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Is There Any Police Force In Equestria?

An Unknown Pony.

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Not likely. The types of threats Equestria faces render a police force and even a conventional military useless. By extension, the weapons & methods used to combat such threats (EoH, Rainbow Keys, Crystal Heart, princess that can move 1.9891 × 1027 metric tons of ionized plasma for 8-16 hours a day, other princess that can enter dreams and see memories, etc) have also rendered military and paramilitary groups obsolete.


But really, the main factor that prevents crime is poverty, specifically a lack thereof. Unicorns could fabricate whatever they want with magic. Earth ponies could grow whatever food they need to survive. Pegasai play a vital part of the Equestrian ecosystem, so they most likely won't end up on the street. And given that ponies appear to be more empathetic and altruistic than we humans, as well as their given heard mentality, and they will be more likely to help others in need. 


You also have to factor in a ponies mindset. Desperation, uncertainty, unfulfillment, tend to lead to pursuit of crime as a means to an end. But having guaranteed special talents to be put to use and a self assured confidence and affirmation of a personal destiny, and it is highly unlikely a pony will ever feel the need to resort to crime to find what they want in life. 

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Denim & Venom.  Yes, a lot of crime is caused by poverty.  But, some criminals just have the attitude that hard work is for suckers, they are too good to work & too smart to get caught.  Been quite a while since I had any sociology classes. If I remember rightly, bad home environment & lack of positive role models + child abuse are leading causes.  As to deterrence, certainty of punishment is far more effective than severity of punishment (IMO, the death penalty sure cuts down on the recidivism rate.  Prof did not like that opinion)

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Do the royal guards count as police force? If not, then I'd say the mane 6 make a pretty good police force putting baddies in their place. I mean, you don't really see petty crimes in Equestria, do you?

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Well...while I don't really see much of a need for a police force (most ponies being able to handle problems on their own, and usually how peaceful things are), I think the closest thing Equestria will be getting to a police force is the Wonderbolts. ^^"


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  • 1 year later...

I could have sworn there were police ponies, unless i'm confusing MLP with pony.mov

You might be confusing it with pony.mov. We've mainly seen police in the comics (in Manehattan). They've showed up a couple other times (a split second in Discord's Little Glass of Water song, and one was in Manehattan in that S5 episode - Made in Manehattan, was it?) - but those show appearances were too recent/minor to be what you're thinking of, I think.

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I assume they just take the law into their own hands. I don't know what the crime rates are in Equestria so I just assume that the authorities don't know and hence don't think much about it. Or the writers just don't care for these details as it would just be pointless to do so. 

No matter how hard I try these ponies will simply never leave me.

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Police force XD That's funny.  There isn't any kind of law enforcement in Equestria outside of the comics. 


Here you go:



Admittedly, it's during a song sequence, but...



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From what I've seen on this show anything that does appear only appears when it fits the setting. Ponyville is a lot like a rustic old German town so any law enforcement could be what Germany had at that time period. Manehattan could have a police force as it resembles the city, Appaloosa has a Sheriff, Canterlot being a sort of ancient French or British kingdom would have a Royal Guard.


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Nah, most of the ponies there don't take much guff. However there should be some kind of police force.

     If I had to choose between saving myself and saving others,

                                                            I would save both.   :comeatus: 

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Well in the comics we saw Fillydelphia has a more modern civil police force, and an overtaxed one at that. (Hey! As a Philly born brony I find that depiction of a crime ridden city to be . . . perfectly accurate, unfortunately.  >_> )

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