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St. Pinkie


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  1. 1. What Is Your Favorite Quote?

    • It needs to be about 20% cooler.
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    • Oatmeal? Are you crazy?
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Howdy all!


Theres soo many good quotes from the show. happy.png


Here  are a few of mine.


From Just for Sidekicks:




AH! Im in Crystal Heaven!!-Sweetie Belle


(Fell out of my chair laughing)


Claire Corlett freaking rules as Sweetie Belle.


From Secret Of My Excess: Oh My Little Spikey-Wikey!!-Rarity(SMOOCH Kisses Spike)

Spike: THUD!! <3 <3 <3 <3

Face was priceless.


I'll never wash this cheek again!-Spike



From Sonic Rainboom.


I know everypony liked Fluttershys Yay! & You Rock Woohoo!

Heres mine from Fluttershy: (Screaming)  A SONIC RAINBOOM!! SHE DID IT!! SHE DID IT!! WHOOOOOO!!!!


From Heart & Hooves Day:


(BigMac & Cheerilee going on a date after the episode)


The Perfect Stallion song where AppleBloom asks: Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. You talking about my brother??


From Friendship Is Magic part 1: mimimi mimimi mimimi mimmi!!!-Twilight Sparkle


Isnt she wonderful??-Spike (Going gaga after meeting Rarity)


Tata fer now!

Edited by OtakuBrony


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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just watching Ponyville Confidential and had forgotten this gem:


Sweetie Belle: How'd you find out!?

Rarity: The gilded pages of your betrayal!


And some more goodies,


Trixie: The Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't trust wheels.


Dragon: Maybe he's a pony in a dragon costume laugh.png (said to 3 ponies in a dragon costume)


Pinkie: Come on, would I lie to me?


Fluttershy: Do you really all think I'm a silly, gullible fool?

Others: *bad poker face*


From Spike At Your Service,

Rarity (in super sarcastic voice): How ever did you come up with that ingeniously woven, intricate plotline?

Rainbow: Just came to me.


And best presented in the form of an image,


  • Brohoof 2
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"Fluttershy's not a tree!"
"I know..."
"Hey Twilight, Rainbow Dash thinks Fluttershy's a tree!"
"Wait, did you say that Fluttershy's a tree?".
"Yes, but..."
"You do realise Fluttershy's not a tree, don't you?
"I'd like to be a tree."



"Whining? I am not whining, I am complaining, do you want to hear whining? This is whining. Oh, the harness is too tight, it's going to chafe, can't you loosen it? Ugh! It hurts and it's so nasty, why didn't you clean it first? It's gonna leave a stain and the wagon's getting heavy. Why do I have to pull it?"



It needs to be cooler by at least 20%






Oatmeal, are you crazy?



Gilda: Hey. I'm watching you... like a hawk. 
Pinkie Pie: Why? Can't you watch me like a griffon?


"Uh, beg pardon, Rarity, but uh, we don't normally wear clothes."

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"Forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm." -- Princess Luna, Luna Eclipsed


"You need to walk to the zoo?! Well who's stoppin' ya?" -- Applejack, Applebuck Season


"Kid, you're smarter than you look." -- Cranky Doodle Donkey, A Friend in Deed


"THIS DONKEY IS REALLY, REALLY BAAALDD!" -- Pinkie Pie, A Friend in Deed


"You'd best watch your step, buster, or I'll give you the Stare!"

"The Stare? Oh no, please, not that! Anything but your disapproving eyeballs!" --Fluttershy and Discord, Keep Calm and Flutter On


"Apple Bloom, sweetie. You can't just stand there and tell me that this ISN'T a curse."

"This isn't a curse." -- Twilight Sparkle and Apple Bloom, Bridle Gossip

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My personal 5 favorites






I wasn't just born yesterday no, my birthdays not for another 75 days.


I'd like to be a tree.


Rainbowdash you rock! Woohoo!

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"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" ~Pinkie Pie
"Dear Princess Celestia. I wanted to share my thoughts with you. I didn't learn anythin'! Ha! I was right all along!" ~Applejack

"He made chocolate milk rain all over the place without a dollop of whipped cream to go with it! NOT A SINGLE DOLLOP!!!" ~Pinkie Pie

"But, I don't really know anything about animals" ~Fluttershy

"OOOOOH!! SPICY!" ~Pinkie Pie

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pinkie: "Having come fast out of the gate, Applejack and Rainbow Dash are evenly matched running neck in neck. But what's this? Applejack is making a move, she's now ahead by a nose. But Rainbow Dash pulls at Applejack's have-it and takes the lead. She's ahead by half a nose. Or maybe three quarters of a nose. No, about sixty-three point seven percent of a nose... " Notices Spike staring at her... "Roughly speaking."


Pinkie, you crazay!

  • Brohoof 1

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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The entirety of any scene with rarity and the Diamond Dogs. 



'VEGGIE SALAD!" is another one of my favorites. along with "We were making a table?' which marks the first time a children's show has made me legitimately made me laugh.

Hoi!!! i'm tEMMIE!!!



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"Fluttershy's not a tree, silly!"

"What's going on?"

"Rainbow Dash thinks Fluttershy's a tree!"

"I do not think she's a tree!"

"Did you say she was a tree?"

"Yes. But not exactly"

"Ya know she's not a tree, right?"

"She's not a tree, Dashie!"

I'd like to be a tree."

~ Pinkie, Dashie, Twilight, Fluttershy -Over a Barrel


"And I said oatmeal...ARE YOU CRAZY?!"

~Pinkie -Ticket Master



~Sweetie Belle -Hearts and Hooves Day


"It needs to be about 20% cooler."

~Dashie -Suited for Success


"Woah! Dude...that's creepy."

~Spike -Owls Well that ends Well


"I just don't know what went wrong."

~Derpy -The Last Roundup


"That's so funny I forgot to laugh."

~Scootaloo -Stare Master


"Whats with the croquet mallet?"

"What croquet mallet?"

"Duh, the one in your mouth."

~Dashie and Rarity -Sweet and Elite


"Of all the things that could happen this is THE. WORST. POSSIBLE. THING!!"

~Rarity -Lesson Zero


"What if Fluttershy exploded?!"

"Just exploded...for no reason?"

"Yeah...like BOOM!!"

"Wait..what if she exploded....and EXPLODED AGAIN?!"

"Could you do that? Can you explode twice?"

"Of course not."

~Spike, Applejack, and Pinkie -Feeling Pinkie Keen


These are all the quotes I can think of right now....I pretty much cracked up at all of them XD




  • Brohoof 1


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"Omigosh Omigosh Omigosh Omigosh"


Rainbow Dash - Sonic Rainboom


" I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant; it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are." - Mewtwo

My Friendship is Magic Fanfiction Pagehttp://www.fimfiction.net/user/The%20DJ%20Rainbow%20Dash

-Signature art designed by the lovely vinyl_scratch 13


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Here's my favorites:


I just don't know what went wrong!

~Derpy, The Last Roundup


And that's how Equestria was made!

~Pinkie Pie, The Cutie Mark Chronicles


Aww C'MON!!!

~Sweetie Belle, Hearts and Hooves Day


If I can't find a friendship problem.....I'LL MAKE A FRIENDSHIP PROBLEM!!!!

~Twilight Sparkle, Lesson Zero


I REALLY like her mane!!

~Sweetie Belle, Lesson Zero


Looks like we're in for a big ol' storm of CHAOS.

~Discord, The Return of Harmony Part 1


I have more :)


The Brony Who Does Way Too Much Stuff!

Check me out on Fimfiction!

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"Oh Come on!"

"You wouldn't say, but when I was little, I was really shy."

"What's fun in making sense?"

"Eternal chaos means chocolate rain you guys! Chocolate Rain!"

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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"Fluttershy's not a tree, silly!" ~PP

"I'd like to be a tree!" ~ Fluttershy


"It needs to be about 20 percent cooler.." ~RD


"Maybe she exploded.... twice!" ~Spike

"Can you do that?? Can you explode twice?!" ~PP



"What is this FUN you speak of?" ~Luna




"Hey Twilight, what's soaking wet and clueless? Your face!" ~Discorded Fluttershy


"Making sense? What fun is there in making sense?" ~Discord


"And then I said,'Oatmeal? Are you crazy!?" ~ PP




"My PIE!!!!!!" ~ Best Pony


"LOUDERR!!!" ~Other Best Pony


"yay" ~ Fluttershy


"Oh Twilight, I had an awful nightmare!!! *looks at AJ's dresses* .... Or maybe I'm still having it" ~ Rarity


"I really like her mane!" ~ Sweetie Belle


"Cutie Mark Crusaders, unite!" (Okay, so I made up this one, but it would be really good as a quote)


"You're just chicken! Oh Scootaloo, Scootaloo! That's how you call a chicken!" ~Applebloom


"I got the ticket! I got the ticket!" ~ dat other best pony


"Necklace, necklace, necklace, necklace, necklace, BIG CROWN THINGY!!" ~Twilight


"Okee dokey lokey!" ~ PP


"Eeyup!" ~ Big Mac


"Eenope!" ~ Big Mac


"It's going to be... SO AWESOME!!" ~ see: 'dat other best pony'


"Behold... the Great and Powerful TRIXIE!!" ~ Trixie




I could add more if I wanted, but then I'd waste too much more time. I know all the show's quotes by heart tongue.png

Edited by Fireball Rush

"Mama told me not to waste my life, she said spread your wings my little butterfly. Don't let what people say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you, 'cause wings were made to fly" ~Little Mix, Wings
                               ~Drawing Requests~ Ask Me Anything ~ OC's ~ Art Gallery ~
                                                             Soarin' is best pony 
                                                         Join the navel revolution!

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"I was elected because I know how to think outside the box, which means..."


*slams into chimney*


"I can also think inside the chimney... can you think outside the chimney?"




"I didn't think so!"


Pinkie Pie is brilliant!


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"And making yummy delicious chocolate milk rain all over the place without a single dollop of whipped cream to go with it anywhere in sight! Not a single dollop!"- Pinkie Pie.


Pinkie is so dramatic xD

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"Whoa-ho there lover boy!"


"What are YOU laughing at?!" (Pinkie)

"Chocolate milk."


"It's not the Rainbow Dash show!"

Rainbow Dash:

"Well it SHOULD be the Rainbow Dash show!"


"Nopony jerks Rainbow Dash and gets away with it."


"So I guess I'm queen Lame-o?"


"Ooh, you're good. Too good. I'm bored."


"Ain't no thang."


"I'll just ignore that.."



"She's not a tree, Dashie.

Signature banner made by Champion RD92


You can't have a rainbow without a little rain

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Luna - But this is the traditional royal Canterlot voice! It is tradition to speak, using the royal "we", and To Use This Much Volume When Addressing Our Subjects!


Splke - But what about Rainbow Dash?

Twilight - Congratulations Spike, you're the new Rainbow Dash


These are my two favorites.

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From Applebuck Season:

Twilight Sparkle: "All right, Applejack. Your apple-bucking hasn't just caused you problems, it's over-propelled pegasus, practically poisoned plenty of ponies and terrorized bushels of brand new bouncing baby bunnies. I don't care what you say: You. Need. Help."


Applejack: "...I harvested the entire Sweet Apple Acres without your help. How d'you like them apples?"

Big MacIntosh: "Um... how do you like them apples?" Points out the other half of the farm.


Chalk one up each for "Added Alliterative Appeal", "Punctuated for Emphasis" and "Ironic Echo".

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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"Mmmm! Mm mmm mmmmm!"


*magic voip*




-Magic Duel


"Rarity catch me."

"What, Pinkie!?"

*bone crunch*


-The Last Rounderp


And of course the collection of Flutteryays, ranging from Yay! to Yay? to Woohoo!


"Hi I'm hipster superman, you probably haven't heard of me I'm pretty obscure."

The center picture is hipster superman. The other four pictures are my favorite webtoon, anime, band, and comic. They're pretty obscure.

They might actually not be but I've never met anyone who's heard of them.

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"forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm" - Princess Luna in Luna Eclipsed 


"Ah the ringleader of the frightened children hast thou come to make Peace" - Princess Luna in Luna Eclipsed 


"Hazza! How many points do I receive" -Princess in Luna in Luna Eclipsed 


and my favorite Rarity quote: 







Signature by me avatar by Azura.

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"FOREEEEEEEEEEEEVEEEEEEEEEEER!!!!!!!!!!!!" - Green Isn't Your Color







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I just remembered one that I didn't mention in an earlier post:


*Spike is looking for a quill*

Spike: But your store is called "Quills And Sofas". You only sell two things!

Davenport: Sorry, junior. All out of quills until Monday. ...need a sofa?


-from "Owls Well That Ends Well"

On 4/12/2014 at 0:00 AM, Miaq_The_Truthful said:

This is the internet, not reality.


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Howdy all!


Heres another favorite of mine.


I still say youre nutty but hey Ive dont lots of nutty things. Rainbow Dash (To Spike)


Spike, Twilight Sparkle & Rarity: We Know!!!


From Dragon Quest.


Oh my what a repulsive monstrosity! This thing needs a head to toe makeover!

Sweetie Belle (Imitating Rarity)

From The Sisterhooves Social




See ya!

  • Brohoof 1


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"I was touching your good wing," - Doctor

"Uh, right. Well, I think that one's hurting now too," Rainbow

"Here, branches branches branches!"

"Huzzah! The fun has been doubled!"

"Sprinkles in her wrinkles!"

"The world is round, there is no up or down!"

"This donkey is really, reeaally bald!"

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