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request shop Quick Sketches for the Fun of It [CLOSED]


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@, I don't know about a few at once, as I'm trying to allow for people to line up evenly, but if I run out of people or you want another after I'm done with yours, I'm for it!  :lol: And thank you!


@@JonasDarkmane, hope it's up to par, haha.  :grin2:


Same deal as above, haha.


Ok thanks. Again, I'm a big fan of the not-so-cleancut drawings. As a new question, do you do anything other than only ponies?



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@@Sweet Pen, back to drawing, yeah. Got like... 4 ponies to do first, but I'll include yours after if you provide a reference for Nescau?  :)


@@JonasDarkmane, thanks, haha. Glad you like him!  ;)

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@@Sweet Pen, back to drawing, yeah. Got like... 4 ponies to do first, but I'll include yours after if you provide a reference for Nescau?  :)


@@JonasDarkmane, thanks, haha. Glad you like him!  ;)

You will get a better response than that. 


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Could you draw me a quick sketch of Applejack running? I don't care about the pose or anything, I just really want a nice drawing of her like that. Might I say, for somepony who draws so fast, you are a great artist! I haven't read all of this topic, so I'm not aware if you're done with it or not... But anyway, if you decide to do it, thank you so much! *huggles*

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@, sure thing, haha. I'll hopefully get to it before too long--and while fast, I generally end up doing like... 1-6 per day for some reason, even though they don't take horribly long to do.  :wat: Hm.

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I get it! I'm an "artist" as well, so I understand what you mean. I can draw pretty quickly. A good drawing takes max 2 hours and a simple one.. 30 minutes? I dunno. But I think you are great anyway! Your artstyle is very unique, which I always love in an artist.

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@, thank you very much!

And yeah, that timeframe sounds fairly accurate for me too.  :o


@, yup, and will do. :muffins:  

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Yeah, but I see you are way ahead of me. You have a way to draw digitally, while I don't really have that option (you know, don't have much money right now...). Anyway, thanks so much again! Would it be too bad if I asked for another one after you're done with mine? It's ok if it's a bother, I understand, but I just remembered something else I'd really, really, REALLY love to have <3

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@, yeeaah, tools can help quite a bit when it's something like a tablet, rather than relying on a mouse. I mean, I went a good while doing digital art without a tablet, but after a notable learning curve... well, I'm glad I have it, and it was worth a few hundred (even if I've been wanting to upgrade for quite awhile).

And nah. When I finish yours you're welcome to hit me up with another request.  :)


@, finished with Moon Flower.  :P


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I was wondering if you could do another one for me, again with Rave Darkmane, the one you  did before, but this time with Puck's OC, Cookie Caramel :)? They are both in love with each other  :wub:. So perhaps a drawing with them together  :wub:?


Here is a reference to Puck's OC: 












Another awesome OC btw  :wub:. You are really great at this :D

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Thanks! It's a ponified version of a game character. Would you like a reference of him ponified or you'd like to give ponifying a try? I'll only send after you are done with mine though, so no need to hurry.

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@@JonasDarkmane, I'll give it a try, haha.  :lol:


@, I think it'd be more fun to come up with my own interpretations.  ;) And sounds good.


@, finished your pony as requested.


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@@JonasDarkmane, I'll give it a try, haha.  :lol:


@, I think it'd be more fun to come up with my own interpretations.  ;) And sounds good.


@, finished your pony as requested.


Thank you ^^. And that drawing looks super adorable  :wub:. Loving the socks, he looks so dumbfounded   :yay:

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Your art threads make me want to go on a brohoof brigade. No request (besides the daily "Can you do me a favor" ;) ), just popping in once again to pat your back. I'm glad you're getting a little bit more comfortable with digital artwork. It's about time!  :squee:   

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OMG, the socks! They make everypony adorable! Anyway, got it girlfriend. I'll had along with a picture of the character a tiny description of him, and feel free to do whatever you'd like with him.

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Ok thanks. Again, I'm a big fan of the not-so-cleancut drawings. As a new question, do you do anything other than only ponies?

Sorry, missed your original question. I have played around with plenty outside of ponies, sure, but none have the same level of practice anymore, haha.  :lol: Though given the current location, I'd rather not deviate too far/often.  :) Do you have something to propose?


@@JonasDarkmane, thanks! And yeah, maybe a little bit, lol. I kinda just drew him in that pose and his mood kinda... came with it. I don't exactly know what's going on in his mind.  :derp: But yeah, he looks a tad thoughtful, eh?


@@Nervous Stitch, thanks so much. ♥  :kindness:

And yeah, it's a great feeling, haha. My tablet has spent so much more time sitting around gathering dust than it should have, haha.

Thanks again for the encouragement!  :fluttershy:


@, thank you, haha. And alright, sounds good~

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@, practice is the friend of speed, though admittedly I get distracted pretty easily.  :please: Probably accounts for why I'm not doing these back to back like I could.


@, glad you like em!  ;)

Mmm. Bacon.


@@Hibiscus Bloom, ended up updating drivers a for my tablet, and my style changed just slightly with this.  :derp:


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Who cares? You're doing it for fun, if people can't understand that, their problem. Anyway, I just love Hibiscus'! She looks so adorable darling! It also appears I was the only one who didn't ask for an OC to be drawn huh?...

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