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gaming Worst moment/part in your favourite game?


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For me, it was facing off and repeatedly dying to the final boss in Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. I loved how appropriately difficult the battle was and how epic the music was during it. The cutscene that plays before the final phase:



I loved seeing this the first time around, because I'm a sucker for 'everyone prays for the hero' scenes. The only problem was, if you died during the battle, you had to see this cutscene all over again. Without being able to skip it.


Did I mention that the boss was difficult? :P


What was your worst experience from your favourite game? :)

  • Brohoof 5


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The endless screams of 12 year old kids in CS:GO getting mad over dying. Which is a fundamental part of the game that everyone experiences.

Edited by Colourful Colour
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Oh well in mount and blade some mods don't have single player! And those mods are good :(


Credit to Rainbowdash72 for sig :D credit to Ivory for the amazing avatar :D credit to couleur for the wallpaper
if your in hell keep going

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The cloister of trials before you getbahamut in final fantasy 10. I just don't like the look or the entire concept of it. The other cloister of trials were fun and looks good but this one gave you stupid controls for the moving platforms and annoyinly bad camera angles.


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Water Temple... I think you know what game and game series I'm talking about XD

  • Brohoof 3


"Walking around with your head in the clouds, it makes no sense at all" ~Makes No Sense at All- Hüsker Dü

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The second fight with Demyx in Kingdom Hearts II was the most annoying thing in the world! (Or should I say worlds?) This fight irritated me more than the final boss with how hard I found the time element of this battle.

This battle kept me on my Playstation2 for an entire week trying to complete it. Demyx why do you do this!?


I know everyone says that using wisdom form in this battle helps out a lot but it seemed that every single time I entered the battle and used my drive all that'd ever happen was that Sora would turn into his Anti-Form which sucks in speed.

"One of the greatest mental freedoms is not caring what others think of you."

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The Chapter 5 of Fire Emblem 4 comes to my mind as one of the most frustrating parts of the game.


It's not that the Chapter is bad.In fact,is one of my favourites,because it marks the halfway on the game,and shows really important moment of the story,with the great gameplay that characterizes the game.But it has 2 problems:


  • The f*cking Yied Desert: Halfway through the chapter,you must cross the Yied Desert.All of your units receive big nerfs when it comes to movement,but the worst part is for the mounted units.Practically all of your units are mounted,and their movement is reducted to 2 squares per turn,while your non-mounted ones move up to 3 squares.Also,let's count more things,like that ALL the maps are extremelly big on this game(imagine a normal Fire Emblem map like 5-6 times bigger),so the whole desert can take like 15-20 turns to be crossed completly with all your units,and counting that you must turn to the left halfway on the road to conquer a castle to continue with the game,so add another 5 turns.Also count that the desert gives -10% to Evade Rating,and the whole desert is covered with mages with Long Range magic,which you can only attack with your flying unit(you have only 1 at this point of the game),so this part turns into one of the most annoying parts of the game.It's not really hard,but it seems to take forever to cross it.


    You come back again 2 chapters later,but,this time,it's not as annoying as before,because you must only cross one little part of it,and when you defeat the first boss,a normal road opens halfway through the desert,allowing you to cross more easily this part.


  • The Ending: After crossing that infernal desert(again),and killing the "final boss?",you enter into the castle,and then...BAM!

    It throws you one of the most unexpected plot twists on the history of gaming,that I won't spoil.

    This last part isn't annoying.It's just...really unexpected,even if you read carefuly the dialogues on this game.

Edited by Honesty
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If BioShock Infinite had more of a System Shock 2 style of play, which is RPG/FPS hybrid with focus on RPG, as opposed to just straight FPS, then it'd be the most amazing thing ever. 


Unfortunately, it was straight FPS.


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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- The Pazon Mines in Metroid Prime. It's not a bad moment. I just feel so uneasy about venturing into them. Especially when I'm about to fight the Omega Pirate.

- The Red Room from Ninja Gaiden: Black. I hatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehatehateHATE the red room. Narrow platforms with a time limit, axes swinging back and fourth from the ceiling and very accurate archers. Need I say anything else? Boy was I glad they changed it in Ninja Gaiden Sigma! :,)

- The Mastermind boss fight from Crysis 3. That thing takes forever to kill.

"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" ~ Optimus Prime

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Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 Full Burst... Chapter 4...


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Penelope's betrayal in sly 4.

That is all.

I don't even have to say why that was bull. Anyone who's played it probably said "OH COME ON. Really? REALLY?" Followed by fighting the ensuing boss battle with the most aggravated look on their face.

I wasn't shocked by her being the black knight. At all. She was the black Baron before so it wasn't shocking to me to see her be another fake persona with black in the title. I was however p----d off at the aforementioned scene. Even though I didn't like Penelope that much it was still a load of bull for her to do it.



^full sized avatar picture there

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Mass Effect 2 - Any area with Husks and Scions. Take your pick: the dead Reaper, Horizon or that one mission where Husks literally spawn infinitely. I don't know if it was because I was playing an Infiltrator and was lacking in heavy hitting close-range weaponry, but these areas all sucked.


Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - Chapter 4. While this is also my favorite chapter in the game for introducing my favorite character, Vivian, it gets really annoying that you have to walk back and fourth between Twilight Town and Creepy Steeple no less than four times, made worse for having some of the hardest selection of enemies like the Crazy Dayzees and Buzzy Beetles.

  • Brohoof 1

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Banner was done by the wonderful Kyoshi.

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Ok, I spent weeks in this game when I first got it,  loved it, leveled up, found ever freaking side item and beat it! Loved the cannons and the ending,  I CRIED LIKE A BABY WHOSE CANDY WAS TAKEN! I loved and hated this ending...



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Fighting Vargas in Final Fantasy VI, you had to do Sabin's "Blitz" technique once in order to beat him which dosen't sound too bad until you actually try to do it. The button combination dosen't sound that difficult and it frankly shouldn't be but for some reason it is damn near impossible to actually do it. I did eventually manage to do it and Final Fantasy VI is my favorite game in the entire series but it nearly caused me to rage quit the entire game. And there is also fighting Cid Raines in Final Fantasy XIII which actually did cause me to rage quit that game though.

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The worst moment for me in Skyrim was finding out that it was impossible to save the Dark Brotherhood from the Penitus Occulatus attack.


I must have reloaded the game twenty times, trying to get to the Sanctuary in time to save everyone, before I finally went online and found out that the deaths were scripted.

  • Brohoof 1


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when you ask that qustion the first thing that comes to my mind is the fourth or 5th battle in the arena in the elder scrolls oblivion you have to fight 3 guys one is an archer the other two swordsmen they crowd around you and give you no space to move i used 23 health potions 2 minutes into the fight!

  • Brohoof 1


the fire alchemist   Foxist x The Alchemist is best ship!

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Final Fantasy 13 "Please insert disk 2"


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Cubone's mothers killed by team rocket :(

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Can't think of my favorite game right now.. but one of the worst moments for me was Cortana leaving Master Chief in Halo 4.

Or when Mason died in CoD 2.

Or Mordin in Mass Effect 3.. 

Edited by TheDashingRainbow

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