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What was your worst nightmare?

Emerald Wave

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Um, wow, hello. It's been a while..  :please:  So, I recently had an absolutely HORRID nightmare.. And I'm wondering, what is the worst nightmare you've ever had? I have two.


The one I had last night.

My grandfather and I were walking home after my Girlscouts meeting was over. (I don't take girlscouts anymore though, I stopped when I was around 7 or 8.) Since the meeting house is not even a mile from my house, we walked home. I saw Slender Man in some nearby woods, and yelled, "Peepa, look!" But he ignored me. We continued walking and in between two houses, there he was again, and he killed my grandfather. I screamed and ran home in tears and told my mom and my big brother. Then, often, I'd hear ringing and static in my ears and see Slender Man watching me.  :(  What was so scary, is how real the dream felt...


This next one is a dream I had when I was about 6 or 7.


So, I had this kind of space helmet on, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't take it off. It was hard to breathe and see and I started crying and people were laughing at me. I felt so helpless.  :sunny:


So, what are your worst nightmares? I'd love to know!


Remember to smile! 

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Mine was a typical horror scene but it is much more scarier if you experience yourself. I was in my bed, tried to sleep in my dream. My bed is next to the wall so. I turned to the wall and heard that something is behind me and when I tuned back I saw that a corpse was there and looking at me at close range(a very itemized and scary-looking one). Well, I almost **** my pants.


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I can't remember how old I was, but it was a long time ago at least.


It started off with me and a friend 'hunting' for carrots, and nothing of interest really happened for what seemed like a couple hours, and we decided to take a break at my house. I walked inside and saw my mom taking clothes out of the washing machine. I called for her, and when she stood up, she had no head, and slowly walked towards us saying "Come in, I have people!"


This freaked both me and my friend out, and we ran screaming towards the front door, my friend got there first and locked it behind himself...from the outside, somehow. She was still walking towards me, and I figured since I had nowhere to run, I gave it my all, ran and jumped towards her, attempting some kind of awkward limb flailing attack, and she caught me by my leg. I was struggling to get free as she started taking my further into the house which no longer looked like the house we lived in at the time.


(Pardon for the break here) Have you ever had a moment were you're having a dream and you know you're dreaming, or a moment were you can feel yourself about to be awake? I remember whenever I try to keep dreaming I shit my eyes as hard as possible to try and stay asleep, and it never works, and I end waking up, back to the dream:


It was the one time I realized I was dreaming, but still didn't want to go through with whatever was gonna happen, so as she was carrying me, I shut my eyes (in dream) as hard as possible, I opened them, and I was awake, and began crying. These days, I feel like a wimp crying after the event but not during it, but hey, I know I was young when it happened, I'd like to think that wouldn't scare me these days, for the age factor and also It'd be more like "Oh come on this dream again? OK, lets get this over with."


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I've been having this same recurring nightmare for the past few days, and cannot sleep more than a few hours before it occurs again and again, i just wake up finding myself crying. I just want it to stop and leave me alone. I'll try my best to explain what happens:


Every time i close my eyes, i find myself in this unknown place, i have no idea where i am. All i can do is move forward and try to place it, but no real progress is made; all i see are these drawings of crows on the walls. On these drawings are words saying things like, "Please", and Don't leave again". I try to do just that and my way is barred by those very crows, and these ones don't seem docile, but are aggressive towards me. Its almost as if they don't like something about me.


I turn back and go through again, and yet i find more pages with the same drawings saying, "You can't hide it" and "Quit running". But no matter how much i want to get out, i feel trapped in this place; no hope of ever being able to leave. But after that, it all goes black and i wake up, and feel scared of ever going to sleep again. 


//// My persona and OC: Candy Star //// Ask me anything: Ask Candy Star //// My Music ////


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I can't remember how old I was, but it was a long time ago at least.


It started off with me and a friend 'hunting' for carrots, and nothing of interest really happened for what seemed like a couple hours, and we decided to take a break at my house. I walked inside and saw my mom taking clothes out of the washing machine. I called for her, and when she stood up, she had no head, and slowly walked towards us saying "Come in, I have people!"


This freaked both me and my friend out, and we ran screaming towards the front door, my friend got there first and locked it behind himself...from the outside, somehow. She was still walking towards me, and I figured since I had nowhere to run, I gave it my all, ran and jumped towards her, attempting some kind of awkward limb flailing attack, and she caught me by my leg. I was struggling to get free as she started taking my further into the house which no longer looked like the house we lived in at the time.


(Pardon for the break here) Have you ever had a moment were you're having a dream and you know you're dreaming, or a moment were you can feel yourself about to be awake? I remember whenever I try to keep dreaming I shit my eyes as hard as possible to try and stay asleep, and it never works, and I end waking up, back to the dream:


It was the one time I realized I was dreaming, but still didn't want to go through with whatever was gonna happen, so as she was carrying me, I shut my eyes (in dream) as hard as possible, I opened them, and I was awake, and began crying. These days, I feel like a wimp crying after the event but not during it, but hey, I know I was young when it happened, I'd like to think that wouldn't scare me these days, for the age factor and also It'd be more like "Oh come on this dream again? OK, lets get this over with."

That is absolutely HORRIFYING!! 

  • Brohoof 1

Remember to smile! 

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The scariest dream i had was when  was young. I dreamed that i was being chased through a graveyard by death/ Grim reaper-esque guy. A simple one but as a child it was extremely scary!

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I've been having this same recurring nightmare for the past few days, and cannot sleep more than a few hours before it occurs again and again, i just wake up finding myself crying. I just want it to stop and leave me alone. I'll try my best to explain what happens:


Every time i close my eyes, i find myself in this unknown place, i have no idea where i am. All i can do is move forward and try to place it, but no real progress is made; all i see are these drawings of crows on the walls. On these drawings are words saying things like, "Please", and Don't leave again". I try to do just that and my way is barred by those very crows, and these ones don't seem docile, but are aggressive towards me. Its almost as if they don't like something about me.


I turn back and go through again, and yet i find more pages with the same drawings saying, "You can't hide it" and "Quit running". But no matter how much i want to get out, i feel trapped in this place; no hope of ever being able to leave. But after that, it all goes black and i wake up, and feel scared of ever going to sleep again. 


Oh my goodness! That is horrid! It reminds me of a roleplay I'm in with my friends on skype. Hunter (the bad guy) has a crow named Lance and it seems like Lance is always watching me. Eep.

The scariest dream i had was when  was young. I dreamed that i was being chased through a graveyard by death/ Grim reaper-esque guy. A simple one but as a child it was extremely scary!

Well, if I was your age, it must have been extremely scary!

Remember to smile! 

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Oh my goodness! That is horrid! It reminds me of a roleplay I'm in with my friends on skype. Hunter (the bad guy) has a crow named Lance and it seems like Lance is always watching me. Eep.

Well, if I was your age, it must have been extremely scary!

funny thing is, i was afraid of making friends, and that made me have that nightmare.


//// My persona and OC: Candy Star //// Ask me anything: Ask Candy Star //// My Music ////


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Mine was a typical horror scene but it is much more scarier if you experience yourself. I was in my bed, tried to sleep in my dream. My bed is next to the wall so. I turned to the wall and heard that something is behind me and when I tuned back I saw that a corpse was there and looking at me at close range(a very itemized and scary-looking one). Well, I almost **** my pants.

Eeeeeeep! That is so creepy! >.< Maybe put your bed against the wall?

Remember to smile! 

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My worst was a nightmare where I was in an interrogation room. I was sitting in a chair, not restrained, but unable to move. Then, the room suddenly began to fill with people. I saw that they were all friends and family.


One by one, they would walk up to me, and say that they represented something that I identify with (for example, one would say, "I am a progressive Christian," or, "I am a gamer".) There were dozens of examples, so I'm not going to list them all (I can't remember them all anyway).


They would then proceed to mutilate part of my body with their bare hands. After they had all gone, my body was broke and mangled, and the pain felt very real. After they were all done, they morphed into giant spiders (I hate spiders), and ate me.


That was my absolute worst nightmare ever.

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Falling into a small crevice and dying alone. 

Floating high above the world and helplessly watching as my family mourn for me being "dead".

Waking up one morning to have no-one remember who I am, even my own family.


I've had a couple, those being the personal scariest. It's nothing gory or horrifying, simply because I used to be scared of that but my fears have morphed into other things entirely, namely the fears of small spaces and being forgotten/alone.

Edited by MiniKirby123
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I had these really bad nightmares one after another a few days ago and am pretty sure they're the worst I've had (at least recently. It's kinda hard to top one above the other).


So in all of them, it's the same basic setting. I'm in some place that I'd live in, and then I hear a sound, like fingers tapping on the wall right next to me, except there's no one there. My first an immediate thoughts are that it's a demon and I go to my mom for help. Then when I tell her that there's a demon something starts grabbing me and pushing me down and it's suddenly very hard to breath. Sometimes I'll see a shadowy figure during that and/or I'll be yelling at it to go away.


Then I wake up. And then I go back to sleep after freaking out about it some and have the same nightmare in the same setting, but in a different place.


Was so freaky... ._."

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I remember a nightmare I had as a very small child, I think I was 5.

I was in a house, in a living room. It represented my aunt/uncle's house the room was completely devoid of people save for myself and a dog came from the entrance to the kitchen. It growled and just started chasing after me. I ran out of the house and down the street and it just kept chasing after me. That's all I remember. I believe it was this nightmare that gave me a fear of dogs I still have today   


This next one was much more recent, I think I was 17 or 18, can't remember.

I was on a hilly field and a vicious dog on a very long chain leash was chasing after me. The dog backed me into a tree, it came up to my face and barked and tried to bite at me but was just out of range cause of the leash. I woke up terrified.            


I don't have good dreams about dogs :/ 

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Don't worry Rennet, it's just a nightmare. Everyone has nightmares, even monsters. What do monsters have nightmares about? Me.


I have nightmares every once in a great while, I can vaguely recall them, but I couldn't even begin to start describing them.

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This one's a bit personal.


I lost my old man a few years ago. For about a month or so after he passed, I kept having a recurring nightmare in which he woke up in a body bag and faked his death. It scared the living daylights out of me every time I had it.


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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My worst and definitely most memorable nightmare occured when I moved across the country and into a new house. I was around seven or eight. At the time, if I remember correctly, my dad was still in the army so it was just my mom, brother, sister, and I. My mom and I slept in my current room on air mattresses. In my nightmare, I woke up and my mom wasn't anywhere to be seen, so I left the room and searched the house. Not being able to find her, I looked inside both my brother and sister's room, but they weren't around, either. Towards the end of my nightmare, the doorbell rang insistently and I went to answer it. When I opened the door, a faceless man appeared with a shotgun and shot me in the head. Then, I woke up. It was much more frightening to experience it and I still remember everything years later. Honestly, it still creeps me out to think about it to this day.

"When you're rife with devastation, there's a simple explanation: you're a toymaker's creation trapped inside a crystal ball."



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I once had a dream that this creepy, deformed teddy bear would knock at my window at night. It would start to move away when I looked at it, but then it would come back a few minutes later and stare at me with its bloody eyes... I eventually opened my window and yelled "Get the fuck out of here :angry:!"


I think I curse in my dreams a lot more than I do in real life :huh:


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I've been having a recuring nightmare where I wake (in the dream) alone in a dark and old house, i can't move and feel paralysed execpt i can move my head. Each time I do I hear a slithering sound behind me and a grinding noise to the side of me, the grimding get louder and louder until i get sudden numbness in my right arm. I try to move again and I feel tightening on my ankles and slowly start to get dragged down the room towards the pitch black corner. Then theres a sudden drop and I can see the rest of my body on the ground mutilated and bloody, then theres another drop and after a few seconds of my head rolling a swarm of snakes lunge at my face and I awaken with a massive headache and a numb arm. This may not be frightening to you but I have a huge fear or heights, dismemberment, the dark and snakes.

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http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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The last nightmare I remember was that I got hit by a car while crossing the street. It was very realistic. My legs hurt, and I could feel the heat coming up off of the street under me. I remember being terrified that I was already dead. Then I woke up.


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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Not much of a nightmare, but worth talking about.

So, I had a dream once that I lived in a giant city next to the ocean. All you could see from the highest point was buildings to the horizon, and an ocean with no current. No waves, nothing. The city was a sort-of post apocalyptic wasteland. Everyone who lived there was under the age of 30, and all the kids were orphaned. The kids were all parts of errant gangs, each fighting for food amd resources. The oldest guy in our group was like a dad to us. He told us about the old times, when everything was peaceful. Then the tides stopped coming in. There was no food. People started fighting, getting sick, turning on each other... One day all of us kids decided to set out, and find the end to the city. Most of the dream, from what I vaguely remember, was us running down alleys, streets, through buildings, and all the while I felt an intense fear. There were no monsters, no vampires, just a deep, foreboading, oppressive feeling that overcame me. Then I walked out of a giant warehouse on a hill after wondering for what felt like days. I thought I'd see an end to the city, but what I saw instead was more of this labyrinthian city. At this point I felt completely hopeless. Like, overwhelmingly hopeless. Like, I thought this was REAL. I thought this was my life.Then I turned around, heard a sound of thunder, and woke up. Kind of anti-climatic, but I brooded over this dream for days. It was crazy.

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I remember having a nightmare years ago where I was playing a Game Boy game (I don't remember which one) but it slowly and slowly became more glitchy as I played it. Soon, the game was completely glitched, and everyone who was once an ally would one-shot my character. I was freaking out and saying "I don't understand what is going on in this game anymore" and nobody believed me.


I couldn't even wake up from it because i was completely "paralyzed" by sleep. Talk about disturbing.

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(coming soon)

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I've been through sleep paralysis a few times, it's freaking scary, and nothing normally happens, but I always feel trapped, and sometimes I wake up only to realize that I'm still asleep. it's weird and really frightening.


Also I had this one nightmare where I was on the computer playing games, and then the lights turned off spontaneously, then I turned around, and I randomly screamed, and then I woke up when something came flying at me, I still have no idea what it was, but It made me freak out.

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