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Why did so much Bronies think Alicorn Twilight would be temporary?


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I think it is because at the time, so many bronies just flat out hated the entire concept, so many thought that there is no way this could be permanent because it would 'ruin the show forever' and all that stuff. 


I was never one of these people though, I have always been a %100 supporter of it and I absolutely LOVE her being a princess, it is now my biggest obsession in the show. <3 Honestly, if they would have backed out of it at any point, that would have really soured the show for me. :\ It would have felt cheap and pointless, but it seems that will never be the case, so I am incredibly happy for that. ^___^

  • Brohoof 1
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Like the other thread, I haven't seen anyone specifically state that they thought her transformation was temporary.


But I am aware that there exists number of Bronies who opposed and still oppose concept of alicorn Twilight. I haven't seen cases of those believing it was only temporary, but I've been told (by HypnoSparkle?) of those who are in so much denial that they believed unicorn Twilight died in S3 finale and was replaced by alicorn imposter; they don't consider alicorn Twilight to legitimately Twilight. I personally have not seen people say this but is not surprising they exist.


My personal preference would have been that Celestia and Luna remained only alicorns in the series (for instance I always preferred concept of Cadence as powerful unicorn instead but by no means do I hate her nor do I somehow deny her existence).

Edited by Luna the Great
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I note an issue with Alicorn twilight that irks alot of people is that it takes away from the uniqueness of Celestia and Luna, a problem that started with Cadence.
I note I feel the same way about Cadence being shoehorned in and feeling out of place for many reasons. Her ascension is one thing I really object to. While I can 100% accept the elements of harmony being able to ascend a pony into an alicorn, Cadence's ascension seemingly came from a fairly mundane magical object (as in it didn't seem to be a legendary artifact or anything on par with the EOH or even the crystal heart), without any real importance to the substance (To the point where rarity knows of it on site while twilight doesn't, and cadence gives it away as jewelry).

cadence's ascension of just loving a depressed villain and her necklace almost randomly ubering her seems hamfisted and forced.


IMO, Cadence is a far worse addition than twilight since it almost implies you just need to gather alot of magic in one place to make an alicorn.

(On that note, I actually like the idea of multiple alicorns existing a greek god thing, like princess of the sun, princess of fire/smithing, princess of the harvest, ect., but I seriously object to cadence's backstory)

Edited by Unlikeable Pony
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Sigh you guys are just going to keep stringing on an old topic like the Derpy Hooves being censored threads...  or are you only doing this now that the fandom has finally accepted it and you want to just say what is being said from poster #1? Carry on then, this dead horse needs more clubbing.


If you are really interested in the adversity towards Twilicorn there are tons of old relics from the past on the search button.

Edited by cider float
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She introduces the possibility of transforming into an alicorn reducing the value of alicorns, she's the fourth alicorns making alicorns even less valuable and unique. She breaks the mold of the two unicorns, two earth ponies and two pegasi of the mane six. She became an alicorn from solving a problem she caused from the beginning and is really meh in terms of how it would be the final trial towards becoming a princess of Friendship. I would think defeating Discord after he brainwashed them would of made her into one.


There are old threads about this so go look for them.

Were Alicorns really that valuable prior to this, enjoyment wise? I mean yeah they were established as powerful, but so little of the show revolves around the power of Alicorns or Alicorns at all that they are really not such a huge factor.

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Denial is the first stage of grief. A lot of us thought that a very realistic (and ultimately legit) promotional image was fake for a while, as well :derp:


Basically, it was faith in the writing staff of a different sort. The thought process was something like "Making Twilight an alicorn would be a terrible thing for the series, so if it happens, the writers will make sure to put things right in a jiffy -_- " Y'gotta understand that there was a metric heckton of resistance to the idea before MMC aired, even if a lot of that resistance (but not quite all) evaporated almost instantly once the episode came out.

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She introduces the possibility of transforming into an alicorn reducing the value of alicorns, she's the fourth alicorns making alicorns even less valuable and unique.


We have only four Alicorns out of about 200 ponies, so they're still pretty unique.




 She became an alicorn from solving a problem she caused from the beginning and is really meh in terms of how it would be the final trial towards becoming a princess of Friendship. I would think defeating Discord after he brainwashed them would of made her into one.


I agree with you here. But the original concept of the episode was much better about this: after messing up everyone's cutie marks, Twilight asked Celestia for help, but not even she had the power to solve this situation. So when Twilight finally fixed everything up, it was a much bigger deal since she did something that another princess was not able to, meaning that her power level was already on par with them.

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Simply wishful thinking.

Basically, yeah. Quite a few bronies were hoping for that when the change happened. So was I. It was like "well, they went there...but maybe it's not permanent! Like, Twilight is an alicorn princess for just a little while before learning an ultimate lesson that she doesn't have to be either of those things to excel and spread friendship. And by turning down Celestia's gift she becomes more independent and develops as a character."


Nope.   -_-  In retrospect it would have been a great idea, but they didn't go there.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think they disliked it as it was either not part of Lauren Faust's original plans for the show or it was made by Hasbro just to sell toys, I did not know about it at the time as I wasn't a Brony, but I do like Twilight just the way she is.

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Look,  Twilight is a alicorn now.   Yah  the super fans went all "OMG NOOOOO" and such reactions.   Personally at times I found it as bad as some of the Twilight Fans or Harry Potter at times over her just getting wings.  Did it really change the traits of Twilight we came to like in the show?  Mostly no!  She just had wings and maybe some preening problems. -_-

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İ think its not suitible show's format that twilight to be transformed an alicorn, because when she transformed, twilight's personality is more dominant to the others

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Like the other thread, I haven't seen anyone specifically state that they thought her transformation was temporary.


But I am aware that there exists number of Bronies who opposed and still oppose concept of alicorn Twilight. I haven't seen cases of those believing it was only temporary, but I've been told (by HypnoSparkle?) of those who are in so much denial that they believed unicorn Twilight died in S3 finale and was replaced by alicorn imposter; they don't consider alicorn Twilight to legitimately Twilight. I personally have not seen people say this but is not surprising they exist.


My personal preference would have been that Celestia and Luna remained only alicorns in the series (for instance I always preferred concept of Cadence as powerful unicorn instead but by no means do I hate her nor do I somehow deny her existence).



The people who voted temporary in the poll. I've also seen a few people on DeviantArt, and on a few minor miscellanous places. I can't say specifically where on DeviantArt or the miscellanous places or keep track or remember exactly, but I have seen them.

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The people who voted temporary in the poll. I've also seen a few people on DeviantArt, and on a few minor miscellanous places. I can't say specifically where on DeviantArt or the miscellanous places or keep track or remember exactly, but I have seen them.

That answers that. I don't think I ever thought about concept of temporary royalty status.

  • Brohoof 1
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Because people naturally don't like change. Not when that change directly conflicts with something they're used to and approve of. Many people had gotten used to the idea of the Mane 6 being as they were. When Twilight essentially became promoted to Alicorn status, it really shook up the established settings. When approached with an event that changes something someone approved of, they often turn to the mindset that it's only temporary, and that things will be back to 'normal' soon enough. It's just human nature.


It's pretty simple: People don't like change.


Some bronies really really REALLY do not like any kind of change, even if Twi wasn't made a Alicorn and was just Princess in title there would still be bronies complaining.


I don't dislike Twilicorn simply because I hate change. I'm against it because of how it is unnecessary, messes up the lore of alicorns, and goes against the show's message. I've embraced plenty of changes in the show. Twilight becoming an alicorn princess simply isn't one of them.

Edited by Dolphanatic
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The only thing I didnt like about Twilightcorn is her Overpowerness decreasing her screentime significantly after season 3... Made in Manehattan episode is an example of her overpowerness that can resolve everything too easy.

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Seems to me like it was mostly a case of denial, and excessive worrying out of fear without giving things a fair chance. So mainly short-sighted reasons. Hasbro and the staff operates on a more long term basis. 


Also because it destroyed some people's head canons, but the concept of alicorn Twilight has been around in fan works since almost the beginning of the show.


Looking back it now, I will say it is one of the best creative decisions the show has made even if the implementation of it has been awkward at times, but Season 5 seems to be doing a better job of handling it.


Also I don't recall there being a case of her being overglorified at the others expense in Season 4, just only insecure fans taking and blowing things out of context.

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