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gaming Overhated/Overrated Games

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Name one game you think recieves too much hate

and one you think recieves too much love.


Overhated: ET the Extraterrestrial: This game is fun. I enjoy playing it. Stop bitching about this game.


Overrated: Secret of Mana: The mechanics in this game annoy me. Check out Legend of Mana (PSX). It's in the series and fixes (most) of its problems.

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Overhated: Skylanders - I know it's popular, but being in the Spyro fandom for as long as I have...there are plenty of classic and/or Legends fans who really just despise this series for one or more reasons. I have the first game and yeah, while it is gimmicky, it's fun, playable, and reminiscent of the original Spyro games.


Overrated: Grand Theft Auto series - I haven't played GTAV, but I don't get the attractions. For me, the main missions usually get so boring that they seem pointless, and just fooling around...gets boring. Now, thankfully, Achievement Hunter has shown me there is plenty of fun to have, but still....I'm skeptical.

  • Brohoof 3

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Overhated: Skylanders - I know it's popular, but being in the Spyro fandom for as long as I have...there are plenty of classic and/or Legends fans who really just despise this series for one or more reasons. I have the first game and yeah, while it is gimmicky, it's fun, playable, and reminiscent of the original Spyro games.


Overrated: Grand Theft Auto series - I haven't played GTAV, but I don't get the attractions. For me, the main missions usually get so boring that they seem pointless, and just fooling around...gets boring. Now, thankfully, Achievement Hunter has shown me there is plenty of fun to have, but still....I'm skeptical.

Skylanders - Sort of like COD, It's less the game itself than the money-pumping it requires.


GTA - can be fun to buck around with, but its not something im paying 60 bucks for.

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Overrated: The entire Call of Duty series.

It's just a normal FPS gaming series. Not sure what's all the hipe about.


Overhated: Minecraft.

Now I'm not saying Minecraft is necessarily overhated, but it just seems people always label the game as overrated.


"Minecraft revelutionized the gaming industry."


Most people will use this to as to why Minecraft is overrated, but the fact is that Minecraft indeed DID revelutionize the gaming industry.

Other gaming companies started copying the idea of survival out in the middle of nowhere and "block sandbox" games.

If it wasn't for Minecraft these ideas wouldn't have come about.


People would also proclaim that the MC community has too many overhyped fanboys who put the game on a high level therefore making it overrated.

First off, in every fandom you'll ALWAYS have fanboys.

Belive it or not, as colossal as the MC community seems there aren't that many MC fanboys out there.

Trust me, I'm a part of the community and I can honestly say that there aren't that many psyco fans in the community.


Therefore, Minecraft isn't overrated.

It's just a really popular game with very large community.

Edited by Emerald Starlight
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Overrated: Definitely the Super Mario Galaxy games. Sure they are good fun and they have great orchestral music... However, they completely changed the 3D Mario series. They took away what set Super Mario 64 and Sunshine so far apart from the 2D series - what made the 3D series special. They made the worlds smaller and linear.


Super Mario 64 and Sunshine were true 3D Mario games. Galaxy series and 3D Land/World are much more like 2D Marios with a little running room to the side.


It doesn't help that everyone praised Nintendo so high for Super Mario Galaxy, and now Nintendo somehow thinks that Galaxy-style Mario games are what everyone wants and count as the "open world" Mario games that many of us are clamoring for. In truth they are no different from 3D Land/World. Combined with the milked and repetitive New Super Mario Bros. series all Mario platformers are starting to feel the same. And that's not good.


Overhated: Hm... I'll go with three here. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, and Pokemon Black/White/Black 2/White 2.


To be fair I don't know how hated exactly Generation V of Pokemon is, but I really loved it, and I've seen so many comments about how Generation V had terrible Pokemon designs and I really disagree. Pokemon Generation IV gets real hate, and I've never understood it. I enjoyed Generation IV much more than Generation III.


Twilight Princess is so hated by the Zelda community that I had to leave the Zelda section of a Zelda forum I joined years ago just because it was such a hate echo chamber in there. Twilight Princess fans were harassed. I got tired of it. TP is my favorite Zelda game just under Majora's Mask.

  • Brohoof 4

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GTA - I've never found the appeal of it

Gears of War - Wasn't a fan of the combat, gunplay feels like ass

Red Dead Redemption - I got really bored of it after a few hours

Sports games in general - Boring as shit
Pokemon: Yeah I like Pokemon, most of the games since has been nearly the same as those before it, which is funny since CoD gets so much flak for being almost the same, yet for Pokemon it gets the pass. Double Standards much?



Final Fantasy VIII - I swear to christ, the biggest reason so many people hate the game is because they're beating off to Spoony's review. A since then haters have only become bigger assholes about it

Starfox Adventures - It's not a Starfox 64 clone, I get it

Starfox Assault/Command - for similar reasons as the aforementioned

Megaman X6 - Unlike the games above, I can understand why some would hate this game, but I think it's a lot better than people give it credit for(also that godly soundtrack)

NiGHTS Journey of Dream - Barely played the first one, but I really liked this one. I was surprised not many people liked this one

Super Smash Bros Brawl - Part of the reason why I hate Melee fanboys. The only thing I didn't like about it was tripping, otherwise it was a fine game. People need to stop treating it like the spawn of satan

Windwaker/Twilight Princess -


Fans: "waaahhh!!! This game is ass!!! it's not like Ocarina of Time!!!!"

Nintendo: Alright geez*Releases Twilight Princess*

Fans: Waaaahhh!!! This game is ass!!! It's too much like Ocarina of Time

Me: Fuck off Zelda fanbase


Metroid Other M - Even though I agree that they blew it with the story, I could see where they were going with it. Plus I thought it was a lot of fun especially from a gameplay standpoint

Call of Duty - It's a fine series with solid gunplay. The amount of hate it's been getting ridiculous


Also I hate it when people start bashing games just because some random asshole on the internet hated it and made a funny review of it, and then they start worshiping it like blind sheep

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To be fair I don't know how hated exactly Generation V of Pokemon is, but I really loved it, and I've seen so many comments about how Generation V had terrible Pokemon designs and I really disagree. Pokemon Generation IV gets real hate, and I've never understood it. I enjoyed Generation IV much more than Generation III.


I am a part of the hate brigade for gen IV, Diamond/Pearl had terrible button response delays compared to any other pokemon game. 1/2 second delay doesn't seem like much but it gets very aggravating. It quote on quote "invokes the wrath of God" because in Pokemon, we don't mind doing side stuff and talking to npcs but when the button delay causes things to go a long much slower...oh Celestia why.



Overrated: Since it's still fresh out of the year, Destiny. It is a overhyped game obviously lacking content, bs Activision stuns, shoddy story development that doesn't exist and terrible boss design(bullet sponges is a red flag)


Underhated: Watch Dogs by far, people tend to forget Assassin's Creed sucked ass and look how big it is now. Watch Dogs shows a lot of potential and has a lot of both great and bad elements but that all comes with design and error. 

Edited by Chaco
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Overhated: Call of Duty: (Even if Black Ops II and Ghosts were a huge disappointment)

They complain it's the same thing over and over? LOOK AT TEAM FORTRESS 2!! It hasn't changed since freaking 2007! At least CoD CHANGES THINGS UP! (Also, TFC is much better then TF2)

Super Smash Bros. Brawl:

It's Smash, get the fuck over it.



It was fun for awhile, then just got annoying with just how many people were playing it and saying it's the best thing ever... I've seen better games...


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

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Overhated: LoZ Skyward Sword. Now, hear me out. Loads of people really enjoy this game. But many others hate it (because: Motion Controls). That was the first Zelda game I ever played (believe it or not) and it has probably the best story in a Zelda game. The graphics were great, characters memorable and so on...

Overrated: Pokemon Red and Blue. AGAIN, hear me out. I didn't grow up with it. I never played it much and I know how important and nostalgic it must be to you. But NOT to me. And imagine if you never had played that game before, would you still want to play it? The game has numerous game-breaking glitches and it's so slow (because no running shoes (what a pain)). I LOVE POKEMON but I don't like R&B...

Anyway, HATE ME NOW!! XD


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Overrated: ALL OF THE CALL OF DUTY GAMES EVER!!! Everyone that I live near, and most of my cousins, act like those games are either the best FPS ever, or the best game ever, period, no questions asked, exclamation mark. It's just a mediocre, boring, bland, unimaginitive, Medal of Honor ripoff, that will only get worse with every fucking sequel! (Sorry about the rage, I just REALLY hate this series...)


Overhated: Conker: Live and Reloaded. I've heard a lot of people totally ripped on this game and complain about nearly every little thing about it. "It's a pale imitation of the original" , "it ruined the series", "the multiplayer on it is stupid", I've heard a ton of complaints like this. I, for one, love this game to death. I have so many fond memories with this game...I still remember when I first played as Conker while he killed zombies, dressed as Van Helsing! XD

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Pokemon: Yeah I like Pokemon, most of the games since has been nearly the same as those before it, which is funny since CoD gets so much flak for being almost the same, yet for Pokemon it gets the pass. Double Standards much?

To be fair, I see plenty pointing out that Pokemon games are all the same. In fact, Nintendo is very commonly criticized for that with ALL of their franchises... Just like every other company. lol


Windwaker/Twilight Princess -


Fans: "waaahhh!!! This game is ass!!! it's not like Ocarina of Time!!!!"

Nintendo: Alright geez*Releases Twilight Princess*

Fans: Waaaahhh!!! This game is ass!!! It's too much like Ocarina of Time

Me: Fuck off Zelda fanbase

Can we please stop acting as if a fandom is a single entity with the same opinion? I see these kinds of frustrations expressed by people all of the time, and I have to tell you that you're doing it to yourself. =P


You can't assume that the same group decrying Wind Waker for being too different from OoT are the same people that dislike TP for being too similar to OoT. What you're seeing are different individuals with different opinions. You see a contradiction only because you see the fandom as an entity, instead of as individuals. Of course you're going to see contradictions. You will see them everywhere while thinking that way, but it's wrong... Fandoms are comprised of individuals.


For example, while I liked The Wind Waker, I was a bit disappointed with it... OoT being my favorite game before it. But instead of hating TP for being too similar to OoT like your narrative would suggest of me, I instead loved Twilight Princess and now like it more than Ocarina of Time.

  • Brohoof 1

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Can we please stop acting as if a fandom is a single entity with the same opinion? I see these kinds of frustrations expressed by people all of the time, and I have to tell you that you're doing it to yourself. =P


You can't assume that the same group decrying Wind Waker for being too different from OoT are the same people that dislike TP for being too similar to OoT. What you're seeing are different individuals with different opinions. You see a contradiction only because you see the fandom as an entity, instead of as individuals. Of course you're going to see contradictions. You will see them everywhere while thinking that way, but it's wrong... Fandoms are comprised of individuals.


For example, while I liked The Wind Waker, I was a bit disappointed with it... OoT being my favorite game before it. But instead of hating TP for being too similar to OoT like your narrative would suggest of me, I instead loved Twilight Princess and now like it more than Ocarina of Time.

I'm proud to say that Wind Waker is probably one of the best in the series.


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Overrated: Destiny. Done. I felt so burned by this game and should've known better, but I was really hoping for a killer app for my PS4, so I could finally use it for something other than free PSPlus games, which to be fair are pretty good so far, imo.


Overrated: Probably gonna catch some flak for this, but Daikatana. I'm not gonna say anything about the promises that weren't delivered on (although they still pale in comparison to DNF) or the magazine ad campaign, but I did like the variety of weapons and time periods. Sure, the game promised a ton and delivered mediocrity, but it was still a decent shooter that in the end tried to do too much headed by a guy who was entirely too cocky about it.

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  • Destiny. I was in the beta, I knew exactly what I was going to get, and the only big flaws it has are the same ones every PC MMO has at launch. Everypony hating on all the grinding at the end doesn't seem to know what an MMO is after you hit the level cap. Am I saying it's perfect? No. I'm just saying, I got exactly what I paid for with that game, and I can't understand how everypony else doesn't see it.
  • Most "Hidden Object" games. I was recently playing Sherlock Holmes and The Hound of The Baskervilles, and Dracula: Love Kills. Are they great games? Not particularly, but they aren't horrendous, either. They have some decent story, and are entertaining, at least long enough for one playthrough, which is more than a large number of today's games can say.


- - - - - - - - - - - - -



  • Again, Destiny. While ponies who hate it REALLY seem to hate it, ponies who love it can't seem to shut up about it. I feel it fits into both categories quite well.
  • Also, every CoD game. Dear every fratboy/preteen; WE GET IT, you like to shoot imaginary guns at your friends and think yourself the King of Games, but really, nopony cares. Hush now.
  • Pokemon. I enjoy the games, I really do. I'm even getting the remakes of ruby/sapphire coming up. Some people just seem to love the games a little too much. They're fun, but they are not the end-all gaming experience that someponies seem to think they are.
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Overrated - God of War. The series is stale and is not iterating enough on the formula.


Overhated - Finally Fantasy XIII. Most of the criticism for this game have statements that were once used to praise the series. Also it's relatively generic criticism like 'story is too convoluted or complex' is not unique to FF XIII. 



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To be fair, I see plenty pointing out that Pokemon games are all the same. In fact, Nintendo is very commonly criticized for that with ALL of their franchises... Just like every other company. lol

Won't deny that. The thing is though, I feel like Pokemon is the only series that actually does that to me. 


Can we please stop acting as if a fandom is a single entity with the same opinion? I see these kinds of frustrations expressed by people all of the time, and I have to tell you that you're doing it to yourself. =P


You can't assume that the same group decrying Wind Waker for being too different from OoT are the same people that dislike TP for being too similar to OoT. What you're seeing are different individuals with different opinions. You see a contradiction only because you see the fandom as an entity, instead of as individuals. Of course you're going to see contradictions. You will see them everywhere while thinking that way, but it's wrong... Fandoms are comprised of individuals.


For example, while I liked The Wind Waker, I was a bit disappointed with it... OoT being my favorite game before it. But instead of hating TP for being too similar to OoT like your narrative would suggest of me, I instead loved Twilight Princess and now like it more than Ocarina of Time.

I'm not trying to generalize, honest, it's just that I see this happen too often and it just frustrates me, so sometimes I just end up blaming the entire fandom, even if it's not right :/


btw, I loved all 3 of them

@ don't speak blasphemy, Other M needs to be hated as much as possible until the end of time. That game is irredeemable.

Story aside, I still thought it was a fun game



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Oh the things that I can say here.


First off, I am going to start by saying that whatever game I decide to hate on here, I am not saying the game is bad. Very likely I started enjoying it. But I just didn't like it personally.


Overhated : Alright, the game, or games, that I am going to do for this is pokemon. Now I haven grown up with pokemon my whole life and love it to death, so this might be slightly biased. I can understand if people don't like pokemon. Whether it be for how many pokemon there are, that the game is too easy, it is too boring, whatever it may be. But for people who do like it, and say that a certain generation shouldn't exist, stop. Every generation of pokemon is important. Whether it be the first generation, very clearly the worst of them all since it had to set the groundwork for every other gen, but very important. Gen two, gave us breeding and held items. Very important to give us the pokemon that we know today. And it also gave us the bike. Gen 3 (my personal favorite) this has been argued to be the worst gen. Mostly for how it prevents you from trading with any games before it. But it is important in how it gave us abilities, natures, and a way to control EV's and IV's. Gen 4, (which I saw a little further up. I can understand a button delay being annoying, but a reason to hate a whole game? Generation 4 was the first pokemon game to start on the DS and brought new light to old pokemon that would never be used for being useless in battle and giving them evolutions. Gen 5 gave us brand new items, hidden abilities, and whole new ways to trade with people. Gen 6 was one of the most important gens. With pokemon, it seems that the games that are the most important, really are not the best. Gen 6 brought us the PSS, a very simple and easy way to get good EV's and IV's and huffed a few stats on pokemon that were falling behind.


There really is not really a worst gen, just generations that we personally don't like. But every generation has brought something new and great to pokemon.


Overrated Skyrim. Now don't get mad at me for this, I love skyrim. It is fun and there disband lot to do. And that is why it is overrated. If you want a game where nothing is really that important and you can do whatever you want, this is the game for you, but as an RPG, skyrim sucks. As an RPG the player should feel that their choices make a difference, but in skyrim you can do anything without consequence. Slay a whole town, 3000 gold bounty or a night in jail. Killed the high king, become part of the Legion. The most you will get is a slight glance from a guard as they talk about how you smell like wet dog. And it is glitchy as all hell, I have played the game 5 times and have never been able to get the Oblivion Walker acheviment (which is for collecting the Dedric artifacts). And while it is fun once or twice, once you have done and collected everything and become unkillable, there is nothing left to do. You can pretty much do everything in one playthrough of the game with very little, if any, left to do.


Now this is just what I think on this. And on the subject of Skyrim, if you want a better RPG where your choices matter, play Fallout 3 or New Vegas. Both of them are very fun in their own right. And New Vegas really makes you watch what factions do and don't watch you.

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Oh the things that I can say here.


First off, I am going to start by saying that whatever game I decide to hate on here, I am not saying the game is bad. Very likely I started enjoying it. But I just didn't like it personally.


Overhated : Alright, the game, or games, that I am going to do for this is pokemon. Now I haven grown up with pokemon my whole life and love it to death, so this might be slightly biased. I can understand if people don't like pokemon. Whether it be for how many pokemon there are, that the game is too easy, it is too boring, whatever it may be. But for people who do like it, and say that a certain generation shouldn't exist, stop. Every generation of pokemon is important. Whether it be the first generation, very clearly the worst of them all since it had to set the groundwork for every other gen, but very important. Gen two, gave us breeding and held items. Very important to give us the pokemon that we know today. And it also gave us the bike. Gen 3 (my personal favorite) this has been argued to be the worst gen. Mostly for how it prevents you from trading with any games before it. But it is important in how it gave us abilities, natures, and a way to control EV's and IV's. Gen 4, (which I saw a little further up. I can understand a button delay being annoying, but a reason to hate a whole game? Generation 4 was the first pokemon game to start on the DS and brought new light to old pokemon that would never be used for being useless in battle and giving them evolutions. Gen 5 gave us brand new items, hidden abilities, and whole new ways to trade with people. Gen 6 was one of the most important gens. With pokemon, it seems that the games that are the most important, really are not the best. Gen 6 brought us the PSS, a very simple and easy way to get good EV's and IV's and huffed a few stats on pokemon that were falling behind.


There really is not really a worst gen, just generations that we personally don't like. But every generation has brought something new and great to pokemon.


Overrated Skyrim. Now don't get mad at me for this, I love skyrim. It is fun and there disband lot to do. And that is why it is overrated. If you want a game where nothing is really that important and you can do whatever you want, this is the game for you, but as an RPG, skyrim sucks. As an RPG the player should feel that their choices make a difference, but in skyrim you can do anything without consequence. Slay a whole town, 3000 gold bounty or a night in jail. Killed the high king, become part of the Legion. The most you will get is a slight glance from a guard as they talk about how you smell like wet dog. And it is glitchy as all hell, I have played the game 5 times and have never been able to get the Oblivion Walker acheviment (which is for collecting the Dedric artifacts). And while it is fun once or twice, once you have done and collected everything and become unkillable, there is nothing left to do. You can pretty much do everything in one playthrough of the game with very little, if any, left to do.


Now this is just what I think on this. And on the subject of Skyrim, if you want a better RPG where your choices matter, play Fallout 3 or New Vegas. Both of them are very fun in their own right. And New Vegas really makes you watch what factions do and don't watch you.

Dragon Age and Fallout are beast.


Morrowind is my favorite elder scrolls.

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Overrated: *prepares bullet shield* Mass Effect 1. I bought the trilogy thinger a few months back and started with  the first one, as you do, but I could not finish it. I could not be paid or threatened enough to play that game to completion. Everything about its gameplay was just wrong in every aspect, and for me, gameplay is the most important part of a game. The cover system was wonked out of hell, controls were piss poor at best, and checkpointing? HAH checkpointing, I would have to honestly say that I had as much fun in Mass Effect 1 as I did playing Sonic '06, hell, I think I got farther in Sonic '06.
That being said, I still had the trilogy thinger, so I decided, "Fuck it, lets buy genesis so my game isn't renegaded all to hell" and I started Mass Effect 2. (Just last night actually) and I have been having a lot of fun with it. The cover system is still pretty wonked, but they fixed nearly everything else I had an issue with in the first game. Checkpointing, now I don't have to start the entire mission from the beginning whenever I die! (Which is often due to the wonky cover system) OH! And look at that, I didn't get stuck in two different spots, unable to move requiring a reload of the last checkpoint, which was when? Oh! Not before I started the mission! Good job Mass Effect 2, ya done good kid.

Another overrated is Skyrim. Dont get me wrong, I've spent hundreds of hours in skyrim and it is by no means a bad game, its just not finished. Bugs and glitches are rampant, and while sometimes it adds some humor to it, (fighting headless t-posed naked foes for example (speaking of which, T-posed Vorcha in ME2 shooting rockets at me!)) it ultimately is not a finished game. When I fast travel from one place to another, I shouldn't spawn 30 feet in the air and immediately fall to my death. Twice.
Skyrim certainly is not worthy of the amount of praise it gets and is by no means Game of the Year material.

Honorable mentions for overrated is anything made by Rockstar games. Speaking of which, anyone wanna buy a used copy of GTAV? I don't want mine anymore.



Now, for Overhated.
Gotta say, the Dark Souls community loves to rip on DS2, but I found it to be a lot of fun. It certainly is nowhere near as good as Dark Souls 1, (or from what I have seen of it, Demon's Souls. I need to get a PS3, but also a PS4, since Bloodborne is just around the corner.) but it is still a good game and I play it quite a lot.

Destiny was fun, but I haven't played since i got my Ghost Angel hunter cloak. Further comment isn't really necessary.

Edited by Cup O' Luna
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