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planning [OOC] The Blackwater Quarry OOC


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@Loud Opinion

1 minute ago, Loud Opinion said:

I didn't realize femininity was such an important aspect of her character.

There's of course no issue on the RP side, Gold hasn't met Mystic to the best of my knowledge, so it's not like he has anything to go off of when talking about her. OOC however, I was more teasing, no hard feelings.

5 minutes ago, Loud Opinion said:

I am curious how you saw racism in Gold Dust.

1 hour ago, Loud Opinion said:

this zebra must be something loyal to be surrounded by them for hours, every, single, day. If he's the one counting the ones mined, then, I must wonder, who counts the ones smuggled?

Like I said it isn't overt, but it could be interpreted that either Zebra aren't known for being loyal, or are known to smuggle or theve, and Mystic is potentially the exception to that rule. It could of course be wholly meant to sow distrust and not have anything to do with race, but it all depends on how Vylia interprets what Gold said.

It is a mischievous action to lie about someone you've never met, unless I missed a scene where he saw a zebra stallion acting suspiciously and he assumed it was Mystic? In the which case I take back everything I've said about this interaction.

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@Illiad Easle,

23 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

I was more teasing, no hard feelings.

All in good fun then. :)

23 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

it all depends on how Vylia interprets what Gold said.

I didn't realize that. I just that when a character doesn't know another character's name, I use different descriptors to help keep the image of the person being talked about fresh. Like 'she' if he knows the person is a women, or 'bat-pony' if he knows that's what the other person is. I can't imagine everyone is comfortable talking about racist characters so rest assured that he is not racist...

He's classist.:crackle:

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9 hours ago, Loud Opinion said:

Sometimes your the windshield...

The rest of that quote is FAR too funny, to me - given the current situation, of course.

However, when it comes to Vylia... well, let's just say the Love Bloom already found out what Gold will shortly discover...

Oh, yes.  This will be INTERESTING... because the only thing the Blackwater matriarch lovs more than herself... is teaching others about what 'folly' truly is.

Response within the next day or two; been waiting for this.  };D

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4 minutes ago, Randimaxis said:

However, when it comes to Vylia... well, let's just say the Love Bloom already found out what Gold will shortly discover... 

Is it the fact the Gold's rival is the "marefriend" of Dax? Or is it because Mystic is simply female?

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There you go, all caught up. :) And I mean what is written. Don't let Blitz into a kitchen. She'll try to help, and somehow there's suddenly a fire somewhere. Even if all she were given were a butter knife and some bread. If there's a way to set something ablaze, she will find it. :)

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So I've noticed that someone will be playing two characters, well allow me to bring a technique up in here.

See that line? In order to do that, just simply type *[*hr*]* (remove the asterisks) and you can now create a seamless transition between two characters.

Okay, with that out of the way, I do look forward to the next chapter of the story, the robbery of Silver, looks to be very interesting to read.

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So, d'ah.....   @Randimaxis?

 It is a part of my character that he hasn't had any "formal training" in what flight is. It's likely he's toyed around with it as a colt; had it called flying by his dad when he's been gruffly shouted at to stop fooling with it. So he probably doesn't know Wings=Flying.

Should I have mentioned that?

 Because I kind of want to play into his alternative means of flight. Just bucking himself off a hillside like a earth pony made rocket.

On 9/12/2020 at 11:14 PM, Blitz Boom said:

there's suddenly a fire somewhere. Even if all she were given were a butter knife and some bread. If there's a way to set something ablaze, she will find it.

You want tips, bro?

 Because, you know.... technically speaking, two solids can make a fire in quite alot of ways. There's flint... sudden striking motions.... a stove range left on..... heck, just prolonged sunlight can burst things into flame. Even living things! Weaponized Sunlight is feasible.

... I kinda wanna try bouncing off your filly sometime, lol!

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So after reading the last entry, I thought that Gold Dust is too demanding regarding his employment. I guess this could indicate that he was raised spoiled, given his wealthy background, so it's likely that he has never experienced any form of employment before.

Looks to be an interesting read, really curious on Vylia's response.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, I guess I have to control my character out of the area once the statues are cleared of the vines. I guess I should head for the quarry, knowing that Dax would be there.

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19 minutes ago, Randimaxis said:

And done; again, my sincerest apologies.

Not a problem, I thought of a backup post for the RP, but this will do, get well soon.

Edited by Flow
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Still kinda new to roleplaying, @Randimaxis.

 So, like, pretty much the only action to take on my part is to say that I've brought the package crate to its intended delivery and you write that somepony comes out to receive it? Because there's not much for me to write on just showing up back at the Blackwater's mansion, especially when there's the "character limit", for whatever that refers to.

Is it too much lazy to ask you to just assume I'm in front of the place now and you move my little pawn along to the square it needs to be?

 I don' know what to do now.


 I'm kind of lost as to how much room i'm supposed to leave. Like, I kinda did just speed up there and finish the conversation to state I was on my way and that kinda leaves you missing out on if there was things you wanted to touch on with what character was left behind. Like... for example, I can't really say that i owuld walk right into the quarry if your cannon is that there's this gate guarded so any newcomers would have to talk to a guard first before just being narrated that "they're here now." I don't know how things are juggled.

 W-what do I do? I-if that's okay to ask?

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12 minutes ago, Widdershins said:

W-what do I do? I-if that's okay to ask?

Well, my thought would be that maybe he takes his time on the trip back to actually think... since it's a slow process for him, he'd have plenty of time to consider all he's seen so far.  Might make for an interesting recap.

Plus, there's always the idea that, once he gets to the quarry, he might overhear what's going on with Silver.  

Or possibly, he may actually deliver the crate directly TO the Blackwater Manor; no telling who might answer the door.

And it's okay, Widdy-Shinny, if you're not sure of what to do.

Hey, folks - do YOU have any ideas for him?

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