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Worst Major Villain?

The Coffee Pony

Worst Major Villain?  

19 users have voted

  1. 1. Worst Major Villain?

    • Nightmare Moon
    • Discord
    • Queen Chrysalis
    • King Sombra
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Tirek
    • The Dazzlings
    • Starlight Glimmer

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Here's a thread talking about who you think the show's worst villain is.


I know a lot of people will probably either go for King Sombra or Sunset Shimmer however I'd have to disagree heavily on that. If you were to ask me who the weakest villain in the show was, I'd say it was Nightmare Moon, easily. This is for the reason that she didn't make as much of an impact as any of the others did and was pretty stupid throughout her appearance.


Let's put it this way, throughout the show's Premier what was the most dangerous thing she did? You can say that she made Celestia disappear and brought about eternal night but really other than that, what did she do that was so dangerous? What made her such a huge threat? If you had to ask me nothing.


The most dangerous thing she did was sick a wounded Manticore on the Mane 6. It was wounded animal that's a combination of a Lion and a Scorpion so there was the possibility of being either mauled or poisoned. Wild animals can be pretty unpredictable and it being a wounded one can potentially make things more dangerous. I was surprised that Fluttershy could actually calm it when I first saw it.


Then she made a cliff collapse under Twilight which would have been effective had she not overlooked the fact that there were two pegasi traveling with them that could easily save them. Still props it was a dangerous move.


Then after that things just got stupid.


Oh look! Trees with scary faces that's....going to scare the easily frightened until they realize the trees can't move. It's not going to effect anyone that doesn't scare easily (Pinkie Pie).


OH NO! She cut off a Sea Serpents mustache, that's....inconvenient....


BUT WAIT!! She created a stunt team...that hangs out in the woods...and are asking RD to join them at an inappropriate time...and saying she can't repair the bridge...OKAY WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND GOING TO BUY THAT!??!


And then when she faces Twilight she....does nothing. Just taunts her...Yeah, GG, Nightmare Moon, that's going to do a lot of good! Really, it's no surprise she lost.


Now let's compare to the other villains.


Discord - CHAOS INCARNATE!! Did what he wanted! Stole the elements, switched the Mane 6's personalities to make them the opposite of what they were, turned Ponyville to a chaotic wonderland! The only problem was that he was arrogant and that's what did him in!


Queen Chrysalis - Actually had a solid plan. Disguised herself as Shining Armor's Bride and a princess, invaded a kingdom, nearly won! The only problem was that while she could have left Twilight alone and won, since she turned everyone against Twilight at that point but she decided things would be better if she got rid of the problem and only made things worse. To be fair, though a lot of people would think getting rid of a problem would make things easier.


King Sombra - Enslaved an entire city! Near-demoralized the Crystal Ponies, may have put them through a thousand years of hell, severely exhausted Cadence and blocked Shining Armors magic. Issue was that he was sealed outside the city for the most part so he couldn't really do anything to stop them, though, once he got in he nearly did. Still did more damage than Nightmare Moon did, that's for sure.


Sunset Shimmer - On the one hand her plan wasn't really solid, in fact it was really convoluted and she only made things harder for herself but on the other, she nearly won. She transformed into a She-Demon and had an army of mind-controlled slaves! The problem was that she was beaten by a Deus Ex Machina. I mean I liked the movie but even I have to say that was BS. The possibility of the elements working in a different world and a different set of people was very unlikely and by all means shouldn't have happened. But it did. Still she at least managed to do some damage before being taken down.


Tirek - I barely need to explain anything here. Manipulated Discord, sent the Princesses to Tartarus, beat Twilight by holding her friends hostage and absorbed the magic out of entire city populations. Tirek was by far the most competent out of all the villains. He nearly won. Unlike the other villains, his defeat wasn't brought on by any flaw on his part, it was because he didn't even know about the Tree of Harmony's Chest. Had he known about it, I can guarantee he would have gone after it in a heart beat even if he knew Twilight didn't have her key yet. The way he was written, he wouldn't have left any loose ends. The Mane 6 only won because they were lucky. Out of all villains Tirek was by far the best.


The Dazzlings - I have to admit, as much as I liked the movie, we didn't really know what the Sirens' plans were other than making everyone adore them. But even though we didn't know what their end-game really was but the danger was clear and they did manage to do a significant amount of damage thanks to their abilities as Sirens. They fed off negative energy, they cause people to fight amongst themselves, they mind-controlled their victims. As much as I would have liked to have known what their ultimate plan was, in a way, it was that unpredictability that kind of added to their threat. If they had won, who knows what kind of damage they could have inflicted.


and lastly


Starlight Glimmer - Unlike the others, she wasn't a big bad super-villain nor did she need to change into one, she was just a simple ordinary unicorn. That didn't even go against her, she ruled over an entire village, stole her subject's special talents and actually rendered the Mane 6 helpless! She didn't even need help from any artifacts, she used her own magic! Yeah, she was beaten because she let Fluttershy out before really making sure she was on her side but you have to admit, for an ordinary unicorn, that was pretty impressive.


In comparison to all the villains listed, Nightmare Moon was just a nuisance, not a threat.

Edited by The Coffee Pony
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Nightmare Moon was powerful, but stupid. She could have killed the mane 6 countless times (she's an alicorn after all) but she didn't (for plot convenience I guess)...

I think it's either Starlight Glimmer or Sunset Shimmer. (if you don't count Tirek when he still didn't absorb any magic)

Edited by Blobulle
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I agree that Nightmare Moon and Sunset Shimmer are my two weakest villains on the show and I won't mind which of the two is preferred.


Nightmare Moon for being utterly stupid and not quashing the mane 6 as quickly as she could and should have. Her idea of impeding the mane 6 were just a bunch of contrived plot points rather than effective traps is especially damning.


Sunset Shimmer needed tons of plot induced stupidity and contrivances for her plan to even get as far as she did, which was fitting that her plan was stopped via deus ex machina.

Edited by Nuke87654
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I'd say that as far as the execution went, Nightmare Moon was the weakest, but she did have great potential to cause a lot of havoc to all of Equestria. I'd say that Starlight Glimmer probably had the least potential for widespread villainy, granted taking everyponies cutie marks did render them relatively helpless, but they were able to get them back pretty easily, once they all decide that they didn't want to live under her doctrine any more (and she'd need a pretty big vault to hold every cutie mark in Equestria). 

  • Brohoof 1

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Starlight Glimmer, in a straight up fight she wouldn't stand a snowballs chance in Tartarus against any of the others but her power is not what made her dangerous. What made her dangerous was the fact that she was so easily able to deceive so many ponies and have such control over them without having to use any kind of force whatsoever. Her magical ability place her at above most unicorns yet still places her as an ordinary yet skilled unicorn. Sunset Shimmer is I think even more powerful than Twilight and I don't say that lightly though being in the human world made her unable to tap into that power making her have to rely more on deception which she was quite good at for the most part. Her demonic Sunset Satan form was quite dangerous and could have been a match for Celestia and Luna had she made it back to Equestria.

  • Brohoof 2
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I agree that Nightmare Moon and Sunset Shimmer are my two weakest villains on the show and I won't mind which of the two is preferred.


Nightmare Moon for being utterly stupid and not quashing the mane 6 as quickly as she could and should have. Her idea of impeding the mane 6 were just a bunch of contrived plot points rather than effective traps is especially damning.


Sunset Shimmer needed tons of plot induced stupidity and contrivances for her plan to even get as far as she did, which was fitting that her plan was stopped via deus ex machina.


If it weren't for Nightmare Moon's incompetence I would probably have picked Sunset Shimmer as worst villain.


The reason I'd say Nightmare Moon was worse is because that Sunset Shimmer had a bit more going for her.


I liked the movie but even I have to say that Sunset lived in a world full of idiots and took advantage of that. I mean, look at Twilight's friends, had they actually talked to each other, like people normally would, they would have figured out that it was Sunset that was responsible for everything that went wrong but instead they just shunned each other without even bothering to get the others' perspective. Plus, Luna fell for pictures that were CUT AND PASTED WITH GLUE!!! WHO'S THAT STUPID!?!? Yeah, Sunsets also guilty of some stupidity herself as she just complicated things for herself but since she lives in a world of idiots, she actually succeeded!


Nightmare Moon on the other hand was just all, "Hmm...instead of getting rid of the problem, I'll just do things that'll slightly inconvenience them whilst proving they're worthy of handling the elements, I don't see how this can backfire in any wa- OH GOD, I LOST HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS COMING!?!?"


Nightmare's loss was entirely her own fault, Sunset's on the other hand wasn't. She only lost because the horse gods of the MLP Universe went "Oh no! The villain's winning! We can't have that! DEUS EX MACHINA!!! There you go Twilight, we just made your friends connected to the elements even though they did nothing to prove their worthy and the elements really shouldn't work across dimensions!"

Edited by The Coffee Pony
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If it weren't for Nightmare Moon's incompetence I would probably have picked Sunset Shimmer as worst villain.


The reason I'd say Nightmare Moon was worse is because that Sunset Shimmer had a bit more going for her.


I liked the movie but even I have to say that Sunset lived in a world full of idiots and took advantage of that. I mean, look at Twilight's friends, had they actually talked to each other, like people normally would, they would have figured out that it was Sunset that was responsible for everything that went wrong but instead they just shunned each other without even bothering to get the others' perspective. Plus, Luna fell for pictures that were CUT AND PASTED WITH GLUE!!! WHO'S THAT STUPID!?!? Yeah, Sunsets also guilty of some stupidity herself as she just complicated things for herself but since she lives in a world of idiots, she actually succeeded!


Nightmare Moon on the other hand was just all, "Hmm...instead of getting rid of the problem, I'll just do things that'll slightly inconvenience them whilst proving they're worthy of handling the elements, I don't see how this can backfire in any wa- OH GOD, I LOST HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS COMING!?!?"


Nightmare's loss was entirely her own fault, Sunset's on the other hand wasn't. She only lost because the horse gods of the MLP Universe went "Oh no! The villain's winning! We can't have that! DEUS EX MACHINA!!! There you go Twilight, we just made your friends connected to the elements even though they did nothing to prove their worthy and the elements really shouldn't work across dimensions!"


Hmm, perhaps that may convince me that Nightmare Moon is worst villain in the series. Nj, Coffee Pony.

  • Brohoof 1
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Here's a thread talking about who you think the show's worst villain is.


I know a lot of people will probably either go for King Sombra or Sunset Shimmer however I'd have to disagree heavily on that. If you were to ask me who the weakest villain in the show was, I'd say it was Nightmare Moon, easily. This is for the reason that she didn't make as much of an impact as any of the others did and was pretty stupid throughout her appearance.


Let's put it this way, throughout the show's Premier what was the most dangerous thing she did? You can say that she made Celestia disappear and brought about eternal night but really other than that, what did she do that was so dangerous? What made her such a huge threat? If you had to ask me nothing.


The most dangerous thing she did was sick a wounded Manticore on the Mane 6. It was wounded animal that's a combination of a Lion and a Scorpion so there was the possibility of being either mauled or poisoned. Wild animals can be pretty unpredictable and it being a wounded one can potentially make things more dangerous. I was surprised that Fluttershy could actually calm it when I first saw it.


Then she made a cliff collapse under Twilight which would have been effective had she not overlooked the fact that there were two pegasi traveling with them that could easily save them. Still props it was a dangerous move.


Then after that things just got stupid.


Oh look! Trees with scary faces that's....going to scare the easily frightened until they realize the trees can't move. It's not going to effect anyone that doesn't scare easily (Pinkie Pie).


OH NO! She cut off a Sea Serpents mustache, that's....inconvenient....


BUT WAIT!! She created a stunt team...that hangs out in the woods...and are asking RD to join them at an inappropriate time...and saying she can't repair the bridge...OKAY WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND GOING TO BUY THAT!??!


And then when she faces Twilight she....does nothing. Just taunts her...Yeah, GG, Nightmare Moon, that's going to do a lot of good! Really, it's no surprise she lost.


Now let's compare to the other villains.


Discord - CHAOS INCARNATE!! Did what he wanted! Stole the elements, switched the Mane 6's personalities to make them the opposite of what they were, turned Ponyville to a chaotic wonderland! The only problem was that he was arrogant and that's what did him in!


Queen Chrysalis - Actually had a solid plan. Disguised herself as Shining Armor's Bride and a princess, invaded a kingdom, nearly won! The only problem was that while she could have left Twilight alone and won, since she turned everyone against Twilight at that point but she decided things would be better if she got rid of the problem and only made things worse. To be fair, though a lot of people would think getting rid of a problem would make things easier.


King Sombra - Enslaved an entire city! Near-demoralized the Crystal Ponies, may have put them through a thousand years of hell, severely exhausted Cadence and blocked Shining Armors magic. Issue was that he was sealed outside the city for the most part so he couldn't really do anything to stop them, though, once he got in he nearly did. Still did more damage than Nightmare Moon did, that's for sure.


Sunset Shimmer - On the one hand her plan wasn't really solid, in fact it was really convoluted and she only made things harder for herself but on the other, she nearly won. She transformed into a She-Demon and had an army of mind-controlled slaves! The problem was that she was beaten by a Deus Ex Machina. I mean I liked the movie but even I have to say that was BS. The possibility of the elements working in a different world and a different set of people was very unlikely and by all means shouldn't have happened. But it did. Still she at least managed to do some damage before being taken down.


Tirek - I barely need to explain anything here. Manipulated Discord, sent the Princesses to Tartarus, beat Twilight by holding her friends hostage and absorbed the magic out of entire city populations. Tirek was by far the most competent out of all the villains. He nearly won. Unlike the other villains, his defeat wasn't brought on by any flaw on his part, it was because he didn't even know about the Tree of Harmony's Chest. Had he known about it, I can guarantee he would have gone after it in a heart beat even if he knew Twilight didn't have her key yet. The way he was written, he wouldn't have left any loose ends. The Mane 6 only won because they were lucky. Out of all villains Tirek was by far the best.


The Dazzlings - I have to admit, as much as I liked the movie, we didn't really know what the Sirens' plans were other than making everyone adore them. But even though we didn't know what their end-game really was but the danger was clear and they did manage to do a significant amount of damage thanks to their abilities as Sirens. They fed off negative energy, they cause people to fight amongst themselves, they mind-controlled their victims. As much as I would have liked to have known what their ultimate plan was, in a way, it was that unpredictability that kind of added to their threat. If they had won, who knows what kind of damage they could have inflicted.


and lastly


Starlight Glimmer - Unlike the others, she wasn't a big bad super-villain nor did she need to change into one, she was just a simple ordinary unicorn. That didn't even go against her, she ruled over an entire village, stole her subject's special talents and actually rendered the Mane 6 helpless! She didn't even need help from any artifacts, she used her own magic! Yeah, she was beaten because she let Fluttershy out before really making sure she was on her side but you have to admit, for an ordinary unicorn, that was pretty impressive.


In comparison to all the villains listed, Nightmare Moon was just a nuisance, not a threat.



Nightmare Moon was powerful, but stupid. She could have killed the mane 6 countless times (she's an alicorn after all) but she didn't (for plot convenience I guess)...

I think it's either Starlight Glimmer or Sunset Shimmer. (if you don't count Tirek when he still didn't absorb any magic)



I can agree with the fact that Nightmare Moon was an idiot, but you have to take into consideration that she was from the first episode, back when it was exclusively directed for 7 year-old girls. Now, the show has evolved. They take on darker themes, such as in the Season 5 premier. All that aside, I guess that Moony over here nightmare_moon_message_by_zymonasyh-d5pfWas arguably the weakest (and arguably cutest) major villain. (Sunset Shimmer doesn't count in terms of cuteness)

This place just got 20% less fabulous. Why? Because I just left. B)



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It came down to the Dazzlings and Sunset Shimmer. Equestria Girls villains are relatively harmless. Eventually I decided it was the Dazzlings that were the weakest. Sunset Shimmer had already set a stronger mean girls presence and she became a demon that threw fireballs and could control students.


The Dazzlings did seem to charm people into doing what they want but other than that they just make students fight each other which I think is no big deal, high school students always hated each other anyway so no different and the Dazzlings can't go to Equestria or anything, Sunset Shimmer could go there and back and get Twilight's crown or any other magical artifact like the Alicorn Amulet or something and bring it to the EG world.


I don't know why Tirek and Discord is up there. Tirek can shoop da woop your face after gathering enough magic, Discord can just snap his fingers and you're miserable. Chrysalis can draw out love and become more powerful than an alicorn as well as having a changeling army, Starlight Glimmer can take away your Cutie Mark and your talent with her own little army of Sameness, King Sombra kept a whole nation down and can seal off magic I don't think he could be killed by anything other than the Crystal Heart or EoH, Nightmare Moon can control the weather like lightning, walk into dreams and blast you with lasers.

Edited by cider float


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Even though Nightmare Moon is a cardboard cutout with half-baked plans, there are a few things to consider:

  1. Part of her plan isn't merely physically trying to kill the Mane Six. Psychological games were also played. The Shadow Bolts were a game played on Rainbow Dash to join her and not the Mane Six. The offer was short, but a tad tempting. In addition, there are legitimate stakes. If they don't defeat her, Equestria is stuck in eternal night, which is terrible for everyone's crops.

    BTW, the manticore was really the second-most dangerous plan. The mudslide was the most dangerous because it had a chance of killing four of the six main characters before their journey even began.
  2. Of all the villains, she's the only one with a compelling past. Luna became NMM because Equestria treated Celestia's day with honor, but ignored her. The potential was there, but it's lost based on a cookie cutter personality.

Sunset Shimmer barely has anything. Her past is confined to a minute-long exposition by Celestia. Her personality is worse quality-wise than NMM (hell, arguably more shallow than Flash Sentry); while there were actual stakes in the pilot, every plan Sunset, Snips, and Snails concocted was completely faulty.

  1. She was able to break up the HuMane Five with the audience being led to believe that she knew who the eventual bearers were. But Twilight wasn't a student, and the Elements of Harmony were perceived to be a myth. Her plan worked out of plot convenience and out of characterization.
  2. She shamed Twilight for her constant screwups in her first day at CHS. Why didn't VP Luna or Principal Celestia get involved to stop her?
  3. How come she knew about Twilight being an alicorn princess, the Element of Magic, and The Crystal Empire? From the story structure, the gate opened after Twilight ascended, so she should've had no idea any of the three ever happened.
  4. Her stereotypical personality is flatter than Nightmare's. It's not a one-dimensional personality like NMM. It's half-dimensional, super-convenient, and complacent. It's very obvious how the script dosen't bother trying to come up with something unique. Whereas in the pilot, you saw the heart and charm.
  5. The interrogation scene is the worst moment in the entire show. They try to play it off as serious, but the audience can only cringe by how faulty it is. Rather than making her smart, everyone involved (including Luna) look like colossal idiots.
  6. You had no idea what her plan truly was until the very end of the film, but any level of stakes was completely moot by the collective stupidity, cultural stereotypes, and subplots that went nowhere. In the pilot, you knew NMM's goals before the theme song, so there was some suspense. In EQG, the suspense was permanently zapped by the Diabolous Ex Machina.

Gotta go with Sunset.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 2

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I'm going with the Dazzling/Sirens cause they didn't have an endgame or that there's was the most muddled.  It was just make a high school miserable (Wow already got their work cut out for them there) and get popular.  What were they going to do next? Seriously we never got a reason why they were a threat. At least all the other villains had a endgame in mind. Were they going to take over the human world? Go back to Equestria? I don't know. As far as I can tell they wanted to be popular so they would have become a pop group and while those are pretty evil, there's already a ton of those, I don't think one more is going to tip any scales.  Also why didn't the Sirens ever use any of the World Wars, Crusades or just stick around France and England during the middle ages for power? There sure would have gotten a metric boatload of negativity there.  (Yes I have read the comics so I know that they get transported to modern day Earth, but still we aren't told that in the film) 

  • Brohoof 1

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I prefer to ignore the show premiere. If the first two episodes had been the first I'd watched, I don't think I would've stuck through any other episode of the show.


I headcanon that Discord is the most powerful being in Equestria, but his personality prevents him from seriously using his powers. He's interested in the game, not the outcome. His reign, though terrible, would be better than that of another villain's.


Sombra was pretty bad. I mean, good. A powerful villain. Bad for the ponies, though.


Chrysalis was my favorite villain. She had a solid plan, defeated Celestia, and successfully infiltrated all of Canterlot.


Tirek was strong, but didn't really stand out to me. What was his plan after taking all the magic? I actually don't remember.


Starlight Glimmer was a mastermind, but I don't consider her particularly dangerous because she only held power in a very small part of Equestria. If she had had a larger scale control, she'd be a huge threat.


Overall, in terms of actual danger posed:

  1. Tirek: all of ponykind had their magic/life source drained from them.
  2. Chrysalis: changelings would breed, need more love to reproduce, and eventually enslave all of Equestria (?).
  3. Sombra: he kept an entire kingdom miserable for years, but his reign was limited to that kingdom.
  4. Discord: though his power stretched long distances, ponies were still able to function, for the most part, under his rule.
  5. Starlight Glimmer: she has the potential to become incredibly powerful once more ponies hear her message.
  6. The Dazzlings: though their plans were solid and high functioning, they moved around enough to minimize destruction to certain areas.
  7. Sunset Shimmer: yeah, her goals would've destroyed Equestria, but the chances of her plans actually working were slim at best.
  8. Nightmare Moon - seriously, she was just going to kill 6, maybe 7, ponies, and then just keep night forever--that isn't dangerous, if you ask me.
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A. Worst as in least good at being a villain? xD  B. Or worst as in most villainous?  Worst, awful, terrible; these words could describe a formidable enemy.  C. Or worst as in I liked them the least?


A. I guess I'll go with Discord; though a case could be made for others.  Potentially limitless power...  Just sits there while the Mane Six (clearly no longer Discord-ed) blast him back into a set of stone pajamas.  Later thwarted by Fluttershy when she refused to ice skate with him.


B. Tirek.  Massive douche bag.  Just kept getting bigger and douche-ier.  Goes to Discord's being a sucky villain: Tirek tricked and betrayed the initially-more-powerful Discord with his false promise of evil centaur-brand friendship.  And a f****** necklace.


C. Tirek.  Massive douche bag.  Just kept getting bigger and douche-ier.  Magic-sucking centaur A-hole.

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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It came down to the Dazzlings and Sunset Shimmer. Equestria Girls villains are relatively harmless. Eventually I decided it was the Dazzlings that were the weakest. Sunset Shimmer had already set a stronger mean girls presence and she became a demon that threw fireballs and could control students.


The Dazzlings did seem to charm people into doing what they want but other than that they just make students fight each other which I think is no big deal, high school students always hated each other anyway so no different and the Dazzlings can't go to Equestria or anything, Sunset Shimmer could go there and back and get Twilight's crown or any other magical artifact like the Alicorn Amulet or something and bring it to the EG world.


I don't know why Tirek and Discord is up there. Tirek can shoop da woop your face after gathering enough magic, Discord can just snap his fingers and you're miserable. Chrysalis can draw out love and become more powerful than an alicorn as well as having a changeling army, Starlight Glimmer can take away your Cutie Mark and your talent with her own little army of Sameness, King Sombra kept a whole nation down and can seal off magic I don't think he could be killed by anything other than the Crystal Heart or EoH, Nightmare Moon can control the weather like lightning, walk into dreams and blast you with lasers.


I have to disagree on that (reason below)


I'm going with the Dazzling/Sirens cause they didn't have an endgame or that there's was the most muddled.  It was just make a high school miserable (Wow already got their work cut out for them there) and get popular.  What were they going to do next? Seriously we never got a reason why they were a threat. At least all the other villains had a endgame in mind. Were they going to take over the human world? Go back to Equestria? I don't know. As far as I can tell they wanted to be popular so they would have become a pop group and while those are pretty evil, there's already a ton of those, I don't think one more is going to tip any scales.  Also why didn't the Sirens ever use any of the World Wars, Crusades or just stick around France and England during the middle ages for power? There sure would have gotten a metric boatload of negativity there.  (Yes I have read the comics so I know that they get transported to modern day Earth, but still we aren't told that in the film) 

Mind you, one can argue that it's that unpredictability that could make them more dangerous. I mean they could mind control people, cause major disharmony (yeah, all we saw was arguing but if they had more power things could potentially get more violent than that.), feed off the negative energy, use soundwaves as a weapon (if what we saw in the concert was any indication of that) transform into human/sirenn hybrids and summon phantoms of their equestrian siren bodies. There's a potential for a lot of damage right there.


Yeah, we didn't know what their end game was, they could have taken over Equestria or the human world. Or here's another thought, what if they didn't really have one and were just causing malicious chaos just for the hell of it! Like they said the movie, they feed off of that negativity so they could just be doing this for food and for fun (they obviously enjoy it). Let's put it this way, Villains who have no real goal and are just spreading chaos just for the sake of spreading chaos can be among the most dangerous. Two examples of the top of my head:




A. Worst as in least good at being a villain? xD  B. Or worst as in most villainous?  Worst, awful, terrible; these words could describe a formidable enemy.  C. Or worst as in I liked them the least?


Worst as in crappiest written. (Stupid plans, incompetence, etc.)

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I have to disagree on that (reason below)


Mind you, one can argue that it's that unpredictability that could make them more dangerous. I mean they could mind control people, cause major disharmony (yeah, all we saw was arguing but if they had more power things could potentially get more violent than that.), feed off the negative energy, use soundwaves as a weapon (if what we saw in the concert was any indication of that) transform into human/sirenn hybrids and summon phantoms of their equestrian siren bodies. There's a potential for a lot of damage right there.


Yeah, we didn't know what their end game was, they could have taken over Equestria or the human world. Or here's another thought, what if they didn't really have one and were just causing malicious chaos just for the hell of it! Like they said the movie, they feed off of that negativity so they could just be doing this for food and for fun (they obviously enjoy it). Let's put it this way, Villains who have no real goal and are just spreading chaos just for the sake of spreading chaos can be among the most dangerous. Two examples of the top of my head:





Worst as in crappiest written. (Stupid plans, incompetence, etc.)

The Dazzling's powers are meaningless. They're as harmless as children playing pranks on people. Joker kills just for the laughs which is horrifying the Dazzlings mainly want to feed, they cause fightings as a means to feed. Also the Dazzling's powers did not work on the mane six, Sunset Shimmer or even Spike for that matter. Discord is like the Dazzlings on roids and he is outright dangerous.

Edited by cider float


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Nightmare Moon WANTED to lose, but not without losing face. Luna was screaming to be let out. Therefor she was not a villain at all.


My head cannon, and I will fire it as I please :P

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