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Friendship Games


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Plus I'm sure a lot of people waited til it was available online, and watched it then. I don't have access to Discovery Kids so that's what I did.

  • Brohoof 1



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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The Sunset Shimmer vs Twilight Sparkle was really awesome. Twilight's villain design was just so badass and then Sunset Shimmers Golden Phoenix Design. A beautiful angel by god.


More so than any other scene in the EqG movies, this one wowed me. I expected some kind of power up but this really shocked me in a good way.  :fluttershy: I loved both their powered up designs and find myself hoping to see more of them in the future. Dang pipe dreams.  :P


Now that I think of it, we really don't see as much as we should of powered up forms even in the regular show. We have seen the Rainbow Power forms only a few times (2 or 3). I doubt we'll get to see Sunset Phoenix again. Doubly so for Midnight Sparkle.  :huh:


Kindness is just a few words away. Tell someone something nice and be the Element of Kindness today! 

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Overall, if I had to rank Friendship Games, I would probably place it above Equestria Girls (the first movie), but below Rainbow Rocks. My main issue with this movie might be that, when compared to the redemption arc of Sunset Shimmer in Rainbow Rocks, I didn't find Twilight's behavior and the situations into which she was thrown to be as relatable or engaging. Twilight was blackmailed into competing in the Friendship Games, and for most of the movie, Twilight seems to be passively stumbling through situations: just trying to get through the Games, often allowing herself to be pushed around by Principal Cinch and the Shadowbolts, and all the while her magic device acts on its own with Twilight being clueless as to how or why.


Speaking of which, one of the bigger problems I had in the movie was with Twilight's magic-detecting and magic-gathering device, and how she acted with it. Something that is never explained in the movie is how/why the magic device acts on its own to suck up magic, and how/why it's able to create portals to random locations in Equestria. Given that Twilight built the device herself, why does she have no clue how it can do these things? Furthermore, even after seeing the magic device repeatedly act on its own, possibly harm the Mane Six in sucking the magic out of them, create portals to some mysterious location, and do all this with Twilight struggling (and failing) to control or stop the device, Twilight blithely continues to carry the device around and enable it to "do its thing". After the device started doing all of these things, Twilight should have done something with it, like put it in a safe place where it couldn't access potential sources of magic, and later on, perhaps try to dismantle the device in a safe environment. In the movie, though, Twilight repeatedly puts the Mane Six and everyone else at risk by recklessly continuing to carry the device around and let it suck up more and more magic.


Another big issue I had with the movie was the climax. First, Principal Cinch's song convincing Twilight to open the magic device, and especially her statements to the effect of "unleash the magic so we don't lose the opportunity to gain knowledge and understand magic!", really shouldn't be convincing to Twilight. For one thing, Principal Cinch and the rest of the Crystal Prep students obviously have no academic interest in how the magic works, and outright say so. Also, just opening the device and seeing what happens hardly seems like a good way of learning about the device or the magic contained in it. Wouldn't Twilight learn more by examining the device more closely later, and perhaps opening it in a controlled environment where the effects are more easily monitored and contained? And declining to use the device in the final event of the Friendship Games would not constitute any kind of obvious "lost opportunity"; the device presumably could easily be opened at some later time. But the biggest point against opening the device (which Twilight fails to mention to Principal Cinch and the Crystal Prep students) is that doing so is a clear risk to everyone there, including Crystal Prep students. Twilight (and Principal Cinch, for that matter) knows that the device creates dangerous portals, and could do something even worse, since no one understands how it works. Principal Cinch says "Isn't understanding magic worth the cost?" but the obvious answer should be "No", considering how dangerous opening the device has proven to be.


However, Twilight gives in to the pressure and bad arguments and opens the magic device, which sets off a baffling series of events. The unleashed magic causes Twilight to transform into a demon and begin firing off portals to Equestria, including firing them directly at where other people are standing. And when Sunset Shimmer says that Twilight is destroying this world to get to the magic of Equestria, Twilight says "So what? There's more magic there, and I want to understand it all!". Why would the Equestrian magic collected from the Mane Six cause Twilight to transform into a demon? And why does demon Twilight have this "Gain knowledge at all costs!" mentality, including directly putting many people's lives at risk and possibly destroying the world? It's hard to believe that the magic collected from the Mane Six is itself evil. And I don't think we see any precedent in the movie prior to Twilight opening the magic device for Twilight to deliberately disregard the lives of others (and even actively try to harm them) and disregard the fate of the world in a single-minded quest for knowledge. Some people have suggested that Twilight's being blackmailed, bullied, and pushed around could have played a role in her transformation, but we also don't see Twilight expressing anger or a desire for revenge against Principal Cinch or Crystal Prep students at any point in the movie, even when she's transformed. So I just don't understand how or why the Mane Six's collected magic transforms Twilight into a demon.


Consequently, Twilight's "redemption" and transformation back into a human doesn't make much sense to me, either. Sunset Shimmer collects even more of the Mane Six's magic in Twilight's device, but this time, the collected magic inexplicably turns Sunset into a powerful good being. And after a brief duel, Sunset's stream of magic overwhelms demon Twilight's, which then takes Sunset and Twilight into a void of some kind. Sunset then asks Twilight to take her hand and let her show Twilight there's another way, and Twilight tearfully does so, leading to the two of them transforming back to normal. But why does demon Twilight take Sunset's hand and transform back into a human? Is it just because she was defeated by Sunset? Is it because she somehow saw past the single-minded quest for knowledge and saw the harm she would have caused? If so, how/why did that happen? The movie doesn't make this very clear. So, in consideration of the above, I find the climax of Twilight turning into a demon and her subsequent transformation back into a human puzzling and unsatisfying, even as the movie ultimately comes to the expected happy ending.


Now, I'll post some of my other miscellaneous observations, in mostly movie order (and there are a lot of them):


Sunset Shimmer says "I got your text Rainbow Dash", then she and Pinkie start going through a laundry list of potential emergencies, rather than just letting Rainbow say what the emergency is. This happens again later when Rainbow says that she's totally figured out who was examining the statue; Pinkie starts pointlessly running down a laundry list, rather than just letting Rainbow explain.


Fluttershy was about to tuck everyone in for the night at the shelter? It looks to be mid-afternoon or so; do the animals at the shelter really go to sleep when it's bright outside? Fluttershy also says that she'll have to start stories all over again, but do a bunch of animals understand and care about whatever stories Fluttershy was telling?


Why would Rainbow send an emergency text to all of the rest of the Mane Six if the emergency is a broken guitar string? Do all of the rest of the Mane Six own guitars, or carry spare guitar strings around? Why not first text Sunset, since she's a fellow guitar player and the most likely one to have a spare string (as she actually did in the movie).


Rainbow plays her guitar without an amp or a speaker, but it sounds as though she's using one.


Why does Sunset decline to go with the rest of the Mane Six and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, other than because she needed to see human Twilight examining the Wondercolts statue? Her entry in the diary addressed to Twilight doesn't seem particularly urgent.


Did Twilight's touching the Wondercolts statue while holding some device in her other hand really warrant Sunset's suspicion and questioning Twilight on what she was doing? What Twilight was doing could have been totally innocent. Was Sunset worried that Twilight would discover the portal, and maybe accidentally go through it or something? Would Twilight have even been able to discover the portal? Sunset later says that Twilight was definitely doing something to the statue (or was going to), but was that really so definite?


Why does Sunset act as though she's not aware of (or at least not aware of the extent of) the rivalry between Canterlot High and Crystal Prep? Sunset has been attending Canterlot High for over three years at this point, so I would think that Sunset would have heard about the rivalry at some point in all that time.


The gym and the bleachers at the initial announcement/pep rally about the Friendship Games are surprisingly empty. Wouldn't this be a required event for the whole school to attend? And wouldn't the entire student body be bigger than what we see there?


In Rainbow's song, she sings about how "we've fought magic more than once and come out on top" and how "we overcame the obstacles we faced" with pictures of the transformed Sunset Shimmer and the Sirens. But, of course, the "we" in those lyrics consists only of the Mane Seven (and perhaps Vinyl). The student body which Rainbow is firing up with her song, far from fighting magic and overcoming obstacles, were actually victims that needed to be saved in both of the previous movies. Funnily enough, the Mane Six - the ones who did actually fight magic and overcome obstacles - are the ones who compete in the final set of events, so maybe Rainbow's song is appropriate after all.


It's hard for me to imagine what books Sunset would be reading in the school library when trying to figure out why Rainbow Dash "ponied up".


How did Twilight come to have her own room at Crystal Prep where she keeps random equipment, test tubes of mystery liquids, her computers, etc.? The bare concrete walls and visible pipes make it seem like a back room that Twilight secretly appropriated for her own use without permission. But Dean Cadance apparently knows that Twilight can be found there, and seems to have no shock or objection about the room. So was Twilight given the room as a place to conduct research? Or maybe because she's such a star student?


During Twilight's song (and as we've seen in the previous movies), while some students are in class, Twilight is in her private room, and other students seem to be just hanging around in the hallways and the lobby. This seems strange for the equivalent of a high school. In my experience, students' schedules in high school were highly structured, and during class times, all the students at school had to be in their classrooms (or in the cafeteria at lunchtime), and the hallways and lobbies were almost completely empty.


Shining Armor would be an alumnus (singular), not "an alumni" (plural), which is what Dean Cadance says.


Principal Cinch can't understand why Twilight, the best student at Crystal Prep, wouldn't want to compete in the Friendship Games. Of course, Twilight may just not want to participate in a social activity, or she may have other research she wants to work on instead. But one obvious and understandable reason would be that the Friendship Games include athletic events, and Twilight does not seem to be athletic at all.


What's the big deal about Canterlot High starting to develop a reputation? I don't see why Canterlot High's reputation going up would have any significant bearing on Crystal Prep's reputation. Is there really any significant danger of students/families who would have chosen to attend Crystal Prep choosing to attend Canterlot High instead? The two schools are located some distance from each other and seem to be serving students/families of different income levels and cultures, assuming that both are private schools.


When Twilight was pushed by Indigo Zap and knocked over Sunny Flare, why didn't Twilight say that she was pushed, rather than saying "I didn't mean to"?


What do Canterlot High's years of losses at the Friendship Games have to do with whether Canterlot High's ideals are misguided? Are the Friendship Games intended to be a test of the validity of the two school's ideals?


Spike is supposedly shocked and hurt that Twilight ran away after he started talking. But then Spike acknowledges that his talking, and the events that transpired outside, are weird, so wouldn't that be a sufficient explanation for Twilight's behavior?


It's hard to believe that one of the Friendship Games events is motocross, especially considering that the students don't know ahead of time what the events will be. Was it really expected that high school students advancing to that round of events would be trained in and experienced with motocross, such that they wouldn't end up seriously injuring somebody?


When Applejack is trying to help Twilight with her archery, Sour Sweet yells at Twilight for taking advice from a competitor. But is it good advice or not? If so, then why chastise Twilight about it? And if not, then why doesn't Sour Sweet give correct advice to help her teammate, and thus her team, win?


Also, it's a bit contrived that, after Applejack's pro tip, Twilight hits a bullseye on her first attempt. Applejack tells Twilight when to let the arrow go to hit a bullseye, but, for one thing, wouldn't that require Applejack to know where Twilight is aiming, since the target is moving in a big circle? Neither Twilight nor Applejack say anything about where Twilight is aiming (e.g. "try to aim at 3 o'clock"), so can Applejack tell just by looking? Also, is it realistic for Applejack to be accurate enough in saying when to fire that she managed to account for Twilight's delayed reaction to her command, the speed at which Twilight would fire, and the speed at which the target is moving? Furthermore, while Twilight did manage to get one arrow in the vicinity of where the bullseye would be (at the wrong time), she also missed the mark on several other attempts, so it would seem more plausible for Twilight to not quite hit a bullseye right away.


The boost which Rarity gave Pinkie in speed skating using her leg seemed absurdly strong, looking at the speed at which Pinkie skated after doing that.


In the motocross race, after Sugarcoat is grabbed by a killer plant and Sunset Shimmer wipes out, everybody clearly should have stopped the race and agreed to a rematch. Killer plants coming out of portals was obviously not intended as a course obstacle, and the safety of the racers and everyone else should have taken priority. Rainbow Dash's declaration of "we can still win this!" after transforming (using magic against the rules), flying around without even riding her bike, and still having to dodge/beat up the killer plants is stunning in its utter ridiculousness. And I can't believe that Principal Celestia later tries to argue that the results of the motocross race should stand, or that a tie should be declared.


It seems weird that Sunset Shimmer almost instantly acts regretful after yelling at Twilight. It seems to me that Sunset had good reason to be angry at her. Sunset made good points about not messing around with things she doesn't understand and how Twilight put Sunset and her friends in danger, and Twilight didn't really have any good excuses to rebut those points. Sure, Twilight didn't intend to cause harm, but that doesn't mean that she's blameless. Twilight was still recklessly endangering others by continuing to carry around her magic-containing device and letting it suck up the Mane Six's magic, even as Twilight had already seen that, in doing so, the device was potentially harming the Mane Six and opening dangerous portals.


Near the end of Principal Cinch's song, Twilight clearly takes off the necklace with the device on it, as seen in multiple shots, but then Twilight is inexplicably wearing the necklace again just a few seconds later, and then a short time later, the necklace is off again.


Dean Cadance says to Twilight "Pretty sure Cinch will be fast-tracking your application after all of that", but is that really so sure? Isn't it at least a significant possibility that Principal Cinch might hold a grudge against Twilight for aiding in humiliating her, turning the rest of the school against her, and denying her (and Crystal Prep) the clear victory in the Friendship Games? I suppose Dean Cadance might be thinking that Principal Cinch wants Twilight far away so that she won't cause any further humiliation, or perhaps because she's dangerous - she did transform into a demon and nearly caused the death/disappearance of several people, after all.


Twilight decides after the events of the day to transfer to Canterlot High, and Dean Cadance talks to Principal Celestia about it, culminating in Princess Celestia announcing to the Mane Six that Twilight is a new Wondercolt at Canterlot High. But shouldn't Twilight, you know, consult her parents about the transfer before it's finalized that same day? Her parents are probably significantly invested (both financially and emotionally) in sending her to Crystal Prep, and are likely anticipating her going to Everton. It's possible that Twilight's parents were called off-screen, but there's a good chance that they would both be working, and even if they could be reached, I would expect that they would want to talk to Twilight in person and think about it first. However, the way Twilight's transfer played out is in keeping with the audience never seeing anyone's parents in the Equestria Girls universe.


Sunset Shimmer says that the way that magic works in this world is that the Mane Six pony up when they're showing the truest part of themselves. But is this explanation consistent with what we've seen in the three movies? This movie seems to portray the Mane Six transforming when exhibiting their corresponding elements: Rainbow Dash transformed when showing loyalty to Canterlot High, Rarity transformed when showing generosity to her friends in making outfits for them, etc. But then why do the Mane Six transform when they're just playing in the band? Is Applejack exhibiting honesty when playing bass in the band? By being the drummer, is Pinkie exhibiting laughter? Or, thinking back to Rainbow Rocks, was Rainbow Dash exhibiting loyalty when she was playing "Awesome As I Wanna Be", hogging the spotlight and playing an extended guitar solo while her bandmates were exasperated and annoyed by her antics? Instances like these don't seem to fit the explanation of magic shown in this movie.


Finally, in the very end scene, why does Equestria Twilight think that meeting her human doppelganger is the strangest thing that's ever happened to her? Since everyone else in Equestria seems to have a human counterpart, shouldn't Equestria Twilight have expected there to be a human counterpart for her as well? And it's not as though human Twilight is drastically different than Equestria Twilight (or at least not drastically different than she used to be).


If you managed to get through this whole post, then thanks for your patience, and thanks for reading!

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So I finally saw this last night and I liked it! Not quite as good as Rainbow Rocks IMO but I enjoyed it a lot ^_^

I thought it was a little slow to start, tbh, but once the games started it really picked up! Things I liked:

~ SciTwi! She was done really well - she had pony Twi's adorkable thing, but was different enough to make her an interesting character. Before I thought she was going to be straight up evil, like a dark mirrorverse thing, but I'm glad they didn't go that direction - she was definitely still Twilight, just pushed in a different direction by her circumstances. I think they did a good job of keeping the parallels with ponyTwi's development while making it different enough so they weren't just retelling the same story.

~ Sunset Shimmer!!! <3 she's easily my fave thing about EQG, her development is just awesome to watch. I loved how determined she was to figure out the whole magic thing, and it totally made sense she'd still be insecure about proving herself, even after RR because she still felt like she needed ponyTwi's help to be useful. But she's still much more confident in herself and her friendship with the HuMane 5 which is awesome, and that bit when she finally lost it and yelled at SciTwi for unleashing the plant thing during the games...It was such a mix of YESSSS GO SUNSET but omg nooo poor SciTwi, and then how she immediately felt bad after ;~; (Also loved the moment after when Fluttershy was like "she didn't mean it, she's so nice!" and everyone glares at her - it's not just Pinkie who can be tactless! XD) And of course...

~ the final battle! I mean you could see it coming a mile off, but it was still awesome - and I could completely understand Team SciTwi, because she knew no one at CP cared about her, they were just using her to win and didn't even help her when she got sucked in...I'd be wrecking the space/time continuum to go to another world, too! Tbh I sort of wanted original she-demon Sunset back, too, only doing good this time, but it was still amazing to see her coming full circle, helping SciTwi the way ponyTwi helped her because she knows what it's like and she understands friendship now!! Ahhh, I might have teared up a little clear.png:adorkable:

~ the Crystal Prep principal as a villain! I liked that she wasn't magic/from Equestria this time, she didn't want to take over the world, she just cared about ~her reputation and winning. While she was obviously still Bad and had some OTT moments, it was a nice change to have a more realistic villain, and how she manipulated SciTwi into doing what she wanted. (I also thought the reveal was going to be that she WAS some Equestrian monster thing and was planning to steal SciTwi's magic device so I'm glad they didn't do that either clear.png) But mostly - amazing villain song X3

~ The whole thing of the HuMane 5 ponying-up-when-displaying-their-element was predictable, but gave us some cute moments anyway - my fave was Applejack helping SciTwi during the archery, when she was so anxious and screwing up and Sour Sweet was yelling at her, it was painful to watch but also really sweet <3 Oh, and Dash saving Sunset! (It amused me how they didn't, y'know, STOP the games when a giant plant monster was trying to eat everyone, but that would make way too much sense clear.png:P )

~ smaller thing I also liked that we had some pairings we don't get to see together too often: AppleShy on the archery, RariPie on the skating and Sunset/Dash on the motorbikes (seriously, what sort of school event has baking contests, archery and freaking motorcross?? clear.png) - it was nice to see them working together!

~ of course, the music! I've been listening to the soundtrack on repeat today ^.^; Favourite songs are the CHS Rally, the Acadeca song and Release the Magic, which all did a good job of weaving the music and the narrative - especially the last two. I also thought SciTwi's What More is Out There sounded very Disney, like it could be from Tangled or Frozen or something (which is a compliment!).

Minor nitpicks:

~ I thought the new characters were a bit weak/underdeveloped. Sour Sweet had some funny lines, but even then I couldn't help thinking she looked like a Sonata Dusk recolour :please:clear.png And Sugarcoat looks like Trixie with pigtails...just, yeah, both design and characterization could have been better.

~ Actual Dog Spike can talk! Because...reasons? (I mean, I know HOW it happened, I'm just questioning WHY it had to happen when it didn't really add anything) I guess they just really wanted to have him talk? It just seemed a bit random, and imo it was cuter when he didn't talk, to separate him from Dragon Spike.

~ I'm convinced they're only putting Flash Sentry in to troll the bronies at this point (or probably more likely to sell toys, but ssh) - he somehow did even less than in RR, didn't further the plot or SciTwi's development in any way, what was the point of him? His screentime should have been given to the CP students, IMO - I'm not even an extreme hater or anything, but yeah.

~ At times some of the dialogue felt...less natural than before? Like there was more tell-don't-show - I know, for kids etc, but MLP in general is usually better at this. The new director might explain it, I guess?

But yeah - overall, I enjoyed it a lot :D



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As with many others, I also hated Principal Sinch.


But not for the wrong reasons. To me it's obvious the staff tried their best to make Principal Sinch such an unlikable character. I don't hate her because the studio screwed up with her character, I hate her because they did such a good job at making an unlikable character, which is, again, what I think they were going for.


Sorry if I'm not making sense it's the middle of the night and I'm supposed to be asleep right now. XP

  • Brohoof 3


Avatar by the lovely ChibiDashie and Signature by the wonderful Pinkamena Dianne Pie.

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Now that we met Twi, i wonder about Human SS.HJere is one of my theory.



I think if Twilight has a human counterpart so does SS. Think it like this, Pony Sunset/Twlight were gifted and talented unicorns and private students of Princess Celestia. Human Twlight is also a gifted and talented student. She goes to chrital prep and had planed to go to everton colllege, indepenedt study programme. Maybe, Human SS used to be a talented student and enrolled at christal prep before Twilight came. She was the best at everything and didnt had any friends of course.  Then the difficult bit is she needs to somehow bwecoome power hungry, did something were she got kicked of the school. but i can't decide what . So if anybody got any ideas. Please share them with me. What does anyone think about my theory, then?

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436k for the world premiere.




Kinda disappointing, but understandable, if a lot of bronies and target demo are living at home, and can't exactly monopolize the TV in prime time on a Saturday night.


Unfortunately ratings for DF have tanked in general and pony has paid the price along with everything else.


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Okay, so I feel like I'm one of the only ones that really didn't like this movie. Right now the order of 'goodness' is: Rainbow Rocks, EQG, This.


To me, the songs were forgettable and really just nothing special. Not terrible, but not good, either.


The six (Five? There were either five or six) Crystal Prep vilain students didn't get looked into at all. One was shown to be kinda like a Pinkie Pie and Vinyl Scratch mix, I guess, one was a wierd sarcastically kind girl, and the other was an angry person. The rest didn't get looked into. So okay, those personalities aren't that bad, let's see how this goes, how they develop. They don't. And no, a sudden reformation from bad to good at the very end doesn't count. I feel like if they were important enough to show up alongside the Mane 6 in the intro bit, then they should have got some real scenes.


Another big problem I have is that not much really happened. You've got the race, and the climax in the end. That was pretty much it. The contest itself (apart from the race and archery which was cool) was just montaged through. Twilight vs Sunset was pretty cool, but it happened so fast. Nothing like a quick montage to rush through things because the timing was screwed up. I guess you could count the Mane 6 being stripped of their magic 'stuff happening', but those scenes were fast and ended quickly. On that note, why did the Mane 6 not even seem to care that much? Sunset Shimmer seemed to be the only one that was concerened. Even when Fluttershy saw Twilight suck her magic out (ahem) right in front of her, she was just like "Damn. That sucks. Oh well, I guess I won't question it any further".


Now, the climax of the movie, which everyone loved. I... I didn't love it. At all. It was soooo cliche! "Ohh nuu, an evil version of the normally good protagonist! This has never happened before! How could we have predicted this?" The evil version of the protagonist has been done to death. On top of that, they didn't even do much cool stuff with it. We saw the portals opening - why not have someone fall in, or have a pony come through into the human world and become humanised? Why not have something terrible happen (and then be solved)? Nope, Twilight acted threatening and thenOH SHIT WE DONT HAVE MUCH TIME LEFT WRAP IT UP GUYS


All in all, this movie was really disappointing for something I was so hyped about. I just hope the pony movie won't end up like this.


Also, what's up with Cadence and Shining Armor? SA is definitely a student, but was Cadence? I don't remember. I assume her role was explained but I have no idea.

Edited by HailTrixie
  • Brohoof 2

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She, paragon of ponies,

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The song when Twilight is telling herself that there must be more out there?

That song was modified in the final movie. The song was supposed to be a duet with Sunset Shimmer singing too, questioning what the next step in her life is supposed to be now that she's a former pony from Equestria living as a human.


This is the song that was left out of the movie:



  • Brohoof 2
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The song when Twilight is telling herself that there must be more out there?

That song was modified in the final movie. The song was supposed to be a duet with Sunset Shimmer singing too, questioning what the next step in her life is supposed to be now that she's a former pony from Equestria living as a human.


This is the song that was left out of the movie:



OMG! Thanks for sharing that scene! That scene might be why Sunset Shimmer was mentioned as missing Equestria in some promotional material. I guess they need Sunset in the human world for now so they cut it. Are there anymore deleted scenes???

Edited by StitchandMLPlover

My short independent films about physical disability!





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I just watched the Friendship Games..


That was awesome! Of course it wasn't perfect, but I loved the character development and overall progression of the movie. Twilight deserves a lot of pity because she didn't do any of those things on purpose...


Yep, great. Lots of Sunset Shimmer was good. I r8 8/8

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After doing some thinking, Cinch's full name seems......odd. It's a reference to To Kill a Mockingbird's Atticus Finch, the well-meaning father to the protagonists. Abacus Cinch is NOTHING like Atticus so......what's the point in the reference?

Don't be a nerd. Join the herd!

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OMG! Thanks for sharing that scene! That scene might be why Sunset Shimmer was mentioned as missing Equestria in some promotional material. I guess they need Sunset in the human world for now so they cut it. Are there anymore deleted scenes???

Not that I know of.


And the song was more about Sunset missing a purpose than missing Equestria. Like, her entire time as a human all she did was plot how to steal the crown and conquer Equestria. Now Sunset is, for the first time, aimless and wanted to find a new purpose in life.

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Not that I know of.


And the song was more about Sunset missing a purpose than missing Equestria. Like, her entire time as a human all she did was plot how to steal the crown and conquer Equestria. Now Sunset is, for the first time, aimless and wanted to find a new purpose in life.

Excellent point actually.  She says "missing magic tests" and "life I once had" so I thought maybe she missed Equestria at least a little. Thanks anyway!

Edited by StitchandMLPlover

My short independent films about physical disability!





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The movie was so-so. Same plot with the games just being a staging ground and Equestria magic trouble again. Midnight's motive was lacking out of no where instead of just using the magic to punish Crystal Prep who treated her badly.


Nothing stands out.


I find it interesting that basically human Twilight is what pony Twilight would have become had she not gone to Ponyville and chose to stay in Canterlot.


And living under the rule of Nightmare Moon covering the entire world in night. Human Twilight is miserable compared to everyone miserably living under eternal night, except for nocturnal ponies.

Edited by Singe
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The song when Twilight is telling herself that there must be more out there?

That song was modified in the final movie. The song was supposed to be a duet with Sunset Shimmer singing too, questioning what the next step in her life is supposed to be now that she's a former pony from Equestria living as a human.


This is the song that was left out of the movie:



I listened to this song when a friend linked it to me on Skype and I love it, sort of wish they had just kept this song, but the song they did keep is a good song too.


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It's my favorite of all the EG movies! Really good plot, superb singing, and Crystal Prep uniforms were excellent! I would wear one if I had one!

~My life is a bunch of Discord~
Yes, the pun was intended


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I'd.... rather watch the complete song in color. But, dude,,,, it looks like it would have been a really important piece of character information for sunset to be in the song.

im not gona go ramble 50 paragraphs so here's what i meant right now... as in next line right now

it would have shown that opposites and similarities of sunset and "SciTwi" asap. I mean, shown the conflict thing, or something.

OMG! Thanks for sharing that scene! That scene might be why Sunset Shimmer was mentioned as missing Equestria in some promotional material. I guess they need Sunset in the human world for now so they cut it. Are there anymore deleted scenes???


I do not recall Sunset missing equestria in anything, but that was probably what i meant in the third line

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