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Blitz Boom

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@@Seamore Sandwich,

 ¨Sissilia don´t...¨Ginger Lightning said weakly as she shakily raised a hoof to push Sissilia away.. she wouldn´t  be this weak had she actually fed on the love...She tried to back away but she was to weak to move very far....She then vomited up some green acidic slime then she weakly fell to her knees and... fell asleep?  this was hardly the time to sleep but she was just so weak and tired she just had to sleep.

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@Lonk Chase @GingerLightning @Melke @Blitz Boom @Quinch


Allure scrapped some blood off her scratches with a piece of wood and used the tip to write down her orders on the crane. She folded it back up and it began flying off towards the Everfree. 


*Crash!* The debris that was the clock tower exploded out, and crawling through the wreckage was Priestess. "That was the second biggest clock tower demolition that I got to be a part of." She sniffed the air and smelled a lot of fresh blood. She saw someone missing a hind leg. "Uh, dude? Probably a dumb question, but are you okay?" 





Meanwhile in the Everfree, a crane flapped down towards Reverie. The fox bat caught it on her wing tip as she read.


"Alright biscuit eaters! That includes you changelings! Our high priestess and your queen have orders for a squad each to neutralize a hostile in Ponyville! We'll know it when we see it! Changelings! Start looking like EUP commandos! Swords! Get a message to the Revocation.  Orders are to climb to combat altitude and proceed to Ponyville. Orders are to fire when target is in weapons range. Start w/ 60 PDR cannons shots. Escalate to 100 PDR shells  if ineffective. If that doesn't work then use the 150 long shells. And if that doesn't kill whatever this thing is, then fire the 15 inch cannons. And if even THAT doesn't kill it...well, call in the fleet." 


The messenger left to deliver. The changelings took their disguised and dolled out armor and weapons while the bats performed weapons check. Reverie went over to the countess. "Mom. I'm gonna need you to watch over the halflings. In a strange way, they're your foals...kits...nymphs whatever. They're your offspring too. Also look after that one changeling...uh..."


"Miles." Someling said.


"Him. Look after him and..." she tried to remember the name of her little halfling brother.


"Petey." "Yes. Him too."  

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While there was no concept of day in the eternal darkness of this realm, time still passed, and eventually the wall separating the room in half would once again falter and the two familiar shapes of Omen and Mother moved forward. Neither of them spoke, nor made a sound in general, but both of them wished to see if the siblings were awake at this point. Or well, if Sen were at least. If Mother were right, Lin were likely enough of them now so that she could *rest* in a way, but not truly sleep, nor dream.


It was an unfortunate side effect, depending on how you looked at it, though she knew that a few of her children throughout the ages had attempted to get something akin to sleep through meditation. Few had succeeded, but she recalled at least one that had been there several lifetimes ago, that had had some success. Not enough to dream, but some things were simply too far out of reach, no matter how hard you tried.


*sigh* It were one of those things that she were sad she had to take from Lin through her meddling. It was a lesser evil, and to some a blessing really, but it was still a part of her that were out of reach unless something happened that Mother had never seen before. Something which she did not rule out, but doubted as she had countless lifetimes worth of experience to tell her otherwise.


Omen didn't think in scales so grand, she just thought of what she had been told as they had wandered around, and wondered how the two would take it when she told them. It didn't seem like something bad for her, but as she had said earlier to them, they confused her, and she were never sure how they reacted to things. That sort of insight would likely take years, and even then there would likely still be times when she didn't fathom what they were attempting/doing.


Still, it would be a welcome learning experience to try at least she supposed, though it would all begin with the two having to be awake first. Not much point in speaking to them if they still laid down on their beds unconscious, and if they were, herself and Mother would leave them be again. Right now, they were simply checking.





@@Hazard Time,



Fah'lina weren't in a rush to run down to the two ponies currently, but instead stayed up on her high ground and bid her time until finally, she spread her wings and silently swooped down in a curve over the table. She didn't touch the table itself, and she were soon after up on her place again, but she didn't go empty-handed, as in her paws a couple of straw fries were clutched tightly, hastily grabbed from Succulent's plate when she had been sure that the pony weren't on guard.


It had to be that pony too, as she didn't think it smart to try the same trick with Serenade. Whatever she were, the mimic hadn't the faintest idea about, but she were seemingly top predator here, and you didn't take things from the top predator. Not unless you wanted to become the next meal yourself, and she didn't like the idea of going down that particular route.


What exactly she had taken from Succulent she wasn't sure about. Wasn't something she saw in the forest, and it smelled kinda strange, but there were only really one way to find out, which were to nibble on it and see what it was like. Considering her grimaces after the first, small bite, it didn't appear that she were as big a fan of it as she might have hoped.


Putting it down next to her, she scratched her head and tried to think of what to do now. She couldn't swoop down again, as ponies tended to be quick to learn from her interactions with them, unless they were airheads, so that was out of the picture. But what else could she think about?


It took a little, but eventually a small glimmer went on in her eyes and she grabbed the hayfries before flying over to the door and crawling outside, heading towards the sleeping pony out there. It might not be her kind of food, but it were for ponies clearly, so she could use these to see if she could get some life into the zegasus and through her, find something else. Ziggy so far hadn't seemed the type that would be hard to convince to share something if it were, although she'd likely had to go away on her own for a bit soon regardless. She had basically been living on greens and candy since she began travelling with these ponies, and she could use a small fish eventually as she wasn't a vegan animal, and couldn't live without the influx of at least a little meat now and again. Though one step at a time.


First, she had an airhead to wake up.







Oh, there'd be plenty they could do to fight against this thing. They could take up arms and charge in, throw things, attempt some magic etc. It was just that the unfortunate reality were that if they got the attention of this thing they'd likely, oh, he didn't know... Get horribly massacred!


He were usually not one to stray away from a battle, and would take joy in defeating something after months of more or less inactivity on that front, but he would not throw himself into a suicide mission by attacking something he couldn't see them having the faintest chance against. It was foolish, and he would have no part in it. Whatever heroes was attacking it right now were better left to handle this, and preferably, he'd want to be far away before it heated up further.


"Then let's buckle up and get the hay out of Kansas, Dorothy."


It was the only thing he said to the siblings before he went for the door, took a few steppes towards the forest, and then stopped. Much as he didn't want to linger, he needed to get his wagon with them, as without it, he'd be hard pressed doing... Well, anything really. He'd have no income, even less of a cover, no space to store meddling beings or those he found that could be sent back to the hive, etc. He had to get it with him.


Without saying a word he more or less ran over to the wagon and hastily got himself connected to it before moving as fast as he could towards the forest. Not the easiest with this load on his back, and especially not as he hadn't wanted to waste time getting properly set up, which meant that it was actually hurting his shoulders to move this thing right now, but he'd get there eventually. If the others had kept moving already, he'd aim to catch up with them as much as possible as they'd make their way towards a piece of forest where the stream of others escaping Ponyville wasn't. If they hadn't left yet, he'd tell them that they had to get moving, and not stopping until the only thing they saw behind them were green.


It would be curious to see what would happen when they eventually got that far, considering they had seen his disguise ripple before without his knowledge, but this wasn't the time or the place yet, surely. There was greater evil to run away from first.





@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,


"I suppose."


Nerzhei played tough and aloof about things, but when Summer got near enough, she should be able to see there was a small smile on the dragonesses face, along with a very slight blush on the yellow cheeks. It would appear she wasn't used to compliments, and didn't really know how to handle it when she got them. Lotus was a bit better at that as she stood as tall and proud as she could with a bit more of a visible smile on her face, but then again, it was primarily her story too.


Lyriel took notice of the slight smile on Nerzhei's face as well, but the way she acted right now made her think that perhaps it was not the best to confront her with it currently. Whatever made her try and hide in her shell, beyond the rage, would have to be carefully exposed over a longer period of time to not just just stir her anger into a storm along with it. It was, however, not a thing that she knew if the ponies would understand. She cared for her new friends, truly, but she had no full idea on how they approached things, and might get the wrong idea on how to handle this, or completely miss it entirely and say something by accident.


Her own experience had mostly been through dealing with a few of the shyer elements of her family, but that, combined with the things she had seen when she observed the Ata- dragons, when they came to the valley, made her have a sort of educated guess on how to handle this. It might be wrong, sure, but she'd rather not take chances. Plus, it gave her a chance to answer the question being given to her, along with a distracting proof, hopefully.


"As to your question Summer, perhaps I can direct your attention to the side?"


The edge of a forest were coming near them, and when Summer would look, Lyriel would lift a glowing hand towards one of the trees on the edge that had seen better days. It was barren, crooked and seemed like it hadn't much time left. Yet suddenly, it would twitch and turn, uprooting itself and spreading branches towards the sky that had previously drooped towards the ground, before moving towards them and being intercepted by Lyriel.


She started to whisper something to the tree as her hand gently touched its bark, and soon after, the glow from her hand would begin to spread on it, along with signs of life. The bark would gain a healthier colour and become thicker, the crooked parts evened out with a noticeable creaking as hundreds of years of structure began to shift, and above it, the barren branched started to grow and carry leaves.


It took about 15 seconds, but eventually, a healthy, blossoming tree stood there whilst tears rolled down the smiling Lyriel's face.


The tree itself, moved a hand of branches down and laid it on her shoulder, which she put her own hand over before tilting her face to touch it with her cheek. It seemed that she were a little lost right now, and in an emotional state of some kind, but her point should hopefully be made. Were for Lotus at least, who looked like her jaw had fallen out of it's socket.





@@Seamore Sandwich,
@@Lonk Chase,
@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"By the earth mother!"


Briar slowly rose up and faced back towards the building that he had almost attempted to go into before something crashed into it. He didn't know what it were, with the whole city being chaotic and the impacted thing being rather deep within the building from the sound of things before, but it mattered little too him. The most important thing were that he had avoided getting severely pummelled by whatever it were as he hadn't been able to get into the building there. Unfortunately, he knew well that there were another important thing in that he wasn't the only one involved in this near miss. There had been another passing him, though he wasn't sure who, and had actually gone inside the building.


Though the world around him started to take shape in his senses, and the shapes he felt were sure signs that he should leave this to those more equipped to dealing with this sort of thing, his morals didn't allow him to just leave a potentially hurt pony inside. He had to get in there and try to see if he could help in some way, and hopefully, take the pony away from this place with him.


So he gulped, opened the door, and went inside, searching for the pony that had gone in there.


"Hello? Are you hurt?"


Meanwhile, Zhu wandered more or less silently into town, and glanced around him, catching glimpses of the beings there and how they did amidst the collected, bleak future that threatened ahead. It were not encouraging, but it were what it was, and so fa they did not need him. Soon likely, yet, he had another target to go to for now as he wandered over to the dome of air that he had made around the stick that the everfree spirit were bound to, increased it's size slightly, and temporarily let a hole stand so he could enter, before it closed, and there would be only the two of them in there.


"A small, but painful part in a greater play. Not a role I have envied you everfree, though I can imagine you must be happy for it to be over."


If Charlie could hear/respond to him or not wasn't relevant to Zhu. He often spoke to himself, even amongst others, and since he could not watch the future of spirits, as their time were technically over and the only future were beyond the limits of any mortal eyes, there would be nothing he could gain from simply watching regardless. So he would speak, see what would happen, and then take it from there.


As for Last, she looked up at the foot with a grin on her face, enjoying that her attacks still did something, even if it had not been a great hit. It were okay though, she'd get him next time, she just had t-


A sudden pain erupted in her side, feeling like somepony had left a blender in her gut and had accidentally pushed the *on* button for a few seconds. Not long, but it was enough to make her almost loose her footing from the agony.


She felt afterwards, just to make sure if she were bleeding or not, though so far it didn't seem like it at least. The only thing she felt were cold sweat, and a lingering thought that she knew well what this meant. For a moment she considered stopping, and sitting this out before it became worse, but... All of this destruction. All of this panic and pain...


She bit hard down on the hilt and starred at the massive form of Nemo with a cold fire in her eye.


"Next time, I'm going for your neck."


With that, she got on the move again, looking for a tall building that she could use as leverage to gain some height. There wasn't terribly many in Ponyville, and some of them had been destroyed now, but there was one that seemed promising nearby, SHe wasn't sure what sort of building it were, but if Nemo stayed grounded, it might just do the trick.


And Ashta and Ko certainly did theirs to keep him doing that. Though Ko had finally fallen off when the Forgotten One hit the ground, he could see that his toxin were doing some job and found a new flame in his chest to keep going. He were almost out of weapons though, so he had to find something else to use, and soon. Something that went deeper perhaps.


Ashta had the same idea it appeared and dropped the bag of toxins next to him after coating his own weapon a last time, then pointed towards one of the broken buildings. In particular, the clock tower which had such lovely, sharp, metal parts in there, just ripe for the taking. For example those deliciously pointy hands of the ruined clock. Those should do well when he got his own hands on them, so to speak.


So they split up, with Ko heading there, whilst Ashta kept at his job of slashing at the Forgotten One and using his web as best he could to give him some movement options that wouldn't leave him cornered or only able to move backwards. He couldn't afford to be forced on the defensive here, especially not in the last parts of the battle. Or at least he assumed it was, considering everything that had happened the last few minutes.


One who didn't care much about the battle as a whole though, were currently bashing against the edge of the bucket he were trapped in, trying to get out and barked beneath the walls of his prison. The bucket wasn't without it's gaps, so Meeko thankfully wouldn't get a problem with air, but he wasn't happy about being kept at bay like this. He wanted to get over to Ginger, and considering the tail that was there before he knew well who was keeping him in there. It likely wouldn't be that many happy feelings there'd be for Sisilia when he eventually got out, though right now he didn't care. He just kept barking, and scratching at the walls of his prison, trying to get out.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@ @@Moonlit



Succulent was about to thank Serenade for the offer, when she saw a bright orange rush before her eyes.  She squeaked and flinched hard, nearly falling back in her chair.  When her heart had stopped racing, she traced the blur up to the ceiling, where she saw the rodent creature from last night stuffing itself with a few of her hay fries.




"Hello again!" she called out cheerily, finding it easy to forgive the mimic of its thievery.  "Looks like somepony wanted to join us f-"  Her comment was cut off as it hurried out through the open window.  "Awwww, did I scare it off?"

Edited by Hazard Time

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@@Blitz Boom, Misty followed aside the pony making occasional glances towards Astral. "I hope she was just being generous with her life force despite that healing spells drain quite a bit of it to begin with." She sighed and looked towards the ground as she walked. "But even broken ribs don't consume so much to make a pony faint." She lifted a hoof to hold her own chest and stopped walking. "I remember when she healed my injured state when she found me." She continued walking again so she was next to Astral.


Astral groaned as her gem started glowing again. "No, the string goes through the gold." She was sleep talking of course, nopony would ever say that.


Misty chuckled at Astral's sleep talking. "I love it when she starts to talk in her sleep." Misty laid her hoof on Astral who jerked slightly, Misty quickly walked forward as if nothing happened. "What's your name?" She asked turning her head to the stallion, wanting something else to focus on other than Astral.

Edited by Frannis

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom, Cyan Flare and Golden Spell didn't hesitate to agree with Happy's decision, both of them having very nearly forgotten the slight faltering of his changeling disguise earlier. Besides, he wasn't causing them any trouble at all, presently - and the demon was far more of a problem. Golden kept his stare once again locked onto the creature, fear glinting in his green gaze as he used his magic to pick up and throw a nearby rock in attempt to possibly divert its attention away from him, his new friend, and Cyan. Hurriedly, he took shelter behind a wall again to try and hide who had hurled the object, then followed Happy and Cyan Flare as the two made their way towards the forest on the outskirts of Ponyville.



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@@Blitz Boom


The siblings didn't budge from their spot and while there wasn't much to do, they both relished the downtime. It was nice a there wasn't anything to worry about, at least something that directly concerns them. Lin thought about the things she would need to learn, about her abilities and what she would be doing once she was ready to go. She'd be learning in the field and she found some solace in thinking she'd be just like her brother many years back. Several hours later, Lin got up and allowed herself some time to move about. The pain had lessened through most of her body and she could manage the rest. 

Sen noticed her sister walking about and got up, feeling refreshed and excited. He walked up to her and happily said "good to have you back, sister. I think a weight's been lifted and I'm ready to go."

"Now let's help out our friend." Lin smiled b
ack and replied while gesturing her brother to look for Omen and let her know they were ready to go.

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@@Blitz Boom,


summer looked up at Nerzhei and saw a tiny little smile and maybe even, she wasn't quite sure, she was even blushing. Summer looked at the road in from of them again and tried to hide the grin that started to appear on her face, it was funny to see nerzhei of her kind side but she shouldn't push it too far since she would maybe break the state she was in.


Then Lyriel asked her to look at the side and she did, but she also looked at Lyriel to see what she was doing. When she saw Lyriel's hand glow she looked at the forest in front of them to see what happened and she was a verry old tree moving and shaking and stretching towards Lyriel, Summer's eyes got big when the tree even got it's healthy appearance back when Lyriel touched it. 


But then, when Lyriel started to cry, Summer got confused. Of course, it had been a really pretty show and it was great to see the tree beautifull again but why did her friend cry? and why did the tree seem to comfort her? Summer couldn't answer on any of those questions, and neither on the question of what to do right now. She just stood there, watching her friend and she scraped her hoof over the ground, slightly confused.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"I'm Tracker. A f-forest guides."


Tracker was clearly frazzled by the whole situation thus far. Monsters attacking their homes were not that unusual unfortunately, but it didn't mean it got any easier to go through, and this time around had been the worst he could remember. Tirek had been brutal, but there had only been one, and at least with Discord's chaos, it was more of a cruel game than actually trying to flatten them all under his cloven hoof. But this? They had several horrors in town, fighting amongst eachother, and didn't appear to care much for the collateral damage they did to the buildings and the ponies there. Not in a good way at least.


And now he and his family was running away from the battlefield along with a few of his friends, a zebra foal that was speaking about life energy used for healing, and on his back, the earth pony that had used some kind of magic to help him, but hurting herself in the process. It was too much for him. Hay, it was too much for everypony he'd think. Only the crazy ones and professionals could remain calm in this, surely, and even then, he couldn't see it. Just like he couldn't see the ones that usually helped them anywhere. No princess Twilight, none of the other previous carriers of harmony, not a single guard... Heck, even Discord would have been a welcome sight, and his apparent *reform* was still not something many he knew believed in, including himself.


Had this been a calmer day, he would have questioned much, and wanted to know more about what the striped foal were speaking about, but right now he had enough weighing his mind so he barely registered it, or the talking earth pony on his back. He just wanted to get to the medical camp that was supposed to be in the forest, and then get everypony here checked up on.


"Look, I don't want to be rude, but c-"


"Holy handgrenade, what happened to her?"


Tracker was stopped in whatever he was trying to say by a early-thirties earth pony stallion carrying a spear, had a tussled mane and half-long tail in black, with a chestnut coat. He had some scars going here and there, and looked like he had been in his fair share of brawls, but the concerned look and tone of his voice marked him as a friend. At least for now.


"Chow? What're you doing here?"


"I'm helping the doc getting ponies into the camp and onwards. Now stop the yapping and get cracking forward, okay? This one looks to be in a bad shape."


Chow's eyes fell on Misty briefly, and you could see the confusion in his eyes over seeing one of her kind around here that wasn't Zecora, but it didn't last long before he turned on the spot and directed them to follow him when he walked back in the direction he had come from at a fair speed, considering Astral.


"We're only a few minutes away from camp. Let's get going. Can anypony tell me who this is and what happened to her? It's gonna help the doc if he knows in advance."







They would be a few minutes walk into the forest before Happy finally stopped. At that point, the forest would be blocking their view of what they had run from, and in turn, should cover the sight of them from it for the time being.


"Holy guacamole, that was not something I'd want to go through again."


He dried some sweat off his forehead and took the wagon off his shoulders. He wasn't moving away from it yet, but between the panting for air and him trying to shrug and massage his own shoulders to try and get some feeling back that wasn't pain, it didn't seem like he were thinking much about it either. And when he finally did, he only moved far enough away so that he could jump up and unlock the door so he could get in.


"Alright, I think I... Yeah, I need a drink after that."


Happy sounded more like he were speaking to himself than anypony else before he stuck half of himself through the opening and began rummaging around for a bit. A few seconds in, you could hear another lock being unlocked, but beyond that, his rummaging didn't seize.


It took about a minute before he came back, carrying three basic looking flasks with corks holding the lid down. Two of them were easy to recognise as cider, though it was darker than the kind the Apple family tended to produce. Not a liquid that he carried with his good will, but unfortunately, a few times he had to get down to haveing a few of these on hold in case he had to share some drinks with others that couldn't or wouldn't touch hard alcohol.


He'd never sell it, as he wouldn't be caught dead selling this weak drink in his selection, but it did the trick to have around, even if he more or less had it banished to the very corner of the wagon, near the poisons. Though to be fair, most of the time when he pulled this out it were poisoned and used to get somepony subdued. Not right now though, he hadn't the need for that. He just had the need for a drink, and frankly he figured the other two could too.


That was who the cider where for, which left the bottle with a more golden-red liquid inside to himself. There was no telling exactly what it were really, but it wasn't that important right now either.


"Anypony else need a drink? I ain't sure the age of drinking in Equestria that well right now, so cider's is the only thing I can offer until I know more, but it's better than nothing, even if it ain't the Apple family kind, right?"


It wasn't the entire truth, since he knew well the age as it was told him very clearly by the guards when he entered the country, but right now a few things had left his head in favour of panic, and that was one of them. Not that it would have changed anything, as otherwise he'd have to ask for ID. A lot of ponies were easy to see the age of, and it were simple to see if they were big enough to buy these sort of things, but it wasn't an exact science, and with ponies near the edge like these might very well be, he had to take precautions to not eventually end in deep waters. Even in situations like this.


Besides, he wasn't giving booze to kids. he might be somewhat evil, but there were limits.







Omen wasn't in sight currently,and neither were Mother, though the wall that had separated the room were gone. A small bit were left to cover the orb in the middle of the room, which were likely more a security thing than anything, but as for the inhabitants there wasn't a sight of them anywhere.


That is, until a door near the siblings opened and Omen stepped out, looking at the two whilst her tongue returned to her mouth again. It seemed she had used it to open the door, though why she were that way and what she had done was anypony's guess.


"You're awake. Are things better then?"


She had been observing them for a bit after Mother had left the two of them to sleep before she went out to see what the reaper were doing. It had taken a bit of time to find her as this place was bigger than you might think, and Mother wasn't traceable, but eventually she had managed to find her, about to wander into a room with a lot of runes on the door.


What was in there hadn't been explained, nor really asked about, as Mother had spent a bit of time to let her know a few things that she wanted her to bring on to Sen and Lin in case she wasn't back before they woke up, then sent her on her way. It wouldn't have taken long to return here normally, but the drake had awakened and had slid down from her head to explore wherever it were a bit more, and it hadn't been easy to catch. Without the ability to make gates in here, and not wanting to use her tongue as it might hurt the small creature, it had taken hours and really only ended because the small thing had tired itself out and fallen asleep again.


That was a few minutes ago, and she had returned to see if the siblings were awake as well now, which from the looks of things, they were. Lin looked... Well, still strange compared to the mental image Omen had of her before all of this, but fresher at least, and she supposed that Sen were too. It were hard to tell with him, as she had only seen him sleep once, but he looked better than that time at least.





@@Summer Breeze,

@@Frosty Frost,


Lyriel didn't notice anything as she began to whisper things to the tree again, but Nerzhei had taken some notice of things at least. At first, just the scene with the dryad - which were fascinating as she had only heard about this sort of thing, never seen it - but the confused movements of Summer got in view soon after the tree placed it's branch on Lyriel's shoulder.


It wasn't a big surprise she supposed. Considering what had happened thus far, it hadn't seemed like the ponies even knew what a dryad were before they came here, so the weird behaviour would likely just seem extra weird to them. Though she had hoped that it wouldn't be the case and that she'd be able to find out something about potential dryads in pony country too on the road. Seemed like that wasn't going to happen, but that was just another thing to search up on eventually. That is, if pony country even had dryads. She really didn't know enough about the equine countries to be able to tell, though thus far, it didn't seem all too likely. At least for the part of Equestria these three came from.


Blitz didn't know either, but she did know that Lyriel were crying, which couldn't be good.


"Uhm, Lyriel? Are you okay?"


"Likely is, but I doubt she can hear you. And no, talking louder won't change that."


Nerzhei's impression of this foal told her that adding that last part had to be a crucial part of things before she got very, very loud and annoying again. Something that the dragoness would really prefer to avoid at all costs.


"I couldn't tell you what she's saying, but far as I know, this used to be normal for them before the majority went crazy. They'd heal trees, and for some reason, they'd smile and cry, just like she's doing now. Noone at the camp really cared for why, especially as that stopped when they went violent, but I have a theory, if nothing else.


You need to understand something first about dryads first to get the base of it though. Beings like this aren't like trees, general fauna or something like humans, much as they seem like it. They are part of nature itself, and they connect with the parts of it they are in. As such, one part of my theory is that if it suffers, so do they, so they try to nourish it, and regrow what have been made barren or cut down, such as us harvesting part of the forest.


I believe that it is only when they put down roots that they really feel truly connected enough to know where they are needed the most in the area, but that's not important right now. What is though, is that as you can see, their powers are deeply enough in nature so that they can even make near dead trees blossom back to life, but they need to be connected to do things powerfully enough, and when that connection is made... Well, I was never sure, yet I supposed they would feel everything with the plant. It's pain, it's needs, and currently, the life blooming in it again. Something like that seems overwhelming in my mind, but wonderful in a way. Hence, why they cry and smile when going through it.


I didn't expect the tree's reaction though, or any at all, to be honest, and it muddles up parts of my theory. Perhaps the connection is far, far deeper than anyone had considered? And if so, is the water really the only reason for their madness? Hmmm..."


Nerzhei seemed to drift off and speak to herself at the end before scratching her chin and looking at the show in front of them with a searching eye. Perhaps there were more layers to this than she thought? It was something that she had to find out so she could prepare for a potential issue or five, if there were other factors than the waters in the dryad of the valley's madness, though for now there wasn't proof of anything. Concerns, surely, but nothing concrete yet, so she'd reserve judgement. For now at least.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Hazard Time@@Blitz Boom, Serenade shakes her head, chuckling at Fah'lina's antics. "No, you didn't. That's just Fah'lina's way of...I think of waking up Ziggy. She's a unique creature." Serenade finishes off her breakfast, before checking on the other tray of muffins. "I've got a mailmare to find, just close the door when your finished." 


@@Seamore Sandwich, Serenade, with a bag full of banana and cherry muffins and a letter tucked under her wing, heads out in search of a certain pegasi mailmare with a love of muffins. 

Edited by Moonlit
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@@Blitz Boom, The siblings soon caught up to Happy, out of breath by the time they reached the safety of the forest. Golden Spell did not hesitate to reply when offered a drink.

"Yes, yes please. That was a rather tiring run," he said, reaching out a hoof to take the cider. This sort of drink had never been to his taste, but, presently, that appeared to be the last thing on his mind.

Meanwhile, Cyan Flare was flying slowly and silently up above the tree canopy to observe as many ponies fled Ponyville in fear. She expected that a good deal of them may end up here, in fact.

'I just hope they'll all be okay... Maybe one of the princesses could help? Or anypony with powerful magic, and great skill...' the pegasus thought, her worry so intense that she felt physically sick.



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@Summer Breeze 

@Blitz Boom 



Frosty stared wide-eyed at Lyriel when she healed the tree. This was...interesting? He had seen a lot of different magic types, but reviving a tree that was pretty much dead wasn't part of any of those. Just...how? "Magic", duh, but, how? Magic didn't...work...that way? Huh.


Frosty had never read anything about bringing life back to plants, and this was kind of a big thing. A sparkle appeared in his eyes when he thought about it. A new type of magic! He got all worked up just imagining what ponies could do with this! Plant magic! Plant magic!

He didn't realize that this magic was probably dryad exclusive. He would figure that out soon enough, and be very disappointed.


Soon after, Nerzhei explained her theory about dryads, which quickly took the sparkle away. The magic was dryad exclusive, and also not well understood. Well shoot. He was looking forward to studying it, too.


"So the dryads are like...nature...people...? And they do stuff because they're...nature...? This all sounds pretty vague. Also, they 'connect' with plants to heal them? That does sound very overwhelming."


He still looked a bit disappointed, but at least he had a little bit of hope. Maybe other species could also get that connection by spending a lot of time with nature? Maybe. He'd ask Lyriel about it when she would finish her connection with the tree.


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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@@Blitz Boom


Lin got up and brushed herself, noticing the extent of the changes on her body. It was mostly the darkened color of her skin and what deep brown scales turned to mix of ashen grey and soot-like black. She flared up her webbing and it grew twice in size and released what resembled smoke. She relished this ecstatic feeling of wonder and awe as she played with it a bit before restraining herself. Sen looked on in wonder but he kept his cool all throughout. 

"If you are done, maybe we could proceed?" Sen looked to Lin and asked, sternly with a veneer of calm. 

Lin returned to reality and replied to Omen: "Oh, uh... yeah. For the most part. Still a couple of aches here and there but nothing I can't manage."  

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@@Hazard Time,


It wouldn't be long after Serenade left before the door would slowly move up and Ziggy would wander into the building with Fah'lina on her head, directing her movements.


Likely, it'd be a somewhat comical sight, with the zegasus slightly snoring and with her eyes closed just following the hayfries that the mimic were holding a little in front of her nose with her tail.Really, it probably didn't help that Ziggy were biting a little in the direction of the hayfries either as she were guided by the resourceful little creature on her head towards the table. That she wasn't hitting any furniture were rather impressive in a way, but if that were up to the controller, or just luck was anypony's guess, though eventually she'd get to her target and... Well, slam her head into said table.


It wasn't an accident though. As soon as they had gotten there, Fah'lina had let go of the hayfries and when Ziggy then automatically followed the smell like she had thus far, impact was bound to happen.


"Huh? Blurgh? No I swear, I'm not sleeping in class."


Ziggy looked confused around her as she tried to get her bearings after the abrupt awakening, though it took her a little to have any idea where she actually were. Not where she had thought she were, that was for sure, or she'd get a ruler slammed down into her table - plus, she'd have a smaller table - to get her attention, but only other thing she could remember were falling asleep on a fluffy cloud and then some sort of smell before Wham! Table to the face.


Fah'lina didn't care much about the confused pony anymore though. She had gotten her in here to help her get some food, but as she had arrived, a muffin got into her sight that had either fallen on the floor earlier when Serenade was baking, or had tumbled down when Ziggy impacted the table. Either way, she were currently down there and grabbing it before crawling back on the table and acting all innocent whilst nibbling slowly on it. It seemed to fall into far better taste than the hayfries before, so that was something at least.







As soon as Golden had expressed a want for the cider, Happy made his way down to hand it to him before taking a long, hearty gulp of his own bottle of questionable liquid. A vague smell of cherries and would waft through the air as the cork was popped, but beyond that, there wasn't an indicator about what this was.


As for the cider, well... It was good, or fine, depending on whatever or not you had tried a brand from the Apple family. None could really compete with them in that certain area, but he tried to do something with it at least to make the otherwise unwanted substance still drinkable, though perhaps it was a little strong in it. Not alcohol-wise, but more like the taste in general of the things he had added in there to enhance flavour. It wasn't the sort of thing every cider drinker liked, but to be fair, he didn't really cater to cider drinkers in shop regardless, so he couldn't personally care much about what a few high enders would complain about.


From in the air, Cyan could see that though a lot of ponies went towards the forest, the majority seemed to be eventually led towards a roughh direction a chunk of way from them, mostly by other ponies from the forest itself that came to get them. Though, a few from town also seemed to do their part, even if it were likely impossible to make out the details about them from this distance.


Still, some ponies might get ovr here eventually. It was hard to say with any certainty at this point, though Happy at least didn't think much on it as he put the now quarter-drunk bottle from his mouth and lifted the remaining bottle of cider up and towards their feathered companion.


"That's a start to calm the old nerves. Hey Cyan, you thirsty up there?"


The last half directed at Cyan were said louder, to get her attention, and he sorely hoped that it'd work and she'd get down here. If she stayed up there, the monsters in town might be able to see her, and he'd rather not have that happen as they had just gotten out of harms way., and he'd prefer if said way didn't suddenly redirect and bulldoze them down.







Omen had moved closer when Lin began to explore her new form a little more, fixaed on what she saw in front of her. Not the more dark nuances that had befallen her, she had seen that already, but the webbing on the other hoof was a whole 'nother deal. That she had only seen really once, and now it increased in size, and expunged smoke? What was this? And what was it for? The webbing might be a cape of some kind that was moveable, though that didn't explain the shape entirely, and the smoke was a complete mystery that she couldn't even fathom yet.


Whatever had happened to Lin was going to take a while to understand, but it likely would for herself too. Mother had told her that at least. As to what else she had said...


"Mother wanted me to say something to you before we leave.


I am sorry that I could not be here, but I have to prepare for the new children that is on their way to join their siblings, and I can't stay and wait any longer. I hope that the next time you come around, that I could properly have a talk with everyone, and have a chance to inspect you a little more Lin, so that I may potentially be able to help you with your new attributes. Until then, please stay safe everyone."


Even for Omen's voice, this sounded more hollow than usual. More lifeless, and recited word for word like she was a living recorder. Thankfully, that tone of voice carried only for the part she were supposed to tell them in exact words, and went back to normal afterwards.


"She also said I should tell you, that since Lin is some of us now, you can't be called guests anymore."


She moved slowly closer to Lin and looked the longma? in the eyes when she got close enough, with a sort of faint glimmer in her own, dim eyes.




Then she turned and wandered to Sen, starring at him with the same look that she had Lin.




More she didn't say before she turned and walked towards the door so they could begin to leave, as Sen and Lin had asked for.





@@Frosty Frost,

@@Summer Breeze,


Nerzhei let out a small sigh and shook her head.


"It's impossible to tell unless she can explain it. Dryads are barely found anywhere within dragon country far as I know, and most of those have risen through strange occurrences the last 50 years or so, which haven't been long enough to get much of an idea on them beyond *they grow and control trees* which is the observations of simpletons. There might be other places in this land that holds other pockets of them where there is more information given, but the one place I was able to get some contact too didn't seem promising.


They hadn't gone hostile like ours, but most of them had more questions than answers and could best explain things as them sort of just knowing, without understanding how. Lyriel might know something, or allow some tests to find out things later on, but statistically, the best I will have to work with is a spotty theory for the time being for the lack of concrete information. It is...Annoying, to say the least."


The bane of many a scholar were when they found something fascinating, but had limited ability to observe it, along with no other information to go on, and Nerzhei was no different. She too got bugged when she had ideas about how and why, yet wasn't able to find out like normal with verified information, which essentially felt like were like trying to build something with broken tools and no building plan.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, Misty looked at Astral briefly. "She's Astral." She looked ahead silent for a moment. "She's usually quite the talker when she isn't sleeping." She stared at the ground. "I'm Misty, a zebra.  I'm not related to Zecora." She stopped walking for a moment. "At least I don't think so." She continued walking with them.


Astral sighed. "Ah." She stretched out a leg. "You're comfy." She said turning her head to Trackers ear, before letting it hang down.


Misty's ears perked up and her eyes widened, she backed up a bit until she was next to Astral. "You're awake?!"


She batted a hoof and raised her head. "Not yet, I just need- *Yawn* -more sleep." She let her head hang down again and started snoring.


Misty sighed and let her head drop as she stared at the ground. It occurred that Astral may not have been generous with her lifeforce and might need medical attention, she raised her head back up and asked; "How far is your camp from here?" she asked with a tone beyond depressed.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom


"I... I see." Sen frowned and looked to his friend with some degree of disappointment but he understood. He didn't want to hold her back and there was still some things to do outside of sticking around in her home or in Ponyville. "I'll be heading to Ponyville to have a head start looking for Discord. I should also see that nice guard in town to let him know sister is safe and he can call off the search."

Lin turned to Omen and thought about how she and her brother really pulled off a lot of stops to make sure she was found; she was filled with so much warmth and appreciated them both for their efforts. If there was a way to pay back Omen, finding Discord is the way to go. 

"Same here, Omen. If we see something interesting, we'll let you know. Unless, you know... you finish ahead of us. Then we can meet up in town."

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Omen stopped in her tracks and turned to look a the two of them confused.


"I don't understand. Where am I going?"


She couldn't recall saying that she were going anywhere, only that Mother did. Were they confused by her reciting what the reaper had said, or were it her that simply didn't understand? Could it be all of them? Perhaps.


"Mother had to stay, not I. Were I supposed to be someplace I forgot? Back to seeing if the yellow mare have talked with him yet? Another destination??"


It was an interesting start on things after Mother had told her what their status now were amongst Omen's kind, but she had said it earlier too: The two of them confused her greatly, and they were illogical in her mind. She needed to learn more to make them less so as time went by, that she were somewhat certain about, but for the time being it was still a learning experience that could include all sorts of things.


Currently, that were a notion about her having to be somewhere else when they got out of here, though she couldn't remember saying she had to, or them asking if she would go check on something. She were not above forgetting things, that were certain, but she was somewhat sure that she hadn't said anything, unless they confused what she had said from Mother as what she were doing herself.


To be honest, the thoughts didn't help either as the whole thing felt like it was spinning in circles in her head and didn't always seem to make sense. Hopefully, Sen or Lin could help clear things up somewhat before Omen froze in a loop.







Chow grinned down to the zebra foal when she asked if they were close to the camp.


"Don't worry lil' one, we're there in a heartbeat and your friend will get fixed up nicely."


He hadn't noticed the foal looked and sounded rather depressed when he had replied to her, but for Double Chow it wasn't unusual to shove his big hoof down his even bigger mouth sometimes. It wasn't something he were all that proud of at times - now being a readily available example - but what was done was done, and he couldn't pull it back that easy. Sure, his intent were to see if he could cheer Misty up a bit, but it didn't really take away from how he had handled it, which he might have to be faced with sooner rather than later.


Hopefully it wouldn't matter though, as the voices ahead of him started to filter through the trees, along with hoof-steppes and as they cleared a few, larger trees, the camp were in front of them in all it's... Well, glory wasn't really the word. Convinience were perhaps more fitting.


It was essentially a few dozen field tables, a few stretchers, and what seemed like four doctors swirling around the place, checking up on the ones escaping the town and examining the extend of their injuries. They didn't have more fancy gear than a half dozen bags of medical equipment mostly used for house calls, but they made due so far at least, though it also helped that it seemed like there were some getting further supplies from the hospital some way from them. Only way really there could be enough supplies here for the increased number of ponies getting through.


From the looks of things, it seemed like as soon as you were deemed able to walk and not bleed/fall down, you'd be moved along down a well stomped path with some volunteers that guided the citizens to the safe rooms. Some that were more seriously injured were occupying the tables, with two getting improvised, temporary casts to keep their broken legs stable, and a third being occupied by one that were knocked out with a heavy bandage on his head.


They'd be met by a simple-looking stallion with glasses that looked overworked, yet he didn't have the time to stand still and have a rest right now. Not whilst there were still ponies coming here.


"Alright, what's the damage?"


"Most looks good, though a bit beaten up, and then there's Astral here who seems to be... Well, not sure, but she might need a proper look. Misty here seems to know her, so you can ask her if there's something."


The doctor sighed and pointed towards a table where Tracker unloaded Astral, before sending them over to one of the other doctors that would make sure that they were fine enough to move onwards. Unless something serious was wrong though, they'd be sent on their way soon, and like so many others, they'd get a proper visit when this was all over and Ponyville were safe again.


He told Chow to stay around as he needed somepony to keep an eye out for things in the camp though, and for the time being he'd stand around this table and look here and there to see if there was a place he could do something. The doc knew that the vendor wanted to get out and help direct more ponies here, but with the looming threat of the forest itself always being a potential issue, he'd really prefer to have the only one here with a proper weapon standing ready to ward things off. The few others they had ready to fight was just farmers with tools and no proper fighting skills, and that wasn't as helpful if timberwolves or something else tried to get in and have a snack.


"Alright then, Misty, I need to ask, have the patient hit her head on anything? Or is she just tired currently?"


The doc wasn't keen on asking these sort of things from a foal, and especially not zebra's as he only had one point of reference with those and trying to understand Zecora at times were... Tiring, yet he had to ask who knew the patient, and right now that were just this one.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom


Succulent would continue with the rest of her breakfast when she watched the still asleep zegasus wander into the house and smash her head against the table.  She cringed at that, thankful that at least she hadn't hit herself too hard.  Once that wore, off, she had to acknowledge the comedy of the scene, and her newest struggle was to keep herself from laughing.




"That wasn't nice," she scolded, her eyes squinting at the mimic.

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@@Seamore Sandwich, Serenade, unable to find Derpy, probably because she was out delivering mail, leaves the bag at the local mail station, a card reading Derpy, thank you for everything, these are for you. 


@@Hazard Time@@Blitz Boom, Serenade returns, sans the muffins, "Hey you two....Morning Ziggy" She walks over to her gramophone and browses her selection of records, and selects one. She puts it beside the gramophone and heads back to the table, and sits down smiling. 

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@@Blitz Boom, Misty looked at Astral for a moment. "She fell over after she helped Tracker." She rubbed her right hoof against her left leg. "It was only her fainting from giving too much of her life force, but the fall could've given her a head injury or something." Misty sat down on the ground, having no idea where to sit. "Earlier, she was awake for a brief moment, and told me she just needed sleep to recover." She turned her head to Astral, who's gem had now restored it's glow. "Does she?"

Edited by Frannis

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom


Sen and Lin turned to each other almost synchronously, both sharing a look of bewilderment and thought about what they just said. Given the way Omen phrased her words, they both somehow mistook them for her leaving them to join her mother for a while. Though it could also be chalked up to a misunderstanding of practice. Longma families greet each other as a singular unit with each member of the family present and accounted for. The two looked back at Omen unsure what to say before Lin broke the odd silence. 

"Uh... well, this is certainly an awkward way to put it." She forced a chuckle, trying to elicit a similar response from her brother who lay one claw above his eyes in shame. "We misunderstood you. When you mentioned your mother going to meet the new children, we kind of assumed you would be joining her. Our mistake."


Sen added: "You must find us really confusing right about now, huh? That was mostly my fault though. We could go search for Discord now if you like." 

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"Mother never lets us come when new children arrives. We are curious as to why, but she says it is better if some things is never learned."


The amount of times when one or more of them got curious at Mother mentioning that new siblings were on their way were more numerous than she could remember, and had likely happened before she had come too as well, yet it was something they were never answered with. Her words that they were better of not knowing would make them accept that and leave her be, but it was still something asked every time, each without an answer.


Sometimes, they tried to ask the new siblings too, but they never knew. Their first memory were always of her face, and then soon after the endless shades of darkness when they were let out to meet their family.


Omen had seen how mothers of several races raised others in Equestria, and knew that this wasn't a normal way for parents to raise their off-spring, but at the same time, she hadn't seen others like them either. Most children came into the world unable to understand, and being barely more than lumps crying out for warmth, yet them? Even if they were blank, they were still able to comprehend things, understand the language and didn't need warmth. They could move, and they could think the same if they were seconds old or eons, so she hadn't thought it strange that they got raised in the playground instead of in their mother's arms.


They weren't like others, and therefore, they could not be compared to the children of flesh and blood.


Why this thought had entered her mind was a little strange, but she had it with over-thinking random things at times. Usually it was nothing important, and as it looked now, currently this wasn't either. Just a random thought that blossomed in an empty field.


"And yes, you confused me, but it looks like I confused you too? I suppose that makes it even then."


Omen turned around again and began to walk through the large hallways, heading towards the sizeable door at the far end.


"As for master, I want to find him, but I don't know how. The yellow mare is my only clue, and it haven't lead anywhere. It have just been sitting in the shades, looking at her house for three days, before everypony began to have a need for me elsewhere."


It might not sound all too comforting that that had been her point of attack, but it were all she really had to go by, even after talking to the princess with Sen, which hadn't left her any clues that she could recall at least. Where she had been for days on her own where still as far as they had gotten before the hunt for Lin began to pick up some degree of pace, though she wasn't sure if she could just go back to checking on things as she had then. Sen and Lin likely wasn't able to sit still and glare at the same spot for days, months or years at a time, and she likely shouldn't leave them currently.







The doctor raised his eyebrow slightly at the mention of life energy, but he brushed it off as nothing shortly after. Misty was a foal and probably simply misunderstood things, like for example thinking blood to be life energy. or were misinterpreting whatever rescue she had seen her friend do in some other way. It was the only logical explanation he could come up with that didn't include the little one having a concussion, and she seemed lucid enough currently, so that one was out.


The minds of the young ones could be... Difficult, to grasp at times, as well as how they saw things. Hard to make a clear picture, though he had gotten some information that he could use that sounded genuine and simple enough.


"Sounds like she were briefly lucid, and there's no bleeding, so chances are good that this could simply be exhaustion, but she's better off staying here for the time being, just to be on the safe side."






@@Hazard Time,


(before Serenade returns)


Ziggy rubbed her head and blinked with her eyes a bit more to get her bearings when Succulent started speaking. It sounded like she knew something on how she had gotten into this place to begin with, but who were talking to? Serenade? Had she started to accidentally listening in to one of the siren's songs for the second day in a row and gone zombie-like again?


But why had she hit her head on the table then? And who were Succulent telling hadn't done a nice thing? There were onlt the three of the-


The line of thought got interrupted and she followed the crystal pony's glare to the one she had suddenly remembered were there with them. A fluffy, innocently-looking thing that was slowly munching on a muffin next to her on the table, who she bet had no qualms about playing tricks with her in her sleep. Heck, she did when she were awake, why would her sleeping change things for the mischievous rodent?


"Okay, what did you do?"


Ziggy had gone closer and were looking at Fah'lina closely when she asked her question to the mimic that didn't seem all that apologetic about what had happened, nor really caring about the words and look from Succulent. Though she did look up when Ziggy got closer and... Wait, did she just chuckle? Why, that wasn't v-


(when Serenade returned)


The sound of Serenade behind her made Ziggy give off a small meep in surprise and turn on the spot to look at the returning siren. She were close to zoom over and give her a morning hug, but frankly she was a teensie bit groggy right now from the sleep and the sudden awakening, so she let it slide this time. Perhaps later, when everything were a bit more down to earth.


"Goodmorning Serenade. Oh, and Succulent, too, right."


She waved to them both as best she could and returned her gaze to the mimic.


"Not to you though. Not until you tell me what you did."


The only response she got were the mimic laughing a little more audibly at her now, clearly amused by something.


"Heeeey, what's so funny? Why're you... Wait. you can't talk. Not in a way I can understand, so why am I asking you things?"


As her brain woke up a little more and she finally got why she didn't get any actual response, Fah'lina took her paws off the dropped muffin long for a little and gave a slow clap towards Ziggy for figuring out the obvious.


"Sassy little thing, aren't you? But if you can't tell me how I got in here and why my head went owie... Succulent? Do you know? Pleeeease?"


Ziggy lowered her head to the table until her chin touched the surface, then looked up towards succulent with her best, puppy-eyes expression, hoping that she'd know something about this. She'd likely have answered even if she hadn't looked at the crystal pony like that, but... Well, Ziggy was a little strange.

Edited by Blitz Boom


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, Misty was confused what lucid meant, until he continued talking. She sighed in relief once he said it was just a sleep problem. "I was hoping it was just sleep she needed." She stood up and walked over to exit, a growling sound could be heard from her. "Uh..." She turned to him. "Is there a place to eat here? Cause I'm hungry."

Edited by Frannis

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Lonk Chase



@@Blitz Boom

@@Mentis Soliloquy




The Forgotten One begins to walk slowly toward The Traveller, each step shaking the ground. It's tail pulls away from between Priestess and Sylar, who then disappears from her view as the ripple between the planes fades away. The Forgotten One was breaking reality itself just by existing, it's tail trailing a ripple like flames through which the forgotten, as well as the spirits of the dead, could be seen. With Penny now in his grasp, with his third, free hand, The Forgotten One tears a hole in the world to throw her trough. It was high enough that any ponies on the ground couldn't make it through, but he didn't see Last heading for higher ground, and he opened the tear near the building she was headed toward. He switches to one hand holding Penny, moving closer to the tear, reaching toward Queen Allure with the other. His plan, throw as many as he could through to gain as much power as possible, then use that power to defeat The Traveller. Ink and Quill ran into a nearby building, still invisible. There wasn't much they could do here as it seemed the creature had only gotten more powerful.


Back in the wind bubble, Charlie couldn't hold his form, though he struggled. He was but a wisp on a stick. Being tethered to a piece of his mortal form, Zhu might actually be capable of viewing Charlie's future. If he did, all he would see is a gap before a moment of screams from him as a changeling, then another gap and Charlie again, but engulfed in flames as he transformed into a griffin, then flew off toward a rising sun, carrying the stick he now inhabits. "He must be stopped," Charlie said, of course referring to The Forgotten One. "The whole world is at risk," he said weakly.


Sissilia slowly lifted the bucket, realizing now wasn't the time for games. She nudged Ginger, trying to wake her up.

Edited by Seamore Sandwich
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@@Blitz Boom @@Moonlit


Thankfully for Ziggy, Succulent was just as spontaneous.  Her chin rested on the table, and she came up close to the zegasus, a great big smile on her face.




"I can tell you, Ziggy, but answers don't come cheap.  I'm going to have to ask for twenty bits, a ruby, five sparrow eggs, and your left hind leg."






"Just kidding!  Fah'lina baited you like a yak!"

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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