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Applejack is afraid of when Granny Smith's time could be up. Twilight and her friends get talking about the afterlife and on to Valkyries. A commotion is stirring as an armored clad female Pegasus arrives in Ponyville. She is heading to AJ's farm.

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There was one episode idea that I was tossing around awhile back, where a spell misfires, forcing the mane 6 to sing all of their lines.  I could see that being absolutely hilarious.

  • Brohoof 2

A Winner Is You!!!
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I had an idea for an episode that I was actually intending to write as a spec script.  But I think the whole "Pinkie Apple Pie" thing might have made my concept not work.  It involved Applejack's cousin, Braeburn, having a romantic interest in Pinkie Pie.  Even if Pinkie and Braeburn were on different sides of the family, and therefore not related to each other directly, it might still be a little weird.

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I've been thinking. Considering Rainbow Dash probably hates Discord the most out of the Mane 6, I think an episode between the two would be really interesting

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Idea One:

Maybe a bit of a fight with the Mane Six or well

the Unicorns,  like AJ and Pinkie challenge the unicorns

not to use their magic for a whole day for anything? So

they can learn more about the other a bit.


Idea Two:

Luna comes to one of the mane six

for help or maybe say Fluttershy for help

for something and all.


Idea Three

Any more eps for Discord


Idea Four

A good in depth look into

the history of the royal sisters

and all and more on the founding

of the kingdom and all.


(Sig made by Me)

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Idea 1:

A Twilight-centered episode where she and the Mane Six encounter an evil overlord version of Twilight from an alternate universe where she rules Equestria and punishes any creature that she believes doesn't uphold what she considers to be her values of "friendship". Then the Mane Six either try to free the alternate Equestria from evil Twilight's rule, or more realistically, try to escape back to their own world. Either way, Twilight learns an important lesson about what it means to be a ruler, to not abuse her power, and that while everyone isn't perfect, it's there imperfections that make them who they are.


Idea 2:

More straight to the point, I'd like to see an episode where the Mane Six encounter their genderbent/colt counterparts... XD

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I once had an idea for an episode titled "Over the Cuckoo's Nest," where Fluttershy picks up a curious plant from the Everfree Forest, despite her friends' urging her to get rid of it.  Unbeknownst to her, the plant scatters its spores every evening, which continually sends Fluttershy into higher and higher states of aggression.  Honestly, the themes it would have used to its advantages have already been used in other episodes; I don't want to see it anymore.


Presently my favorite episode idea is one I never gave a name.  After years of failing to keep touch, Pinkie's sisters roll into Ponyville in a surprise visit.  After a few minutes of smiles and hearty greetings, they reveal that they are not here on good news—the family rock farm has been slipping lately, and unless they can get Pinkie's help, they might not make it through the rest of the year.  This puts our pretty pink pony in a delicate situation of who's more important to her?  Her friends...or her family?


I also would like some Equestrian history lessons, particularly one featuring Starswirl the Bearded.  Really, any episode where we're not explicitly following a Mane Character is nice, though admittedly I would favor ones about Silver Spoon and/or Lightning Dust.

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Idea 1:

...Twilight learns an important lesson about what it means to be a ruler, to not abuse her power, and that while everyone isn't perfect, it's there imperfections that make them who they are.


Idea 2:

More straight to the point, I'd like to see an episode where the Mane Six encounter their genderbent/colt counterparts... XD


1. I think Twilight is the least likely person to need a lesson about power abuse.  She doesn't even like to acknowledge her power as a princess, much less use it to control others.


2. I'm pretty sure everyone wants to see that one.  I do too!  xP


After years of failing to keep touch, Pinkie's sisters roll into Ponyville in a surprise visit.  After a few minutes of smiles and hearty greetings, they reveal that they are not here on good news—the family rock farm has been slipping lately, and unless they can get Pinkie's help, they might not make it through the rest of the year.  This puts our pretty pink pony in a delicate situation of who's more important to her?  Her friends...or her family?


That would be a really good episode.  I want to see that!  :o

  • Brohoof 1

You are a ghost, driving a meat-coated skeleton made out of stardust.

What have you got to be afraid of?

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An episode where about boys (the Male 6!)

An episode about death, either with Granny Smith's time running out (old IS she anyway???) or the truth about Ma & Pa Apple comes out. Maybe a mix of both :huh:

An episode about adventure on the high seas (Sea ponies (and Steve Magnet) anyone? ;))

The Return of Gilda

One of the CMC gets her cutie mark


A multi-episode story--or heck, a movie--where the Mane Six must deal a Legion of Doom-style group of villains representing the Elements of Antagony, which directly oppose the Elements of Harmony.

Edited by Jangobadass

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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Here's my list, in no particular order:

  • More history behind Fluttershy ~ We've seen at least one family member for each of the Mane Six, but I'm curious as to where Fluttershy's family is.
  • Rainbow Dash - Scootaloo sister time ~ Let's face it, one episode, or maybe one and a half, doesn't count. I'd like to see what Rainbow Dash does with her sister when she's not trying to be professional.
  • History behind Spike ~ I'm just as curious about Spike as I am with Fluttershy. Where in the hay did he come from?
  • Discord ~ Obviously we need more of everypony's favorite villain! I suppose I could live with "Three's a Crowd" so far...
  • Luna ~ Self-explanatory.
  • Pinkie Pie being serious ~ I'd kind of like to see if she can do something other than comic relief. But it's not that important.

And there you go.

  • Brohoof 2
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I saw this episode idea a long time ago on ponyconfessions, but the episode was that Twilight Sparkle accidently messes up a spell and the mane six (& Spike!) go to alternative universes with different animation styles until they can find the way home. :squee:


Like the Fairly Odd Parents episode "Channel Chasers", which is the best example I can think of. Or the family guy episode, "Road to the Multi-Universe".

  • Brohoof 1


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I have only one idea that I would feel could add a message, and keep in sync with the development of the mane 6 traits/flaws.


:: I would love to see an episode that involves Rainbowdash, slowed, and at dire straits to aid one of her friends on a journey back to ponyville or say on the way to Canterlot, etc. Now I am aware RD has be layed up more then once in the 78 plus episodes of MLP. She has shown her frustration with broken wings and not being able to do what she wants how she wants. But the lesson from this came in finding a new passion outside of what fills our every day, her love for reading, or at least reading Dairing doo.


My idea is a bit, flustered, as I really don't know how to explain it past the initial sentence above. However, I shall try. As it is well known, I am NOT a fan of the local speed freak. My love for Tomboy characters was rocked to its core when this Filly first opened her mouth. I am not a Rainbow fan. That being said, I am a fan of how she has grown from Episode 1 S1. She has come a long way from the self pumping, ego driven, "i got this so back off" attitude. Unlike characters such as Fluttershy who is on a more sideways growth pattern over Rainbows solid upwards trend (that isnt a shot at the yellow one, AJ is actually getting worse in her stubborn, self lieing too, and narrow box mentality that we seen her use in season 1...and i am a huge AJ fan, but man girl she needs to figure out there is more then her family to worry about and stop lieing to herself about how happy she really is) upwards. But while this is true, and the Queen of Awesome is still Awesome she has yet (imo) to really deal with the weight of a friendship when she cant just Rain-boom her way or fast talk out of it.


My idea really started for her and say, hmm, Pinky or Rarity, a non flying friend who isnt so self confident and powerfully strong as AJ to be on a "go here and do something journey" episode. When perhaps a storm, or celestia forbide an older villian like the Diamond dogs happen past, cause trouble, and leave the two at the harsh end of a river, or gorge, or heck in a swamp. Something that forces them to physically have to struggle to right themselves. This would lead to, miss warrior of the sky having hurt herself in the fight, or said natural accident, but not nearly as much as how her friend was harmed. To the point of having to carry, create a harness to pull or some such slower measure then flying or trotting to get to a safer location. 


The problems with this idea::


This reads like a fanfiction. A slice of life gone bad, forcing two of the mares into jeopardy and thus plenty of alone time. While I am aware and even more so upoun reading my own words that this sounds like a shipping. That is NOT the goal. Instead I am thinking back to older Cartoon series that really pushed the growth of two characters relationships in this manner. Pirates of Dark water, Heman, Chip and Dale rescue rangers, Gargoyles, they all had episodes like this that cut away a few members of the main cast and forced them too struggle for something alone. Call it a duo character episode. So why Rainbow Dash as the main character. Besides being the annoyingly awesome athlete she is of the group, she also has the least developed relationships with MOST of the cast. Lets just say she and AJ DO hang out, like many fics have stated, going for a gallop or working the farm, or racing like goot jocks do! And lets say that her and Flutters do have a well developed fillyhood that they can harken back too over a mug of cider from time to time. What about Pinky or Rarity? We have to cut out Twilight, her demi-goddess of being an alicorn now kinda ruins her being part of this, not to mention main character powers. Short of the Griffin brush off, she and Pinky have not really shared screen time, and ontop of that RD blew off one of her oldest friends if not first crush/love interest in Gilda just to side with Pinky. That could be a great topic of conversation as the two wander alone in the wilderness, i KNOW fans would love to have some closure on the Gilda Issue. And the Fabulous Ra-Ra? Why who else to be the ying to Dashies yang then the slightly built and nose in the air high society Rarity? The two have shared many a tongue in cheek moments, what with Rarity having to almost strap RD down to get her to get fit for a dress. But also there is just something i can not put my hoof on between them. Nothing romantic mind you (i know where your minds where going!) but more so, left unsaid. Like Rainbow would just want to spin on Ra-ra and bark how she was sick of hearing her complaining. Something of this order, to cause the said pony who is with RD to cause a deeper conflict.


So why this idea?::


The most recent episode (pinkies pride, at the time of posting) made me blink. I have always given the many, MANY differnt writters of this series credit in how they explore the differnt aspects of each girls personality and character growth. Now some have done better then others, (heck some fail completely and seem to be making a brand new character when going to one of the girls extremes) but all in all the show has always kept our girls, growing, and achieving depth past most television characters (imo). But this latest episode really made my head cock at just for a moment, only a second, we see thru a window on Pinky that we had no idea was there. Oh sure, we know she is deep, has a family who clearly wants nothing to do with her, has issues in the mental department, and also strives to live her own life through the love and joy she brings OTHERS. This is old news. But for one moment we get to see ALL of this flashed out to us like a nude streaking campus, you cant help but double take. Rainbow dash, NEEDS-THIS-TO-HAPPEN-TO HER! We need to see that one moment, that glance into her window that is past just her standing up for whats right, or pushing aside her own wants to stand up for her friends. WE GET IT RD, your loyal...we get it. BUT, we all know there is something hidden from us, that we have gotten glimpses of. From her break downs over a competition she might not win. To past friends growing past her. Or hay! How about Daddy issues? The fandom has seen this window, through a more analytic eye (writers and those who study psychology are gifted with this, and clearly bring most to the Fiction table), but for those that do not "get it" why not let them see through the window just like the writers did with Pinky?


Why it wont work::


Sadly, this really does sound too much like fiction or shipping. More over at the current state of the present season, with the hunt for the keys and big huff duff to do with bringing back older cast members to say "HAAAALLLOOOO!!!" (I am so looking at your princess candy-ass! hisssss) we just do not have time for a duo-character growth episode like this. We will have to do with episodes like "Bats" even though neitgher Flutters or the Big Apple Mama grew at all. In fact both really sort of regressed, AJ the most with Fluttershy having a solid stand on her typical love for animals that degenerated down into the writers saying "hey fanboys! Want something new to draw art about! Flutterbat!!!".




I have high hopes for the episode "Simple ways", at least for Rarity to grow more, and perhaps time for AJ to actually fluster under the eyes of a suitor instead of the what we know is coming "Eh? Boy, I aint got time for no smoozen, I got trees to buck!". It would be great to see her actually blush or swoon a bit, which would only fuel the jealousy Rarity has. That is another note, something we havent seen much of the girls, is jealousy. This should be a good episode, and I guess will have to saat my desire for a duel character episode that has something more then fan-goodness.

---> Here be Fabulous Mare!


<--- There be Brony!


***Fear the Hater, for they are out to taint your Perfection. Buck the Troll, for he would seek to stop the Fabulous flavor. For you are Brony, coated in Pearl, maned in fine Mulberry, eyes of the sky, and flanks of Diamonds. Your life is for the Lady, all hail the Queen, for Rarity, your life, for her.*** -Applejock

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Mane 6 are now "granny" age ponies sitting around in a living room. Rarity is meant to talk off screen and will have her face obscured for most of the episode. A book with photos is out on the table with pictures of their younger selves. Mane 6 talk about their past and memories with flashbacks to events that didn't appear on the show. These memory moments last only a few minutes giving each Mane a chance to fond over one. Rarity goes last talking about this male pony she married and lived a life with. Then in the last moment Rarity's face is revealed giving a shocking appearance. This causes Rarity to suddenly wake up from a dream in bed, scream, and breathing heavily. The final minutes of the episode is spent talking about the dream to the other Mane who chuckle about it. Rarity looks out a window in shock to see a new pony in town who happens to be the male pony she married in her dream. She closes the curtain in response.


This is meant to be like PPG: The City of Clipsville, but it's all a dream in the end.

Edited by Singe
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I have only one idea that I would feel could add a message, and keep in sync with the development of the mane 6 traits/flaws.


:: I would love to see an episode that involves Rainbowdash, slowed, and at dire straits to aid one of her friends on a journey back to ponyville or say on the way to Canterlot, etc.

Go read Third Time's a Charm. Pretty much exactly that story, Raridash shipping and all  :P I don't really like the ending or sequel story, though. But the journey is great.

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I love these questions!

Okay, what about: Trixie returns and kills Rainbow Dash. Everbody in the mane six then realizes that Trixie has turned into a demon and they have to hide in the libary basement. It's like a horror movie, everbody gets slaughterd except Fluttershy because she is best pony.

I need more ideas for this episode, PM me if interested! (No seriosly, don't)

"You tried your best and you failed miserably, the lesson is never try" - Homer J. Simpson


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So lately, there have been a disturbing string of revelations to do with writers, game developers, and all manner of internet-known people getting the worst kind of threats and harassment over the internet due to little changes in one's favorite franchise.


The validity of making changes to a franchise aside, I kinda had a thought for an episode that teaches a lesson about how it's so easy to turn hostile on someone when all you ever see of them is a name, an E-mail address (or, in the Equestrian equivalent, a mailbox), and brief celebrity appearances.


The basic premise would involve the CMC getting super-angry at someone outside their circle of known people, and sending angry letters to them in the hopes of getting this person to change their tact. Eventually, it turns out that not only was their reason for anger a complete misunderstanding, but the person they were writing to hasn't ever gotten fan-letters before, and in spite of any appearances, is highly emotionally sensitive.

(As a bonus: Part of the reason for themselves getting angry was from a letter received - and by completely misinterpreting the mood of the letter in question, since so much is lost in printed communication)

Episode ends with an apology, group hug, and a lesson learned about how even when you never meet someone in person at all, never assume the worst of them, and always know there's a real person with real feelings on the other side.

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I'd like to see an episode that shows us what Celestia was like when she was younger. Especially if Discord is telling it, and being a completely unreliable narrator.


I have my own little headcannon on how things went down. Celestia used to be wild and crazy. She was close to Discord and the two enjoyed having their freedom. Celestia and Luna were some of the last ponies born as alicorns, so it was their responsibility to become the new leaders of Equestria. Celestia didn't want to give up her freedom, so Luna had to step up. However Luna just wasn't cut out to run a country, and things were getting worse and worse. Celestia realized how selfish she was being and decided to become the new ruler.


Discord was pretty upset about being abandoned. When he took over Equestria and turned into chaos central, he actually thought he was helping Celestia. His twisted logic was that if everything was in total chaos, there would be no need for her to have to spend all her time running the country. She wasn't too keen on the idea, so Discord took it personally.


While Luna was happy that she didn't have the burden of ruling Equestria anymore, she was also jealous. Celestia had always been better than her at things, and once again she had to swoop in to save Luna, and once again Celestia was able to do a very difficult task with ease. Luna's resentment builds up, leading to her accepting the Nightmare Forces so she would have a chance to show her older sister up. The whole "night isn't important" excuse was just that.

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Here's just a quick idea I had for an interesting episode focusing on Princess Twilight Sparkle and Miss Rarity. This idea is a little rough around the edges, and bares some similarities to 'Green Isn't Your Color'. It takes the core idea, tweaks it, and takes it in a different direction.


Episode Title: 'The Princess and the Pompous'


Synopsis: Rarity asks for Twilight's help in showing off her new fashion line "Ravishing Royalty" in Trottingham, to which she gladly accepts. Rarity's line becomes a hit, and they gain some notoreity among the locals. While Rarity basks in the attention she recieves, Twilight grows tired of being constantly in the spotlight of the fashionista society.



-Twilight can "hop off" of the fashionista's radar at any point, but worries about disappointing Rarity.

-Rarity mustn't even imply that she would actually be disappointed if Twilight bowed out.

-Spike will be along for Twilight to voice her concerns to.

-The fashion sophisticates mustn't be annoying, but rather just show that they want to mingle with Twi. 

-The Mane 6 will not factor into the story, because Twi and Rarity aren't trying to leave their friends in any way.


Moral: "You shouldn't worry about disappointing a friend over something you don't want to do. A true friend will understand your decision in the end."


What do you all think? Would this work as an episode? I think this would be some good development from Twilight as she's constantly worried about letting others down, which she really shouldn't be, well at least not to the extent she does.

"Oh look, there's our friend Rarity GOING DOWN IN FLAMES!!! ISN"T FRIENDSHIP MAGIC!!!?" -Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


"No matter how many times others tell you you're great, all the praise in the world means nothing if you don't feel it inside.......Sometimes to feel good about yourself, you gotta let go of the past. That way, when the time comes to let your greatness fly, you'll be able to light up the whole sky." -Cathy Weseluck as Spike 

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Alot people talk about giving the gruesome twosome some depth,


what if dt and silver spoons had an episode where one of the main six mentored them?


Just a different idea, wouldn't necessarily need to be a redemption story, 

they might even mature just a little bit.

well assuming it's not pinkie teaching them


pinkie doesn't do mature ^^.


  • Brohoof 1


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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Alot people talk about giving the gruesome twosome some depth,


what if dt and silver spoons had an episode where one of the main six mentored them?


Just a different idea, wouldn't necessarily need to be a redemption story, 

they might even mature just a little bit.

well assuming it's not pinkie teaching them


pinkie doesn't do mature ^^.

Rarity seems like a good fit

(Heck, she's pretty spoiled herself)

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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