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general What's the most stupid thing you've ever done?

Flying Vantas

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What is the dumbest thing you have ever done? Post it here.


I once pooped in my bathroom sink, in the dark I though it was the toilet. Yes, my sink is very low and small!

  • Brohoof 10


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(is there a topic already for this? :huh: ) um....putting a towel over my head so i had no idea i was close to the stairs... :rarity:(and fell down... )

  • Brohoof 5



20% cooler in 10 seconds flat

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One day back when I was younger my family and me were at a park, then I found a gum stuck under a picnic table, and stupid me decided to chew on the gum and when my dad saw that he became mad tolding me to spit the gum.

I honestly think that was one if not the most stupid thing I've done in my life.

Edited by ObliveonBr0ny
  • Brohoof 4


Former name(s): ExperimentalMLPguy, ObliveonBr0ny, ObliveonRapt0rBr0ny, ObliveonVortex

 Angelus Corruptus (My OC) My PMVs and YTPs channel 100+ Underrated Metal Bands in 100+ Days (Blog)


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I accidentally did the 3 in row when there was a 4 in a row I could've gotten in Bejeweled.. :(

  • Brohoof 10

 "Pay attention to these petals, Steven. The petals' dance seems improvised, but it is being calculated in real time based on the physical properties of this planet. With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem and perform your own dance!"

What do you think of me?:


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hehehe... as a kid (and I mean a 5 year old) me, my sister, and my cousin got ban from some sort of restaurant because we walked up on stage took the mic and started saying a lot of funny shit....


and when I was 2 I was at a Burger King and I was standing on top of a table singing Ludacris songs while dancing...


I'm pretty sure stuff like this is where I developed my shyness

  • Brohoof 7


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I've got a story not about me, but about an acquaintance of mine.

So he was at a party, outdoors. One of the people there was showing him how they had recently gotten one of those glass breakers to escape for if your car winds up in a river or something. So he took it, examined it, and wondered, "does it work?"

So he went up to the table - a glass table - on which all the food for the party was sitting. And he hit it with the glass breaker.

No big surprise - CRASH!

And with one gesture everyone in the whole party was mad at him.

  • Brohoof 9

It's a bug and a feature!

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Well I do stupid things all the time so its a bit hard to choose just one, but I will say when I was in grade school, going down a very long slide after a snow storm went through. It had of course ice on it. I went down, Up into the air little me went and SMACK right on my tailbone, I was bawling my eyes out, no air in my lungs.


And what do I get? I permanently messed up tail bone...Hurts still, and I can't sit to long XD. Great job me...

  • Brohoof 2






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I was halfway through the process of becoming a vet-had gotten accepted to college and everything-and went and worked on a building site instead, because the money was good. Incidentally, at that time in England, college was free of charge-it wouldn't have cost me anything. It remains to this day, the only real regret of my life.

  • Brohoof 1


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I've gotten a bit physical with people before and almost knocked them down simply because they were blocking my one and only path through a crowd of people, and it was one of those days when I couldn't bear anymore bullshit. That's no excuse, though, and what I didn't think of in the moment is that doing shit like that can seriously injure or even kill people. I'd never do anything like that on purpose, but it's not hard for something like that to go horribly wrong. 


Thankfully, I haven't really done this recently because I realized how bad it was pretty quickly.

  • Brohoof 5



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One time we went to the water park at Six Flags and I forgot what water was, so I just went around calling it transparent lemonade. My brother refuses to let me live it down.

  • Brohoof 13

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  • 2 weeks later...

I remember almost setting fire to my house because I thought it would be a good idea to try to burn an ant crawling along the wooden wall with a lighter. I was like 5 years old leave me alone.

Edited by Kitty.
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Oh wow, this thread makes me feel better about myself.


When I was younger, I used to eat these frozen burritos that would give me the farts. That wasn't so bad, but sometimes it wasn't just dirty air that escaped. Long story short, every time I ate a burrito, I had to change my underwear that night.


At the age of no more than eight or nine, I never did my own laundry. I also didn't want my mom to see my dirty pants, so I had this ingenious plan. Every time this happened, I hid my underwear behind my furniture... "for later." Like a squirrel hiding his nuts in the ground, I thought it'd work just fine.


And it did, for a while. My parents kept feeding me those burritos from hell, so it kept happening. One day, though--after almost a year--my mom found my dirty underwear stash. And let me tell you, that was one of the most embarrassing moments I've had.

  • Brohoof 12




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I've always been an admirable person in terms of stupid things however there was one thing that happened that I regret to this day. Being a complete bitch towards my friends at a class trip 3 years ago. They probably don't remember but the things I said were completely unjustifiable and hateful to the extent that I would've thrown myself off a cliff if I ever caught myself doing it again. Depression can make you do crazy things, folks...

  • Brohoof 3


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I was on the phone with someone, one time.

They asked me a yes/no question.

Instead of answering "No," I shook my head, not thinking about the fact they can't see me.

There was a long pause.

"You there?" They'd ask. "Yeah, I've been shaking my head no."

  • Brohoof 6



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Ummm.....I guess I should feel rather good about myself that I'm having trouble thinking of a good answer...


Oh, I have one!  One time I went to the beach with my friend, and against my better judgement, I thought I'd give the longboard a try.  I looked at the velcro ankle strap, trying to figure out what to do with it.  I probably looked like a monkey doing a math problem.  I strapped it to my wrist and headed out.  The first wave caught the board, dragging me like a ragdoll.  The velcro raked across my arm, giving me really nasty looking claw marks.  Believe it or not, I actually still have faint scars on my forearm.  Just, sort of, discolored marks.  Oh yeah, and this wasn't when I was a kid or anything.  It was a couple of years ago.

  • Brohoof 2


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I once put a hoodie on backwards and walked down the stairs with the hood on and fell down a flight of stairs, I then got up and walked out my house with my hood back up, and ran onto the street and got hit by a mini... That was a good day...

  • Brohoof 2


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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Back when i was 5 my family was at this fancy restaurant for they're anniversary and i just went to this little stage that they had in the restaurant and took the mic and started singing the anniversary song from the flintstones ....no regrets xD


  • Brohoof 5

Let the rainbow remind you, that together we will always shine~


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So much choice (I'm not famed for common sense) well there was this one time I jumped off a ledge, onto flints and thought I wouldn't get hurt (I've still got the scars) or it could be the time that I was trying to open a glowstick to see what was inside, and ended up eating part of the glowstick (it tastes horrible and took 5 liters of orange squash to get the taste out of my mouth and I had stomach cramps for at least a week) come to think of it I have done many stupid things ...

  • Brohoof 2


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I wouldn't exactly call it a stupid, more like a lack of judgement, but when I started my job, a few weeks into it, I forgot to put the oil cap back on a customer's car, and blew the engine up in it.

  • Brohoof 1


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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