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The first MLP Tag Team Tournament - Solar Eclipse are your winners!


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Solar eclipse seems to have the upper hand in the early going of this match. But this is still anyones match. Twilight and Spike can still win this.

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

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Ooh, this is it! The final match! The Princess and the Dragon VS Solar Eclipse! This is gonna be really intense because it's Twilight Sparkle going up against her mentor, Princess Celestia and her former student.


Which team will win the finals and become champions? Hahaha! I have no idea! We won't know until we find out.


Go Twilight Sparkle and Spike! You can both do this! We're with you all the way! Good luck to Princess Celestia and Sunset Shimmer also!


Better get my popcorn ready before this is over.

  • Brohoof 2

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*DIng Ding Ding*


Fillies & Gentlecolts, we are live! From 24 Karat stadium in the crystal empire, this is our mane event of the evening! A following tag team contest, scheduled for one fall, with a (as of last thursday) 10,080 minute time limit, and it is for both the SCW global tag team championships and the PCW international tag team championships, and to determine the winners of MLPF tag wars 2015, and the first ever, MLPF Undisputed tag team champions of the world!



Introducing the combatants first...making their way to the ring! From Ponyville, by way of Canterlot, Equestria, at a combined weight 12 stone, the are the SCW global tag team champions! The tag team of Spike the Dragon & Princess Twilight Sparkle.


The Princess and her Dragon!





And their opponents, first! From Canterlot, weighing in at 9 stone, she is one half of the PCW international tag team champions, Princess Celestia! And her tag team partner, now residing in the Canterlot High School District in the Mirror Realm, by way of Canterlot, Equestria, weighing in at 6 stone. She is the other half of the PCW International tag team champions, the Los Luchadora! Puesta de Sol Brillio!


They are... the Solar Eclipse!





When the action begins your special guest referee for this contest, being accompanied by Mr. Socko...


*cue car crash sounds, rhythmic clapping and guitar riffs*


Mick Foley!



(P.S. still holding auditions for two more ponies to be my color commentators!)

Edited by Denim&Venom
  • Brohoof 4

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Yay! Sunny and Celestia or out in the lead, go get em girls show them who's the best tag team in Equestria.  :yay:


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It would seem that Princess Celestia and Sunset Shimmer went ahead very quickly and their lead has been steadily growing. Really though I am not surprised, as team Solar Eclipse does have a thousand year ruler who raised the sun and moon by herself for a millennium. More it was revealed in the Journal of the Royal Sisters that the act of raising he Sun or Moon increases an alicorn's power where it weakened unicorns overtime.


More, there is the possibility Twilight may not be giving it her all as this is her beloved mention. Spike also wouldn't be as much helps since Celestia did essentially raise the dragon until Twilight was old enough to handle the responsability, in many ways making the princess his mother. Still, there is Sunset Shimmer as well who under Celestia's guidance would likely do well against either of team the Princess and the Dragon.


I wonder if Twilight and Spike will be able to move ahead or if Celestia and Sunset will stay ahead.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Will Twilight actually have the nerve to lay hooves on Princess Celestia? This seems like a match-up that would lead in three directions:


1) Twilight bowing out.

2) Spike being tagged in the whole match, and subsequently being ganged up on.

3) Twilight focusing entirely on Sunset Shimmer for the duration on of the match.


Maybe she's grown enough to not be worried about it, but I feel any hesitation here is going to cost her.

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Sounds awesome! Glad I came in time to get a good seat to watch from, too. *recognizes a familiar filly almost immediately, from the millisecond her eyes were noticed, attempting to get his attention by rapidly waving her hoof left and right, two seats away*


Hey, what's up? Oh, good question. I was wondering why Dude Love or Mankind didn't attempt for the spot of guest ref too. Yeah, as a matter of fact, only one person applied for the position! Isn't that weird, in your opinion? I dunno, about that; I never really liked Cactus Jack much. He would have screwed up somehow, if he ended up as the ref. I agree, at least Mick Foley applied; that's pretty much all that matters at the movement. It was a nice chat with ya! Tell Whooves, and Dinky I said hi!

  • Brohoof 1
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Even if Twilight and Spike do lose, from the votes, they atleast didn't got buried.

  • Brohoof 3

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

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Ooh, interesting... seems team The Princess and the Dragon are actually catching up. I will remind that my vote may change mattering who is ahead, since Twilight and Celestia are both favorites I felt it fair to show my support to the 'underdog' team.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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I think that Twilight Sparkle, even pre-transformation, always had the power to challenge Celestia. Her strength was evident from the very beginning. The first time the Princess felt her power at the magic exam, she knew that power had to be kept under control. Taking Twilight as her personal student was just the nicest way of doing it. The question is whether Twilight, who has lived in awe of Celestia all her life, can put those feelings aside for once and assert herself independently. Sadly, it's never happened on the show, but it could happen here--and if it does, she will have a chance of winning. With Twilight and Spike catching up to Solar Eclipse, it may be happening as we speak.  :wacko:

  • Brohoof 2

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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Ooh, interesting... seems team The Princess and the Dragon are actually catching up. I will remind that my vote may change mattering who is ahead, since Twilight and Celestia are both favorites I felt it fair to show my support to the 'underdog' team.


Don't forget Scholar, it is Wrestlemaneia after all, so nopony wants to give up here.


I can see Twilight doing a Hulk Hogan comeback. :lol:



  • Brohoof 2

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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(P.S. still holding auditions for two more ponies to be my color commentators!)

Actually, you kinda missed a lot of the color commenting already. Speaking of which...


It's been an exciting match so far, but Twilight might have to dig a little deeper if she wants to turn around a match that has, frankly, been going Solar Flare's way from the start. 


We of course saw Spike start off the match, attempting to get Solar Flare to reveal their tricks, but there wasn't much he could do against the magic of Sunset Shimmer, who managed to repel his fire breath with ease and then transition into her team trademark, the blinding flare, just when he needed to inhale again. From then on, it was mostly her match, telekinetically blasting and tossing him around the ring. As you'll see on the replay here, he does manage to slip in his signature Dragon Whip while she's deflecting his attempts to counter attack, but no sooner does he scoop her up for the running dragon bomb than she teleports away and counters with a mule kick while he's still in mid-slam. And here's the Sunset Flip, the count, and Spike looking at her face-to-face, manages to slip in another burst of his fire breath, kicking out at two while she just manages to pull her head out of the way in time. Referee Mick Foley seems to have been grazed by it though... he probably wouldn't have been able to count "3" anyway. Eh, he'll be back in a minute. He's had worse than that over the years.


After that, battered and beaten, Spike had no other option but to crawl his way to the corner and tag Twilight, who came on strong, overpowering Sunset Shimmer blast for blast. And when Celestia's former protege realized that she couldn't compete with the alicorn upgrade, she challenged Twilight to see who really deserves those powers, in a fight with no magic. But while Sunset Shimmer at first seemed to be the more athletic of the two, Twilight wisely played possum after being slammed, prompting Shimmer to try and show her up once and for all with a more advanced version of Twilight's signature finish: The 360 Shooting Star Press. Here she goes for the move, only to find nobody home when Twilight rolls out of the way. From there, it was all Twilight, first with the Shining Wizard and then the original Shooting Star Press, just to drive the point home, I assume. Sunset Shimmer then attempted to break the magic embargo by teleporting away, but Twilight simply blasted her into her corner, where Celestia made the tag. 


So now it comes down to what we all pretty much knew it would: Pupil vs. Mentor. Princess vs. Princess. Twilight vs. Celestia. And following that initial standoff, where I think I heard a parasprite yawn, they've been circling each other in the air, firing blasts of magic that have this whole stadium shaking! Their partners below are watching totally in awe! Sunset Shimmer, having taken quite a beating, won't be good to go for awhile, and while the crafty little dragon may have single handedly disposed of Maud Pie in the semifinals, he just had no answers to Sunset Shimmer. We probably won't be seeing him tag back in any time soon, if at all. It's up to Twilight to do what even Princess Luna could not. (You'll see her in the stands there, finally taking notice of the match and telling Button Mash to pause the game). But after losing some of her energy against Sunset Shimmer, it looks like she might not have what it takes...

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So, we're in agreement now, that Twilight Sparkle is pretty much Billy Kidman, right?


Well, i guess she needs a theme song now.


  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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Actually, you kinda missed a lot of the color commenting already. Speaking of which...

No one ever tells me these things! 


Okay Okay, we've had a lot of action here folks, but apparently it all got started before the bell rang. Ref. Foley was not informed on the rules, one of the sound guys actually had to run from the truck to tell him so, but magic and flight are illegal in an MLPF ring. This is a test of physical ability and combat skill. Not magic or racial traits. Any use of spells or flight in the air beyond the count of 5 will force a disqualification, and unlike most other places, championships do change hooves on a DQ.  


Alright, security has brought everypony back to their corners, Foley was given the wikileaks version of the rulebook. Foley is now calling for the code of friendship, which is a sign of respect between the combatants, either a hoofbump, hoof shake, a hug, a nuzzle, a wing five, as long as you show respect to your opponent, if you respect your opponent. And after that crazy pre-match match we just had, it is looking a bit iffy now. Both sides are staring each other down wearily. And it's Spike of APAHD, who offers the claw first. And it appears to be the luchadora,  Puesta de Sol Brillio, who accepts the same. Celestia follows suit, and now Twi accepts the hoof shakes, albeit a bit stiffly. Foley orders the teams to their respective corners and for one member to exist the ring. It appears we'll have Puesta de Sol starting this against Spike, whose gained quite a bit of height & muscle, reminiscent of his growth spurt days.Foley holds up the four belts, showing both teams, all 100,117 ponies in attendance and the millions watching around the globe  Foley asks one last time if both sides are ready. Each nods. He calls for the bell!




And we, are under way!


Edited by Denim&Venom
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No one ever tells me these things! 


Okay Okay, we've had a lot of action here folks, but apparently it all got started before the bell rang. Ref. Foley was not informed on the rules, one of the sound guys actually had to run from the truck to tell him so, but magic and flight are illegal in an MLPF ring. This is a test of physical ability and combat skill. Not magic or racial traits. Any use of spells or flight in the air beyond the count of 5 will force a disqualification, and unlike most other places, championships do change hooves on a DQ.  


Alright, security has brought everypony back to their corners, Foley was given the wikileaks version of the rulebook. Foley is now calling for the code of friendship, which is a sign of respect between the combatants, either a hoofbump, hoof shake, a hug, a nuzzle, a wing five, as long as you show respect to your opponent, if you respect your opponent. And after that crazy pre-match match we just had, it is looking a bit iffy now. Both sides are staring each other down wearily. And it's Spike of APAHD, who offers the claw first. And it appears to be the luchadora,  Puesta de Sol Brillio, who accepts the same. Celestia follows suit, and now Twi accepts the hoof shakes, albeit a bit stiffly. Foley orders the teams to their respective corners and for one member to exist the ring. It appears we'll have Puesta de Sol starting this against Spike, whose gained quite a bit of height & muscle, reminiscent of his growth spurt days.Foley holds up the four belts, showing both teams, all 100,117 ponies in attendance and the millions watching around the globe  Foley asks one last time if both sides are ready. Each nods. He calls for the bell!




And we, are under way!


...You realize that literally every match, including the 12 written up by the guy who started this thread, has included magic, flying, or both, right?

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Celestia will thrash, no doubt.

I have no idea what is going on here...I love it! 


Interesting though, I'd have thought more people would vote for Twilight. Hm. Probably due to the rise of Sunset Shimmer's popularity! Not that I'm complaining of course, It's a rough competition after all.

  • Brohoof 1


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...You realize that literally every match, including the 12 written up by the guy who started this thread, has included magic, flying, or both, right?

Yeah, behind the referee's back. These are wrestling matches, not magic duels. Let your hooves (or claws) do the talking. Suplexes over spells anyday. 

  • Brohoof 1

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Yeah, behind the referee's back. These are wrestling matches, not magic duels. Let your hooves (or claws) do the talking. Suplexes over spells anyday. 

Well those too, granted, but you're pretty darn late in the game to be trying to add a new rule like that now. Nobody has been following this thinking that's what it's going to be. What has been discussed, on the other hand, is whether Celestia's magic should trump Twilight or vice-versa. Get creative. It is really not hard to write a match that includes both.


(And let's be honest, Mick Foley went through far more outlandish stuff than this back in the day.)

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Well those too, granted, but you're pretty darn late in the game to be trying to add a new rule like that now. Nobody has been following this thinking that's what it's going to be. What has been discussed, on the other hand, is whether Celestia's magic should trump Twilight or vice-versa. Get creative. It is really not hard to write a match that includes both.


(And let's be honest, Mick Foley went through far more outlandish stuff than this back in the day.)

Well this I did get a memo about from MLPF HQ: Due to the safety of those in attendance, and to avoid lawsuits over injuries to those in attendance and form the owners of 24 carat stadium, this match will be contested under standard rules, rather than the "No Spells Barred" rules. Besides, it's a combat sport. Ponies pay to see hoofticuffs, stiff bucks, planchas, tope suicidas, chokeholds, joint locks, powerbombs, spine busters and ponies getting suplexed on their heads. 


To truly test the merit of a wrestler, see how they fare with their own four hooves and an empires worth of gusto.


Besides, do we really wanna go down the "Sports Entertainment" route? 

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Denim&Venom, on 18 Mar 2015 - 8:00 PM, said:


Well this I did get a memo about from MLPF HQ: Due to the safety of those in attendance, and to avoid lawsuits over injuries to those in attendance and form the owners of 24 carat stadium, this match will be contested under standard rules, rather than the "No Spells Barred" rules. Besides, it's a combat sport. Ponies pay to see hoofticuffs, stiff bucks, planchas, tope suicidas, chokeholds, joint locks, powerbombs, spine busters and ponies getting suplexed on their heads.


To truly test the merit of a wrestler, see how they fare with their own four hooves and an empires worth of gusto.


Besides, do we really wanna go down the "Sports Entertainment" route?

I just finished pointing out what everyone here (who voiced any expectation) came to see. Evidently the route we do want to take is the "fingers in our ears" route.


Tell you what: You can keep announcing this "reset" match you've spotted. Myself and the other commenters (unless they no longer feel like it) will continue with this illegal, ficticious nonsense that has been the entire tournament up to now.




As I was saying before, it's all Twilight and Celestia, and now they circle in close after exhausting most of their long range arsenal, where Celestia catches Twilight with a perfectly-timed

! Yes, for obvious reasons, it's probably gonna be all flying moves for awhile. Twilight, trying to recover quickly, circles back unsteadily to retaliate, but Celestia dives down and springs off the ropes to hit her with a Phoenixrana, launching her down towards the ring, head-first! But wait, Twilight straightens up... lands seated on the ropes, and springs off, catching Celestia midair with
! Beautifully executed by Equestria's newest princess!


Hold on though, Sunset Shimmer seems to be up to something down below... She's looking for a vanatge point, and I think we're about to see Solar Flare's trademark, the blinding flash! Twilight appears to see her, but SS has already found her vantage point behind Celestia, and there's the move... but Twilight summons the legendary castle mirror!


Yes, Twilight shields her face and sends the flare right into the eyes of Princess Celestia! She must have planned for this moment ahead of time! I don't even know where she was storing that! An angry Sunset Shimmer blasts it away, but now Spike taps her on the shoulder... and gives her a taste of her own medicine with the

! Seems Rainbow Dash set an example for him in the last round. Is this becoming a pattern? Normally, the referee would chastise for that, but since Sunset Shimmer was interfering without being tagged in the first place...


Spike caught her off-guard pretty well there, and now he climbs up the side of the ring and springs the Dragonrana on her. Yeah, she won't be interfering again anytime soon. Twilight, meanwhile, is taking full advantage of Celestia's temporary blindness, hitting her with a flying clothesline! And now she's circling back. I wonder if she'll try the Shining Wizard in the air? But no! Twilight underestimates the sun princess' ability to shake off blinding brightness, and Celestia summersaults Twilight for a Sunset Flip Powerbomb! She's dropping her former protege over 30 feet back into the ring, flat on her back! If Twilight can't reverse the hold in a second, it could be all over!

Edited by The Second Opinion
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This... is a close battle, very close.


Whoever loses dosen't have to be ashamed. It's a very close battle, that could still go either way.

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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