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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom "Not like I have any other option, right?" Stingler spoke, annoyed. For some reason the stallion walked off without any trouble or anything. It was kind of weird, actually. "So, which house are you talking about?" Stingler had no memories of a blue house on Ponyville. Then again, he barely came to this place, threfore his knowledge on it was poor.

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@Blitz Boom

Storm stopped licking the tantalizing muffin-jam and looked up, "Come on Pinkie, let's go." Hearing no response he looked to his marefiriend before rolling his eyes good-naturedly at the sight of her licking at all the jam, lost in her own little world of cherries and fried batter. Storm grabbed her and flew them both onto Anomalys rock with an odd face.



The door to Fluttershy's cottage opened slowly and Discord's head stuck out, a shower cap affixed between his horns. "Yes~?" He inquired, "I heard my name in the shower, and my ears began burning." He licked a talon and put out the fire on his ears, "Burning ears don't get on very well with shower water, I'll have you know. They tend to argue quite loudly" Discord added, cleaning some ash out of his ears with a talon.

  • Brohoof 1

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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@Blitz Boom

Lance looked worried as he followed Straw out. What does he mean 'not running for dear life'? While he felt confident he could manage to stay in the same room as what he was about to run into, or his brain would refuse to make contact with his legs, he still began to sweat. He was about to ask 'Why would I want to run away?', but figured the answer would be 'You'll see,' so he kept his mouth shut. Lance had made it a rule when he was young to never make fun of or avoid those who looked different/acted different/whatever. It was kind of cheesy, but it was so if that ever happened to me, like if I tripped and fell down a staircase or something and wouldn't be able to talk, I wouldn't feel guilty over the ponies I discriminated because I hadn't discriminated any. Now, though, he began to wonder if that promise was about to be broken.


  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom

"Hmm maybe it was when I was younger there was a time of chaos. Where large beasts roamed the world where you're small and unable to protect yourself," Ancalagon chuckled as he used alittle illusion magic to show the dryad what he looked like as a little hatchling. "But as you grow your scales harden. Wingspan becoming larger to hunt the most dangerous game at the time. Claws becoming like swords capable of slashing even the toughest hide," Ancalagon said with a grin on his face. "provided if you can hunt for yourself of course. But consider this if your Celestia didn't come ponies would be smart and warlike to combat the larger creatures," he stated as he looked at Lyriel. "And to answer your question regarding my hunger. Yes I do require a large amount of meat. I refuse to subsist on diamonds and other gems. Gold and the like are meant to reward your followers for doing a good job...Along with bedding. And to show off to a future mate," Ancalagon stated the last part to himself. "Not for eating,"

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Blitz Boom

Foxy contemplated for a moment. "Well, it was made all the way in Manehattan, which is a little day's travel at the least. Let's try here first. Rarity's is only a short distance from here."


Foxy then remembered Brittle, and the spell cast on her a while ago. It could wear off at any time, but Foxy wouldn't want her to be uncomfortable, so she asked, "Are you okay with this, Brittle? The spell may be losing effect soon, but we'll both try to make you feel alright."

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@Blitz Boom

Warlock felt the tingle of magic in him as the spell was partially absorbed, even though he stopped the amount he took would tear the spell apart and make it useless, but Warlock took the rest of the magic used in the spell, his mane beginning to float a little as magic smoke poured out of the wall and into him. His ears turning around as Athriel looked about, barely picking up the sound she had heard. "Could've been a trap activating..." Warlock said looking to her as he put his hoof down, his mane floating as he floated over to the origin of the sound, lifting out his hoof as he extended a sword just in case, constructed out of magic, but seeming very violent as it struggled to stay together, sparking out and lighting up the room around Warlock, surely to show them what created the sound.


Astral looked up above herself, and out of her hoof slid a magical construct, almost as if it was exiting her hoof. "Dear Celestia I hope Warlock doesn't get that beast on his side." She said looking to Screecher.  "But even aside that, How the heck does this thing trot in here without me noticing this entire time?!"


Iron Star looked over to the doctors, his eyes faintly still having scars on them, but despite this, Iron Star did still have issues seeing. "Myself and this filly here." He said looking down at Misty, he then looked to Chow smiling a little as he stepped off of Misty's bed, almost indicating he had heard Chow's thoughts.


General Wing sighed in relief, turning around from the scroll room, but then pausing in his step."We should check at least right?" He asked looking to Dew.

  • Brohoof 1

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom


Penny led the way to Tock's shop.  Once there, they would see a well painted blue building with an open, ground level porch.  Over the porch was a sign made up of letters taken from different old antique signage including a carnival style "T" with lights, an "O" with a detailed wood carved design, a flat shiny copper "C", an old style painted sign piece for the "K", and a red "'s" followed by "SHOP" in a square frame with rounded corners.  The sign was in excellent condition as were several pieces of furniture and antique machinery on the porch, as would be expected of an antique restorer of his caliber.  "This is the place," Penny said as they arrived.  The lights were on inside, but there wasn't much noise aside from an old record player that was still on even though the record had reached its end.


@Blitz Boom




The stick would glow as Charlie spoke, saying, "Hi!  Are you friends with that other one I was just talking to?  I really hope not, cuz whoever it was was kind of a jerk.  They kept repeating everything I said!  Whatever or not you are, you should probably stay away from them because they don't seem to be very friendly today."  Charlie didn't realize they said 'Whatever or not' instead of 'Wether or not,' which must have been a bad habit picked up from accidentally possessing Briar the day before.

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@Blitz Boom

To Sen, a gem is a gem. The use of technical jargon confused him but at least there was a definite place to start. A mine and an abandoned one at that; it narrowed down the search to that place of interest, which got Sen's hopes up. Unfortunately, that also left him wondering if the piece in front of him is Omen, or a part of her that ended up outside their home. The thought of seeing her turned into this inanimate object horrified him and that wasn't just limited to the implications. If ponies mined this, how did they learn about its ability to crystalize the unfortunate host and what became those who weren't so lucky? 

"I don't know how it ended up so far away from Equestria's mountains to begin with," Sen slowly replied to Quartz's query. "You see, the village where I come from is far off in the east, likely not found on any map. It was outside my home and I could hear it, or someone channeling their voice through an inanimate object with this crystal in it, to speak to me. And this coincided with the disappearance of a... good friend of mine. I thought these events were somehow connected but after what you said about it being able to crystalize ponies unfortunate enough to crack the glass exterior, I'm beginning to worry my friend, or a part of her, is this crystal. You seem to know more about this than I do; maybe you could tell me if there is a difference between a naturally occurring piece and one from a crystalized victim? It could ease some of my worries."

Sen sat across the table from where Clayton Quartz was and pulled out a wooden box large enough to cover the gem. That is, he emptied out the contents of said box and repacked them inside is satchel. It was mostly packed food and some foot wraps for rugged terrain. The were a few little gemstones here and there but those were for the drake currently with Lin. 

"And before I forget, where is this mine you talked about?"


As for Lin, seeing Discord brightened her smile and reignited some hope in finding Omen though the ashes pouring out of his ears put her off just slightly. It still didn't make her less antsy about finding a place to start looking though that is somewhat mitigated with Sen looking for other leads. 

"Thank the spirits you're here!" Lin breathed a sigh of relief. "I know this is all so sudden but is there a way you could contact or locate Omen? She's been missing for days and Sen and I are worried something terrible might have happened to her. I didn't know who else to turn to and I'm hoping you could help." 

Edited by EQ_Theta
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@Widdershins & @Blitz Boom & @Lloyd


"Oh really?" Dawn asked as she narrowed her eyes at Pop. Even if Pop didn't look the worse for wear, she still harbored some resentment to the odd couple. "Then ... grrr," she growled, forcing herself to stop an insult and bit her tongue, looking away from Pop and Benny. She looked at the general when she spoke and ran her tongue over he teeth for a couple seconds. "That dragon can move silently when it wants to. Happy!?"


"No answer? Okay," Aurora sighed. It's not like she expected one but it was still worth a question. It's entirely possible Spicy never even seen a Changeling. Considering their exact species name, it was a given for ponies to go their whole lives without seeing a changeling in their truest forms. Aurora glanced over at the loud red Pegasus then to the fallen dragon and she shook her head. "Kaltrops, that's the wrong way to face the group."

  • Brohoof 1



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Blitz Boom

Battenberg chuckled "I'm sure you'd like her. I'm going to check on Vicky, make sure she hasn't spilled chilli powder on her mane or something, that never ends well."

She headed back to the kitchen, just as the door swung open and the same pony from the portrait floated swiftly in. She noticed the pair of customers in the shop and the lack of Battenberg and dropped to the ground. Trotting up to Pop and Benny she smiled and extended a hoof. 

"Hi there!" She shook quite quickly and excitable, she was indeed full of energy. "I'm Sprinkles, pleased to meet you!"

  • Brohoof 2




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@Blitz Boom, @Dji and... @Lloyd , I think? Right?

  At the provocation of the pseudo-griffon's voice some small distance away, Kaltrop finally looks up to take in his surroundings for the first time looking dead into Benny's pictured memory. In the awkwardly long pause an almost grinding sound of the drake's lifelong preconceptions running contrary to what his senses are currently telling him could be metaphorically heard. Eyes wide in surprise, almost pleading, the sunset-tan, younger dragon stammers more at the picture then the fellow dragon holding it.

  "...But... I don't...  With? A-as in...  But I don't see another dragon! It's..."

   Whipping his long neck around at the rest of the group away from where Benny now stood, Kaltrop settles finally on the mare he recognizes. Staring directly at her and the copper-maned, pegasus mare she stands hugging he exclaims back towards the bulkier dragon with an expression of both alarm and amazement.

  "It's usually dragons with dragons, ponies with ponies. That's how it should be, how... well, only way that could work. It just doesn't feel like..."

  Kaltrop's eyes widen a little bit more as another thought occurs to him. His head snaps back to look Benny directly in the eye for once and in volume enhanced by his alarmed attempt to grasp the situation asks loud enough to be heard by the collected group.

 "Aren't you too big for her?!!? Wouldn't you just crush her?!"

  • Brohoof 2

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Dji @Widdershins @Lloyd

Benny looked a little flabbergasted at the question Kaltrops tossed at him after the awkward round. It seemed like the dragon's world had been turned upside down, and he grasped at straws.

He didn't blame this. Purists were by far the most common among dragons, and seeing something go against that tended to either make the ground they stood on shaky and they questioned or ignored it, or they went with rage. Thankfully this time around it wasn't the later. It never got any prettier to go through that.

It was a weird question though. He was about the same height as Pop when he was wandering on all fours - if you didn't count in the wings - so it didn't seem that weird to him. Granted. He was longer than her, even without the tail, and dragons did tend to weigh in more than most ponies when comparring sizes, so perhaps that part was confusing him.

"It's not as bad as you might thi-"

"You are not discussing that!!!"

Pop interrupted him loudly, after which her face got redder and more flustered from botht he outburst and the mental image of what he were about to say..

He had forgotten that she didn't like him to tell how they tucked in together with him wrapped in a circle around her, and calling her his *Precious dragon hoard*. Nothing strange about cuddling like that to him, but for her, it was a sore spot he sometimes forgot to not mention.


"You better be. I don't want another repeat of when we visited my brother."

Benny smirked a little, which didn't escape her sight 

"It's not funny! He still laughs and makes gestures whenever I see him."

The dragon coughed and looked away, trying to avoid more of this discussion about his previous blunder, whilst stashing the photo away again.

It might please Dawn a little to see that at least Pop seemed to be the one in control when it came to her and Benny, but perhaps not enough to make a difference.

"I'm sorry you had to see this Dawn. I swear, sometimes he can just be such a dolt... It's good to have at least one slightly less crazy one to speak with now."

Screecher looked over at the two, ignoring most of what went on with Benny and Pop. She had seen it before and quite honestly, what happened between the two of them were not really her business.

"There's no need to get agitated, I'm just stating the facts. Best to do is to just try and ignore him as much as possible, and not think too much on the logistics of him. It'll save you a headache.

Same goes for you Astral. When you're talking about ancient beings like this, who is able to be as small as a coin from what I hear, it's best to just let it slide. Besides, something tells me you just didn't notice him as your focus were elsewhere, cause in this case it seems he have been here longer than us."

Meanwhile, Spicy was looking around the area, and barely registering what the others were saying. Her attention seemed mainly focused on the three buildings in front of them, though why were anypony's guess currently. Whatever it were seemed to have taken her focus away from the fidgety griffon though, which might be good for Astral, in case the mare wasn't too oblivious about changelings.

"Huh? You said something? I would've been all over it but... I'm getting the feeling we're being watched."

Paranoid was perhaps a strong word sometimes, but it fitted the gambler well, and in her personal opinion, it was warranted. A pair of eyes at the wrong place at the wrong time would be a disaster for her, not to mention the general feeling of having to watch out for cheaters at the tables that never seemed to really let go off her.

Still, in this case she were getting confident her paranoia were warranted, and that she knew exactly who were glaring at them from within the dark crevices of one of the buildings in front of them.

"Stop skulking around Marley, and get your feathered behind back to work."

She sounded annoyed, and a look to match followed as somepony stuck his head out of the third building to the right, spread his wings and flew down to them.

By Griffon standards, this were a rather fanciful exemplar that had landed in front of them. His white feathers with the soft, golden swirls spreading over them were well groomed and vibrant. His fur were just as well kept and carried a fitting colour to mix with they honey-like pattern on his feathers.

His beak were sharp and carried a playful smirk, whilst the pale-blue eyes looked down on the mare amused.

"I just wanted to make sure you didn't need protection from one of them first, *boss*."

His voice were smooth and slightly teasing as he addressed Spicy, who seemed less than amused at the antics of the muscular griffon. Still, with the bag he was carrying in his talons, she were willing to not give him a scolding just yet, if it were what she thought.

"Can the smart act wiseguy. Is that the debt?"

"Yes. Turned out it wasn't a runner, just somepony who were moving and had forgotten the date. He were very apologetic.

How about you take that, and I in return will direct my attention at the true treasure?"

Marley tossed her the bag which likely had about a hundred or so bits in it, and directed his full, undivided attention to the smaller griffon female that had entered town with his employer.

"Hey there gorgeous, I'm Marley Mildweather, Spicy's bodyguard. Now what's a lovely thing like yourself doing with this grumpy mutt?"

Spicy shook her head and mumbled to herself. "Every bloody time..."




The two looked at eachother before chuckling. What a timing this mare had to show just now, when the door to the kichen likely still wasn't standing completely still yet.

Taking charge this time, Pop wandered forward a bit and shook the ourstretched hoof with a friendly smile on her face.

"Hello there. My name is Circle Pop, and this here's Benny. He's my uhm..."

Benny grinned and struck a pose.

"Her knight in shining armor."

"Oh you."

She wandered over and gave him a peck on the cheek, which made him blush a bit.

"Anyway, it's funny that you show up now Sprinkles. We were just talking about you. You're looking for Battenberg, right? She's in the kitchen with... Her."

The animosity against Victoria could be hard in the last word, spoken bitterly.

"I'm sorry about that ma'am. Victoria, well... From the sound of it, you might know how she is at grinding other's gears."




Clayton looked increasingly concerned as Sen explained himself, and a feeling of dread began to fall over him as the time came to answer.

"It's west of Fillydelphia. There should still be signs pointing towards Jade Eyes's old mine.

As for identifying if this is part of your friend, I'm afraid it's impossible to tell. When the gem have taken you fully, you are indistinguishable from the piece who took you. The only way to tell is to look at the formation itself. They tend to keep form after the host could not move anymore. Sometimes you can tell from the clothes too. It is supposed to be a haunting sight.

And... I'm afraid I have more bad news. A piece like that would take weeks to cover somepony, but at the source? If the stories hold true, complete coverage would happen within  four days, and consumption three days more. I hate to ask this but... How long have your friend been gone?"

It wasn't a nice thought to think that it might be too late for them to make a difference. But perhaps, just maybe... Yet it was a question about timing. And even if there were time, then what? This creature didn't even know what the gem were. How would he fare when it came to removing this? Not to talk about wandering in the mine without being a victim himself.

The answer to this was obvious, though he were hesitant to mention it, coward as he apparently were.



@Seamore Sandwich

"I must say, it is a little extravagant compared to my own place, but I do find the exterior appealing. The antiques seem well suited for the place as well."

As an antique shop owner herself though, Scarcity couldn't stop herself from going closer to one of the things she saw to have a look of the quality. As she were mainly dealing in statues and furniture, she went for a lawn sofa.

Overall it seemed to be well restored. A few things were shown that she would have bit mark in if she had been out to buy this, but for a user rather than a buyer, these small imperfections meant little to nothing, and it gave her hope for his work when it came to the clocks she had sent here. Perhaps she should return here one day when she had the time to examine a few more things and see if he would share his prices for restoring other items than watches. Her current one were fine, but he were far away and transport carried risks unless you spent outrageous amounts on it. Having one in her own town would be beneficial for her coffers.

She did find the shop sign tacky though. Carnival lights and letters seemed to clash badly with the rest, but she would chalk it up to simple eccentric behavior. Professionals were allowed a few of those, and a sign was hardly the worst that could be happening. Quite honestly, she found the sound of the record player scratching along as far worse. It was the sort of instrument that shoudl play beautiful music, not fiddle along like this.

"Who would let a record player continue after the record have played out like that? It is a dreadful tune. Do you think he's home?"

She looked to the side and saw Brick tense up. Thinking the worse as he tended to, it seemed he had interpreted this differently than just the owner not being home, currently sleeping, or otherwise were distracted. He had jumped straight to thinking something was wrong instead, which were a fair assessment really, but a bit prematurely she'd say.



@Seamore Sandwich @Widdershins @Moonlit

Cherish looked at the glowing stick with a funny look.

"You're not the bad ghost. What kind of spirit are you? And I don't think there's more of us here. What did the other one sound like? Please don't say gravelly and cackling."

The only voice she could hear right now that didn't belong to any of the breathers were the one who came from this stick. There was a bit of echo over here that repeated her words, but that wa silly. He couldn't think an echo was actually another being. But then again... Alternative was that it was the evil one, and that would be really, really bad for all of them, dead or alive.

"If you didn't hear him, then you have to get away before he does. He's too strong to do anything against. Please? I-I already caused one pony to get hurt. I don't want anypony else to get hurt too."




Whatever had made the sound didn't make more, and didn't show. Whatever had activated weren't- Oh bloody hay.

The wall to their right started to rumble, shortly followed by the rest of the walls, the ceiling and the floor too, just for good measure. Sure this could be a random earthquake, but the timing seemed too off to fit with that. It was a trap, and the gas getting inert had apparently activated it. Clever old fools.

"We have to get out now, before it collapses! Drop the sword and get moving!"

She'd grab hold of him and attempt to carry him to the staircase, flying from side to side to avoid the falling rocks and hoping that they wouldn't get to there and find the staircase had collapsed already. A fine plan, though it might also have been to see if Warlock wouldn't just teleport them out, which he might just get drone before she had a chance to do anything, but who cared? Whatever would stop a temple from smashing down into her face.




Whatever the look he got sent meant, it went straight over Chow's head. He were just thinking it was relief of some kind at seeing some actual doctors, and they sure got to work quickly on getting the patients ready for transport. A little spell here, a floating gurney there, and they'd get both Misty and Iron ready to be taken away along with the ambassador.

Heh, unicorns and their tricks. Almost made him jealous, though he knew the bitter taste of what happened when you envied the magic others possessed, so it was short-lived. His greed and idiocy had cost enough beings already, and since Athriel was free now, the tally was only increasing more than likely. He couldn't imagine that monster was going to do anything peaceful when she had her element, to put it mildly.

"Okay, we can transport the patients now."

"Roger that, let's get cracking."

"Sir, you sho-"

"Not worth arguing bucko. They ain't leaving my sight.""

Chow stood up and walked/limped along with the doctors as they moved the patients out. Might be he wasn't much worth in a fight when it came to all these magic throwers, but Astral would likely mess him up if he didn't at least try to protect her dad and... Adoptive daughter or little sister. Either one fitted for Misty, though he was leaning more towards a mother/daughter thing currently, though he wasn't dumb enough to mouth off about this. Nonono, he liked not being on the bad side of witches. Bad mojo right there.




"Very well, let's see."

They had an urgent manner coming up soon, so they should not be wasting time, but Dew didn't want to stifle Iron Wing's want to be thorough. The phrase *better safe than sorry* was so common a thought in good leadership that they might as well have it stamped on their armor, and it wouldn't take too long to check regardless, os it would likely be okay.

Opening the door once more, Dew let out a loud whistle, which got the attention of a few that had jumped in their seat over it. The rest seemed well focused on the task and likely hadn't even heard him. Impressive in some ways.


"Is these the letters to the law enforcement officers around Equestria?"

"Yes sir. We're working ad fast as we can. We just got the Coastal Guard informed and are working our way from the east as we speak."

Dew nodded and turned to Iron Wing.

"Satisfied, General?"

It was still a little weird to call somepony else than Screecher that, but the time had been right and he'd get used to it. It wasn't as if he didn't still have a role too play as an advisor after all, so the military wasn't completely out of the light again, but this mantle had been set away. Hopefully the guards understood it when they had a more official retirement of him, and promotion of Iron Wing, though the transition would take time. Had been no better in his day, and would be no different this time around he'd wager.



@Foxy Socks

"I'm still okay, thanks. I just hope it will last a little longer every time I feel something..."

She wondered if she could just will herself to feel okay when it were, but she doubted it. With how much prep time it sounded like Zhu had gone through to craft a spell to keep her rattled self down, it was likely too much to control for her just by thinking it was okay. And how would that fought even fight against the others who kept saying all those bad things that would happen? She wanted to be okay, but it wasn't going to happen soon, right? Not too much longer and she'd probably be... Be... Something.

The spell prevented the line of thought from going further, though it did feel like the strain pulled a few strings apart of the spell.

"We will make surre that the day will come when you feel good without any magic Brittle. No matter what it takes, I'll keep that promise."

Briar patted her head and started to follow Foxy, with his little protege placing herself between them.

"You speak of Manehattan as the origin of your suit? Well, if Rarity is not available, that does not seem like it will be too bad of a walk. A chance to enjoy the great nature around us even, along with giving these hardy workers a small bit more space to work in peace with. Heh, but I digress. Let us first see if the seamstress is available."




Lyriel smiled as she saw the illusion of Ancalagon in ages long past. What an adorable little draglett he had been. And so small. It was hard to think such a small one had become the gruff, large dragon that were now telling her of the time when he had grown up. A violent time it sounded like, and to think of large creatures roaming the world... What must nature not have looked like to cope with such behemoths then?

Whatever it had been, it would not have been a place she could survive. She had not evolved to deal with creatures of that size, or their intrusion. She were far more suited to today's predators, like that adorable star bear she met int he forest four days ago. Such a beautiful creature it were. And poetic to boot. Such a pity that ponies would just hear loud growls instead of what she had actually said, but alas, such were things sometimes.

"So to attract mates, dragons can accumulate these gems to show and entice? I know of some birds who does much the same. It's beautiful really, though I would not think it would be hard for you to find a mate regardless of wealth. A great leader such as you must surely have his choice of many of your kinds most enticing females.

As for your story, I thank you for sharing in how times once were, though I can scarcely imagine what it must have been like to grow in a world of large beasts like that. I would venture that it must have been a struggle for survival sometimes?

Ah, and if I may ask, this Celestia you speak of, is that the pony's sun princess? I have heard others speak her name and standing before, but I have not seen her yet. Is she of ancient blood as well?"




Straw would spend a few minutes showing the rest of the restaurant off to Lance, after telling the approaching Alonsus that they had pipes that needed to be looked at in the kitchen. Without him in the room, it got a little easier to see around to what was a good, simple place really. It wouldn't get a heap of stars in any paper, but the food was good and the coffee splendid, so they usually didn't have issues dragging ponies in. Especially not today when there was a lot of work being done and ponies needed their caffeine.

The back room where they kept tools and assorted parts, storage, fridge and of course  the employer facilities got pulled through quickly too, and after about ten minutes Lance should have some idea where everything were. Including the closet Straw told him never to touch as Berry was obsessive with ponies not looking through her conspiracy notes unless she showed it to them.

"Alright, that should be everything. Ready to meet your last coworker?"




"Onwards Datt Mamon! Yippieeeee"

The rock creature had a few plusses and minuses about it. For the good sides, it did move rather fast surprisingly, and things either got out of its way, or got smashed aside whilst Anomaly laughed.

Bad things? It felt rocky to the point where the draconequus had to summon ropes to tie them down, and for some reason the rock kept singing some kind of depressing blues music. The trip wouldn't be too long, but it seemed to depress some of the trees they passed by. Literally, they started crying, and were the tears hit the ground, strawberries grew up and ran away.

Once they got to the house, Anomaly made the mockery of life stop up before it smashed through the walls, and bounced down from it.

"We're here. Who's my special little elemental? Is it you? Yes it is."

Datt... Well, it sounded like a mixture between purring and grinding metal, but it seemed happy about the words and pattings it got right now, so it must be a good thing.

They had arrived at Anomaly's house. An innocent-looking wooden cabin that seemed freakishly normal in the midst of all of this weirdness. Was it actually normal then, or was this just another trap? They couldn't find out as the door was locked, but they'd see soon enough. For now, Anomaly was petting her creation, and with a snap of her tail, also rolling the siblings into a layer of plastic - not the heads of course - and added a few ropes. They'd be able to drag the two inside as soon as Anomaly were gonna let them in.




"If you can't recognize blue, I pity for whoever sired you. It is the only one painted as such in the direction I gave you. If you need more help, then keep this form. My servant will signal you."

Onache snorted slightly, and gave a less than pleased stare towards the drone before she turned around and wandered back to the meager housing she had taken possession off. She could spend a good deal of time now to berate this changeling who seemed annoyed that he had to do as she told him to currently, or internally gloat over how he had seen how futile it were to fight back, but her time were more valuable than that. She would trouble herself with him again when she saw him at the house, and not before.

Said house would be easy to see. It was a light blue with a little garden, some bushes, and overall looked like a nice, cozy place. Delightful for a pony, but dreadfully small for a queen like Onache, who only valued pony housing when it had luxurious surroundings.

Outside, a purple pony would stay and look out for Stingler. If she saw him, she would wave him closer, like you would an old friend, and greet him with much joy over her. It seemed like she had been thoroughly altered in the head by Onache, but it wasn't like the queen would care. She was just a pony after all.




So let's see... Ambie should be on the Apple farm, right?

Happy was looking ahead at the farm as he approached. It wasn't like there was anything else to look at here, so it was easy enough to see, but quite honestly... He had expected a bit more out of it.

TH grounds were of a good size and the trees were abundant, it wasn't that, but the farmhouse itself just didn't seem that big. Perhaps that'd change when he got closer though? Perspective and all that jazz. Plus it might be there was a house he wasn't seeing there yet, which would make it a good deal better really.

Still a shame they only had apples here. Sure, back in human land he mostly just had grapes for the wine, but even then he had a bit of space allocated for other things, and this place was huge. Would've made sense to spice things up a little in his mind, but alas, this town seemed to be all about the apples. What a shame.

But eh, he had other things to focus on, and he'd be at the farm in a few minutes if he kept a good pace. After that it was just to find Ambie, wherever the halfie had hidden himself.

Edited by Blitz Boom
Added color.
  • Brohoof 3


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"So, Vivid Loss, what exactly ARE you? You appear to be a very powerful magic user, but that's all I really know about you."

Invictus continued to fly alongside Vivid Loss as they traveled, contemplating why she would agree to help him. Eventually, he broke the silence, quietly singing an old song he had learned in childhood.

"Order or Chaos? Order or Chaos? What has the world come to? Order or Chaos? Order or Chaos? The harmony's silent today....."

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@Blitz Boom

"You really are building up the suspense, aren't you?"

Lance then smiled and nodded.

"Yep, I'm ready to meet my last coworker. Lead the way, boss."

Edited by genessee
  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Blitz Boom

"Okay then." Foxy replied to Briar. She was happy to be friends with the two, and briefly forgot about the issue. Luckily she remembered before she wandered off the path, and continued.

"Wait a second. Do you mean you plan for us to walk there? I mean I can pay to use a train if you prefer." Foxy liked walking and exploring too, but it seemed like an almost impossible distance to cross on hoof. Then again that may be all Briar and Brittle really know. But to walk from Ponyville to Manehattan would take days, if not weeks. 


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@Blitz Boom, @Dji and @Lloyd

   "Gestures?"   Kaltrop worries for a moment on the thought before his expression soon after quickly changes to a blush deep enough to match his short, red back spines. 

      "I MEANT K-KISSING, YOU STUPIDS! L-like... her muzzle practically fits inside of yours! The hoops you'd have to jump through just to appease a pony, of all things!

   ...Ponies are just too much trouble. A dragon ought to be fine on his own."   The drake pouts his way back to staring back at the spot where Circle Pop and Dawn Streak stand, half-heartedly mumbling his objections once more.


@Rp Sempai

    Some hooffull of yards away from Happy Hour in the distance; a rustling can be can heard coming out of the rows of apple trees. Idly emerging from the trees and with a small, leafy branch quickly disappearing into his muzzle, the larger, earth pony frame of Ambie appears. Perhaps because of his distance still far away, but within shouting distance, and him looking in a different direction or his usual habit of not really being aware of his current surroundings, Ambie has not yet seen the presence of the other, incoming changeling stallion.


@Tara Boomdaday

   Now completely submerged in the presently descending levels of the molasses lake, little of anything can be determined of Widdershins's whereabouts. All the same, a large molasses bubble slowly ascends through the top of the semisolid layer. Clearly and unfortunately, it's extremely hard to get the draconequus to shut up. Floating to the general area of Anomaly's head, the bubble bursts and lets out a bundle of speech.

     Nah-Nah. I mean actual, literal stagelights. Nothin' abstract about it at all. Don' listen none to your own author. What could he possibly know about your creation? Besides...

A second, and smaller bubble floats up to & pops in the same place the first had.

  ...I currently not even here am now!

  With that, the amounts of molasses drenching the metaphysical room had drained low enough down the neck stump of Anomaly's iron body (... ...you... you two... the... situations I must describe because of the lot you are... Can... can practically feel the migraine rising already.) to show clearly only one escape. To a sugary realm that Anomaly's split remaining half... third?... ought probably be somewhat rather familiar with.


  • Brohoof 1

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom & @Widdershins & @Lloyd


"Like I keep saying, Pop," Dawn sighed. "I'm tolerating this relationship only so I don't lose you as a friend. You don't need to ... take control of the dragon," she even smiled slightly before looking at Astral and the general. "You two alright? You don't sound like any normal pony I've heard before," she asked them before frowning at Kaltrops. "And what do you want? You don't just barge in here with a cart, a griffin, and a pony without some sort of reason."


"Uh .... m-me?" Aurora blinked incredulously, pointing to herself. "Wh ... I uh ... I'm with the shark pony because ... uh ... I was flying overhead and it looked ... interesting seeing a dragon on a cart," she said nervously, a massive blush turning her entire body red, making her look similar to Dawn who was still staring daggers at Kaltrops.

Edited by Dji
  • Brohoof 2



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Lloyd, @Da-zhee (If I remember the pronounciation right...) @The Threadmaster 

    Scrabbling and turning to face the new pony in a manner perhaps not quite as intimidating as he likely viewed, Kaltrop addresses Dawn. 

     "Ts, I'll have you know, that I did not come here of my own will! If a dragon wishes to barge, then you'd be stupid to not to be barged!

         I was abducted by the other stupid, red birdhorse back there when she so stupidly invaded my own, personal, territory!" Kaltrop gestures back at Spicy Rolls a few paces away in front of her cart in what would be a dismissive "thumbing" motion if dragons had such a digit on their forelimbs. Kaltrop continues on with his haughty air, albeit with a little bit of a fast twinge to his speech, likely from a slight panic of having to be in front of more than two ponies at a time. 

   "As for what I want, do doubt you stupid ponies have anything to compare to what any old dragon could have!"

  • Brohoof 2

   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom @Dji


Astral stepped back a little, now trying not to overhear the conversation, as it seemed to be getting personal very fast for all involved. Only looking up towards the dragon now, closing her eyes and opening them back up as red fire surrounded her again, only to completely engulf her as she teleported away., leaving no indication of her ever being there at all. Appearing back in the throne room, the fire etching a patterning into the floor. She looked around, her eyes glancing around, whisking away the sword in her hoof that still remained there as she walked to the doctors.  "Are they doing alright?" She asked, her mane falling onto her head, now as messy as it could be, not seeming very well kept. "Just checking here before I head back to the town."

Iron Star had been standing closely to the doctors as he looked to Astral, only knowing it was her from the sound of her voice. Narrowing his eyes as he still felt something off about how much magic she still had. Deciding not to comment on it. "I'm alright, just can't see so well, but Misty's leg is broken." He glanced back to Misty. "Best to let the doctor's handle it though." Astral nodded, watching as Iron Star followed the doctors.


Warlock reabsorbed the sword into himself, forming a bubble around him and Athriel as he teleported them away out of the temple and taking some rubble with them, o, although once outside, the temple burst into a magical explosion from the teleportation spell tearing apart. "Well let's hope that temple wasn't of any need." Soon after saying that he fell to the ground, his body sparking as he tried to levitate himself, reaching out a hoof to Athriel, almost as if he was going to hold onto her, before he retracted the hoof and sucked the magic out of the gem in the necklace into himself, and unless Athriel interrupted this he'd take nearly all of the magic inside it, only leaving enough for the horcrux and Sapphire's soul to stay intact. Of course even if he was interrupted he'd take at least some magic anyway, or none at all if Athriel was quick enough.


Iron Wing nodded and walked out of the room, hopefully with Dew following. "Alright, so will we be sending letters to Benny's cousin too, or are they already coming to us to discuss it?" He asked looking over to Dew.

  • Brohoof 2

You have your whole life left, so much to do, so much time to do it.

Use it wisely; Because you will never get a second chance.


Ocs https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KsjJPI0_DDAFarIByu6GZmrqhUgnKZO5Uu1zC0rXW6w/edit


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@Blitz Boom

Ancalagon chuckled and said "Aye she is the sun princess. But she had to earn her right to those wings," Ancalagon stated as he laugh out a loud laugh.  "I was asleep during those times when that troublemaker discord was around," he stated simply as he looked. He blushed slightly at the compliment. "I had one but she's gone," Ancalagon stated as he pointed to the Draco constellation. "Her name was Angelus," he stated with a fond smile. He pointed to his neck that had faint scars. "She was a tough one to come around," he stated with a sigh. "Then she well fought a Quetzalcoatl and lost," Ancalagon stated as he showed her an illusion of what a Quetzalcoatl looked like. "Massive and a dragon eater. Only the mightiest of my species were able to take it down...Or the most cunning," he said with a chuckle.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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@Blitz Boom

"It's been almost four days since I last saw my friend. This was wrapped in a bundle of sticks and mud made to look like her but she knew better than to just leave herself standing outside my home. She was calling for help but I don't think I could reach her in time. I have to try, for her sake. I'd be a terrible friend if I left her to her fate. If there is any more important information about this place or about this gem, please share them with me. It's best I be prepared for anything that could happen."

Now nothing would seem to put Sen's worries at ease. Time wasn't on his side and possibly without any faster way to get to Fillydelphia other than a quick teleport or a portal he can walk through to the other side, Omen's odds of survival seemed small. It only brings up the question of what she was doing there in the first place. What was she thinking and why did she go there? The only thing that seemed to come to Sen's mind was when his dreams and fears were brought up back in Mother's realm. That was the last time they saw each other. 

Was it something he said? Was he partly responsible for Omen's actions? It all seemed to point back to him and that thought scared him. He didn't have the full story but perhaps it could be the other way around. Either way, Sen had some explaining to do once he and Lin get Omen back to safety.

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"Why of course I can!" Discord exclaimed as the ash from his ears flowing up to form a glass trumpet, which he immediately raised up to his lips. He began to, well... Appear to play the trumpet. Puffed out cheeks, moving slide, going through all the motions- but there was no sound. Well.. Not to Lin anyways. Wherever Omen was, she could probably hear it. Otherwise.. Discord's plan B was a whole lot louder.


@Blitz Boom

Pinkie and Storm were, admittedly, a little too busy trying to eat every last bit of their delicious jam coatings to notice Anomaly tying up the Blitz siblings. "Mmm... So~ good!"

  • Brohoof 1

Have no fear, The Party Pegasus Storm Shine (Pinkie's Coltfriend! (Unfortunately, this is not Hasbro Official...  ) ) Is here! Along with his little brother Nimble Flight and his adopted son Grey Sky, Not to mention his childhood friend Feather Breezeheart!

Huggle Me?

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No sound, no immediate response of any kind but Lin will still wait out the second part. Even if she could choose to go now, Sen was still gathering information and it might seem that whatever he gathers will be just as important. Then again, maybe the trickster might have pulled a fast one on her. There wasn't a way for her to see through DIscord's intentions, whether whatever he did was really how Omen would be called by him. She scratched her head in confusion as she looked left and right for any sign for Omen's arrival. 

"So... is there supposed to be some grand entrance or something?" Lin looked back at Discord with uncertainty at what just happened.

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@Blitz Boom

The pegasus giggled almost hysterically and hovered just a little bit off the ground as if eager to take off and zip around the room. "My timing is impeccable." Having slowly risen half way to the ceiling she flapped closer to the pair and landed next to them, though her wings remained open and fluttering slightly. She blew a little bit of air from her nose to move a long lock of white hair from her face before resuming.

"I was never great with timing, I'm either too early or too late and normally only just by a little smidgen, I'm a free spirit and Battenberg gets that, that's why we get on so well. And judging by what you just told me about Vicky I'm sure you'll understand why me and her aren't exactly compatible."

She didn't stop smiling though something about her eyes made it clear she wasn't entirely happy with her relationship with her mentor's sister. "I like Vicky, she's a lot like her sister... at heart... she's more caring and soft than she makes out but it's hard to spend any significant amount of time in her presence. It's a great shame. I remember one time I tried to hug her, I think it must have been her birthday, or maybe it was the first time she sold a cake, but you can probably imagine how that went..."

She blew more hair out of her face before floating upwards again. Her mane was as untamed and colourful as her personality and one had to question whether the sprinkles in her hair were real or not as besides size there really wasn't much pointing to the latter.

  • Brohoof 1




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@The Resident Brony

What she were. Something she had been asked quite a few times since her release, yet something that she were not always keen to answer. Most who asked went into it with the concept that she was a monster, and answering them just seemed to fuel the flame.

Of course, there were the more receptive ones too, but beyond the royal couple and their foal, those who seemed to accept it didn't stick around for long. Not the worst reaction really, as it tended to give her small spots of friendly conversation to keep her afloat,  but still depressing in a way.

The alicorn... She didn't know how he'd react yet, so she were hesitating. But then again, if he did react in a foolish fashion, it wasn't like he could just leave this place on his own accord. She would have some time to have him cool down, and then try until it worked if he got hostile.

"Heh, very well, you have played along so far, so i can share a little piece more. I am a demon mare. Mare by birth and demon by magic, though the demon side eat away at my previous body a little by little. In time, the only pony thing that will be left of me is my mind.

I have no interest in taking control of things like them though. I remember well who and what I were, and even if I forgot somehow, I couldn't truly hurt anypony. I made sure that the contract I presented the royal couple keeps me under control, even in the worst case."

She didn't share everything, but she didn't think it was time to that either. He seemed like he'd need time to swallow pieces of information in general, and besides, she did not want to go into the smaller print of her contract. That sort were between her and the royals.




"Oh, I don't have to lead anywhere. She's been following you for the past three minutes."

Straw went over and put a hoof on the mare's shoulder, keeping her in place instead of having her turn with them as she had done a few times now.

"Lance, meet Long Stare. Our waitress."


The Unicorn stared at Lance without saying a word. Just the same stare as she always had. Something akin to a deer caught in a headlight.

Stare was not as outspoken as Berry or Alonsus, nor as physically threatening as Chop, but she were still the one who had driven the most employees of his away over time.

She was a sweet enough mare, and she wouldn't hurt a fly, but with how she didn't speak too much - and even then with a low voice - combined with how she looked at others, her tendency to follow others around until they addressed her, and how silently she moved... Well, she tended to creep folks out.

The costumers didn't mind, as she just went to the tables and took the orders, then waiting until she delivered, but for those who she wanted to talk with or had to get for somepony, it could be challenging.



@Foxy Socks

"Personally I have always preferred to walk, as trains are hard to navigate by sound and wind. It tends to leave me quite limited after a while.

But who knows what influence it can have that I can now see things? It may well be good then, and valid to at least attempt. Perhaps seeing the scebery pass by can help me get more accostumed to this new sensation than I currently am.

Ah, and you do not neeed to concern you with cost. I have bits of my own from instances were I was compensated for helping, and I barely use any as is it, so tickets is not an issue."

Most of the time he didn't take anything for it when he assisted others, as he just liked being helpful, but some didn't feel right for him just to do a lot of work for free, and Briar did not wish to make them feel uncomfortable, so he accepted a few things here and there.

"I have a question."

Brittle looked up at Foxy, wondering something she'd like to ask about while she still could.

"How did you find somepony who sewed animal costumes in Manehattan?"



@Widdershins @Lloyd @Dji

"Oh, you meant that. It's not too hard really."

Benny looked at Pop with a little wink and a smirk, with the mare looking a little between the gathered ones and Dawn in particular. The redness of her face were toning down a bit, though with what Benny was signalling her, it weren't gonna end anytime soon, that was for sure.

"...Dawn, you might wanna look away for a teensie bit."

Pop walked closer to Benny, but turned after a few steps to say something else that had been brought up.

"And just for the record, I'm not controlling him. I just don't want him to show how we nap. It's a little weird looking, and I don't feel comfortable with him telling everypony about that yet. It's private."

She felt Benny creep up on her and pulled her back with his tail, directly into his waiting arms. From there he'd swirl with her in his arms, turned away from Dawn as much as possible, and leaned forward like he were dancing Tango with her.

He rose his eyes for a bit just to make sure he were turned in the direction of Kaltrops, then leaned down and kissed Pop.

Kaltrops had been right about one thing: Benny's mouth was larger than Pop's muzzle, but that just meant they had to practise a middle ground with Pop opening her muzzle whilst he closed his a little, and... Well, use your imagination.

After they were done with the drawn out kiss, Benny pulled away and looked at Kaltrops with a grin.

"See? All it takes is a little practice."

It seemed he were pretty good at this too, since it took a moment for Pop to stop looking like she were in bliss, and actually got her hooves back on the ground again. It might have been going a little far, but if it had to be done, it might as well be done right, yes? Plus, he liked seeing her like this. Made him feel quite happy, and after a day like this, he could use it. Especially since his hands still hurt from that flamey sword from before.

It seemed it was still stuck in the ground and cooling off a bit. But that wasn't too important right now. Putting Pop back on her hooves were, which is what he went on to do whilst things went on around them. Like how Marley were leaning in on Aurora a little more, with an increasing grin on his beak.

"You're looking really pretty blushing up like this. How some other griffon haven't swooped you away yet is a tragedy, but you know, I wouldn't mind getting to know you a little better. In fact, I think I'd rather enjoy it."

Spicy was rolling her eyes at this and would've spat something to Marley about how he should give it a rest, if Screecher hadn't gone at her about how she'd like to see papers that the debt she had collected were legal. Unfortunately, this meant she had to go into the cart for now and rummage through her papers, whilst the general put her attention elsewhere.

"They information thus far is that they were chased by an Ursa of some kind, but I'm not sure they came here with nothing more than that in mind. Mares like Spicy hardly ever comes around places just for the view, and her bodyguard is not much better."

She didn't mention Aurora as she wasn't sure about the Griffon yet, but if she kept company with those two, she'd keep her eyes out for that one too.

As for the dragon, it sounded like he might have a kidnapping case on hos claws, but the way he acted right now made her consider the winged lizard to be a witness that wouldn't last through a courtroom, which left just another case of those two getting away if it were.

Besides, something told her it hadn't been as unwilling as he put it, considering he was conscious and his wings weren't bound when they came into town. Didn't make her think the worst right off the bat, even with those two in tow.

The two despicable beings they had come into town with had so far avoided getting imprisoned by technicalities and what she'd call too many coincidences to be considered luck anymore. But one day, they'd get to where they belonged. Mark her words.

Her thoughts - and those of Null and Void looking on - got interrupted when they saw Astral magic her way out if there. They had varied reasons why it didn't impact them more than it did, but it was still clear neither of them had expected she could just up and do that, and especially not in that fashion.




Happy were a being of many qualities.

He were loyal without fault to his queen, he took pride in making only the best liquor he possibly good, and generally speaking, he considered himself a delight to be around, as long as he kept up the facade.

However, for as much good there might be, a lot of dirt stirred in his pot as well. One that reared its ugly head forth now, were his mischievous sense of humor.

He never even considered just calling out to Ambie as he saw him because of it. He just sneaked closer, trying his best not to let his wagon make too much noise, and when he got close enough - or if Ambie seemed like he were about tu turn his head - he'd loudly exclaim.

"Changeling invasion!!!"

That usually did the trick in riling ponies up. Especially when he replaced his voice with that of an elderly mare he had seen in town recently, and got a proper, scared tone going.

Sometimes he really loved being a changeling.




"Yeah, he seems pretty dumb, right?"

That's hardly fair. I'm a smart person.

Pff, perhaps smart for your kind, but draconequui is better. We are ageless and can do everything! You just sit in a sofa and stalks me. You're kinda creepy you know.

Big words coming from somepony who is currently having sugar waste float into their decapitated body.

Heh, jealous much?

Oh bite me. Not literally.


Stop moaning and get back to things. Your little *friend* have taken a trip to your home island, and I'm thinking he's going to cause all kinda of havoc there.

What? My home??? Nooooo!

With that, Anomaly snapped her head back in place, and imploded, making a gate to her home out of herself.

She'd arrive near the middle of the isle, where her seemingly innocent wooden cabin lied in the middle of one freaky eco system.

"Oh where is he? Please don't be at the beach..."

Normally she'd be worried about others as the squid mo keys were very hostile, but jn this case, she'd have to be worried about them. They were great guardians of her isle, and to keep other creatures here from trying to fly off or doing something weird, and she didn't want Widdershins to... Eat them or something? Perhaps change them into something boring like a dalmatian? Some kind of wonky action like that at least, and likely way wose if he felt like it.

And if somepony was gonna wreck havoc in this place, it was going to be her!.




"Holy hayball!"

Chow nearly jumped into a doorframe as the sudden appearance of the mare they had just been talking about happened.

"Astral! Are you trying to make my ticker wear out before time?"

He had been talking to the docs about just levitating Iron around instead of having the sight impaired stallion be led when she had shown up, and it was honestly a little hard to keep focus on that other stuff when that were counted in.

It wasn't anger he responded to her with though. Mainly just a heap of surprise and then afterwards a joking relief.

"We were getting worried sick about you there girly. How'd it go in town? Did you catch Bonnie and Clyde?"




She allowed him to drain some of the gem, she owed him that much, but eventually she'd grab hold of his hoof and force it downwards.

"That's enough. The prison needs to be intact. You want more? Take it from me."

She had gotten some of her magic reserves back, and it would get on her nerves that he might be draining that as she places his hoof on the chest of the borrowed body she was in, but after saving her from the collapse, this seemed like it'd get them even. So she'd live with getting drained like this if it were, and then get on with things. She didn't really need magic to keep control over this body anyway. Just to make the vessels time more enjoyable.




"Benny informed him that we wanted to see him earlier. He is the dragon you were told were on his way into town before. He'll likely be here any minute at this point."

In fact, said dragon seemed to actually already be there as they got back into the throne room, though he wasn't saying anything.

The dragon was quite a lot bigger than Benny were, and more of a biped than his cousin. Dark purple and with spikes running down his back, splitting down between the powerful wings folded in neatly, and all the way down to the tip of his tail.

He had slicked back, dark hair gathered down his back, bound down with a piece of rope, and down his sides were two scabbards that normally held the pair of large blades lying on the floor.

It seemed as if he were meditating whilst holding his left shoulder, and didn't take notice of them. Why he held there wasn't obvious right now, but it might be part of the growing tapestry that seems to emanate from his chest and were slowly covering the better part of his upper body. The symbols were in ancient draconian, and carved or etched into his scaly hide, which made it near impossible to understand for most, even if they got close enough to clearly see the deep wounds in the dark scales.




Lyriel gently placed a hand on Ancalagon, though she could likely have slapped him and he'd feel it just as little.

"I am sorry to hear about your mate. I cannot imagine how it must feel to loose an important being like that."

Lyriel had lost others herself. Family, friends, and for a while, even her purpose in life. But she had never had someone as close as a mate, and she couldn't imagine what pain it must be to loose someone that close.

She waited to mention other things, as she thought it best to give this a moment by itself, but eventually she would approach it. Hopefully gently.

"The monster that took her... I believe you imply that got your vengeance for her? I know not how the souls of deagons wander after your time is done, but I hope your actions eased her transition to the next plane."

The creature that took Ancalagon's mate looked fierce, and surely must have put up quite the struggle, but if it were gone, she were pleased for the dragon lord. If she agreed with killing a predator like this were another case, as it likely just needed to eat, just like any of them. Yet she had much to thank the dragon race for, and looked at them with reverence, so she would tell herself that the monster not just fed, but also took joy in killing simply because it could. Those sort of beings were harder to love for her, and made it easier to remain on Ancalagon's side.




"4 days? Then there is still hope for your friend."

Clayton seemed to get a jolt of hope into his own system too as he heard the time frame. It would be a narrow time to get to her without her ending with permanent damage, but it was possible, and saving her life seemed like it could be done easily, if just a few preparations were done.

"I can mark the location and tell you the fastest..."

He stopped himself and shook his head.

"No, I cannot remain inactive on this. You don't know how to handle the place, or the gems. Even if I set up somepony who could help you when you found her, you may be taken yourself because you wouldn't know how to handle yourself in there.

I hope this will not be seen as too pushy, but I am joining you. I know the fastest way and how to avoid further contamination from the gems, and those that are on her..."

He ruffled some papers to the side and started to make a letter, which he then folded, put in an envelope and closed with his seal.

"This will inform an associate of mine in Fillydelphia that we will be bringing in one affected by the emeralds. He can help, but before that, we're going to need to pick up a tarp from one of the building areas in Ponyville. I knew I shipped plenty, so one missing should not be an issue, and it will help us transport her safely once located."

Clayton could of course not know there were other ways of transport that Sen's sister could provide, but he'd likely still be insistent on helping. He had the contacts that could at least, and since he had a precise location, that could help too regardless of transport method.



@Shineling @EQ_Theta

No matter how much he blew in his horn, Omen would strangely not appear. Usually she should, and currently the sound should be ringing above anything else in her head, prompting her hastily appearance. Yet as Lin had noted, Omen were not there. Perhaps something else Discord had in mind would do the trick?




"Alright big guy, time for you to graze among the others. Stay away from the beach though, okay? You don't want to be monkey squid food."

Datt nodded and nuzzled her before he ran off. If the couple didn't managed to get off his back before that, they'd end up tumbling down. As for the siblings,  Anomaly already yanked them off with a few ropes sliding out of her mouth, so those weren't an issue. Now it was just getting them into the house which... Had risen up on giant chicken legs and walked towards Anomaly, like she were Baba Yaga.

When it close enough, it'd lean down and open the door, which revealed a portal that Anomaly tossed the siblings through.

"Are you two done eating eachother? Getting kinda weird you know."

If they jumped through, they'd ens somewhere with a bouncy floor, but no light. Anomaly needed to flip the switch first.




Both Benny and Pop cringed a little as they tried to imagine giving the high maintenance, OCD mare a hug. Neither of them seemed to think that it would end any good, and they were likely right about that.

"Ouch, hopefully it didn't end too poorly."

Benny was the first to speak, whilst Pop was looking around before she said something, just in case one of the bakers could hear her.

"It's good at least that you can see something good beneath the surface, but she and I are unlikely to get along, in parts because she called us filthy. I get a little defensive when somepony offends Benny and... Well, we didn't exactly get more friendly as it progressed.

I like you though. You seem friendly, and very energetic. I almost thought you'd end up sparking lightning after the little show before."

Pop giggled a little, whilst Benny imagined a pony throwing lightning and shivered. Seemed like a really bad idea to him.

"Anyway, it ia nice to meet you ma'am, but I wonder if we're a little in the way right now? Battenberg seemed eager to see you when she talked about you before, and I'd hate to stand between two ponies like this unless they're fighting."

He also kind of had an increasing want to just reach out and run a claw on her mane, to see if it felt as edible as it looked, and he'd rather not get too tempted. Being out of uniform made him a little too impulsive sometimes.

Edited by Blitz Boom
Made it all pretty-like
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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