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Good morning, everypony!  Guess what time it is?  It's time to announce the winners of the Poniverse Spring Has Sprung Contest!!!  First of all, I want to apologize for scheduling this latest contest during what proved to be a very inconvenient time for people.  Even with the contest extension we gave, we still got only about half as many fics as we usually do for these things, largely because many folks were busy with end of the school year activities.  But the good news is we still got some really swell fics, and I want to thank everyone who took the time to write and submit them, they were all a pleasure to read for sure!


Without further ado, here are the winners of the Poniverse Spring Has Sprung Contest!!!  :muffins:




First Place: Crusading For Eternity by TooShyShy


Without a doubt the most all-around well-written entry of this contest, TooShyShy's Crusading For Eternity is a lovely little one-shot that poses a simple yet troubling question: what if one of the CMC (in this case Apple Bloom) didn't get a cutie mark even in adulthood?  How would she find her purpose in life and cope with the fact that she has to keep searching for her destiny?  The tone of this fic is very somber throughout, but never to the point that it's depressing.  It genuinely feels as though Apple Bloom's going through the pony equivalent of a midlife crisis; she feels a lot of despair, evidently, but that despair does not manifest in over-the-top dramatics, but rather, weariness.  This fic earns the way it makes you feel about these characters, and I for one was sold on accepting this as a possible scenario for AB in the future.  Short and sweet, Crusading For Eternity is definitely worth a read, and more than worthy of nabbing first prize in our Spring Has Sprung Contest.  Congratulations TooShyShy, and thank you for the wonderful read!  :catface:


Second Place: Cutie Mark Wishes by Silver Letter


Our second place entry, Cutie Mark Wishes by Silver Letter is without a doubt the most ambitious entry we had.  That's not just because of it's length, but rather because it works with both a very original character and original themes.  Cutie Mark Wishes follows the tale of Ribbon Wishes, a young mare from a family of fortune tellers (whose special talents really are fortune telling) who goes on a journey of self-discovery, learning along the way how to accept her for who she is and share who she really is with the rest of her friends and family.  If that sounds generic, trust me, it isn't, not in its execution at least.  This story is very much Silver Letter's own creation, and I enjoyed every minute of reading it.  While it's a bit rough around the edges at times, it most definitely earned itself our second place prize, and I'd recommend you all give it a look if you get the chance to do so!  :fluttershy:


Third Place: Legacy: Double Rainboom by nx9100


Our third place entry comes from a fairly new writer, but it's very well written and makes for a fun and exciting read from start to finish.  Legacy: Double Rainboom follows the story of Lightning Dash, a young pegasus colt who sets out on a coming-of-age flight test with a pegasus pony very familiar to us all.  Along the way, they encounter all sorts of danger and adventure, and there are certainly some tense moments in this fic.  While the main character had some OP/Gary Stu-ish qualities to him at times, overall he's still very likable and his energetic personality is very infectious.  Definitely worth a read, and most definitely worthy of our third place prize.  :proud:


Honorable Mentions


As I said before, we didn't have too many other entries in addition to our winners, so I'd like to thank both of our other submitters for their submissions and taking the time to write them.  The Crusader's Crystal Quest by norcalforneigh/Digger2335 and Touch by Twilight Phantom were two very different but still very good fics.  While not quite as good as our winning entries, both made for enjoyable reads in their own unique ways.  The Crusader's Crystal Quest is a pretty silly but still very fun adventure tale that follows the CMC getting up to their usual escapades and shenanigans in the Crystal Empire, while Touch was a fairly dark and sad but also hopeful tale of a young filly who's had rough life discovering what makes her special.  Both definitely warrant reads, and I once again thank their authors for taking the time to write them for our contest.  I look forward to reading more work from all of the writers who submitted entries to this contest, and hope to see you all continue to hone your increasingly-impressive writing skills.


Well, that about does it for this contest everypony!  It was a lot of fun to read all these entries as usual, though again I apologize for scheduling it at an inconvenient time.  The next contest hopefully shouldn't be quite as troublesome for people to participate in, and in fact, is just right around the corner.  :toldya:   Keep your eyes peeled this week everypony for a very special Poniverse summer fanfic contest announcement.  We'll be looking to have some major community participation in this one, and hopefully some snazzy prizes to offer ya'll as well. :smug:  But that'll be for another day; for now, a big congratulations once again to our winners, and a big thank you to all of our submitting authors.  You guys are the best.  Have a great day everypony!!!  :D



  • Brohoof 17


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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Big congratulations to everyone, both who won and who participated :D Some prime reading to be done this weekend!



I let you all have this one to yourselves, don't think you've all truly beaten me, next time I'll bring my just-less-than-mediocre efforts in too, and you'll all be quaking in your boots, or any other sensible footwear...


  • Brohoof 2
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