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open Casual stroll

Blitz Boom

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"Alright, all you have to do is wait till the end of the day. Think you can do that for me? I'm Watts, by the way. What's your name?" Watts asked kindly, smiling at him while helping out other customers. She liked the look of him so maybe he could help out in some way.

@Blitz Boom & @Lloyd


Dawn gave a start when she felt Astral's energy, but in spite of her curiosity, she decided to stay quiet about it for the time being. "The only elements I've heard of are harmonic ones. What's all this about disharmony?" Dawn questioned instead, her wings fluffing in agitation as she took a quick glance to the retreating dragon. "You're Circle Pop's ... friend , aren't you? Mr. Dragon," she muttered under her breath.

@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins


Aurora gulped and followed the cart, keeping close to the meanie dragon along with the spicy bodyguard shark pony thingy. "Maybe, with you being a shark, you can eat them first?" Aurora asked nervously, chuckling to herself and squawked at hearing a twig snap nearby.



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

Seeing the little drake brought a big smile on Lin's face as it climbed its way around her. She grabbed some spare gemstones and gave them to the little creature to eat though admittedly, it wouldn't be enough for a filling meal. Sen walked up to Lin and wanted to have another shot at letting the drake trust him. It would take some effort considering the last time she got close to Omen, the little drake nipped him on the nose. The tingling sensation on the tip of his nostril is still there. Lin took notice of this and gave him all of the leftover gemstones, or at least the ones she is willing to part with. The rest of it will go back into storage as replacement pieces in case Omen's new necklace needs some fixing.

"Alright little one, Sen's not gonna hurt you." Lin picked up the drake and set it down on the floor. "He's with us; you can trust him."

"Hi there! Here's some nice, delicious gems for you." Sen slowly approached and reached out one claw full of food for the drake to eat. He still kept his distance but he inched closer and closer until he and the drake are comfortable enough to be within close proximity to each other. He did look at Mother while he was at it after hearing about how lucky Omen but he remembers the first time they met. It was a thought that took him back to those days when he would end in a dark corner or stump and just make himself scarce until that fateful day. 

"Lucky? I guess I was lucky too, Mother." Sen continued with a fond and nostalgic tone in his voice. "The night I met Omen in the Everfree Forest, I was just about to end my search for Lin for good. Just wanted to give up then and there but I was settling near the old castle in the forest and there was a disturbance. I went to investigate and there was Omen. As much as I wanted to stay away, I remembered this abrasive minotaur I met in my travels. He was blunt in expressing just how pathetic I was but he had a point. As much as I wanted to be alone, I had to take a chance on someone who could point me in the right direction. I didn't expect that someone to be Omen. If I hadn't met her, we wouldn't be here to celebrate what we accomplished. None of this would be possible without her."

Lin looked at Sen and quietly wondered what he meant about him giving up. There was a thought about her simply being consumed by dark magic, misusing the gifts Malvernis gave her and what would've happened if it weren't for Omen's help.  

Edited by EQ_Theta
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The drake took the few gems offered to it by Lin. The eager little claws held them whilst it chomped down, and drained them of color like it had done a few days ago at Fluttershy's place.

It seemed to enjoy them, and started wrapping itself partially around the clear gems like it was its hoard, but it were still not satisfied when it was done. It looked around after more sustenance, but instead found itself being taken off its perch on Lin and unable to wriggle out of her grip.

It did not get less confused when it got put on the floor, and left to look up at the - to it - giant creatures around it. Every instinct told it that being down here wasn't safe, and it wanted to go back up again, but Lin didn't welcome him back up right now.

Instead, Sen approached, and made the drake hiss. A small speck of fire spewed out of its mouth, but it couldn't even light a match at the current power, so it was barely a threat. It was supposed to be however, towards the one who didn't smell like the others.

The drake were not even a week old, and smell were the only way it could tell right now which ones were safe, since none of the others looked like it. It complicated things for Sen, as he didn't smell like Mother's offspring.

Still, after a bit of hesitation, the drake slowly went closer to him and smelled the gems it was being offered. They didn't smell right, like Omen had, but...

It slowly slid up over the gems, wrapped itself a little on Sen's arm, and started to drain the gems it had been given. The crackling on its scales from feasting on these should tickle him a little, but it was nothing major.

"It seems it can smell Lin upon you, Sen. Though, something tells me there is still a long way to go before it accepts you as readily as it seems to do with Lin.

And it is good to hear you find your meeting with my dear child of such importance, but remember, she didn't just help you. In many ways, your meeting ended up saving her too.

All she ever focused on before this were minor things, and finding her master. If Discord had found her again without your influence, she would have ended back as a servant, friendless and alone.

Your part in everyone being here is undeniable, both in this case and several others Omen told me about. You should be proud of that, just as I am certain Lin are of her work too, yes?"



@Dji @Lloyd

"You know of Benny's marefriend?"

Screecher raised an eyebrow slightly towards the mare who seemed to have tried to confront Benny about his connection to Circle Pop. Regular ponies might not hear this, but she were a bat pony, and her ears were more sensitive than theirs. Helped pick up on muttering like this.

Considering how long it took before she had heard others speaking about this in Canterlot,  she assumed that neither of the odd couple would go around and toss their relationship out there like this. It appeared as if she were wrong, though perhaps it would have been better if she were right, considering how Dawn looked like she did not approve of him.

"I am General Screecher, leader of the Night Guard. Is there a problem with her?"

Benny had taken off fast and didn't look back, so Screecher were essentially the only one who could pick up this question, and find out if perhaps something did happen to Pop in his absence. It could prove useful to know in advance, in case Benny didn't return within his time limit.



@Dji @Widdershins

"Nice thought, but no. If something's going to be eaten in here, I'd refer you to our dragon. He haves some chompers on him, so it shouldn't be a problem unless he starts biting ponies too."

Much as she warned, the forest seemed to leave them alone for now. There were some rustling now and again that were likely just critter messing about, some weirs noises and a patch of Poison Joke she made sure to tell them they shouldn't touch, but that was essentially it. Rather uneventful about halfway in really, but that likely suited Aurora well.



@Foxy Socks

She's right you know, you should change him back.

Are you kidding me? Have you seen him? Nonono, this is way too amusing to stop. He's gonna stay like this for like, a day at least. I'll put him on my shoulder and call his Fuzzy.

...Turn him back or I'm going to write your other half in to eat you and vanish again.

Y-You're bluffing. She knows I've tried a lot, she'd let me-

She'd want what you have experienced. A little nudge, and she can take all of it, and I don't really need two of you. So what do you say?

For the others, it would look like Anomaly just suddenly froze whilst laughing, and getting a brief, genuine look of fear over her face.

"Okay okay, I yield. I'll change him back."

A snap of her tail, and Briar stood as he were before again.

"Ah, to really feel the earth under my hooves again. With all due respect for both your indulgence Anomaly, and the creatures you revere Foxy, I did not enjoy being one of them. It felt limiting and cagey, not to speak of the urges. I usually never think of chicken that way."

"I wanted to make it genuine. You know, except for the color."

"I will assume the experience were correct, though you will need to ask Foxy of such. She is the expert on creatures such as this after all. Can I ask though Foxy, did you really understand what I tried to say? I am not saying I do not believe in your abilities, it is simply that... To put it mildly, I could barely understand myself."




Cover-up gulped as he were told what the poisonous berries could have done, had he simply eaten it rather than wait because he were nervous, he could have ended up severely messed up, or even... Dear Celestia, what if he had eaten it and not been found? It could have ended immensely bad for him.

"T-Thank you for saving me from t-these then, Crescent. I'll try to r-remember the ones you said were good, and s-stay away from the bad ones. I wouldn't want to end up... W-Well, you know."

He averted his gaze and started to munch on the offered hay sandwich in silence, whilst Zinthar started to wander around him, and rubbing his head up against the youngster with a noticeable purr.

"Like you said Crescent, he should get accustomed with the forest. Even the parts you ponies don't like to talk about."

The purr went into a chuckle as he felt the colt shiver against his fur. Such an easy target sometimes, and yet so satisfying to chip pieces off. Would be interesting to see what would happen in the end as he kept taking more and more small strikes to the colt. Perhaps he'd break down, or go feral? Hmhmhm, that one could be fun, though not when Crescent were here. He wouldn't approve, even if it wasn't meant to truly harm Cover-up. If he wanted to do that, he could have just done that already, rather than waste his time.

"Now that that's over with, I'll go and do something while you two finish eating. I'll come back when we're leaving."

A tweeting sound went through the air and made his ears perk.

"Perhaps a little later than that."

He went away after that, and when he thought he were out of sight, climbed into a tree.

"I'll uhm... W-When we get further, I'll help s-show you the way.

Can I ask you something though? W-Why do you hang out with h-him? He seem so... Evil. Like, I h-heard him mumble in his sleep? He kept t-talking about b-blood."



@Moonlit @Seamore Sandwich @Widdershins

The ghost took a step back as she saw Serenade's eyes flash green. She had seen changelings in her time here in the castle, and the sight of their horns had made her stay clear of them. Might be it wasn't exactly unicorns, but the similarities made her hesitant to get too close to them. The same came now with Serenade, when it seemed like she might be one, though thankfully, Ziggy had an idea on how to not make this worse. It did involve talking to the ghost which, were iffy to put it mildly, but this close to being out, and with another ghost perhaps int he castle? She could try and confront a bit of her fear now, and then shiver over it a little bit later.

"Side effect of the potion. Zebra concoctions can react strangely with ponies."

It didn't sound all that convincing, but thankfully for her, Cherish had been away from most ponies for a long time now, and her ability to read when others were lying were getting a bit rusty. That's what she thought at least as the ghost turned around, flickered out of sight again, and started to bring the torch towards the exit again.

Truth be told, the ghost knew that Ziggy were lying, and poorly at that, but figured she'd stand  back and watch them before doing something stupid, and then let the torch float some meters in front of her to make them think she were there. Perhaps she could find out what was wrong like that.




Whilst the workers seemed to follow Ancalagon's directions, there were another factor in this: Mainly, last, who as the forepony set in charge of handling the rebuilding of Ponyville, was doing hers to supervise what she were currently considering a group of enthusiastic, competent, and at times oblivious, idiots.

Three times in the past ten minutes had she had to step in. The first was because somepony tried to do a fast, but poor job of setting new bricks into a wall, in a way that would make it easier to collapse with just a little pressure. Another was three couriers standing idly by when there were debris they could be moving so their other friends could work more efficiently. And then the last... Perhaps she had overreacted a little, but tossing bricks over your shoulder without looking? He should be thankful all she did were getting into his face and making sure he knew not to cross her. Cowardly little fool could have hurt somepony.

She had also made sure to get word around so the food court, spa, and a few other places were prepared for the influx of workers. It was a huge operation going on at the food court now to see if they could prepare in time, and the spa would need to be ready for what were likely a good deal of tired, half-broken workers. Knowing the influx, the Lotus Sisters had been sympathetic and made sure that the couriers would be able to enjoy a free, relaxing session there during today. Last had also made sure to direct some of the local guards there too, to handle troublemakers if it came to that. She didn't trust the Couriers Guild currently.




"Your boss? Hah, one would be so lucky. No, Alonsus is a co-worker, not a leader, though if you wish, I can get you to our chief? I believe he may be in his office. Just let me make sure this table is finished, if you will please."

Alonsus rocked the table a few times to see if it started to wobble, but it seemed to hold nice and steady. So, being satisfied with the work, he started to dress up the table again so it was ready for customers, and after a minute or so, everything would look nice again, and the tools he had used went back into the toolbox.

"Ah, much better, wouldn't you say so?"




"Ah, we meet again madam."

As soon as he heard her voice, Diego spun around and walked towards the mare with a smile on his muzzle.

"I wish that I could forego the rules for you, but alas, grandfather is stern on the rules. I can assure you though, that the small admission fee is well worth the price. We get excellent quality items in bulks that gives us a discount, which we give back directly to our visitors, rather than pocket the profit. Our cooks are also professional, and between you and me, I would highly advocate for trying to hay and cheese. The name does not do them justice."

Edited by Blitz Boom
Added colors.
  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Lance nodded. 

"Looks great! Lead the way."

I hope the boss is just as... uh, nice, as Alonsus. Alonsus gave Lance a feeling that he wasn't egtting the whole picture. He brushed off his gut senses and waited for Alonsus to respond.


You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom

"I could understand foxes since I got my cutie mark. I understood what you've said, though it sounded a bit funny as you weren't a real fox. I can also talk to snakes too, though it took me a few years to be able to, as they don't really communicate the same way."

Foxy also was trying to understand avian, though she only just started. She was only able to say a few things to Agni so far. Foxy scratched the phoenix's head again. A strong warmth radiated around the bird, though normally she wasn't unpleasant to touch. Foxy imagined it must have taken a lot of energy to create that much heat.


"I can understand birds a little, but not a whole lot. At least it's easier than serpent. And they sure do love to yell. A lot."

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@Blitz Boom 

Battenberg smiled at them "I wouldn't call it a weird request, I've had stranger requests than that. I could try adding chilli to the spice cake if you would like that, I'm just not sure how well it would work since I've never really used chilli in a cake before." 

She rang the little bell that sat upon her desk while talking prompting Victoria to return. She stood impatiently behind her sister waiting for her to finish speaking.

"What?" She huffed.

"What?" Battenberg looked at her sister with a frown "You go on about how regal you are and yet your vocabulary seems to be rather lacklustre. I would like you to start making a spice cake for these nice customers. We may need some chilli powder, if I go out to buy that can I trust you to behave and look after the shop for a few minutes?"

Victoria smiled a rather sly looking smile "Sure, I will try my best to keep things going here, but don't expect me to be nice." She trotted back to the kitchen again to start preparing the cake.

Battenberg looked back to her customers, "I don't know if I should leave her alone here, but if you want to add some chilli to the mix then I may have to. I'm sure she wont be too much trouble though. She's all talk, since she doesn't want to get her hooves dirty."




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@Blitz Boom


"We'll be on our way then.  These counterfeiters aren't going to catch themselves!"  Penny said, enthusiastically.  "There are a few ponies I'd like to talk to as well.  What do you say we split up and meet back at my place at sunset?  Then the two of us can go over our findings together and figure out where to look next." 


@Blitz Boom


Marcus Silvermane stepped out onto the balcony of the temple and announced quite unexpectedly (nopony even knew there would be an announcement in the first place), "Now that I've had the time to rest, we shall properly celebrate my victory against The Forgotten One!  Tonight we feast!  We must be sure to invite other heroes as well.  The world has changed greatly in my absence, so I have much to learn in the ways of modern battle, and I must begin planning my next mission, one worthy of a hero of my stature." 


@Blitz Boom





"Leave me ALONE!"  Charlie shouted at their echo, having grown tired of its mimicry.  


@Blitz Boom


"If you'll please just follow my lead," Gaea said, sounding a little irritated.  She really didn't like being proven wrong, but she'd have to set that aside for now, because there were more important things to take care of.  She led the way deeper into the forest to her home, but as they got closer, the trees looked weaker and weaker.  By the time they got there, they were surrounded in almost leafless, sagging, sick trees.  There was one however that stood above the rest.  It was a large tree whose roots held it high off the ground.  One of the roots led straight to a doorway, although there was no door to be seen.  "This is what happened to my home when those thieves stole the Heart of the Forest.  Without the Heart, life in the forest is slowly fading away."

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@Blitz Boom

And yet the fool was a minotaur who was looking bored. The minotaur said with an annoyed tone "Back off little pony I do not take orders from you only to lord Ancalagon," he snorted into her face as he went right back to work tossing chipped bricks back into  a rather large dumpster. "And if you hadn't notice little pony the caution tape I set around?" the minotaur asked as  he finished up his work efficiently.

The three couriers who Lost yelled at was currently glaring at the mare. And they made a rude gesture to her. Because of her micromanaging of the guild it was disrupting their efficiency. which in turned annoyed Ancalagon. Ancalagon noticed the drop quit quickly as he used his tail to stop the mare. "The sisters may have put you incharge but this is my guild. If you got a problem with that well take it up with the two sisters and tell them how your disrupting a sanction guild business," Ancalagon stated simply. "Unless you want us to watch you do this alone," Ancalagon stated as  a low flame was seen in his nostrils.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Blitz Boom

Hearing what Mother had to say made Sen a lot more comfortable and, while still thinking of something to downplay his actions to simply being a product of reaction to the circumstances he found himself in, he took her words to heart and respectfully nodded. As for Lin, she thought about that encounter in the wellspring, still a harrowing experience especially about her having to say goodbye to Omen. Even the necklace she held only made her imagine that event in more vivid detail. But here she is, standing amongst those she cherishes and everything turning out for the better.

“I may not always be satisfied with everything that's happened but I’m proud of us. All of us. After what we’ve been through, I’m just happy we have this moment to let loose and simply enjoy each other’s company.”

Sen noticed the drake curling up slightly around his foreleg and remembered something about how animals would sometimes sense aggression or calmness in others. If it was true, it might apply to the drake as well. If he showed a veneer of calm, it might get the drake to also stay calm and show he isn’t threatening at all. He lay on the ground and slowly pulled his foreleg back to him, letting it move an inch at a time but would stop the moment the drake would try to back off or scratch him.

“You know, I’m not really sure what to call the little one,” Sen started. “I’m not even sure if it’s a male or female.

“Huh... I haven't thought about that,” Lin quickly added as she sat by Sen, eager to watch what the drake does next. “I forgot to ask Omen about this. Or maybe I already did and I wasn’t paying attention.”

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On ‎9‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 10:32 AM, Blitz Boom said:

Can I ask you something though? W-Why do you hang out with h-him? He seem so... Evil. Like, I h-heard him mumble in his sleep? He kept t-talking about b-blood."

Cresnt nodded surprised the youngster hadn't asked sooner "I met him while I got trapped in a dream world of sorts, the short version is he'd been their for too long, he knew the dream world well enough to help me out of it and when a chance came to get out I took it bringing him along with. He's a bit dramatic but when your locked in the rely of dreams for a milinea trotting out different would be an understatement. He helped me get out of the dream would, least I can do is help zinthar find his place in this world. " there was more to the story but something told cresent only bring it up if zinthar dose.

Seeing how scared the youngster was he sighed "look don't let him get under your fur, he means well just still adjusting to this world. Everypony go's through a period like that in their life hopefully this trip could help him get accustomed properly to this world" cresent said eating his sandwich

"also he's good to have on your side during a fight rather have him with me then against me" cresent said   

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Bubbling Elixir slowly began waking up in her apothecary.  The grey unicorn found herself in a rather uncomfortable position, with her entire front part of her body draped over a table and her back legs on the wooden floor.  She had no collection of how she ended up in such a state.  Out of the corner of her eye, Elixir saw a spilled potion.

That must be it.  Elixir could identify the type of potion just by glancing from it.  It was one of the stronger sleeping potions she had crafted.  The fumes must have knocked her out when it was spilled, possibly by a careless pony.

At that moment, anger flared up in her chest.  Elixir had dealt with her fair share of poor customers, but this one takes the cake.  Especially one who caused a mess that made her fall asleep.  But she'll hunt down whoever caused this and make them pay for the damages later, she had a mess to clean up.

The fumes had their effects mostly wear off, causing the unicorn to only feel slightly drowsy, which made cleaning up the spill rather easy to deal with.  Disposing of the rag with which she used to clean, she only just noticed the noise outside.

This prompted Elixir to open the front door of the apothecary to see what the ruckus was about.  She was met with the sight of buildings that seemed to have suffered some damage recently.  Could whatever damage had happened to her shop caused the spill?  It looked relatively unharmed, but then again, damage at the scale it had occurred here could cause tremors.  Which left the question of how long she was slumbering.

Open to 1x1s as long as romance is kept out of it, just PM.

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Winter Bolt nodded as the salesmare asked him to wait until the end of the day. I mean it made sense to him as he could not reasonably expect anypony to interupt their work day and lend him a hoof when he was strapped for bits. As she asked his name he was in the middle of taking off his well worn saddle bags so he started to mumble his response with a mouthful before he realized how silly he must look. Dropping his bags he stuck his hoof out. " Im Winter Bolt, pleased to meet you. "

May the Friendship be with you. 


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@Twilight Witch

(I'm going to assume you meant bits)

Diego looked at the seven bits being reached out towards him, and smiled.

"Excellent madame. Allow me, please."

Since touching the customers without reason were frowned upon, Diego didn't take the bits from Spoiled's hoof, but rather, reached around and took hold of a small, flat plate from the desk. It wasn't used for food, but were quite literally for the costumers to put the bits in, though normally it just were at the counter. It made the clerk frown a little, but he kept silent and just pulled out what seemed like a pass, and put it on the table.

"Access to the buffet will last for an hour, in where you can return as often as you like."

He'd wait until the bits were in the bowl, and then reach it behind him to the counter, exchanging it for the pass.

After the formalities, he'd be able to take her to the hay and cheese, and point out a few other things she may enjoy too. Perhaps there were better uses for his time elsewhere, but for the time being, he were sure somepony else could handle that.




"Then let us proceed with haste my friend. Follow, and Alonsus shall deliver."

He'd pick up the toolbox and be oj his way shortly after that, but not before giving a small wink to the mare that had glanced at him before. An action which made her pull her tongue at him with a smile on her muzzle, and for him to chuckle slightly. It seemed like the two of them might be friends of sorts.

It wouldn't take long for them to reach a door where the name of their boss were emblazoned upon the frame. Berry Swirl it seemed, which at least sounded nice.

However, something else were also on the door. Namely, a note that he'd be back in fifteen minutes.

"Seems like he needed to deliver those papers faster than he anticipated. Oh well, he shall return in due time. Perhaps a tour of the premise will be more fitting for your needs until then, hmm? I'm sure he wouldn't mind."




@Foxy Socks

The phoenix on her back cooed weakly under the scratching, but it didn't wake her up. Zhu's spell had done a number on her energy to stop the territorial bird from attacking him further, and she needed to regain a good deal before she could do much of anything. Hence, she slept. It was the best way to conserve energy, and Foxy didn't seem to either care or notice the claws in her back, so it wasn't much of an issue it seemed.

"So not just Foxes, but those two as well? I wanna test it. What am I saying now?"

Anomaly's head molded and became serpentine, at which point she'd hiss out a small message. Specifically, she asked if anypony had any mice for munchy time.

After that, the scaley fruithead twisted again and ended in an avian visage. She could have chosen a majestic eagle or perhaps even a phoenix, but at the time she thought she'd go with something a little less boring, so she went for a male peacock instead. They always looked fun to her, so it seemed a fine fit as she started to tweet.

Considering Foxy said she wasn't used to birds yet, she wanted to try something simple. So to make it so, she just kept repeating the words *Muffin master* over and over again. Seemed simple enough to her at least.




"I mean, if you think you can make it work, then sure, let's try that. I'm sure we can stay civil here in the store while you're away."

Benny smiled at the two sisters, before turning to Pop and continuing removing the caramel from her forehead. He had finally taken notice during the baker family feud, and were attacking it with a little elbow grease and some of the water and a towel from one of his bags. He were careful about not to spill on the floor, though a few drops might make it down, despite his best efforts.

"And don't you worry about the shop ma'am. Royal Guard keeping an eye out is one of the best, legal deterrence for criminals I know off. Beaten only by a guard dog. Those things can keep everypony at bay."

Might be he hadn't been asked, but he were staying here anyway, and even without his uniform, he were still a guard after all. Made sense enough to him to then keep alert and kn guard until she came back.



@Seamore Sandwich

"Sounds like a plan dear. I will spread the word and see if one of my contacts comes up with something. I will look forward to seeing you again tonight."

With that, Scarcity walked away and headed towards her store. She needed to get somepony else to handle the public side of her business until this were over with, and it would get her past a few of her contacts in town, like Blackbeak. She could make the word spread there, and then take personal contact with a few of the more workable members of the black market she knew off. She'd need to use the portal in peace for a few hours to get around, but it should not be a problem, and when night time would fall, she'd be ready to contribute something hopefully. Though what would have to wait and see until she arrived at Penny's store later.


Arriving at the candy store, Scarcity were not sure if it were closed, as she were not familiar with the opening times currently, but if it were not, she'd just stand outside and wait for a little with Brick Wall. Considering what their little excursion might entail, sge thought it better if she brought her bodyguard along, just in case.



@Seamore Sandwich

Sugar's jaw almost fell to the floor when he saw Marcus on the balcony.

The hero, in the flesh and alive among them after all these years? When did this happen? Why did nopony tell him of this most fortunate of news?

He looked around him at the others, seeking answers, but found only confusion by the new initiates, as well as with just about everypony else. Apparently, he had not been the only one who did not know of the hero's arrival. Perhaps their leaders had meant for this to be a surprise? If so, they had succeeded.

"B-Blessed be you, greatest of all heroes! The light who guards us from shadow, and leads us to justice!"

At first it was just Sugar who said something, but as his words started to ring around the shocked area of the temple they were in, other voices grew and joined him in praising the fabled hero, until the entire temple rung with praise and song for Marcus Silvermane.

To think that he had now returned to them... How would this shape their future? Their practices? Sugar did not know, but he could barely think on those thoughts right now either. Not when he were basking in the visage of the fabled hero, silently praying to be seen in the large crowd of his fellow Squires and Initiates.



@Seamore Sandwich @Widdershins @Moonlit

Cherish silently feels her undead heart skip a beat, metaphorically, at seeing what just happened with Serenade, and hearing what she said about not being a pegasus. Something was happening to her right now, and would reveal what she were soon by the looks of things, which should have made her run away. She didn't need to guide them more anyway. The entrance were right in front of them now.

Yet, she didn't want to leave just yet. Something was about to happen to the assumed pegasi, and she were transfixed on whatever it were, and whatever she ended up being, so she couldn't take away yet.

"H-Hey Serenade, it's going to be fine. Look, the exit is right there. We'll get you out, and back home, okay?"



@Seamore Sandwich

Zhu looked around on the area as they approached  their destination,  thinking that something were wrong here.

Sure, dead trees were not exactly a sign of calamity, but it seemed more dead than such an area normally would, and patterned. Like infected skin radiating from a wound, where each ring around it lessened the impact. What sort of wound were they nearing, when the forest looked like this?

What it were surprised him, as the large tree that stood in front of them did not seem as dead as expected, yet he wouldn't think that Gaea lied when she said the forest were dying. Something were wrong with this area that he couldn't put a claw on, and with how the rest had looked before this...

"I can see why you chased the thieves with such urgency. What is happening here is concerning, and should be mended before it spreads too far."

He might not be able to see much right now, as there weren't any animals he could watch the potential futures off, and Gaea's were the blinding light of alicornification, but he couldn't think that a large ecosystem vanishing would be good for the balance. It may cause the Earthen Mother to rise, rather than remain in slumber like he had arranged for, and that destruction were not acceptable. They needed to get to work finding the thieves, and fast.




Last did not back off from the minotaur, and she certainly would not do it to Ancalagon, no matter how much larger he might be. She'd stare him directly in his reptilian eyes and talk clearly, whilst barely masking increasing annoyance with him and his guild.

"The first one I took hold of, were rebuilding a wall poorly. The way he were setting it up, a pony could bump into the wall, and it would collapse on whoever were inside.

The second ones, I just told how to more efficiently work with the debris, so they wouldn't need to waste time on it later, or have it be in the way.

As for cowbell over here, use your eyes."

Last pointed behind her, past the tape, where Ponyville's school laid. A school that were currently open and with foals playing around in their break, though a lot of them sent glances to Ancalagon too now and again.

"Some of the debris he's tossing barely keeps inside the edge of his little closed off section, and I can see things that have rolled out. If he keeps it up, some things are going to go further and might hit a foal.

These might be your guild members, dragon, but I am responsible for what happens to the buildings, as well as the safety of the locals. So if you want me to stop going after your team, tell them to get their flanks in line and do a proper, dang job, so I can get on with preparing other things. You know, such as the food they're gonna need after this, or more arrangements like the one I made with the spa, so they can relax when this is over?"

Her time was valuable in this endeavor, and especially now that there were more workers in town to get things done in... Less then four hours, if it kept this pace? Roughly that, yes.

The point were that she would like to just think this as fine, and get on with things, but considering how the dragon's workers were either trying to make trouble, damages, or future issues, she couldn't yet. Heck, she wouldn't even care if they didn't listen to her about the debris. She were just trying to tell them how to gather it like they had yesterday, but if they wanted to waste time afterwards, then they could go ahead.

"So, how about we cut the the chase here. You start to oversee them properly so nopony ends up hurt or with a building suddenly collapsing on them, and I'll get out of their hair and go do something productive elsewhere. A problem with that, or do you want your guilds name being associated with rocks and head injuries?"

She almost added an accusation about him supporting casualties and poor work, but thankfully, she managed to bite her tongue with that one. It wouldn't help the case at hoof to go on about that currently.





"Everyone is important in what happened to get us to this point of peace. Everyone pulled their weight and got through this together, and you do have plenty of things to be proud of in that. It have been quite the harrowing adventure after all."

It was a little strange to think on how - for the time being - it seemed like the siblings had won their trials, and gotten through to the end for a happy ever after. She didn't honestly believe that there were such a thing, as hardships would eventually find one, but she liked the sentiment in that statement. It gave a sense of serenity to a situation that wasn't sustainable. Here was hoping that this would last for quite some time more, though she did not see what could happen to make it worse again soon. Their town sounded like it was welcoming them back, even hesitantly, their parents had been avenged, and Salosan's apparition had gone to a dimension in which escape would take quite the amount of time, if he were even able to in the first place.

Yes, things were finally settling in nicely, and giving some breathing room. And quite frankly, the dear children deserved that.

"As for the drake, I cannot say with any certainty what gender it is, though I don't recall hearing Omen giving it a name either. Draconic beings can be tricky to pin a gender to until they have matured somewhat, and I cannot even ask Omen's sister about this. She did not know what this creature were, meaning it is either rather rare, or presumed extinct. If you want though, I can perhaps try and take contact, and see if her husband could answer the inquiry? He was a taught creature when he formed one of my daughters and took her with him, so he may know.

It would be easier if you had draconic beings of some kind in your world that could tell you, but whilst most dimensions haves dragons, not many of them are able to speak. I don't presume that you are fortunate enough to have any that does that you could ask?"

Meanwhile, the drake in question had not moved when Sen started to, but it did put its claws in deeper to make it didn't fall off whilst it drained the gems. It was almost done too, just the last few flickers of color in the jade and the-

The crackling around the drake suddenly intensified, and out of nowhere, it let loose a huge burst of multi-colored fire next to it. It seemed to glitter in the air before fading out, leaving just the memory, a bit of scorched floor, and the faint smell of mountain air and fruit.

Thankfully it did not hit any of the longma, as it would have consumed them, but it was still quite the sight to see. Not that the drake cared, as it just smacked it's lips a bit, yawned, and slithered upward to find someplace with a cover of some kind - such as hair - to hide and slumber in. It seemed that whatever had happened had exhausted it.

"...I get the impression that perhaps I should try and attempt contact to my daughters husband regardless of what resides in your world. And that perhaps you should restrict the amount of shiny rocks that you feed it."




"I guess that makes sense. I don't know what would happen to me if I got trapped for a long time like that."

Cover-up had calmed down some from the answer, and his stuttering had retreated for a time whilst he thought over things. What he had just been told put Zinthar in a more favorable light, but it still didn't meant hat he didn't find him scary, and he seemed to really enjoy doing so too.

*sigh* Perhaps there was something he didn't see here. Details that was important, or something about animal nature perhaps? He had never had a cat before, so he had no idea how they behaved, so could something of that play a factor? it did seem like he were a cat of some kind at least.

He'd need time to chew on this and think about how far he'd be able to tolerate Zinthar going before he couldn't be around him anymore, despite what he had just been told about the feline trying to fit in. He wasn't without his limits here after all. He was just colt who already had a lot of things to deal with on a daily basis, not a military pony or a strong-willed being like Crescent.

"And... I think you're right about fighting. I've seen enough of him to think things would end b-badly for anypony who got on his bad side."




"Hm, seems like you aren't closed after all then."

A dragon had stopped upon seeing Elixir open the door to his place, and glanced down upon him with mild surprise and slight irritation in her eyes. Though, the irritation was more because of the workers around her than finding out that this store were open after all, though he wouldn't know of her dislike of large crowds like this. It felt wrong somehow.

She were a base yellow/orange with scattered purple spots here and there, and purple stripes on her back and tail. No hair were seen on her head, but the lines of short, mostly-laid-back red spikes makes it appear as if she haves slicked back hair. The spikes goes into a single line as it goes further down her back and tail, and it appeared as if she didn't have horns.

Her mouth were smaller than what most ponies expected from a stereotypical dragon, and on her back, large wings were folded down on her clothes. The clothes in question being a robe with a belt, pockets and a large carrier bag slung over her shoulder. The clothes seemed to be made of rough cloth, whilst the bag were clearly leather, as well as containing something currently, as an empty bag would not rest as well as it did right now.

A necklace with a few slivers of different colored gemstones hung around her neck, and on her right shoulder, a pink bunny were standing and trying to get the tuft of hair on her head set just right.

"I assume this means you have returned from the trip I was told you were on when I tried knocking yesterday. Are you in business, or is this a day off as well?"

Some pony had told her that the alchemist were out of town for the time being when she tried to knock yesterday, looking for some concoctions for her research. Apparently, the rumor had gone around that he had not been in town, which would explain why nopony had come around to check up on him. As far as they believed, he had not been there, so he could likely have been lying inside for several weeks more without anypony noticing if his potion had been stronger.

Edited by Blitz Boom
Added colors.
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

Spoiled Rich smirked at him evily, although she was a little irritated she had to actually pay up for what she wants. Shes more used to stealing and bribery. As they went into the buffet area she looked for a place to sit down, if there was a place to sit down. She gave him a nice pat on the head after what he said.



MLP Fan since ~ Summer of 2011

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@Blitz Boom

Lance nodded gingerly.

"Lead the way, again."

He hoped that this wouldn't take long. He got the same uneasy feeling around Alonsus, and he didn't feel comfortable being alone around him.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom

The serpentine language was a complex one. It is much quieter, and is challenging to master. Foxy wasn't perfect, though she was mostly fluent in it.


"Um, I don't have any mice on me. Sorry," Foxy said, in the language of snakes. Her pronunciation wasn't perfect, but it worked enough. It sounded like huffing and slight hissing, though most of the language depended on gestures and context as it did not have many words. Visually, she was turning her head in strange positions when she spoke, which was slightly uncomfortable.


Anomaly then switched to become a type of bird, speaking their language appropriately. The language was easier than serpent, but Foxy hadn't spent as much time studying it. Her high pitched voice did help in replying. "Um, muffin's master? Muffin... master? Sounds nonsense. Is from you though. Is there meaning? That is what heard." Her sentences were simple and awkward, but she was able to convey her thoughts somewhat. Gestures weren't as large a part as with snakes, so she stood still speaking it.



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@Blitz Boom

Ancalagon looked at Last with annoyance."No wonder your efforts are taking so long to rebuild the town," Ancalagon stated as he grinned at her "Greenhorn widen the area tape," Stated with an order to the minotaur who saluted his leader. He looked at the two couriers who was just standing around. "And why are you two just standing around?" he asked as the two explained to him about sharp objects in the pile as they were waiting for the heavy duty lifting equipment. and it was a grand machine lifting metals and wood alike that had rusted nails in them.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Blitz Boom 

It was only brief but the tiniest glimmer of a smile appeared on Victoria's face for the smallest of moments as she watched the sticky mess being cleaned from the customer's forehead. Though it lasted for such a short period of time it was enough for Battenberg to notice. "Maybe you should try talking nicely to our customers while I'm gone, do that for me." She then trotted out the door on a mission for her spicy powder. 

Victoria looked at the dragon's bag and stepped out from behind the counter, getting surprisingly close to the pair of shoppers. "Maybe I've misjudged you dragon, you're cleaner than you look." It wasn't exactly the friendliest thing she'd ever said but it was a start, coming from her it was almost a compliment. "I'm still not apologising though, it's not easy being this perfect and I can't risk randomers getting in the way... Do you always carry towels around with you?"




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Making his way through the Everfree Forests was Stingler. He had to exit the town for a unknown reason, but nobody really noticed. After all, he is always transformed into something else, getting the love from the ponies in the small, well-known city.

Soon, he was at the very entrace of the forest, sight to sight to Fluttershy's house, and Ponyville. He sure wasn't expecting what he saw though- most of the houses seemed a bit destroyed, and there was a dragon flying around, besides a bunch of other races helping in re-building too.

That walking was exausting for him, he would love a bit of love. But if there's a dragon flying above somewhere, then you most likely should't do anything suspicious.

Stingler shapeshifted into a similiar form. A stallion with grey coat and green mane and tail of the same style as of his actual changeling form. With green eyes, a green teardrop for a cutie mark and a fake Earth pony coat, he made his way down to the plaza.


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@Blitz Boom @Dji

Astral rolled her eyes in a heavy sigh as she stepped away from Null. "Surprised you don't know with all the magical objects you encounter Null." She reached out her hoof to point at Null. "And I have no problem, but that magic may release from it faster than you can contain it." she stepped further away, glancing at Dawn as she asked her question. "It's an Element of Disharmony, that's exactly what it is, representing a part of disharmony, and like I said, this one represents Greed." When she said that, it drew her attention a little towards the magic she sensed, it was still there, the aura of the element, wasn't just from Null. She shrugged it off again. "It has a lot of magic in store, so again, don't break it." She turned away, kneeling downwards. "Seeing as the element is secure with you guys, I better head off, the others will want me." The force she blasted off with would send a shockwave outwards, cracking the ground and leaving marks similar to Warlock's blast off, as well as putting out flames around her.


Warlock put a hoof over his chest, sighing. "It was taken, some magic nullification managed to remove it's connection from me." He said with a soft growl. "Which means they have an advantage over us, best we find some non magic way we can defend ourselves, and more so, me." He looked at some dust on the floor, which smoldered as he lifted a hoof wards it, the dust forming into a small amount of molten metal; just a single drop, before it hit the ground and solidified. "And I need a source of magic to recover from losing it." He said, glancing at the gem, which immediately turned a deep red, swishing with rage and a tad bit of fear, since Warlock had the option to drain more than just the gems reserves of magic.


Iron Wing stepped back a little. "Well I will make sure in the future." He said, following Dew to the scroll room.

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

"No Mother, we haven't met anyone with expertise on dragons or dragon-like creatures. The closest we've got is Fluttershy but she shares her home with so many tiny creatures and none of them are dragons. Seems like they are still relatively unknown in many parts of Equestria. It's a shame, really. There's plenty to learn about them but with so little contact established, it's hard to say what they are like."

Of course Sen would be averse to such thinking considering how dragons are feared and dangerous but he didn't bring up his sentiments on the matter. Lin is the ever curious type to wonder of such things but now that he is opening up to the possibilities of learning so much more about the world outside the village, such topics pique his curiosity more than being a turn-off. He wouldn't admit it openly but those thoughts are lingering in his head. And as for other thoughts, he is wondering where Omen went; there are some leftover donuts he refuses to eat because Omen might want some. Speaking of eating...

Lin kept the remaining gemstones and Omen's new accessory back in her satchel before returning to her brother's side. The little drake that had crawled up to his head seems to be settling in just fine though it did spook Sen for a second. At least they are warned about consumption of gemstones but other than that, she is content with developments and letting the drake get used to Sen's company. She would stay there for the time being in case the drake wanted to move to someone more familiar. In time, the two might hopefully be comfortable for the drake.

There was more to ask of Mother but for now, Lin and Sen were content with silence and letting her do what she wants or needs to do. The drake will likely draw some of their attention towards it for the time being. Sen especially so as he slowly lowers his head to the ground and closes his eyes to nap, trying his best not to wake the drake on his head.

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@Blitz Boom 

   You don't know PANCAKES!??!

  The "skull" of Widdershins exultantly rolls towards the swept pile from a corner, onto its corresponding mouthpiece with a somewhat audible flapping noise as his ears pad across the ground. Landing near each other, the two parts quickly snap back together like a cork popping back into a wine bottle, Widdershins continues.

  Theys only like Best Thang Evar! Here! Have a few right after my motions are narrated! With a flick of one of his ear-ends, a few flattened pastries whap into Anomaly, one clearly studded with fruit while another seems colorless to the point of being almost transparent. 

  You'll have to pardon me as I collect myself! I usually make a point of breaking up into sizeable chunks, easier to reassemble that way!

  ...But where were we two weeks ago in our conversation now? Oh, yes. That is the thing about Chaos... Widdershins says as his body chunks slowly gravitate towards each other, pulled in by mostly invisible violet magic and knitted together with small tendrils to pull the rings of his body back on top of each other like either some foal's building toys or some sort of automated bot.

  Mortals work with what they're born into. Adding more magics after they're well aware of it is like trying to put more toppings into a pancake after its already baked! You make a bigger mess! Sure, Chaos users get a bad rep, but you should see the far more frequent examples of what goes wrong when mortals start touting their own "Order"! 

  As he talks, his two tails rejoin together again and plug back on the end of his body while he attempts wedging a limb back in. The floor tilts a bit, opening up a gap to one side of the room, most of the debris & unconscious wolverines rolling into the blackness of it while the two draconequui stay in the places they are, unaffected. A slight, resigned sigh of a domestic servant escapes V.I.A.B up in his corner, the action having seemingly been acted upon unknowingly to the usual denizen of this realm.

   I try not to add on to what's already there, myself.    

          ....well, other then my hobby of "Hybridization" I get up to every now & again when I've got time to bat around outin the Everfree, buuuut...

  Dahonnahghees usually try not to be too brazen about it, you know? That's how all the drama went down when Discord got bord, ya know? Our species does have its "Rules." Mind you, not very stable, enforced, or spoken-of rules, but never the less!

  ...Like copyright infringement! Thatsa biggie! Shtick is very important! You got your pumpkin juice, I got my pancakes, Discord has his chocolate milk, Der- Widdershins suddenly stops himself mid-sentence to reassert itself on what topic he was on before he lost his place.    ...Oh, oh. So you're tellin' me how to think now, Mr. Procastinate?!  That was anxiety, entirely different. Shaddup, you.  Mmhm!

   ...I find its not so much what you can add to or substitute in the recipe, so much as what you can pull off with what ingredients you've already got!

              Speaking of which! Hope you enjoy those pancakes! Because I'll probably pelt you with another five if you don't! 



@Dji & Blitz Boom

   "Feh. Everydragon knows you don't eat ponies." The young dragon grumbles from his spot, unmoving and curled up ontop Spicy's carriage like a stubborn cat where he could easily be missed if any newcomers weren't looking out for him ontop said caravan.

  "You either taste like boiled & grilled bananas or iced sugarcubes! Dragons need something solid & crunchy!

     I'm sure any wildlife would know that. I got along well enough with the birds and a few rodents in my canyon you stole me from.

        Besides... what's the worst that could possibly happen?"

    A quick, loaded pause happens for a few seconds after Kaltrop's last remark. As what usually happens when someone utters the usually well-known curse that most travelling adventurers take heed not to utter, particularly in foreboding circumstances. 


@Seamore Sandwich , @Moonlit, and @Blitz Boom

    Away and off to the side of the once opulent home of the Royal Sister's palace they had spent their younger days in, what had once been the ground's gardens has become mostly overgrown to the point where most ponies can barely tell of what work was once put into it. A few stone decorations, crumbled archways or small walls may lie scattered here and there, but for the most part it has been overtaken by time and the Everfree Forest, backing up the line of what would appear once inhabited to the rise the castle itself sits on. 

    Back up against the sheer stone cliff face rising up to the castle where presumably a balcony once overlooked the spot, there still does remain one shrubbery scene seemingly left untouched. Two slender birch trees, trunks worn smooth and still seemingly as well pruned with leaves mostly only along their top, sit perfectly symmetrical to each other as much as they had been in their sapling years seeming to have only but gotten thicker, but no taller or bushier since over the countless decades this castle has been left uninhabited. Their trunks appear quite bowed out from one another sitting like a pair of parenthesis, equidistant from some spot between them both that they have been forever hesitant to grow towards.  

   There feels like a small sense of some sort between these two somehow perfectly mirrored trees. Perhaps what could be best described as forlorn regret, or maybe a small prickling of the fur should any pony decide to so linger on the grass before the parabolic twin birches. The more magically inclined might hazard a guess at powerful spellwork having once been demonstrated there once. To what end though, judging from its awkward placement from the castle that only a good, long walk could have led a magus there to the middle of what could have only been decorative flowerbeds and non-conducive to spellcasting in its hayday, a pony could only theorize. What few who have theorized about such an innocuous spot have either been too crazy & flippant to give it another thought or far too crotchety to be ever listened to. Ironically enough.

   Today however, that prickliness seems to be acting up on a whim. Somehow simultaneously comforting and unnerving all at once. Like some bully trying to give you a swirly in a bubble bath. Should any venture near, a tingling, effervescent feeling would envelop them, disorientating them for a moment...

     ...like falling down a rabbit hole headfirst...


Edited by Widdershins

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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"No, I hadn't been on a trip.  Apparently there has been a sleeping potion spill, whether it be caused by a clumsy customer or...whatever had happened here," the alchemist responded, looking around at the buildings again.  She considered herself lucky nopony tried to loot her apothecary while she had been out cold.  "Who told you I was taking a trip?"

"Anyways, yes, the apothecary is indeed open for business," Elixir continued, hoping not to lose the irritated dragon as a customer--she could always use the bits for her own research even with the steady revenue the mare already has.  "I have cleaned up the mess inside, so no fumes should be lingering."

@Blitz Boom

Open to 1x1s as long as romance is kept out of it, just PM.

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