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Do you get bullied? If so, how do you feel?


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This is for my project and I appreciate your support. 


I need to know if anyone here gets bullied in school and how he/she feels. 

  • Brohoof 3


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

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I would get upset and defend myself and yes I did get bullied before but now it's rare that I get bullied

Edited by MLG4Ever
  • Brohoof 2

*Boops You Nose!*

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Mostly in terms of life in general. Maybe more than others. Usually differences of opinions or ideas, even physical differences cause bullying. I've not been one to bully other than be blunt or persistent. Grudges and prejudices are hard to work around.


It mainly makes me feel that I'm the only one of my kind and that there isn't anyone like me in the world. Refusing to conform, I usually feel excluded socially. I partly do it on purpose just as I'm prideful and a little stubborn. Basic emotions of sadness, anger or denial happens. I'm quite on-edge on any situation giving the vibe of me being the victim of a bully occurence. I usually observe it first and start to approach here and there to confirm these beliefs. It could be caused by jealousy for whatever reason, that I'm the target sometimes.

  • Brohoof 3
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I was bullied terribly in school.

Felt depressed, ugly, useless, pretty much all the words that stay with me to this day. Positive words help but the scars I don't think will ever heal.

  • Brohoof 2

Roleplayer, Voice Actor, Writer, Friend

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Yes, I was bullied a lot.


I'm a guy and I had long hair as a kid, and that got me bullied a lot, because I looked a bit like a girl.  The bullying didn't start until jr. high.  Elementary school was fine because eveybody there knew me.  They had known me as my hair grew out, so I guess they didn't think it looked weird.  I was always very shy, but I was generally well liked in elementary school.


Jr. high was hell.  As soon as I got there, the upper classmen began tormenting me daily.  There were a few in particular that would follow me around, taunting and yelling, even throwing food at me on occassion.  Every day.  Every f*cking god damn day.  This went on for all of 7th grade.  The very worst experience was the first day of P.E.  As instructed, I went into the boys' locker room to get my uniform.  The gym teacher told me I was in the wrong locker room, that the girls' locker room was on the other side of the gym.  When I corrected him, the entire room errupted in laughter, including the teacher.  The f*cking teacher.  He really was an a**hole, though--the kind of stereotypical gym teacher that bullies and humiliates.  I think he was fired at some point.


I always played it Jackie Robinson style.  I ignored them and never once struck back or lashed out.  Never gave them any other weapons to use against me.  I never spoke a word to my tormenters.  I would go home very angry and fantasize about all the gruesome things I wanted to do to them.  It was hurtful, but I guess my self-esteem survived.


I cut my hair during the summer between 7th and 8th grade.  I was never bullied again.  My school years went by, one after the other, completely uneventful.  I was more or less invisible.  I very much enjoyed high sophomore year P.E.  It was a non-threatening place to actually get in shape and challenge yourself, not to humiliate those who didn't get picked for teams and couldn't play sports.


Now, at almost 30, I suffer from extreme depression and low self-esteem and confidence, but for other reasons.  The jr high bullying didn't leave any lasting scars.  Random note--I'm actually in the process of growing my hair out again.  I also like to wear feminine clothing and dresses.  When I was little, it made me so mad when I was mistaken for female.  Now, I almost welcome it, because in many ways, I wish I had been born female.  So strange, how much time changes things.

  • Brohoof 3


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I've been bullied before, primarily in all of my years in high school.


At first I was terrified by all of this. Usually these people would bully me for my always cynical and temperamental personality, but sometimes they would even laugh at more for liking "childish things", namely Pokémon and other Nintendo franchises. Because of the amount of bullying I've been through, I would always go straight to the school library and stay there on my own during recess and lunch breaks. The bullying got too much to me to the point where I thought that to fight back, I had to become a bully. That of course didn't turn out well in the end, either because I was being too soft or that I got into some serious fist fights.


Ever since I've moved to a different high school, my thoughts on bullying have changed rather significantly. Despite the amount I've been through, I honestly think that in a way, bullying can be a way to call out how some people can be too reckless or quick-tempered. When executed correctly, it really works, but most of the time it doesn't, and just comes off as cheap tormenting for the amusement of people. Telling others about how you're getting bullied won't make any difference if you're wanting to change that too. Unless you've got an insane amount of support from family or psychologists, the best way to deal with them is to ignore them, no matter how hard it is. To be honest, I can't feel much remorse when some people say that they've been bullied and want to stop it.


I sure am envious of some victims of bullying, though. Because of my distant yet quick-tempered personality, I haven't made many friends during my years in high school. Most of the victims I meet have many friends thanks to their relaxed personalities and know when to ignore bullies.

Edited by Odyssey
  • Brohoof 1
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I was bullied back in middle school, and I felt pretty bad about myself then.


In High school, I just sorta became a ghost, wandering from one class to the next.


Fortunately, this really did help me in the long run, because it made me realize how little I should actually care what others think of me. Although i didn't like being bullied, and I don't think anyone should ever be bullied, the experience did at least give me thicker skin.

  • Brohoof 1
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I got bullied relentlessly during high school, and I got kinda scarred for it. Not because of the bullying act itself, but because of the uncaring act of the authorities, everyone (parents included) telling me I'm overrreacting or it's not as bad as I make it out to be.... made me realise I live in a dark and awful ghetto slum with flowers and rainbows painted over it where people applaud bad acts and good ones are looked down. I was forced to grew thick skin in many ways, but I also grew hateful of my roots and inheritance, and I don't even care of other's dissaproval of my dream of leaving this place. 

  • Brohoof 1


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From elementary until the end of middle school, I was bullied every single day. It was all because I was naturally skinny and I was very reserved. People called me many names from anorexic to skeleton; they wouldn't stop. A few times when I would play outside during recess, kids would push me down and laugh in my face. Kids would follow me around and annoy me. I would tell them to go away, but they refused to listen. This went on for a total of 7 years, until I became a freshman in high school. Thankfully the bullying stopped and I haven't been bullied since.

  • Brohoof 1
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I used to get bullied pretty bad back in middle school, because I was a skinny and awkward kid back then. They would call me names and sometimes shove me around, the typical bullying procedure. The bullying got worse and worse until I fought back one day, and now I have this very mixed feeling towards violence.


I hope no one would have to go through all that bullying, though chances are there will be some who would. I believe the least I could do help some of my friends to stand up to the bullies.


Fortunately, the bullies have left me alone after they realized that I was not a very easy prey, and were transferred to a different school. I have been working out and training ever since, because although I dislike violence, I know I have to do what needs to be done when necessary (hence my mixed feeling towards violence). I'm now more fit, and less awkward. My classmates have become more mature and friendly throughout high school, and now they are my best pals.

  • Brohoof 1
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It hurts, and it takes work to keep under control, but one of my maxims is to always throw a wrench in my enemies plans. If someone wants to make me feel bad, I'll laugh in their faces. if they want to feel good, I'll just brush it off. The look of confusion on the face of someone who has no better way to get over their problems by hurting others is just priceless. 

  • Brohoof 1


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No, I'm actually friends with most of the asshole kids, actually. So that might be part of it. I also had a really popular older sister so possibly that gave me some auto-"this guy is cool" points to the older kids I guess. I've just never had problems with it, although a lot of people around here seem to be rather chill.

Even during middle school, when I went to very bad schools, I did not have problems. I mean back then I was the type of kid who WOULD get bullied. Quiet, not well dressed, etc. no one ever bothered me. But I still hated my school, I remember lying that I was being bullied in hopes to not have to go to school for a few days.

Edited by NotoriousSMALL
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Growing up I was bullied a lot. When I was I would cry, I felt like everything was hopeless and that no one could help me. I needed a friend but I had no one. They would laugh when I started crying and I took to taking off and hiding around the school. Anyplace where I could be away from everyone, where I could be safe. Once I did get into one of my hiding places I normally curled up into a ball and cried.. loudly. When it got to that point I almost wished I was dead, thinking that no one cared about me. It didn't help that I once had a teacher to join in. So basically I would go into a severe depression very quickly. 


It was everything from making fun of my speech problems and learning problems to getting cut with scissors, stabbed with a pencil, and having a book left in my desk torn to shreds. And there was only one teacher, one freaking teacher who did a thing about this and she could only punish the ones who tore up my book. You know whats funny? I can't remember any friends I made names they kept moving away, but the bullies? I can tell you their names right now no problem.


Things lightened up around middle school and high school but I still got bullied. I got friends by that time though who didn't move. It was easier having someone to turn to. I stopped running out to hide but I would withdraw into my books and try to pretend it would go away. Or in my case in highschool go to the school's officer. 

  • Brohoof 1


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I was bullied on and off since literally day one of schooling, and only stopped in grade 10 when I beat one of them pretty badly. 7th-9th grades were the absolute worst.

  • Brohoof 1


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i did get bullied, but not for long.


back in the day, i was really.. well.. aggressive towards people that i feel brought injustice upon others, so i was kinda the one to mess with the bullies, so to speak.


nedless to say, that got me quite a bit into trouble back then. to this day, i still aint sure wether i did the right thing..

  • Brohoof 2
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Only once in my life I was bullied. Only lasted for a week before I smashed the kids nose in with a skateboard. Nobody bothered me after that. ^^

  • Brohoof 1

"I could have been happy above if I'd never donned the copper carapace and dipped my head beneath the waves to hear the muddled man-made sounds. Distorted and dreamlike droning. The whir and thrashing of a distant propeller, the tumultuous thundering thud of fogbound freighters. Mud underfoot, no sights, except the grasp of a diver's trained hand, dreaming of distant lands knowing all the while this is what I love, not the blue skies and wondering faces above. Canvas, rubber, brass, copper, and glass. Leather and lead, mud and sweat, heaving around in dark, damp depths seldom seen by most yet talked about by all. As if a sunny, happy place where mermaids and seahorses play and chests of gold are lain bare, untarnished by salt and time for all to grasp who are bold enough to go below..." -"Deep Sea Diver", Steven L. Waterman



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Not anymore but I once did when I was younger throughout middle school/high school. I keep looking back on those years and wish I could go back and tell my younger self to stand up for yourself. If I could redo those years with the eyes I see now and how I carry myself today. Things would have been oh so differently...

  • Brohoof 1
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I used to get teased by everyone, including adults and teachers about being shy. Sure, that might not sound like much, but it felt horrible; it made me really hate myself and envy everyone around me. :( Lately most people just ignore me, but anything is better than getting teased and bullied. I wasn't so annoyed by the kids who bullied me, because they were just kids and didn't know any better (although I did...). It was the teacher that upset me the most. I thought I'd do the right thing and tell them I was getting bullied instead of using resistance. But all they did was laugh and tease me more... It's strange that if you were to hit someone, they acted like it was a crime, but any name calling, be it racism, homophobia, sexism, ableism and so on, it was perfectly okay. I think I'd rather be assaulted than get reminded of a disability I can't overcome in my life time. Meh, whatever... I guess that's just life. It's not going to stop me from being a nice and respectful person :)


I hope anyone and everyone getting bullied overcomes it, or better yet, avoids it all together.

  • Brohoof 5


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Not really apparent bullying, but a subtle, invisible bullying that professional bullies use in highschool. Being rejected when you ask a question, being rejected from going in their groups, it's so subtle that you kinda feel that it's your fault. Just forget about it and play some video games.


Also got bullied during primary school. People calling me names because I was practically the only guy named Martin in my whole class. Stopped in 6th grade. Everybody told me I was overreacting, and looking back on it, they were right. It did have a positive impact on my life actually. Now, I rarely even get affected at all when people insult me.

Edited by MCAsomm


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When i get bullied it becomes a  feeding frenzy but i came down by saying "three things cannot be hidden the sun the moon and the truth" it works a charm...

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3 dudes total tried to bully me back in high school, from 1999-2003. It ended poorly for all 3.


1st guy was running his mouth in the cafeteria, so I trolled the shit out of him.


2nd guy was throwing balls of paper at me, so after lunch I told him if he did thatagain, I'd beat him into a coma.


3rd guy called me a name, took a swing, MISSED, and promptly received a black eye.

Edited by EquestriaGuy
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