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Celestia/Fire-themed version of Nightmare Moon? I like it. In all seriousness, I like the plot, but I think you need to put more emphasis on how exactly does the heat wave radiation make her evil?

Edited by Prince Dusk

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solar flare?


I think its been done already

Edited by Whiteshade

Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain


Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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solar flare?


I think its been done already








also, that picture/idea of the flaming Celestia is giving me a wing boner is really good!! I love it!! :D

Edited by Parties like Pinkie


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Pretty neat. After 2 full seasons they NEED an epsiode about the Princess. I mean c'mon, she's probably the most important chacrater besides the Mane 6 and Spike! Plus, like Dusk mentioned, it be kinda cool if they had Celstia go all Nightmare Moon and stuff. It could be the "opposite", if you will, of the show's pilot two-parter, Friendship is Magic, parts 1 and 2.


Is there any way to submit ideas, contributions to Hasbro and/or DHX? I know they already have a say in interaction with the Brony community, but any way to communicate them escapes my head at the moment.


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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I thought up of an idea. What if they did an episode that revolved around Princess Celestia?


This is an episode idea so I merged it with this thread.


Signature by @Nico.

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I would like one where an epic powerful villain rises with an army of minions and releases discord from his stone imprisonment. Then, Didcord joins him and they take over canterlot, and slowly other parts of Equestria. A whole bunch of stuff happens, then twilight or maybe even celestia convinces Discord to help them.

Then Discord and The Spirits Of The Elements Of Harmony fight the armies then defeat the villain.


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An episode centered around Celestia and Luna should, in order to show thier own character development as sisters. The only major time they interacted was the end of episode of two, and since then Luna's only gotten one major part, and that was her struggling to fit into this modern era of ponies by herself, luckily then aided by Twilight. It would be nice to see Celestia at least trying to help her sister adapt, adjust, and get back into the swing of running Equestria. Doesn't need to be an entire episode, but fitting it into a scene somewhere for a minute or two wouldn't be much to ask.


Something along these fanmade lines, perhaps?


  • Brohoof 2


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  • 2 weeks later...

I couldn't come up with a title for it and if there are any other episode idea threads I have a feeling this will have come up, anyways, my idea is:


One of the members of the CMC (I couldn't decide which was most suiting) finally earn their cutie mark (because I couldn't decide which character I couldn't think of a scenario) somehow and although she is really excited about it at first and wants to show it to her friends she gets worried that they'll be jealous or something similar. After hiding from the other members for a while she decides to seek help from each of the Mane6 but because she tells them she doesn't want her friends to know all of them refuse to tell her what to do and suggest she just shows her friends. After more hiding and a couple of close calls, she finally decides that she will show them and it turns out they also have their cutie marks.


I also came up with some ideas for the song but I couldn`t decide where in the episode would be most suiting. The idea is:


She is singing about how she is worried about what her friends would think, about what the Mane6 all said to her, what she feels about it, and how she doesn`t know what else to do.

Edited by ZomBrony
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I've done gone and merged your thread with this one, cause they are kind of exactly the same. in the future do a wuick search using the search bar up top to see if a thread already exists before posting. Also, if you're unsure about posting locations check this thread for reference: http://mlpforums.com/topic/13005-ultimate-mlp-forums-posting-guide/

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I've done gone and merged your thread with this one, cause they are kind of exactly the same. in the future do a wuick search using the search bar up top to see if a thread already exists before posting. Also, if you're unsure about posting locations check this thread for reference: http://mlpforums.com...-posting-guide/


I actually did but there were no results. Anyways, thanks for moving it
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  • 2 weeks later...

Pretty much the same ideas as in the Season 3 Wishlist thread.


One of the CMC getting a cutie mark, a body-switching episode, and a history episode on the defeat of Discord, how Celestia and Luna became alicorns, the rise of NMM and the destruction of Everfree (I want a history episode SO BAD!). These were already said before (several times), but they are must-haves for S3.



A vampony episode and an episode where the Mane 6 are sent to another country as ambassadors, preferably the Zebra country, where they make a mess. Episode also reveals more about how being the avatars of the EOH affects them. An episode about loss (I mean, how many more aesops are there to be learned?) with the death of Granny Smith can also be, but it's too mature for MLP.


And my dream finale (which is probably too mature for MLP, no matter how much it's toned down):

The 4 ponies of apocalypse (which happen to be the 4 stars that freed NMM) arrive in Equestria, bringing the end of the world (preferably they arrive in an epic way at the end of the episode before the 2 parter, to give an epic cliffhanger).

The EOH+Celestia+Luna are not enough to defeat them. At the end, before everything's destroyed, the Mane 6 turn everypony into Cadence-tier alicorns forever (more powerful than a unicorn with the magic of all 3 races, but not immortal star-moving pony gods), except for the Mane 6, who as avatars of the EOH are turned into princess-tier alicorns. The combined might of Equestria+EOH+Mane 6+Princesses is finally enough, saving Equestria. The season finale would be epic and Equestria will have equality between everypony.

The Mane 6 could also free Discord to try to defeat them (offering Equestria to him if he wins), but he loses. He could even become a good guy by the end.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have several Episode Ideas:

  • A two-episode arc involving Rarity and Hayseed Turniptruck. The first episode deals with Rarity having to deal with Hayseed constantly trying to ask her out on a date, and asking the Mane 6 for advice. Eventually, she agrees to go out with him out of pity and realizes that he's not so bad after all. The second episode deals with Rarity fretting over what to do when she is invited to a high-society event in Canterlot and has to bring Hayseed. She and the rest of the Mane 6 attempt to educate him in the art of etiquette and culture, but to no avail. Rarity must make a decision to either attend the event without him or risk her social standing in Canterlot high society. She ultimately decides to bring him along and he ultimately makes a fool of himself, but she defends him in a big climactic moment.
  • An episode chronicling a Pie Family Reunion/pony equivalent of Thanksgiving in which Pinkie Pie returns to the family rock farm. Her sisters Inkie and Blinkie, still relegated to working on the rock farm for the rest of their lives, resent Pinkie for having escaped its confines and following her dreams.
  • An episode in which Pinkie Pie botches a major catering order at Sugarcube Corner due to her silliness and the Cakes decide enough is enough and immediately fire and evict her. A dejected Pinkie then shacks up with each of the rest of the Mane 6, trying to adjust to their different environments to become an assistant to each of them, with disastrous results. The rest of the Mane 6, realizing that Pinkie's rightful place is in Sugarcube Corner, travel there to attempt to convince the Cakes to rehire Pinkie. At the store, they find the Cakes struggling to fill another major order by themselves, and barely able to speak to them due to the rush. The 5 convince the Cakes to give Pinkie a second chance. When given the second chance, Pinkie ultimately proves herself and the Cakes rehire her as well as rent back to her her apartment back.
  • An episode in which Fluttershy's boisterous parents come to visit, much to Fluttershy's utter horror.
  • An episode in which Fluttershy falls for a charming stallion who is newly arrived in Ponyville. The rest of the Mane 6 are overjoyed for her upon meeting her new boyfriend, except for Twilight Sparkle, who is suspicious of his motives. After a little investigating, Twilght uncovers that Fluttershy's new boyfriend is a con artist and has to decide whether or not to tell Fluttershy before he scams her or breaks her heart.
  • Brohoof 1
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Maybe an episode,where we find out that RD has older brothers.



(corrected spelling)

An episode giving more info on Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo

All we know is that they are freindly

they don't go to the same school as AB

they are both part of the Cutie Mark Crusaders

NOT ENOUGH! there must be more


Oh and an episode revolving around Pinkie and her Weird "Rock Farming" (whutisrockfarmingidonteven) past.

All we know about that is

She got her cutie mark

and she threw a party...


if these were real Heres my reaction

Posted Image

Edited by German Sweetie Bell

I'm back whoope! img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png 

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Semi-based on an RP I'm currently doing.


"Rainbow Cloud Envy"


Rainbow Dash is very late for her duties of clearing the sky of clouds one night, and is doing so while incredibly tired. She eventually passes out mid-flight, and crashes down into Sweet Apple Acres. She awakes the following morning, finding that Applejack and Applebloom found her, brought her inside their home and are helping her recover the minor wing injury, while Granny Smith and Big Mac are out of town helping another branch of the Apple family. Applebloom convinces Dash to stay the day and night, on the pretense that the Cutie Mark Crusaders are going to be having their meeting later in the evening, and that Scootaloo would be thrilled to hang out with her.


Forced to stay grounded and shadowing Applejack and Applebloom, Dash is subjected to seeing thier in-sync, efficient and affectionate sisterly relationship as they do everything from chores to playing with each other over the course of the day. Slowly, Dash begins to grow left out and even a bit jealous, realizing that it might be nice to have someone like that in her life, too. Someone younger, who she could call a sister. Someone she could teach everything she knows in not just flight, but all kinds of lessons as well. There could be a musical number solo of Dash singing about her feelings, even.


As Rainbow and Applejack converge at the Cutie Mark Crusaders' meeting, Dash is showered with praise and devotion to do anything for her from Scootaloo as usual, and, having come to terms with her own feelings, begins to see that devotion in a new light. Dash offers to Scoot if she wants to hang out with her, Applejack and Applebloom for the rest of the day, mentioning that 'she can teach her a few of her cool tricks, too.' Scootaloo is thrilled to hang out with her idol, and accepts.


The rest of the episode then focuses around the four, AJ & AB, and RD and Scoot, and demonstrates how both of their relationships are now becoming strong. Though Dash isn't inherently as playful as Applejack is with her sister, Rainbow does enjoy now teaching Scootaloo tricks, letting her hang with her as much as she wants, and perhaps occasionally demonstrating a bit affection. The episode ends with Rainbow returning to Ponyville and knocking on Twilight's door. She smiles and asks with a laugh if she can 'borrow Spike'. She has Spike dictate a letter to the Princess.


"Dear Princess Celestia, I learned something important today that I hadn't actually realized before. Even if somepony isn't apart of the family you were born with, you can still develop a relationship that comes close to having an actual sister. I also learned to not ignore, step on or take advantage of those who really like you, and idolize you. It's those kinds of ponies who make the greatest friends, and sisters."


Give or take, that's it :3 And to cement it, here's an adorable pic of RD and Scootaloo.


Posted Image

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~
  • Brohoof 4


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Season 3 beginning would happen like this.


Celestia could have some weird relative and send her over to Twilight saying, "Bla bla bla, accept dis bitch, she's the element of alcohol."

Then Twilight would be all like, "Oh okay, I guess being open to growth is important. Something's off about dis ho, though."

Then [new pony] would be all messing with mane 6's mojo! And as we all know, the mane 6's mojo is not to be messed with.



[New pony] starts trying to do mane 6's job for em, but they ain't gon' have none of that! Mmmnmm! So, after Ponyville gets mad at the mane 6 an' shit (because [new pony] was being a great citizen and whatnot), they go to Canterlot and find out that [new pony] is actually [bad pony]! OH SHI-! So then, they haul ass back to Ponyville and everypony's... I dunno, something bad. Then [bad pony] uses magical powers or turns into some mythical creature an' some shit. Mane 6 find out new element isn't alcohol, it's actually *gasp* DRUGS DECEPTION!


So, they take the bitch out, but [bad pony] was prepared. She'd flee over the mountain where she would live in some decrepit hut like a hermit. Maybe be roommates with Trixie, I dunno -- that's up to the writers. So yeah, [bad pony] will become another badass villain and appear in the final episode of Season 3 where all the villains and bad characters try to conquer Equestria. (C'mon guys, we all know that's what the final episode of the final season will be.)


Then Celestia will be all like, "Trololo, thanks Power Puffs."

and mane 6 will be all like, "We goin' to Vegas, bitch!"


And then terrorists will take over the casino they're at an' kidnap everypony except for Rainbow Dash. Then Tom Clancy will make an adaptation to the franchise and call it "Rainbow Six".


The End.









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Semi-based on an RP I'm currently doing.


"Rainbow Cloud Envy"




[Ad'awwwwable pic of RD+Scoot


I 100% agree, that was one pretty interesting idea we have goin on there! It stays off the touchy stuff, so it wouldn't be to innapropirate for the kids. ;) Even the message has good moral! ^_^ I was actually thinking of this as a future episode idea myself earlier today~

  • Brohoof 2


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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1. An episode in which Twilight enters a magic tournament.

2. I like the parents episode idea.

3. An episode about Zecora.

4. An episode about Big Mac.

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