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- When people I don't know send me friend requests.

- When threads die out when I finally have something to say.

- How ridiculously difficult it can be to get a good and big avatar. Getting a big Lockdown avatar shouldn't be this hard!

- When I don't have any notifications.

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" ~ Optimus Prime

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-Making Sigs fit

-Getting bashed on a post and the person not saying why

-Threads that go like a blond in a circle looking for the corner


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Ooh boy, this will be fun.

I present to you:

Things that make me angry my nose more frowny than usual:

Questions/non-questions/topics that have already been asked 10 times.

Believe it or not, people have already asked "Who is best pony?", and yes we all know that it's Fluttershy. Please, use some common sense. The post probably exists already (and anyone who denies the aforementioned fact about Fluttershy is unfortunately wrong, unless they like one of the Royal Princesses in which case we shall forgive them).


Blog posts that mean...nothing.
I have nothing against blog posts, but every once in a great while I'll find a blog post that makes NO LITERAL SENSE, or is just - I don't know - totally pointless. It's not like the person was even trying to convey feelings about a hard day, or trying to post a funny image, it was...I don't know. I just don't know.


Browsing the front page and finding NOTHING WORTH READING.

I don't know what law of physics was broken in order to make this work, but it baffles me every time. You hop on your web browser, you punch in the web address, and smile a little at the possibilities ahead. And when that webpage finally loads, we are greeted with a wonderful blend of colors, and many, many tabs of current topics to keep us entertained.

But lo and behold...there is literally. Nothing. Worth. Reading. A bajillion recent topics, a preview on every tab that tells what the most recent post was, 5 recent threads, 5 blog posts, and none of it manages to even raise an eyebrow. This is partly because of the THABDB (This Has Already Been Done Before) effect (see first complaint), but I keep hoping someone(s) will come up with some original topics of discussion that veer away from cliches and ask/say something profound/genuinely intriguing. I don't know what that is (and it certainly doesn't have to bend the rules or talk about no-no topics), but maybe someone will be inspired.

Disclaimer: I don't really put much thought into what I don't like, but I thought it would be fun to join in anyways.

Edited by CloudFyre
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I hate it when some people write down "20 character limit" just to stop themselves from getting a warning. If you want to say something, do at least write down your thoughts on a certain opinion or do not say anything at all. >_>

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When people tear down someone's opinion with a "I'm right, your wrong" attitude and calls it a "debate".

Fellows, you don't have to spark an argument. I believe that a true debate is when both parties are tolerant of each others opinion, while at the same time try to show support and evidence to the other party as to why you stick with what you believe in. Thus ending in harmony as you both understand why you feel the way you do and leave.


I can't tell you how many times I had to be the bigger person and take that sort if attitude towards people, and had to keep my mouth shut on a topic because I don't want to start a war with whoever is getting snippy with me over something I said.

Edited by teacup-bunnies23
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      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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-when someone starts a Debate Pit topic outside of the Debate Pit. I have poor self control when it comes to these threads and have to participate and then I get all annoyed at other people's horrible opinions, so I have it set up so Debate Pit threads don't show up on the new threads thingy on the front page. It works pretty well until some idiot starts a thread on like abortion or something in General Discussion, and then I get dragged in.


-When you read someone's reply and they clearly didn't bother to read more than the first post when replying. It seems particularly bad on this forum. Hell, a lot of replies seem like the user only read the thread title when replying.


-Massive threads that are the result of similar threads being merged together. On most forums digging up some long dead thread is considered "forum necromancy" and is frowned upon. Here it is actively encouraged. I'm not reading through 60 pages of posts from over a year ago.

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Random Forum/Member junk;


Quitting out a PM without an explanation (just tell me what I did wrong at LEAST people)


Needless bashing based on stupid things like favorite pony or what your signature is


(More sad than anything) "I wonder if I have any discussions to talk to in PM's today!" *No one PM's you* :( (Also applies to the first thing I said)


Taking issues between 2+ members outside of a PM (which I do admit is quite tempting to do sometimes myself)


Attacking someone or something when the situation didn't even ask for it


Shipping can get REALLY annoying and vicious


Staff Stuff;


Sometimes, you guys really take your time with your punishments. I mean, I'm sure there is a great explanation and I understand you guys are busy, but it can be really annoying when someone is going on a rampage or the like and no mods show up, or when someone does something and the mods punish them like a week later, it is really confusing


"Certain" discussions involving a sexual preference which begins with "C" being a very scary threat and completely nondiscussable topic. I feel hiding these discussions and insta-banning members who are to open about it (though there have been exceptions to BOTH of these rules, as per usual) isn't doing anything but making the situation worse, especially when there have been multiple times I have seen threads crop up about it, the discussion goes smoothly for awhile, then a mod comes in and goes "OH NO WE CAN'T HAVE THIS SHIT SHUT IT DOWN SHUT IT DOWN!!!"


You guys need to talk more to us. I only see, like, DashForever in the freaking RDFC from time to time, and he is the most lively of you bunch. The rest of you BARELY talk outside of your reports and explanations of why such and such thread is going under such and such water. I get it, you guys get busy, but just stop by your favorite FC from time to time and drop off an image or something, make yourselves known. We don't need the long, drawn out essays with the perfect spelling and grammar. We just want to know we aren't talking to a bunch of bots and there are actual people behind those screens, people who log on and actually do things OTHER than moderate

  • Brohoof 2


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh yes, I forgot another one...


I dislike it when some members forget to quote a post when they're talking to another member. If you quote a post, the member you're talking to will get instantly get a message saying that you've quoted their post. If you don't, then it's pretty confusing.

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Make a status update about something you could really use input or help with, get one reply; make a status update about something stupid and inane, get fifty bajillion replies >.<;

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maudpie_zpsh8n7erzx.png You're the most basic of jokes.

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When you don't get notified for a PM reply.


When people just stop talking to you abruptly.


When people you've never met send you a friend request.


When I get too many notifications.

Number 1 proprietor of Fishy Sticks since February 17th 2014

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Well at least honesty is overflowing here and I can appreciate that and know. I guess a lot of people including myself can benefit from reading these responses.


Thats just me speaking my mind which I probably more than likely just need to start keeping to myself and staying ever more so quiet about quiet nearly everything.


But people need to understand no one out there is perfect out there and we do things that may bother others all the time.


My pet peeve is when someone can't forgive another and holds a grudge against another. We all make mistakes day to day and we have to learn from those mistakes and sometimes we can make that same mistake for a long time you know.

Edited by Gone Airbourne
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  • 3 weeks later...

•When people say ridiculous, irrelevant, and completely off-topic things on threads.

You'd ussually get this from new members, which is understandable because it's their first time on the forums.

But when they keep doing it, things just get annoying.



Yes, MLP Forums does have it's fair share of sexual harassment.

Edited by Emerald Starlight
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Well this one just started to bother me as there was no way to work around it like my other avatars, but the horrendously low cap on avatar file sizes, it is so hard to get gifs as an avatar no matter what you do.  It took me about an hour or two to get my original avatar to work, but I don't use that one anymore.

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It's not really an annoyance with MLP Forums, but it relates to MLP Forums.


It's can be really annoying when someone joins Everypony after being banned from MLP Forums.

They usually have some sob story about corrupt staff and unfriendly members, and how they were victims of an unjust ban.


Then they proceed to do exactly what that they were doing over here that got them banned.


Seriously, MLP Forums. Stop dumping your trash on our lawn.


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When no notification for pms.

Can't backtrack to first ever status/first message/first anything, really

I have to wait until I get more money to donate to forums bc I ran out, why I can't change my signature and it will have MCM link long after event has ended and I can't change it to what I want it to say D: 

Edited by The Snowy Pinkeh


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

What do you think of me?:


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-error messages

-rules that should not even be here

-seeing my friends accounts banned but not knowing how they got banned


-and my biggest one is when it refuses to import a picture into my post so then I have to download the picture then upload it into my post

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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I use the mobile version pretty much 100% of the time.

While it's rather efficient to use this version there's a couple bugs that drive me to the point of insanity.


1. The keyboard crashes. Usually this happens once in great while while I'm typing out a long paragraph. When this happens I have to reboot Safari and log right the hell back in and start all over again.


2. When I'm searching images on another tab, the tab I have up for MLP Forums crashes and logs me out forcing me to log in AGAIN.


^ similar to this but I'm hesitant about calling it pet peeve with the forum because it 's probably my device. When I use the site on mobile I use the full version, it crashes quite often and I don't get a notification when someone else posts, so I end up getting ninja'd all the time. If there are multiple videos on one page it is guaranteed to crash. The keyboard will also crash. But again, it's probably just my device.


Overall, it's a superb forum. I like that a user can unlock new sections by posting, etc. 

I wish my post count would increase in forum games, but it's not really a problem. 

this is my signature 

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Like you, when someone replies and I'm just like-*too lazy to reply back srry lol* XD


And then when I make a thread that's interesting or really need some feedback on something and nobody replies...X3


Friendship is not about whom you've known the longest..It's about those who've never left your side.

Ask me anything!    My OC

Siggie by the lovely MiniKirby123




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Well this one just started to bother me as there was no way to work around it like my other avatars, but the horrendously low cap on avatar file sizes, it is so hard to get gifs as an avatar no matter what you do.  It took me about an hour or two to get my original avatar to work, but I don't use that one anymore.

Oh yes! @thegoodhen is bravely trying to make an avatar just like mine but that loops smoothly, but can't get it under 150 KB :P

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