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general Share A Dream You had.


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Ok so I wanted to share a dreami had last night. But I didn't wnat to limit this thread to me alone. So I made it so that everyone can post a dream they had. Be it funny or weird. And we can all discuss it.


So Last Night I had this Dream about Yu-Gi-Oh! If you ever saw the last ep of Duel Monsters then you might know the Millinum Room. In my dream it was that room, only smaller and it had two stories. In the dream Kaiba and Mokuba touched the stone door on the wall and went through in a light. Later Yugi joins them. The other side look similar to the jungle in Noah's vertual world arc. Kaiba and Mokuba is already there as well as Atemu. What happens next it those typical transition scenes with sad music, as of the series was about to end. If you ever watched the Japanese version of yugioh, you might know the song "Bonds Of Friendnship".It's a heartwarming OST that is most fameous for playing at the scene were Jounouchi died after being attacked by Ra. I see Jounouchi Enter and then it fades to Shizuka and Anzu entering, then fade to Jounouchi Hugging his sister Sizuka after entering the place and, then it fades to Kaiba smirking, then a close up of Kaiba quicky stopping his smirk, looking all serious. And then we fade to Sizuka dueling somebody in the same place, and the monster she has on the feild is A Pony. A pony that is gray, has a tail similar to Rareity and a Mane similar to Pinky Pie. The Mane Tail was a Pale blue colour. She did have a cutie mark. But I can't remember what it look like. The face on of the Pony looked gloomy and sad. As if it was gonna be destroyed by the opponents monter this turn. Then we fade to Jounouchi hugging both Anzu and Shizuka and then we fade to them hugging Yugi, then hugging Atemu. As if they was happy to see them after a long time. Or they was just happy to make it though the portal in one piece. Then we fade back to duel and the time has come for that Pony to be destroyed by it's opponent monster. The Pony looks at Shizuka and Shizuka has the same expression on the Pony's face on her face. And the dream ends there.


Even when I'm sleeping my head makes up FanFiction. XD


  • Brohoof 2


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I have a lot of dreams they are either weird or depressing which gives my fuel for my writing there was one dream I would love to share and I have been wanting to share but I can't seem to recall what it was about


but my dreams are rarely happy they are either about me or someone close to me dying or something so weird that I can't even explain and usually when they are happy something tragic happens


but here is one dream that I will never forget... my Sad Fic "Snowflake" which I'm thinking of renaming to

"The Life of Snowflake Frostflame" well I was up late brainstorming the plot I couldn't figure out what should happen next so when I go to bed I had a dream where I was Snowflake I was in a prison cell with Fluttershy and I was forced to do stuff to her then I was killed because I was trying to fight back the moment I died I woke up and I decided in the morning I would write it like that I couldn't write it the same way so instead of Fluttershy it was another character then a bunch of my friends told me not to write it like that and it was crossing the line so I wrote it different from the dream I had but with a similar aspect


if you were wondering how exactly I wrote them


original: Snowflake and his friends were captured by humans and he was forced to rape his friend DJ Retromixer or he would watch his friends die slowly in front of him he does so then he escapes and gets shot in the eye he then wakes up in a hospital and is told his friends didn't make it so he returns home and rarely leaves

new: Snowflake and his friends were captured by humans and he sits there in a cell and watches them slowly kill his friends he insults the one incharge so he opens the door Snowflake impales him with his horn and frees two of his friends who survived they escape and Snowflake gets shot in the eye as he is escaping his friends think he is dead and leave him behind Snowflake then wakes up in a hospital and returns home to be completely abandoned and alone


  • Brohoof 3


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Okay, this dream is special to me.


In my dream I was inside a comic book shop. I remember with great detail a display rack was on my right and a cashier was on my left. I was browsing when I stumbled upon a comic. I didn't see the cover art. Just the name, which stood out to me.


'E' es for Ypsilon *the Y is a made up letter.


The title was so epic, I knew I had to buy it. I paid for it and expected to return home and read it. But suddenly... I awake!


Early the next morning I sit down and wonder what a book called 'E' es for Ypsilon could possibly be about. The ideas started coming at me a million miles an hour. The next thing I know, I've spent the next 6 months writing a 500+ page book about robots, time travel, conspiracies, alien invasion, secret organizations...


... true story! I still have that original manuscript.

  • Brohoof 3



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I have some memorable and recurring dreams, many of which I would try to channel into creative projects.


I just had one a couple of nights ago which was part of a recurring dream about being lost in a huge, dimly-lit, empty supermarket. It's a recurring location in my dreams which I'm extremely familiar with, and I mine it as an idea for stuff I'm writing or drawing.


I also realized that a few kids' shows I've watched had some entertaining episodes involving hijinks in supermarkets, so I transposed ponies into it and had the Crusaders and Pinkie Pie run wild through a closed supermarket and now I think I'm onto a good idea for a fun little work for DeviantArt and possible roleplay or fanfiction.

  • Brohoof 3
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I've had some interesting dreams in the last month, or so. Here are some of them

  • In one dream, I found myself in the underwater city of Rapture. It was really detailed, and I remember walking up to a glass window, and looking through it and seeing other parts of the city. I walked through the city a little bit, and I saw a little sister or two. 
  • I've had several Attack on Titan dreams, and I had yet another one not too long ago. I was using the 3D-gear to zip around a forest. I could feel the g-force of myself swinging around, and it made me feel like Spiderman.
  • I find myself standing outside of my High School. All of a sudden, a blinding light flashes through the sky, and I see a Nuclear Mushroom cloud in the distance.
  • Rainbow Dash, Sweetie Belle, and myself all work together on a float for some sort of Ponyville Parade.
  • I'm high on drugs, running through Wal-Mart screaming "Call 911". 
Edited by Mikami
  • Brohoof 5


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Some of my dreams instead of just having one long plot, it seems like a bunch of different dreams back to back. In my dream last night I was with a group of Rebels in an abandoned building were we had created a sort of bunker, and we were getting ready to storm the enemy, when Yoda came in and told us, "No. Rest now, we must. Tomorrow, attack, we will." So we all went to sleep, and then I woke up.

  • Brohoof 2


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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I have so many dreams to share, but this is the only one I can think of. xP


One afternoon, I was doing a word search. As I found the word "SWAGGER" and was ready to fill the word in, my mother called me out. I went out the frontyard to see her, my brother and some lizard. She explained to me that this lizard has the powers of a beckoning cat. My mother then thought that it was a great idea to kill it for power-hungry purposes. I told her why, and mentions it has something to do with a magical voice.

Edited by Mienshao
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I'm a human in Equestria, and it's one of those deconstruction stories where everypony hates the human even more than they hate Spike.


I amass magical items with the help of a few open-minded ponies, when not working at my day job.


My day job?


Two things.


Job one: Human-style marriage/relationship counselor. Imagine Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh! and Lelouch Vi Brittania from Code Geass working as marriage counsellors, and there you go.


Job Two: PONY RIDES. I pick up the surprisingly-light ponies, put them on my back, and jog through town. And EVERY DAY, Pinkie Pie comes to me and hires me for a lap, laughing adorably all the while.


It was so cute, I actually forgot my plans to start a human town in pony lands, possibly convincing Twilight to usurp Celestia with my aid. Failing that, tricking Twilight into thinking Cadence was a Changeling again. Failing that, just grabbing my magic items and going full Batman/Kamina/Zero Fusion.

  • Brohoof 2

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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A very long time ago I had a dream I was with my favorite game character Yoshi. <3 It was just the two of us having fun and jumping around. Like a pet, but my best friend, and an adorable animal that could express feelings especially through facial expressions. It was such a happy dream. <3

  • Brohoof 1


Credit to Kyoshi for the awesome signature!

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When I was younger, I dreamt I was trapped in the back of our old SUV while a bunch of inanimate objects were bouncing around the street outside... It was terrifying xD

  • Brohoof 3


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

Gamer, FPS Enthusiast, Pokémon Fanatic; Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth Fan; Dubstep/Electronic and Classic Rock/Punk Fan
OC Used for Role-Playing:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blue-r7114 If you want to RP with me, PM me, I'm open to anyone!

Signature By: http://mlpforums.com/user/28442-the-last-derp/, Avatar by: http://mlp forums.com/user/14906-royal-blue-jay/

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Just so you know, despite my best attempts, I CANNOT control the dreams I have when I sleep. Once the dreams start to go back, it's a slippery slope.


In my most recent dream, I was sharing a hotel room with my mother. Something went wrong at our house, like the air conditioning going out in the summer heat. We went to the hotel for only a day or two while the problem gets fixed. I didn't mind, but I didn't want to stay there too long. I wanted to get back home the second the repair guys give us the A.O.K.


First, the repair guys tell us they ran into some technical difficulties, so we have to stay two more nights.

Next, my mother sees that the room is too messy, so we book a few MORE nights to hopefully get packed up again.

Next, some of my family members start moving in with us because they heard the room was so nice, making us book additional nights.

And then, my mother starts inviting STRANGERS to live with us as well!


The dream didn't really end, I just woke up before it could get any worse. :please:

Edited by Samurai Equine
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The only recent one I can remember is a fairly short one, as I was torn from REM sleep (or just abruptly ended the dream) via my alarm clock.


I was back on the airfield, and was talking to my buddy McBee. We had begun the normal casual discussion about women back home, which ones we liked, which ones we were gunna try to get back with once we made it state side, which celebrity was more attractive so on and so forth. Some how, he began to discuss Twilight Sparkle, and how famous she had recently become. I told him that me and her used to talk all the time before she got famous, and I pulled out my phone to show him a couple of photos to prove it. He asked why we no longer spoke, and my reply was "No famous girl like that is gunna talk to some random grunt dude, not unless it is for a USO shot". He just kinda snorted and laughed, and said something along the lines of "ya, no shit bro lol". But what I can remember most is the pain and feeling of loss I had, like I had lost a good friend, and a possible relationship.

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I had this one dream recently where I woke up and was laying in a baby basket at the gates of a castle. A guard noticed me and sent for the Kings. The dream then fastforwards couple of hourse where I'm laying in bed inbetween them and they're so happy to see me they're crying. I'm too emotional to speak or talk from emotional shock as to what's happening. I can't move very well either. Then it fast forwards to them reading something that came with me. It seemed to be a sort of instruction manual on how to care for me and my favorite toy.

Fast forward to some time later a doctor is checking out my scars and my two mommies are concerned about how i got them. Then as we're fastforwarding through time I don't seem to age or grow in size at all. Time stops and all of a sudden one of my mom's is showing me this gigantic ship telling me I'm going to explore the galaxy with together with both mommies when it's done and built.

   The dream ends with my moms and I finding earth...

  • Brohoof 1

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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^Sounds Like Something from Doctor Who.

Yeah the dream ending was what i couldn't wrap head around... After finding earth I went through three different endings to the dream. First being we landed on earth and I couldn't tell the world my whole story because I couldn't speak but everyone knew whom I was. The second ending was both mom's still wanting to know why i had all these scars saw earth as a useless plague species and let me hit this big red button blowing it up. The last ending was over before it began. Meaning mommy's and I came and found earth only it was already in a stage of reclaimation by nature and vegetation and the evidence suggested humans blew themselves up so we land and decide to populate the earth again before leaving.

  • Brohoof 1

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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Well, to summarize it, A "little person" threaten to stab me in the stomach if I didn't perform in a musical with him. The after it was finished, he stabbed me anyway.


P.S. If my mom is one, and I used to be one but not anymore, am I still qualified to use the 'M' word? This is going by the logic that fat peaple can call other people fat.

Edited by DJ Shy-3
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I once had a dream I was a mermaid but I was allergic to water. But not when I was a mermaid (makes sense doesn't it)

And me and my brother Larry didn't want to go to school so we went on a slide and got deposited in the human world, where we grew legs.

We got a sandwich from some drunk guys and it had 6 raw eggs in it. It was really crunchy.

I then saw some dolphins playing in the sea and said to Larry "that's why I'm allergic to water" (makes sense)

I then wanted to visit my Dad, who was a raccoon and lived in a tree, we had a dinner of acorns when suddenly a huge wave came and blasted us out the tree. I started burning (because I was allergic to water) and I got swished back home to my Mum.

The end.

I have more because I used to write them down, and still do sometimes :)

  • Brohoof 5

Duelling Network- kirbygirl62

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Yeah the dream ending was what i couldn't wrap head around... After finding earth I went through three different endings to the dream. First being we landed on earth and I couldn't tell the world my whole story because I couldn't speak but everyone knew whom I was. The second ending was both mom's still wanting to know why i had all these scars saw earth as a useless plague species and let me hit this big red button blowing it up. The last ending was over before it began. Meaning mommy's and I came and found earth only it was already in a stage of reclaimation by nature and vegetation and the evidence suggested humans blew themselves up so we land and decide to populate the earth again before leaving.

Humm. I dunno about you but if you wrote that into a script and and sent it to James Cameron he might make it into a movie. To be honest these dreams that I'm reading about sounds like good plots for some tv shows or movies.


Well, to summarize it, A "little person" threaten to stab me in the stomach if I didn't perform in a musical with him. The after it was finished, he stabbed me anyway.


P.S. If my mom is one, and I used to be one but not anymore, am I still qualified to use the 'M' word? This is going by the logic that fat peaple can call other people fat.

Well it depends on what M means. Anyways the little person kiling you. That's really creepy. But I can relate I once had a dream were I was Downstairs and someone shot me in the chest. They fired multipule shot at me. I literally felt the impact of the shots, and the bullet going though me, but the only thing is that it never hurt. All hit me. But the weiredest thing is after everything faded to black and I felt as if my soul went slowly from the position of my dream body and float back into my real body.I could feel my soul slowly adjust itself into the position that my body was in when I woke up.

Edited by Vickram101
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Last night I had a dream where I was driving and then all of a sudden the ground gave out and my car began to get sucked up by the ground, like the ground was quicksand... except there was also water and mud... so like a swamp-y, quicksand-y hole thing. Anyway, I had to clamber out of my car and get out of the hole. It was scary. Then I found a random person and asked them to drive me the grocery store.


I went to the grocery store and went shopping for pumpkins. I was just strolling around, looking at all these pumpkins. Apparently this was a very important task because I took forever just examining the pumpkins over and over.


Then I called my boyfriend. I wanted him to take me back to the hole my car got sucked into. I didn't care about my car, but I was really concerned about my laptop, which was in the car at the time. My boyfriend kept trying to tell me that my laptop was likely broken because it has been sitting in a swamp-y quicksand-y hole, but I was like, "No, I have faith in my laptop. It's gonna work. It has to work."


So we went to go dig my laptop out of the hole. I got it out somehow, and it miraculously didn't have any mud or moisture on it at all. It just looked like a normal laptop. I opened it up, and it powered on. I was like "HA LOOK I TOLD YOU MY LAPTOP WOULD WORK!!!"


And that's all I remember XD I know more happened... there was something involving going to a house party and picking out posters to hang up in some room... but I have no idea how that fits into the plot of my car-in-the-hole dream. My brain is strange.

  • Brohoof 3


pleasant pegasister fluttershy fangirl cupcake connoisseur

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once I had a dream a long time ago about a certain kind of food, I believe it was a crumpet. I dreamed I had to make all these crumpets for school and they were too dry. The class didn't like them so therefore threw them at me. Apparently one hit my leg and actually cut my leg off. It was one of the weirdest dreams I have ever had and I don't know what to make of it :/

  • Brohoof 2



signature by Pucksterv

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Humm. I dunno about you but if you wrote that into a script and and sent it to James Cameron he might make it into a movie. To be honest these dreams that I'm reading about sounds like good plots for some tv shows or movies.

   I'll keep that under advisement. If I ever get a commission from pursuing the idea, you'll be the first to know, and receive. Fair enough?

  • Brohoof 1

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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