Radiance64 7,053 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 Caught the end of it, didn't expect an evil Twilight and interdimensional rips I'll give it a full watch soon enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BlackWater627 700 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 I wish they'd make a spin-off series though. I'd sign up for that. It was good, but the kitchen scene in RR was better imo. That was a golden scene that shall live on throughout brony history as some of the most down to Earth bonding and development ever...oh yeah, and fuel for the shippers. I love it. Even watching it for the second time I'm still blown away by it. I can't wait to rewatch it myself. I'll definitely have the DVD when it comes out (next month I think). I missed a few scenes because of stream lag so woohoo for second times! Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Unknown 132 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 I liked it! I still like FiM a lot more, though. I've only seen Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games, and it's hard to say which one I liked more... 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
colt .45 259 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 This thread needs a poll! Why isn't there a poll? Fuck it! I'm voting anyway! ⚫Loved it! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlfaStar 5 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 I loved the movie, it has been my favorite EG movie so far, the plot was better than the other two movies. I don´t have much to say that hasn´t been already said except human Twilight did better than pony Twilight in Equestria girls, is true that her development is similar to that of the first episode but we see it explored more deeply since now she is an outcast which only friends are Spike and Cadence and we see how she doesn´t really fit with anybody else during most of the movie as well as feeling the despair of not having any control of what is going on around her. PD: I don´t know how to put spoilers, would be really nice if somebody told me xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cherry_Bloom 165 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 I just finished watching it. I LOVED it! It was so wonderfully well done!!! Come Check out my Channel on Equestria TV! http://equestria.tv/r/Cherry_Blooms_Cottage Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,362 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 (edited) I loved the movie, it has been my favorite EG movie so far, the plot was better than the other two movies. I don´t have much to say that hasn´t been already said except human Twilight did better than pony Twilight in Equestria girls, is true that her development is similar to that of the first episode but we see it explored more deeply since now she is an outcast which only friends are Spike and Cadence and we see how she doesn´t really fit with anybody else during most of the movie as well as feeling the despair of not having any control of what is going on around her. PD: I don´t know how to put spoilers, would be really nice if somebody told me xD About Spoilers: Do you see that little blue and green photo above the Bold, Italics, and Underline buttons. It's called Special BBCode. Click it. A list of options will appear, among which you'll find "Spoiler". Use the spoiler box to type your first batch of words. You can always add more to it after hitting OK, but before posting! Edited September 27, 2015 by WiiGuy2014 A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rpc8169 238 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 After viewing i'd say it's my 2nd fav of the series. RR still the best imo. The ending is priceless though... My thoughts when Twilight meets herself: 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Melon Blitz 423 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 Sunset Shimmer is definitely my favorite character in EQG now. 2 http://nogonip.tumblr.com Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snake 516 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 I do not know if i'm the only one who thinks this but the scene where Twilight is walking around Crystal Prep singing reminds me a little too much of Let it go from Frozen. Her movements, the background, even the song. Compare it. It's scary similar.Aside from that I really liked it, I adore Sunset Shimmer and I'm really glad Princess Twilight didn't just come and save the day again. I really liked the designs of the main Crystal Prep students too. 1 signature by; https://mlpforums.com/user/26424-minikirby123/art by; http://pucksterv.deviantart.com/ profile picture by; https://mlpforums.com/user/36534-prophet/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbowdash_82 404 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 Dude I swear THAT MOVIE WAS EPIC!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!! :wub: :wub: I Loved the part where sunset shimmer got twilight out of her spell :pinkie: My rating 1000000/10 4 Rainbow dash is life Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ashen Pathfinder 16,162 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 Augh, I am seriously conflicted on whether RR or FG is better! D: Now I will need a second viewing to let it sink in, but I felt this was a VERY strong entry in the EqG series. Sunset Shimmer once again shined bright as the main focus, but human Twilight was also a treat. Add in some great songs and we have a great film! Granted Principal Cinch was a weak antagonist; she was effective but lacked presence. Not bad, but average. Because of that I think this one falls below RR just a tad as the Dazzlings are in a league of their own, but overall FG is GREAT! WATCH IT! 1 Pathfinder I Sojourner I Corsair | Zu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~ Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Book Horse 352 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 This move was fantastic! Best of the trilogy! All of the songs were great too. They did a great job at making Sunset Shimmer's story come full circle. I would say more, but I don't want to spoil it and I'm too lazy to mark it as a spoiler. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RarityFan01 2,444 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 There was something I was hoping to see in MLP. Equestria Girls showed it instead, but I'm still glad. An evil Twilight Sparkle. It was one of my hopes for Season 5. Also, my best friend is so human Twilight. Princess Cadence was in it too. Rarity Fan Club My Ponysona My Drawing of Rarity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evan_1 132 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 (edited) okay Blue Moon, thc for the info Edited September 27, 2015 by Evan_1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Honsou 399 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 The episode had way more depth than any of the past few episodes, I loved it. The entire movie was full of a chance for character development, and it delivered what we all wanted to see, which was sunset shimmer. We got to see full character development in Sunset Shimmer, and she was beautiful. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MitBoy 2 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 (edited) It didn't contain Dazzlings at all Also about Principal: She is fine character. This is how villains are supposed to be! Not talking about their plans or stuff, not making evil smiles, and when they lose, they just accept it and move on! I'm super tired of stupid villains or ones "Hey look at me, I'm SOOOO charismatic and stuff!!!! I make smart puns quibbles!!!". It's enturely possible to make villain like that AND make him interesting (Look at Taffy from Star vs forces of Evil.). Principal here wasn't super interesting, but she is not supposed to be a real villain, None in this movie was really evil, with "take over he world" stuff. Edited September 27, 2015 by MitBoy 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RattPitt 172 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 (edited) I just watched it. I'd say it was pretty good. My major complaint? The fact that one of the events was motocross. I don't have anything against MX, but it's just not something you'd realistically see in a school event. If their education system (more specifically the funding) is anything like the USA's, they wouldn't even have enough money to get a new textbook, let alone a few MX bikes. Not to mention that it's a serious risk putting people that have most likely never even touched a MX bike. Plus, the Friendship Games appear to be a lot like the Olympics. They're both even once every four years. MX is more of an X Games thing. Rant over. Another complaint of mine is Cadence's appearance. Her face was... creepy, for lack of a better word. It's definitely in the uncanny valley for me. I think it's mostly the eyes. Otherwise? It was pretty damn good. I don't know where it is on my personal favorites list of the Equestria Girls series. It's either before or after Rainbow Rocks, which is currently at the top of that list. There were far more things I liked about Friendship Games than I didn't like, especially in the third act. The climax wasn't as cool as Rainbow Rocks' in my opinion, but I still liked it. I have to mention my favorite character from Crystal Prep, the green haired girl with the headphones. I didn't catch her name and I'm too tired to look it up (it's 12:28 in the morning and I've had a busy day.) I'm nicknaming her Metalhead for this. Her introduction alone made me say out loud "I like her." I kept that opinion of Metalhead until just before the climax. I'm referring to that one song at the end that I don't know the name of (once again, I'm too tired to look it up. I'd call it "Use the Magic".) Metalhead got better at the end, though. Metalhead is easily my favorite human. \m/. EDIT: Turns out Metalhead's name is actually Lemon Zest. I still prefer Metalhead. And that scene at the very end with the two Twilights? I loved that. I'm incredibly curious about the time loop Equestria's Twilight mentioned. Perhaps it'll be in a future episode? Edited September 27, 2015 by RattPitt 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jinxie Umbra 149 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 By the way, Katrina Hadley says Sunny's transformation is called Daydream Shimmer. https://twitter.com/isitlunchyet_t/status/648020688176041984 1 Dr. Jinxie Umbra Angriest Statue in Celestia's Garden Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlbaTross 1,586 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 Did anyone notice cranky as that one teacher? Cause I did.I did. Did you notice that one of the students on the Crystal Prep bus was Trenderhoof? Wow, I'm not usually one to notice small details like that. Nice cameos were one of the things I liked about this movie and I'm also glad Cadance and Shining Armor made their EQG debut. Having EQG Twilight learn about friendship and having Sunset be the one to show her the way is also kind of neat, if a little cliched. I also like that magic is now tied to the Mane Six's elements, not just music, and that actually does make more sense than music activating it, though I have long since resigned myself to the writers moving the goal posts regarding how magic works in this world. The songs aren't bad either. Now for what I didn't like as much. Principal Cinch is a very cliched villain, and I fail to see how losing once at a competition that somehow only exists between two schools for some reason would affect her reputation that much. Come to think of it, if it's such serious business why aren't any other schools in on it? While the songs aren't bad, I also don't think they're that great. Usually there is at least one tune that sticks out to me, and I just can't say that's the case here. Overall though, I enjoyed it. I don't think it's my favourite EQG film but I didn't hate it. Hopefully the BluRay/DVD cut will add some nice additional scenes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kerberossz 1,929 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 Well...this was quiet good, I mean I didn't like the prev movies but this one was fine. Finally a good villain and some explanation about the ponification...and oh boy Principal Cinch's song was pretty good, finally something different and darkish. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
duidamasterXD 9,627 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 Probably liked it better than RR overall, if only slightly. The body of the movie felt more solid and not just the Mane Six flapping around like dead fish waiting for Sunset and Twilight to do stuff. Even if the finale sort of went that direction, and was weaker for it in my opinion, the movie holds up all around. Not really feeling up for a detailed essay, but I'll do some likes and dislikes in bullet point form. The Good The music was awesomesauce, on par with Rainbow Rocks or even slightly exceeding it. They cut two really good songs that were sold as part of the soundtrack, so that confused me , but Acadeca, the Rally Song and Unleash the Magic were all great anyway. Each of the Mane Five doing their thing and demonstrating their elements was sweet to see, and I particularly enjoyed Flutters' and AJ's scenes RD beating the everloving frack out of plantzilla I appreciated Human Twilight's clear yearning for knowledge, and how she was a bit more awkward than her pone self initially was. Her relationship with Spike was also super sweet Celestia (and Luna and Cadance) being sassy to Cinch gives me life . Much stronger movie from the princesses. I cannot overstate just how happy I was to see Sunset lose it and go full bitch again, but using that anger righteously . I want more of Sunset relapsing a little and struggling with her old and destructive habits. Let the hate flow through you girl. I sort of liked the callbacks to the first film in the climax, even if I also wished it hadn't come down to Sunset 1v1ing Twilight. The Bad Cinch was a pretty blah antagonist, although in a way that made her pretty easy and fun to mock. Woman's got issues. She almost killed her best student because Sunset Shimmer beat somebody at motocross. The greater focus on the Humane Six left little room for them to do anything with the Crystal Prep kids, and they felt underused overall. This is just me wanting to have my cake and eat it too, though, and I'm glad they used the screentime on the main people instead of one shot villains. Redemption of the Crystal Prep kids fell pretty flat, with them all turning on Cinch at the end even though they were surrounding and pressuring Twilight to do the thing too. I did like seeing them pitch in during the interdimensional rift nonsense, though 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argumedies 1,748 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 (edited) Would have made more sense if these "games" were every year, not every 4 years. Its not like its the Olympics. Thats the only real problem i have other then the extreimly obvious plot, deadpan explanations and bland reactions to those events that defy all known physics and philosophys that define their world. Edited September 27, 2015 by Argumedies 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NotoriousSMALL 1,984 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 I don't know if it tops RR, but it was still freaking awesome! The intro was cool. I'm sad it didn't have an awesome outro like rainbow rocks. Songs were okay. I was disappointed there wasnt more, was hoping to hear sunset sing again. Speaking of sunset... ..this movie didn't seem to revolve around her as much as RR did, which kind of disappoints me but oh well. She didn't seem to do much until she yelled at Human-Twi (which was freaking AWESOME I was dying to see mean sunset come out again!). Not a huge fan of her powered up form, though. The animation seemed to have improved slightly. A LOT more facial expressions, angles, and lighting effects, which was awesome. The climactic scene didnt come anywhere CLOSE to beating rainbow rocks, but I still kind of liked how it got suuuuper intense right before the magic went crazy. What else...? The shadowcolt girls were kinda cool, I was sad they didnt get too much action. I think that wraps up my thoughts, for now. I just reaaaaalllllyyyy hope there is a 4th movie. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jinxie Umbra 149 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 I don't know if it tops RR, but it was still freaking awesome! The intro was cool. I'm sad it didn't have an awesome outro like rainbow rocks. Songs were okay. I was disappointed there wasnt more, was hoping to hear sunset sing again. Speaking of sunset... ..this movie didn't seem to revolve around her as much as RR did, which kind of disappoints me but oh well. She didn't seem to do much until she yelled at Human-Twi (which was freaking AWESOME I was dying to see mean sunset come out again!). Not a huge fan of her powered up form, though. The animation seemed to have improved slightly. A LOT more facial expressions, angles, and lighting effects, which was awesome. The climactic scene didnt come anywhere CLOSE to beating rainbow rocks, but I still kind of liked how it got suuuuper intense right before the magic went crazy. What else...? The shadowcolt girls were kinda cool, I was sad they didnt get too much action. I think that wraps up my thoughts, for now. I just reaaaaalllllyyyy hope there is a 4th movie. When they played Rainbow Rocks on TV it also had generic credits, no Shine Like Rainbows and awesome sketches, etc. The DVD release of Friendship Games will likely have something along those lines. 1 Dr. Jinxie Umbra Angriest Statue in Celestia's Garden Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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