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Blitz Boom

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@@Blitz Boom

@@Mentis Soliloquy



"Not to interrupt, Síofra," Seamore said respectfully, using a term that some hives occasionally used to refer to Queens, "but it seems like the portal is ready." Upon hearing this, if Queen Allure didn't know any better she might believe Seamore to be a changeling in disguise, though the fact that the Everwood didn't affect him should be evidence enough to disprove that concept. The term itself was a little outdated, and therefore wasn't used by many hives. Some races interpret the word as a name meaning "changeling child" or "fairy queen" but among certain groups of changelings it's a more appreciated way to say "your highness" though a few may even have other meanings for the term.



@@Rapid Wind


"The cafe sounds like a great idea," Starlight said. "I'm not exactly looking for a pet right now. I think we both know that I'm not all that good with positions of authority," she added, looking a little embarrassed about her past.

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 @Seamore Sandwich


 "Oh, but having a pet isn't about having a position of authority over them unless you have to," Fluttershy answered, "You'll learn companionship and just how to love one."


 "Oh, but you did hear what Starlight said, didn't you, Fluttershy?" asked Discord in a manipulative manner and hugged Starlight into his grasp.


 "It's two votes to go to the café against one, we win," Discord chuckled and stroked Starlight's mane as a thank you for agreeing with him with his lion paw. Fluttershy shot Discord a glare and Discord reluctantly released Starlight from his grasp.

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@@Blitz Boom


Sen approached Omen's mother and Lin, though his eyes were fixed on the former. The thoughts of concern ran through his mind but he jogged his mind, hoping to put his concern in the most respectful way possible. He has his doubts but he wouldn't want to make himself sound ungrateful all of a sudden. 


"May I speak with you privately," Sen began just as he stopped between his sister and Omen's mother. Lin looked at her brother and nodded, and left the two alone.

"I understand that Lin has room to learn more about magic but I ask that you don't encourage her down that path. We've been through enough alone and I don't want all that time searching for her to mean nothing. You know what she nearly got us both into and I... I'm scared. Scared of losing her, scared of finding out my efforts were for nothing. I know I sound selfish; I want her to find her own way but... but not like this."

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@@Frosty Frost,

@@Summer Breeze,


Nerzhei let out a sigh.


"Therein lies the problem. The war theory is all I have, but it is flawed like you say because some outside influence could have pushed that, or one of hundreds of other things. I know it were true though, and I can show you the literature to prove it, but it is only bits and pieces from an unknown point in time, and none have so far shown me what happened.


I'm sure that somewhere out there, a tome, a ruin or something else exists that can shed light on this, but I doubt it will be easy to find, and more so that anyone is still alive from whenever this were. Even if some lives millennia, like your princesses, there have always been a time before them, just as there will be after them, and considering the state between our races and countries... I can't see it having been in living memory.


Then again, some dragons live long enough to have potentially been there, but forgotten what happened until there's just the grudge left - and a dragon knows how to hold a grudge - whilst the princesses just don't want to talk about it. The possibilities are endless, so all I really know for sure thus far is the description of a few combined wonders of old, a few drawings of them wandering along one another and a few, rough sentences."


Nerzhei were passionate about little as much as she were about research, and this mystery of a past in unity had long been the pinnacle to reach for that made her excited to even speak about. Sure, she had other things she worked on and examined, and every solution made, past secret unravelled, or new idea thought of, made her smile and feel accomplished, but it were hard to compete with a story that sounded crazy to those who had not seen evidence of it now, wasn't it?


"There are issues now, but it's a question about how it were tolerated back in the old times to consider as well. Perhaps Dragons were more mellowed out, or ponies more level-headed? It's impossible to say for me at this point, though I strive to find out.


Anyway, enough about that. There were other things to turn here, though I'll make it brief.


The gems are not hard to get per se when you find them, but getting there is the thing. It will take a long dive and avoiding some currents and local wildlife, but if you're determined enough it shouldn't be hard to reach the minor source of it I have found. You'll see it eventually if things goes smoothly.


As for the dryads, then no, not the earth itself, but with everything that can grow from it it's details really. Dryads control foliage like a unicorn controls telepathy, and having trees uproot and lounge for you, vines sprout from the ground to grab hold of you or things worse than that is what's to be expected if you run into one of them. Fortunately, it's all susceptible to fire, which we dragons have in abundance, so we keep them in check. Which is also the reason that if we see one, stay close. You'll be an easy prey on your own.


Also, not tempted to eat you. I'm not that much into bony, tough meat."


They'd all be able to see the edge of the forest getting near now, with a few possible glimpses at more barren, rocky ground between the trees at certain angles.







Ziggy's jaw almost hit the ground when she heard the last bit of what Serenade were saying.


"Wait, you get even Bigger? Holy guacamole, how large are you going to get? Are we talking like, Ursa Major here? Ursa Minor? Manticore? Have to be Way big if you need a builder at least."


She were quite frankly baffled with this. Sure, she had heard of plenty beings who got really big and had growth spurts, like herself, but there were usually a limit to it and Serenade already looked like a pretty big creature. If she got another spurt, she'd end up outgrowing this house or something similar, which were fascinating to think about, but also worrying in a sense as it could put a lot of strain on her body in the process. Not to mention that hiding would have to be really weird with the massively different sizes of her pegasi and siren firms.


Plus, it'd be really hard to properly hug her then!





@@Rapid Wind,


A loud sound would eventually break the silence that had fallen over things, though perhaps not one he'd expect. Around Ponyville the loud sounds usually came from things falling down, small arguments, or Pinkie Pie partying or celebrating something, but therewere another source that sometimes got a loud sound going now and again. This one were the culprit that should help Rapid snap out of it, depending on how he'd handle the sudden sound of some club music hammering out behind him for about three seconds before Vinyl would be able to stop it.


From the looks of things, a cord had popped out on some things she had been moving that were apparently already set up and running for some reason, and had for a few seconds made the street sound horrible. At least if you asked Stargazer, though the looks of those around seemed to indicate that they didn't mind this noisy sort of thing.


It was tempting to hit her with disturbing the peace, but frankly it were a petty thing to do just because he didn't like the music, and it had stopped fairly quick, so it wasn't enough of a problem to make him care right now.


Vinyl didn't seem to care much either besides giggling a bit as she set the cords right again, made sure to secure them, and then put back on her headphones and started to get walking whilst moving with the beats.






@@Seamore Sandwich,


@@Mentis Soliloquy,


Brittle listened with fascination to what Allure told her, and rose a little bit from her submissive stance as the story went on. It were mostly interest and curiosity of the feelings that flustered up, though there eventually also came sympathy for the changelings as the story reached the point that spoke of their plight, and of Allure's hive in particular. To be made from the scraps of others and having to try and live in the Badlands where they might have to battle others of their kind sounded horrible, and especially after a huge war had happened that likely didn't make it easier being a changeling.


It made her briefly wonder if this was why the reactions when she were spotted had gotten worse the last year or so, but then along came the question that the queen had to her, and she gulped a little.


"Y-Yes, but not f-from you or... Them. I f-feel others though..."


She took a deep breath, and tried to say what was coming to her mind after that. A guess as to why she was asked, considering what was being told before.


"You m-mean love... Right? I-I have to have that too. Circus s-said it were b-because I was a monster b-but... It's normal?


H-Have you been forced to... Do things f-for it too? I was l-locked in a c... Cage and o-only let out when it w-was show time. Scary, horrible, bad p-ponies laughing everywhere... B-But only way to get l-love... Only way to e-eat, they s-said..."


The sound from behind about the portal being ready stopped her words, and she cast a quick glance over towards the portal before looking back at Allure, feeling a little down that she had to leave. She wanted to know more, but... Perhaps another time it sounded like. At least if the changeling queen were going with them.


The spider creatures hadn't waited for the others when it were set up. Or well, Ashta hadn't at least,a nd had given a quick order to follow, weapons drawn in case they met resistance or found the unspeakable one. An order that Ko had taken to him, though it were to be seen what the others would do.


As for Briar, he stood there and awaited Priestess and hers to go through before he would. He didn't like the idea of being trapped anywhere with Ashta for even a few seconds where nopony else could see what went wrong, though he were ready to pass through when it wasn't a lonely thing in a heartbeat, and would follow without hesitation at that point.







"If this is a nightmare for them, they need to step up their game. I've seen far worse than this awake."


Zinthar sounded really unimpressed with their surroundings, though frankly it still go on his nerves. Especially because sometimes a light would get near him and his feline instincts to chase it started to bubble up. Something that he wanted to think he were above, but... It was so very tempting.


"If the dream guards are even a little like I have heard, you're probably right in it being nearly impossible to map anything here. Especially if it's common to just yank others around on a chain and leave them like this. Really, I should be asking for the manager with this treatment."


A toying tone had gone into things near the end of his sentence, so he wasn't likely contemplating calling out to see the boss about them being pulled on their strings, even though the idea did cross his mind. He did not enjoy being a pawn in whatever game they were playing right now.


It wouldn't be too long before something would show in the horizon. It were hard to tell what it were really, but... Perhaps a change of scenery in the dream halls? Crescent was a bit closer to it than him (means you can chose) as Zinthar had stopped to look on some stranger than normal lights for a little, so his eyes should fall on whatever scenery, door or whatever else they seemed to get closer towards.







When he asked for privacy, Mother would amplify that by opening her large wings and engulf both her and Sen in them. He was a good deal smaller than she, so he had plenty of room to still wander and such, and in here they wouldn't be heard. The soft glow from her wings also helped making sure he wouldn't stand blinded, or miss Mother's expression as she spoke to him after his inquiry.


"I won't claim to know your situation fully, as only the two of you truly does that, however, there is a few reasons as to why I do this.


First off, is because she wished to know more of it, and I try to help friends of my children when I choose to meet them. Perhaps I have tried to push the notion of magic too much, and for that I do apologise, but I only try to help her.


The secondary reason is more dire actually. As you may recall, I said the sacrificial magic is now dormant in her? Whilst technically it could just be ignored so long as she never tried to cast a spell again, inevitably, it would happen, and she'd succumb. A place and being of pure magic during the peak hour is the only thing that can cleanse her of this, with the addition of magic after that being a thing one could strive for. Healthy magic, instead of this foul energy.


However... It isn't that easy. Learning she haves her soul in her energy, means that the magic will begin to wake up and begin to corrupt her again soon. The roots were not too deep when the soul was thought not present, but as it is, the hold is actually too great to keep it dormant. I would say that you will have a maximum of three days before she will begin to bleed life energy again. Fewer if she attempts anything regarding tapping into the polluted magic, starting from when you leave this place. Frankly, keeping her here until you have found the place might ultimately be the safest option for her, though I will not force that upon either of you.


I will let you know something though, even if I know it will not do much to your concerns. I would never advocate something that would get a child of mine or their friends hurt, and if I had thought that any magic she could find would replicate what she have taken now, I would never have said a word. Yet, pure magic can give pure magic, not meant to hurt but to assist, leaving the user without the backlash of sacrificial magic such as this.


It is safe, and if she seeks magic at any stage, getting it from the purest source in your world will be safer than her stumbling over another magic later on, will it not?


I can understand why you worry. You have nearly lost her, and you almost got taken down along with it. In your place I would be greatly concerned as well, but I only try to help to what extend that I can now, and think what would be safest longer down the road. Even if it might seem like I'm trying to push her towards repeating what have happened once already."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom"I'm not sure of the exact measurements, but Princess Luna did mention that" Serenade airquotes the next part, in her best Princess Luna voice, "We may grow to become the largest Siren yet encountered by Equestria'. The Siren rolls off, and tucks her wings up close, "which isn't giving away much, since for most of Equestria, I'm a myth. A scary story to tell young colts and fillies to be good. But, based on the illustrations in several books, and observations of my siren form, they tell me I'm a different subspecies from The Three. Here, let me show you." Serenade gets up and trots over to her bookshelf, and pulls out a book, and quickly flips through the pages. "Here we go" She spins the book around, and shows Ziggy the image , she then walks over to her rock and removes her pendant. 


The differences between Serenade and the ones depicted in the illustrations are subtle, but there. The webbing on her forehooves is larger, extending from the ankle all the way up to just below the shoulder. Her mane stretches from the top of her head all the way to just before her tail fluke, and it's shorter then the ones in the illustration. Her tail fluke is separated into two distinct halves, Her eyes are the same color as they are in her Pegasi form, and finally the jaw fins are much larger. She also lacks the glowing red jewel. 

She idly flicks her tail in the water, before grabbing the pendant again. "So yeah, I might get bigger then them, and they are big. And my little pond there is getting a bit small for my liking."

Edited by Moonlit
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@Melke, @Seamore Sandwich,  @Mentis Soliloquy,


Allure looked to the portal, then back to Brittle. "It makes sense. Emotions are only shared between members of the same hive, where as you do not belong to any. And yes, it is love and it is normal, if not vital. Most positive emotions will help, but love is the most crucial. If you're an underling, you are forced on behalf of the hive, but the reason we're called changelings, monsters, is cause of our need to transform and appear as a pony's loved one, and feed off the affection that pony would normally receive. That's why we're so looked down upon. We foalnap ponies and take their places. at least, that was the way. Not sure that'll work now, with Chrysalis blunder. 


From your description, it did not sound like you were given love. Just soem positive emotion from entertaining and amusement. Probably why you are the way you are. Unstable appearance. Uncontrollable powers. Why you haven't gone any further towards either being a whole pony or whole changeling. You haven't received enough love, if any.



"Okay! Does anyone know anything about what were going to face!?" Priestess yelled out to the party, donning her armor over her shrine maiden robes. "I need to know if it's wise to bring any of my Changeling garrison or Nocturne war band, or if they'll be no match to our foe and overwhelmingly slaughtered! I'd kinda like soem more intel with my intel!" 


Allure quickly looked to her and back. "I must leave soon young one. But before I go, I'd like to offer you a place in my hive. I can't guarantee where you'll end up, but I do guarantee you will have a station there, and protection. Should something happen to me, you will be taken care of. It wouldn't be the first time this hive has lost their queen to a fool hardy mission. Do you accept?" 

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@Blitz Boom


Rapid Wind was startled back into the present moment by the original loud noise. He immediately went looking for the source and watched a unicorn pony reattach her musical equipment and then start dancing to a strange beat. Despite being startled, Rapid Wind had been drawn back to the present moment thanks to the loud noise and the pony was already wearing headphones and wouldn't hear him if he complained, so he turned his attention back to Stargazer.

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@@Blitz Boom


Sen wondered but he came to the realization that he may have posed the greater detriment to Lin's growth. He resigned to that thought and looked back at his sister, who was also deep in thought. He looked back at Omen's mother and sighed. 

"I understand. Perhaps I am turning to the conservative ways of my kind; I thought I turned my back on them but I guess I can't leave that behind. I'll respect her decision whatever it may be and live with what comes next. Is there anything I should know when we go from here? You had a talk with Lin about what comes next and I'd like to know how I can assist."

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@@Blitz Boom, @@Frosty Frost,


Summer listened with big eyes to laryel tell about her sad family history. When she saw the first tear rolling down laryels cheek summer flew up and put her hoof on laryels shoulder. 'It's okay, don't cry.' summer said but she knew that it wouldn't help much.


when laryel finished her story summer gave her a big hug. 'That sounds like an absolute terrible history, but you couldn't help it. It's not your fault.' She said and gave her another hug.


then Summer landed on the ground again and thought about what to tell about the ever free forest.


'The ever free forest is the most magical forest of equestria.' she began 'Some ponies are scared of it because it's a bit strange, and because it doesn't depend on ponys to grow and live. there are a llot of magicla creatures, allmost every magical creature lives there actually. some are nice and some aren't but they are all equally magastic. there are also a ton of nonmagical creatues, flutterhsy takes care of them or they just live their life in the forest by themselfves. It's a really beuatifull place, the most beautifull flowers and trees live there. I have a collection of the most beautifull ones in my garden but it's getting a bit full because ther are so many that I want in my garden.' Summer paused to chuckel a bit.


then she continued 'There also is an open place with many colors, just like a rainbow but not really. It's the place where blitz does her experiments and it's really pretty. there also is a big hole in the ground because some of her experiments go wrong ometimes, right blitz?


but anyway, the ever free is a truely magical forest, but it's a kind of magic I'm not scared of. it's a natural kind of magic that is all around us and it's stronger in the ever free as anywhere else.'


Summer finished her story about the ever free forest and looked hopefull at laryel to see what she thought of it.


Then, from the corner of her eye, summer saw that the forest started to get thiner and eventually dissapear. She was kinda nervous to see where the dragons lived but also a bit scared, she didn't like the dragons, not really.

Edited by Summer Breeze


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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@@Blitz Boom Cyan Flare nodded as Happy spoke, and told him that that would be the best idea with a slight chuckle. She then rushed from window to window, ensuring each one was shut tightly. From one which was left open, she heard a familiar call out of the blue. She couldn't quite recognise who it was yet, but as the shouting grew closer it began to ring a bell. "Golden Spell?" she replied.

"Cyan!" the pale golden/yellow unicorn galloped forward and poked his head through the window. "Are you okay? Who's that?"

"I'm fine!" Cyan said, and followed her brother's nervous gaze. "That's Happy. He's a friend, I'd say."

Golden Spell tilted his head, then glanced to the door of the house. Cyan Flare rushed over and opened it for him; he hurriedly stumbled inside and slammed it shut behind him, relief evident in his forest green eyes. "What a day to visit Ponyville..." he muttered under his breath.



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@Blitz Boom

@Summer Breeze


"You'd think that if there was a war that made a rift between two close races, that it would be well documented. And even if it wasn't a war, the cause would still be written down in any way possible by a lot of people, I guess. I'm not sure what kind of writing they used then, but you mentioned a tome, so I guess they were fully capable of writing things down."


Frosty gave Nerzhei a telekinetic pat on the shoulder.


"To be fair, whatever happened happened a very long time ago, so I guess the sources would be pretty scarce. Having discovered that ponies and dragons did stuff together is already a giant discovery in my book."


Frosty grinned when he heard how to get the gems.


"That doesn't sound so bad. I have magic, so breathing won't be that much of a problem, and I can literally create walls of ice everywhere to protect me against any animals that want to attack me. The only problem will be the currents. If my telekinesis is strong enough, I can levitate myself through the water with an aerodynamic shield of ice. I probably don't have enough magic for that, but eh, we'll see. I can do it in theory. And there's no shortage of determination here, I really want those gems.


So dryads do plant stuff. Sounds logical. Luckily plants don't take getting frozen very well, since they're full of water, and all. Any plant that is completely frozen shouldn't be able to move without shattering. But I probably won't be able to handle more than one of them at a time. Freezing stuff is hard work, you know."


"You're bony yourself"


He was glad when he saw the forest's edge getting nearer. Surprise dryad attacks weren't that probable anymore.


"Are we almost there yet? Also, will there be food? I'm getting pretty hungry. Wait, are dragons carnivores? Because we're herbivores."

Edited by Frosty Frost


Awesome signature by FallenTrench

People think my soul is filled with grey, but it's actually filled with rainbows!

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A moment of complete disbelief was what Queen Allure would be faced with when she put the offer forward to Brittle. To have a home, and others around her that were somewhat of the same kind, learning and being part of something... It baffled her to be told that she could be part of that. Not anything certain, sure, but...


As the moment passed, doubt and fear took over again though, and the scared, failed convert, looked behind her where Briar stood, likely listening in as he tended to do, before after a while, returning her eyes gaze to the queen.


"I-I can't... I need to t-think, and speak w-with... Briar."


There was a slight tinge of determination in her emotions, but it was vague and likely driven by fear, mostly of the kind revolving around change. Brittle wasn't even sure herself, she just knew that it would be better to talk with him first before making a decision like this. So much could change and she wasn't exactly... Well, she didn't trust herself to make the right decision on her own.


"H-He got me away f-from... Them. P-Protects me now. I can't... I-I have to talk with him f-first. I-Im sorry..."


She were very torn on this, wanting both the chance to fit in, but not leave Briar behind either, and if she were to go to a hive, what would happen to him? Might be he wasn't allowed anywhere around, and after having spent this long to find him again, she didn't want to see him go again. It had been hard enough the first time.





@@Rapid Wind,


"I can't say I agree with having something so noisy lugging around, but at least it was short lived."


Stargazer would have included words about how it had also snapped Rapid out of it, but not everypony liked to be confronted about doing stuff like that, so to be on the safe side, he kept those words inside his head. Right about the same place where the ones for the dancing unicorn lugging her stuff further away now would be stashed, which weren't all that positive.


"In any case, I suppose we have been loitering here for too long. Is there a preferred location you want to go next?"







"The best thing you can do, is being there for her. Whatever will happen she could use the support only family could bring to get through it, and if the magical being you encounter finds her wanting magic enough to be tricked to an unfavourable deal, your more distant approach to this will help on things not escalating in a bad way. Keep your wits about you, and your heart in the right place, and you will assist her far better than you might think at first.


Also, keep the time limit very much in mind. If things does not appear to be going towards your goal within the first few days, tell my daughter, and she will help get Lin back here, where the process can be slowed. It might give the few days more you could potentially need, even though she might not be happy about it."


Mother drew out a sigh and let her wings spread again, letting Sen be fully viewable and audible to his sister again instead of just being possible to see through the thin membrane in Mother's wings. As she did this, she also raised her voice some and looked towards them both with a sort of knowing smile on her lips for a bit before speaking to them.


"I have something I'd wish to ask you both, going forward, before more is said.


Take Omen with you, and let her help whatever way she can. I know we have spoken briefly about this, but she can be helpful on your journey to rid the foulness from you, Lin, and... Much as it hurts me to say, she is not as strong as I would have wished. Since her master left her, she have grown stagnant, and in some ways have reverted, and she need others to push her forward. Someone to trust. She have placed that trust in you two now, which is also one of the reasons why I wish to help you in what ways I can, as, however selfish this may sound, I need you to be able to be there for her. It is not the only reason, but I would lie were I not to say it played a part.


By words spoken earlier by Sen, I believe that you will, but I hope you will forgive an old Reaper for simply telling you this again, if nothing else then to feel more certain that I have not left my daughter in a bad situation once more.


We still have a bit of time before she returns, if there are other things you wish to know, but I just wanted to get this out there once more. I do hope it does not come off as preachy or annoying."







"I'd say. One minute it's clear sky and the next the town's trapped in a tornado dome of some kind. Dangerous weather you have here in Equestria."


Happy greeted the newcomer and did his bantering as usual, though really, he were tempted to go look for another rock and see if he could pawn this off as another accident instead of this.


There wasn't something out of the ordinary that irked him about Golden or whatever he was called - except the usual paranoid thinking that he was one of those kinds of unicorns that knew how to sniff out changeling magic - but he really disliked getting interrupted in things and having plans change. Granted, there hadn't been much of a plan in getting in here, and he hadn't really gotten much thought into what to do whilst waiting for the storm to be over than to rummage around a bit perhaps, but it was the principle of it.


Still, there was a silver lining in that whoever this was knew Cyan, so the more he thought about how that could end up being a boon in the end instead of listening to his instinct, the more he begrudgingly put the idea of *handling* him out of the way. At least for now, he wasn't going to benefit from it, though if trouble started then all bets were off and he'd think survival over subtlety.


"Name's Happy Hour. Travelling brewer hitting town on a bad day. Good to meet you."


He extended his hoof in a usual way when expecting a hoofshake greeting, wondering if now that he had said a little something, he could get some information on who this bloke was. At least something more than just a name to start with, though they'd see. Some ponies were rather stingy with that sort of thing.









Ziggy looked at the picture with big eyes. The sheer size of that one had to be pretty large, and now Serenade was going to get even bigger? Dang, no wonder the sirens lived in the sea. Where else should there be room for them? Like, seriously, she wouldn't have a chance at the. to her, spacious pond like that.


For some reason she had the sudden urge to yelp out *We're gonna need a bigger boat* though she wasn't sure why. She couldn't remember hearing that phrase before, and yet... There it was. Huh.


"Well, unless you're gonna remake your entire entire house to a swimming pool, you'll need to move, yes? Because if you're getting bigger than these, it'll be like putting a chimera in a clown car. Just less funny and without the honk honk."


She looked around, trying to imagine what it'd be like to put a being the size of the one she saw there in here, and visibly cringed from the thought. Nothing good could come from that.





@@Frosty Frost,

@@Summer Breeze,


"Like we'd ever-"


Qert was stopped by a shard of stone, roughly a half meter long and thin as a rope, boring into the branch just next to him. On the other end of where the shard had come from, Nerzhei stood with a brownish green energy rolling at the tip of her right index claw and looked at him with a glare that made him stop any thought of finishing what he had said.


"Behave, and we will too, and I can see if there's something. We're omnivores, so there should be a chance, though keep inquires directly to me. Most of the others will try and react like Qert were about to."


Researcher or not, Nerzhei was still a dragon, and a strong one of that with a temper that matched. She might hold it down mostly and speak somewhat more neutral, but the blaze roared beneath it all, and Qert - heck, most in the camp - knew what would happen if you poked at it too much.


She utilised it to get her points across mostly, and refrained from physical confrontation in favour of warnings if possible though. She considered her brain more valuable than her brawn, and it made her more than aware that if she started too much fighting and clocked others out over nothing, she were going to get in trouble eventually, and it would end up hurting her research. Especially if it was this undersized maggot that were Qert. A prodigy in tracking that would one day likely get a more mature stature to him and had some good connections around because of his usefulness, leaving his future to be considered one that were getting high, especially since he also had the attitude of a classic, high ranking, pompous dragon.


Far as she were concerned, he could be strung up for the dryads to pick on, but just as he knew what would happen if he went too far, so did she knew that whoever left him were going to be in trouble from his companions or his higher ranking family. She had been able to give him a proper warning once though, and shown him that the only thing that stopped her from puncturing him like a balloon were her unwillingness to have him soil her tent with his blood, and her being able to restraint herself unless she got a good reason. He had yet to truly test her when it seemed like her limit were in sight again.


Regardless, as they now got to the edge of the forest, a silence fell over some in the group - mainly from Blitz, Nerzhei, Lyriel and Qert - at the sudden change in environment as they found themselves finally at the edge of the forest, and towards the rocky path that led onwards.


No vegetation grew on the grey and black stones, not even small ones that tended to be there. Likely they had been seared away just in case, which would explain some scorch marks here and there, but considering what had been told of the other dryads and the valley in general, it shouldn't come as a surprise that they kept things very controlled.


"Right, enough small talk for now. We're going to be seeing the first ones soon, and i want all of you to listen carefully to a few rules.


No hugging, no swarming them with questions - take one at a time and keep them relevant - no singing and stay gathered. I'll get you all where you nee to be and we can get this over with soon, but stray from the rules and things are gonna drag out as you'll be creating tension."


It might be a bit harsh to say that the friendly things ponies did were them making trouble, but this were dragon country and they had other views on how to do things, and sometimes a low tolerance to anyone that didn't follow the same ideals. Which, stereotypes taken in mind, tended to be ponies.


Before going onwards, Nerzhei raised a claw and looked at the special little group in front of her.


"And while I remember it: try to ignore what you're about to hear from the others. it will make it simpler for everyone.


Any questions before we get there?"


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom,

"Take your time, if you feel that strongly about his discretion. There's a chance I won't make it back from this from the way things sound. But if you change your mind, then do come to this castle. The process of induction will be slower & more tedious then with my approval, but you will be accepted,"

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@@Blitz Boom"One of the perks to living in Ponyville, space to add on. I have plans to expand my current house, but I'm gonna have to see what size I finally reach. Trying to cope with this, in a place like Canterlot would drive me insane. I already have to make allowances for being a carnivore among ponies " Serenade nervously taps her front hooves on the rock, trying very hard not to blush, "The growth spurt I can handle, it's the..." she swallows audibly, "the nesting phase, no one is sure what will happen. And that truly frightens me" 

Edited by Moonlit
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@Blitz Boom


 "Town hall, I need to start looking for jobs," Rapid Wind commented thinking it quite likely town hall had a job information board or a place where jobs were advertised. It would make sense in Rapid's opinion. He wondered what job he would take, but decided that would depend on what was on offer.

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@@Blitz Boom


"I understand," Sen replied "and don't feel bad for coming off sounding as such. Some words gone unsaid may come back to haunt anyone. Sometimes it may be better to say it. And thank you so much."


Lin approached from afar, still deep in thought but no closer to an answer about reconsidering her stance on the offer presented to her. It was a difficult choice and if she learned one thing from her previous debacle, her intelligence or wit couldn't save her and her pride was a powerful and sure way to ruin. It didn't matter that she sought to find the old tomes and gain the horrors of magic sealed to seek revenge. Now that she had it, and it was destroying her in more ways than she could imagine, she needed all the time she could afford to make a choice that will matter. 

"I believe I still have some questions." Lin added. "I'm not quite sure what you, Omen, and your other children are called. It's something that bothered me a bit. And should I become one of your kind, or like it as much as this body could afford, would I go mad from the revelation that the changes would take place on me? I've heard of tales where those who gained powers not of their own may go mad, like having eyes lining their minds; the eyes that seek insight not meant for them."

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@Seamore Sandwich, @Quinch, @SugarfootWillie, @Blitz Boom [Ponyville]


Quinch looked up at the towering creature, trying to ignore the protests of his body, complaining about the pain like an angry parent seeing the aftermath of a house party. He wasn't sure what was happening with the two biters, but whatever it was, it seemed to be working, with others joining in as well.


"Copy that," he said to Miles. "Just keep my eyes on him."


He paused.




A cape would have probably have said something more pithy, or at least catchy. He focused on trying to figure out whether or not it would even work. The monster was intangible, but still somewhat physical, and getting more and more so. Still, it was either try something or sit twiddling his thumbs while other people dealt with the grungework.


It was tempting, though.


He heard his suit go "pop" softly, as the giant dent in it started to smooth out, excruciatingly slowly, like a balloon being re-inflated by a toddler. He didn't have time to wait for it to reset fully, though, especially as a hand materialized, reaching for one of the ponies underneath. He took a step back, leaping upwards on the rocket boots - not towards the hand, not towards the body, but up like an arrow, one arm stretched out, other at his hip, heading straight towards its giant face as though planning to punch his way through.


As though.


Mere meters away from his target, he threw his other fist at it.


The fist full of dirt.


He didn't wait to see the reaction, instead twisting in midair in a breakneck corkscrew turn, his inertia carrying him the rest of the way through as he cranked the thrusters into redline. He didn't know what effect it would have, but if there was any connection between this thing and the material world, dirt, sand and gravel being rocket-blasted into its giant eyes should have gotten its attention. He killed the thrusters a moment later, dropping towards the ground like a stone, and hitting in in a perfect three-point, still heaving from the earlier impact.

Current project: The Olden World audiobook

What's to stop you?

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"I'm s-sorry... Just that I-I looked for him for... A l-long time. Can't j-just leave him..."


It didn't really say much, but chances were that if Allure wanted details on things she'd have more luck getting it from Briar than from the convert. Speaking of things from back then made her clog up more than usual, but even if it weren't so, she just were too nervous and shy in general to keep a full sentence going for long and focused enough unless she were pressed. Though, likely that she'd then just shut up entirely and have a panic attack. Ponies like this were fickle really.


"I h-hope you... Get b-back... Safe."







"You're going to need a nest? It is for a sort of safe place when you grow? And here I thought that you'd just sort of... Y'know, *poof* and done."


Though her brother were a wildlife preservation worker, Ziggy weren't that familiar with the habit of a lot of animals, and nesting in general seemed like a strange thing to be worried about when the ones she had to compare with were birds in forest. They just made a nest, then whammy, that was it.


Might be because Serenade needed to find some special things to make the nest from, being a siren and all? Could be that she were worried about. Though, from the tone of things, being concerned with getting the right... Rocks? Well, whatever things, seemed unfitting. More than likely there was something more to it that had really just gone over her head somewhere in this. Buuut, that was why you could always ask.


"Or is it something special about the nest that concerns you?"





@@Rapid Wind,


"Sounds like a good idea. I have to have a quick word with Mayor Mare as it is anyway now that Jelly is here. Have to register another living in my house so the papers are in order."


It was not the only reason, but he kept the other to himself. It was nothing truly major, but... He had perhaps not been entirely honest when the debate on mares catching ones eyes had come around. Or perhaps he had? Thus far, he had only met her twice, both on official visits, and both times he were getting varied degrees of tired beforehoof.


Adding on to that were also that he couldn't tell if he just respected her for her efficiency and the professionalism he had seen there, or if his mind had added other things on to that. She were not a bad looking mare as it were, that were for sure, but... Urgh, why were he thinking on this again? They had things to do, and he had other, more important things to think about for the next few days as it were anyway. Thoughts like this could come on the other side of a long rest and some of the more pressuring subjects taken care of.


Dunking the last of his coffee, Stargazer threw his empty cup in the basket that were marked for it near the stall - likely so they could be cleansed and reused instead of tossed out if you didn't take it with you - and started heading towards the office.


"I think I saw a billboard there last time. It had some post-it's and paper stapled to it, so that might be it, though I guess we'll see when we get there."







Mother smiled knowingly at Sen and Lin, finding some amusement in the two not having heard the clues she laid before them as the answer to at least one of those things before.


"So many questions, though few with simple answers. Yet, let us try from a start and see if it will answer enough."


She almost glided over towards the orb in the middle of the room and caressed it with her right hand like it were as fragile as brittle glass.


"The simple answer to the last is that no, you will not go mad. Only if the lack of sleep would make you drive yourself mad it would, or if you could get the full treatment that I have given my children when I *birth* them, but you are not able to. You are still alive, and the living cannot go through what they have done. Only parts of it, and those are not enough to drive you mad by themselves.


It is also why you would be restricted in power compared to my dear offspring, though most of them do not even know they have special things before long into a second life."


Her other hand came forth and placed above the orb, whilst the other went under, before the shadow that rolled over the sphere broke off and revealed the clear, beautiful water beneath, with the shades rolling around her clawed hands for a little.


"Once, this was part of me instead of this realm. We call it our soul, us who are named Reapers, and it is through the power it holds that I could collect once upon a time without issue, and see any soul that passed me by. Now though, it's purpose is greater than me, and it is part of why there is a home here for the lost children."


The shade fell over it again and she removed herself from the core of her old self. Then, a word came that Sen would have heard before. An incomprehensible word that were not possible to speak without several mouth or through other, special means, and sounded much like battling whispers.


"That is what they are called, though often travellers simply refer to them as the Ki'Nathar. A simplification, but alas, sometimes it must be so. And as to what they are... Well, they are not what I am.


They are the lost that have suffered and were never picked up that stumbled within my view, taken and cleansed in my core and given new life instead of the one that were taken from them. My children, in spirit if not in blood, that I love more than I once did my own ilk.


My beautiful little angels that I cry tears of sorrow and joy for when they leave the nest with a master who can give them the body that I never could."


She smiles and leans down on the floor to lay flat on her stomach, which gives her more of an eye to eye view with Sen and Lin without straining her back.


"My family is not perfect, but I cherish it like nothing else."


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, rubbing the back of her head, Serenade finally takes a deep breath, "honestly, it's the whole process. Since Siren's are not the most well-documented species, alot of what they expect me to go through is guesswork." She laughs, "For the longest time, my old Doctor based some of his assumptions on what to expect based on Griffons." 


The Siren walks over, and closes the book she gave Ziggy, before replacing it on the shelf, "But of all the things that scare me..." Serenade is quiet for a few moments, like she's gathering her thoughts, "What happens if and when I choose a mate. I know with Ponies, it's a conscious decision, but nobody knows with Sirens. A bit of me is telling me I'm being silly, but Carnivores get very territorial around that time, and what happens if you or, Princess forbid, Derpy comes around? What if I hurt somepony?" Serenade walks over to the kitchen and starts making a fresh pot of tea, then slips a fresh apple over to Fah'lina. 


"My parents found me as an egg, abandoned. Is that what will happen if I have children, do Sirens abandon their young?" Serenade takes a deep breath, before turning back to Ziggy, "sorry, sorry. I'm ranting." She gives Ziggy an apologetic smile. 

Edited by Moonlit
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@@Blitz Boom


Sen thought about those words spoken and wondered about his previous task, one that would be buried within the recesses of his mind and left to be forgotten. He once thought there was a chance to go back home and reconcile with is kin, a chance to see that their ways would no longer be deemed beneficial to them. He only knew it as a way to preserve their kind's purity but leaving them to be ruled by way of xenophobia. He wanted a chance to prove them wrong but now, he was uncertain.

As Lin thought about this too, the hoped that there would be a way to move forward. Should she choose to take in the new kind of magic, she would be new, to her kind and to the world but was afraid of what she would lose. But she somehow felt safe knowing that others had her best interests at heart, even feeling Omen's mother to be more of a mother than her own biological mother. She smiled but won't say why; she's content. 

"You should know something," Sen began. "When I first met Omen, I told her I wanted to help her find her master. With your permission, I would still like to pursue that. I've got no life to return to and I'd like to do something to repay her." 

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"Well, I'm sorta basing this off other creatures, but... Not thinking you'd be a danger to others unless you had kids, and I'm thinking there'll be a whole slew of other things to worry about then. Like keeping me away from the cutesey widdle baby sirens."


You could almost hear the smiley emotes and rainbows popping out around her as she spoke about baby sirens. Likely they'd end up trying to eat her, but that didn't mean that she couldn't find the thought adorable of little Serenade's just paddling around in a small pool.


"Hehe. Seriously though, I think that it's one of those things you take as they come, and another good reason for speaking with the new princess. If there's anything happening there, she can just keep the area around your house restricted for whatever reason and nopony would be the wiser.


And I don't think you'd abandon the kids. I mean, even if normal sirens do, you have been growing up around ponies and I think you'd raise them like you were raised regardless of what a siren would normally do. If your mate turns out not to agree... Well, phoey to him."


She did wonder where Serenade would find a male siren around these parts, but there were likely an ocean somewhere that she'd go look she supposed. Likely wasn't gonna be a dating poster for her particular kind just hanging somewhere, being thought of as a myth and all, so that was likely the way to go. Unless she could interbreed with a regular pony, or dragon, or something else. Not many races that really could - plus a few, such as pony and dragon halflings, that were only theorised - so the odds weren't high. But what'd she know? Serenade was the first siren she had ever met, so lots of things could turn out to be true that wouldn't normally be so.







Mother let out a sigh at the mention of Omen's master.


"My daughter makes her own choices, and if she wishes to still find him, then I will not stand in her wayt, nor yours for so graciously helping her.


Still, I cannot say that I am a great fan of her master. The one time I saw him it were obvious he were very powerful, but chaos is a random magic and from what my daughter told me back then, his personality and world showed off that element very clearly. It left her with a world hard to understand, and when she had finally learned a few things, he, and the world that came with him, vanished like it had never been.


If it were intentional or not I don't know, but what I do know is that it stunted her growth significantly. With no friends or anyone who would speak with her, and the world she had known gone, she came back here to wait for it to return and got stuck that way. She learned nothing, because there was noone to teach her, and everything she had known meant nothing as the world had changed.


Even when I eventually made her return to your world to try and make her learn of her own accord, or finding one who would, it have gone tremendously slow compared to others of her siblings that end in the same situation. I mean, she is what, a thousand or so of your years old? And yet she have learned less than most who have only had five or ten.


I blame him for this, and if I ever met the creature, I would speak my mind to him, but I know Omen will not let it go. Regardless of him being able to teach her anything anymore or not, she feels drawn to him, and I understand that she at the very least will need that chapter of her life closed. A growing experience in itself, surely, but a slow one considering how she have yet been unable to find him."


She contemplated things for a minute or so before regaining her smile and looking between the longma siblings.


"You both haves lives to make, even if there is nothing to return to, and I'm certain that if she sticks by you, she will learn properly. Just as you both will as you carve out the path ahead for yourselves into the uncertain future.


Yet, this is a thing for after you have found the place we have spoken of. Omen have a long, long time to look or wait ahead of her as it is, and though she doesn't show it much, I saw enough in her mind to know that she wants to help you two more than even finding him, in whatever way you need her for. You may not have as long if the foulness breaks out again, and as such, getting this cleansed should be the focus for the time being for your party of three."







"Oh come on, it have to be here somewhere."


"I don't know... We haven't really had luck going this way either..."


The two voices were heard not too long away from where Astral currently were, and got closer by the second. Not directly, but a little by little they did make it towards the area in a sweeping pattern as if the voices were looking for something.


If she or anypony else would check, they'd see a pair of ponies. An earth pony and a pegasi to be exact, with silvery manes and tails, a somewhat shiny, onyx coat, silvery eyes, and the smaller one seemed to be carrying a satchel on her left side.


Their manes and tails were different styles with the earth pony having a more calm, toned down style with a combed back, tussled mane and a long tail twisting ever so slightly upwards at the end in a tuft (like Fluttershy), and the pegasi having a shorter mane that looked a bit like a buzzsaw and a tail that was shorter, more wild looking and more puffy than the other. She were also about half the size of the earth pony, so if they were the same age, she was a short one, even if the earth mare looked a bit big all in all.


There were a few other things to bite notice in. Like how the more nervous sounding earth pony seemed to be missing her left back leg and instead having one made of dark wood, and the more direct and calm sounding pegasi seemingly not having a left wing. Not unless it was very droopy and beneath the satchel, but that seemed far fetched.


Their cutie marks were nearly identical, depicting a black hole with a swirling, glittery pattern leading towards the middle as if it were being sucked in. The only difference being that for the pegasi it swirled right, and for the earth pony it swirled left.


They didn't take notice of much around them right now as they were looking for something, so perhaps if Astral were silently watching them, they wouldn't know until she made herself be seen.


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@@Blitz Boom, Serenade laughs, "If they are anything like me, they will be holy terrors, and I hope you'd enjoy having a short mane, cause when I was younger, I chewed my mom's tail so much she eventually cut it short and let it regrow. I'm sure mom will show you the photographs, of which she has many." She sips her tea,  "As for everything else, your right. I need to take this one day at a time, but I'm still nervous." She casts a glace over at Fah'lina, "Enough about me and my rantings, how was your day?."

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@@Blitz Boom Golden Spell politely shook Happy's hoof with a smile and replied with, "Nice. I'm Golden Spell, Cyan Flare's brother - believe it or not."

Golden Spell was ever so glad to be safe, especially having now found his sister. He had been praying that she was okay, whilst also hoping that he would be fine himself. He observed the furious winds outside.


Cyan Flare watched as Golden Spell introduced himself in a friendly manner. He usually wasn't so humble, actually; "a bit shaken up, likely," she concluded, seeing her brother still shivering a little with fear.



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@@Blitz Boom, Astal looked around when she heard the voices, curious she wandered around a bit towards the voices. "What are you looking for? Do you need help finding it?" She asked once she came across the ponies. "Cool leg, is it controlled through magic?" She asked once she saw the pony's leg.


[Just pretend this never happened :)]

Edited by Frannis

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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"Well if I wasn't a good changeling I probably would of blasted you into dust by now" that was a lie, she couldn't use large amounts of magic otherwise she would pass out. She had sworn to never drain too much love well not so much that it would affect their routine at all or not so much that a little chocolate or coffee couldn't fix. "Wait this is the same changeling that saved me from the invasion so if she was bad then wouldn't she of taken advantage of my blindness by now?" Crystal Ball spoke as she thought back to the books that said that love is like power and if taken drains ones energy to. 

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