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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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Lasher walked into Rave's tent. "You still have your Enclave armor, right?". Lasher sighed. "I will not be using it, unless I absolutely have to. The armor is just a bad reminder of a corrupted government intent on dominating everything". "Didn't you paint it red?". "I did". [sPEECH]"You have put your mark on it, it should no longer remind you of the Enclave as they always had their armor black. Right?". "Ugh, you make absolutely no sense at all, you know that Rave, right? But somehow, I feel like you are right. But I will only use it if there is absolutely dire need for it ok?". Rave grumbled a little bit. "Fine. But let us get down to business. You remember my sister don't you?". "How could I forget". "It seems that she has also become a 'troublemaker' and is trying to kill me". "And you want me to kill her". Rave smiled.

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"I could care less about those old things. My father's last known location is there." Dash seams really upset that he didn't notice that, canterlot is also the last known location of her father. She also says, "For preparation purposes, lets finish with Dark Horn, then go to the Crystal Wastelands."

"His last know location? That settles it, ill leave the construction of stable city to DJ Pon-3 so we can go there. In the meantime, do you know where dark horn is? I want to get done with that fast. We have a city to build, and make sure its actually safe, alongside the crystal wastes and canterlot. thats a lot to do. Also ive made up my mind, until stable city can fully protect itself from any and all attacks, we will not give out its location. Theres too many ponies who would try to destroy it. For now, only ponies personally invited by me will be allowed to stay" Elegron didnt want to take risks. Part of him just wanted to go with dash and forget about the project, but he knew he would be helping a lot of ponies. "dash... i dont know if i can run a city. what if something happens and we get attacked? so many ponies hate me and i wouldnt be surprised. i dont want to be responsible for that..." he looked up at the mare "im not good with decisions like these, what do you think?"



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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His main tasks done, he left a communication device in Rave's tent along with a note, "Headed to Ponyville, personal business. Left my radio in your tent. Contact me as you see fit. With that, he left and made his way with his work in his saddle bags. He needed to find somepony willing to do a small job for him.

Edited by Twilightpie17
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Rave saw the note. "Why the buck would he want to go to Ponyville? I already burned it to the ground" Rave thought. 


Lasher was walking towards the town of Trotter. Rave had one of his spies within Trotter convince the mayor to bring Blackrose outside the prison and hold a public trial. That way, he could use his Anti-machine rifle and blow her heads off. He approached the cliff where he would take his shot. 

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Cipher arrived at the Ponyville outskirts and armed herself with her sniper, she found a vantage point and scanned the ruins of Ponyville. When she deemed it realitivly safe she flew into the heart of Ponyville and began savaging off the corpses, she snorted "most of everything gone, this mission wasn't meant to go like this" she grumbled before going back to a large scrap mound and picking her way though the rubbish left behind. 

Cipher Splash


Pegasus of Cipher's



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Entering ponyville, I wore a cloak to disguise myself. I noticed a pegasus in the air an called her to me. The ruins and death provided an eerie embrace to those of the night. "Your a new pony right? no one knows you too well i imagine? I need someone new to procure some information for me. Your ability to fly makes you quite useful for gathering intelligence yes? A pony named Elegron has commissioned the building of a new city. I have my own agents getting intel, but i need someone new, someone on the inside they can trust. Learn about them, how they operate and hell, even what size shoe they wear." A brief silence ensued. "I can pay well for each bit of information you acquire. You can call me "X" for short, my name is not important now." I pulled a hefty bag of bits out of my satchel. "You'll get more when I get something useful. This is my frequency, use it to contact me but only when you are ready. Remember, I know nothing about you or you me. Now begone!" With that, I disappeared into the ruin.   

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Entering ponyville, I wore a cloak to disguise myself. I noticed a pegasus in the air an called her to me. The ruins and death provided an eerie embrace to those of the night. "Your a new pony right? no one knows you too well i imagine? I need someone new to procure some information for me. Your ability to fly makes you quite useful for gathering intelligence yes? A pony named Elegron has commissioned the building of a new city. I have my own agents getting intel, but i need someone new, someone on the inside they can trust. Learn about them, how they operate and hell, even what size shoe they wear." A brief silence ensued. "I can pay well for each bit of information you acquire. You can call me "X" for short, my name is not important now." I pulled a hefty bag of bits out of my satchel. "You'll get more when I get something useful. This is my frequency, use it to contact me but only when you are ready. Remember, I know nothing about you or you me. Now begone!" With that, I disappeared into the ruin.   


Cipher blinked at the pony who called himself X, she opened the bag of caps and then glanced up but he had vanished. She tuned her headset to the frequency "hey idiot, you didn't even tell me where to go" she grumbled before picking up the caps, she put them in her bag and began rummaging though the scrap pile again, when she found nothing useful she flew up and landed onto a ruined building "Elegron, Interesting name, not many ponies will carry it for sure" she finished.


Cipher then got on her headphones and tuned into all frequencys, "anypony who gets this broadcast, Ciph is looking for someone called Elegron, any information about said pony will be greatly rewarded, Transmit Intel for any pick of my datapads, Free of charge of course along with a 500 caps reward courtesy of Mr X" she then tuned off and waited for some-pony to get back to her.


Cipher decided to set up camp in one of the ruined buildings, after finding a building that she deemed dependable she placed her bag with all her stuff next to her. Cipher fell asleep under a pile of rubble, her sniper riffle nested next to her in case their was trouble

Cipher Splash


Pegasus of Cipher's



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(OOC: Bye everypony, reallife calls and I have less and less time to role play :( have fun!!! )

Ebony looked about, if a caravan didn't come soon, she'd starve to death and everything she'd learn would be for nothing. She suddenly was hit by a wave of guilt for her actions. She'd brutally murdered everyone who'd ever cared about her, even those who tried to help her. Her mother, her father, her brother... Even her lover. She'd killed them all, to 'survive'. She looked within her saddlebags and brought out her research journal and started writing a note to add to the journal.



To whoever may find this journal,

My name was Ebony Catalyst, I wasn't the most friendly of ponies about, I did a lot of things some would call unjust and wrong. But everything I did yielded an awnser. I questioned the boundaries of right and wrong. Given the right perspective there's no difference. There are villains, like me. And 'heroes' like Elegron. The only difference that I see is that villains have initive to bring themselves things and heroes go to steal their plunder. Still... I wasn't a good pony, yet still after all this, I don't regret a single moment of my life. I lived through the bombings, the world being broken, and the salvage afterwards. I did some horrendous thing, I was cruel, violent and destructive. I manipulated everyone I met and got everyone I didn't need killed.


Further in this journal you will find the most advanced medical results ever recorded since the war. There are recipes for poisons, meds, cheap stims, acids and many weapon modifications. I hope you use this journal wisely.



A tear rolled down her cheek as she wandered off into the crystal wastelands, looking for the tomb of Sombre, apparently there was the remains of a shard of his horn within. she planned to use the power of the horn to reincarnate those she'd taken from herself. The journey across the crystal wastes would likely kill her, but she was determined. She set off across the wastes, unarmed and unprepared.


This would've been a great adventure had she not been brutally mutilated and ripped apart by a horde of super mutant ponies. Apparantly her saddlebags are being kept in the ruins of the crystal empire, along with the other loot they'd acquired over the years.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

-Sig by Handsome Changeling
-Avatar by Odyssey-
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Elegrons horn glowed and his voice changed as he got on the radio ​"ive recieved your transmission, the pony your looking for is in the bonewastes in a military bunker. I can see him now, and it doesnt like he will go anywhere for a while, meet inside the base. Elegron is camped out in the back." He figured that would buy him some time. he turned to dash "if were going, we should go soon. i would suggest we leave tonight. by the time we get back, stable city might be complete"

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Watching the pony from a distance, I watched her make camp and snuck a note: "Sorry about my secret nature, I have my own security to protect. I will update up you as soon as i get more information from my own contacts. Stay alert and stay alive. X." With that I headed back to the slaver fortress to finalize the plague for its final delivery. In the mean time, snagged me another zebra pelt for Rave's collection. Dinner that night, "Wow zebra, you think i should get what? Another zebra? I like your style." Talking to myself again. I wonder how Rave's scout is on finding the city, I'll just check in with Rave later. I found a cave to sleep in that night after making sure i wouldn't be another meal for a rad scorpion. 

Edited by Twilightpie17
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"Yes, there is," he replied. "EDNA has been doing some scans on your brain, and you need to hear the results. [MEDICINE] She found that your brain is emitting certain waves that, normally, would cause the heart to stop beating and the pony to suffer cardiac arrest. However, since you are a cyborg, your case is a bit different. [sPEECH] You, my friend, are quite lucky. Your heart isn't receiving these waves, which means that it won't shut down. However, the waves themselves are damaging to the brain. EDNA estimates that in 5 months, your cerebral cortex will cease function, and you will become incapable of reasoning. But there is no need to despair! [sCIENCE] I have designs for a certain form of implant that regulates electrical synapses, hormones, and brain waves. Of course, it's still just a concept, but it's completely viable, and I have no doubt it could be produced within five months."

Wade was frozen. He had no idea how to take this information. If he was told this a week ago, he would have been happy to die. But now, he has some sort of purpose, a job that he needs to finish. No matter which path he took now, the prize at the end was death and peace.


"This puts me in a hard situation. Death is something I have been wanting for years, but after everything that has happened this last week I don't think death is such a choice for me anymore. Thank you for bringing me this information. Silver. Excuse me." Wade left the room he was in and went into his bedroom. He was tempted to turn on his Stealth buck, but his gut told him it was a bad idea.


Blooddrop saw Wade and noticed that he was upset, "What's gotten into him?" She moved into the bedroom after Wade, sat in the bed next to him, put her wings around him. And nibbled his ears a little.


Blooddrop: "Hey, what's the matter with you? I thought being hear would make you happy. What's up?"


Wade: "This is important, so try and listen." Wade then told her about his condition.

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Elegrons horn glowed and his voice changed as he got on the radio ​"ive recieved your transmission, the pony your looking for is in the bonewastes in a military bunker. I can see him now, and it doesnt like he will go anywhere for a while, meet inside the base. Elegron is camped out in the back." He figured that would buy him some time. he turned to dash "if were going, we should go soon. i would suggest we leave tonight. by the time we get back, stable city might be complete"

"That is our biggest problem. I do not know where he is. As for the other places, we will need to prepare first. They are dangerous areas."


Dash goes into the bathroom. "Going to take a quick shower then we can setout to find Dark Horn."


A few moments later, the sound of water and a beautiful singing voice can be heard.

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Silvermind sat there by himself for a minute and then said to himself,

"Well, that went well."

He got up from his chair, wandered around the bunker until he found a kitchen, and then started making himself a dandelion sandwich. On the way, he saw Buckshot, but didn't have anything to say.

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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(Iron Warrior attack in 3 hours 45 minutes.)


Blooddrop: "What!? Why? It's not fair. I understand you want to die, and that's never been fair on me. I love you, I don't want you to die. I could always convince you to carry on with life. But now you have no choice. It's not fair." Blooddrop had burst out crying. And she was not willing to try and hide it. "If this does happen, and you lose control of your mind. What do you want me to do?"


Wade: "If... when that happenes, I want you to shoot me. The one place that only you know that will kill me. And make me stay dead." Wade held Blooddrop in his arms, trying to make her stop crying. "Stop crying. Everyone can hear you. I'm sorry, but this is the way things are. We still have 5 months to be together. And the plan should at most take 1 month. That gives us 4 months to be with each other in peace."


Blooddrop: "If we live through this suicidal plan you have. If I didn't know better, I'd say you are trying to get yourself killed. Sorry, bad joke. What are you going to do now?"


Wade: "Just sit with me for a moment. I don't want to have to do what I have to do. I'm trying to delay it as much as I can."


Blooddrop: "That's the adorable little Stable Dweller I fell in love with 7 years ago. Good to see he is still in their somewhere."

Edited by Child of Darkness

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Hanging his head over the sandwich and a bottle of beer, Silvermind could hear Blooddrop's sobs echoing through out the bunker. He felt awful for having told Wade that he was going to die, but that's not the kind of information you withhold, despite what emotional pain it might cause.

No, Silvermind consoled himself. Wade doesn't have to die. All I have to do is build the nerve regulator, and everything will be fine.

He got up from the small table he was sitting at and made his way over to the small laboratory he found a little while ago. Here, he had assembled a few of the parts that he thought might be needed to build the nerve regulator. Looking at them, he thought to himself, now, if only I knew what I was doing.

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Hanging his head over the sandwich and a bottle of beer, Silvermind could hear Blooddrop's sobs echoing through out the bunker. He felt awful for having told Wade that he was going to die, but that's not the kind of information you withhold, despite what emotional pain it might cause.

No, Silvermind consoled himself. Wade doesn't have to die. All I have to do is build the nerve regulator, and everything will be fine.

He got up from the small table he was sitting at and made his way over to the small laboratory he found a little while ago. Here, he had assembled a few of the parts that he thought might be needed to build the nerve regulator. Looking at them, he thought to himself, now, if only I knew what I was doing.

EDNA heard moving and commotion coming from the lab. She was slightly surprised by what she saw. "Silvermind? What are you doing in here? I never took your for the science type." She looked over to the work bench which had some scrap electronics and metal on it. "Are you trying to build something?"

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"Yes," Silvermind sighed, looking forlorn. "the key word being 'trying'. I've got plans for a device that could potentially save Wade, but I'm short on equipment and shooting in the dark anyway. I don't suppose you have any information on controlling the brain?"

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Yes," Silvermind sighed, looking forlorn. "the key word being 'trying'. I've got plans for a device that could potentially save Wade, but I'm short on equipment and shooting in the dark anyway. I don't suppose you have any information on controlling the brain?"

"Controlling a brain is a complex process, and not something we could do with our current supplies. And I don't think you should say you are building a device to control brains, has rather negative implications. The only thing I know of brains being saved after the death of the body is the Brain Bots. And you only see them in maybe abandoned Stables or any stable tech facilities. Are you sure you want to do this? From what I know, Wade wants to die. Are you willing to risk putting time into this, when is quite likely he will destroy it when he discovers it?"

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"Well," he replied. "Back in the old world, doctors operated by something called a "Hippocratic Oath". Basically, it said that, as a doctor, it was your duty to do everything in your power to save equine life, because it was the most precious thing on this equus. Now, Wade saved my life, and I'll be damned if I can't return the favor."

"Anyway, the theoretical design of the device I'm building, the nerve regulator, is an implant that you put in your brain. For the most part, it doesn't do anything other than monitor your brain waves, electrical synapses, and chemicals. However, if anything is being released in large amounts, such as, I don't know, adrenaline, it uses a system similar to SATS and examines the pony's surroundings. If it deems that the chemical being released is appropriate for the situation, it doesn't do anything. However, if it's an inappropriate response, the device will stop the chemical from being released. Now, that's just an example, theoretically, it could stop random muscle spasms, or, strange brain waves."

"But, what was that you said about Stables?"

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Well," he replied. "Back in the old world, doctors operated by something called a "Hippocratic Oath". Basically, it said that, as a doctor, it was your duty to do everything in your power to save equine life, because it was the most precious thing on this equus. Now, Wade saved my life, and I'll be damned if I can't return the favor."

"Anyway, the theoretical design of the device I'm building, the nerve regulator, is an implant that you put in your brain. For the most part, it doesn't do anything other than monitor your brain waves, electrical synapses, and chemicals. However, if anything is being released in large amounts, such as, I don't know, adrenaline, it uses a system similar to SATS and examines the pony's surroundings. If it deems that the chemical being released is appropriate for the situation, it doesn't do anything. However, if it's an inappropriate response, the device will stop the chemical from being released. Now, that's just an example, theoretically, it could stop random muscle spasms, or, strange brain waves."

"But, what was that you said about Stables?"

"If you venture into one of the many Stables in the wasteland, at least the ones that are still mostly intact and have some functionality, odds are you will encounter a Brain Bot. These are hyper advance machines created near the end of the war that use an actual brain as their CPU. I would love the opertunity to take one apart and get a good look at its insides."

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Elegrons horn glowed and his voice changed as he got on the radio ​"ive recieved your transmission, the pony your looking for is in the bonewastes in a military bunker. I can see him now, and it doesnt like he will go anywhere for a while, meet inside the base. Elegron is camped out in the back." He figured that would buy him some time. he turned to dash "if were going, we should go soon. i would suggest we leave tonight. by the time we get back, stable city might be complete"



Cipher Splash woke up and glanced at her headset, "got ya" she smirked, she grabbed a map and began plotting the fasted route to the bonewastes, she began to prepare for the trip.



A half worn energy pistol was strapped to her side along with her modified energy riffle which fired regular ammunition instead of the preferred energy beams, she had already depleted most of her stolen energy crystals and the last one was installed on her energy pistol. When she had strapped the energy riffle to her side she put on her light armor which mainly protected her flank and back leaving her wings free for complicated maneuvers, her colorful insignia was painted on the side of the armor.


She slowly flew to the location when her target was hidden, she thought of all the caps she would make after finding Elegron. She paused on a cloud and saw a giant military building, she descended quickly and landed on the ground outside the rundown building, the only creatures were some strange rotting ghouls which Cipher scared off after blowing the lead mare head off. She walked though the entrance with a old Enclave scanner and began her search.

Edited by Cipher Splash

Cipher Splash


Pegasus of Cipher's



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"So would I!" Silvermind's face light up. "Why, if I could get my hooves on one of those, I could learn everything there is to learn about the way the equine brain works! My god, I've got to get one of those! I'll go tell Wade. Hopefully he'll come with me, if not, I'll have to set out on my own. EDNA, do you know the names or locations of any of those stables?"

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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I didn't know what to do with the group so I just made myself at home, and listened to Silvermind's plan. Well at least tried to. I began to get bored of listening to it after a while so I just tuned it out. Waiting to see if my name was gonna get called.



I was taking shade behind the remains of a building, that looked like it was about to fall apart at any given time, thinking of ways to get back at this "Rave Crystal" pony for what they've done to my fellow zebras. Thinking of it filled me with rage that burned inside me, sparking a fire that kept growing and growing. It kept going until it exploded inside me. I stabbed my machete into the ground and stared menacingly into the horizon. "I vow to kill that pony and any other pony that stands in my way. I will not rest until that pony lays dead. I will not sleep until they have payed the price. I will not stop until Rave Crystal is dead." I picked up the machete. "Wraak."

Edited by Semper Fi
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"So would I!" Silvermind's face light up. "Why, if I could get my hooves on one of those, I could learn everything there is to learn about the way the equine brain works! My god, I've got to get one of those! I'll go tell Wade. Hopefully he'll come with me, if not, I'll have to set out on my own. EDNA, do you know the names or locations of any of those stables?"

"No. Wade knows of one. He was raised in a Stable, and he still remembers the exact location of it. It's Stable 40 if I recall. He may tell you more, but be careful with him. If he finds out what you are planning, I don't think he will react very kindly." EDNA'S power cells where running dry so she had to charge soon. "I have to go now. I need to charge my fuel cells. Talk to you later."

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"It's been a pleasure talking with you EDNA," Silvermind replied. He headed back to Wade's chamber and knocked on the door. He hoped that Wade's vault was still in working order. The only other stable he knew of was his own, and he didn't remember ever seeing any Brain Bots there. Besides... it was out of the question. The only hope was Stable 40. Then again...

Silvermind remembered how Wade had reacted when he originally compared the bunker to a stable. Perhaps it wasn't best to remind Wade of his own stable...

Still, there was no other way. He had to find a stable, or Wade would die.

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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