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Starve to death or drown (to death)?


Starve or Drown?  

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  1. 1. Well?

    • Starve
    • Drown

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I prefer to starve. I hate getting wet. At least if i starve i will die slowly and I will be able to prepare everything to be honest. But the truth is I prefer neither. I would either like to die in my sleep or at old age. I want to live the full life

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I would go with death by drowning. Because starvation is a lot more painful and a more long process. You will feel your body began to eat itself and that wouldn't be very pleasant. Drowning would involve all the oxygen being depleted from your body and all your organs failing, your brain and heart would die out first so it's a quicker more painless death than starvation.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't understand why people want the quick death -- starving gives you time to get your affairs in order.  Plus you would probably not die before the season of MLP ended ;)

Edited by silvadel
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I'd say starve. It may be the longer way to die but i'd be much more likely to be found and rescued than i would be if I were to drown. Hell, even if I perished, someone could at least find my body and bury it correctly (I'd hope.).

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Scenario A: I am stuck on an island with limited food, and soon run out after a week or two. I am surrounded by water and can only wait for help to come, which seems unlikely. So I starve to death possibly.


Scenario B: I fall out of a boat in an large body of water, I can try to swim to land if I can find some but I will eventually tire out. If I'm unable to stay afloat I will slowly sink below the surface or if I'm able to maintain my position I will be badly burnt by the sun.And I must wait for rescue or die.



To me scenario a sounds more hopeful. So I would choose starving. But if it were to be something else like no one would be coming at all I would choose to drown. I would like to be knocked out so that it goes much faster.

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As someone who's drowned before (obviously not to death) I would have to say drowning. Starving seems so slow and awful. I hate the feeling of starvation (although ironically enough I don't feel it when I simply *forget* to eat) and it gets to the point for me where I feel like I can't breathe


Drowning, it can be more peaceful. Stop fighting, let go, let it happen. It's all right. During my cases it got easier and easier to stop fighting. Starvation, well, you end up so weak you couldn't do anything if you wanted to.

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I'm terrified of drowning, but I'd probably still pick it over starving.

It'd be a lot faster.



During my cases it got easier and easier to stop fighting.


Your CASES?? Jeez, how do you keep drowning?

That can't be good for your brain...  :blink:

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I'm terrified of drowning, but I'd probably still pick it over starving.

It'd be a lot faster.




Your CASES?? Jeez, how do you keep drowning?

That can't be good for your brain...  :blink:

only two occasions. I'm a rather good swimmer but a wave disorientated me and I disorientated myself. Just couldn't tell which way was up any more and panicked a little, but then just accepted my situation and waited for my "judgement" as it were. 

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only two occasions. I'm a rather good swimmer but a wave disorientated me and I disorientated myself. Just couldn't tell which way was up any more and panicked a little, but then just accepted my situation and waited for my "judgement" as it were. 


Dang that's surprisingly... chill. Glad someone saved you. The ocean is the worst place to drown.

It's so big and murky. You just have to hope someone saw you go under.


I had a close call in the water when I was like 4, but I wouldn't call it drowning. I didn't know how to swim and got pushed in the pool. I flailed and sputtered just under the surface before my uncle grabbed me and pulled me out.

Edited by ShadOBabe
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  • 4 years later...

 Drowning is mostly psychologically painful rather than physically painful.  It’d be a lot quicker than starving too.  So if I had to choose one I’d choose drowning.  

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