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S05:E04 - Bloom and Gloom


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For me the episodes with CMCs are the less interesting ones, but having my #1 favorite Princess Luna there rapidly increases my likeness of the episode. The shadow in the forest I thought was some old enemy or even Starlight Glimmer. I didn't expect to see Luna,  but since she had appeared, the episode became a whole lot better, thus my vote for ~loved it. Other than that, not much to expect from such episode, I have seen in other shows such deja vu episodes where something repeats and have to figure it out to stop it. I knew the cutie mark may have been a dream the first time, cause nothing suggested Applebloom would earn it. It was a fine episode but seeing Luna made it a whole lot better.


P.S i dont remember the parasprites being able to cause thunderstorms before. 

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The CMCs imagining the horror scenario of getting a cutie mark they don't like is a little baffling to me. My understanding is that cutie marks are supposed to signify ponies' special talents, i.e., those things that they are best suited for doing, that set them apart from everyone else, and that they presumably like doing. How would a pony get a cutie mark in something that he/she has never heard of (like Apple Bloom's pest pony mark) or really doesn't like doing? That would almost seem to be impossible by definition. Really, though, precisely how and why ponies get cutie marks is still rather mysterious. So the CMCs question of "What if we get cutie marks we don't like?" can't be answered without first answering exactly how and why cutie marks are obtained in the first place.


I don't think they considered it until Babs got her cutie mark. Because her talent was something they wouldn't personally be interested in, they pitied her and her subjectively boring new life. This opened their minds to the possibility that they might get a CM in something they're not interesting; they had not considered it a possibility until they became aware of a pony with a "boring" talent. Without actually being able to see Babs Seed and her new fulfillment, and with their limited knowledge of what it is to discover yourself and your CM, they could only imagine their own reactions to receiving a mane-cutting cutie mark. It's just a case of naivety. They didn't understand what a cutie mark was and thought that Babs was getting stuck with something undesirable, as opposed to discovering the thing she loved most.

  • Brohoof 5
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just asking does this episode have any balloons in it?

Yes.  In the Crusader's Clubhouse there were regular balloons and the Rainbow Dash balloon animals. 


I didn't notice, but it seems likely that there were some when Pinkie Pie floated past Apple Bloom's window wearing a chicken costume...

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Great episode, probably the best Applebloom episode, and one of the best of the whole show. Dark, funny, disturbing, clever, and Luna... what's not to like?


"You can't accept who you are"


That's something that the ones who think that the CMC were acting stupid in "The Show Stoppers" should consider, and I've talked about this before. It's not that they didn't know what their talents were, it's just that they didn't wanna accept them as their special talents.

  • Brohoof 2



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Yes.  In the Crusader's Clubhouse there were regular balloons and the Rainbow Dash balloon animals. 


I didn't notice, but it seems likely that there were some when Pinkie Pie floated past Apple Bloom's window wearing a chicken costume...

oh ok thanks i hope the next episode doesn't have any

clowns are my very very favorite thing ever

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The only problem I had (and I'm sure many of you will agree on this one) was the decision to say that Babs can't be a CMC anymore. Bad call, Hasbro. Bad call. This is a problem we have worried about on these forums for a long time--the problem of what would happen when one of the CMC gets their mark, and would it divide them and so on. Well, now we know. This is very sad. I can live with it because of the fact that they went out of their way to say that they can still be friends, but it's ridiculous and unfair discrimination to not allow Babs in the club. Wouldn't Babs still want to help them get their marks? Wouldn't she still want to help the blankflanks? Would she not still be an advocate for proper treatment of blankflanks? Wouldn't she still want to work to stop bullying of blankflanks? Is that not reason enough to be a CMC?


Sorry, there wasn't a clip of that on youtube. Would have uploaded it myself, but I don't own the movie. Anyway, this is no different. Magneto wouldn't allow non-mutants in his group, even if they believed in him and backed his cause. That's unfair, and that's the flaw in his methodology. Babs would surely still believe in their cause, so how is it right to not allow her in the club? I thought that they would change their mind after the dream segment in which AB was cast out. Saying that they can still be friends wasn't good enough imo. This just isn't right at all. I'm very disappointed by this decision.

To be honest with you guys: Babs Seed having her cutie mark was a 100% bad idea at all. I mean we only got two episodes with her and so little character development. She did look better as a mainstream Crusader, NOT a hairstylist. I would make some changes if I'm a Showrunner like Jim or Jayson though..For example: The letter should say that Babs has finally formed the Manehatten CMC instead of having a cutie mark in the first place. Much like altering every Star Wars movie like the CG Yoda for example.

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As usual, I avoid the spoilers and synopses.  Even so, about three minutes into this the show I knew this would be AB's Lunaception episode.  Long time viewers of the show were expecting this so writers decided to be straightforward about it.  As usual, a CMC is dealing with a deep rooted insecurity of some kind.  It has the requisite feels and revisiting Applejack's motherly relationship with AB doesn't hurt either.  But this one wraps up what has become a minor ongoing story arc by bringing all three ponies into the same dream.  While I don't know the extent of Luna's dream capabilities, the idea that she watches over the CMCs this way gives a sense that they have a pretty important destiny of their own even if it doesn't measure up to that of the Mane 6.  And while the CMCs have promised not to get upset if they don't get their cutie marks simultaneously, I have an increasing suspicion that's exactly what will happen. 


As to Babs not being a CMC any longer, I was hoping this episode's lesson would prompt the others to revise that policy.  Anypony who gets their cutie mark can definitely support peers who haven't gotten theirs yet.  I'm optimistic this will be resolved in an upcoming episode.  :)



I fear for the future of Squeaky Belle! :(


That was the big disappointment of the episode for me.  While her voice didn't sound much older to me, the squeaks just aren't there any more and you could tell she was trying to make them.  :C

  • Brohoof 2
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That was the big disappointment of the episode for me.  While her voice didn't sound much older to me, the squeaks just aren't there any more and you could tell she was trying to make them.  :C


Ughhhh, I know what you mean, man, I know what you mean.  I'm not gonna lie, it hurt, it seriously hurt me right in the feels.  :(  'Tis the Catch 22 with any great child actor/actress or child VA; inevitably, they will grow up, and certain qualities about their earliest work can never be captured again.  It may be something small, but gosh dang it if Squeaky Belle wasn't one of the most adorable things ever!  :rarity:

  • Brohoof 2


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Yes.  In the Crusader's Clubhouse there were regular balloons and the Rainbow Dash balloon animals. 


I didn't notice, but it seems likely that there were some when Pinkie Pie floated past Apple Bloom's window wearing a chicken costume...


Pinkie pie floating by was one of the best jokes of the episode XD

I'm usually not a big fan of pinkie pie, but her sight gags are way better than alot of her other jokes (where she screams something in a high pitched voice). Coupled with her pancake joke from last episode, I hope photobomb style jokes end up being a trend with PP this season.

  • Brohoof 3
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I was very confused for the first 15 min, until I realized Applebloom was dreaming it all :P I thought it was an ok episode, though I was disappointed at the amount of creativity the producers put into the assorted cutie marks, especially Babs's. Snips already has a scissor cutie mark...

  • Brohoof 1

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I really liked this episode. I thought they tackled cutie marks in a unique way and it really worked (and especially resonated with me, as a constantly worrying 2nd semester senior :P ).


The best part of the episode was definitely the derpy dolphin cutie mark. That had me in stitches for a solid 2 minutes. Anyway, here are my full thoughts (and then some) on the episode. Enjoy B)



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Wow, I just saw this one, and I actually thought it was really good! Dare I say it, this was the best nightmare story arc episode. The whole part about how Applebloom's shadow was the antagonist, how it was her own constant craving for a cutie mark (which shes been after since the beginning of the series) that was fueling her insecurities.... Wow... just wow.. I never expected something so deep from AB! :catface:

The whole dreamscape feel of the episode was really well captured too! Not to mention Vinyl Tavi and Luna were all there too!!!

I wish Luna had a more prominent role overall, but maybe in a later episode, well see more of her :comeatus:. Maybe her nightmare will be about her sharing power with Celestia again. Anyways, I thought it was pretty good..

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Luna's entrance was both beautiful and majestic.  :comeatus:

I loved Luna's entrance. It was wonderful! Also when she told Applebloom you can't run from your own shadow, and changed the lighting...Truly awesome!


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Guys, this is almost certainly a dream.


You don't just wake up one morning and get a cutie mark.

I know this is an old comment in the thread, but I'd still like to point out that Cherilee had once said that she "woke up to find that a cutie mark had appeared". So it CAN happen.

  • Brohoof 3

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I know this is an old comment in the thread, but I'd still like to point out that Cherilee had once said that she "woke up to find that a cutie mark had appeared". So it CAN happen.

Obviously she got that in he dreams from teaching a dream class ;p

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Saw the episode this morning on Youtube. None too shabby.


Some thoughts on the episode:


It took me until Applebloom 'woke up' after the first dream to realize this was doing the groundhog day dream sequence plot device. Honestly, before then, I was kinda hoping the shadow was Starlight Glimmer if it weren't a dream, and that we'd start seeing a recurring thing with her trying to get people to her way of thinking from the shadows now that she's gone back into hiding ("If Cutie Marks cause all this grief, then I don't want one!") Alas, nope, just the third CMC Luna dream episode we've been missing.


My favorite part was probably the first dream. The pest control job had a very Ghostbusters feel to it, and it seemed like Applebloom could even grow to have fun with that job if it weren't a dream.  It probably also helped that the twittermites were adorable in their own mischievous way, like the parasprites before them. After that, watching everything fall apart in the third dream sequence was entertaining. That scene with the Apple family disowning Applebloom definitely got trippy. I think that's the most I've heard Big Mac's voice actor speak since Hearts and Hooves Day, if you can count the baby talk in that episode as dialogue.


I'm not sure they've done this 'lesson' before, but the episode did it well, without coming across as preachy. It's definitely an episode I could potentially see myself watching again in the future.

Edited by Tarilaan
  • Brohoof 3


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To be honest, I figured that this was going a dream episode the instant applebloom went to sleep. But, when the shadow came into play, my mind instantly shot to Starlight Glimmer and I almost thought she was trying to manipulate Applebloom from the dream realm. Kind of glad they didn't go that route though, it fueled my paranoia of previously established villiains being behind everything, but I don't know if I would have liked the idea of Starlight just randomly trying to coruppt applejacks sister with no prior foreshadowing. I also love how scootaloo imediatley takes advantage of being in a dream world once she realises she's asleep.
And I supose the "You can't be a cutiemark crusader if you have a cutiemark" rule explains why Applebloom hasn't spent any time with Twist since the crusaders were formed.

Edited by TwistedGear
  • Brohoof 4

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The CMCs imagining the horror scenario of getting a cutie mark they don't like is a little baffling to me. My understanding is that cutie marks are supposed to signify ponies' special talents, i.e., those things that they are best suited for doing, that set them apart from everyone else, and that they presumably like doing. How would a pony get a cutie mark in something that he/she has never heard of (like Apple Bloom's pest pony mark) or really doesn't like doing? That would almost seem to be impossible by definition. Really, though, precisely how and why ponies get cutie marks is still rather mysterious. So the CMCs question of "What if we get cutie marks we don't like?" can't be answered without first answering exactly how and why cutie marks are obtained in the first place.   Also, I have posted about this in regard to the other two CMC/Luna episodes here and here, but I can't help noting that Luna apparently still has little regard for ponies' privacy in the dream realm. Luna seems to have no compunction about showing the extent of her workload to Apple Bloom, and showing Apple Bloom the private dreams of Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, apparently without their consent.

I think the CMC never really understood what a cutie mark was and once they truly figure out what a cutie mark is, they will get their cutie marks.  And we don't know if Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle gave consent. It seems like Luna visited each CMC so Scoots and Sweetie might have said "yeah I trust my friends so show them my dream if it helps them" 

  • Brohoof 3

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To be honest, I figured that this was going a dream episode the instant applebloom went to sleep. But, when the shadow came into play, my mind instantly shot to Starlight Glimmer and I almost thought she was trying to manipulate Applebloom from the dream realm. Kind of glad they didn't go that route though, it fueled my paranoia of previously established villiains being behind everything, but I don't know if I would have liked the idea of Starlight just randomly trying to coruppt applejacks sister with no prior foreshadowing. I also love how scootaloo imediatley takes advantage of being in a dream world once she realises she's asleep.

And I supose the "You can't be a cutiemark crusader if you have a cutiemark" rule explains why Applebloom hasn't spent any time with Twist since the crusaders were formed.

EHHHHHHHHHH WRONG! Once a foal gets their cutie mark, they're always be friends until the end. Because friends don't abandon each other. Just like the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they can even help other ponies find their cutie marks as well. "Well, you can't be a Cutie Mark Crusader if you've already got your cutie mark.." well you're Wrong, Scootaloo! Being a pony with a cutie mark, does NOT change you at all. But when Sweetie Belle said that "the clubhouse is for Crusaders only", why not start a division in the CMC clubhouse (involving Blank Flanks and ponies with cutie marks doing various fun things (not involved in searching for a cutie mark). Good idea. 


But...when Apple Bloom said that "a cutie mark won't change who we are or how everypony feels about us" does not change anyone at all. They're still them inside no matter what. If they're a Crusader or not, they can be still be friends right? Plus, SB did say that "We're lucky we're all scared of the same things. That way we can help and remind each other to just be who we are!"

Edited by MAIKUN
  • Brohoof 1
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VERY good epi! 
at first i thought AB's shadow was Glimmer o.o but when her cutie mark was removed with out blue magic I knew it was luna again.
I also though her shadow sounded like of lik HIM from PPG. 

On a side note: i think the show hinted what Scootaloo's and SB's cutie marks will end up being 

Is it me, or does Scootaloo's voice sound deeper? :P

Very much so. then again the girls ARE  getting older

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Once a foal gets their cutie mark, they're always be friends until the end. Because friends don't abandon each other. Just like the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they can even help other ponies find their cutie marks as well. "Well, you can't be a Cutie Mark Crusader if you've already got your cutie mark.." well you're Wrong, Scootaloo! Being a pony with a cutie mark, does NOT change you at all. But when Sweetie Belle said that "the clubhouse is for Crusaders only", why not start a division in the CMC clubhouse (involving Blank Flanks and ponies with cutie marks doing various fun things (not involved in searching for a cutie mark). Good idea. 


But...when Apple Bloom said that "a cutie mark won't change who we are or how everypony feels about us" does not change anyone at all. They're still them inside no matter what. If they're a Crusader or not, they can be still be friends right? Plus, SB did say that "We're lucky we're all scared of the same things. That way we can help and remind each other to just be who we are!"

Aother thing they could do is have cutie mark crusaders with cutie marks act as mentors to the crusaders who still haven't received theirs.

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