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Beat my anime/manga team!


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There is no way D can beat Kaguya, Naruto and Alucard. Especially after Alucard devoured the Nazi Cat.  

Yes, there is. Alucard, Naruto, and Kaguya ALL have souls, and arent fast enough to even react to D. He literally stomps them before they process a thought. And before you say "but Alucard doesnt have a soul" I'm talking about Schrodinger's soul, which is the source of Alucard's immortality EoS, and resides inside him. Next, please.

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-Alucard (Helsing)

-Samus Aran (There was a Metroid manga released in Japan)

-Goku (I'm not a DBZ fan, but I know enough about the character to know that he's immensely powerful)


There you go. A balanced (Dark magic, advanced technology, and spiritual energy) team of heavy-hitters.

Each is nearly unstoppable on their own. Working together, they could easily take down any threat. 

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Well I have many anime teams but if you can beat these people your either lying about their abilities or are using their abilities in a destructive manner or as you said which would be breaking your own rule. And if you do beat them with your characters I will send in my others.


Ichigo Kurosaki



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-Alucard (Helsing)

-Samus Aran (There was a Metroid manga released in Japan)

-Goku (I'm not a DBZ fan, but I know enough about the character to know that he's immensely powerful)


There you go. A balanced (Dark magic, advanced technology, and spiritual energy) team of heavy-hitters.

Each is nearly unstoppable on their own. Working together, they could easily take down any threat. 

D alone kills them all. His sword slashes can cut unything in half, including dimensions, the mind, and the soul, and can negate regeneration on top of that. He can also absorb any one of Goku's ki blasts and cut his head off before he can blink. Samus dies the same way.


Well I have many anime teams but if you can beat these people your either lying about their abilities or are using their abilities in a destructive manner or as you said which would be breaking your own rule. And if you do beat them with your characters I will send in my others.


Ichigo Kurosaki



Any one of my team can solo them...but Dark Schneider in particular is immune to illusions, is much faster than light, and can destroy an entire galaxy.

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Akari Akaza, you wouldn't even be able to see her.


Shoubu Oshino, vampire, regains energy.


And here's Yoko just for kicks. She distracts the enemy with boobs and then snipes you ayyy lmao


Edited by VanillaChip
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"but Alucard doesnt have a soul"


Where does it say he has a soul? That dude is every where and nowhere. At full power Alucard will win. It's gonna be a close fight, but he will win. Also Alucard doesn't regenerate. He polymorphs. He can just reform his body. Alucard very powerful. So powerful. :derp:     

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D alone kills them all. His sword slashes can cut unything in half, including dimensions, the mind, and the soul, and can negate regeneration on top of that. He can also absorb any one of Goku's ki blasts and cut his head off before he can blink. Samus dies the same way.



Any one of my team can solo them...but Dark Schneider in particular is immune to illusions, is much faster than light, and can destroy an entire galaxy.

Guys no one can beat him he said you can only send in characters that can't destroy galaxies and such like that meanwhile he took a character that can destroy an entire galaxy which bypasses one of his rules
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Guys no one can beat him he said you can only send in characters that can't destroy galaxies and such like that meanwhile he took a character that can destroy an entire galaxy which bypasses one of his rules


Dat true Rage? Are you cheating? Cause if so I bringing out Truth.@,

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Guys no one can beat him he said you can only send in characters that can't destroy galaxies and such like that meanwhile he took a character that can destroy an entire galaxy which bypasses one of his rules

No, it doesnt. Read more carefully, please. I said no omnipotents, nigh omnipotents, or anyone STRONGER than someone who can destroy a UNIVERSE. Do you know how big the gap between galaxy and multiverse (higher than universe) is? Its like comparing a skyscraper to a planet...




Dat true Rage? Are you cheating? Cause if so I bringing out Truth.@,


No, I'm not. And Alucard dies horribly. I told you, even if D cant cut his soul, he still cuts SCHRODINER'S soul. You know, the soul of the guy who he gets his powers from EoS? And if that werent enough, he still cuts dimensions. So D could just cut him once, and it woul affect his presense on all demensions.

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D alone kills them all. His sword slashes can cut unything in half, including dimensions, the mind, and the soul, and can negate regeneration on top of that. He can also absorb any one of Goku's ki blasts and cut his head off before he can blink. Samus dies the same way.

All you've proved is that you care more about your favorite characters winning than you do about actually getting your facts straight.


Goku has fought gods, and won.

Samus has defeated creatures that destroyed entire advanced civilizations.

Alucard is the most powerful vampire in existence.


None of these characters are the pushovers that you claim them to be, and it's insulting that you dismiss them, and all the others, so quickly.

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No, I'm not. And Alucard dies horribly. I told you, even if D cant cut his soul, he still cuts SCHRODINER'S soul. You know, the soul of the guy who he gets his powers from EoS? And if that werent enough, he still cuts dimensions. So D could just cut him once, and it woul affect his presense on all demensions.


WHERE does it say he has a soul. Nowhere. No one knows exactly what happened to him. So he can have a soul or he doesn't have soul. Considering there is no mention of said soul. Alucard wins. 

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Since comic books are allowed, I'm going to go for maximum unfair:

Dark Phoenix: Technically not omnipotent, but still able to cause supernovae for fun and rewrite reality on a whim

Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme, literally has God on speed dial, capable of bending reality quite well.

Death (marvel universe): Unkillable  and the ability to literally kill anything that lives due to its power over life and death.

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No one listed can beat Dark Schneider. He moves several thousand times faster thent the speed of light, punches millions of times in one second, can stop nuclear bomb level attacks with hs index finger, and literally ate the equivalent energy of a supernova.


Not to mention he's got this...


Can do this...


And this...


Dark Schneider is overpowered as hell, but he's awesome lol. Rage added one op bastard XD


Edited by ~Sole~
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All you've proved is that you care more about your favorite characters winning than you do about actually getting your facts straight.


Goku has fought gods, and won.

Samus has defeated creatures that destroyed entire advanced civilizations.

Alucard is the most powerful vampire in existence.


None of these characters are the pushovers that you claim them to be, and it's insulting that you dismiss them, and all the others, so quickly.

Excuse me? I do have my facts straight. I know exactly who every single one of the characters are that you proposed, and they all get completely and utterly destroyed without a fight. Their not weak compared to character like. Naruto, Ichigo, or Luffy, but to the likes of my team, their ants. And no, I'm not being biased, I'm being completely serious. D is faster than light, has KILLED gods, can cut souls and ignore the laws of physics by cutting through dimensions and the mind. D alone is enough to kill them! Look him up if you dont believe me!


WHERE does it say he has a soul. Nowhere. No one knows exactly what happened to him. So he can have a soul or he doesn't have soul. Considering there is no mention of said soul. Alucard wins. 

No, no he doesnt. Even if he doesnt die, he still gets either diced to bits, knocked out, or knocked across the solar system without effort. How exactly would he win? He cant even TOUCH any of my team, much less BEA them!! Please, dude, use logic here. Alucard has killed vampires who can do no better than destrot a large building, at best. D, however, has killed GODS. And thats not invluding DS (a galaxy busyer with MFTL speed) and Seiya (who can fight off universe level people, and can destroy you down to your atoms).















I'm surprised that no one has picked Cory yet.  He's from my favorite anime, Cory in the House.  

Cory in the House isnt an anime...and I feel like your trolling, dude...


For the benifit of the doubt, though, who are the other 2?


Cell (who will be using his strongest kami hama)

Light Yamami


D isnt human and isnt connected to fate (so his name shouldnt be registered when written), Cell dies because D absorbes his Kamehameha then sucks out his soul, or cuts it in galf, and Luckyman...well, he has a chance to win, actually...good choice. But I'm thinking he might fall under the banned characters...I mean, he literally cant lose, due to plot powers...and his powers in general, lol.


Since comic books are allowed, I'm going to go for maximum unfair:

Dark Phoenix: Technically not omnipotent, but still able to cause supernovae for fun and rewrite reality on a whim

Dr. Strange: Sorcerer Supreme, literally has God on speed dial, capable of bending reality quite well.

Death (marvel universe): Unkillable  and the ability to literally kill anything that lives due to its power over life and death.

DS uses an attack called Judhas Pain and erases her from existence, soul, mind, body and all, Strange (depending on the version) either goes out swinging and beats Seiya, or dies horribly...oh, and as for death, she loses, but doesnt die. Everyone can do what sge can, but better, other than being unable to die EVER.

Edited by RAGE
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No, no he doesnt. Even if he doesnt die, he still gets either diced to bits, knocked out, or knocked across the solar system without effort. How exactly would he win? He cant even TOUCH any of my team, much less BEA them!! Please, dude, use logic here. Alucard has killed vampires who can do no better than destrot a large building, at best. D, however, has killed GODS. And thats not invluding DS (a galaxy busyer with MFTL speed) and Seiya (who can fight off universe level people, and can destroy you down to your atoms).


No one has seen what Alucard is like when fighting now that he is everywhere and nowhere. Have you? Considering how strong he was before and with abilities learned after Neko Nazi. He has very good chance of fucking your characters. Getting diced to bits is no problem, when has he ever got knocked out. Freaking never. Knocked across the solar system. Well he sure as hell don't need air. He's fucking beast and wins right there and then. Kaguya and Naruto will be back-up. My team wins. :nom:

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No one has seen what Alucard is like when fighting now that he is everywhere and nowhere. Have you? Considering how strong he was before and with abilities learned after Neko Nazi. He has very good chance of fucking your characters. Getting diced to bits is no problem, when has he ever got knocked out. Freaking never. Knocked across the solar system. Well he sure as hell don't need air. He's fucking beast and wins right there and then. Kaguya and Naruto will be back-up. My team wins. :nom:

Ok, now I know your just trolling. Alucard gets diced to bits, has his mind, body and SCHRODINGER'S soul (THE SOURCE OF HIS POWERS) destroyed. Naruto and Kaguya are nonfactors.

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Yuki Nagato if you tried fighting her you wouldn't win since she would copy all of the powers your characters have or even erase the powers you characters have she can even turn them against you if any of your characters went up against her your characters powers would be erased and you'd become a mortal with no powers at all not even time travel so you could warn your younger self no powers at all and she can copy yours and you can't beat that it if a anime character with special powers or powers go up against her their powers/special powers would be erased and most likely she would copy their powers and the person would be stripped of their powers if you defeat her your obviously lying about your characters or bypassing one of your rules. And luckyman isn't under the banned characters for this fight since I checked the rules throughly before posting Luckyman.

Edited by EB Creations
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No one has seen what Alucard is like when fighting now that he is everywhere and nowhere. Have you? Considering how strong he was before and with abilities learned after Neko Nazi. He has very good chance of fucking your characters. Getting diced to bits is no problem, when has he ever got knocked out. Freaking never. Knocked across the solar system. Well he sure as hell don't need air. He's fucking beast and wins right there and then. Kaguya and Naruto will be back-up. My team wins. :nom:

If your trying to troll please stop, these characters are nowhere near strong enough to beat the op team.


But in case your serious, let me tell Ya something interesting. Dark Schneider is a magician, he has a spell called "Judas Priest". You know what it does? When hit with it, you are destroyed on a physical, mental and spiritual level until you cease to exist. In other words, Alucard isn't coming back from it. It'd destroy his body down to the last atom, his conciousness as a living creature, and his souls until nothing is left to come back with. Without his soul or Schrodinger's he cannot come back. Period. He dies man, sorry.

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Yuki Nagato if you tried fighting her you wouldn't win since she would copy all of the powers your characters have or even erase the powers you characters have she can even turn them against you if any of your characters went up against her your characters powers would be erased and you'd become a mortal with no powers at all not even time travel so you could warn your younger self no powers at all and she can copy yours and you can't beat that it if a anime character with special powers or powers go up against her their powers/special powers would be erased and most likely she would copy their powers and the person would be stripped of their powers if you defeat her your obviously lying about your characters or bypassing one of your rules

She could still be blitzed and cut to pices/punched into pudding/disintigrated by magic, at speeds faster than light.

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Cory in the House isnt an anime...and I feel like your trolling, dude...


Not an anime!?  My friend, Cory in the House is the pinnacle of anime.  This picture is proof.  



Heh, the other two.  One of them is Kirino Kousaka, and....well....this should sum up why I put her in my post.  




The other one's Eris from Asobi ni Iku yo! (or, if you prefer, Cat Planet Cuties).   




To be real, I'm just messing around.  To be real, I guess I can add some characters:











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