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The Most Attractive Pony Tournament 2015! - Rarity is our Magic Bowl champion!

Akemi Homura

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If Luna wins, I will run around Walmart in my underwear while wearing a GoPro to record the thing.  I pinkie-swear.
Come on guys, make Luna win so I can see Platos Pony make a complete fool out of himself xD
  • Brohoof 3

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A huge well done to both Luna fans and Rarity fans, you're both doing a magnificent job on behalf of your preferred pony. :)

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Not surprised Rarity and Luna are the final 2, this is mlp forums, after all. Although, I did expect rarity to have slightly higher votes than luna, but I guess not.  :comeatus:


(psst, vote for rarity.  :rarity: )

  • Brohoof 3

Hello! Gabe Newell here!

Signature removed, too confusing for new members.

Thanks, and have fun.


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Oh my goodness, Luna is in the lead :wau: Really good going by both fanbases, what a match! :D I do hope Rarity prevails, she's an absolute darling.


Attractiveness isn't just physical, Rarity also has a wonderfully attractive personality.

Even within the little screen time she has had so far, we can tell Luna has an great personality personality.

Don't believe me?

Just rewatch the episode "Luna Eclipsed" and you'll know what I mean. :comeatus: 


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to spread Princess Luna's beauty for everyone to see.


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Vote LUNA! 

Vote LUNA! 

Vote LUNA! 

Vote LUNA!


You made a slight spelling error in your post, but don't worry, friend.

I fixed it for you. :) 

Luna is indeed pretty but Rarity is beautiful! Très magnifique!  :proud:










You don't think Luna is beautiful?


Hear that Luna?

He doesn't think you're beautiful.


Oh look, now you made her cry.



Time for some more fan art!



Edited by E. J. Starlight
  • Brohoof 2
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Guys and everyone currently on this thread, it has come to my attention that I have insulted quite a few people in the time I began rooting for Luna.

If this is true in what I am saying then I am really sorry if I came across as offensive or rude.

All I'm asking is that you can forgive me and we can continue the tournament in peace. :) 

  • Brohoof 5
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Even though Rarity is behind, there's still a chance. Anyone's game! I'll throw Luna lovers a bone..



  • Brohoof 8

 "Pay attention to these petals, Steven. The petals' dance seems improvised, but it is being calculated in real time based on the physical properties of this planet. With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem and perform your own dance!"

What do you think of me?:


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Two ponies entered the clearing. One was pearl-colored with an impeccably styled pearl mane. She moved with a kind of grace that was calculated, yet natural, and her already spotless coat shimmered brilliantly in the snow. The pony beside her did not possess the same heavenly sheen, and yet she was no stranger to beauty herself; if the earth itself had a heartbeat, it was captured in the strong and steady thud of her hooves.




"Say, Rarity," said the second pony in her distinctive accent. "Where are we goin' anyway?"


"Oh, Applejack," her friend tittered as though she'd just heard a particularly amusing joke. "Where are we going? That is simply too funny!"


The farmpony gave her a searching look.


"...I haven't the slightest idea," Rarity admitted. She paused and watched the snowflakes as they drifted through the woods. "To our destiny, perhaps."


Applejack did not seem convinced, but she continued to follow the other pony through the woods. "Destiny, huh?"


"There's something I've wanted to tell you. I just never felt that the time was right--and we spend so little of it together. We're so different, you and I! And yet...don't you think we're cut from the same cloth?"


"Er...this isn't about fashion, is it?"


"Our friends--dear Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash--have you noticed that they don't understand us quite like we understand each other? It's natural, I suppose. You and I already know exactly what we want to do with our lives, and the four of them are still...dreaming."


Rarity's overly dramatic sigh could not obscure the truth in her words. Applejack nodded slowly. "Well, I s'pose so. Never thought of it that way, but I guess we do both have careers of our own."


"Exactly, darling. Though we've had our disagreements now and then, we are on the same path after all," Rarity gestured to the road before them. "And I do hope we end up at the same destination."


"That could be halfway across Equestria for all we know," her friend chuckled.


"...I do want to succeed," Rarity said after a silence. "Very badly."


"Oh heck, Rarity. We know that."


"That's just it, Applejack--do they truly know? Do you think they could ever understand? Sometimes even I don't understand. Do I want this for my family, or despite my family? Am I trying to honor my roots or simply rise above them? Can I stay true to my friends and still be all that I dream of?"


Applejack turned and saw tears in her eyes. The flashy drama queen was gone. She saw the real Rarity now: ambitious, conflicted, and somewhat lonely.


She put a reassuring roof across the beauty's shoulders. "I know one thing, sugarcube. You couldn't abandon your roots, even if ya tried. Ask any tree in the orchard. The seasons change, but what you are, that stays just the same. Take it from me. Even after all that time in Manehattan, I was still an Apple--and no matter where you end up, you'll still be a Rarity."


Rarity's eyes danced as she looked up.


"Your friends will always be there for you."


"You, too?"


" 'Specially me," Applejack nodded firmly. "Now that that's settled, can we stop freezin' our tails off in the middle of nowhere?"


Rarity beamed and quickly regained her composure. "After you, darling."


The ponies turned and trotted back the way they had come, their hoofprints crossing each other in the snow.

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
  • Brohoof 9

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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A Reading from The Book of Acts of Generosity 82:15-25


The 3rd Test


"After dismissing the deceptive rock birthed by chaos, Rarity was visited once again by the Radiant Sunbutt"





"I am impressed by your courage, and your resolve my child. Are you ready for the final test, which wilt be giveth to you by me?"



Rarity's poise did not betray her weariness. Fabulosity takes no time off. "I am Princess Celestia."




The Princess nodded almost imperceptibly, her regal countenance present as always. "Good my little pony. I have but one question for you and it is this; Do you like bananas?"







At this Rarity froze. The spirit of St. Ackbar warned of such mischief. How would Rarity survive this riddle when so many ponies have fallen before it, banished to the Moon ... or worse. Celestia was knowledge, and she demanded answers to the greatest question of all. This was the test.


Rarity's mind searched her knowledge of sacred texts to any clue. Then it hit her. Twilight once showed her a book of centuries old folklore. The stories were fine mind you, but the drawings of those long gone Ponies in their regalia gave her many the ideeeaaa. It was one drawing that caught her attention above all. It was the answer to the Royal Riddle. OF COURSE! Even Luna must have missed this.


Rarity bit her lip, hoping that this was the answer.







Tapping her hoof, Celestia said, "Well, I'm waiting"



Rarity looked around and saw the ornamental glass covered dish left by last nights welcome back party thrown by Pinkie. Rares cast her magical will on it and the dish hovered over to the table in front of the Sun Princess before being lowered with a dainty 'tink'


"Bananas are fine your Majesty, but Cake is divine."


Celestia stopped chewing her banana, and her eyes stood fixed on the cake. Rarity and Celestia stared as the cake began to glow.





The cake became the most Radiant and Fabulous Cake that Celestia had ever seen. History records this moment as one in which Celestia's joy spread around the world, spreading the love of deserts to all corners of the globe. And this happened.






"So did I pass the tests?" asked her Fabulousness.



"Mmnnghhfff, Sure, go forth and spread your Generosity to all ... you have proved yourself worthy. Now if you don't mind ... OM NOM NOM NOM"




Go Forth and spread generosity ... make Marshmallow Proud. VOTE RARITY




  • Brohoof 11



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