sad present.


With the image gone, the longing withered in his eyes and he let out a small sigh as his talon returned to the floor.


"...Get them out. I will finish this."


Giddon lowered his gaze and walked past them to the large door that would mark the first step towards the inner chamber. He had work to do.


Meanwhile, a little behind where Giddon and Bashful had walked before, another gryphon stopped up as she heard some noises up ahead that she didn't knew what were, slung around to look for Veil and... Didn't see him. Or the map that she had asked if he could hold for that matter.


She gulped and looked around her, trying to find a place to cover, but finding nothing. Without the pony she had little chance to fight these off, and without the map she couldn't find another way instead back, and if she turned that way, she were likely going to be taken again. And why had he left her alone to begin with? She needed to get out as well, so why... But he could havebeen taken? Though... Why didn't they take her too if it were?


The questions were almost giving her a headache.


"Right, you don't have time for this. Find someplace to hide and th-"


The words withered as she turned around to where the sound had come from, now facing a minor swarm of either fresh converts or prisoners, lead by a large pegasus  that could likely crush her like a walnut if he so pleased. Something which really didn't lessen the sudden look of fear going over the pale gryphon with the rainbow tail feathers.


"No... Not again..."


Return further inside again, a thump was heard as a helmet hit the wall near Giddon, supported by the now unconscious cultist it were equipped to.


The door had hidden three guards preparing to take the cage and those inside it the last little way and had thankfully not anticipated anypony or gryphon suddenly bashing through the door and taking out the first with a quick jab to the back of the head before they could react. The others had their time, but they were only two, none of them unicorns, and their physique weren't good enough to stop him from knocking those two over after a minute or so of struggling. Perhaps if they had been trained this would be different, but it seemed like this hive-minded control didn't extend to also adding the bulk they'd need to get things done. A con of picking off malnourished ones and then have them prepare for this important task it seemed, but he wasn't gonna complain. The less he had to knock out of these the better.


Passing through the second pair of doors he was faced with a most... Unimpressive room to be honest.


What he had expected weren't much, but it was more than simply seeing a small room, with some scattered armour pieces around that were either unusable, or - more likely - salvaged from converts and stolen a few other local places so they were ready for new cultists, and a few chain in the floor just to be prepared for those with a last, stubborn spark..


The only other thing in the room were hovering in the middle of it in a beam of red light that came from seemingly nowhere, looking exactly like the drawing he had found of it. Though a little less bloody.


There were many grand way to look at it, but essentially it were a section of spine connected either with some kind of glue he couldn't see, or magic, which seemed more likely as the parts were moving and going slightly apart now and again from the thin end to the more robust final piece connected to a bone from the same being to create the whip artefact that were the Spine of Zinthar. Not the most impressive thing ever to be found, but it were what helped it stay around for this long and still be taken up by some poor soul who didn't know better: That it looked less horrible than it actually were, even if it were a spine.


After kicking a pile of armor over to cover for the door, Giddon looked at the thing that seemed so very eager to lash out and grab him given half the chance.


It was time to end this.





@@Frosty Frost,

@@Summer Breeze,


"My head hurts... Darn root."


Blitz pulled her tongue at the somewhat singed root and gave a smile towards Summer. The throbbing were slowly stopping, so it wouldn't be so bad when she just got a little time, and she didn't wany anypony to worry about her. Especially not when they didn't know where they were, Frosty was looking like he was going into panic, Damon wasn't anywhere to be se- Oooh, was that rainbow-coloured water?


Distracted, and with a sudden light in her eyes, Blitz took some groggy steppes over to get a closer look. SHe were close to stumbling in - and even closer to just dip her head down to see what would happen - but she resisted both her currently clumsy footing and impulses and just starred at it.


"Huh... I wonder if it tastes good..."


Urges... Rising.... Nononono! Bad Blitz! Check new friends first, Then funny water.


"Oh, right. Everypony okay?"


She looked at them with worried eyes, and the clear indication that she were struggling between focusing on them and checking out this strange, new place they had woken up in. Not because she didn't care for them, but... Her mind were always focused on finding the next big thing that could go boom, and it sometimes fought her other impulse to care for her friends, both old and new.







"We don't. Even with forms, I never heard of one of us needing it.


Master tried to make me see how sleeping were once though, without tweaking my being more with his gifts. He put me in a lake with chaos around me, telling me to trying to focus on only that, though it kept changing, and enjoy the silence in the warm water. I don't know if it was how sleeping were, but it were... Relaxing, I think."


It were curious what counted for good memories for her. Whilst for others being tossed in a lake and attempted drowned were not fun, as she didn't need to breathe it weren't torment for her, and it had really been an interesting time until master called for her again. Perhaps if they found him and things went well, she could ask of this another time again. It had been a long time since she had *slept* right, as without the chaos, it didn't seem like she dreamt.


"Sometimes I still walk into a lake and stay there for days, trying to find the peace again, but it's not there. Even if I feel like what master said were like sleep, there is no chaos anymore. No dreams..."


She paused for a moment, creaking her head to the side as the last words were projected to him, carrying with it more curiosity than normally, and a certain... Longing? Jealousy? It were hard to tell when there were so little to work with.


"...Sometimes I miss dreaming."


A few seconds would pass where she just starred at him, before the words came again, her as usual not having found what she had said off putting in any way, and continuing on to her own questions whilst the only thought in her head went along the lines of once more wondering why master had not set the ability to sleep in her being. A simple question likely ending in once more the logical answer that he needed her to be awake to do his bidding when it pleased him, instead of having her sleep when she had things to do.


"What about you? How do you sleep? And how long? Long enough to dream?"







"Heh... Funny noises..."


It had taken some time, but eventually Ziggy had managed to snap out of it slowly and woke up to no sound, no wriggling satchel in her hoof, and first and foremost: No Serenade.


"Huh? Where'd she go? She were here just a second ag- Augh! Teeth!!!"


The small, needle-sharp teeth had bored into the back of her head more or less as soon as she could focus again and broke off her line of thought as she ran in a little circle whilst flailing with her hooves to the back of her head to try and get the bitey thing off her before it went for her brain!


It didn't take long for her to get a hold of the culprit and pull it off her head. Something it likely couldn't be if it wanted to, but it seemed like the little devil was feeling playful/spiteful. Whatever one explained the look ont he face of the highly amused rodent-thing in her hooves when she got it in front of her.



(Full credit for this picture to the creator Exoxotica. I would post a link but some of her work are a bit more saucy it seems, so best to google the name and you'll find her link easy enough at your own discretion)


"Nuhuh, those big, fluffy eyes won't work on me again. I'm on to you."


The squirrel'ish thing didn't seem to care and just pointed at her and laughed, clearly amused as Ziggy set her down on a nearby table or rock - she didn't really look - and started to look around, trying to figure out where Serenade were. She'd deal with the little escaped, fluffy biter after she had figured that out.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Lonk Chase, @@Blitz Boom,

Ginger Lightning petted Meeko and scratched behind his ears..."Lonk you do know your eyes are glowing...Right?"Ginger Lightning asked Lonk the fact that Lonk's eyes were glowing was very strange...but she thought about it for a while...timber wolves have glowing eyes,Changelings have glowing eyes,And she did hear that some ponies eyes glow when they used certain kinds of magic...She doesn't know of another pony with foul smelling blood...So she came up with a single and simple conclusion that Lonk wasn't entirely a pony...

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