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What month did you join the herd?  

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Let me see... I think the first contact I've ever had with MLP was a Youtube Poop. I just said okay and put it aside. A few days later, I wanted to find that video again. Searching through the internet, I found loads of pony stuff until I reached that YTP again. And then I got curious about the original episode. I went exploring a little bit further, and then I found myself watching the first episode.


I don't have bias. What everyone on the internet thinks it's "fake and gay" I go all "This is something new. What's it about?" That is exactly what happened to MLP to me. The first episode woke up my curiosity, and then I kept on watching. A few days later, I was waiting for a new episode. I think it was around the end of season 2.


Just after a veeeeery long time I got into the brony community for good. I visited EQD, looked for some nice songs, found out about Glaze, TheLivingTombstone, BronyDanceParty, etc... Then I found out about the top 10 pony vids. Then I found the analysis group (Digibrony, TheoryBrony, the orange one). It was on TheoryBrony's stream that I found about this forum. So here I am.


And to finish the story of my brony life, I shall end it with a ponified quote:


"It's a long way to the top if you wanna brony on"



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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I....can't answer the question as to when it happened because I don't remember specifically when it occurred. If you had asked me a little over 2 years ago you would've gotten an answer. I think I joined the herd roughly within the later half of Season 1 where a majority of the episodes were available.


I was hanging at a friend's apartment and I...vaguely remember her being on her laptop and telling me about the new generation of My Little Pony. Something about how it was gathering a lot of talk and amongst her friends. I ignored it initially until a few hours later I heard her actually laughing and enjoying herself. Curious I looked over her shoulder and she showed me a clip. I was...mostly unimpressed.


Fast forward a few months later she tells me she can't stop watching the show. Again I'm not that impressed and at this point I was dating someone who had a daughter...who conveniently had also gotten into MLP. So I jokingly went "Looks like I'll be watching this either way, huh? Oh boy....", sat said ex gf's daughter in my lap and...well watched an episode or two. At least I think I did...


Not long after that exposure I went ahead by myself and watched 9 episodes...and by then everybody knows what THAT episode is: where the poison joke messes with everybody. When Fluttershy became FlutterGUY I bursted out laughing and said "Holy crap shit is effing amazing...<3". I then blinked and realized that...holy crap...I actually really REALLY LIKED this show.


Years later, whelp, here I am.




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I think I became one in the fall...  September, I think?  I kept wanting to know what was so great.  Didn't want to believe it was good at first, but it kept coming back into my head like "Watch me...  Waaaaaaaaatch meeeeee"

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I just joined not that long ago last month to be exact (I think). I wasn't in the best of spirits so to say, but I just decided to watch the show, and was hooked from the first episode.

Signature By: ~Sassy Dashie~



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I have spent most of life as a loner, never having more friends than I can count on hand. It felt comfortable and made sense, Then after High school most of my friends moved away or became less interested in my company. I spent most of my off-time by myself until I got into another bored slump. I decided to search the internet for something to do. Over time I continued hear about MLP:FIM and how great it was. I watched the first two episodes, thought that it was pretty good. so I watched another and another until I Marathoned the first two seasons twice. I knew I was a fan, (a brony) I wanted more and to tell people about it. I tried telling my sister, but she claimed it was girly and refused to even look at it.As a result I had no one to discuss it with. I kept my interest hidden, but strong. Cartoons are fun and MLP is cool. I am what some would call a brony.

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Well, I can't actually remember when...But it was early, during Season one.



I remember walking into a McDonalds those two-ish years ago, and seeing the toys. "What?! They're bringing back My Little Pony again?" I remember asking the person whom I was with, of course not getting an answer. I began to rant at how stupid MLP was, and how I had never gotten into it, because of how girly I thought it was. 


Then, after a bit, some friends of mine were talking about the show. They were very positive about it, so I decided to check it out myself. After watching about half the first episode, I loved it. It was actually a good thing, too. I was going through a depression-filled state around that time, and as the episodes aired I felt more cheered up. (I'd have to watch on Youtube, of course.) It felt great. Awaiting the episodes just...Grew a happiness inside me during the rough time. I felt like there was something good living for. Ponies. Colourful equines. 
Now, I didn't know much about the Brony thing for a bit, but as the show got a bit more widespread, I quickly called myself one. I didn't contribute to the community really...I kept all my drawings to myself, (as I still normally do..) and just kept all my impressions to myself. All covered up. But lately, I've pushed that shyness away, and have been putting up more drawings. 


And because of loving MLP FIM, I've also gotten into the older Generations. I love G1, and early G3. (2002-2006. Complicated stuff.) G2 and G3.5 are..Alright. 


But, yeah. Getting into ponies really helped me pull myself together. It gave me new friends, new drawing skills, helped me find new talents in myself, and gained me the love of my life. So..Y'know. Ponies are good.
I hope I didn't ramble off-track and such too much. 
I'm rather tired. 

TLDR; I got into ponies early, cause friends. Was a good thing.

  • Brohoof 1
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I began watching December 24 2012. I had known about the fanbase for about a year and had mixed feelings about it. I instantly assumed the show sucked and didn't watch it or think about it for several months.Around Christmas i began wanting to learn an instrument. I looked at my options and decided cello was my best option.I started listening to cello music a lot in specific Apoctolyptica. One faithful Christmas eve morning........ sounds weird to say that Christmas eve morning. Anyway, i looked up apoctolyptica memes and found one featuring everyponies favorite cellist in one of the pictures and had a mini metal break down. Faced with the knowledge that bronies enjoyed something i considered awesome threw a curve ball at me. So that faithful night when everyone was asleep i watched the first 3 episodes.They were okay, I enjoyed them but still didn't see what all the hype was about.I didn't watch it for a few days. I finally watched a few more and i liked them more but still wasn't feeling it.Then finally at episode 7 I finally started to love it. After that i tore through the other episodes not even pausing to make my own head cannon until i was up to date on it all. And that's how Equestria was made.

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I became a brony in February of this year. I saw a video on YouTube called "Starscreem vs Rainbow Dash" after that video out of curiosity I decided to check out the show. I was actually very surprised on how good it was smile.png

Edited by NightOwl


Signature by me avatar by Azura.

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It was summer 2012, I was a lame guy simply watching rollercoaster videos and mincraft videos, allong with some other channels. I saw a little video that showed a ytp of MLP only for a few secends, I didn't find it funny, and then left. Then, fine bros posted a video about the bronies, I was like "wut?" when they said that dudes like this show. My heart was turning in an unfamiliar way, but I still didn't want to join that "group of homos".

Late September 2012, A few weeks after I started school and was still having problems from middle school (I'm asperger diagnosed). I still didn't have any friends at all. I noticed in my Spanish class though that a dude was wearing a Vinyl scratch t-shirt, that he made HIMSELF. I didn't talk to him then though. Days later, I noticed that another kid, in my asperger unit, was wearing an Mlp t'shirt. I though, "what was happening?".

Late october 2012, My anime club was showing some pretty neat anime vids, along with the "rainbow factory" Music video. I thought, "hey, this isn't so bad". I took a look at the video online along with it's sequel: Awoken. I didn't realize that Bronies had creativity. But I still didn't bother with the fandom because I didn't feel like it. Then later, "Das bo' schit" posted a video blog saying something about the bronies and all the comments he's getting. He said that, the show has a good plot, animation, etc. I was like "Really? We will see about that."

I began watching an episode through Netflix, because youtube has standards, plus it look nice on my TV. I thouroughly watched the season 1 and 2 episodes in FOUR days. I realized then why Bronies exist and WHY they like this show. I still didn't want to join though, but I also realized the lessons on friendship within the show. I realized what it takes to have friends, so I finally joined the fandom. Now I am with these great people and watching a lot of great art, music and vids! I still have standards showing myself as a brony, except to my friends that I have right now, because I felt I will get picked on, or accussed of worse (hint: HS). And that was what made me a brony today.

Edited by Raiden_Opsaidoun


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Well, it was April of 2012... I went to the birthday party of the son of one of my mom's friends.

The TV was on the Hub channel, so me and a few friends made fun of the show.

The episode Boast Busters came on, so I watched it. Comparing it to an episode of the show "Wonder Pets" it was much better. I started watching My Little Pony on Youtube. Only later did I find out about the brony fandom. I am very glad I did, acctually.

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i became a brony after two people nagged me so much,i watched the two parter,it was funny and cool.After episode 5 i decided i liked the show.its interesting and calming,after a while i even made two of my friends Bronies

im interested to find out how the awesome members here joined the fandom
KitsuneSoul108 out

  • Brohoof 2

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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Welcome to the forums!


My story is pretty much the same as yours except that there was only one person nagging me, and I haven't converted anyone else. (Not successfully anyway.)

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Who's your Favourite Pony?


I don't know, it varies I guess. Too many likable characters to choose from. But as vice president of the Fluttershy Coalition, I'm obligated to tell you that shy pony is best pony.




also,do you like MicTheMicrophoneZero?


It's been a while, and I don't listen to/watch his stuff regularly, but I suppose you could say I like him. From what I've seen anyway. 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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cool,my favourites are Fluttershy and Rainbow dash

Mind if i join the Fluttershy Coalition? After all,i do like Fluttershy smile.png

Not up to me. It's an actual group (sort of), so I suppose you'd have to go onto the thread and ask the president. I'd fetch a link for you, but I'm astonishingly lazy.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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ok well yeah i like Fluttershy,would it show you are a member of the Coalition on your profile?

Also,favourite villan?

Nope. The groups are totally meaningless and don't officially exist at all.


Oh, and Discord.

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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I became a Pegasister when I signed up here, about a day before I watched the show. When I saw the first two episodes I was instantly in love (not in a bad way).

So, welcome! As is tradition, let me send you this song:

thanks True Rarity :D

Everypony here is so nice!


Nope. The groups are totally meaningless and don't officially exist at all.


Oh, and Discord.

ok,i didnt know you couldnt make groups lol

and Discord is pretty cool

ocsig2_zps89dc5fbe.jpgThank you PinkieShyFlutterPie :DMy OC in the roleplayKit (Alias: KitsuneSoul) - Characters - Roleplay Characters - MLP Forums<p>
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i became a brony 20 years ago because i used to watch G1 my little pony on tv, then i watched my little pony tales, years later{when FIM came out} i got back into it and i re watched g1 and my little pony tales and worked my way through the generations until i had watched up to the current show, and i have to say that it is the best of all!

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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I became a Brony by simple means, which, as I've probably told once or twice, I was interested in seeing what the show had to offer (Extreme curiosity!) and I ended up falling in love with it. I'd go into more detail, but it'd end up longer than it should.


Also, Rarity, thanks to you (In a good way, by the way), I am listening to that song non-stop! It's so catchy.


Singer, picture editor, and most of all, a fan of MLP. 

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