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Starve to death or drown (to death)?


Starve or Drown?  

101 users have voted

  1. 1. Well?

    • Starve
    • Drown

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Which one would you rather have as a death? And you can't choose none  ^_^ I would personally prefer to starve, I mean, yeah, sure, it takes longer, but you'll probably fall unconscious with no pain or fear soooo.. Yeah xP

Edited by iDashingRainbow
  • Brohoof 5
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I used to starve myself, and as a result, I'll pick it. Drowning is more terrifying because of my fear of water.


Plus, I'm sick and would rather see myself suffer than die at once.

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Are you kidding me? Drowning is like the 2nd most peaceful way to die...(The very most peaceful being dying in your sleep) But starvation is like the 2nd most slow and agonizingly painful way to die...(The very most painful being death by being burned alive)

  • Brohoof 2
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Drowning(not to death) is one of the most horrible things i have experienced.

But starving is a longer process so as someone said before, I would just get over with it and select drowning.

Edited by Beat
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I honestly don't get why people are picking starvation over drowning. Starving to death takes days of pure agony before you're gone. I'm not saying drowning wouldn't be scary as fuck, but you wouldn't suffer nearly as long.

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I'll take my chances drowning. I'm a very strong swimmer, so I stand a better chance as opposed to starvation.


Uh, it looks like the options are either dying from drowning or dying from starvation. Not just putting yourself in a situation where it could happen. smile.png

  • Brohoof 1
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From what I've heard, drowning is a very agonizing and unpleasant way to die. Especially if you were to drown completely submerged (wet drowning). I'd imagine that you'd even experience some pain as the moment you start desperately inhaling, water would begin rushing down your trachea and filling up your lungs causing a lot of uncomfortable tension within your body. It's a whole lot worse than suffocation since your body would be taking in so much fluid while struggling to cough it out to no avail.


I would rather die from starvation or even from dry drowning (I heard it's a far less agonizing death than being completely submerged).

  • Brohoof 1
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I would prefer to go with starvation, but also starve myself from water so that I'd dye in 3 days rather than possibly weeks of torment. I must admit that imagining being trapped under a huge amount of water with no hope of escape utterly terrifies me. It's not about the dying, it's more about the rapid loss of hope, the burning of the lungs, choking on the water... I need to go cleanse my brain...

  • Brohoof 1
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