FirestormCAN 246 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 Oh wow. OH WOW. I haven't the words to describe how amazing that ending was. Even watching it for the second time I'm still blown away by it. Vector Production ~ Friends: YES | Public Requests: TBD | Commissions: NOBronyCAN 2016 Head of Publications - Email of PM for questions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Impact 1 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 The movie was fun to watch Didn't expect that end tho 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PROJECT: Simon 3,955 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 Haven't watched it yet, but now I think I just got spoiled~ '~' T^T xDD <3 <3 1 Equestria Girl Artist / Infernus's adorable brother / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,780 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 Really liked it even if the ending did get a little wonky towards the end, but the final bout between Sunset and Midnight Sparkle was pretty intense. Also wished we'd get more of the Shadowbolts, though I did end up loving Lemon Zest and Sugarcoat. Now to wait and see what they cut from the TV version Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlitterFlutter 1,584 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 I dont really want to spoil anything all I will say is I liked it. But that ending though?!?! WHAT was that?!? I loved it !! Credit to Kiki Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Coffee Pony 1,390 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 That was great!! Really fun to watch, it far exceeded my expectations! While Equestria Girls had a bad start, DHX really made up for it with two great sequels. They're getting better with each movie, should they have a fourth one, I'll be looking forward to it. I wish they'd make a spin-off series though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vivishy 1,032 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 Wow, this was very similar to the plot of the first movie, except Sunset and Twilight on the opposite side. Just saying. but when evil Twilight showed up I was like and then Sunset transformed I was like I was fangirling so hard. Also poor human Twily, no student really supported her. I wonder where the human Sunset Shimmer is...also I get that pony twilight was caught in a time loop but how did everypony else not notice that their spike was missing? Not really sure any more. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Persona22 205 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 So, when Sunset yelled at Human Twilight for the whole portal opening during the race thing, do you think she was yelling at her, or at HERSELF? 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SolyWack 482 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 (edited) I thought the movie was fantastic! Of course I did though, I'm super biased because I love everything EQG. But this movie was actually really good. -I love the relay bit with all the tentacle monsters and RD being a complete badass, and staying true to her element -The end was really good. It wasn't just Deus Ex machina, Sunset actually fought Twilight on a level playing field, and won. -The principal got sick burned -I guess the super emotion scene is when Sunset #REKT Twily at the relay field. It was good, but the kitchen scene in RR was better imo. -MOTOCROSS. My god that schools got bank. All in all 1000/10, will watch again once on Youtube So, when Sunset yelled at Human Twilight for the whole portal opening during the race thing, do you think she was yelling at her, or at HERSELF? Oh crap. That adds a whole new layer to the story. I love it. Edited September 27, 2015 by AppleJack_Wack 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Golden Star 149 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 A very quick summary from me since it's now 2:45am in my country, but... wow! Rainbow Rocks set the bar unexpectedly high so I was left wondering how/if they could top it, but I honestly think this one is the best of the three. Upon hearing that it will be shown in cinemas here in the UK next month, I'm definitely planning to catch it when it's on, some of those musical numbers, Round 2 of the games, and the finale, should look and sound amazing on a cinema screen. The Equestria Girls series is just getting better with age and I cannot wait to see where it goes next. An awesome film and a solid 9/10 from me. Please follow my YouTube channels and social media pages: Golden Star (MLP reviews, PMVs, and more) YouTube / Facebook / Twitter Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Unikitty 1,212 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 (edited) Great movie, but it needed more songs. That principal though. Really evil character. >3> Edited September 27, 2015 by Unikitty 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rjrgmc28 130 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 Although I am not in the anaylsis and review game these days, I'll let my thoughts on the film be summed up in one tweet: "Now...that was a great film! Still feeling the vibe but it was action packed right from start to finish!" On a side note (spoilered below)........ From a fanon standpoint, I guess this also opens some doors somewhat to Crystal Prep, post Cinch. Already got a few ideas in mind, mainly with Charmie Heart on a student exchange to try and rebuild the school.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evan_1 132 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 the movie was awsome i think its actually the best one so far, the ending was great, overall its a great, great movie, how about y'all 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuyNamedEarl 1,332 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 I had high expectations for this movie. It didn't blow me away, but it defiantly lived up to the standards set up by Rainbow Rocks. 8.5/10 IGN Creator of MLP Ruined Vines and Recorder Sh*t Equestria's Biggest Hip-Hop Nerd Everyday is Leg Day! Follow me on Twitter: @EarlBrony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moved to Elsewhere 11,331 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 What I liked: Pinkie's epic moments. Sunset's arc having a nice wrap-around. The whole idea that the Friendship Games requires massive amounts of skills other than athletics. So many other things with a high school setting just do it with one skill. What I didn't like: Principal Clinch. She doesn't really stand out from any other villains. All she really did was blackmail Twilight and had like zero personality. She did have that semi-cool song though. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie seemed a bit on the flanderized side in the beginning but thankfully they got better near the end. What was a questionable: The climax is a bit too bizarre for my tastes. I like how it's a wrap around to the first movie but the way it was done made me not take it as seriously. On one hand, I like how Flash Sentry is more downplayed, on the other, why is he even in these movies if he's barely used? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jinxie Umbra 149 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 That was amazing. The team at DHX truly are the best in the business! Seriously, how awesome was that?! Loved it! Changeling horn on Midnight Sparkle? Like so many fanfics... Also, I love how even when eldritch abominations appear and try to devour the competitors, all the spectators expect the games to continue. They really take these Friendship Games seriously. You'd think it was a FIFA World Cup match! Dr. Jinxie Umbra Angriest Statue in Celestia's Garden Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blue Moon 6,341 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 Hi @Evan_1, Just letting you know I renamed your thread and pinned it. 2 Autumn Blue Moon Clear Skies Summer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King Sejong 859 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 This movie was quite good, I really felt something for Twilight Sparkle, she wanted to learn about the mystery of Canterlot high, and got more than she bargained for, she also had to go to a Crystal Prep, a school that rewarded individual scholastic achievement, at the cost of friendship and community, and at the root was Principle Cinch, a stoic and vainglorious person, who would pressure her students to succeed, not for their benefit, but to stroke her reputation, built on a foundation of hubris. As Twilight was learning about the force surrounding Canterlot High, she is reluctantly drafted into the Friendship Games, meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer and the other main characters, are hyped and primed to compete in the games, to finally break the winning streak of Crystal Prep, at the same time have to keep their magic hidden. Twilight Sparkle had an artefact that drew magic into it, despite the fact she didn't know the function of the object. Twilight Sparkle became like Sunset Shimmer during the events of the first film, a magic demon, consumed by magic, until Sunset Shimmer resolved the magic in Twilight Sparkle, who had a great lesson from a person had been there, and done that, overall, this was a touching story, I hated Principle Cinch, I had a urge to hit something, but in the end she had to submit, and left the story, I do wonder if there will be a fourth movie, because the pony Twilight Sparkle has encountered her human counterpart, at the final moments of the film, nevertheless, this movie got me emotional, I really wanted the students at the end to be all right, to embrace each other as friends and equals, it is a reminder that although we win games, it is more important to win and compete with honour. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brony Mata 134 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 was it just me.... or... did this movie... suck? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brony Mata 134 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 was it just me.... or... did this movie... suck? 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,362 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 There's so much to say about the movie that for now, I'll leave you with these moments! First of all, let me get this heartwarming moment involving Flash Sentry out of the way first: Human Derpy gave a kind pat on the back to Human Flash Sentry after Sci-Twi ran off following magical energies. Let me repeat: Fan Favorite Derpy was looking out for Base Baser (or as the Flash Bashers like to call him, "Waifu Stealer") Flash Sentry! Thank you, Josh Haber (or whoever's idea was that) for finally giving Flash a break! I loved how Sunset Shimmer has come full circle. I love how at the end, Sunset talked about her experiences with dark magic to save Sci-Twi from the later dark self, Midnight Sparkle 1 A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
colt .45 259 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 Well, that was a lot better than I thought it would be. I admit, I didn't have high expectations of liking this, as I am generally not a fan of sports themed movies. Thankfully, this kept the athletic competition to a minimum. And managed to add a good amount of pretty good music, considering that it wasn't about rival bands, as Rainbow Rocks was. Those were the two things that were keeping my expectations low, and they turned out to really be non issues. The end was so awesome! Sunset finally, not just understanding friendship magic, but wielding it so beautifully!!! Made my arm hairs stand up, and a few drops of liquid pride (at least I was at home, instead of at a theater, like I was for Rainbow Rocks). Which brings !e to this... I still think Rainbow Rocks was better (of course you do, Colt .45, you have been saying how Rainbow Rocks is one of your all time favorite movies, and is one of your top ten movies you have ever seen for almost a year now). So, yeah, Friendship Games had an almost impossible hurdle to clear to exceed RR, for me. I just really loved the whole music, and bands, and cameos, and sirens/Dazzlings thing. I guess I'm surprised at how close this came to being a worthy rival. Totally going to own this on blu ray when it comes out! It is a great entery into the Equestria Girls films, and I will be watching it again the next couple times it airs this weekend. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Castle Bleck 19,380 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 Human Derpy gave a kind pat on the back to Human Flash Sentry after Sci-Twi ran off following magical energies. Let me repeat: Fan Favorite Derpy was looking out for Base Baser (or as the Flash Bashers like to call him, "Waifu Stealer") Flash Sentry! Thank you, Josh Haber (or whoever's idea was that) for finally giving Flash a break! That was probably my favorite Flash scene ever. 1 By @Emerald Heart.↑ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cybershocker455 324 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 I loved it, I thought it was great. Awesome songs, great character moments, a nice climax, great resolution, and nicely written morals. Probably Josh Haber's best work right here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,362 September 27, 2015 Share September 27, 2015 1. Cinch is currently the only EQG human to actually look good in lipstick. 2. That fight was how the one in the first EQG should've been. 3. Did Main!Twilight just spoil the Season 5 finale? 1. Yeah, Didn't Rarity put on lipstick in the Prep for the Fall Formal Dance montage only for it to disappear in the next shot in the first film. 2. The fight in the first film was brought up here. 3. Only those who have been snooping around for previews at Conventions would have already known! A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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