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MLP Dream Experiences & Discussion

Vinyl Scratch

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My dreams are usually about food. Im not fat but food is always on my mind have you ever had a marshmallow Oreo and a chicken sandwhich at the same time. the idea came to me in a dream i made it the next day and my dream came true  :blink: . But no no pony dreams.

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Dreaming of ponies? I'm sure I had at some point, but my dreams don't really tend to stick around. By that, I mean, yeah I can remember it the first few minutes, but later on? Nah. 

Though I am pretty sure I had that dream, yesterday I believe, the gist of ponies and something about heavy-urbanized cities. 


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I've had a couple, but the only one I remember was being in Equestria, and I had Gokai Red's powers.

Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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As weird as it sounds when it was season 3 i had a luna dream i was kinda freaked out when sleepless in ponyville came out haha.

i don't even think of luna that often  :o

  • Brohoof 1
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I once dreamed about pony. I was back in Afghanistan somehow, with my unit. We started to take indirect fire. After taking cover in this dinky mud hutt for some reason, we came out. In the middle of the village road was a pegasus. Just some random mismash of a pegasus. Yellow body with blue hair. She was visibly wounded, after getting a quick CAT on her leg wound, I carried her back to the truck. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Yes.  For the first time, I had a dream I woke up in one of the dorms at the Wonderbolts Academy, and who pops in.  My waifu, Spitfire.  However, she didn't yell at me, but she did with the others, and said, "Did you have a good night?......Good, b/c its time to get up".   Do not ask how, but I just laughed at myself, XD.


I had a dream the other night where I woke up in Rarity's bed. I could tell we didn't have sex, but she was eyeing me in a "good morning" kind of way :D Kinda made my heart flutter :wub:


So, I got out of bed, and put some waffles on the frying pan (dream logic, eh?) 


I left the room for a second to go take a shower, and when I got back, Rarity was eating her waffles and Rainbow Dash was eating my waffles. I was pretty pissed, so I went and took my waffles back and ate them with Rarity :D

RD went and watched tv after that.


And that was the most recent pony dream I had :D

I have them occasionally; fortunately, they nearly all involve Rarity :wub:


Before I scrolled down this page, the first thing that came to my mind was "Ghostie had a dream, that he woke up in Rarity's bed, :D

  • Brohoof 1
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I once had a dream that Rainbow dash got arested because Pinkie Pie(covered in chocolate)ate Fluttershy. When rainbow was arrested, she started talking to Applebloom in the police car or jail.


I just made this one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had this one not more then hour ago. Just go off work and pass out in my truck, did a 8 hour shift with only 2hours of sleep.. 


Anyway the dream was kind of long and something happened in it that I can't say... for reasons.. Anyway It was me and Spitfire laying on a cloud doing something... then we chatted a bit. 


Spitfire: No never like him like that. 

Me: Oh come on not even a little??  

Spitfire: Nope not even a little, he's like a brother to me. 

Me:Oh I see. 

Spitfire:Okay my turn, what do you miss most of the human world? 

Me:hmm can I pick more then 1 thing? 

Spitfire: No, you know the rule only one thing. 

Me: Okay, my friends. 

Spitfire: You don't miss your family? 

Me: No, because most of my family is dead and gone and who is still alive does not care for me. 

Spitfire: Who do you miss the most? 

Me: woh hold on a min there beautiful! You don't get to ask 2 questions! 

Spitfire: Well I'm just using your turn, so who did you miss the most? 

Me:What? you can't do that! 

Spitfire: I just did, now come on out with it! 

Me: Ugg fine. This girl I knew on a web site. Her name was Sugar Cube, well her real name is Aimee. 

Spitfire: Why did you miss her the most? 

Me: what the... no no no, you don't get three.. (I just laid there looking in to those beautiful eyes of hers) ugg fine. 

I missed her the most  because she reminds me of my sister. My sister was my only friend for most of my life. She stood up for me, she would hang out with me instead of her friends and she was always there for me. Every time I got to chat with her it was like I was talking to my sister all over again. That's why. 


Spitfire cheats.  This is known.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK yesterday I had a dream that I was passing by the TV and suddenly I saw Trixie in one of the commercials :) She was advertising some toothpaste :P

"Come on, come all! Come and buy this grrreat and powerful toothpaste! Your teeth will never be so spec-ta-cu-lar as when you use this marvelous product! Only $9.99" :derp:

It was kind of fun to watch :)

Edited by SasQ
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I had a dream where pinkie and discord and me were throwing a party at the park when suddenly some random pony walks up to me and yelled your going crazy.

It was a very strange dream I guess.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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I have only ever had two dreams on this subject and while it did not revolve soley around ponies perse, it did have them in it.


First Dream:


The first was just a normal walking around dream I had. In it at some point I walked into a store trying to find MLP toys, but they didn't have them.



Second Dream:


The second started out as a fairly common dream I have, where I'm riding a train somewhere. It wound through the mountains and that's where that scene kind of ended before I found myself in a car driving off the road and through a wetland before coming upon a house on a cliffside overlooking the sea.


Next I was outside an apartment building in a blue and silver colored city flooded with sunlight and opening the trunk of the same car from before and hiding some Pinkie Pie merchandise before finding myself running from a small group of bronies on the sidewalk as a train passed by us.


Afterwards I was inside an apartment, don't think it was mine really. However at some point I wound back on the train in the mountains from before as a shining city at night came into view, however the train went backwards and stopped as another train sped by.


Again I found myself in the car driving down the road and off of it into a golf course along a bay. Hitting alligators and jumping over people along the way.


That is when things got crazy cause then there was a really weird, scary and violent event happening. Not sure, but it seemed like an alien invasion while giant and I mean mountain sized rocks came crashing down. All falling from a fiery portal in the sky. One hit a mountain near the sea, liquifying it entirely. Buildings were exploding all around and this is when pony related stuff came back into the picture.


An MLP:FiM style griffon was driving a train that almost hit me and told me to get out of the way, Discord was driving down the street in a convertable with an unknown, quirky sidekick jumping up and down next to him. There was also a black dragon with green flame for hair selling weapons on the side of the road. What he was about, beats me. However he stuck out so much I drew him after waking up.


Then I found myself back on the train and that is when I finally woke up.



What that last dream meant beats the heck out of me. However that's just my experience so far. Sorry if it didn't revolve soley around ponies, but my dreams can be pretty out there at times.

  • Brohoof 2
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  • 2 weeks later...

Recently, I had a dream where I, my dad and one of my siblings were on a game show, hosted by the Flim Flam brothers. Upon entering the location of the event, we all turned into Pegasi. We did horribly at the game and lost, I ended up making out with Derpy, then we all flew away.

  • Brohoof 1
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I've had a couple pony dreams, though it's usually only in the rare lucid dreams. Always my two, though, never any others. Just a couple days ago, I dreamt I got out of bed, and saw some strobe light like flashes coming from around the corner of the room, accompanied by some disturbing noises. At this point I had already figured out I was dreaming, but still didn't want to get some jump scare or something. Edging around the corner to see what it was, I saw a horribly disfigured human-like monstrosity sitting in my chair before my tv. As it turned it's head slowly to look at me, the next flash blinded me, and in that split second the figure was replaced by the lovely pegasus you see below. Happened quick enough that I question whether I saw the horrific thing or not, and now the flashes were just explosions from a Halo game she was playing on my Xbox. After watching her kick some butt for a bit, just went outside and she flew around while I bugged some neighbors about their awesome muscle car. Other gal showed up later, just for a bit of a chat, can't remember much else.


Fillies in this pic, rather than the adults they are. Just the best one I have of them together right now

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I haven't had any that involved me going into Equestria or anything. I still haven't learned how to lucid dream anyway.


I DID however, have a dream where my brother found out I liked the show, and he didn't make a big deal about it. Sadly, that was just a dream.

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I had a dream where I was a pony myself, and I was eating cupcakes with Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie :')


That dream sounds like It could quickly take a turn for the worst :c



My dreams?  :c

"Some things must remain burried" -Nasus

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I had a weird dream that in Season 5 of MLP that Celestia was hiding info from all of Equestria and even keeping info from the other alicorns. I was in this dream an alicorn named Laurel. She was pale blue and had a silver mane and tail. She turned the rest of the mane six into alicorns. She said she felt bad for them for being deceived by Celestia. For some reason the Sun Princess was with holding info on characters in literature and about humans in it.  Everyone finds out that the G1 ponies were suppose to be the original alicorn princesses and that Celestia had stolen they’re powers and all. Then Laurel made the princess’s horn and wings vanish. Apparently Discord knew about this too. After that the rest just gets too bizzare to explain.

Weird Dream huh?


Fav Quotes:

"I can't tolerate cowardice..." -Me and I don't know who else :P

"Dare to be different and never mind what the crowd thinks. Because as long as they're talking about you, they'll never forget about you." -Cyril Sneer


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I've only ever had one pony related dream before. I remember that I was trying to help Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow Dash set up some sort of float for a festival, or something. 


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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