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gaming Am I the only one in the world who can't play videogames for crap?

Sazama Ichida

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I am seriously the worst gamer ever...I can't even beat a single Mario, Zelda or Donkey Kong game...And no matter how much I practice at games I never get any better...But yet everybody else I see gets godly at them with practice...

And everybody just fucking loves those damn stupid Mario, and Donkey Kong games...But to me these games are just absurdly hard...I cannot beat these games to save my soul...Hell I can't even get very far in them...

I'm really frustrated about this...I mean it legitimately seems like I'm literally the only gamer of today who can't beat these games...

And those really old games out there like the ones for NES for example are so damn hard I don't see how ANYBODY is supposed to be able to beat them...I couldn't beat those games if my life depended on it...Or even get very far in them...They're ridiculous...I mean you die in only one hit and your character can't take more than 2 hits at most and you don't even have a life bar...And you have only like what, 3 lives? And not even any freaking continues...

Games like those really old Mario, Donkey Kong, Zelda and Metroid games etc. are so hard I don't see how anybody is supposed to be able to beat them...

And I also can't beat anything on the Arcade, Or the SNES etc.

And I literally the ONLY ONE I know of who can't beat any of these games...And I'm not even a kid...It makes me just wanna kill myself...

It seriously feels like everybody in the world has lightning fast super-ninja reflexes except me...And like I must be the only one in the world who has the reflexes of a banana slug or a turtle with arthritis...>.>

One person even told me that if I find these games hard there's really no hope for me and that I should just stick to point and click games...FUCKING HELL...Do I really suck THAT bad?

But I can still beat games that are relatively easy and straightforward like Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts, Fire Emblem Awakening and Spiderman Friend or Foe or the Lego videogames etc.

To me these games are much more merciful, whereas the aforementioned ones are merciless and unforgiving.

And slightly off topic but I will NEVER understand why everybody seems to whine and bitch about how hard Sephiroth is in KH1 and say they can't beat him...To me beating Sephiroth in KH1 is nowhere near as hard a feat as beating even one single Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, or Metroid etc. game...I've beaten Sephiroth in KH1 many times...

Hell at least KH1 gives you a fucking lifebar...These other games I mentioned don't even do that...(except the Zelda ones)

Imagine if in KH1 if you had no lifebar and always had to worry about dying in only one or 2 hits even against Sephiroth...Well to me that's what these other games are like...

I had to use cheat codes to beat that one Mario Gameboy Advance game (I can't remember what it's called) the one where you can play as Mario, Luigi, Peach or Toad and the final boss is Wart instead of Bowser. But that other GBA Mario game is so hard I can't beat it even WITH cheat codes...

Please pardon all my cursing/swearing...I am truly sorry...I am just really frustrated about this whole thing...

I used to wonder if maybe my disability was the reason why I suck so bad at games but apparently it isn't since I see other people with Asperger's who don't have any trouble with games...

Edited by Asbel Lhant
  • Brohoof 3

The White Shinigami

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You are not alone! Many early Nintendo games were made difficult on purpose.


See this: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NintendoHard

  • Brohoof 3

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I'll be honest; Mario isn't hard. At all. The enemies are pretty easy to kill and dodge with practice. I'd be lenient if you couldn't beat Sonic, I STILL can't beat the first one, if you can't beat Ecco I'd give you a pat on the back and say 'nobody can', but MARIO?


Maybe platformers aren't your thing, try Pokémon Mystery Dungeon or Final Fantasy or something. You can't suck at that and you don't need reflexes, you just need logic and common sense.

Edited by Shift
  • Brohoof 1

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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Sounds to me like platforms just aren't your thing. Nothing wrong with that. I have a similar situation, I cant play first person shooters to save my life. It just doesn't click. 


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There's a couple of factors to consider here.


1. How long and how much you've been playing video games.


2. How expansive your gaming library/experience is.


3. Everyone's good and bad at something in gaming. No one's good at everything.


I've been playing video games every day for the last twenty years, for nearly every waking moment. I still have trouble with a lot of older games and certain genres.


Older games were, for the most part, far harder than anything you'll see in more recent generations. There's many different reasons for that.


The thing I find funny here is you're so caught up in the idea that certain games should be easy, as if someone else has told you so, yet you consider one of the hardest bosses from the PS2 generation to be easy. You have more skill than you realize, you just need to find the right games to utilize it. And as for the games you aren't so good at, just keep trying. Play other, similar, games. You gain skill regardless of what game you're playing so when you go back to games you've had trouble with it's entirely possible to have improved, if only marginally.


Try expanding the scope of what games you play. Play a game you've never heard of. Play a game you didn't think you'd like when you first saw it.


You're too caught up in your ability to beat the games. It's really not worth worrying over whether you can beat a game. Every game offers you a million things to enjoy about it from music to gameplay, characters to level design. Don't ignore those for something so trivial as whether the game is beaten or will be beaten.


Lastly, consider that the way you play could possibly be at fault. If you're stuck using the same strategies over and over then it's time to change those strategies. Don't bother with silly thoughts like "I can't do this" because you can't possibly know that if you've never tried. There's also no single strategy to use in most games. Experiment a little. What harm would it do to do something wild and crazy that just might work?

  • Brohoof 1
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I can relate... kinda :P


The only game I can say I don't suck at is Spyro... And that's because I haven't seen anyone play it other than my brother. Once I do, I'll see how much I suck...


Pokemon - Theres so many pros out there.
Mario - Take 5-10 Game Overs to get through the whole thing.

Zelda - Never finished one... I'm working on OoT though...

Super Smash Bros. - OMG, I suck xD


I guess I'm only good at games that you can go through it one way or another like Phoenix Wright games and The Walking Dead game :P


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For NES:


You know, you can stack/stick several of them together, to expand the number of codes you can use. :3

For The Legend of Zelda (NTSC NES)
AVVL AUSZ     Don't take damage from anything
SZVX ASVK     Don't lose rubies when buying
SZNZ VOVK     Infinite bombs



Like others have said, though, if ya keep playing games, ya pick up new skills that can be used on earlier games. But even so, there'll always be some games, that have a part in them, that is too hard/flustrating (or broken) to pass, without cheating...



...I spent two weeks trying to get past that part in Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch where Left Stick was for group A and Right Stick was for group B, and you had to navigate both groups over some falling platforms/bridges, at the same time. I wound up getting my brother to hold one half of the controller, he navigated one group, while I navigated the other. That's the only game I've played that had a part in it where using the Right Stick required a lot of skill. I also still, to this day, haven't beaten the zeldas on the DS, because the touchscreen controlls are still alien to me. I need more practice. >_<


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Well yeah platformers really aren't my thing. I'm more of an RPG Beat Em Up kind of guy if that means anything.


I'll be honest; Mario isn't hard. At all. The enemies are pretty easy to kill and dodge with practice. I'd be lenient if you couldn't beat Sonic, I STILL can't beat the first one, if you can't beat Ecco I'd give you a pat on the back and say 'nobody can', but MARIO?


Maybe platformers aren't your thing, try Pokémon Mystery Dungeon or Final Fantasy or something. You can't suck at that and you don't need reflexes, you just need logic and common sense.


Well I can beat Sonic 3/Sonic 3 & Knuckles, But not Sonic 1 or 2...

  • Brohoof 1

The White Shinigami

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@@Asbel Lhant,





Edited by Shift

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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It seems that you may not have the necessary reflexes for platformers. I'm not sure what to say other than watch those that are good play through and learn from them. Admittedly I am good with platforming games, so I can't really attest to your situation, but that's all I have.


You seem to be better at games involve strategy and role-playing, so those may be the kind of games for you. Perhaps games that don't contain a lot of constant action and put more emphasis on strategy are what suit your skills.


Also, you're not the worst gamer, since you claim to be competent at some games. That's definitely better than some people.


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@@Asbel Lhant,





It took me years to beat that game too. And I played it on the PC not the genesis. I got all the emeralds and everything with every character.


Unlike everybody else though I played the classic genesis games on my PC as a kid instead of the actual console...So I dunno if that still counts...I played what was called the *Sega Smash Pack* and *Sega Smash Pack 2*

The White Shinigami

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I know how you feel  :lol: not growing up with video games, and then trying to master them myself was difficult. Never finished any of the Zelda games myself.

Who you jiving with that cosmik debris? 

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maybe but remember there are different kinds of video games and even a pro like me cannot master every last type you just need to find what ever video game type your good try RTS (Real Time Strategy) games if that doesn't work try RPG (Role Playing Game)


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To me, I think Mario is seriously overrated. I mean I loved some Mario games (Sunshine and Galaxy) but the others are kind of monotonous. Platformers may not be your thing at all, I'm not to good at most old school mario either, but just because you don't excel at one type of game doesn't mean you suck at video games. Video games are as varied as people now-a-days. Look at Kingdom Hearts for instance, someone coming form final fantasy probably finds the command bar really awkward to control, but I don't find it weird at all. And sephiroth in KH1? He was a lot more fun to fight than in two. You don't suck at video games, you just suck at certain video games (but I would try Zelda again because Zelda is tons of fun) and there is nothing wrong with being bad at some video games, I mean you can't be perfect at everything.


Cheria (right) is a small town girl who was afflicted with a terrible sickness when she was very young. Meeting Sophie changed that however. She recovered almost instantly from her illness due to Sophie's magic and gained an undeniable talent with her own, and what does she do with this magic? She acts as a healer for her small town and helps the militia keep the hostile border safe. Seven years later, she's started a nation-wide relief organization after her adventure with Sophie and Friends, a great connection to the element of generosity.

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i've been getting my butt kicked on smash bros.  haven't gotten first place in online play at all yet.


the thing with those games is that they require skill.  sometimes, it's just not a skill you have.  pokemon and stuff like that are games where you actually level up and your characters get stronger.  with mario, mario never gets stronger, YOU have to get better.  I don't think I've ever fully beaten the old mario games either.

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Another strategy is to play a game completely while following a walkthrough to a T. You can pick up some residual skill from doing exactly what you're told by someone who's likely played the game enough to cover every corner of the game.

Well yeah platformers really aren't my thing. I'm more of an RPG Beat Em Up kind of guy if that means anything.



Well I can beat Sonic 3/Sonic 3 & Knuckles, But not Sonic 1 or 2...

Consider: I'm a massive Sonic fan. I've yet to beat Sonic 3 or Sonic & Knuckles, least of all while getting all the emeralds. The only early game in the series I came close to getting all the emeralds in was the first game.


You've got the skill. You just gotta stop saying that you don't and comparing yourself to anyone but yourself. It doesn't matter what other people's skill levels are because there's always someone worse and always someone better.


I used to think like you do. That I was the worst gamer ever because I couldn't beat certain games or someone else could always do it better. It's entirely possible that you're comparing yourself to the wrong people though. If you're always comparing yourself to pros, you're never gonna look good by comparison. There's also the fact that some people have played specific games for many years and so even if they are good at that they aren't necessarily good at anything else.


It's not about you versus them. It's all about you, you and more you.

  • Brohoof 1
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I beat Sonic 3 and Sonic 3 and Knuckles with every character when I was a kid. Does it still count even though I did it on the computer using my keyboard instead of a genesis and controller though?

The White Shinigami

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I had a hard time with video games until I beat metroid prime's hard mode, than it just got easier all around.  That said, my family is horrid when it comes to games. My brother, almost 13, can't get pass 3 levels of super mario bros.




Does it still count even though I did it on the computer using my keyboard instead of a genesis and controller though?


I think certain people just need another set of controls in order to do well, so no I wouldn't say it's cheating or anything similar. 


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I beat Sonic 3 and Sonic 3 and Knuckles with every character when I was a kid. Does it still count even though I did it on the computer using my keyboard instead of a genesis and controller though?

What controller you're using really doesn't matter at all. Whether it's all you have or a matter of preference your controller doesn't change the game in the slightest. You're still playing the same game as anyone else.

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I never do get "good" at any game however. I can only memorize the controls and learn the basics of a game I play but that's it. And sometimes I can't even beat a game when I play it on the very easiest difficulty setting...

The White Shinigami

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