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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Bloom



Its possible that Briar and the punny guy didn't heard the commotion. Musical got up, and flied back to Briar with Rose.


"Musical was apparently hypnotized, problably by...ugh. Heart." Rose said


"I mean, it really was all just a dream." Musical says


"Dreams don't make you go in front of Zecora's hut." Rose answers


"Yes they do." Musical replies.


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@@Blitz Boom, Misty scratched her head a bit, considering the idea, before shaking her head. "No, I'm protected by a warding spell." She lifted up her hoof, showing him something etched into it. Looking like something similar to a transmutation circle. "Astral gave me it to protect me from anything that can hurt me." She placed her hoof down, looking ahead at the seat in front of her. "Maybe you could teach me how to defend myself, but I may never have to use it." She shrugged with a smile as she turned to look at Chow. "But I suppose that's a good thing." She looked up at him. "If anything, I'd rather hear from Astral 'bout this. But she's sleeping."

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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The last kitling squinted at her. It crawled over to Star and sniffed her. It then hunched down and feebily latched on, gettign a gulp or two down before whimpering again, rolling to it's side and holding it's horn in it's paws. The others tepidly walked over and gathered around.    


She looked to the poor thing. "What's wrong with your horn little one?" She was unsure what to do, but she was going to get help if this continued, she was unsure of what was happening and it may well of been very serious that was happening to the runt. She did not want it to be suffering. She got up and moved to it and laid next to the poor thing to keep it company while she watched it. 

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"O-Oh, most certainly. And again, I apologize for the push, but the bricks were about to fall down on you and I went into a panic. Thankfully it seems like we all got away from this fine. And that the bricks made it too, which isn't a surprise as they are exquisite quality, but that's neither here nor there I suppose."


The stallion brushed some dirt of his suit and corrected his tie whilst talking, and eventually had a good deal more of his composure and some of his calm back, though he still seemed a bit unnerved by things and from the way he looked around, slightly anxious about something.


"I am really not meant for these sort of hectic situations, I hope you understand. It makes me confused an- Wait, name? Right, my name. You did ask that, yes. My name is Clayton Quartz. Princess Celestia took contact to me about materials needed to rebuild the structures in town after a supposed attack that had occurred here. My ponies are making good time getting things here, but the forepony they have here are very demanding and it seems it can never get here fast enough for her taste."


Clayton looked around, checking if said forepony were there again to breath down his neck, but it seemed like last Stand weren't somewhere in sight currently, and thankfully so. He could understand her need for speeding this process up and doing so effectively and without delay, but he were already doing all that he could to make sure that the supplies came in as were requested, and her constant, impatient glare was doing little more than making him all fidgety.


"As for lodging, I'm afraid that I don't think there's many options. Some tents have been set up to the north of town while construction is going on, and there may still be some free of those, but with all the destroyed homes here I'm sorry to say that the room left in the undamaged parts of town is likely all booked up by the ones waiting for their places to be rebuild. I can't be completely certain, of course, as I only got here this morning, but small towns tends to be very close and the place that are available seems like it would be dreadfully contested already.


I seem to recall a mare around here somewhere that ran an inn though. Perhaps if we can find her she would know better? A local business owner in her profession would likely be much more suited to answer about the others current living arrangements. Ah, and the story you asked for too. I don't really know much of this town, beyond the stories of the Bearers of Harmony, the adventures of the Princess of Friendship and things associated with those, as things like that occasionally do get shared around Canterlot, but I think any actual information would be sparse."


His ears twitched and he turned around, thinking that he heard Last once more, but letting out a sigh of relief when he saw that there were nopony there, except for a few of the pegasi from before that were headed back to regain the bricks that had been dropped before. They couldn't afford to waste materials here if they wanted to keep up to speed.


"P-Perhaps I should help you find her, yes? I think her inn was one of the undamaged buildings in the south side of town. If you would follow please, mister... Ergh, guess I forgot to ask a name. perhaps you can tell me that on the way?"


The talk wasn't even completely done before he had started to take the first step towards the south end of town, though he did wait still to see if this unknown pony would follow him. The odds were high of it, yes, but nothing was guaranteed. Not in places like this at least.







"Great place to start. Knowing some of the background on how things came to be is a good base, and likely the easiest things to find books on. Lot's of big words there that'll help on your reading skills too, so bonus there.


If you want, I can teach you a few things that'll help if somepony gets on your case too? Make sure your brawn's as great as your brains and all that. Nothing with a weapon though, cause I'm thinking Astral would turn me into a carrot if I even tried letting you hold a stick, but since it ain't nice of me to tell you to stand up to bullies without teaching you how to, I figure a few lessons in how to turn the tides ain't too bad. But that's future talk, plenty of things to get sorted before that's even a thought, eh?"


Chow grinned, and imagined how the conversation would go with Astral if he had come along with a knife or something and told he'd learn Misty how to use that. It'd likely go off like a torch in a haystack, though the look on her face could have been nice to witness.


Not that it was an issue that would have to be taken up really. He had a weapon because he were a hunter, not to use against others unless he didn't have a choice, and he'd rather teach how to do without any blades than with if that was an option. Perhaps teaching a foal how to fight regardless were bad, but if hse understood the basics of it being just for defense, he didn't see the issue, though he had to convice Astral of that if it were of course.


Could end up being a long talk, but he'd stay his ground on this, as he really couldn't justify on one hoof telling Misty to stand up to the bullies, and on the other hoof not teaching her how to when things got sour. And that wasn't nn *if* as he had seen how it worked in school amongst ponies a few times now, and knew that, much like in Griffinstone, bullies would resort to physical abuse if the verbal one didn't work. Granted, pony schools had a lot less sharp talons, which were a plus, but still, there were chances for things going sour.





@@Hazard Time,



Ziggy let out a sound that could best be described as and *audibly excited, high pitched Yey noise* when she were asked about the things from Serenade.


"Going to the castle?  Seeing Baltimare and your parents?"


She zoomed around a little, trying to get the worst of the energy out, before she landed over at Serenade and drew her into a big hug.


"Of course I'll come, Serenade! Oooh, how exciting this will be friend. All the ponies, all the sights, all the adventure! Ehehehe. This will be the best time ever."


Over on a nearby shelf, Fah'lina landed and shook her head at the antics of Ziggy once more, though had her ears on stilts to hear what Serenade would say to this. She didn't want to suddenly wake up one day and find out the two of them had left her behind, so knowing what would happen right now would be important.







"You did."


It seemed a strange question to Omen that the young elder wanted to know how they had gotten here. He had followed them here himself after all, were it not obvious? And even if he meant before that, hadn't it been him that then send for them? It felt like this town and the one elder she had met were getting more confusing to her for every minute she spent here with things like this occurring, though it was mostly with the elder, Before he had shown up, things had made somewhat sense.


"Or didn't you write the message that got us here? Xin said an elder had sent him, and talked about a new one that had shown since Sen were thrown out. Seems like that would be you."


Omen took a slow glance around the hut, soaking in what she could of the place. Several things were there that were strange, and under other circumstances she'd likely have asked questions, but not right now. There were more important questions than about knickknacks, and she also had to see how many guards had come in here too, in case it got time to use a gate to get her, Sen and Lin out. Couldn't be many - if any - considering the size of this place. Right?







"W-Whoa there, are you okay Zen?"


Florence put the box down next to her and went over the pony, cautiously putting a talon on her shoulder and looking down on the monk with concern in her eyes.


Years ago, she had seen something similar to this when a classmate of hers had been kidnapped and he returned. Sometimes he'd go into himself and seemingly have flashbacks to some sort of trauma that the rest of them didn't know about, likely about whatever happened to him, though he usually shivered more and tended to curl into a ball.


Hopefully this was not it though. The sort of trauma that made you like that wasn't pretty, and could turn you into a wreck if you didn't get help from others. That, and of course, that it meant that something awful had happened to them in the first place, which were something that she only hoped would happen to very few beings and this pony wasn't one of them that was for sure.


"Y-Yes, my apologies..." Zen sniffles, wiping some tears away. "I just had flashbacks to...that incident....". Zen's usual friendly grin was replaced with a very sad, almost melancholy, frown. Whatever happened to her, it was clear it wasn't pretty in the slightest.

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@@Blitz Boom


"I... I am that new elder, the one who took to power after the unfortunate occurrences surrounding the exile." The elder turned to Sen and bowed, and keeping his head down sorrowfully replied: "I had my suspicions it was you, Sen, but now I know with certainty. I am truly sorry for what my predecessor had done. I was next in line to become a hunter but seeing the trial that saw you exiled... I had to do something."

He would remain silent for some time but he moved towards a rack with pots and cups, preparing some kind of beverage. He looked up and grabbed a small container and pulled out some leaves and placed them in another pot resting over a small fire. Lin was more cautious but she honestly was looking for a way out. She wasn't sure if all she heard was genuine or lip service but she waited on her brother's response regardless as he had a look of intrigue on him. 

Sen's curiosity was piqued. All he remembered from that trial was the screaming and the pointing, all traumatizing to him. "I don't recognize you, elder. "Who are you?"

The elder returned to the group with warm cups of tea and replied to everyone present. "As you know, the elders never keep their old names to signify their new role and responsibility. I am elder Ghilan, a name that means represents my role as a guide for the clan. And it seems you've found yourself some interesting company. I trust you are doing well?"

Though he did direct the question to everyone, Ghilan looked to Lin and Omen unaware that the former is Sen's lost sister and the latter a puzzling individual. He was curious about both of them. 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


The little kitling crawled over and nestled up to her, leaning on her as it fed off her maternal empathy. The other members of the littler huddled and curled around the kitling, trying to keep it warm and comfy. One of the kits stood atop the others and tilted an ear next to the runt. 


"He...he sad hees....hees, he sad hees... head is...owweee." The little kit tried to squeak out. 

  • Brohoof 1

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Ziggy were almost drooling for a few seconds as Serenade described her parents, and how a visit to them would be. She wasn't the only one intrigued, as the mimic had gotten a very interested look in her eyes at the prospect of food too, but there was a difference between Fah'lina's interest in easy food, and the lines of baked goods that flashed before her eyes until she managed to pull herself together again.


"Baked goods and good music sounds like the best meeting ever. And I can try loads of stuff, no worry. I burn through things like a squirrel, and if Princess Luna can't resist the sugary goodness, what's not to look forward to?"


Fah'lina flew over and landed on Ziggy's head, nodding along with what the pony had said. Granted, loads of sugar wasn't the best for her in the long run, but she didn't really focus on that as much as the prospect of free food. That is, unless it had hay in it. As were proven earlier, when she had taken a few strands to try and taste, hay didn't set well with her taste buds.


"Never been in Baltimare though. Frankly, barely even heard the name before i met you. Is it a good town? Big? Small? Perhaps something like Ponyville, where weird stuff seems to happen all the time?"






Clayton didn't answer straight away as something odd had caught his eye. That being Gordan's cutie mark.


Usually, a cutie mark were simplistic enough to glance the meaning, and often it could have something to do with a pony's name. His own were much like that, being a depiction of four different kinds of gems - a diamond, a ruby, a sapphire and an emerald - next to a magnifying glass, showing his talent for evaluating precious gems. Working his way across the gem market from scratch were how he had been able to start a business in the first place, though he were more of a buyer, seller and advisor on the market itself rather than one of the mine owners who got hold of them.


As for Gordan's cutie mark however, he hadn't the faintest clue. A black sun could mean a plethora of things, with the worst being that he were the sort who could block out the sun - though he didn't seem to have the degree of super villain over him that would surely have to be the case if he could do that - though he could only speculate. And ask, of course, but there were things to do, and he had asked him something first that should be answered as they went along towards the inn. His oqwn questions would come later. or not, but they'd see what time would allow.


"Her name were Bubble Tea I think. My meeting with her were brief, and I only heard it at all because I fumbled around near her inn, trying to get away from the forepony for a time. She seemed understanding all things considered, but I doubt she really did get what the issue were with me. Not because she is from a small town, of course, I don't mean it like that, but things like this isn't easy to actually quantify. Some ponies make livings from understanding that sort, and she is but an innkeeper, so it stands to reason- Ah, I think we're here."


Clayton stopped up briefly in front of the intact inn that marked the business of Bubble Tea, one of Ponyville's caretaker of visitors, so to speak. Likely not a profitable business some time ago, but with all that happened these days, the new princess and the lord of chaos presumably making his near at times, it would be a good tourist attraction to go to this town for some kinda of ponies, and were tourists went, a place for them to rest up would be needed.


The reasoning behind the place of business made well sense to the well-dressed stallion who had fumbled over himself to not make it seem as if he looked down upon her for working here just seconds before. He really didn't either, but when he got nervous, his mouth started to run off and things were said, then he had to try and cover for that by other things to not seem rude or snobbish, like so many others from Canterlot could seem to be at times, and then it just kept going until something else came up that would derail him. Usually it wasn't this much, but this town were really taking a lot out of him currently.


"It is some good brickwork in this building, so it should be good if there is room. Not top quality, but this particular kind of brick works well for insulating in smaller to medium-sized buildings, and you can tell from the lines or mortar that great care is taken in maintaining this, and make sure it is not left unattended and with holes in it for air or water to seep in. I'd say that work have been done here no longer than eleven months ago. Before the winter season of course, though it-"


"You know, it wouldn't kill you to just leave it at me taking care of my own inn. No need to over-analyze things Mr. Businesspony."


Clayton visibly rose from the ground a few inches as the voice emanated from the side of him, and turned to face a simple blue mare with a light-blue mane and tail in a style reminiscent of Applejack, and sporting a cutie mark looking like a knife and a fork crossing over a bed.


"O-Oh, Mrs. Tea. I didn't see you there. We were just coming here to look you."


Bubble tea chuckled a little to herself as she saw the businesspony fumble a little over himself after the surprise. She liked to mess around with ponies now and again, and especially the high and mighty, though she wasn't so sure if there was something mighty about this pony really. He hadn't been rude or condescending when she had heard it, and he had said some nice things about her inn, though a bit too analytical for her taste.


"Well, you found me. I take it that he actually means it's you that look for me then? Name's Bubble Tea, and welcome to Ponyville."


The mare smiled to Gordan and held out a hoof to shake his, if he would take it that were.





@@Hazard Time,




Near the two ponies, a container that looked like it was mainly used for metal suddenly got opened, and an excited filly with a mane that looked like it were ablaze popped her head out, holding three medium-sized springs in her muzzle as she triumphantly blurted out the single word. A smile was plastered over her face, though it also went to wonder as she saw the two cloaked figures that lurked outside the container.


Usually nopony came around to this alleyway unless they were throwing something out, which made it easy to harvest a few parts for Blitz now and again even when it was day, and ponies especially never wore cloaks when they went around here. Not that she had ever seen before at least.


"Why're you wearing cloaks? There's a costume party somewhere?"







"Huh. I figured the ward just worked with magic stuff, not physical things. Guess I underestimated things.


And you're right, Astral should be part of this. I shouldn't be putting this on your shoulders like that without her here really, since you two gotta be part of things together. Just figured I'd fill the time while we wait to pull up at the station and then for some reason it went over into self-defense. A downside to growing up 'round the griffins likely, but eh, just a bit of a talk, so not too damaged. Could've been worse. i could've wanted to show you and tackled somepony."


Chow laughed a bit at tyhe thoughts. That being him tackling some hapless, very confused passenger and pinning him to the ground whilst explaining to Misty what the things he did would do, and the following one about how messed up it really were that this were part of his first reactions, and his first mental imaginations, instead of talking to Misty like you should with a regular filly that age. Granted, she wasn't all that regular, but there was a leap between what she were and what he had been on about.


"Speaking of Canterlot, it seems like we're getting closer. Have a look."


He pointed at the window nearest, where Misty would be able to see the city of Canterlot loom pretty close to them now in all its glory. They'd likely be at the station there within what, 15 minutes at max like this? Sounded about right considering the distance.







Omen sniffed to the cup of tea given to her, unsure what to do with this, as well as the explanation on what had happened. Well, sort of explanation, but it at least gave some answers instead of only piling on more questions for once.


"Why are we here?"


In the end, Omen had taken the offered tea and licked a few droplets in her at a time with her long tongue. It might be bad, but she were resilient, and she were getting a little thirsty frankly, so it seemed fine enough, though she still wondered what the purpose of all of this were. It seemed like a nice time currently, but with what had happened before, and with Sen's exile, what sense where there in this? Shouldn't they be in chains or something?


"If you didn't call for Sen, who did? And why did you take us then? To give Sen back? And what about Lin?"







"Do you uhm... Want to talk about it? Sometimes it helps to get it out."


Florence wasn't entirely certain what she were supposed to do here, as ponies were a lot different from griffins, which could make it difficult to go with what usually worked for one race, and apply it to the other and think it worked. The ones she grew up with for example, usually did well by talking about what were on their mind, be it irritation or bad memories etc. but would that work with Zen? Might be that she didn't respond well to it, or not at all, and she should have tried something else like... Whatever ponies tended to do. Singing it out seemed the popular thing, but the spontaneous musical number were a bit too weird for her tastes.









Briar cringed when he heard Deadpan next to him. Not because of the tasteless joke, but more because he really didn't like being snuck up upon like this. Which were also visible in the face that, as soon as Deadpan had started to talk, the vine on his right side under the cape quickly slid out and rose up, like a snake ready to attack, and the sharp, sturdy petals of the *pod* opening and getting ready to grab hold in something. Or in that case, somepony.


When Rose came flying and proclaimed that something were wrong with Musical, the vine returned to under the cape and into his body again, though he made no attempts at preparing to follow the way that Musical had flown off to.


"You should make your way to them Deadpan. I will join your shortly, right after I have examined something that requires some degree of stealth."


With that, he went ahead to where he had heard the mare before, who had apparently taken control of Musical in some way, as he had feared. An unfortunate situation in all ways, truly, but one that needed examined, and he wasn't all that convinced that Deadpan would be able to sneak in and assist in this endeavor really.


Certainly, he had snuck up on Briar, but the snaproot had been woefully single-minded and focused on just listening for vague smells of others in the paths ahead, and had ignored what happened at him or behind him to make sure that he could take notice if something happened. In other situations, he couldn't imagine it would go as simple as this, just as now when the situation required to go for one with as little sound as possible.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Ziggy were almost drooling for a few seconds as Serenade described her parents, and how a visit to them would be. She wasn't the only one intrigued, as the mimic had gotten a very interested look in her eyes at the prospect of food too, but there was a difference between Fah'lina's interest in easy food, and the lines of baked goods that flashed before her eyes until she managed to pull herself together again.


"Baked goods and good music sounds like the best meeting ever. And I can try loads of stuff, no worry. I burn through things like a squirrel, and if Princess Luna can't resist the sugary goodness, what's not to look forward to?"


Fah'lina flew over and landed on Ziggy's head, nodding along with what the pony had said. Granted, loads of sugar wasn't the best for her in the long run, but she didn't really focus on that as much as the prospect of free food. That is, unless it had hay in it. As were proven earlier, when she had taken a few strands to try and taste, hay didn't set well with her taste buds.


"Never been in Baltimare though. Frankly, barely even heard the name before i met you. Is it a good town? Big? Small? Perhaps something like Ponyville, where weird stuff seems to happen all the time?"






Clayton didn't answer straight away as something odd had caught his eye. That being Gordan's cutie mark.


Usually, a cutie mark were simplistic enough to glance the meaning, and often it could have something to do with a pony's name. His own were much like that, being a depiction of four different kinds of gems - a diamond, a ruby, a sapphire and an emerald - next to a magnifying glass, showing his talent for evaluating precious gems. Working his way across the gem market from scratch were how he had been able to start a business in the first place, though he were more of a buyer, seller and advisor on the market itself rather than one of the mine owners who got hold of them.


As for Gordan's cutie mark however, he hadn't the faintest clue. A black sun could mean a plethora of things, with the worst being that he were the sort who could block out the sun - though he didn't seem to have the degree of super villain over him that would surely have to be the case if he could do that - though he could only speculate. And ask, of course, but there were things to do, and he had asked him something first that should be answered as they went along towards the inn. His oqwn questions would come later. or not, but they'd see what time would allow.


"Her name were Bubble Tea I think. My meeting with her were brief, and I only heard it at all because I fumbled around near her inn, trying to get away from the forepony for a time. She seemed understanding all things considered, but I doubt she really did get what the issue were with me. Not because she is from a small town, of course, I don't mean it like that, but things like this isn't easy to actually quantify. Some ponies make livings from understanding that sort, and she is but an innkeeper, so it stands to reason- Ah, I think we're here."


Clayton stopped up briefly in front of the intact inn that marked the business of Bubble Tea, one of Ponyville's caretaker of visitors, so to speak. Likely not a profitable business some time ago, but with all that happened these days, the new princess and the lord of chaos presumably making his near at times, it would be a good tourist attraction to go to this town for some kinda of ponies, and were tourists went, a place for them to rest up would be needed.


The reasoning behind the place of business made well sense to the well-dressed stallion who had fumbled over himself to not make it seem as if he looked down upon her for working here just seconds before. He really didn't either, but when he got nervous, his mouth started to run off and things were said, then he had to try and cover for that by other things to not seem rude or snobbish, like so many others from Canterlot could seem to be at times, and then it just kept going until something else came up that would derail him. Usually it wasn't this much, but this town were really taking a lot out of him currently.


"It is some good brickwork in this building, so it should be good if there is room. Not top quality, but this particular kind of brick works well for insulating in smaller to medium-sized buildings, and you can tell from the lines or mortar that great care is taken in maintaining this, and make sure it is not left unattended and with holes in it for air or water to seep in. I'd say that work have been done here no longer than eleven months ago. Before the winter season of course, though it-"


"You know, it wouldn't kill you to just leave it at me taking care of my own inn. No need to over-analyze things Mr. Businesspony."


Clayton visibly rose from the ground a few inches as the voice emanated from the side of him, and turned to face a simple blue mare with a light-blue mane and tail in a style reminiscent of Applejack, and sporting a cutie mark looking like a knife and a fork crossing over a bed.


"O-Oh, Mrs. Tea. I didn't see you there. We were just coming here to look you."


Bubble tea chuckled a little to herself as she saw the businesspony fumble a little over himself after the surprise. She liked to mess around with ponies now and again, and especially the high and mighty, though she wasn't so sure if there was something mighty about this pony really. He hadn't been rude or condescending when she had heard it, and he had said some nice things about her inn, though a bit too analytical for her taste.


"Well, you found me. I take it that he actually means it's you that look for me then? Name's Bubble Tea, and welcome to Ponyville."


The mare smiled to Gordan and held out a hoof to shake his, if he would take it that were.





@@Hazard Time,




Near the two ponies, a container that looked like it was mainly used for metal suddenly got opened, and an excited filly with a mane that looked like it were ablaze popped her head out, holding three medium-sized springs in her muzzle as she triumphantly blurted out the single word. A smile was plastered over her face, though it also went to wonder as she saw the two cloaked figures that lurked outside the container.


Usually nopony came around to this alleyway unless they were throwing something out, which made it easy to harvest a few parts for Blitz now and again even when it was day, and ponies especially never wore cloaks when they went around here. Not that she had ever seen before at least.


"Why're you wearing cloaks? There's a costume party somewhere?"







"Huh. I figured the ward just worked with magic stuff, not physical things. Guess I underestimated things.


And you're right, Astral should be part of this. I shouldn't be putting this on your shoulders like that without her here really, since you two gotta be part of things together. Just figured I'd fill the time while we wait to pull up at the station and then for some reason it went over into self-defense. A downside to growing up 'round the griffins likely, but eh, just a bit of a talk, so not too damaged. Could've been worse. i could've wanted to show you and tackled somepony."


Chow laughed a bit at tyhe thoughts. That being him tackling some hapless, very confused passenger and pinning him to the ground whilst explaining to Misty what the things he did would do, and the following one about how messed up it really were that this were part of his first reactions, and his first mental imaginations, instead of talking to Misty like you should with a regular filly that age. Granted, she wasn't all that regular, but there was a leap between what she were and what he had been on about.


"Speaking of Canterlot, it seems like we're getting closer. Have a look."


He pointed at the window nearest, where Misty would be able to see the city of Canterlot loom pretty close to them now in all its glory. They'd likely be at the station there within what, 15 minutes at max like this? Sounded about right considering the distance.







Omen sniffed to the cup of tea given to her, unsure what to do with this, as well as the explanation on what had happened. Well, sort of explanation, but it at least gave some answers instead of only piling on more questions for once.


"Why are we here?"


In the end, Omen had taken the offered tea and licked a few droplets in her at a time with her long tongue. It might be bad, but she were resilient, and she were getting a little thirsty frankly, so it seemed fine enough, though she still wondered what the purpose of all of this were. It seemed like a nice time currently, but with what had happened before, and with Sen's exile, what sense where there in this? Shouldn't they be in chains or something?


"If you didn't call for Sen, who did? And why did you take us then? To give Sen back? And what about Lin?"







"Do you uhm... Want to talk about it? Sometimes it helps to get it out."


Florence wasn't entirely certain what she were supposed to do here, as ponies were a lot different from griffins, which could make it difficult to go with what usually worked for one race, and apply it to the other and think it worked. The ones she grew up with for example, usually did well by talking about what were on their mind, be it irritation or bad memories etc. but would that work with Zen? Might be that she didn't respond well to it, or not at all, and she should have tried something else like... Whatever ponies tended to do. Singing it out seemed the popular thing, but the spontaneous musical number were a bit too weird for her tastes.









Briar cringed when he heard Deadpan next to him. Not because of the tasteless joke, but more because he really didn't like being snuck up upon like this. Which were also visible in the face that, as soon as Deadpan had started to talk, the vine on his right side under the cape quickly slid out and rose up, like a snake ready to attack, and the sharp, sturdy petals of the *pod* opening and getting ready to grab hold in something. Or in that case, somepony.


When Rose came flying and proclaimed that something were wrong with Musical, the vine returned to under the cape and into his body again, though he made no attempts at preparing to follow the way that Musical had flown off to.


"You should make your way to them Deadpan. I will join your shortly, right after I have examined something that requires some degree of stealth."


With that, he went ahead to where he had heard the mare before, who had apparently taken control of Musical in some way, as he had feared. An unfortunate situation in all ways, truly, but one that needed examined, and he wasn't all that convinced that Deadpan would be able to sneak in and assist in this endeavor really.


Certainly, he had snuck up on Briar, but the snaproot had been woefully single-minded and focused on just listening for vague smells of others in the paths ahead, and had ignored what happened at him or behind him to make sure that he could take notice if something happened. In other situations, he couldn't imagine it would go as simple as this, just as now when the situation required to go for one with as little sound as possible.


"N-No, I think I'm good..." Zen sniffled. She never really was the best at dealing with problems. She usually kept them bottled up inside, that much was obvious.


"I was just remembering my old home village. It was wonderful. You would've loved it..."




"Alright, I gotcha!" Deadpan grinned and obliviously skipped to where Briar told him to go.

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@@Blitz Boom


Ghilan had his doubts and those were magnified upon hearing Omen's inquiries. Though he did recall rummaging through old documents regarding the trial and the one regarding Xin's mission. He pulled out a piece of paper containing a copy of the missive in question as well as a second version of it with the incriminating evidence that previously left him stumped, and handed both to Omen. 

"Here, these might have the answers you seek. They are essentially the same missive written by the previous elder requiring volunteers to retrieve Sen; the second one details what could be considered a vain justification of horrible actions. My predecessor was desperate to maintain his image of competence that he would rather see the old ways hold true at the expense of one's happiness. i suspect he wanted these documents destroyed."

He approached Lin and took a good, long look at her. Her new appearance puzzled him, the smoke, the color, just how much different she was but he knew the story of the exile too well. And now that he was face-to-face with her, he is content with the fact that there is an ending to the story, a bittersweet one. Before he came to power, he recalls the emergence of a story about a young hunter who defied the old ways out of his selfishness and it was his selfishness that led to his banishment. The truth was that his selfishness was actually his sorrow driving him to action. It only highlights just how wrong aspects the old ways are.

"I still wanted to meet you all. If I am to live up to my name and role, I need to learn how, and I can achieve that by learning from all of you."

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@@Blitz Boom,@@asdfmovienerd39,



as Phoenix was taking in all of this information, she saw the ponies suddenly split off. she decided to follow Briar, seeing as where he was going seemed most interesting to her. however, in doing so she lost concentration of where she was stepping, and tripped on a tree root, landing with an "oof!

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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade chuckles, "I think Mom managed to weaponize baked goods, cause I'm pretty sure she needs a permit for the sheer amount of sugar in her Alicorn cookies." She fluffs her wings a bit, "Also, Fah'ina, she'll take one look and you and make you your own food. She's a whiz when it comes to food, cooking for a carnivore does that." She rolls onto her side, "Baltimare is a big city, more like Canterlot and Manehatten then Ponyville, but we were live is along Horseshoe Bay, so more like a denser Ponyville but with less Pinkie Pie and more Mr. and Mrs. Cake" 

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@@Blitz Boom


The cloaked figure lagging behind yelped in surprise and reared up, falling over onto its back and staring up at the sky, shuddering with terror.  The hood and cloak fell away from his body to reveal a grey crystalline stallion with a waifish figure, tears forming near the edges of his eyes.




The other figure stopped and glared at the filly, burning green irises regarding her with outrage.  The air about thickened, and the large pony's shoulders began to quake as it drew in a deep breath.  "How dare you!" a feminine voice bellowed, the alleyway shaking with the volume of her voice.  The stallion on the ground covered his ears, curling up into a fetal position and whimpering.


"Do you have nothing better to do than startle random ponies, huh?!  Is that funny to you?  You should be ashamed of yourself!  Do you have any idea what you've done, you absolute twat?!"

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@@Blitz Boom, Misty nodded, with a shrug. "Yeah, warding spells come in several variants. Ones that protect against magic, and others that protect against physical harm, or both" She explained, it was rather confusing at times for her, she occasionally had to ask because of how similar they were at times, it would've helped if there was only one warding spell, not ten. She looked out the train window as Chow told her to, she gasped in awe. She had seen Canterlot from the Everfree forest before, but never this close. "Whoa." Misty climbed over Chow to get closer to the window. "I've never seen it from this close."


"Me neither" Astral didn't really consider she needed to tell them she was awake, she was there for who knows how long, maybe Chow managed to notice her, or was scared out of his horse shoes.


"AH!" Misty yelled, turning around suddenly. Slapping Astral instinctively. yellow lines appeared, making arcane shapes that covered the area of contact, and staid there a few moments after. Misty imideatly recognized Astral, apologizing. "Sorry Astral!"


She placed a hoof over the area. "It's fine, I shouldn't of appeared unannounced." She rubbed it a bit, she never had experienced the warding spells effects in that way, it felt so weird to her. She expected pain but didn't feel any, and her head hadn't moved from the force of the slap either. Sure a sword almost impaled her before, but that was different, this was physical contact from the pony themselves. Not a weapon. "I've only ever had that defend weapons, not hoof slaps." She climbed onto the seat. "Anyways, I'm all charged up now." She said holding the gem around her neck, glowing lightly. "And my life force has recovered completely, I've never actually felt this refreshed before."


Misty looked at Chow. "In layman's terms, she's feeling better." Astral giggled at Misty's comment.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom,@@asdfmovienerd39,



as Phoenix was taking in all of this information, she saw the ponies suddenly split off. she decided to follow Briar, seeing as where he was going seemed most interesting to her. however, in doing so she lost concentration of where she was stepping, and tripped on a tree root, landing with an "oof!

Deadpan heard Phoenix trip and quickly looked around and rushed over to her. "Hey, lady, you okay?" he asked with concern clear in his voice. He reached out his hoof to help her up. He looked at her worriedly. Deadpan may be a tad annoying, but its very clear he's a very caring person when someone actually gets hurt.

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Omen just starred at the papers she had been given, looking at the gibberish that was sprawled across the front pages for a little before turning over to Sen and handing them to him.


"I can't read."


You'd think that after several millennia that this would have been a skill that she would have picked up, but after her master's disappearance - or petrification, as it had turned out to be - she had grown stagnant and just waited, looking a few times, but otherwise halting herself for millennia, convinced that one of the days, her master would be back, and things would move along as they needed to.


Mother had not wanted this, and eventually, had made Omen return to Equestria on a more or less permanent basis so that she could try to move along without her absent master, but between her mostly trying to feebly understand this orderly world over the chaotic one Discord had brought her into, and continuing to search for him, she hadn't learned much. Frankly, the last few days with Sen and Lin - as confusing as a lot of things there had been - had actually taught her more than she had gathered in the past ten years, if not more.


Unfortunately, writing wasn't one of them though, and as such, she might as well give these papers to Sen. It was about him anyway, so it seemed fine, yes?


"Xin lied to get us here, then got my friends into a trap. Ropes and spears makes the longma look bad. Very bad. Or did you only send the big one that didn't tie them up? If you did, why did Xin listen to somepony that doesn't sound like an elder anymore?"







"He can take mine."


The two ponies got a different reaction upon hearing the direct, somewhat neutral - as in, she's not a pile of smiles, but she's not a big meanie grumpy either - voice of the mare behind them.


Clayton looked like he were going out of his good coat momentarily, and even when he gathered himself a little more, his nervousness didn't decrease much as the forepony glanced at him. Even if he constantly chanted *calm yourself, she won't hurt you' over and over in his head, being this close to her, and remembering how she could be from one of the previous times when he tried to tell her that he needed more time, didn't make it work much. Something was up, that much he were certain about, and if he were lucky, it'd just end with him getting more stressed out.


Bubble Tea on the other hoof, got a slight grimace on her face when Last Stand said that this outsider could get the room in the basement that had been provided to her, and a somewhat stern undertone in her voice as she responded to the mare.


"Last, you know the doctors ordered you to have a place to rest."


"I have a town to oversee the rebuilding of. I don't have the luxury of time to waste on that."


The ash-grey mare with the black, braided mane and the loose tail looked somewhat irritable when the mention of the doctors came up, which made Clayton look a bit less enthusiastic about things when she glared at him with the right, ice-blue and narrow eye. The other were closed, and had an old scar going over it, but he didn't focus on this so much more as the papers that were in her bound hooves, which she promptly gave to him.


"Fix it."


"Y-Yes of course, I'll go to the post station and send off letters immediately."


He didn't linger enough to hear more as he took the papers, and scurried along to the Ponyville post office to send yet another few letters of things that needed to get here. It had happened often enough that he pretty much had two or three of the mailmares on constant duty, just from things like this, but thankfully, thus far there hadn't been a problem there. Might have been if he didn't pay for the time and postage - along with several tips for the hard work they went through - but he wasn't the sort who'd skip from the bill. Nothing good ever came from that.


"You're going to end up providing him with a nervous breakdown."


"Ponyville haves a good hospital if it comes to that. Until then though, I need supplies, and I need them now."


last Stand absentmindedly scratched the long, fresh stitched going over her belly before finally turning to address the stranger that she had given her room. He might take notice of the searching look that went over him for a few seconds, if his eyes weren't drawn towards the scabbard on her side that seemed to radiate white flames that, for reasons unknown, didn't seem to hurt her. Were it a blade of holy magic? Potentially it, but in either case, it might draw his eyes over the way that Last looked at him.


"And you. You wanted a room? You got the last one in town, but it doesn't come free. I have need of workers, and whatever you can do is likely going to be of some usage to this. What are your special skills? And if it's just sitting around and blocking out the sun in that way, how much can you lift?"


She had bitten notice in his cutie mark pretty fast, though it didn't make much sense to her in a way that didn't seem evil or lazy. Likely were something that just didn't make a lot of sense to more than him at a glance, but they'd see when he started talking.


Her own cutie mark - if he cared to check - were a steel gate with a splatter of blood going over it. Nothing all that comforting, but somewhat understandable at least, considering her name, the scar over her eye and the sword.







"The pain of loosing is never easy to get over. In some ways... I don't think you ever really can."


Florence gave Zen a warm, but knowing look, as she slowly moved her talon away from the pony and turned her face towards the town behind them. The rampant destruction that could be glanced even from here were good at helping to clear her head before she started to think too much on what Zen might have lost in her village. Or rather, who she might have lost, as a town never tended to be destroyed without it taking at least some of its citizens with it.


It wasn't that she didn't sympathize or thought it unimportant, but it was just that... Well, when she were faced with things like this, eventually she'd begin to think of a loss of her own, and the crippling feeling that would gnaw in her chest wasn't something she wanted to face if she could help it. She had spent enough time crying over her home, her friends and her uncle, and it wouldn't do Zen any good if she began to break down a little with her. The poor pony was there to help after all, not end in a crying session with a stranger.


"Think you're ready to go on Zen? Needle and I have to get to the hospital first, which is some way from the damaged buildings, but there are some injured ones from yesterday. Nopony serious, thankfully, as they managed to evacuate quickly, but... You know, just in case."







"Awh, that's a pity. Pinkie Pie seems to make this place a whole lot more festive. Only been here a few days and I've already seen her do a massive party the night before I met you. It was pretty. There were balloons, and punch, and food and all sorts of things. And party games! Oh, oh, and her cannon! You should have been there. She was shooting when I flew down, and it went *Poof* in my face. I looked like a pile of confetti."


Ziggy giggled a little as the mental image came back of her suddenly veering backwards and across the earth from the hit, then the laugther as Pinkie looked at all the stuff that had gotten stuck to her. It hadn't hurt, and it actually made the night all sorts of fun until she finally got it off - or well, a unicorn helped her - and could fly around to look at things again.


"But Baltimare still sounds fun. Especially when it's at the ocean! We don't have one near us back in Las Pegasus, and I've only been near a beach once, I think. That, or it were a cart full of sand. Not entirely sure what really. It was sorta dark and I was all kinds of tired."


As for the rodent, she just grinned a little and opened her jaws wide again. Not to hiss, but more in a way of communicating  that there were plenty of room to get around, all things considered. Granted, her stomach wasn't that big, but still, who didn't like to claim that they were up for the challenge.


"First things first though, we have t get you ready for the princess meeting. Very important to get that done right so that you and Princess Twilight can get things sorted before somepony gets all up in a tip."





@@Hazard Time,


"Sorry... But nopony is ever out here. They always go on the street unless they're tossing out metal."


Blitz looked a bit down from the assault of words that was slung her way, but she wasn't bowing down and slinking back in the container just because this one was a big ol' grumpy meanie-pants. Nuhuh, she couldn't see that anypony was outside of here, and she had just popped out and been happy that she had found some springs. What was so wrong with that?


"I didn't mean to scare Mr. Glitterpony, but that doesn't mean it's okay for you to be a big bully. I was just happy I found some springs, and I'm not gonna stop being happy about that because a meanie pony says bad things to me."


She let go of springs, that fell down in front of the container and pulled her tongue at the loud one before looking over to the other pony who didn't look so good. Kinda strange really, as she wasn't usually scary to others unless she had some bombs with her, which she currently didn't. Boring Mrs. Mayor Mare didn't want her to have fun stuff like that anywhere near the town these days anymore.


"Hey, mister, are you okay? I swear, i don't have any bombs with me today."


Concern were in her voice as she put her focus on this pony over the other one, hoping that her reassuring words would make him feel a bit better and get up instead of looking like that. Or well, reassuring words for her. For this one, the notion of her ever having bombs into town might just make things worse, who knew?







"By the great egg! Astral, you nearly scared the feathers of me, figuratively speaking."


Chow had been halfway through the motions of turning around and clock the surprise visitor one - that being, he had turned around and were about to rise his hoof before he got to his damn senses - before he had instead let out a small chuckle and patted Astral a bit on the shoulder. Thankfully his reflexes hadn't gone completely through or this would've ended badly for at least one of them, and currently, he were thinking that somepony would be him. He hadn't any magic to speak of after all, whilst Astral had all sorts of dark magic books, which meant that even if he got the first part in, she'd have the upper hoof in a jiffy.


Misty hadn't been so quick in it and had actually managed to get a kick in on Astral, though from the looks of things, the warding magic had done something strange when that went on. Perhaps the clashing magics made some sort of burn in it when they met? Possible, but right now, he'd likely be better off not knowing too much about this. That, and keep in mind that if he had actually tried to clock her one, the warding spell he had would've likely reflected him straight outta one of the windows, so keeping from this sort of action would be a good idea.


"Good to hear you're a bit fresher in it, but are you sure you're not just here because you needed one of us to get back with you and sing you a bedtime lullaby?"


Taunting her however, didn't seem like it'd get him into too much trouble al things considered, or at least not enough to not make him think it totally worth it. Sorta.


Okay, guess he'd see, but still, he didn't regret teasing a bit in the moment, so that'd be something at least.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Omen just starred at the papers she had been given, looking at the gibberish that was sprawled across the front pages for a little before turning over to Sen and handing them to him.


"I can't read."


You'd think that after several millennia that this would have been a skill that she would have picked up, but after her master's disappearance - or petrification, as it had turned out to be - she had grown stagnant and just waited, looking a few times, but otherwise halting herself for millennia, convinced that one of the days, her master would be back, and things would move along as they needed to.


Mother had not wanted this, and eventually, had made Omen return to Equestria on a more or less permanent basis so that she could try to move along without her absent master, but between her mostly trying to feebly understand this orderly world over the chaotic one Discord had brought her into, and continuing to search for him, she hadn't learned much. Frankly, the last few days with Sen and Lin - as confusing as a lot of things there had been - had actually taught her more than she had gathered in the past ten years, if not more.


Unfortunately, writing wasn't one of them though, and as such, she might as well give these papers to Sen. It was about him anyway, so it seemed fine, yes?


"Xin lied to get us here, then got my friends into a trap. Ropes and spears makes the longma look bad. Very bad. Or did you only send the big one that didn't tie them up? If you did, why did Xin listen to somepony that doesn't sound like an elder anymore?"







"He can take mine."


The two ponies got a different reaction upon hearing the direct, somewhat neutral - as in, she's not a pile of smiles, but she's not a big meanie grumpy either - voice of the mare behind them.


Clayton looked like he were going out of his good coat momentarily, and even when he gathered himself a little more, his nervousness didn't decrease much as the forepony glanced at him. Even if he constantly chanted *calm yourself, she won't hurt you' over and over in his head, being this close to her, and remembering how she could be from one of the previous times when he tried to tell her that he needed more time, didn't make it work much. Something was up, that much he were certain about, and if he were lucky, it'd just end with him getting more stressed out.


Bubble Tea on the other hoof, got a slight grimace on her face when Last Stand said that this outsider could get the room in the basement that had been provided to her, and a somewhat stern undertone in her voice as she responded to the mare.


"Last, you know the doctors ordered you to have a place to rest."


"I have a town to oversee the rebuilding of. I don't have the luxury of time to waste on that."


The ash-grey mare with the black, braided mane and the loose tail looked somewhat irritable when the mention of the doctors came up, which made Clayton look a bit less enthusiastic about things when she glared at him with the right, ice-blue and narrow eye. The other were closed, and had an old scar going over it, but he didn't focus on this so much more as the papers that were in her bound hooves, which she promptly gave to him.


"Fix it."


"Y-Yes of course, I'll go to the post station and send off letters immediately."


He didn't linger enough to hear more as he took the papers, and scurried along to the Ponyville post office to send yet another few letters of things that needed to get here. It had happened often enough that he pretty much had two or three of the mailmares on constant duty, just from things like this, but thankfully, thus far there hadn't been a problem there. Might have been if he didn't pay for the time and postage - along with several tips for the hard work they went through - but he wasn't the sort who'd skip from the bill. Nothing good ever came from that.


"You're going to end up providing him with a nervous breakdown."


"Ponyville haves a good hospital if it comes to that. Until then though, I need supplies, and I need them now."


last Stand absentmindedly scratched the long, fresh stitched going over her belly before finally turning to address the stranger that she had given her room. He might take notice of the searching look that went over him for a few seconds, if his eyes weren't drawn towards the scabbard on her side that seemed to radiate white flames that, for reasons unknown, didn't seem to hurt her. Were it a blade of holy magic? Potentially it, but in either case, it might draw his eyes over the way that Last looked at him.


"And you. You wanted a room? You got the last one in town, but it doesn't come free. I have need of workers, and whatever you can do is likely going to be of some usage to this. What are your special skills? And if it's just sitting around and blocking out the sun in that way, how much can you lift?"


She had bitten notice in his cutie mark pretty fast, though it didn't make much sense to her in a way that didn't seem evil or lazy. Likely were something that just didn't make a lot of sense to more than him at a glance, but they'd see when he started talking.


Her own cutie mark - if he cared to check - were a steel gate with a splatter of blood going over it. Nothing all that comforting, but somewhat understandable at least, considering her name, the scar over her eye and the sword.







"The pain of loosing is never easy to get over. In some ways... I don't think you ever really can."


Florence gave Zen a warm, but knowing look, as she slowly moved her talon away from the pony and turned her face towards the town behind them. The rampant destruction that could be glanced even from here were good at helping to clear her head before she started to think too much on what Zen might have lost in her village. Or rather, who she might have lost, as a town never tended to be destroyed without it taking at least some of its citizens with it.


It wasn't that she didn't sympathize or thought it unimportant, but it was just that... Well, when she were faced with things like this, eventually she'd begin to think of a loss of her own, and the crippling feeling that would gnaw in her chest wasn't something she wanted to face if she could help it. She had spent enough time crying over her home, her friends and her uncle, and it wouldn't do Zen any good if she began to break down a little with her. The poor pony was there to help after all, not end in a crying session with a stranger.


"Think you're ready to go on Zen? Needle and I have to get to the hospital first, which is some way from the damaged buildings, but there are some injured ones from yesterday. Nopony serious, thankfully, as they managed to evacuate quickly, but... You know, just in case."







"Awh, that's a pity. Pinkie Pie seems to make this place a whole lot more festive. Only been here a few days and I've already seen her do a massive party the night before I met you. It was pretty. There were balloons, and punch, and food and all sorts of things. And party games! Oh, oh, and her cannon! You should have been there. She was shooting when I flew down, and it went *Poof* in my face. I looked like a pile of confetti."


Ziggy giggled a little as the mental image came back of her suddenly veering backwards and across the earth from the hit, then the laugther as Pinkie looked at all the stuff that had gotten stuck to her. It hadn't hurt, and it actually made the night all sorts of fun until she finally got it off - or well, a unicorn helped her - and could fly around to look at things again.


"But Baltimare still sounds fun. Especially when it's at the ocean! We don't have one near us back in Las Pegasus, and I've only been near a beach once, I think. That, or it were a cart full of sand. Not entirely sure what really. It was sorta dark and I was all kinds of tired."


As for the rodent, she just grinned a little and opened her jaws wide again. Not to hiss, but more in a way of communicating  that there were plenty of room to get around, all things considered. Granted, her stomach wasn't that big, but still, who didn't like to claim that they were up for the challenge.


"First things first though, we have t get you ready for the princess meeting. Very important to get that done right so that you and Princess Twilight can get things sorted before somepony gets all up in a tip."





@@Hazard Time,


"Sorry... But nopony is ever out here. They always go on the street unless they're tossing out metal."


Blitz looked a bit down from the assault of words that was slung her way, but she wasn't bowing down and slinking back in the container just because this one was a big ol' grumpy meanie-pants. Nuhuh, she couldn't see that anypony was outside of here, and she had just popped out and been happy that she had found some springs. What was so wrong with that?


"I didn't mean to scare Mr. Glitterpony, but that doesn't mean it's okay for you to be a big bully. I was just happy I found some springs, and I'm not gonna stop being happy about that because a meanie pony says bad things to me."


She let go of springs, that fell down in front of the container and pulled her tongue at the loud one before looking over to the other pony who didn't look so good. Kinda strange really, as she wasn't usually scary to others unless she had some bombs with her, which she currently didn't. Boring Mrs. Mayor Mare didn't want her to have fun stuff like that anywhere near the town these days anymore.


"Hey, mister, are you okay? I swear, i don't have any bombs with me today."


Concern were in her voice as she put her focus on this pony over the other one, hoping that her reassuring words would make him feel a bit better and get up instead of looking like that. Or well, reassuring words for her. For this one, the notion of her ever having bombs into town might just make things worse, who knew?







"By the great egg! Astral, you nearly scared the feathers of me, figuratively speaking."


Chow had been halfway through the motions of turning around and clock the surprise visitor one - that being, he had turned around and were about to rise his hoof before he got to his damn senses - before he had instead let out a small chuckle and patted Astral a bit on the shoulder. Thankfully his reflexes hadn't gone completely through or this would've ended badly for at least one of them, and currently, he were thinking that somepony would be him. He hadn't any magic to speak of after all, whilst Astral had all sorts of dark magic books, which meant that even if he got the first part in, she'd have the upper hoof in a jiffy.


Misty hadn't been so quick in it and had actually managed to get a kick in on Astral, though from the looks of things, the warding magic had done something strange when that went on. Perhaps the clashing magics made some sort of burn in it when they met? Possible, but right now, he'd likely be better off not knowing too much about this. That, and keep in mind that if he had actually tried to clock her one, the warding spell he had would've likely reflected him straight outta one of the windows, so keeping from this sort of action would be a good idea.


"Good to hear you're a bit fresher in it, but are you sure you're not just here because you needed one of us to get back with you and sing you a bedtime lullaby?"


Taunting her however, didn't seem like it'd get him into too much trouble al things considered, or at least not enough to not make him think it totally worth it. Sorta.


Okay, guess he'd see, but still, he didn't regret teasing a bit in the moment, so that'd be something at least.


"I think that's a wonderful idea, thank you.." Zen sniffled and smiled at Florence. She then sent her a telepathic message, ​It's okay. I can tell you've lost people too...If you ever need a friend to talk about it, I'm here.


​It was Zen's duty to help out as many creatures as she could, and this griffin was one that probably needed it.

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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade freezes, "OH SWEET ALICORNS. I forgot about Pinkie Pie, I postponed my own party cause I said I was nocturnal and that I didn't want everybody staying up late just for me, and that when I switched to day shift she could throw me one."  Serenade gets up and walks over to her desk, quickly writing a short note and addressing it to Ponyville's Premier Party Planner Pony and then quickly putting it in her mailbox, "Hopefully Pinkie accepts my apology...and as for preparing, I've got two books and a speech in my head, hopefully she doesn't panic, which is why I had Princess Luna set up the meeting and attend. And why I want you to attend, I'm probably gonna need a friend to make sure I don't reach extreme stress levels"

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"I'm gonna go with him. See ya!" Musical says, and fies off in direction of Deadpan.


"Me too!" Rose says, and runs off with Musical.


After they chased Deadpan, they saw Phhoenix tripping and falling.


"Wow, rare to see this version of him." Musical says.


"Don't be rude." Rose answers.


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@@Blitz Boom, Okay, Astral didn't expect that from him. She only just woke up, the idea didn't really- No, she didn't want to find out what he sounded like singing. But the comment still made her blush a bit. "Uh, No. I woke up, decided to come and sit with you guys, spent some time looking for the car you guys were in though."


Misty turned to look out the window. "Again, I'm sorry I hit you."


"It's alright, I'm sure if Chow would've done it too." She looked to him. "I saw you reflexing, looked like you were going to." She had a bit of a keen eye, not that much of one though. But it was enough for her to notice the way he flinched.


Misty turned her head, looking back at Astral. "When did you wake up?"


"Few minutes ago, spent most of them looking for you guys." She said pointed a hoof at them. "But then I realized you were in the car right in front of mine; not in the back cars."


Misty giggled a bit. "Well at least you found us."


Astral placed a hoof on Misty's head, starting to scratch it. "I couldn't just leave you to alone." Astral looked at Chow, a question on her mind. "So what did you two talk about while I was asleep?"

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@@Blitz Boom



"Wait, your sister?" The Pegasus seemed genuinely surprised. "Was your mother a filthy Earth Pony? Did she enjoy consorting outside her species? It must be why you're only half a Pegasus!" The others started to laugh as he stared at her with a grin on his face. Insulting a one winged half-breed seemed to be amusing him. There were even a few snickers and chuckles from both the Unicorns and the Earth Ponies, though the Earth Ponies didn't laugh until he had said "half a Pegasus."



@@Blitz Boom


"Very observant. Most focus only on order, not understanding that life itself is chaos. If left unchecked, The Forgotten One would have eliminated all other life, banishing all to a dream world that would cease to exist without dreamers. The fall of Ponyville would have given him enough power to make him unstoppable." The Traveler opened a portal, though not large enough for himself. "I must replace my former self for this trip to Ponyville, but you may simply walk through. I cannot risk there being two of me here."




@@Blitz Boom


"We weren't really told what would happen if someone took a dream into reality, so I'm not sure what would happen," Charlie responded. "By the way, I saw a piece of you was cut off. How long do you think it would take you to grow back? I lost a limb to a snowstorm once, and it took years to regrow."

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@Seamore Sandwich

@Blitz Boom 


Phantom was content to watch. Observing, realizing whatever relationship these characters had, and steadily coming to the conclusion that the real world is far, far stranger than any dream he's experienced. 


Thinking to himself, 'okay...Sentient tree...Supernatural being...That might have regeneration powers...Charley...Vivid...Damn, this is too much information to process. I'd rather just chill out at The Door until--'


He blinked at a particular line--one about a portal he might be able to go through, that'd connect him to the real world. 


"...Wait what's happening now--?"


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Since when did you guys talk!?


She looked down the the little one talking and then to the one who was owie. "What's wrong little one? Tell me how it hurts." She nuzzled him more as she tried to comfort him even though she could do little. "Want me to get the nurse or medic?" 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Otho mommy got hurt. She got....she got....big horse lady shot big majic at her. Dat hurt her ans dat hurt Petey too." Said the kit from before, as she stroked the whimpering kitling w/ her tail.  "They was...talking? Talking with dare...dare....dare heads." she said as she tapped the side of hers. 

  • Brohoof 1

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"Your um... telepathic is it? Or something...?" Bringing her hoof to her chin to think, she knew it was something like that but really did not know for sure. "Is there anything that can be done for him? To like help easy the pain or anything?" She had no idea what to do in this case.

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


'Uhhhhh..." The kit went. Then the whimpering kitling muttered something. "Hmmm." She leaned in and listened.  "Doktor...chanjewing doktor...M-Miles....Chanjewing Doktor Miles. He helped! He also helped mommy when she had really, really, really big owie! Like biggest owie eva!" the kit exclaimed. 

  • Brohoof 1

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