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S05:E08 - The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone


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I liked this episode. When I saw the little preview of it I have to admit I wasn't really looking forward to this episode because I thought Rainbow Dash was just going to be annoying and start fighting with Pinkie over what they should do but I am SO glad they never fought and they were both doing what they really thought was right. I felt kinda sorry for Twilight seeing how she wanted to see Griffonstone the most. The scene where Rainbow's hair took on Twilight's look cracked me up so much! I found it really interesting that Pinkie took on the rule that Twilight usually has in terms of teaching friendship while Rainbow took on the rule that the other Mane 5 do in an episode. Pinkie Pie was very smart,caring and perceptive in this episode. At first I agreed with Pinkie that maybe Twilight should have gone with them but when Gilda appeared I realized the writer had made a very wise decision to reduce the number of characters in the episode so the story could focus on forgiving Gilda and redeeming her. Perhaps the map wanted those 2 to mend the friendship with Gilda specifically. The flashback was so utterly freakin cute! I also found it interesting that Gilda blamed Rainbow Dash for ruining their friendship when it was her that walked out of Pinkie's party without apologizing. Then again Rainbow did say "Maybe you should find cool friends someplace else" in "Brush off" so I guess there really are 2 sides to every story and I'm glad they made up. I liked how the baking scene in the beginning tied in with helping Gilda rather than just being a gag. The scene where Gilda imitated the old Griffon reminded me of the scene in Leroy & Stitch where Leroy imitates Hamsterviel. I also loved how Pinkie jumped in the chasm to save Rainbow because that is something she would totally do. I guess the only flaw was maybe that the episode dragged on with slow pacing for a bit. The "princess" remark from Twilight was also a tad off but at least she has embraced her status. Besides writing a mini book was definitely in character for Twilight.  

  • Brohoof 10

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Really enjoyed this episode, glad to see Gilda is a good guy now and that we got to see 2 of the mane 6 go out instead of all of them. Does these mean 2 more groups of 2? Fluttershy and Twilight + Rarity and applejack?


Also that 1 eyed goat thing was creepy as hell

Edited by Mothra
  • Brohoof 5


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Well, the forums crashed so no live discussion of the episode, but I just wanna say that THIS EPISODE WAS AWESOME!


If there was to be my personal favorite episode of the season, this one might just be it. I loved seeing some great Pinkie and RD interaction here. Pinkie probably had the best characterization here. Also, this episode fixed Gilda a lot. They gave her more of a reason for her jerkiness instead of just assuming she's always been like this, like in Griffion the Brush off. The designs of the griffions were also great, each with a unique design. I loved the animation from when they were being told the story of the king, I got some Wind Waker vibes from it.


So many great gags from the kingdom not allowing singing, to Pinkie letting Gummy cook. So brilliant.


On another note, people are gonna ship Pinkie with the griffion statue, I can already see it.



  • Brohoof 10



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Juding by the lack of responses this place wasn't down for just me. I wanted to see Gilda again and I got a chance for that, more on that later though. I love the potential for world building here, the Griffons remind me a bit of ancient Greece and China. They both were originally a series of powerful city states that fought with each other until they were united with the powerful ruler reminding me of China as the very name China itself came from the Chin Dynasty which is what united China. This makes me wonder what kinds of city states they had and any potential cultural or linguistic differences they may have had. Were they like the Greeks that shared a common religion and language yet whose city states had drastically different political systems? Or were they more like the Chinese who not only had different political systems but also ethnic and linguistic differences?


I could see the "this town needs friendship not the idol back" from a mile away. The fact that a considerable number of the griffons were greedy is believable but come on all of them? It just seems like they took a stereotype that they have placed on dragons and put them on griffons. It is a bit more excusable with griffons as they aren't as diverse as dragons (different species types ect) but still. Griffonstone falling reminded me of Rome a bit as that empire fell quite hard though there was also a remnant of that for a few hundred years afterward with the Byzantine Empire.


The treatment of Gilda was better than Griffon the Brush off and there was the reconciliation at the end but I still say Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash screwed up in that situation as well. I don't agree entirely with how the resolution was handled but we at least get to see Gilda as something other than the anti Christ. It seems Gilda has her work cut out for her as it will take more than just "friendship" to cure the ills of Griffonstone. I am not saying it won't help but that entire place needs to be completely rebuilt. As we have seen they don't really have a government to speak of anymore. There dosen't seem to be a king or any king of law enforcement which makes me a bit amazed that the place isn't even worse off than it is.

  • Brohoof 3
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Pretty good episode overall. It’s more than clear now that AKR writes Pinkie better than most, including McCarthy. I've been waiting for an episode where she saves the day like in Swarm of the Century, so this was a bit of a breath of fresh air, even though it wasn't quite on the same scale.


As for negatives,Twilight was unbearably annoying in this episode. Of course we, the audience, have never heard of Griffonstone before, but naturally, she is already well-informed about it, as well as every little facet of its culture.


*eyeroll* Okay, whatever. Not sure why I would have expected differently. At least she won’t be accompanying them to save the day and come up with the solution to the issue at hand, right?




“Twilight literally wrote a book of what we need to do in Griffonstone.”


Oh, well, of course she did! >_> Why wouldn't she expect them to be completely lost and clueless without her?  She apparently doesn’t even trust them to know how to get there themselves.


“Oh, thank you so much, Mother Twily! We really appreciate you for holding our hooves through this whole thing since we can barely tell left from right ourselves! Maybe later at lunchtime you can cut the crusts off of our PB&J sandwiches and stick the straws in our juiceboxes! Oh, and after lunch, you can read us a story while you tuck us in bed for a long nap after our very first friendship mission without you!” 



Edited by Cleverclover
  • Brohoof 7
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Now that the forums are back, here are my thoughts about this new episode:

I found the episode to be really good. The humour and the end was what made the ep. in my opinion.

The return of Gilda was good, she even got some caracter developement after that, when she was acting very differently about Dash. The line "Your much more important than a chunk of gold" was the point when the tables turned IMO.

Pinkie Pie was really funny in this episode, mainly when she called that statue a charmer :P

Also Rainbow Dash with her Twilight impersonation.

The pace was also nice like last week episode, maybe a little tiny rushed to set up for the last frames, but great none the less.

I give this episode a 9/10


Here is my list of episodes in order of preference so far


  1. A tie between bloom and gloom and make friends
  2. A tie between cutie map and griffinstone
  3. apploosa most wanted
  4. tanks for the memories
  5. castle sweet castle
Edited by ObliveonVortex
  • Brohoof 2


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Well, that was a good episode, although this season had better episodes. It was a bit too rushed, especially the flashback of Rainbow Dash and Gilda, ugh...


Glad to see Gilda again, she was much better than in Griffon the Brush Off!

Pinkie Pie was perfect (for once)! Great dialogues with Gilda. Fortunately she didn't sing, that would have ruined everything.

However Rainbow Dash's part lacked of "adventure", I was expecting some exploration (for example)...

The end wasn't really an end because Griffonstone is still a mess, but I guess we'll see it again in a better shape later in the series.


About the map: I'm glad that it will call the mane 6 throughout the season and not only during the season premiere (and finale?).

I also loved the fact it only called Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie (Twilight was so jealous lol). Maybe there'll be 2 other episodes with 2 other mane 6 pairings...


And that one-eyed guy, who was he? o:


Overall: I liked it!

  • Brohoof 3
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I was expecting this to be the 100th episode thanks to Equestria daily, but oh well. e.e


Tis was a good episode. ^.^

(*^Has nothing of substance to say about the episode-Cough*)

Edited by baltosaa

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When Gilda first showed up in MLP, I didn't care about her at all. With some characterization under her belt though, I ended up liking her alot.


Overall, I liked this episode. Couple things though:


When they started talking about getting the Idol back, I was just sitting there thinking to myself, "I WONDER IF THEY NEEDED THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP ALL ALONG". Wasn't too big of a deal, just jumped out at me.


I also though Gilda's jump from being resentful of Dash to being good friends again could have been smoother. It seemed kind of sudden to me.




Also, some neat world building with Griffonstone. I always enjoy getting more lore.

  • Brohoof 6


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I just thought the episode was a little bit... boring. I mean, the moral is "friends are good"? Isn't that what they've been repeating over and over for the last 5 seasons, except they usually go a bit more in-depth than that?


It's good to see more of the gryphons and their history, so it's not all bad. World building is always welcome. And kid Gilda was super kawaii, although she fails to dethrone the queen of cute kids, baby Applejack.


I wish there would have been a flash-forward showing the gryphon kingdom flourishing after Gilda spread her message. Maybe in a future episode?


Also, Pinkie Pie x Grover is now slightly below Fluttershy x Bulk Biceps in my OTP rankings.

  • Brohoof 2


Also, I really like Cloudchaser's mane!

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That... that Gilda story... the feels are getting to me. Also I told you so that duo pairings episodes were the best. Having all the ponies go out on the adventure really dilutes the material. With just two of them there's plenty of good stuff to put in there.


Finally Twilight showed her obssession with books again, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were an awesome duo. Also something tells me that cyclops goat monster could be from G1 or something?

Edited by cidershield
  • Brohoof 2


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This is definitely my favorite episode of the season so far!  It was really fun, and I don't actually have any complaints.  Seeing Gilda again was cool and they wrapped up everything between her, Pinkie, and Dash really well.  Also, the characterization was fantastic!  Pinkie, Dash, Gilda, and even the brief moment with Twilight were really well done and seemed to fit the characters perfectly.


Overall, a great episode!


By the way, did anyone else notice what might be the first ever confirmed death in the show (unless you count Sombra) with the skull of the cyclops beast whose name escapes me?  Dang, this show has come a long way...

  • Brohoof 3

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Got some things to ask though. Where was Daring Do? And what happened to the cake that Gummy was supposed to bake? I was expecting the unexpecting as in Gummy actually baking an awesome cake when Pinkie returned.


And I thought that monster's name was Gutube. As in youtube but with a G.

Edited by cidershield
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Let the PinkieDash antics commence!


This was one of my favorite episodes so far, right next to The Cutie Map. Copious amounts of griffon lore superimposed over the beautiful art design of the once great Griffon kingdom, culminating in the return of Gilda after four and a half years. 


Once again, Pinkie is in top form this episode, which is continuing to be a huge improvement to her character following her annoying antics in a lot of S4. I can't even mention all the funny moments because they were just so numerous. Not one to be shown up, Dash is also a barrel of laughs with her spot-on Twilight impression, the latter of which is in full on tourist mode in her notes. 

Can I just also say that YOUNG GILDA WAS SO ADORABLE!!! And that little stutter she had when she first met Dash... :wub: 

Overall, if wasn't already clear, I adored this episode. The only complaint I can really think of is that despite Gilda's attitude for most of the episode, she went from a bullying jerk to hugging and being all nice rather quickly. Not only that, but how come nobody seems to now that Griffonstone has been in shambles for possibly years? Is it because it's a remote location, like Starlight's Town or does Equestria not keep in touch with it's Griffon neighbors? But that's just me nitpicking. 

  • Brohoof 1

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