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Season 5 Predictions/Hopes


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Okay, so i thought further about the season premiere and i said to myself: 'What would be a good voice actor for the villain?' Of course, we still need confirmation that it actually is a villain, but let's just roll with it for this

The villain obviously is kind of a cultish leader, who wants to equalize everypony in Equestria. He needs a very charming voice to do that, because then everyone will listen.

So, i wrapped my brain to think who would be the perfect voice for him and then i found it.



Now i know what you're thinking: "Seriously? You want a wrestler to get a role in this? He has no experience."


Yes, Bray Wyatt (AKA WIndham Rotunda) is a wrestler. Yes, he was never a VA for anything. And i am totally just doing this choice because i am a big Wrestling fan and an even bigger fan of him. But, this guy is one of the best villain talkers i see in current media. He speaks very slowly and menacing and the way he talks is incredibly manipulating. He would be the perfect choice for the villain of the premiere. Of course, MLP is a G rated show, so we can't have him be Bray Wyatt in Pony form.




Don't take anything of what i said seriously, since this is just my inner Wrestling fanboy, colliding with my Brony personality.

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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It's probably already been said to death in this thread if the first few posts are any indication, but all I ask is this...


- Redeem Trixie (at least to some extent)


This is probably the common fanfic interpretation of Trixie's motivations seeping into how I view her, but I really think that she totally has potential to be one of the most interesting characters on the show, if not THE most interesting character. I really want to believe that her "Great and Powerful Trixie" shindig is like some kind of coping mechanism she uses to convince herself that she's really worth something. Y'know, some tragic backstory, maybe she was bullied as a child or something. Hell, take that backstory one step further and have something with the CMC, Trixie, and Diamond Tiara/Silver Spoon. I dunno. Probably wishful thinking on my part, but gawd would fanboying ensue if this were to occur in the show.

  • Brohoof 3
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Since season 5 was confirmed, I was thinking, what are my predictions?


I thought that:


1. Celestia would turn evil and be banished to the moon from Luna. She would probably be called "Solar Sun".


2. The rest of mane six would become princesses.


3. This would be the last season. :(


4. Trixie would come back, BUT MORE POWERFUL! XD


5. Derpy comes back


6. Twilight marries Prince BlueBlood (Most likely not but it is a guess XD)


7. Twilight will be able to fly


8. Mane 6 will be secretly related some how


9. Surprise will take off her WonderBolt outfit


10. The last sentence on the last episode of the last season will be from Twilight, saying "Friendship is true magic."


Hope you enjoy! Here are some pony emoticons!


:mlp-pdastardly:     :mlp-acute:     :mlp-tsquee:     :mlp-rwink:     :mlp-dlaugh:                :mlp-fgrin:          :mlp-degrin:       :mlp-surwink:

i'd like to see surprise minus the outfit 

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Hey guys, OmegaBrony here for the first time.


I personally believe that the Pony of Shadows will be the villain of MLP Season 5.  Why?  At first I didn't know what to think of this shadow pony, but after watching intently and piecing a few facts together; I think I may have figured it out.  Now bare with me, I am new to this.


In the very first season and episodes, MLP shows Nightmare Moon returning to bring eternal night.  This got me to thinking why she became evil in the first place.  Celestia said she became resentful and angry at ponies shunning the night, but I think Celestia may not be telling the whole story.  

It seems Celestia, for the good of her subjects, keeps many ancient legends a secret; such as the Crystal Empire.  Just an example, but even she told Twilight that the empire held a powerful magic and that it affected Equestria dramatically.  She must have kept this from them to protect them from the possible fear of Sombra returning.  


This made me curious, and for a long time, the questions stayed unanswered... until I watched the Season 4 premiere.  When Twilight drinks the potion and goes into the past for the second time; she watches Celestia and Luna find the Tree of Harmony.  Luna asks her sister if it is safe to remove the elements and Celestia replies, "Even without the elements, the Tree of Harmony possesses a powerful magic.  As long as that magic remains, it will continue to contain all that grows here."

I didn't catch it immediately, but once Castle Mane-ia came out, I realized that the Castle of the Two Sisters was built directly over the Tree of Harmony.  I figured Celestia and Luna did so to make sure they protected the area and could return the elements if they needed to.  But it became evident that shortly after this, Discord was banished, and then, the change happened to Luna.  When I looked at this chain of events, I subconsciously began thinking of how it was all connected, since in this show there always is a connection.  And after the Season 4 finale, I finished it.  So here it is:


I believe that the Pony of Shadows is not a leftover magic from Nightmare, but in fact an ancient evil that once spread darkness over Equestria, long before Celestia or Luna ruled or perhaps were even born.  During this darkness, I believe the Tree of Harmony was somehow grown at its exact place to, as Celestia said; "Contain all that grows here."  The Everfree Forest must be part of the darkness that the Tree of Harmony is suppressing.  That explains why when the tree was in danger from the plunder seeds that the forest began expanding.  True, the seeds themselves were expanding with it, but while the tree was weak, everything began falling apart.

Now here comes the big gamble in my theory.  I believe that when Celestia and Luna built their castle over the Tree of Harmony, that darkness, or the Pony of Shadows, began to corrupt Luna since it could only come out at night for some reason, and maybe since Celestia was the patron of light, it had no effect on her at first.  Then once Celestia banished Luna, she figured out that the darkness there corrupted her, and so she abandoned the castle without taking ANYTHING with her, including the elements; I think she was too afraid that the darkness would corrupt her as well.  This also explains why Celestia, in the Season 1 premiere, did not appear in the castle until the sun was allowed to rise.  I believe something is going to happen that breaks that darkness free.  And I even have an idea on how that is going to happen, but I would rather wait to expand on that until I get a little feedback; if anyone sees a flaw in my theory, please, tell me.  I am excited as the next brony to see what happens next.

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I predict that Apple Bloom will get a Luna nightmare this season. Season 3 was Scootaloo, season 4 was Sweetie Bell, so it only follows that Apple Bloom would get one this season. I also predict that it'll have something to do with feeling grown up. I guess that's really vague... Let me explain. Each of the CMC have dealt with different issues throughout the series. Scootaloo's main issue is that she acts tough and brave and that comes to a head when the scary stories in Sleepless in Ponyville are told. Sweetie Bell's main issue is that she feels outshined and unappreciated by her big sister, which also comes across in her dream. Apple Bloom's big thing, though, is that she wants to be seen as grown up and mature, but often, the adults in her life don't take her seriously. So I think that might be an issue that's addressed. Alternately, the dreams could be seen as sister-related. Scootaloo doesn't have a sister, which is a big part of why she's so scared of those stories. She doesn't have a sister to comfort her. And part of her fear is in looking weak compared to somepony she idolizes. Sweetie Bell's, again, was about Rarity outshining her. So it could also or alternately be that Apple Bloom's nightmare will be about something related to AJ. Often, we see how AJ is overprotective and doesn't see her little sister as mature as she actually is. It could be about that.


I'm also hoping that these dreams sort of come to something. I wouldn't go so far as to call them an arc, but there's definitely a trend, and there should be a purpose to it.


I also think I've said this of other seasons, but again, wanna see the CMC finally get their cutie marks. I would like to see them get them in separate episodes, for a number of reasons. One, it would be weird if they got them all at the same time. But two, they could tell two different stories this way. It could be the first one to get her cutie mark starts to pull away from the group, in favor of hanging out with other ponies that have their cutie marks. I could see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon working their manipulative way in this way. Then the second episode would be where another one has gotten her cutie mark, and then there's just one left. This story could be about her feeling left out among her friends. Now that I think of it, there could be a third episode, when the third one gets her cutie mark. It could be about how they can't really call themselves the CMC anymore, due to the fact that they've gotten their cutie marks. Then it could go into a question of what really makes them friends. Like, as it is now, the one main thing they have in common is their lack of a cutie mark and their quest to get them. But chances are, they're going to get very different cutie marks. That would mean that they all have different interests and actually have less in common than before. I think this could get into a question of what their friendship means to them and how they come to that conclusion. I'd like to see these eps as a story arc.


I'd also like to see the mane 6 minus Twilight get some actual roles and responsibilities in her court. With the way the castle was constructed, it seemed like that's where they were going with that. It seems a little weird that Twilight needed all her friends in every encounter she's had, she gets to be a princess and they get nothing. They should be appointed seats within her court, or something like that. I dunno. Just an idea.

Can I add to this? Can the CMC get cutie marks that aren't as obvious as we thought? (I.e:Scootaloo isn't just a great pony that likes scooters, Sweetie Belle just doesn't sing, and Apple Bloom doesn't just build)

  • Brohoof 1




LUNA=Best Princess


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Howdy folks!


I don't know if this was mentioned about a possible S5 ep.


How about Sunset Shimmer returns to Equestria?


My thoughts is this.


Sunset has a vision of Twilight is in trouble.


So she sends her a message to meet up with her in Equestria.

She reunites not only with Twilight but Princess Celestia as well.

A new threat comes and its up to both Twilight and Sunset to confront evil.

(with help of the mane 6  ;) )


Opposite of when Twilight went to the EG world in RR to save the mane 5 & sunset, now its Miss Shimmer's turn to save Equestria. B)


Not a bad hunch?


See ya!

Edited by OtakuBrony
  • Brohoof 1


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Season 5. Let me see (/more, more of) Gilda, Discord, Luna, Wonderbolts, Cheese Sandwich, tacos, Nightmare Rarity (make it happen, lol), etc.  :please:

Sōten ni zase...Hyōrinmaru!

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I got a prediction that i know will come true 100%. There will be ponies in season 5. :)

  • Brohoof 2

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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I wish to predict and discuss the MAGIC that will occur in season 5! The official website, mylittlepony.com, currently has a theme of "Cutie Mark Magic," so I am assuming that they will explore this concept! 

I am also very excited for all the slice of life episodes they are promising the next season! exploring characters and their backstories is a wonderful thing!


as for the magic thing, we can definitely consider the spoilers that have been shown when predicting the magics that will occur. 



cutie mark magic comes in many forms, and examples of it have occurred many times in the show. 

- the first time it comes into play (kind of) is in the second episode! The elements of harmony changed their appearance to the cutie marks of the mane 5, and twilight's element stayed the same! They have a connection to the elements that is related to their cutie marks!

- call of the cutie has information too, though not much. basically explains that they appear when you find "that thumpthin that maketh you thpethial!" Also cutie marks cannot be revealed by magic, and judging by the amount of sweat that twilight generated, it was quite difficult for her to attempt to reveal or change applebloom's symbol of her destiny before its time. Could you have described this as a magical resistance or barrier of sorts?

- cutie mark chronicles! Not only are cutie marks linked to your destiny, they can be linked with other ponies' destinies as well! How much did celestia really plan of this? The mane 6 have a connection to each other that has to do with their cutie marks!

- in the return of harmony, discord causes the mane 6 to become the opposite of their element. Whether this is his own interpretation or an actual journey into the opposite of their elements, it is unknown. We do know, however, that each of the 6 followed a mini magical version of their cutie mark before they finally were changed by discord!

- A canterlot wedding part 2: changelings have magic, but don't have cutie marks.

- the cutie pox. Cutie marks can be created artificially, and it changes applebloom's destiny in a mysterious way, not exactly revealing themselves as a destiny but as an illness that forced her to constantly perform her talents! The way it solved itself was also strange.

- the crystal empire! Just a small tidbit here, some cutie marks have the tendency to be a "prophecy" of sorts, not necessarily showing off your talent! They are revealed when you get your talent, but have an image that speaks of a later event! This is true for both twilight (a picture of the elements of harmony) and Cadence- in this episode we get to see what happens when your cutie mark prophecy comes true! after cadence catches the crystal heart and lands in the centre of the crystal ponies, there is just for a moment a small glowy aura around her cutie mark.

- magical mystery cure! A great episode! A mysterious spell from the infamous starswirl the bearded causes the other 5 elements of harmony to switch about as well as changing their memories. And not exactly right, either. When they get switched, they don't actually do what the original holders of the marks did, but do something that seems like what they do! Rarity seems to think that all rainbow dash does is control weather and stuff, even though RD's cutie mark is more about her ability to race than her ability to control weather. Also, RD thinks fluttershy keeps a bear... in her house. Along with about every other creature in the forest. They may have "switched destinies" as twilight puts it, but they seem more like they are simply doing what they think that person does. Also, twilight's cutie mark may have been fulfilled. not sure though. Her transformation didn't have much to do with the elements of harmony, they just transported her to that strange other place where celestia chatted with her... and then twilight's "soul" somehow both changed her into an alicorn, and transported her back to equestria. Also you may observe that a giant version of twilight's cutie mark appears in the sky. Weird. Could be the fulfillment of her destiny, as Celestia says, and i think this just may be the case.

- Princess twilight sparkle. The tree of harmony has a giant version of twilight's cutie mark on it, further showing that her destiny may have more to do with the elements of harmony than magic. Also celestia and luna's marks are on it.

- Bats! in this episode, when fluttershy becomes flutterbat, her cutie mark changes to an image of 3 pink bats. Weird. Was the bats' destiny also transferred to her? does this mean she has lost her pegasus magic? Also, it does not actually change until she becomes flutterbat, not simply right after the spell is cast. Did the magical abilities of her stare have anything to do with it? Is she able to get into creatures' minds when she uses the stare and is that why the spell affected her? Also, her eyes change color to red. random thing. Each of her wings become nearly as large as her entire body. She is still able to hover (not a normal quality of bats and birds (except hummingbirds)) so she must still have some pegasus magic in order to violate physics as such.

- Twilight's kingdom: when the princesses give twilight their magic, they lose their cutie marks. when the other ponies of equestria lose their EUP magic, they also lose their cutie marks.Their eyes also become grey, just like how fluttershy's eyes changed to red when her cutie mark changed. This eye thing happens two other times in the series: in magic duel and inspiration manifestation. OK back to the episode: When tirek stole ponies' magic, it behaved in certain ways: when it was only one unicorn at a time, it took the color their magic normally was. When stealing from many unicorns at once, they started out their individual colors but changed to orange, the color of his magic. Also, apparently unicorn magic is easier to steal than the normal magic of earth and pegasus ponies. Tirek could only steal from them once he had consumed a certain amount of unicorn magic. Their magic color simply was always orange. Twilight's magic was different, a combination of many fiery colors. This represented the alicorn magic. Discord's chaos magic is the last thing before our biggest and final point: The rainbow power versions of the mane 6. Their manes did not exactly flutter as celestia's or luna's does, but some other crazy things are going on. The same-looking beams from magical mystery cure fall upon the 6 as if they were giant glass elevator tubes, then the same sort of beams shoot into the box and they all melt in some sort of mist. Now to look at the craziness that is their forms: they gain symbols all over their bodies that look sort of like their cutie marks, but not completely. They also have other symbols on them that don't make much sense. Pinkie's mane has 5-pointed stars in it, and fluttershy has hearts on her wings. Then more crazy happens, with a sonic rainboom-y thing spreading across equestria. you've seen this all before. in a final gesture of awesome...ok that has nothing to do with cutie mark magic, the castle comes into being, magic somehow creating matter in the form of crystal.


What does this all mean? 


Sorry. I had to go so I couldn't continue.


I also lost my previous attempt at writing this, so here's the cliffsnotes version.


-the individual races' magicks (Unicorn, Pegasus, Earth pony, and Alicorn) are all connected to their cutie marks.

-Your cutie mark is an expression of that magic in you. When you get more of this magic, you get more of your cutie mark.

-that's why the rainbow power versions of the mane 6 have little versions of their cutie marks all over.

-twilight says that she defeated tirek with the most powerful magic of all - "I carry within me the most powerful magic of all," she says right before she blasts him with her magic friendship beams. We're pretty sure that this rainbow magic is friendship. After all, she does become the princess of friendship right after.


I have to make a flow chart. This stuff is starting to hurt my brain. If this is correct, then almost every type of magic (earth pony, unicorn, pegasus, alicorn, elements of harmony crap) is made of FRIENDSHIP. freaking FRIENDSHIP. They all have connections to a pony's cutie mark, and to destiny as well! I kinda don't want to post this now... the kind of revelations this is making could be a wonderful kickoff to my channel. on youtube. which currently has 12 subscribers and no pony vids.


I need to draw something. be right back to continue.

My mind has simply continued to explode, no matter what I do with it. This has changed from a thing predicting season 5 magicks to simply me ranting about all the evidence and drawing random conclusions.


This was what I was talking about when I said we need a separate area for people who overanalyze everything!


Dark magic is special, and crystals can somehow conduct magic. They may be an E=mc^2 kind of thing where magical energy can be directly changed into matter in the form of crystals.


another random tidbit I discovered while rewatching the crystal empire: the color of the magic that the empire shoots into the sky is the same colors as alicorn magic is.

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I would love to see them actually develop the big sister-little sister relationship between Rainbow and Scootaloo.


Other things we desperately need:


Zecora spotlight.

Solo Rainbow song

Celestia/Luna spotlight (more than we normally get.  I want to see some real emotionans and development)


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I think there's only a few with me on this....


But i reallly, reallly, reallly, REALLYREALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to see Sunny come up in an episode =)



Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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I heard it through the grapevine that one of the ponies on the show will be written off. Me and a friend were talking about this, and apparently a pony will cease to exist on the show. Sources said it could be a mane 6 member, background pony, or minor character. There was something in an article we both read on Equestria Daily saying due to merchandise sales, a pony will no longer be a part of the show.

I guessed it would be Derpy cause she's the go to mare for controversy....for some inane reason. Another pony that could be written off might be AJ or Rarity since there is no merchandise of them(other than the Funko Vinyal Figures). Another one we theorized was Luna or Cadence. 

Of course there is also Princess Skyla who was never really on the show.


R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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I heard it through the grapevine that one of the ponies on the show will be written off. Me and a friend were talking about this, and apparently a pony will cease to exist on the show. Sources said it could be a mane 6 member, background pony, or minor character. There was something in an article we both read on Equestria Daily saying due to merchandise sales, a pony will no longer be a part of the show.


I guessed it would be Derpy cause she's the go to mare for controversy....for some inane reason. Another pony that could be written off might be AJ or Rarity since there is no merchandise of them(other than the Funko Vinyal Figures). Another one we theorized was Luna or Cadence. 


Of course there is also Princess Skyla who was never really on the show.




Do you have an official source on this? I mean, people can talk alot of things on the internet, especially when they're bored, because of the hiatus.

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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Do you have an official source on this? I mean, people can talk alot of things on the internet, especially when they're bored, because of the hiatus.

Only real source I have is Equestria Daily; but I cant link the article since I heard it from a friend who goes on that site regularly.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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I would just wait and see. I don't think that it will be a Mane 6 member, since they're the elements of harmony and unreplaceable. I think the worst that could happen is a secondary character, which ranges from Cheerilee to Princess Luna. The best that could happen, is nothing.



My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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I would just wait and see. I don't think that it will be a Mane 6 member, since they're the elements of harmony and unreplaceable. I think the worst that could happen is a secondary character, which ranges from Cheerilee to Princess Luna. The best that could happen, is nothing.



I suppose you're right....this could be another tale like the mermaid ponies. I will just wait and see, and hope for the best.


But if this were the case, who would be the one to go? Like, who would you like to see go?

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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  • More Luna.
  • A Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo episode.
  • CMC get their cutie marks; either this or in a feature film.
  • More Celestia and Luna.
  • Cadence and Shining Armor have a baby.
  • More Discord.
  • The return of Daring Do.
  • More Luna.
  • Lightning Dust returns.
  • Button Mash?
  • Twilight loses her wings?
  • More Luna.
  • More Luna.
  • And.... more Luna.

Some of these are hopes, some are predictions. That doesn't mean I WANT Twilight to lose her wings, but it is possible.

  • Brohoof 1
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- It is not only my hope view a more see more detail of princess luna's personality. I think in the first tree season she has not had a big part, in season four we can see an important role like guide to overcoming fears, but not more. Luna is a princess of the night , and co-ruler of equestria, i think she is wise, protective and maternal like her sister, but in a different mode.


- The return of villains who appears one time (like chrisalys and sumbra, or lesser like gilda) maybe for a redeem?


-Can Trixie and Twilight become really friends? Maybe after another duel Trixie discovered in Twilight a worthy rival and a new friend.


- "More Geography": this is the fault of many ambientations, have a big world but concentrate the stories only in one region. Think at Warhammer Fantasy (for example) it have one world rich of races, cultures, realms, empires etc. But the stories are concentrate only in the old world area. I think is interesting view the mane 6 travel around the world for spread friendship, discover new regions, new pony, other creatures, other realms and more. Only this thing can fill an entire season. 

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I think there's only a few with me on this....But i reallly, reallly, reallly, REALLYREALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to see Sunny come up in an episode =)


Over my dead body, if EQG EVER becomes relevant in an episode I will loose my fucking mind. I will officially quit the show as people would no longer be able to say "oh there not connected". This would ruin the show so much and I would cry, Sunset Shimmer should go and die in that crater and be blown to smithereens.


Otaku Brony, this was the worst idea ever. :(


Everyone can go and take their EQG garbage into the movies were they belong, and I can only just about accept that they exist as I was heartbroken when I found out about it and that the sequel was delaying season 5. We've waited so long for S5, don't you dare suggest that they should pump some EQG storylines into the episodes. Brad was bad enough.


As for season 5, I hope we get more Discord episodes, his reformation is Twilight's Kingdom was awesome, and I hope it continues like that, him being like Q from Star Trek.


The stuff we know that's going to happen is that: Maud Pie will return; Pinkie will get a lot of focus; Diamond Tiara will get some development; Apple Bloom will get a visit from Luna; Luna will have a Nightmare; Twilight will be dealing with the loss of the library; and Lightning Dust will return (not certain but highly likely). These sound fantastic and I am super pumped for season 5, however stuff I would like to see but might not include.


1. CMC Cutie Marks

2. Rainbow Dash finally making her choice to be with the wonderbolts or not

3. An absolutely brilliant, best list worthy, Spike episode

4. Apple Jack to actually go through an arc and have a good episode (Please someone, think of the same idea as Dr Wolf. Please)

5. Them to make the establishment that seasons 1 - 4 wasn't a year. (Okay this probably won't happen and it doesn't matter to much, but so much stuff happened in between those seasons, including passing seasons like Hearths Warming and Winter Wrap up in different orders, that it was kind of silly. Maybe 3 years?  :wacko:)

6. More Discord, (I already put that.)

7. Starswirl The Bearded and Scorpan. 

Edited by Arctofire
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Over my dead body, if EQG EVER comes relevant in an episode I will loose my fucking mind. I will actually, officially quit the show as people would no longer be able to say "Oh there not connected". This would ruin the show so much and I would actually cry, Sunset Shimmer should go and die in that crater and be blown to smithereens.


Otaku Brony, this was the worst idea ever. :(


Everyone can go and take their EQG fandom garbage into the movies were they belong, and I can only just about accept that they exist as it was heartbroken when I found out about it and that it was delaying season 5. We've waited so long for S5, don't you dare suggest that they should pump some EQG into the episodes. Brad was bad enough.

First of all you have no evidence that EG caused season 5 to be delayed (and for that matter you don't even have evidence that season 5 was delayed in the first place). Not to mention season 5 is already finished and EG3 is not supposed to be out till August.


I personally would like to see Sunset Shimmer return in pony form, I think there's a lot more they can do with her and despite RR not quite being the "best movie ever" that some people made it out to be I think Sunset was one of the redeeming things about the movie hence I would like to see her return. 

Edited by chirox the pony

No matter how hard I try these ponies will simply never leave me.

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I personally would like to see Sunset Shimmer return in pony form, I think there's a lot more they can do with her and despite RR not quite being the "best movie ever" that some people made it out to be I think Sunset was one of the redeeming things about the movie hence I would like to see her return. 


Yeah but it would have to mention Equestria Girls, and it's not worth it. Getting one good character for the confirmation of something that spits all over the shows moral and political ethics, and connects that to the show.

Edited by Arctofire
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Yeah but it would have to mention Equestria Girls, and it's not worth it. Getting one good character for the confirmation of something that spits all over the shows moral and political ethics, and connects that to the show.

So merely acknowledging EG's existence ruins the show, well first of all EG is already in canon (all be it a very plot hole filled canon), and if they mentioned EG so what, how would this ruin FIM, if the show is still good then why hate it over a spin off?  

  • Brohoof 1

No matter how hard I try these ponies will simply never leave me.

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