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Blitz Boom

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@Blitz Boom

“We will always appreciate your help, and I’m sure Elder Ghilan already sees you as someone trustworthy. The folks back home need to see some positive influences if they are to be convinced. You stood by us, and we will vouch for you when asked. To us, you and Omen are good examples that not everyone from the outside is as bad as they think.”

It was rather odd that Elder Ghilan didn’t get called sooner by the elders, but they could be biding their time. That, or they are just getting themselves set up for the day they would need to call for the new elder. If there was some kind of protocol for these meeting, it might be reasonable to expect a delay until the proceedings could begin. Messages being sent between villages would be a start, but ensuring every elder would be present in a specific location could take a a while. That delay would be the best time to prepare, and Ghilan would no doubt use that to get himself acquainted with any possible questions.

On 2021-12-05 at 2:00 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Well then. A delightful opportunity. Maybe something to think about taking advantage off. Though I'm curious, what is your massage option, Sen? I did not take you for a masseuse, or have skills in that kind of thing. Do tell. I'm curious."

“My father used to give me these kinds of massages when I was young. He said pain and stress could be eased by ‘pushing’ them out of the body. So, what his technique involved lightly pounding near the aches and pushing them outward. It’s sort of like explaining how to ease pain by letting it flow out of the body, figuratively speaking, then acting on it in a sort of literal way. I’ll be gentle for a demonstration, but my father used to really go all out.”

The whole setup to this massage technique required ample room to maneuver, and lying down on the floor was the best course of action. However, Sen didn’t want to rush through a demonstration with a full-body treatment. He’d settle for Rosa sitting down and just massaging his back. The longma didn’t know what a masseuse was, but if that word meant someone who gave massages, it may be an apt description of him for the moment. Lin knew there was some mild discomfort at first, but the whole process still provides a net positive in the end, and even if she didn’t train like a hunter, she still got to feel like one in a way. 

“So, ready for a sample? Some may say this method of easing pain sounds like inflicting more pain, but I don’t intend to cause harm. The goal is to make you feel good, and I aim to make sure you feel better. Omen? You want to get a massage too?” 

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@Kujamih @Blitz Boom
'Writer'. Limbo didn't understand the concept, but interpreted it as her mental thought process. 'Perhaps he means my inner monologue,' She mused.

"You never refuted my point," She stated flatly. Something in Light's inflection did not amuse. "First, her request was if she could have a second name and if you had an idea, not what one would be if she got one," she stated confidently, in either a refusal to admit the context of the request, or ignorance of the expectation to accommodate beyond what was specifically asked.

"Second," She ranted, "if that was her intent, then my point would still stand. I'd just be disagreeing with both of you. Finally-" She paused and lost focus on Light. "Do I need a final point?" She asked herself in her typical whisper, "Technically, the second one was my final point, but is it wrong to not label it as such? How much omission is too much?"

She then returned to the conversation with a less aggressive tone, and maintained her whisper, "Well, your deferral of responsibility proves a degree of subservience, and by extension, your capacity for order. Instead of abject refusal, I shall challenge you with a name of my own." She inhaled deeply, as if to summon her stamina before theatrically releasing, "Shark Stride!"

Edited by Loud Opinion

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Loud Opinion @Kujamih

"Shark... Eag- Yeer... Jäääää-ger? Shark Jäger?"

Shark couldn't get the word that Light had said, to sit right in her mouth. It sounded odd, and not something she could connect to something. Pony names had meaning, so she needed one too, yes?

Jäger were one that was rough in her mind, as Anomaly hadn't implanted many words beyond the regular, common tongue ones, that ponies tended to speak. But a few had slipped through, from her vault of *words she thought sounded funny*. And this Germane word for hunter, were one of those. It sounded somewhat like what Light had said, and had a meaning that made sense to her. She were a shark, and a hunter. She had to be, since she needed to eat, so that made sense.

"Yes! Is Shark Jäger. Now I have names, like friends do. Shark Strider sound good too, but Jäger fit. I am hunter. Great, great hunter too. Can catch all food.

And you... Liiii-mbooo. Limbo. Limbo Dreams... Dream is for sleep. You sleep much, friend?"

She tried applying the same logic to Limbo, when she were told the mare's name, and so far, it were just leading her to think that Limbo slept a lot. Something she herself, were not all that used to be able to do all that much yet. Though she were enjoying this new life for that reason too. She could sleep in peace, at the bottom of rivers, where no thing were larger than her, that'd try to hunt her. She had only met 2 predators larger than her in the waters around here, and they were friendly. She did not fear those.

"I like sleep. Small dangers here, so it is sa- *sniff* *sniff*"

She'd suddenly stop, and jump quickly into the bush next to them. She'd then come out with something that looked kind of like a frog, crossed with a goblin. It's massive maw having many teeth, and a barbed tongue, it were trying to shoot towards them, as it let out feral growls.

"Is frog! Frog is food."

Shark were happy about this find. She thought she had hunted them all down, like Anomaly had asked her to do. But seemed like some where still left. As for this one, that were about half the size of her, she'd tear apart, and chomp down, like the happy little predator that she were. Which were a good thing. These things were quick growing, quick to reproduce, and were highly dangerous. Seemed like she yet had a hunt to go on.

Cause this wasn't one she missed before. They grew to maturity within hours, and this one were the size of a recently hatched. And if they listened well, they'd be able to hear the distant sound, of a large, deep croak. Far to notable to be from a regular frog.

As for the two of them arguing... She'd get to that. For now though, she were eating. She were also however, completely unaware of how ponies tended to view this kind of food consumption.




"Death is inevitable, but it pleases me to hear that you did not meet it so early in your life. Quite a close call by the looks of things though. The ancestors must have smiled upon you that day."

A grizzly wound, no pun intended. Really spoke of the brutality of nature, regardless how innocent and beautiful it seemed to be, for so many. This one had been lucky, but she had meet many who weren't so fortunate. And as violent deaths were a big reason for some to get stuck in this world, a fair amount of ghosts came from violent animal attacks. The more sudden and brutal, the more likely to have caused a trauma, that made it hard to accept you had died.

"And I can assure you, that Elysium and Tartarus, are very real. We have gotten few, yet important glimpses into those realms, and heed my words: You do not wish to become the kind of soul, who ends in Tartarus. I know you have heard of the imprisonment of those such as Tirek there, but that part is little more than a waiting room, or a naughty corner. The true Tartarus is beyond words, in all the worst ways one can imagine. I would not wish that place upon anyone. Much as some may deserve it.

I hope that few gets send there too, but as said, the reapers deal with the souls when it comes to the lands beyond. All we can do is to help them see clearly. What happens next, only they control. If they even have agency, and does not simply follow orders themselves."

Whilst they had talked, Zeehva had set up the stand, and were putting first the potions that had been made on the table, then the cauldron set up, and prepared to deal in more potions. She didn't look happy still, but the tears had stopped running, and she were preparing to work, so she were doing her outmost to at least be productive.




17 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“We will always appreciate your help, and I’m sure Elder Ghilan already sees you as someone trustworthy. The folks back home need to see some positive influences if they are to be convinced. You stood by us, and we will vouch for you when asked. To us, you and Omen are good examples that not everyone from the outside is as bad as they think.”

"Kind words. I hope I can live up to them, as well as the trust you've put in me. For what it is worth, I trust all of you too. I would not have gotten to this place without you, and I feel fortunate to have run into you all. Even the nose biter."

He were referring to Shrimp there at the end, who had gone back to take another nap. He'd get awake when he wanted to, or when it were food time. Or when he were thirsty, or wanted to play. Right now though, he just wanted to nap. It had been some long days recently in his mind, and he didn't want to be mixed up into all of it constantly. That was for the tall creatures, not him.

16 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“So, ready for a sample? Some may say this method of easing pain sounds like inflicting more pain, but I don’t intend to cause harm. The goal is to make you feel good, and I aim to make sure you feel better. Omen? You want to get a massage too?” 

Massage does tend to include some degree of pain, if the muscles are not loosened enough to begin with. Such is the process, and I'd be intrigued to try your method."

Rosa would lay down on the carpet, and prepare himself for the treatment. An action which Omen would follow troop with, though she didn't really understand why yet.

The two would have different reactions to the massage.

Rosa would have pretty tightened up muscles. Constant training, stress, and needing to be sharp, left him to be rather hard in several places, in his musculature. So it'd hurt on him. He'd keep the worst in, but the occasional groan would escape him. It would ease up after some time, but there were a lot to work with.

Omen on the other hoof, didn't sy a peep. Her musculature were pretty weird too. She were built with nerves and muscles of a pony, so it wasn't like, piano strings that kept her moving, so that was familiar at least. But she wouldn't have any sort of tightening to work on. It seemed that even after several thousand years, and never having this done on her before, she wasn't suffering under the sort of stress that tended to cause aching muscles. Her taking it easy in how she moved, and not getting tensed up, as she had no need for that, likely helped too.

Although if he pressed at the bottom of her spine, right above her flank, she'd blow purple bubbles out of her mouth, smelling like lavender. Hitting the area more and more, would give the same result, just with varied amounts and sizes of bubbles. Another *design flaw*, as Discord had called it, more than likely.



@Catpone Cerberus

"For ponies, *bigger creatures* usually refer to minotaurs, and dragons the size of Leviathan. Dragons of your regular, impressive stature, are beyond their capacity to make a cart for. I have seen some boats that might, but that is another topic, I suppose.

As for the sturdiness, it does need to hold a certain balance. If they make it too thick and sturdy, it becomes too heavy to move with any speed. Too flimsy, and it starts falling apart. It is a balancing act, though they have hit so for most creatures. Minotaurs hitting it fit with a fist, tend to just dent it."

He'd watch the hole that had been left by Charir, with a tentative look, thinking for a moment on how to explain this then.

"...If anyone are so inclined to ask, that hole came after you heard something hit the train outside. I'd rather not get into longer questions from them, regarding who might have vandalized this. They should be able to fix it fairly easily, but do please ask your brother to refrain from doing that further. I'm sure he were just curious, but if they come and say, see that the entire wall have been cut up, it will begin to raise questions, and involve the law. It's best to avoid that, in my opinion."

"Does that have something to do with your feeling of being watched? Think the law's after you?"

Leviathan was just gonna push this button. She were sure they all wanted to know. Minus probably Charir, who likely couldn't give a flying rat about this. If she had to pop the first attempt at it, she'd happily do so. They needed something to do on the trip anyway, beyond just looking out of the window, and watching the forest and plains stretch out before them. A beautiful sight, but for one, it would get boring for Leviathan fairly quickly. And secondly, Charir were there, so he was the only one getting a good look at nature in all it's beauty. Including various animals flocking about, in the more open plains here and there. A flock of boars being the most prominent.

"...In an case, how are thinking we should proceed, once we get back to my employer?"

He'd attempt just ignoring this topic for now, and see if it would be honored. Or if they would use the isolation of this cart being far away from the others, to shake it out of him. Potentially in a litteral sense.



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2021-12-05 at 12:50 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

Scarecrow was surprised to hear this, he knew ponies weren't the always friendly perfect creatures as many believed, but something like that sounded quite non-pony like, though then again, it may have just been the past, after all, non-ponies being openly allowed among ponies was relatively new thing as far as he had heard, though then again, as far as he knew, he could have heard it yesterday or millennia ago. He didn't have much reaction to the animal argument happening partly on top of him, mainly because Lyriel was there, he knew she would deal  with it. 

That aside, it seemed it was time to act a bit again "I....don't know." since he had hard time with expressions still, he faked emotion with his tone and things like pauses "or more accurately, don't remember." "Long story short, I may have hit my head or something, I... my memory has been bit hazy lately." "But I haven't seen others of my kind, so I may be the only one around." 

"You are not. I have heard of one other, from the animals. Yet they have little idea where he is now, sadly.

And it is as he says, I'm afraid. Scarecrow suffers from a large memory loss, and know little of even his own kind's history. To him, what you just said, are as news. Might I please ask that you elaborate? It sounds so out of character for the ponies I have met."

"Oh, my sincere apologies. Please follow me. I shall brief you on the history. Perhaps it might bring back some memories."

He'd guide them to follow him towards the back room. IN there, sat the tools of his trade, amongst many a mannequin. Half finished creations taking form, amongst needles and cloth in many shapes and sized, and papers showing off his drawings of dresses and other clothes. Flamboyant and gaudy to some, but Rarity had a solid hoof in controlling the market for simple, yet elegant, and as a bearer, most would wander to shop with her, over others. So he had to carve his niche in extravagance, to allow himself to have a clientele as well. He did less brazen things too, but he primarily made things for the more outlandish requests. A fair few from Pinkie Pie. That chicken costume were a particularly curious one, but she had insisted, and he could not simply turn away a costumer.

He'd direct them to a table, and would get some cups and a pot of tea preparing. It could warm as he talked.

"As said, the story is not kind.

The evergrown first appeared 600 years ago, wandering from the wilds of the south. Before them, there laid a vast desert, that suddenly bloomed into thick, lush jungle overnight. We know not if the jungle came first, and they arose from that, or if they somehow caused it. If they knew, they did not tell, but I think they knew as little as we did.

Regardless, they came with friendly intentions, towards Equestria. They thought this land a good one to be first, as our land were thriving with magic, in where they could plant seeds from their sacred trees, and take some residency, where they were allowed it. And as a new, curious race, they sought knowledge and cooperation. Both of which Princess Celestia offered them with a smile, and open hooves.

At first, most were simply intrigued and friendly. Curious especially, when it came to be known, that your blood, were an essence that could turbo-grow plants. A kind of hyper-effective fertilizer, I have heard it described as. As your kind had little to offer, but much to want, they offered vials of this essence to Equestria, in exchange for goods, books, and other things of interest. It could be harvested safely from them, as blood can from a pony, long as the dosage is small enough.

*sigh* But there were those, such as my ancestors, who had changing attitudes. They wanted this essence for their fields, and did not much care that it could only be gained in smaller, safe amounts. Nor that the evergrown were deserving of the kindness and respect any other living creature deserved. They thought of them just as odd plants, that had something they wanted.

Evergrown began going missing, and investigations were done by both parties. Sadly it were the evergrown who found the truth, as one had escaped a farm where several of their kind had been captured, strapped down, and drained to the last drop. The lifeless husk then burned amongst the garden trash.

As you can imagine, there were an outrage from them. They had come with friendly intentions, but were then killed and discarded like trash. Their leaders denounced the ponies as not wanting friendship, but just being led by greed and malice, and retreated to their magical trees. The areas wherein they were, were shrouded in thick magic, and much as others have looked to find them, for the past six hundred years, very few have ever been spoken off being anywhere else, and often vanish soon after the claims are made. Likely returning to their village."

"That's... That's revolting! How could anyone do such a thing, towards innocent creatures? They were willing already, to share what were wanted. And I cannot imagine the price being too steep."

"Their elders were not wrong. It were indeed actions, lead by indifference and greed.

Princess Celestia were furious. She condemned the act, and had all who had partaken in this unforgiving act, severely punished. But the damage was done. The evergrown had seen the dark side of equines, and as a new, flourishing race, they had not the luxury, or experience, to think that this were not just an act, to lure more of them in for the harvest. They had to think of their own. And as Equestria were the first they had reached out to, to try and gain allies amongst a more established, knowledgeable race, I think they - understandably so - feared what might happen, if they reached out to others. And as such, they retreated, and went to establish themselves in unseen places.

I'm sorry the beginning of your races tale, is not kinder than this, Scarecrow. Though this is likely generations before your time, I can imagine the stories of the outside, still weighs heavy upon your society. Though I do wish there will come a time, when you will try once more."



@Catpone Cerberus

On 2021-12-05 at 12:50 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

"It is indeed interesting to hear the similarities, though, there's one big difference, we don't have queens, or any type of rulers in that matter, every decision is made together, more specifically, between those affected by said decision." ideal system as far as they were concerned, but they were aware that it was pretty much impossible to get working for any species that lacked their kind of community focused mindset.

"An understandable distinction in leadership, I suppose. For us changelings, we would perish in that matter.

A queen is not just the leader of a hive. We are the only ones who can lay eggs, and as such, a hive lives and dies by its queen. And even beyond that, the drones needs leadership. As much as ponies imagine that we have a hivemind, it is not so. We are not a shared mind. The drones simply understand what their queens want, because we live so closely, and they are used to our orders. We ensure that there is order in the hive, and that mouthes are fed. We are mothers, providers, and leaders.

This... Thing, I have become. Came about when I learned I failed the second. I could not sate their hunger enough. And for my hive, I will endure this ridiculous transformation, as a real queen should. One of many things Chrysalis failed to understand.

But I digress. Kobolds have similarities with changelings, yet you are more together than us. That much I can assure you. Not every hive, would come to the defense of another, nor welcome just any member of another into their hives. Resources can be scarce, and if so, a queen must spend that on her own children first, before that of another hive. Cruel I suppose, yet survival can be at times. I can imagine you would know that all too well."

She had briefly gone on a tangent, but much as she were an immoral being, from the perspective of ponies, Onache were but a dedicated queen. And the thoughts of how she failed her duties, by sticking to the old ways, had left a bitter taste in her mouth, that had yet to clear. So as the subject went near it, she had vented a little, of the frustration that lured within her mind.

She were still intrigued but what she heard though, from the siblings. Their societies had clear differences, yet there were a fair few things they had a common too. Such a peculiar thing to find out, yet one that did help her feel somewhat more connected to these smaller beings. How curious a feeling that were, considering her initial expectations about this cooperation.

On 2021-12-05 at 12:50 PM, Catpone Cerberus said:

They would seek out a place to sit in the inn, curious about a group that had gathered around a single table, seemingly to look at something, there was a female voice coming from middle of the group "...speaking of interesting individuals, I met these kobolds from the sea, they had gills and fins, can't say I had ever met someone like them before, they had lot of stories to tell, but this one really stuck with me..." there then was a sound of guitar and the voice started to sing (something like this but in 3rd person.). as the singer got more into the song, her head came to view as she presumably jumped on the table, it was a purple head of either a kobold or a dragon, hard to tell from only the head, but one could probably guess from the reaction of Sheska and Trox, as the both looked at her in surprise "Is that?..." "Chega?" the singer also spotted them and seemed surprised, but she didn't cut the song short, and thus had no further reaction yet. 

Now this were something special. Another kobold. And... Did they know this one? It seemed like it, though maybe it were but a kobold word... She would need to observe and see how this went on, after the song had finished. Something told here there would be much information, but she would learn the most, by not saying more. Simply listen in for now, and witness what might come of this.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom


The mare and stallion would eye each other, the mare still in the process of wrapping the wound with the same scarf she previously wore. All of a sudden, another voice cuts through the crowd, a lanky thin earth pony stallion pushing through the mob.

“I have a cart, I can get her to the hospital!” 

“Then that's great” spoke the female earth pony before speaking to Sorrow, “Help me carry her” she told her before trying to lift Cimex into her back. Meanwhile, her friend and the lanky stallion began trying to disperse the crowd to make a path for them.


Razor was surprised to see Needle treating the diamond dog so kindly, something which is unheard of as the mare's attitude is a cold as ice who would berate you immediately, they probably knew each other for a long which might explain why she's so warm to this dog.

From what he had heard from the diamond dog, he learned that she was an accomplice to an ambush meant for none other than Cimex. He knew he had to tell Sorrow, Tepe, and Windy, knowing the mares of the group are in grave danger.


@Blitz Boom @Kujamih

“He didn't attacked me not anypony else involved” Luna told Magnolia

Edited by Windy Snow



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@Blitz Boom

“Looks like we got two customers, sister. Shall we?”

“Don’t worry about me, Sen. I think I still remember what you taught me. It’s been a long time since we’ve done this, so I hope you aren’t rusty, because Rosa will feel it! Wouldn't want to disappoint a friend, right?”

“I could say the same about you for Omen's massage, and you didn’t do this as often as me!”

Lin would wink at her brother before the two would take their positions. This playful ribbing wasn’t something that happened often, but the snide looks the two gave each other reminded them of better days when they’d do this sort of thing more often. When things got serious, they’d drop the attitude and give their utmost attention. Otherwise, they’d try recapturing some of their youth, even if it was through lighthearted teasing. It felt good to let loose, and they know it. 

Sen would start first with clenching his claws into a fist before hammering down on Rosa’s back. He’d go along a zig-zag pattern one way, then go backwards in the opposite pattern. He promised he’d go gentle, but that wouldn’t achieve much. The longma’s motions would speed up while maintaining the same downward pressure to figuratively ‘beat’ the pain and stress out of the thestral. Next, he’d press his claws together and chop along the spine, moving up and down the back about five times. The last bit would have him ‘push’ the pain out by kneading outwards using the base of his claw. 

The outward motions continued along Rosa’s legs, with more pressure applied before returning to pounding down with claws closed. He’d also stretch the thestral’s legs outward and repeat the same motions on the other three limbs. There’d be one more round, something that Sen’s father would do for good measure before completing the process. He’d even give kneading with his elbows a go, but this would be reserved for holding a limb down while kneading outwards.

As for Lin, she’d follow the same rubbing and kneading motions on Omen, though she’d do things a little differently. She’d start along the upper body before moving down, though the chopping motions ended up causing an unexpected surprise in the form of lavender-scented bubbles. She wouldn’t catch on to this until the room started smelling different, but the sight got her to pause for a moment.

“Whoa! Omen? These bubbles… that was you, right? Because I’m sure I’m not imagining this.”

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@Blitz Boom @Loud Opinion

Limbo's way of speaking made it quite hard for Light to understand her, so most of her words went straight out of Light's head.

but Shark choosing jäger over Strider, went straight to his ego.

" Ha! she chose Yaeger over Strider!" Light said to Limbo, with a smug look on his face.

" they never called me "Light , The Name Giver" for nothin..." he boasted some more.

then suddenly. shark jäger leaped to the nearest bushed for some reason.

" hey where are you- HOLLY COW what is that in your mouth!!!" Light questioned with great concern.

" euww spit it out- wait no what are you doi- auwww ...... hmmmppp... I ... I think I'm gonna be- hhhrrrrrmmmmmpppp... sick hrmmmppppp!!!!" Light tried to say while holding his stomach from vomiting and Shark  presently eating "The Frog."

but alas, Light could not hold it any longer and would run to a near by bush and throw up.

" what is wrong with your writer.... you could've just killed it..... why do you have to eat it aswell..... hrmmmppppp!" 

Edited by Kujamih
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@Blitz Boom

The sales mare's expressions went through a large array of emotions while a lot of the art hanging on the rolling rack was judged and dismissed by this poorly dressed mare.  A multitude of eyebrow raises, narrows and twitches while the formal suits were insulted and thought less of than perfect.  The fashion industry was always a difficult one to fulling take in the concept 'the customer is always right'.  Most customers weren't know art if it slapped them in the face.  The best she could do was remain silent while the two mares picked out an outfit for the stallion, she presumed, had taken up residence on the stool in the lobby rather than voice his own opinion.  Not that rare really.  A common sight in cloths shopping left one party member to be dragged about.

"A... pouch?" the sales mare raised a single eyebrow at the witch of the wilds.  They sold purses and designer saddle bags, hardly anything a stallion might use at a formal event.  The idea at a formal event was not to be carrying anything nor was it the best idea to travel while dressed in formal attire.  That wasn't even getting directly into the prospect of a pouch, of any kind, not matching anything remotely close to any current fashion trend.  "I'm afraid not," the sales mare relied, inwardly not all that sorry they didn't carry such a thing in their store.  

Dawn waved the idea dismissively, "Worry not, I'll enchant one of the pockets.  He'll be able to hold more than a carts worth of things in there for whatever Harrowmark might have in store."  Igniting her horn to levitate the suggested suit away from Lily and over to the sitting detective.  "A little droll, but fitting for the occasion if I understand your fashion choices in Harrowmark.  We'll have to see how it looks on the subject.  Chop chop dear brother, tempus fugit."

Rising rolled his eyes but grabbed the levitating suit and draped it over his shoulder.  Slipping off the stool to disappear into a dressing room.

"He'll have a silver and midnight blue sash that crosses his chest along with it.  Traditional formal accessory for law enforcement in our land with various medals and ribbons to denote their accomplishments," Dawn added.  Using her hoof to draw a line from her left shoulder and down across her chest to under her other leg to mimic how it was worn.  "I agree, I think the hat would be too much.  Not that you'd get him to wear it unless we go sowing on a hood to the suit," the twin chuckled.  The sales mare looked like she could faint from just the idea of it.

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@Loud Opinion @Kujamih

Shark would finish her meal fairly quickly, and lick the *residue* off of the sides of her mouth.

"Special one take me from the ocean, make me like friend. She say *Frog is food. Pony is friend.*. I hunt many frog in place with the reefs. Helped friends from becoming food. But soon, no more frog, so I try finding out new thing to do. Now frog back, so need to hunt again. If I don't do like special one asked, maybe she send me back. I do not want to go back. Dry place is better."

It wasn't just nature that made her hunt and eat these particular mutants. It were also fear, as like she said, she was afraid she'd be put back in the ocean, if she didn't hunt these down. She liked it here. Life now were a lot less simple, but so much more rich, and enticing. She didn't want to go back to just hunting salmon, and avoid fishers.

And now, the two others were going to be part of this, if they wanted to or not. The bush next to the one that Light had vomited in, erupted with one of these beasts, that would jump towards him with it's mouth open, and aiming to engulf as much of his head as possible. It's spiked tongue would come along too, and would try to latch around his face, covering his eyes with the slimy, pokey tongue, to make the hunt easier for the creature.

Light however, could just disintegrate it, if it were. There would come more, so he could just as well get into the mood of it now.




Dread raised an eyebrow, and remained silent for a little, as she looked Magnolia over more closely. Looking beyond just how pristine the mare appeared to be, and focusing on other, more minute details for a little, as she pondered what she had been told.

A strange light came over her eyes suddenly, the gaze became harder. More like an adept fighter, looking over an opponent, before making an attack.

"...I see some semblance, but not to her."

The voice were dual in nature now. Carrying another, female voice, with far more authority to her tone.

"If you wish to prove it, make them connect you to Alluria Sparkle. She will know her own bloodline more than others. Whatever comes of it, beware little mare, if your intention is to threaten the throne. I have ancestors of my own, and they will not falter, against any threat to the Throne of Night, nor her majesty's allies."

The warning would be the last said, before the glow vanished, and Dread would end up shaking her head.

"Lunari spend a long time with the spirits that roams around our forest, or remains to help with various things. She knows more than I, and her eyes are sharp. If she thinks it is possible, I will trust her judgement. Though I find it strange I have never heard of you. I can only imagine that have something to do with this weight you seem to carry around? Worry not, I will not dig into things further. We are all entailed to our privacy.

Also, worry not of what Lunari told you, at the end. I doubt you will find trouble with those of her blood, lest you prove a direct issue, to Princess Luna. Even in death, they remain loyal to her. An admirable trait, though dangerous in its own rights.

ON lighter topics, those who do brawl fights, will not likely go to Tartarus. I may not know the exact measure they take, but I strongly believe that it takes worse than that, to be send there. One must surely have a darkened soul, devoid of light, to earn such torment. Most should have nothing to fear."

The cauldron were barely boiling, and already, there were a customer over at Zeehva's stand. The Midas Tears had caught his eyes, and made him halt in front of her stand.


"Pardon me. Is that Midas Tears you have there?"

"It *sniff* It i-is, sir."

The stallion would take a handkerchief from his pocket, and hand it to Zeehva. The mare taking it, and using it to dry her eyes a little more.

"My apologies. I did not mean to intrude during a bad time, ma'am."

"It's f-fine. Just some... B-Bad news I'm processing."

She'd draw out her alchemist card, and put it down on the table, that the stallion could see it closely. Which he would, to verify its validity.

"An honorable Zebrican alchemist no less... Marvelous.

Excuse my rudeness. My name is Clayton Quartz, and I have been searching for some of this liquid for some time. If you could please prove it's authenticity, just in case, I would like to make an order, if it is possible?"

"An o-order? How much would you need?"

"Twenty of these larger vials, if possible. I will of course pay full market value for it. I have need of it for a rather... Peculiar building project I've been contracted to do, but have hit a stalemate actually finding this for weeks now. I will also cover expenses, when it comes to the vials themselves. Pure glass, correct?"

"T-Twenty? That's... Yes, I t-think I can have that done by tomorrow. But I'd need the v-vials before that."

"I will acquire them right away then, and return once I am done. Though my secretary may turn up instead, depending on things. She have the full authority to greenlight this too, so worry not about anything happening. I'll return soon. Ah yes, and my card. Please hold on to it, and may things brighten for you soon, ma'am."

He'd put a professionally made business card on the table, with the text *Quartz Construction: We build your dreams.* in golden, flowing text. Then he would wander off, about to go and find a large crate of vials. A far lesser bad situation that it had been, to find one able to make the ludicrous amount of this liquid he'd need. *sigh* Sometimes his clientele were so troublesome...

"T-That was uh... Woah."

"I have a cousin who had a home build by that company. They pride themselves in quality, and doing their best to make even outlandishly odd homes, come to life. Fortune smiles upon you, striped one."




On 2021-12-07 at 5:07 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Looks like we got two customers, sister. Shall we?”

“Don’t worry about me, Sen. I think I still remember what you taught me. It’s been a long time since we’ve done this, so I hope you aren’t rusty, because Rosa will feel it! Wouldn't want to disappoint a friend, right?”

“I could say the same about you for Omen's massage, and you didn’t do this as often as me!”

"I am ready."

"So am I. Here's hoping I can still walk afterwards. Hehe."

A little jest, but an improper massage could actually make it rather hard to move around for a time. Manipulating muscles like that, left a lot of room for errors, or intentional messes. Cramps, locked up muscles, the works. And some of those could be fairly dangerous. Though he were sure it'd be fine. Worst case, he'd need a steaming towel for a few hours, and he'd be able to - carefully - get to a professional to sort him out. Though it'd hurt quite substantially.

As did the treatment he were under now. Quite a bit, actually. He managed to keep most in, but a few groans were escaping. Though it did feel like it were loosening up things. It were just that the more strained and mangled up things were, the more it'd hurt to get it sorted out. This really were a call for him to go and take such treatments with some kind of regularity, lest he'd end up moaning in pain, every time he thought of moving too rapidly.

Omen had it simpler. She did not say a thing. Her dulled pain receptors, and inability to grasp what pain were, and why it were bad, were really helping her here it seemed. He envied her some, though as he glanced at her, he did spot something that he did not envy: She apparently started to let loose a stream of bubbles, as she were hit a certain spot down her spine.

On 2021-12-07 at 5:07 PM, EQ_Theta said:

As for Lin, she’d follow the same rubbing and kneading motions on Omen, though she’d do things a little differently. She’d start along the upper body before moving down, though the chopping motions ended up causing an unexpected surprise in the form of lavender-scented bubbles. She wouldn’t catch on to this until the room started smelling different, but the sight got her to pause for a moment.

“Whoa! Omen? These bubbles… that was you, right? Because I’m sure I’m not imagining this.”


"I *groan* think it came from you pressing at the bottom of her spine. Another of Discord's little oddities, I can imagine. Seems harmless though. Merely peculiar. Though I wonder if there would be a change if you kept pushing there."

Spoiler: There would not. It would just end up causing the room, to eventually become sickeningly oversaturated, with the smell of lavender. Omen wouldn't mind, but as this were Rosa's house, he'd have top scramble to a window if it got to that point, to get some air in here. Lavender were not a bad smell per se, but it should not be in that great of a concentration.



@Rising Dusk

13 hours ago, Rising Dusk said:

"He'll have a silver and midnight blue sash that crosses his chest along with it.  Traditional formal accessory for law enforcement in our land with various medals and ribbons to denote their accomplishments," Dawn added.  Using her hoof to draw a line from her left shoulder and down across her chest to under her other leg to mimic how it was worn.  "I agree, I think the hat would be too much.  Not that you'd get him to wear it unless we go sowing on a hood to the suit," the twin chuckled.  The sales mare looked like she could faint from just the idea of it.

"As long as it is not too much silver, that should work well. Anything that makes you stand out too much, makes you a target. Though of course, it's generally safer within the capitol, than elsewhere.

Regardless, I think this should do well. Your enchantment would have to be shown to be considered impressive though, but I'm sure he could provide an example. Actions tend to speak louder than words, in Harrowmark. And this kind of magic would be highly interesting. The less things that you can lose merely by dropping a satchel or pouch, the better.

I know it might seem simplistic to you, but we are not where you are. We don't have the luxury of simply wearing what we wish to. It have to serve a purpose, and not hinder, in case some kind of attack happens.

Generally speaking, think of it that if you are unprepared, you will likely die. And it wouldn't fit one of his stature, to look like a roaming geist could easily chase him down, or he could never ambush something, as he'd stand out from a kilometer away.

Still, there is style and modern tones to what were found. Long as he can wear it with some degree of grace, and confidence, it should serve well. Otherwise, we may as well put him back in his hoodie, and just put a tag on him, announcing where he hails from."

Lily were pretty sure the clerk did not like her, considering the things she had said about the attires there, but she cared little. She were simply being honest, about what would be good where they were going. Coming in and looking like some kind of colorful bird, wouldn't serve them well. Which would also have to extend to the rest of them to some degree. Which might be something she should bring up, actually.

"There's less restrictions on what you'd wear, as you're not the specific one they're wanting to immortalize, but I still implore you to chose your attire with some degree of thought. Make it so you can run in it, at the least. And be not afraid of some color there. It isn't you they think of as the fighter, so long as you're appearing as if you can flee, it should suffice."



@Windy Snow

"Oh, that's fantastic. Come on friend, we'll get you healed up in no time."

Sorrow would help to lift up Cimex, and get her over to the cart. This was pretty fortunate. A little too fortunate, according to Legion. They did not trust this was completely well, and might in fact be a trap.

She understood their caution, but CImex needed help, and as such, she'd have to go with these for now, and hope they were legit. She knew where the hospital were, so if she noticed them deviating from that path, or trying to go down side ways with less ponies around, she'd need to take that into mind, and be alert. Otherwise, she might suddenly be caught by the gang. And who knew what might come by, if that happened?

Though for now, she'd have to try and put some faith in these being there to help. Cimex needed it.

"It's fortunate you were here, and that you're willing to help. Thank you for that. Not everypony are willing to help changelings these days sadly.

The hospital's not far from here. If we take the main road, it shouldn't be too long, and there should be more spacious there."

Once Cimex were in the cart, it were all about following, and in case folks were in the way, fluttering a bit ahead, and asking ponies to please let them through. Though it still hurt her wing to fly more than a few seconds. She needed more resting time for it than she had gotten it seemed. Accursed injury were really biting her in the flank...

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

“I’ll try to go easy on the massage. You still need your legs, friend, and I’d be a terrible masseuse if I leave customers crippled.” 

There was always room for a little more loosening. A tight muscle here, a stiff joint there… Sometimes, a second round of the same procedure ought to make things better. Sen’s father had a habit of going more than one round to ensure the longma was good for another day of training. The groans Rosa made had Sen on edge for a while, but he remembered the occasional groan he’d let out when things got too painful. It was a signal to ease things up a bit before going back to the routine. If this was just part of a package deal at those spas he heard of, it’ll be quite an experience to even learn about the other options they are offering. 

The longma was getting into the rhythm of the process, and each gesture was slowly bringing back old memories of what massages were like as a child. Each memory became action, a stroke that didn’t need a second thought. Everything about it felt normal, and it felt good to be doing something simple and good. That is, it was good until the scent of lavender filled the air, and bubbles filled his vision. Sen paused to see the sights, though he wouldn’t let this chance to pop some bubbles to slip. 

17 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"I *groan* think it came from you pressing at the bottom of her spine. Another of Discord's little oddities, I can imagine. Seems harmless though. Merely peculiar. Though I wonder if there would be a change if you kept pushing there."

“Hmm… doubtful Discord could have something more in store if anyone kept pushing. Then again, leaving another surprise for persistent pushing sounds like the kind of thing Discord would do. Let me try something. Omen? Apologies if this is going to cause some discomfort.”

Lin thought about trying some kind of experiment where she’d push on the same spot repeatedly to see if Discord might have left another surprise. She’d go with five pushes in quick succession, and if there was no change, then everyone would get more lavender-scented bubbles. Fortunately, or unfortunately, there’d just be more bubbles and nothing else. Sen didn’t really have much to say, though the scent was getting a little too overbearing that he’d run over to the window to let some of it out.

“Well, I can’t say that I’m a little disappointed.”

“You were expecting something more? I’m not sure what else Discord would have in mind.”

“I don't know. At least it wasn’t a gate to some unknown realm or making little messengers in funny hats appear out of thin air. Discord could have thought of any number of things when he formed Omen.” 

By then, the siblings continued the massage, though Lin would try to avoid the bottom of Omen’s spine. The scent was a nice touch, but too much of it could spoil the atmosphere. It would be another ten minutes before the two finished up their procedure; it was good for them to get reacquainted with this old skill, and it was fortunate for them to have the time to do this. If there was more to do for a massage like this from those fancy pony spas, they probably had something like massage oils and hot towels, but the siblings had to work with what they have. 

“That's it; massage is done! So, how was it? I hope I didn’t break anything. How about you, Omen? Feeling good?”

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@Blitz Boom
Ruby didn't need to say anything to Charir, because while he was curious and possibly a bit naive, being as young as he was, he was a member of highly intelligent species, so he wasn't a fool, and the moment his claw had sank into the wall he had put two and two together and figured it wasn't a good idea to continue doing that, his reasoning may have been different, but the end result was the same. 

It wasn't that Charir didn't care about the topic being talked about, he just didn't understand anything so he figured it wasn't important, only things of focus for him being the emotional state of everyone so that he would know when something was wrong, though even if he would have understood the language, he still wouldn't have understood the topic fully, the concepts of law and order were currently unknown to him, their society, if you can call it that, being pure anarchy to put it nicely, and even the idea that being hunted was somehow unusual thing was foreign to him, since his short life had been mostly fleeing and hiding from others who wanted to hurt him. 

Ruby didn't care to pressure Marley, mainly because it ultimately didn't matter who exactly it was after him, the law, bounty hunters, ex-lovers, they'd all die if they became to much of a problem, though there was something she felt needed to be said "While I won't push you to reveal anything, know that if any of these...friends of yours, cause any real trouble for me later for simply associating with you, my next visit won't be for business." This served as a reminder that no matter how friendly their little relationship would get, Ruby wouldn't hesitate to make Marley into her next meal, she may have been making an effort to be less hostile, but almost 200 years of growing cold and violent didn't go away that easily. 

She didn't blame Marley for possibly having the law after him though, she knew, and took part in what business he was part of after all, and while she was sure she hadn't left any evidence of her own crimes that would cause any real trouble, she too liked to avoid unnecessary interactions with the law. 

"That aside, we'll do as has been planned, we talk about business, and when it comes to Charir, we'll tell her what I told you, I'm watching over him for a client, I don't expect her to believe that necessarily, since she has already admitted to doubt my identity during her drunken madness, though if that's the case, we shall lean on that, as she believes I'm a changeling." naturally she spoke quiet enough for it to be hard, if not quite impossible to be heard outside the cart, though the sound of wind coming from the small hole Charir had made probably helped to drown her voice more.


Scarecrow put his hoof under his chin as he thought about it, he didn't remember ever hearing about this, so that could be a help to narrow down when he met his own fate, granted, 600 years was still quite the margin, but it was less than 1000. Why he believed this was accurate way to narrow it down? simple, something like this was so big that if his fate happened before it or right after it, he would have certainly heard of it during his observations of the outside world, and while he wouldn't be able to remember when he heard of it, or specific details, nothing he learned after he became this had disappeared entirely, it all just got mixed into the mess that was his memory, and hearing it again should have given him some kind of connection, but it didn't, thus, his current existence was most likely less than 600 years old. 

Of course the story itself was interesting too, and it was good to know something about the species he was supposed to pretend to be "That is...grim." "Makes me wonder how many other species have gone through similar things." "But I'm sure we'll return on mass some day, maybe in 400 years or so, for some reason historical events seem to repeat after thousand years here." he may have lacked the knowledge on lot of history, but what he had heard from the things he himself had been through, the oddly long night after the moon changed, the chaos, expansion of the forest... it seemed they all were related to something that happened 1000 years ago, so in his mind it wasn't so far fetched that Evergrown would come back after 1000 years too for some reason. "Though for what I have seen for now, a return wouldn't be bad even now, since for all the ponies we have met, your reaction is most extreme, so I'd say it's safe to assume hunting wouldn't be the first thing to happen again." Of course the reaction hadn't been extreme, and that was the point. 


The kobolds just nodded, the new information while interesting, wasn't too surprising to them, they had already figured from what they had learned before that Changelings seemed to be quite closely related to insect, very weird relation, as one could only guess what kind of weirdness would make what was basically insect-equine, but a relation that brought its own implications, and with Onache's use of words queen and hive, they had guessed the society would resemble a beehive or an anthill. Not that they were ones to talk, because there was kobold variations that were equally weird, they hadn't personally seen any, but they had heard about them, the one the third kobold had mentioned before her song being a good example, they were highly adaptive species, and with their quick reproduction, physical changes were relatively quick, so there was lot of variation between communities, both in cultural and physical, really the only sure thing common between them was their loyalty to their own kind.

Sheska and Trox were from a community originally living in inland caves, that was forced to move into a dark forest, very similar in conditions to their cave, so they were perfectly adapted to that, thus their dislike of sun and dryness in general, meanwhile kobolds living in the Solar Empire were more adapted to the heat of the endless deserts and sunlight, and would most likely hate to be in a dark damp forest. Then there were those whose story was being sang, they lived in the sea somewhere, so they had gills and such, kobolds living in the frozen north of equestria would be adapted to cold and so on and so forth.

The nods were also a response to the last point, while as a species they could eat almost anything, they too suffered from lack of food now and then, quality food to be specific, no amount of rotten meat and tree bark would replace a good meal of fresh meat and fruits, and especially with things like the former, too much of such poor food would make even them ill.

But like with everything, their solutions were very community based, who needed the best food most now would get it, the most elderly and terminally sick would most likely refuse to take any to save it for those with a future, those who went without eating the last time would get to eat now, those working the most physically draining important jobs would be kept in working shape, mothers and their young were kept healthy, and so on and so worth, in its own way it was cruel too, especially since most species would give the most to the elderly and sick, but as stated, it was very community focused, while everyone was taken care of to best of one's ability, in very bad situations, the survival of the community as a whole went above any individual, and this was agreed by all to the extend that many would straight up refuse to eat if there was someone they felt needed it more.

This didn't mean kobolds couldn't be selfish, their selfishness just went beyond themselves, for example, Sheska and Trox, they had done lot of bad things to survive, in fact, Even Sheez, the kobold every kobold hated was a perfect example, she was without doubt a power hungry, selfish traitor, but not once had she directly harmed a kobold, any other creatures she mowed down happily, destroying anything they loved, but as much as everyone hated her for being a traitor, nobody could claim she had purposely went out on her way to harm a kobold, because like with everything, kobolds were a whole, they were selfish, but they were selfish as a community.

This was partly why while not straight up hostile, they didn't really care for outsiders in their communities, they would accept another kobold, even if from different community with open arms without question, but any other species? it would take lot of work form that individual, exceptions did exist though, mainly in dragons, as some specific communities may end up worshiping a specific dragon for reason or another, it was a weird quirk about their psychology, and while a studied matter, nobody had really figured it out yet. 

As the song finished, there was cheers and such as to be expected, and after few bows the kobold jumped off the table, disappearing from view for a moment, before breaking through the crowd and coming towards them, she didn't have her instrument with her, though it too would soon come to view as not far behind her came a light grey dragon, about twice her size, carrying the guitar. The dragon also had an axe seemingly made of stone hanging on her waist.

The kobold was half walking half running, making her way to Sheska and pretty much jumping to hug her, Sheska too took few steps forward to meet her, and the body language of both made it pretty clear that hug was being planned from both sides, and assuming Onache didn't intervene, a hug would happen, and they both would squeeze each other while moving a bit from side to side, this was clearly a happy reunion.

The dragon meanwhile just walked next to the kobold, giving a small warm smile as she watched, before scanning Trox and Onache with her eyes and greeting them with a small nod, to which Trox responded with a nod of his own.

If Onache was to look into the heads of these two, there wouldn't be any reason for concern, the dragon was mainly wondering if she recognized the three, especially focusing on Trox's metal parts, thinking through if there was anything familiar there, other than that her mind was focused on the kobold, happy to see her happy and so on. 

The kobold in other hand, was just happy to see familiar faces, pretty much ignoring Onache for now, though there was the acknowledgement that these two familiar faces, while very familiar,  were not the familiar faces she actually knew, meaning that while she knew Sheska and Trox, she also recognized that these two were not the Sheska and Trox she knew, she had no explanation for it, but it also didn't seem to bother her too much. 

On the emotional side of things, besides the expected positive emotions for such a thing, it was pretty easy to tell that the kobold and dragoness were in love.


"Chega, you can't even imagine how good it is to see a familiar face." Sheska said while in the hug, Trox also made his way bit closer, standing next to his sister in very similar manner to how the dragon did next to Chega, they soundlessly acknowledged this similarity between each other, they were the protectors of each pair. Chega pulled away from the hug and put her hands on Sheska's shoulders, looking her from top to bottom "Look at yourself, you'd get an aneurism if someone came home looking like this." her tone was humorous, and while she was concerned about what she saw, there didn't seem to be any indication that she wanted to ask for details "You too Trox, how didn't she kill you when you showed up like that." Trox chuckled "She almost did." Chega moved away from Sheska and tapped on Trox's metal arm with her claw, which Trox happily let her do "Is this armor or?" "It's the whole thing" he turned his hand and let Chega examine it "Cool, it fits you." 

Chega then stepped away "So, what's your deal? It's clear you're not the Sheska and Trox I grew up with." This didn't come out in any way negative way, it was simple curiosity, which was slightly odd considering how casual she was about it, seeing that she was talking to different versions of her close friends "It's complicated" "Portals?" "Yes, portals." Chega just nodded "How are you so unfazed?" "This place is weeeird, Equestria I mean, I've decided it's best to just keep my head down and not question it....." she smiled "....though, if you have any stories to tell, I'd happy to hear them, all of them, I love stories as you may know, or may not...do you know?" Sheska just nodded

If Onache was to spend more time in the two head, she would be able to spot the slight emotional difference between the two newcomers, the dragon was more reserved, similar to how Trox had shown to be, but not to the extend of being cold, her emotions were strong, but she didn't really show them as openly, her thoughts followed the same rule, being clear and formulaic, while Chega was lot more emotional, her emotions making sharp turns so to speak, and her thoughts were rather erratic, jumping from thing to another, similar to someone like Pinkie Pie, but not as extreme.




“Cats!”  “Cats!”  “Music!”  “Cats!” “Cats! “(^・ω・^ )ノ” 
Ask me something! https://mlpforums.com/topic/139270-ask-the-cerberus/#entry4129993
Signature by @Stevonnie


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@Blitz Boom @Kujamih

Limbo rolled her eyes at Light's wretching. Limbo never considered herself strong in any respect, but it would take a lot more than a pony carving through frog viscera to turn Limbo's stomach. Anypony failing that degree of resolve had to be a truly weak pony. None of the gore even landed on them.

She then focused on Shark's story, making a special note about this special one.

"Ah, I knew you were a good friend!" Limbo praised but was more careful to not confuse Sharks vocabulary, "You have a goal. A purpose. Truly, you are on the side of or-."

She was cut short by the sudden decapitation. Shock cooled to horror in her heart. Quickly ducking behind Shark, she hopped for safe harbor but didn't forget the evaporation of the beast's victim.

Edited by Loud Opinion

What isn't vain is good for your brain. What isn't rotty is good for your body. While art is good for your heart, good people are good for you.

Blue Thorn

Limbo Dreams

Gold Dust can be found here

and my other OC Silver tongue can be found here

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@Kujamih @Loud Opinion

(before the attack)

16 hours ago, Loud Opinion said:

"Ah, I knew you were a good friend!"

"Yes. I am good friend. So are sleepy friend."

Shark would nuzzle her head against the area of Limbo's upper chest, right below her chin. A friendly gesture in her mind, towards a more calm, and nice pony than Light. He was a loud one, though maybe that was just a thing for their kind? She didn't know, but it would be so fun to learn that. Such interesting creatures these were, with many, complicated thoughts. So good it were, to be one of them.

Limbo were the best of these two friends right now. She were calmer, and she smelled good. Not like food. Nono. Smell of nature, all fresh and homey. Some others in town, had smelled very weird. Like fake flowers.

"Sleepy friend smells good."

(after the attack)

To a regular pony, seeing Light just flitter out like that, would make it fairly obvious that this was some kind of illusion, or weak construct. It'd be shocking, but overall, should not be a point of concern.

Shark however, did not know how these things worked, as she had yet to see a pony get eaten before. So to her, this were her prey, suddenly going in and killing a friend. To which she only had one response.

She'd charge in, fast as could be, on the creature that were briefly wondering why this head tasted weird, and were crumbling. Then she sunk her teeth in it's chest, and started to shake the yelping creature around. Bashing it into the ground, trees, and rocks, despite the yelping having stopped quickly, due to its passing. Her bite had hit well, as did her hits after all, but she did this more out of anger than of hunger now.

"Bad frog, hurt friend?! I hurt frog!"

After the last time she smashed the lifeless freak frog into a tree, and cracking said tree in the process - she were a fair bit stronger than she looked - she'd let go, and go over to where Light had been. She'd look down on the ground with a sad face, and go down on her belly.

"Friend is gone... *sniff* Goodbye, metal friend."

She'd rub her nose in the dirt in front of his resting place, and then just lay down flat, with her ears all droopy, down the side of her head. She felt sad now, and didn't want to do things.




Dread would wave a hoof, kindly dismissing the need to see the papers, even if she had a glance at them as they were shown.

"I trust in Lunari, when she says it can be, more than paper could. You needn't prove yourself to me, friend. And long as your path is not towards cutting at the top, we are both glad to help.

I know how she may have seemed to you, but alas, Lunari is a fierce loyalist. Even gone from the mortal plane or centuries, in her burns the passion to protect the throne of night. You are not the first she have questioned, nor will you be the last. Please excuse her, for her tendencies.

As for Alluria, of her I can speak some. She would be your... Aaah, what might it be... Five times great grandmother? Maybe six? Her time have long passed, but she remains. Not for the same reason as Lunari, hers is a... Ah, different story, of which I know little details. All I know is that we cannot help her move on. Even grandmother cannot do that, and she have yet to meet another soul she couldn't, but it seems that Alluria have been judged not for paradise, nor torment, but purgatory. A sentence to which we know not the reason, nor the end.

She remains with us, in our manor. She have been loathe to reach out to speak with her descendants for some reason, but there is nothing stopping you, from going to see her. You need only a message to get you there. Or better yet, someone who might lead you.

Show yourself, cousin. You know I can feel your presence."

She gazed down upon the ground, at the shadows cast by her booth. Perhaps she had gone mad?

Alas, such were not the case. As soon after, a grumbling were heard, and a dark, pony shape would rise from the shadow itself. When he stood fully, the veil of shadows seized, and the pony stood in full color. A sight which caused Zeehva to gasp some.


(minus the knife)

"You are too observant for your own good, Dread."

"I have heard that said, Soul. What have happened with your eye?"

"An irritating worm, disrupting my magic. It needs rest, and meanwhile, I have to deal with minor inconveniences myself."

"I see."

"How funny."

He sounded irritated, whilst Dread got a slightly bigger smile upon her face. She'd wander around her stand, and go to embrace him. Something he'd reluctantly follow suit with, although briefly. He didn't like doing this in public. He found himself getting enough eyes on him as it were.

"It is good to see you still, cousin. Many of us have grown to miss you."

"Peh. I'll believe that when I see it."

They would get some peace now that Soul were here, since nopony wanted to get near him, in general. His whole... Everything, tended, to cause that to happen.




On 2021-12-09 at 4:23 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“I’ll try to go easy on the massage. You still need your legs, friend, and I’d be a terrible masseuse if I leave customers crippled.” 

"Depends how badly one are in need of the massage to begin with. One might be unable to move for a time, though feel better afterwards. I have met ponies like that before, though they are generally speaking, long term, hard physical workers. While I am out and about a lot, I wouldn't claim to be in the same boat as them.

Though personally, I would like to be able to walk, yes. Uddo might ask questions if we met them, and you had to roll me in with a wheelbarrow."

That or he might get some entertainment out of it. Rosa had not met the longma for long enough to determine that. They'd see, as he eventually, and slowly, got more information to work with, in regards to the older longma.

For now though, he'd like to keep his focus here, and attempt to not groan too loudly, to indicate his pain levels. This felt like the kind of pain that were ultimately good for him, but alas, it were still pain. Dreadfully unpleasant stuff, regardless of the benefit, but it'd be worse if the treatment suddenly ended with no warning. Halfway through loosened up, and caught in a knot, sounded dreadful.

Sen seemed to adapt to things, as he heard groans., and things became gradually pleasant. At the time when Lin were done poking Omen some more, and the air filled with a near overbearing scent of lavender, he were feeling fairly relaxed in fact.

On 2021-12-09 at 4:23 PM, EQ_Theta said:

“Well, I can’t say that I’m a little disappointed.”

“You were expecting something more? I’m not sure what else Discord would have in mind.”

“I don't know. At least it wasn’t a gate to some unknown realm or making little messengers in funny hats appear out of thin air. Discord could have thought of any number of things when he formed Omen.” 

By then, the siblings continued the massage, though Lin would try to avoid the bottom of Omen’s spine. The scent was a nice touch, but too much of it could spoil the atmosphere. It would be another ten minutes before the two finished up their procedure; it was good for them to get reacquainted with this old skill, and it was fortunate for them to have the time to do this. If there was more to do for a massage like this from those fancy pony spas, they probably had something like massage oils and hot towels, but the siblings had to work with what they have. 

“That's it; massage is done! So, how was it? I hope I didn’t break anything. How about you, Omen? Feeling good?”

"Well, if this is one of what he called a *design flaw*, it stands to reason that it is not intentional, what happens. Hence, the lack of more surprises. Just a guess though. I would hardly call myself educated, in the topic of chaos, and it's applications. Least this one is harmless, and not like the plant.

In regards to the massage, surprisingly pleasant, actually. Least once my muscles had gotten smoothened out, it were. It appears I were more tied up back there than I thought.

If you need some guidance as to what to do in this country, Sen, I would strongly add a suggestion that you should perhaps try and pursue this further. You have the skills required to be a good masseuse, I think."

Whilst he got back on his hooves, and stretched his limbs out, Omen just slowly rose up, and then turned to look at Lin. A last bubble escaping the side of her mouth, before she answered.

"I feel the same. Is it supposed to be good, to be stepped on?"

Rosa would smirk at that, but not elaborate as to why. It'd just cause more questions than answers, and he didn't think this was a good time to go over such talks with Omen.

"It is supposed to help with the muscles. If you feel the same, either your muscles are different, or you're simply not as tied up as one like me. Impressive for one of your age.

Personally though, I feel rather delightful, and reinvigorated. Evening are still some ways off, but if you have ideas of things we could do, I am now all ears."

"Master made something once, that he said were all ears. It looked strange."

"Yes, I can imagine that sayings are sometimes taken quite literal, when a draconequus hears it. Have to remember to watch what I say further, when facing him, or his kind, the next time."

Rosa could hardly imagine what a creature that were all ears, would look like, but he'd prefer it not to be tested on himself. Other sayings were best to be silent about too, likely. Like *break a leg* and *time to bounce*. Along with several other ones, with less pleasant, potential outcomes. He'd rather not think too hard about it though.



@Catpone Cerberus

20 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:

"While I won't push you to reveal anything, know that if any of these...friends of yours, cause any real trouble for me later for simply associating with you, my next visit won't be for business."

"I feel fairly certain that if someone are after me, they could care little about you, even if you revealed yourself to them in full, right in their face. Those who have an interest in me, would likely not care about you, lest they found out what you had done, and had evidence of it. They'd be vigorous in asking me... *sigh* Matters little. Hopefully it shall never be an issue. I left that life behind long past. I'm sure I'm just being paranoid."

It might not be that easy. If Charir kept looking out the window in fact, he'd be able to find that it seemed like someone were following the train. The distance were too great to tell who, or what it were, beyond it being roughly pony or griffon size. Whatever it were though, seemed to be leaping great distances in the air, and stay in the forest areas, to avoid being near enough for identification. Might be nothing, but the fact this one seemed to be following the train, were potentially cause for concern.

"I'd still like to know what you're hiding. Any way I can lure it out of you?"

"Some doors cannot be closed, once they have been opened."

"Tempted to freeze you, and see if that'd do something."

Marley just sat still, and didn't respond to the threat, as he found it hollow. Which it were. Leviathan were not going to torture an answer out of him. That wasn't any good, and would make the whole thing sour. She'd much prefer trying to get it out of him peacefully. Maybe if she got him drunk some day, and then tried sweet talking him a bit, she'd be able to get an answer. Without some sort of grizzly way of extracting it, though she were guessing something grizzly were his secret. No way he'd keep something simple this locked up, right?

20 hours ago, Catpone Cerberus said:

"That aside, we'll do as has been planned, we talk about business, and when it comes to Charir, we'll tell her what I told you, I'm watching over him for a client, I don't expect her to believe that necessarily, since she has already admitted to doubt my identity during her drunken madness, though if that's the case, we shall lean on that, as she believes I'm a changeling." naturally she spoke quiet enough for it to be hard, if not quite impossible to be heard outside the cart, though the sound of wind coming from the small hole Charir had made probably helped to drown her voice more.

"She won't believe it for a second, but as she wishes to keep a working relationship with you, as our endeavors have been most profitable, she will more than likely just ignore her curiosity. She'd a mare who wishes to be well off, and scrutinizing you, and calling you a liar to your face, would be unprofitable.

As for your true form, I am not one to correct her, and I will simply play my part, in being vague about it. She will trust the deception more, if she is under the impression that I am covering for you."

"Sounds like your mistress have some trust issues."

"She's a poker player. She doesn't trust most beings further than she can throw them. Well, than I can throw them, I suppose, but that's a minor detail that's not too important.

In any case, it won't be too long before we're in Canterlot. From there, the trip to Las Pegasus should not take long either. There will be plenty of sun remaining in the sky, before we reach our destination, and as such, have plenty of time for other things to do.

I take it you may wish to hunt before we enter the town proper? I know not for sure how much you need to eat in a given day, but the forests around the town is bountiful. You are aware of that yourselves, far as I can tell, so there would be plenty for you to consume."

Talking about noise, they did need to lean more towards one another, to be heard proper. They shouldn't worry of ears outside though. The train cart were noisy as it rummaged around on the outside, so it'd be hard to even get a sentence listened in on proper.



@Catpone Cerberus

"I am fairly certain too, that if harvesting were attempted on your kind again, the punishments would be swift and hard. The princess would not wish for a repeat of old.

Still, there are other alicorn now. Princess Cadence have been a calming voice in tolerance and acceptance. Princess Luna, provides much in the way of guidance to Princess Celestia. And Princess Sparkle... She have mended many bridges, with old enemies, that we did not think possible. She will remain in 400 years, but it is in these years, that she have been pushing forward the most. Many of us - myself included - thinks that this is the golden age of inclusion. That would extend to your people as well.

But there is little you can do of course, if your memories are scattered. But the fact that you, and others such as you, have been reported seen in places, gives me hope that perhaps, the villages are sending out scouts, to see if the world have changed for the better. There's a lot of trust to be re-earned, but maybe it is finally nearing the point where it could start.

If ever your memory returns, and you wish to make contact, please do not hesitate to ask. I am not personally connected to anypony, whom have direct contact with the princess, but I do know whom to speak with. It is the very least I can do, to atone for the part my ancestor played in this grizzly business.

Have you other questions, regarding things? It does not need to be solely on the topic of your kind. I can imagine you might at first have arrived here to look at clothes for example, yes?"

"I asked him to follow me here. I were curious of what ponies wore, as I have only been near your kind for mere weeks. I witnessed the display of the mare who seemed to catch many eyes, and were intrigued. Most fashion my kind have done in, were not for equine bodies, and were more to leave room for our animal companions. Your fashion is far brighter. Any peacock I've known, would've been envious."

It were a compliment, which the pony seemed to understand, so that was good. Though it appeared the snake had grown bored of their company, and slid down from Lyriel, to somewhere further back in the store than where they now were. Not a surprise really. Snakes were not dumb creatures, but they had simple needs. History lessons were generally speaking, not part of that. It was more in regards to food, comfort and depending on the season, a good place to find a mate, and lay eggs. Things with more practical use for them.



@Catpone Cerberus

Onache wouldn't interrupt their embrace, as it were obviously mutual in nature, and were little more than a friendly greeting. One she did not partake in all that much herself, but that was perhaps something she'd have to degrade herself by doing in time, to better fit in with these beings.

She did however, have a small glance into their minds. She were stealthy with her magic when she needed to, and unless any of them were a strong master of mental fortitude, they'd not notice she were in their heads. This weren't with the aim of changing anything though. Merely get some idea of whom this were, and how it mattered. The same went for the dragon, whom seemed to be accompanying this kobold. Yet with that one, Onache would also scout for potential violent wants, and hamper them for the time being, if the dragon wished for a fight in this moment. She did not want to be on the other side of that stone axe.

There seemed to be little reason for concern. The kobold's mind were rife with memories of Trox and Sheska, though not the ones seen here. The memories were far too pleasant, to fit with the two kobolds that the queen had known thus far, lest their stories were all but fabricated. Something she felt were less likely, as it would have to include several beings in on this deception, lying so convincingly, they may well think it real themselves.

It seemed more likely that this kobold knew of versions of her two companions, from this world, rather than another. So kobolds were apparently, present as they were in the other world too. Interesting. Though likely not widespread to where Onache had lived. She would have heard of them, had they inhabited the are in, or around, the desert she once called home, far to the west of Equestria. Outside of that areas though, she did not interfere much, before Chrysalis had taken over her hive, so it was possible for them to be many places. Just not where she had been, or heard much of.

As for the dragon, there was a surprising amount of peace within her mind, so there were no reason for Onache to tamper with things. Though she were able to find what one trigger would be, for that axe to come swinging towards her. That being harming the bard kobold, as the love coiling through the dragoness, as she stood near the kobold, were impossible to miss.

As she had stated at an earlier time, she did not see a reason to meddle with true love. This seemed to be real, and while she did not understand it personally, that did not mean she needed to try and change their minds on this. It didn't impact her in the slightest, so why would she?

There could be a selfish reason, if her main hunger were for love, but that wasn't her hives prime food as it were. It were still palatable mind you, but she were a cultivator of adoration. A similar emotion, yet distinctive enough for those in the know.

In any case, she'd leave their minds quickly, and respond to the nod the dragon gave, with one of her own. It seemed long as she did not lash out towards the kobold, nothing dangerous were going to befall her. So it seemed overall, to be rather straight forward. Don't insult, nor attack, and they should be doing well. Now it were but to observe further as they talked, and then wait for her opening, to speak on her own behalf.

She considered briefly to enter their minds again, as the talk went on, but it seemed pointless. She had seen what she needed to, and from what she had come to understand of kobold culture, it wouldn't sit well, if they found she rummaged around too much. As she had need of Sheska and Trox on her side, she did best in not interfering too much, when it came to the minds of other kobolds.

"Interesting that you have versions of yourselves in this world too, and then meet one who knew them. One whom you know a version of too, no less. A strange coincidence.

Chega, was it? I am Queen Onache. Trox and Sheska found themselves stranded upon my domain, on arrival. I brought them here to seek parley with the princess. As you are here though, am I to assume the ponies already have a good relationship with your kind, or are you a traveler, as so many bards tend to be? It would serve them, better, if I knew this endeavor were wasted, in some manner, so that I could direct them towards another, more useful path.

Furthermore, might I state I am only attempting to help. I hold no interest in harming them, or kobold kind as a whole. I'm lead to believe that would be a most foolish thing to do."

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom

"Regardless of his attire and accessories, the gathered crowds and royal presence is going to draw the most amount of attention.  Rising will be a target for both the positive and negative by simply existing in Harrowmark.  His ability to escape will not be limited by what we get him here today," Dawn commented matter of fact.  He's the talk of a whole country now celebrating their freedom from a terrible tyrant.  

"I'm sure my brother would find that most preferable," the mare chuckled.  Just wearing his hoodie around with his badge pinned to his chest to tell of his origins.  Simple, clean, no flair.  "Luckily, we are here to prevent such travesty."

"I get a free card?" the sparkle returned to her eye.  Her horn ignited and she flicked her hair loose with her hoof.  A rainbow veil fell upon the twin sister and draped over her form like a silk sheet.  The silk veil shimmered and began to flow like water.  Like a stream gently running against the mare and she were a stone that broke the the calm trickle.  Over her every curve the liquid rainbow constantly shifted colors and settled into a perfectly form fitting flowing dress.  Running her hoof through the moving rainbow 'fabric', it behaved like water, flowing over her hoof to show it couldn't get caught on anything.  "Too much?" she batted her eyelashes innocently. 

She knew the answer, but her fun as had.  A flick of her horn caused the liquid rainbow dress to splash to the floor off her body before it disappeared back into the aether, leaving not stain behind.  "I'm sure I have something more muted in one of my closets."

"Behave," the younger twin scolded his sister as he exited the changing room dressed finely in the suit Lily had chosen.  Dawn stuck her tongue briefly at her brother before accessing the mess.  The suit was baggy and too long on the legs.  Evidently designed off the shelf for a larger stallion than the average Rising.  Pretty normal as the suit would then usually be tailored at this point to fit the customer.  They didn't have time for that.  Dawn cast her spell and Rising was enveloped in a rainbow aura.  The suit shrank until it fit the detective's frame.   A quick solution and it still wasn't perfect.  A more professional hoof would do better.  The shoulders were slightly off and the hips needed better tucking, but she was just be critical at this point, it would work for now.

"Even my brother can clean up nicely," Dawn tsked.  Rising didn't look bad in a suit, just a little less comfortable.

Dawn turned her attention to the sales mare, "Now I need your Autumn collection.  Mare.  Casual formal."  "Those are being disposed of.  Months off season," the sales mare questioned Dawn's fashion sanity after she already displayed a knowledge in the field.  "Just what I'm look for," she sent the mare on her mission.  "Now we take care of you," Dawn informed the witch of the wilds.

  • Brohoof 1
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@Blitz Boom @Loud Opinion

as shark morns beside the body of Light, the lifeless body of the goblin starts to jolt.

as it continues to violently jolt, the holes on its body starts to slowly light up, may it be from shark's bite marks, to it's ears, nose, mouth or butt hole.

little did anyone know it was Light, rummaging the corpse. 

it scans its body trying to learn what makes it move, why is it alive, what made this, what magic is coursing through it's veins, and what is it made off?

then suddenly, it stops jolting and started to stand up on it's own. it seems to be alive again.



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@Blitz Boom

On 2021-12-13 at 6:51 AM, Blitz Boom said:

In regards to the massage, surprisingly pleasant, actually. Least once my muscles had gotten smoothened out, it were. It appears I were more tied up back there than I thought.

If you need some guidance as to what to do in this country, Sen, I would strongly add a suggestion that you should perhaps try and pursue this further. You have the skills required to be a good masseuse, I think."

“That’s kind of you to say, and I guess that could be a fallback plan in case things don’t work out back home. At least, I hope the worst doesn’t come to pass and things would turn out better… It’s been a years since I last gave massages, and that was when I was still a child. I didn’t have everything worked out, but father explained what he could and I tried follow his example. Lin seemed to enjoy the massages though, so I thought I did something right.”

“I wouldn’t know how Discord formed your muscles, Omen, but as long as I did something that made you feel good, I’m happy with that.”

Discord’s ways were mysterious, and Lin doubted she’d ever find out everything. It’ll be miracle if she could figure out how to navigate the madness that is the draconequus’s thought process, if it could even be called that. Untangling chaos and making sense of it was a fool’s errand, but perhaps there was still a method behind the madness. If there was one, only Discord would know, and it would be best to just drop any hope of rationalizing it. 

In the meantime, there were still some hours before the evening and dinner with uncle Uddo and his family. Further exploring the town could be done another time, but there must be something the group could do while waiting. They had a house to themselves, and it seemed pretty empty and plain. It was fairly new, and not quite lived-in for the time being, but Lin recalled a time not too long ago that reminded her of the state of this house. She paced about and hung around the furniture for a good minute before seeing just exactly what they could do. And they still have those goodies they won at the carnival with them… 

“I think I’ve got just the idea,” the longma said as she grabbed Sen’s saddle bags and began unpacking everything inside and placing them on the nearest table. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back. Oh, and Rosa? This may be your house, but are you ready to make it a home?” 

A gate opened in the closest doorway to Lin before she stepped through without waiting to hear what the thestral would reply. She’d take a while gathering some things, leaving Sen and the others behind. It was evident that they’d be doing some interior decorating, but the longma wasn’t quite sure a mere saddle bag would be enough to carry everything they’d need. Then again, there were some souvenirs lying around already. Might be worth getting a head start. 

“Well… we have some time to spend while waiting for the evening, and it looks like we’re going to spend it decorating your home. I don’t suppose you are opposed to having nature-themed decorations?” 

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@Blitz Boom

"You have some ideas of something fun to do?" Plum Blossom asked Jelly, "I can take you on a tour around Ponyville and I guess you could say I know some 'secrets' around town, but I want to know what you are interested in."

Plum Blossom's smile faltered a little when she heard about what happened to where Jelly lived. "I hope you feel better about the hydra destroying your house, Ponyville is kind of notorious for having monsters crashing through town every other week..." She smiled nervously at Jelly.

"My family has a dog that runs around the farm; She's really friendly and outgoing, but she's not 'my' pet per say, rather the whole family's. So, what do you want to do?" Plum Blossom asked.

Edited by Radiant Reindeer
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On 2021-12-13 at 8:56 AM, Magnolia said:

"Well, I can't say I expected to meet a fellow shadowmancer around in these parts today, but as we were saying Dread, would you be able to find someone who can lead me to Alluria Sparkle? I want to talk with her." she glanced over to Zeehva. "If that is alright with you, the two of us can visit the manor as soon as possible. This is urgent." she spoke in an urgent manner.

"Shadowmancer? Peh. As if. There's more than one way to lurk in the shadows."

Soul's harsh, scrutinizing eye would land on Magnolia. An odd one, marred with white lines, from some sort of magic. The same which had taken the flesh and feathers from his wings, and marked him as a freak, that none cared to send as much as a kind thought towards. That were his experience at least, with some of the few who he thought at least pretended to be nice to him, were but some members of his own family, his mother, and the general herself. Though it had been some time now, since he last spoke with his mother. Not since he had been told to leave the manor, and not return. Letters had been exchanged though. Cold as his mother could seem, he respected her greatly, and knew that she were proud of him, for doing what he had done. Between that, and knowing he had not done so in vain, he kept thinking it had all been worth it. Despite how he felt like everypony else, just marked him as some sort of monster.

He wouldn't openly say what his *poison* were, but it wasn't pure shadow magic, like it were with Magnolia. His magic were rooted in necromancy, which were among the great taboo magics of Equestria. Shadow and Sacrificial were the two other, making for the unholy trinity, which tended to cause more worry than delight.

Since he had no magic from birth, and not even the vision to see souls, as he were a stallion in their family, he hadn't the means to do things simply. He had to break rules, and make a sacrifice, to gain what he needed. And for their sake, he'd do it again all over.

"Please forgive our cousin. He's never been great at socializing. But you'll have more time to see that for yourself. He can help you get to our home, and find Alluria."

"Like hay I will."

"Yes, you Will."

Dread's voice went harder at the last word, though not from Lunari. This were merely her being strict with her cousin, who glared at her defiantly.

"This feud between you and grandmother must reach an end, and that will not happen, before you meet. This poor mare have the spirit of her husband clinging to her, whilst this one seeks connection to family. They need assistance, and closure. And much as you have rebelled, I know you, Soul. You would not abandon our duty so simply. You aren't as heartless as you claim to be."

Soul kept glaring at her, yet remained silent. He hated when he were confronted like this, as he hadn't an answer at the ready, which would work well for him.

"Good then. But not yet. Your friend awaits Clayton's return, that she may take his order first. It would not be kind to leave him hanging either. You may do what you came for until then, cousin."

"I already am. Reports came in from Ponyville, about her. I'm here to evaluate if she's a threat."

He'd point towards Magnolia. Though surely, she should've expected that word would come around, about her... Meddling, in the local affair of the important town.



@Rising Dusk

On 2021-12-13 at 5:50 AM, Rising Dusk said:

"Regardless of his attire and accessories, the gathered crowds and royal presence is going to draw the most amount of attention.  Rising will be a target for both the positive and negative by simply existing in Harrowmark.  His ability to escape will not be limited by what we get him here today," Dawn commented matter of fact.  He's the talk of a whole country now celebrating their freedom from a terrible tyrant.  

"I'm sure my brother would find that most preferable," the mare chuckled.  Just wearing his hoodie around with his badge pinned to his chest to tell of his origins.  Simple, clean, no flair.  "Luckily, we are here to prevent such travesty."

"It's more about believability. If they see him prance in something that isn't suitable for running, nor having any precautions, like weaponry, and storage, they won't believe this to be the real one. WIth the feat he have accomplished, the citizens expect a hero, who's prepared for danger. Not a performer.

Further, this will be the first encounter they have, with Equestrian fashion. I wholly expect the others among you to wear coloring things. Hence it can show contrast, when they see the difference between what a fighter wears, and what a citizen wears, here in Equestria. That being said, I still advise it to be something that doesn't restrict movement. Though beyond that, I think you have generally free reigns."

On 2021-12-13 at 5:50 AM, Rising Dusk said:

"I get a free card?" the sparkle returned to her eye.  Her horn ignited and she flicked her hair loose with her hoof.  A rainbow veil fell upon the twin sister and draped over her form like a silk sheet.  The silk veil shimmered and began to flow like water.  Like a stream gently running against the mare and she were a stone that broke the the calm trickle.  Over her every curve the liquid rainbow constantly shifted colors and settled into a perfectly form fitting flowing dress.  Running her hoof through the moving rainbow 'fabric', it behaved like water, flowing over her hoof to show it couldn't get caught on anything.  "Too much?" she batted her eyelashes innocently. 

She knew the answer, but her fun as had.  A flick of her horn caused the liquid rainbow dress to splash to the floor off her body before it disappeared back into the aether, leaving not stain behind.  "I'm sure I have something more muted in one of my closets."

"I need to remember to chose my words more carefully around you. Try something made of actual cloth, and not magic. I understand the want to show off, but there are better ways to do that, than draping yourself quite literally, in your own power.

Though I will give you that it looked festive. Hard to not notice you, were you to wander amongst our more dim colors."

She really only had herself to blame, for Dawn to do as she had. She had been the one to say she had free reigns, without thinking what the powerful unicorn might do then. Sure what she had then done, were done in jest, but it could well have been serious. And while that would certainly have been impressive, giving the impression that Equestrians dressed themselves not in cloth, but magic, would leave a weird impression of their country.

On 2021-12-13 at 5:50 AM, Rising Dusk said:

"Even my brother can clean up nicely," Dawn tsked.  Rising didn't look bad in a suit, just a little less comfortable.

Dawn turned her attention to the sales mare, "Now I need your Autumn collection.  Mare.  Casual formal."  "Those are being disposed of.  Months off season," the sales mare questioned Dawn's fashion sanity after she already displayed a knowledge in the field.  "Just what I'm look for," she sent the mare on her mission.  "Now we take care of you," Dawn informed the witch of the wilds.

It would also have left a weird impression, had she presented Rising to them, as he had stood there. In clothes that seemed designed for a pony his greater, which did not serve to make him appear more sharp as intended. Instead more like a younger brother, borrowing clothes from his older.


It made sense, as this were not fitted for him, but she didn't know how long that might taker either. With how far along Equestria were, this may well take mere minutes, yes?

Turned out to be even less, with the magical means of Dawn. Not a completely perfect fit, but in several ways, that were perhaps for the better. It gave a more homely charm.

"A fine solution, Dawn. Not an utterly perfect fit, but that does have some merit. Makes it seem as if he is more active, than passive.

But I see it is my time to be the victim now. Very well. Do what you see fit. And revel in this, detective. Now it is your time, to see what another bestow upon me.

I would like to say though, that thoughts of off season, is laughable in this situation. My country lies centuries behind your fashion. What you hold in museums, are likely still newer than what we drape ourselves in."




15 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“That’s kind of you to say, and I guess that could be a fallback plan in case things don’t work out back home. At least, I hope the worst doesn’t come to pass and things would turn out better… It’s been a years since I last gave massages, and that was when I was still a child. I didn’t have everything worked out, but father explained what he could and I tried follow his example. Lin seemed to enjoy the massages though, so I thought I did something right.”

“I wouldn’t know how Discord formed your muscles, Omen, but as long as I did something that made you feel good, I’m happy with that.”

"I do not know if I felt good."

"I think this might be one of those times, where her dulled senses, are a detriment.

As someone not under the same parameters, I can say that it were a surprisingly good massage, but there is room for improvement. As you elude to, you are somewhat rusty. But if you did wish to pursue this as a career, or at least try and catch up to things, I feel certain there would be those, who'd see a diamond in the rough, and help you to sharpen your potential. if nothing else, it could perhaps be something you'd wish to do, to help those near you, and teach others in your village, so they can improve in the future. Just a thought of course."

It would be a fairly subtle way to introduce something to the longma, fro the world outside. Something they knew, but improved upon. And in a way that did not have to include any objects, or even a sliver of magic. Just techniques, and good ol fashioned muscles. Might be something worth thinking about.

Alas, it seemed soon after that, that things were about to take a turn, which would derail them for quite some time. Starting with Lin pacing around the house, soaking in the atmosphere. Or well, rather the lack of it, he supposed. As he had barely moved in, the whole place were rather impersonal at this point. The fruit basket were the most personal touch there were, and that were really not saying a lot. He did have the picture from the carnival to put up though, but he hoped to have that framed, and put into his bedroom. Things for this room, he hadn't really thought of yet. Had been so many other things he pondered, that the thought hadn't occurred. Not beyond what had rummaged through his head, as they had gone to Uddo's shop. The furniture there would piece by piece, make for a good change in decorations here, to make it more homely and personal, but that were a future plan kind of thing, as it required a fair bit more planning and resources than he had access to, in such a short time.

Eventually though, he hoped to make this place more homely. Give something to see, for those who came for a visit.

17 hours ago, EQ_Theta said:

“I think I’ve got just the idea,” the longma said as she grabbed Sen’s saddle bags and began unpacking everything inside and placing them on the nearest table. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back. Oh, and Rosa? This may be your house, but are you ready to make it a home?” 

A gate opened in the closest doorway to Lin before she stepped through without waiting to hear what the thestral would reply. She’d take a while gathering some things, leaving Sen and the others behind. It was evident that they’d be doing some interior decorating, but the longma wasn’t quite sure a mere saddle bag would be enough to carry everything they’d need. Then again, there were some souvenirs lying around already. Might be worth getting a head start. 

“Well… we have some time to spend while waiting for the evening, and it looks like we’re going to spend it decorating your home. I don’t suppose you are opposed to having nature-themed decorations?” 

"Feel free to bring a touch of personality to this place, if you so wish. Though I reserve the right to deny any live creatures you might drag along with you. I don't know what sort of thing might live in your forest, but pets require a lot of forms and- She's gone. Well, I guess we'll merely have to wait and see what she plans to unleash upon this place then.

Ah well, we may as well witness what she have laid upon the table for now then, and see if we can think of a plan of sorts. And by all means, make it nature themed, please. Forests are natural habitats for thestrals such as I, so it helps to make things seem a great deal more homely."

While he talked, Omen went up to the table, and would sniff the varied things there. There wasn't really anything still on them for her to smell, but it were an ingrained reaction from her these days, so she would begin with this. Then lift a hoof and poke at the framed picture.

"Pictures are strange. I remember when ponies made paintings. Took a long time to make. Then Mother sends me back, and they make them quick, with small boxes, and light. Very strange thing."



@Radiant Reindeer

"I like to help ponies, like my mom, and dad does. They say it's important to be helpful and kind, if you want to be a guard.

But a fun tour around town sounds really nice too. Especially with secrets. It's always fun to learn about new ponies, and other sort of creatures.

Kinda sad you have a monster problem in Ponyville though. They said stuff like that in Canterlot, but it just sounded kinda wild. I didn't think it was true. Is it mostly bad ones? The hydra wasn't mean or anything. Just kinda... Confused, and pretty big. It said the house thing was an accident too. And none of us got hurt, so it's okay. Homes can be build again. Long as we're safe, that's the most important thing."

Jelly would smile, and flutter a bit in place. It'd give a good look at her fangs, which for some reason, other foals thought was scary sometimes. She didn't know why. Wasn't like she were gonna bite them. But it only took one foal to start bringing up vampire bats, and then suddenly she were marked. Which were not fair. She wasn't a vampire bat. And even if she were, those poor thestrals weren't going out to hunt ponies, and turn them., That was all propaganda. They had an affliction, that they had to live with for their whole life, that tended to be dealt with by just going out and hunt sometimes. Stuff like rabbits and larger insects. It wasn't something that would spread, and it was rare any of them went out and started to hunt ponies.

But nooo. One famous one did it in the past, and suddenly, it were this whole thing. One of several reasons why, most bat pony foals did not attend regular equine schools. Another being that most of them lived in nighttime, so it were just easier to have bat pony specific schools anyway.

"So you have a dog, huh? That's nice. Have your family had it for a long time? I had Gary since I found his egg in a bush. Mom wasn't happy about it, but dad said I'd learn to be responsible and stuff.

Oh right. If he jumps you, it's just to catch some sorta insect buzzing around you. Don't be scared, okay? He's not venomous.

Anyway, where's the best place to start in town? And what sorta secrets do you know? Is it dangerous secrets?"



@Kujamih @Loud Opinion

Ransacking the corpse, Light would find that the frog mutant were a pretty primal thing. Not a lot of brain power, with most focused on basic urges like hunting and feeding, to support its rapid growth. Likely when it were fully mature the brain would be big enough for it to make more conscious decisions.

He'd also find sacks on its back, that were inactive now, but when fully mature, would begin to work as asexual egg sacks, where it would spawn new young, that would in time burst free, and go out on its own. Hence, if left alone, these creatures would be able to swarm a country the size of Equestria, with ravenous hunger, in less than a month. A highly destructive species, that were best to not leave alive.

Their tongues had spikes, and there were a sack in the gut, able to store a liquid composition, closely resembling swamp matter, for them to spit at others, to trap them. The claws were sharp, and the whole body form, clearly made for aggression. A problem which had to be dealt with.

This particular one though, would be dealt with again, as Shark's ears perked, as she heard movement, and turned to see the frog mutant stand again. To which her response were to angrily zip over again, grab hold in the neck, and shake it from side to side, like a rapid dog. She were not going to let this thing leave, after it killed a pony. It were a bad frog. Very bad! So bad, it wasn't even good for food. It wasn't deserving of that.

As for what magic animates it, the anatomy were odd, but there were distinct signs of chaos magic influence in there. Much like there were with shark. This being the problem she had been made to solve. Which in and by itself, had been a creation of the same draconequus.

You could always count on them, to make a massive mess out of everything.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Blitz Boom @Loud Opinion

Light would actively control the corpse to avoid sharks attack, since Light still hasn't got much information he needs like the magical signature of the being that made it. which would make tracking it's creator down. but shark is quite ferocious and fierce when trying to hunt down this creature. 

Light would try to communicate to shark to stop, but it seems this creature does not have the vocal chords to properly make a sentence.

eventually Shark would be able to grab a hold of the moving corpse and obliterate it once more, and this time it'll lodge out the crystal off of the creature and make a loud clink sound on the ground. which would attract anyone from this shiny black shard.

the only detail Light could get from the frog was it's weird, and is related to shark. but grabbing a hold on the structure of the magic... he could only know it's chaos magic. which made Light more curious to shark more than ever.

Edited by Kujamih
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@Sekel & @Blitz Boom

  The winged drakling looked around in subdued shock as his head turned to follow Dawn Streak hiding behind his wing with the wide look demanding the proclamation of 'What?!' And just as equally, when Pop came up to him to explain, he craned his neck down to her as his brow furrowed with short exclamations of "What?! No, that's not wh-..." Shortly after that mare's exclamation, he stalked over to the doorway of the shop to regard the newcomer mare of Dazzle with another expression of concerned pouting and puzzlement. Something that Pop, and gradually as what Dawn was very likely coming to terms with, was that as much as dragons liked to come across as larger & more ferocious... they sure more than enough met ponies for being overly expressive.

 "That... I'm quite good at Fighting. If it's Fighting you want to show off your own powers, then I could be could quite be the accomplished Fighter to Fight you. What kind of Flyer would I be if I couldn't Fight off the odd stray strike from a bolt of thunder?" Kaltrops hinted at to Dazzle, making almost too apparent a use of the word "Fighting" and apparently dodging the well-known flyer fact that Thunder is the sound, not the actual bolt of light.


On 2021-12-04 at 7:00 AM, Blitz Boom said:

I went out here, because I were told a rumor that someone had seen ponies, that looked like my parents, and my brother. But I've yet to hear anything since I got here. It's been over a week, and still nothing. I kept having some hope, but now, I... I don't know what to do, if I let go of it. What would I do? I don't have a home, and I can't go back to Harrowmark. It's closed off, and too dangerous, with the gods out of balance. But I don't know what to do here either, and...

...I-I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to switch it on to me. We're talking about your history here, and that sounds like a tragic tale. One that's better now, I hope? At least it sounds that way, after the pony came to help you. It must have been weird though, yes? To suddenly speak again, after being silent for so long? I can't imagine how that must've felt for you all.

Have there been any kind of problems since you've all been talking again? Besides the uhm... E-Eruptions?"

Whett Kindle looked down for a beat, sighed and then stated to Cover Up: "... You don't have to have a Home. Or family, for that matter.

 Family is who you... get along well with. Home is where you happen to be. There's no problem with wandering, man. We all do it. It is a matter of being happy at where your journies take you, man.

... I'm sure as hay not going back to my family. Don't get me wrong! Kirins are a calm, peaceful sort for the most part! ... Just... My family suuuuure wasn't.  I could tell stories, man! Fighting day in, night out without break. Breaking our neighbors' stuff, each other. There was the time my Mother tried to get back at my Father by bur-... Ah, well, no matter going over it again. Just sufficed to say it's a good thing us Kirin are flameproof! heh!...

...pretty sure we all went our seperate ways. Pretty sure all of us in my family agreed it wasn't healthy for any of us to continue talking to each other at all, blessings from the spring or not. At least our kirin kind are out in the world now, making our way in modern pony society! Get along and act like the rest of the ponies and it'll turn out right.

 That's what i've been doing, the Kirin Way, attuning to nature and just respecting where I happen to be. Your future or your past do not define you, you know? Ya like...

 Make do where ya happen to be, eh mate?"

The kirin smiled up at the lankier, pale stallion. ...before grimacing snidely and looking off into the distance with a snicker.

 "...unless your forest den keeps getting burrowed into every night by the same squirrel who won't take a hint every time you chase it off. Then, maybe you pick up and move off to find another place!"


   Beatings & Salivations Everybeing!   Creativity is something blatantly important to me as is no doubt evidenced by the 28 OCs I have posted here of the some forty plus I have, they're linked altogether at the bottom of my About Me page in my Profile & I would deeply cherish anything you wish to say about them! Among which of those I am proudest most of is my Draconequusona, His/My Ask Thread  and my Hydra, Gallimaufry or "Mauf" and their own Ask Thread!  Either way, sufficed to say, I am quite confident I have more OCs than you! Crazier to! Do You have a tatzelpony?! No, I rather think you don't! Hew-Hew-hew!

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@Blitz Boom

On 2021-12-15 at 3:31 AM, Blitz Boom said:

As someone not under the same parameters, I can say that it were a surprisingly good massage, but there is room for improvement. As you elude to, you are somewhat rusty. But if you did wish to pursue this as a career, or at least try and catch up to things, I feel certain there would be those, who'd see a diamond in the rough, and help you to sharpen your potential. if nothing else, it could perhaps be something you'd wish to do, to help those near you, and teach others in your village, so they can improve in the future. Just a thought of course."

“I guess that sounds like something I could do but not for anyone back home. Everyone has to do something important to keep the village running, and massages aren’t a priority. It’s relaxing, but massages aren’t something freely given to everyone when there’s more work to be done. Kind of makes me wish I had something more important to do, but I don’t know… It doesn’t feel right going back to being a hunter when everyone could see how different I became.”

“You need not concern yourself about that part, Rosa. It’s something I have to figure out for myself, but helping Elder Ghilan keeps my mind off that matter for now.”

In the meantime, Sen would look through the items Lin pulled out of his bag. A rather mixed bunch of items from the Moonlit Thicket; prizes, souvenirs, photos, they really had quite the haul for a night spent having fun. It was a fresh memory, and looking at the photo of them together brought a rush of positive emotions. Those were some good moments that Sen wanted to share with others, most importantly with his mother and father. If only they were around to see this, they’d have a lot to talk about. Still, he thought more about Lin’s proposition to decorate the house, though there may be some complications with that. 

“I’m not sure Lin would be able to haul in a lot of heavy things from back home, and I’m certain we wouldn’t have any problems with animals. It’s not normal for longma to keep pets when we build spaces for small families. All this space in your living room would be enough for a family of three or four. I’m sure she’ll find something, but I doubt it’ll be enough to fill up a lot of empty space. We certainly won’t lack for nature-themed decorations.”

The conversation would turn to Omen as she talked about paintings and pictures. The latter was familiar enough to Sen, but the former he only had an inkling about them. Paints were used commonly by the longma’s hunters, a sign of seniority as they indicated the most accomplished hunters. They were often assigned to protect the elders and part of security when they travelled between villages. Outside of that, they were also trainers, but they didn’t mark themselves with paint or pigments. The longma didn’t know about their other uses, but ponies definitely had more uses for them if they were readily available. 

“I don’t know about paintings, Omen, but you make it sound like ponies liked them a lot. Were those popular?” 

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@Widdershins & @Blitz Boom


Dawn simply groaned in response to Pop explaining to Kaltrops the minutiae of innuendos and looked on as he interacted with this new pony that shot off lightning. The pony in question, Dazzle, merely gave Kaltrops a weird look. She had noted how often he said the word fight and couldn't help but chuckle at this.

"Do ... do you not know what lightning is? You're talking about the sound. Thunder is the noise that comes after a lightning strike. Typically. Most of the time there's thunder and no lightning. As for the fighting, I could lay you out right here and now. I've fought much more dangerous and bigger things than you," Dazzle grinned at the dragon before turning back to Benny. "For your question ... I think it's a bit of both. Magical and natural. My mother's a unicorn but my father's a dragon with an affinity for the air so maybe that explains a bit?"

@Blitz Boom


"So two kids ... and they're both very crazy," Aurora couldn't help but think out loud, looking between the siblings and then looked back at Anomaly. She had no idea what was going on and was simply along for the ride at this point. "Waaaiiit. This is meant to be a bedroom in the old Castle in the Everfree. Shouldn't we have hit a wall or stepped out a window by now?"

@Blitz Boom


"A giant beetle," Atzy giggled in response, letting the filly hug her and felt the raw emotions wash over her. She breathed in a short gasp at the rush and then chuckled some more. "I feel a lot better just from being near you, little one. I don't know what it is you give off but it's ... something," she told Boom with a slight nervous tone purely because she had no idea how the filly would react if she told her the truth. It felt easy to do since who would listen to a rowdy filly that got expelled from school anyway but Atzy was erring on the side of caution for the moment.

@Blitz Boom


"Not panicking is kinda hard to do at this point, Last!" Twilight practically shouted at her but it was clear she didn't mean anything by it. Her stance was wobbly and she had begun to hyperventilate. "What am I gonna do? The spell went wrong so that much is obvious. Cherish is no longer bound to her stick but now she is somehow bound to my caslte and my body ..." she began to rant in a quick rush, not wasting any breath with her words and tried to pore over the book in front of her for some answers.



What else am I meant to put here?


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@Sekel @Widdershins

"Heh. I'm sure he meant lightning. I just think with what Pop just told him, he got a little off balance, y'know? Happens to the best of us.

And I'll be open about you folks might being able to take me on in a fight too. I have proper guard training and everything, but I don't like fighting. The training is just required, as part of the job. So if I can avoid it, I'm all in for that."

Benny much preferred to defend, rather than go in and start hacking and slashing. That's one reason why he now had his hand wounds. He had elected to stop the sword, rather than charge into the one wielding it. Something which he didn't regret, no matter how much it itched at times. Meant that a pony hadn't gotten a blade stuck in their face, and compared to that, his itchy hands was hardly a wound at all.

"If your dad is a wind aligned dragon, that'd definitely explain it. Whenever they end up with magic, it tends to be weathery in nature. I don't know a lot of those, but if ever you run into a runt, called Leviathan, you could probably ask her for some tips on how to do even more stuff. I've heard about the sort of things she can do, like hurricanes, thunderstorms, and blizzards. One of my sisters said they'd seen her tear a bolt of lightning, straight through a monster. Maybe you could do stuff like that too? That'd be cool.

...What was we talking about again? Oh right, your breath attack. It's pretty cool, natural or magic.

What's your dad like though? I've known a wind aligned dragon here and there when I grew up. They tended to be pretty aloof, and like pranking others.  Great fun, if you weren't too grouchy. How's he like?"

While this went on, Pop headed for the back room of the shop, giggling profoundly. Might be she hadn't gotten as much of a reaction out of him as she had hoped, but Kaltrop's response to her clarification, had still been well worth the fun. As well as just the internal knowledge as knowing what he had said, whilst he did so. Some moments were simply golden.

She could see the two of them get along well though. Despite the awkward boasting, Dawn and Kaltrops made for a cute couple. They just had to get past the awkward phase first, adorable as it were to witness.




"We're draconeuui. Or I am anyway. Crazy comes with the territory, hehe.

And this wasn't a bedroom, silly. Those two I haven't gotten around to spice up yet. This used to be a closet, with a fase bottom. I found all sorts of books there. Mostly cheesy romance novels."

"...You ate 'em, didn't ya?"

"How else would I know they were cheesy? Duh."

She'd tap on Happy's head, which gave a loud, hollow sound, to further prove her point.

"Anyway, the room was too small, so I just set up a pocket dimension. It's not just Discord that can do that, you know. We can all make a sanctuary. This here's ours. Haven't named it yet though. We just call it The Summer Home. We're normally waaaaaaaay off the grid, on an otherwise uninhabited island. Used to be two, but then Rose eradicated the second one."

"I said I was sorry about that."

"And long as you don't do that again, it's okay. If you do it with ponies there, they'll just end up turning you to stone.

How come stones are such a big thing for you equines anyway? Even you bug ponies make a big deal out of your stones. Which for the record, sucks. Draining magic from our kind, is not cool."




"I would think it is love, or joy."

"Uh, uh! I know this! I've met a bug pony before. He said there was so much joy, he were feeling sick. Hehe, silly him, shouldn't that be good? Changelings goes *nom nom nom* on emotions. Very very silly."

She didn't mind really, that changeling are emotions. They all had to eat, right? And it wasn't like she didn't have joy to spare. If they went and had a little nibble, that wasn't gonna hurt her.

Now the bad changelings who took ponies away? Those were nasties, that shouldn't nibble at her. Even though big bro had explained to her, that when drones went and kidnapped ponies, there were only two reasons: Desperation, or because their queen told them to. So she should be be more forgiving towards them. Apparently, if changelings didn't get to eat enough, something really bad were going to happen to them, that they'd do everything to avoid. Poor bug ponies, sounded like they had lots of issues.

"You have an open mind, little foal. I envy you that."

"Some are bad, most are good. Never think somepony's bad, before you know them, since lots of them is probably nice and good. Like shiny lady, or Mr. Kitty."

She'd go down on her belly, and hug the sphinx, as little of him as she could. Had it been others, Enzo would have corrected her in calling him that name, but he felt lenient towards the little one, as it were clear she said so with no malice. It were but a foal, serving others nicknames, as a friendly gesture. With her, he'd allow such a thing.




Last did not flinch in the slightest at being yelled at. She had grown up in a warzone, where oftentimes, they had to be sharp, and tensions got high. She had been through her fair share of both being yelled at, and yelling at others. And she could see that the princess did not mean anything ill by it anyway. She wasn't on the cusp of firing her here. She were panicked, and needed to vent. So by all means, let her.

"When you find out the book holds no answers, try and think back, on the mare we met. She knows about spirits, and spells around them. She have more experience with this, than any of us, and we have her name. Have somepony ask around about her, and in the meantime, you two just don't touch one another. You can see there's no danger now, when you aren't. Yes?"

Normally she didn't want to spend so long spelling it out, but she had to try and be the even, rational voice here, to cut through to Twilight. If she kept at this without some sort of reason, she'd end up hurting herself. And that was not acceptable.

"Krrtxhxtt. On this matter, I stand with the Maiden. I saw what that pony could do. She commands death, in ways you wouldn't know. That one did by herself, what generations of them could not, when she slew the immortal queen. Power like that, can get many things done."

Seemed like finally the two of them agreed on something, so that were kind of progress.

As for Cherish, she hadn't anything to add beyond this, and to make sure she didn't end up causing more trouble, she had floated off to the other side of the room. Best not to risk anything.




On 2021-12-16 at 4:47 AM, EQ_Theta said:

“I guess that sounds like something I could do but not for anyone back home. Everyone has to do something important to keep the village running, and massages aren’t a priority. It’s relaxing, but massages aren’t something freely given to everyone when there’s more work to be done. Kind of makes me wish I had something more important to do, but I don’t know… It doesn’t feel right going back to being a hunter when everyone could see how different I became.”

“You need not concern yourself about that part, Rosa. It’s something I have to figure out for myself, but helping Elder Ghilan keeps my mind off that matter for now.”

"As your friend, I would like to respectfully say that I will not stop trying to help. The more one stands alone, the harder it can become to find your path.

But I understand that you will need to chose for yourself, once you find an answer amongst all the questions. When that time comes, know that I will help in whatever way I am able. Even if it comes to hunting. I know of certain things - toxins included - that will ensure clean kills, or weakened states, as well as efficient traps, and combat maneuvers. There is regrettably, not that big of a difference between hunting ponies, and hunting beasts.

I will note however, that massages have real merit, beyond just for relaxation. It will help ensure your muscles will function for longer, making any given being that much more mobile and strong, for a longer period of time. Especially as age creeps up.  At least that is the way for most beings I know of, with rare exceptions. I have yet to meet an older longma, so I can of course, not say so with any certainty."

Rosa would let Sen thin about his own path, and lay off with suggestions for now. But if there were something that at some point, seemed to intrigue the longma, Rosa stood ready to help him to elevate that endeavor. Even if it wasn't something the longma traditionally were all too hyped about, it mattered not to him. If one had enough reason, will and tenacity, one could prove to others that what they did held merit. Long term health benefits were one, in the case of the massages, for example.

On 2021-12-16 at 4:47 AM, EQ_Theta said:

“I’m not sure Lin would be able to haul in a lot of heavy things from back home, and I’m certain we wouldn’t have any problems with animals. It’s not normal for longma to keep pets when we build spaces for small families. All this space in your living room would be enough for a family of three or four. I’m sure she’ll find something, but I doubt it’ll be enough to fill up a lot of empty space. We certainly won’t lack for nature-themed decorations.”

The conversation would turn to Omen as she talked about paintings and pictures. The latter was familiar enough to Sen, but the former he only had an inkling about them. Paints were used commonly by the longma’s hunters, a sign of seniority as they indicated the most accomplished hunters. They were often assigned to protect the elders and part of security when they travelled between villages. Outside of that, they were also trainers, but they didn’t mark themselves with paint or pigments. The longma didn’t know about their other uses, but ponies definitely had more uses for them if they were readily available. 

“I don’t know about paintings, Omen, but you make it sound like ponies liked them a lot. Were those popular?” 

"When Master Discord ruled, I did not see many paintings. He said it was because they were afraid, that he would make them alive.

When he were gone, they started to make many. Most of flowers, and other nature things. I saw some of them in Canterlot."

"Probably museum pieces. Paintings are not often in a state where they can survive for millennia, but with proper storage, magic, and restauration... Yes, I could see some of them at least, would have made it. As well as why they were made in the first place. Ponies does not thrive on chaos, but stability. With that returned to them, they wanted to immortalize the stable world they then saw around them. That it were done in art, is not a surprise really. Equines tend to have a certain artistic longing, in one way or another. You can see the same in how many statues were once made."

"Master Discord was a statue."

"Yes... Quite hard to argue against that fact now, isn't it? Though most statues does not have living beings within them.

Ah yes, and to return to the subject at hoof: Sen? There is little need for there to be a fully personalized house currently. These things tend to happen naturally, over time, as one acquires various things. Besides, I would not deprive you of souvenirs of your own. We should all cherish the memories of that evening. Especially the pictures, which might I add, you should show to some of your friends in the village. Tell them of the splendors we witnessed, and let them see but a few glimmers of the outside world, that you partook in. It does not mean you will force any of it upon your kind, merely share in what it made you feel. Surely there'd be some, who would be curious to hear the rich tales you'd have to tell?"

Rosa did not comment on the pet thing right now. He hadn't thought that a pet per se, would be brought in here. He assumed it were an actual wild animal, that Lin might unleash, though with the best of intentions. Though he did think it curious how they did not have pets, among their kind. He had assumed they might at least have beasts of burden, that one might think of as a pet, but it sounded like that were not a thing. Perhaps they believed animals belonged in nature, and not within the walls of ones home? A fair assessment, if that were so.




On 2021-12-16 at 3:46 AM, Widdershins said:

Make do where ya happen to be, eh mate?"

The kirin smiled up at the lankier, pale stallion. ...before grimacing snidely and looking off into the distance with a snicker.

 "...unless your forest den keeps getting burrowed into every night by the same squirrel who won't take a hint every time you chase it off. Then, maybe you pick up and move off to find another place!"

 "There is wisdom in your words, sir. However... I haven't found what I'd call a home. I wander in search of meaning, which for now, is my parents. But where I am from, is gone, and it were all I knew. This place is still too hard to connect to for me, to think of it s home. Yet I know if I were to travel to Harrowmark, it would be even worse, as it is the other end of the specter Too dark and grim, just as Equestria is too shining and hopeful. N-Not that that is a bad thing. I'm simply saying... N-Nevermind."

Truth be told, he didn't really think his family were around. And if they were, that they'd even want him there, seeing how none had left him notes, nor asked of him by name, or looks. He had made sure to ask, and though he used his birth name, it were not one any had heard of.

Yet what else did he have? He didn't feel at home anywhere yet, and he had none to help him make a place seem like home. There had been another artistic mare, whom he had spoken well with for a time, yet she seemed to have left town, without a word. His fault more than likely, though scouring his brain as he had, he wasn't sure what he might have done or say, to offend her so.

*sigh* To return to the matter at hoof however, he really didn't know what to do of himself. Hence he clung to a false hope, and praying to the gods that perhaps, he would find some way to feel as if he belonged. Which might be possible in Equestria. It might just be that him, and by extension his skill set, had much to do here in Ponyville.

"I paint. On bodies, on walls, that is what I do best. And while there are some requests here, they are few and far between. I wonder some of Ponyville is ju- Wait... A squirrel tormented you? I thought them too timid to do such a thing.

*clears throat* P-Pardon, I went off topic once more. Your family, that is. And I'm sorry that your experience have been so with them. But if you say, that going out into Equestria, and interacting helps, perhaps there will yet be a day, when you can meet up, and find yourself with at least a few hours of joy and merriment, amongst your family and friends? Maybe some time and distance, will have helped you to get along for a little while, yes?

I-I'm sorry if it seems like I'm pushing, sir. I just think family's important. Even if I understand your reasons, considering how emotions show for you. I can see that being quite uhm... Problematic.

Beyond that, what are you here to learn, if I can ask, sir? Ponyville isn't a large, advanced place. Are you here to see the princess perhaps? I've heard others come for that reason."




On 2021-12-14 at 9:03 PM, Magnolia said:

Magnolia gives Soul a harsh glare to match, perhaps even exceeding his own. For such a pretty mare as Magnolia were something about her eyes was soul piercing. It was clear she didn't take kindly to Soul's remarks nor what he had spoke of. Soul didn't seem like the type that would be sent after to look for Magnolia herself however it wasn't out of the realm of possibility. Still though, she was deeply angered by this internally and she bore her teeth slightly in clear disapproval of his presence.

Soul did not back down from that glare. He were used to harsh stares, and rude judgement. This were just another day in his life. So he'd meet her glare, and not even blink as their eyes met. Insolent brat should know her place, but he wasn't meant to simply attack others. Despite what he heard from Ponyville, there were rules and laws he had to follow. Didn't mean he had to cover and pretend to be scared. Quite frankly, she didn't know how to fear somepony like him. He doubted so at least.

On 2021-12-14 at 9:03 PM, Magnolia said:

"If this was any other day, or any other place - I would have already wiped the floor with your foul remarks. I am not here to cause scenes today, and neither should you. If you are here to help than help, but if not than you can simply leave and return from where you came." Magnolia said in an intimidating fashion, directly staring her down. Zeehva would almost be able to feel Magnolia's sense of rage. "Can already tell you aren't like the rest of them. You must feel beaten down. Discriminated against. With that I find myself in similar situations...though not currently. I am not above sympathy, but neither are you an exception to things." she smirked in a sly manner, focusing on what he said last.

"Quite frankly, it is none of your concern what my business is but if you are so curious about it, I am seeking this...Alluria Sparkle to connect with. Then from there, I will head to the Crystal Empire and seek audience with Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. Not as friend or foe, but as family." she put emphasis on the last word. Family. After all, that is what mattered most to Magnolia currently besides Zeehva. 

"I have felled enemies far greater than you, but my job - if you listened the first time - were to go and evaluate if you were a threat, after your *visit* to Ponyville. So yes, your business, is my concern. And if that business is a threat to Equestria, I also have the authority to do something about it. If - and only if - it is necessary. Despite what you might think, I don't want to cause a scene, any more than you do.

You claim it isn't, and you're not currently causing problems. Nor have I heard of you attacking anypony, and I've tracked your whereabouts in the town itself. As such, far as I'm concerned, you're not a high risk threat. Although I am required by law, to mention your foray into Ponyville, if you're going to the Crystal Empire. Their own guards are to be notified, family or not."

"...I... I defeated her in battle. Doesn't that mean that I can be trusted to keep an eye on her?"

"Thirteenth Equestrian High Law, page 925, paragraph 7: In case of a potential villanous attempt being foiled by a hero, said hero might stake their reputation upon their ability to reform their opponent, if they see fit to do so."

"And she clearly does well. You yourself said that you could not find evidence of trouble. Is there then reason for this, cousin? Why can you not simply approach her with kindness?"

"...Frankly not in the mood. I've had to foil two different assassination attempts at both my general, and General Dew's replacement. Some twerp with an Element of Disharmony interrupted my spell, and said user is still at large, along with several conspirators. Oh, and I've had to consort with witches. So forgive me if the last ten hours have made me irritated."

Normally he wouldn't snap like this, but it had not been a good time, and being told he had to go and check up on this, as he were the closest to everything, when he had scarcely had the time to rest, nor coordinate proper searches, made him more cranky than usual.

"Madamme? please forgive my cousin his worse than normal attitude. It sounds as if things have been... Problematic.

The main take from what he said though, is that he came to see, and have cleared you, long as your companion remains near you. As inseparable as you seem, that should hardly be an issue.

Now go away and take a breather for a little bit. This nice alchemist - whom helped Uncle Nut Cracker, I might add - will keep an eye on her, as she awaits one whom have wished to hire her."

"She did... What?"

"You heard me. Go and cool off, then return, and be of help to them. Go now, shoo, shoo."

Soul would stay silent, yet look at Zeehva, with a less hard stare, then make a slow nod.


With that, he'd slink into the shadows, and go to see Nut Cracker. This before he'd go to the forest, and decimate a tree, or large rock, to get some frustrations out.

"Sigh* He means well. Hopefully upon his return, he will act less like a wet cat, and you can have a more calm conversation. Much as I know he can irk one, he will help you reach your destination. Safely too, I might add.

It could be worse though. At least he is to talk to. Had it been Mourners Puppet, we'd have to evacuate the entire street. Dark spirits follows her steps."

"I uhm... Is Soul by chance sometimes going by Shade Stealer?"

"Officially? No. Officially, Soul is not connected to the leader of General Midnight Screecher's covert ops team."

"I heard about him then. He seems... Less severe than I expected, honestly. Seems like he rubbed the wrong way with you though, Magnolia? Are you okay? If it helps, I'm sticking to that law he mentioned. Staking my reputation on you is kind of a tall deal, but I trust you. I know there's no risks you'll go back. You have too kind of a heart for that."

She were still distraught to some extend, but she wanted to calm things, and speak calmly with her friend. Maybe it would help ease tensions, before Soul returned later.

As for Shade Stealer, that were indeed the name of the Night Guard general's *problem solver* leader. A controversial sub-section of the Night Guards, but one who did enough good work, to prove they deserved to be a thing. That being said, no one liked them. Including most of all, the other guards. Not honorable enough for most of their tastes. Or as Soul tended to call them: Spineless cowards, unwilling to do what was best for the kingdom.



@Kujamih @Loud Opinion

Shark did not relent when the frog seemed to try and speak. It were a bad frog, and she'd get it, to make sure it did not hurt more friends again. And this time when she got hold of it, she wouldn't stop until she were sure it wouldn't move again.

It did cause something odd to fall out though. A dark crystal of sorts. Pretty, and worth picking up for most, but Shark just looked at it with narrowed eyes. Then she'd go and break off a stick from a nearby bush, using her teeth, and would then go over and bash at the crystal with said branch.

"Bad thing in bad frog. Bad! Bad!"

It were about as effective as hitting a rock with a fluffy pillow, but it were the princip of things. This thing came from the frog, ergo it had to be bad, and not a pretty rock to pick up.

If he wanted a sensible conversation with her, he'd need to find some way to get through to her.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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