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Who are your least favorite Ponies\Characters


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When Rarity and Pinkie Pie are written badly they both become incredibly grating. I don't like Ms. Harshwhinny much, Zecora's rhyming can be really tiresome and there are times when the Apple family get ttoo overbearing.


I don't think there's anyone I really hate though. The most annoying pony of all for me has always been Twilight, when she's randomly handed the idiot ball just so she can learn a life lesson she clearly already knows. :P

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Fluttershy and Discord. Although I like all characters, but I just can't bring myself to like these two as much as the others. I can't even pass them off like I can with Snips and Snails, since these two have had much more screen time, and that annoys me. I like their songs, though.

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Diamond Bitch and Silver Twit. 

seriously, they insulted a disabled child for her disability.  what kind of cruel, heartless, monsters would do something like that?????? 

Edited by Serenade
  • Brohoof 1
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I used to  despise Rainbow Dash and Rarity completely, but now I like them more.

My least favorites are definitely:

Lightning Dust: I can't say she's written very good, and I hate her "daring" personality

Mrs. Harshwinny: She's so serious and always looks on the negative side of things. Always having to be "Professional"

Princess Luna: This is rarely, mostly when she's being rude. Like in The Equestria Games when she yawned when Spike couldn't light the torch

sig-32529.sig-32529.derpy_hooves___put_away_mailbag_by_rj_p-d62jp07.gifMail carrier Derpy is best pony​ derpy_emoticon1.png


But Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are cool too



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@@Mr. TSB


Just letting you know I moved your thread to Show Discussion as it pertained to elements of the show. Sugarcube Corner is largely for topics pertaining to the fandom.


Thanks. :)

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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Snips and Snails are definitely the worst recurring characters to me. Not only are they bad for each episode they're in, they're the first characters in this show I found to really be offensive.


It's enough that the show, for a while through the second, third, and parts of the fourth seasons, did not have many good male characters in it, or was reducing Big Mac and Shining Armor to footnotes and Spike to a gag character. But for the next most prominent recurring male characters to be two slackers who are only around to mess things up is very disappointing.


Those characters are really beyond redemption and had no purpose except to act stupid and "be boys" (as their names suggest). Lately, it seems the show is putting in more good male characters and using these two much less. Good on the writers for making this move.

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Snips and Snails, but I guess it's because the writers haven't used them right yet.


Then again, 22 minutes of feeding that pair of  ponies through a woodchipper in slow motion is probably not childfriendly enough for FiM.

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My least favorites are:

- The Flim Flam Brothers: They're songs are annoying and also their agenda.

- Flash Sentry: Didn't like his relationship with Twilight Sparkle. Also don't like the way he is.

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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I'm actually fine with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. They more so just annoy me than make me hate them.


But I really don't like Flim and Flam, Snips and Snails, Prince Blueblood, Flash Sentry... I apparently dislike the male characters a lot...  

Edited by SquipyCheetah


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I have kind of an unpopular pony to hate on: Babs Seed


First off (and although she is now reformed she wasn't always) she is a bully.

And not the Diamond Tiara type of bully, who makes no attempt to hide the fact shes a spoiled brat, Babs Seed was bullied herself in school, but she couldn't have been faster in turning on her fellow blank-flanks and her own cousin just to save her own hide

This just infuriates me, when people turn on their own kind to join the enemy, even when they KNOW it isn't right

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Snips and Snails




Berry Punch


I dunno, I never really liked any of those characters. Snips and Snails for the poor writing, Gilda because I honestly don't like Gryphons, and Berry Punch because, well... She's not exactly the most thought out background character. (Even for one.) Derpy isn't far behind, though...

Top Bae.

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Has everyone except me repressed this goof from their memories?!?!?!? :angry: Why didn't I get any brain bleach??? :(




JK... :lol: I don't dislike him to the point of hating him. As soon as he was on screen I was like "oh no OMG WHY?!?!?" I just found him EXTREMELY annoying but I think he was a funny type of character to throw in. He sure wasn't fooling Applejack though.


It's just that I cant stand people like him in real life who walk around with their head so far up their ass that their brain has died from lack of oxygen. :baconmane:


DT & SS are kind of annoying too.




The worst is ROCKY. :eww: That guy was such a jerk.  ;)




Edited by Cirrus.



Rainbow Rocks... at least how it could've looked... in a stranger, more interesting dimension :lol:

For those who are wondering, Twilight is chewing bubble gum.

Original Artwork: http://inkypsycho.deviantart.com/art/Do-Ya-Thing-by-Gorillaz-Ponified-487082864

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By far the worst pony ever is Flash Sentry. He's starred in no less than two full-length movies and yet has done exactly one plot important thing (Clearing Twilight's name by proving that the photos were shopped) which could have been done by any other character without changing anything (In fact the scene would have been more impactful if one of her new friends had done it, and funnier/more memorable if a background pony took his place). The only reason why he's in the movies is to give Twilight a bland love interest who she has no reason to be attracted to. She literally fell in love just by bumping into him.


Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane!

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All that bragging about shows nothing but a low esteem the size of Equestria. Such fear makes her pretty aggressive towards her environment, she's just self-deluding her egoistic self. And such aspect is holding her back from any real evolution.

Trixie can't accept herself. She's afraid of discovering her nature, to know that she might be not as talented as she let herself to believe. This step is the first of humility, and the very first on becoming a better human/pony.


She needs to know that there's a world of acceptance outside of her own fears. A place to BE!

As it's, she's pretty unberable, and I would like to zap her into the nonexistencial void.


  • Brohoof 2
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>> Babs (I simply wasn't able to build up any sympathy with her)

>> Featherweight (at least until he comes out as crossdresser)

>> Flash Sentry (you just stand in the way dude...)

>> Troubleshoes (no hard feelings, but...)


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Flash Sentry, the walking embodiment of a bland boyfriend gary-stu archetype.  Honestly, the only reason he exists is to give Twilight a boyfriend and he has nothing outside of this and at this point adding anything isn't going to change that. 


Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon from the show itself, mostly cause they're only the Alpha bitch and sidekick bully characters but then again we aren't meant to like them. 

Edited by Sidral Mundet

Logic is the beginning of wisdom, not the end.

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I don't like Rainbow Dash. She's rather arrogant, and too concerned with being seen as "cool." Too stereotypically tomboyish. I'm not a big fan of Rarity either, but she has her good points. Although I also don't like Snips and Snails, and I'm not actually a big fan of Trixie, either. But overall, Rainbow Dash has to be my least favorite.

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  • 2 weeks later...

AppleJack for me. I just can't see her as anything as "Southern, apples, southern, apples" not that there's anything wrong with either of those (except that im allergic to apples) just don't find her entertaining, except in "bats!"

This. you said exactly what I wanted to say, even though yes she was very tolerable in "bats" and I can't explain why. I just really don't care for AppleJack. I think the southern accent thing is too deliberate and stereotyping. Not that the other ponys' gimmicks are any less stereotyping. I dunno, I just have to put someone on the bottom and AppleJack is the one. 

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Well if I have to choose it would be Rarity and Cheese Sandwich. I don't know why, I just don't like Cheese for some reason, and I don't like Rarity, because she's just a little too nandy-pandy for my liking.

     If I had to choose between saving myself and saving others,

                                                            I would save both.   :comeatus: 

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