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Harmony Spark

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As a brony, I have loved MLP for its creative fantasy element, interesting characters, wonderful stories and optimistic and relaxed tone.


However, I'm beginning to feel like MLP is losing some of its magic. I don't know why but the last few episodes that have come out didn't entertain as much as Season 4. Epsidoes like Amending Fences, Slice of Life, Bloom and Gloom, The Cutie Map, Crusaders of the Lost Mark, Rarity Investigates and the Lost Treasure of Griffonstone were all great episodes and they are good becuase they expand character, have world-building or jsut have an entertaining story from beginning to end.


Whereas in episodes after Sliceof Life, seem to b a little mundane and not as entertaining. Maybe it's the new writers or something but the stories doesn't go into interesting directions, the morals are still great and the characters or great but they didn't do something interesting or creative with the set-up.


For example,


Do Princesses Dream of Magical Sheep - great premise and development for Luna but like Power Noia from PPG it took a 90 degree nose dive into disaster as the conflict was caused by Luna because she wanted to punish herself for being Nightmare Moon. For fucks sake, Luna. Stop listening to Linkin Park, stop acting so emo and sort yourself OUT!! Your self pity could have endangered millions of ponies! And you created the Tanatbus because it's a creative way of cutting yourself?! Jesus, Luna. You need to see Dr Wolf.


Party Pooped - cute idea and its jsut alright. Again very mundane and what transpired in the episode didn't connect to the moral.


Heartbreakers - Again a sweet episode. Loved to see Pie family. But I don't like Applejack episodes. They always centre on family. It's getting old.


Carousel Boutique - Rarity is not my fave character. But i liked this one. Also Raven goth pony and blond pony should be best friends. It must be canon


Brotherhoods Social - hilarious episode and took a twist on the "guy cross dressing for the sake of pleasing friend in competition or something" trope having the characters know it was Big Mac all along but went along with it.


The One Where Pinkie Knows - okay episode but wouldn't it be so much better if there was a Cadance and Shining Armor episode where they find out that they are having a baby and stress out over everything and fear they aren't ready to raise a child? Character development was practically gift-wrapped for them. Also they aren't related to Applejack or even close friends with Apllejack, so it's okay for them to use Applejacks birth certificate? That's just creepy.


Scare Master - decent but wouldn't it be better if we saw Fluttershy struggling to get out and enjoy Nightmare Night as she wants to go out so she can spend time with friends, but her fears of being scared get the best of her?


So you see, I loved Season 5 from the beginning but after Do Princesses Dream of Magical Sheep and after the 2 month hiatus, it began to get just mundane and not as interesting or fun. Even the most by the book episodes have had something fun or unique to it, but here it's like on slice of life autopilot. Have a conflict, characters freak out about it, show new ponies for bronies to fan-gasm over and make stupid fanart or fanfiction on it, conflict solved, moral, the end no refunds.


I really want to like season 5, and I don't want to hate, I don't even dislike it, it's good, but after the hiatus, it feels weird and watered down. Am I being too harsh? Is it just me?


What do you think? Am I being an insensitive over critical moron? Or am I being selfish?


I just want MLp to have that magic that kept me hooked since the series premiere.

  • Brohoof 1

Harmony Spark: Fellow Brony and Devoted Student in Animation



Devoted HIM Fangirl. He is my husbando.

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What do you think? Am I being an insensitive over critical moron? Or am I being selfish?


Alittle bit of column A, a little bit of column B....


and the show has been going on 5 seasons now so it shouldn't surprise you if a few episodes aren't your thing at this point.  

Edited by Malinter
  • Brohoof 1


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

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As time goes on, series usually lose their thunder because people either run out of ideas, or try too hard to keep things "fresh". At this point they are writing to appease the audience and after a while you will find it starts to show. It all boils down to all things must come to an end, and MLP is no exception. Hasbro is probably already considering the future and what they will do after this generation is over. No amount of bronies are going to stop that.

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I will agree that Do Princesses Dream was not a great episode, though I disagree with your reasoning. After that episode and the following hiatus, I feel like the season is getting stronger and stronger and already it was well on its way to becoming my favorite season of the lot. Granted I am not looking forward to the finale at all but still, the show has not gotten mundane for me. This season has been very fun in a lot of ways. 

  • Brohoof 1



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But the same thing applies to Doctor Who, currently sat at 819 episodes and still gaining new fans


Doctor Who can't be compared to MLP though. Doctor Who has a premise that can make it go infinietly long. MLP just dosen't have that.



To the OP: I understand where you're coming from and i understand the problems that you have. But i think you should criticize the episodes for what they are and not what they could have been. That's atleast how i look at it.


I thought scare master was a great episode and took a very unexpected turn, with Fluttershy just saying "Nightmare Night is not for me." And i also don't understand why people get so mad if they put a reference here and there. As long as it dosen't disturb the flow of the episode, it's okay for me.

  • Brohoof 3

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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Doctor Who can't be compared to MLP though. Doctor Who has a premise that can make it go infinietly long. MLP just dosen't have that.



To the OP: I understand where you're coming from and i understand the problems that you have. But i think you should criticize the episodes for what they are and not what they could have been. That's atleast how i look at it.


I thought scare master was a great episode and took a very unexpected turn, with Fluttershy just saying "Nightmare Night is not for me." And i also don't understand why people get so mad if they put a reference here and there. As long as it dosen't disturb the flow of the episode, it's okay for me.


I've watched Doctor Who for 30 years, and while the premise of "all of time and space" sounds pretty inifinate, the thing about most of time and space is that it's fairly empty, and there's only so many stories they can come up with. Sure they have a bigger scale in terms of being able to add new races and places all the time, but the actual stories have a lot of recycle and repeat


If you want to go to the other end of the scale spectrum, there's Coronation Street 8761 Episodes, and Eastenders 5165 episodes. It can be said that they run and run because they're based (sometimes loosely) on real life, which is something that brings up new problems and challenges every day.


I don't think MLP is the kind of show that will run for anywhere near as long, but of the enduring shows Doctor Who is in a more similar vein, It's sci fi, but very much fantasy sci fi, and works on a per episode forumla of problem -> problem solved by main protagonists, also for the past 30 years at least it's had a lot of merchandise tie ins


My only point was that there's no set limit on how long a particular show can or will run, unless it's created by someone who for artistic purposes has a very specific story arc that concludes within a set number of episodes from start to finish. With anything else the only thing that matters is whether or not it's still good enough to be profitable to those responsible for producing and airing it, the length of time it's already run for is irrelevant

Edited by BPCannon
  • Brohoof 1
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Eh. I actually think it's getting better. Blame Gillian M. Berrow for The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows. I didn't really like the episode. Could've of been more Candace and Shining Armor since it was about Pinkie knowing about their baby.


Anyways, all the other episodes that have come out after the hiatus have been pretty good. Denny Lu has directed every episode so far after "Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?" so I think they're the reason why the episodes have been getting better, beside "The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows"


Canterlot Boutique was a decent episode. We got a new character who got redeemed within the episode! And we saw Raven pony. :3


Rarity Investigates! was good too. Rarity is a pretty good detective I'll say. I'd say Rarity was very generous for helping Rainbow Dash in that episode. And plus, I enjoy more Rarity episodes.


Made in Manehattan was a great AJ and Rarity episode, IMO. And more Coco Pommel, which makes it even better. It was nice seeing them pull the play together in the end, even after all that happened. Good lesson on how "Teamwork can make the dream work." Ya know, for the kids. XD


Brotherhooves Social, 10/10. Great episode with Big Mac. We now see how helpful Big Mac is. He'd dress up as a mare just to help his little sister. And it was rather funny too, seeing Big Mac dressed up like that.


Crusaders of The Lost Mark. Amazing. I loved the Diamond Tiara redemption. This episode was really musical, great songs. Upbeat too. Happy that CMC got their cutiemarks ^^. One of my favorite Amy Keating Rogers episode.


Hearthbreakers. We got to meet Pinkie's family. More character development for her parents. More Maud <3 And I liked how the Apples and Pies got back together again in the end. It was sweet.


Scare Master was great! Fluttershy development. "Flutterbat" returned. Fluttershy scared better than you expect. Great Halloween episode.


All in all, I think the episodes are getting better. There's an upcoming Discord episode. And I can't wait for the finale.

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You're not being insensitive or selfish at all, everypony has different ideas on what makes a good episode and it just so happens that season 5 doesn't have a lot of good episodes to you. Maybe check out season 6 when it comes out and it could have more awesome episodes that you can enjoy.

  • Brohoof 2


"My past does not define me, because my past is not today."

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I can kind of see where you're getting at, but I'm not sure if it's the same thing you're feeling. I think this season has some amazing episodes (Amending Fences, CotLM, Slice of Life, etc.), but not anything new to bring to the plate. We're kind of rehashing a few ideas now. Even though Make New Friends was a great episode, we've already been at the gala and seen it so it feels a bit old and tired. This is why I'm really excited for Season 6 though.


They seem to be setting up new ideas for stories next season, but we have to go through the beginning phase first. They gave the Crusaders their marks and ended their first arc, they gave the royal couple a baby, we're starting to explore new characters and new places. I think things are just starting to get more exciting and fresh again, and the show is constantly looking for ways to grow and evolve.

If you have the courage to jump, the parachute will open.

-Big Mac

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I think the show is still moving along good. The season opener actually surprised me by going in a different direction. I was expecting that they were just going to end up convincing the ponies in the town that everyone being different is better. YAY! The end! :pinkie:

I never would have guessed that the mane 6 were going to get locked up and face brainwashing!

A lot of the episodes seem to be tying up loose ends or addressing stuff that's been otherwise ignored.

WHICH could be happening because

  • The writers want to get this stuff done because the show is ending very soon. :blush:


  • Possibly because IT'S BEEN 5 YEARS already and they know people are interested in such details. The writers might just be getting that stuff out of the way and there could still be quite a bit of time on the MLP G4 clock yet. KEEP production lag in mind. Season 5's episodes were WRITTEN around late '13-mid '14.

There's still a lot that could be done with MLP. I just think it would be foolish of Hasbro to scrap it after the movie and then try and reboot it. For some reason I see that failing miserably. G5 would have to fill some pretty big horseshoes.

-On a side note THEIR figures need rebooting. If they did that I bet it would pay off big time. These are the only 2 Hasbro things that I bought that aren't aggravating to look at. A lot of their stuff suffers from half-assed syndrome. :okiedokielokie:


Edited by Cirrus.



Rainbow Rocks... at least how it could've looked... in a stranger, more interesting dimension :lol:

For those who are wondering, Twilight is chewing bubble gum.

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You're not being insensitive or selfish at all, everypony has different ideas on what makes a good episode and it just so happens that season 5 doesn't have a lot of good episodes to you. 


Agreed.  I can't say that I've honestly disliked a single episode in the entire series.  I even liked It Ain't Easy Being Breezy for Celestia's sake.  But then again, I'm pretty easy to please.  


But I will admit that MLP has become more of a "routine" for me than it was when I first joined the Herd.  At some point, even the most devoted fan of pretty much any show will start to feel the same.


@@Harmony Spark said that she enjoyed most of the episodes this season.  And, in the end, that's what's most important.  You won't be able to feel as enthusiastic about any fandom as you did when it was new to you forever.  But so long as you're still enjoying it, that's all that counts. 

Edited by J. Brony
  • Brohoof 1
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Just a little. It has been feeling a little more like "MLP Tales" than "Friendship is Magic" lately.


Though to be fair, it's a similar situation. Just as Tales was made to appeal to the original Pegasisiters who were too old for fantasy and fairy tales, so too is FiM trying to keep up with its target demographic.

After all, Those little girls aren't so little anymore...

  • Brohoof 1

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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Science knows the answer!

For instance, when people hear one word repeatedly people grow accustomed or numb to it and pay less attention. 

Or for instance with gamification they time limit free games because it causes more interest long-term for those who are already enjoying it.

Sort of like absence makes the heart grow fonder.


I think taking a break from ponies then when you get back to it you may notice how much you missed them.


Also when you discover something specifically new it gives more cognitive reward, than when doing something more often.

Its the same with a song you hear, the first time you enjoy it you enjoy it alot more then you overlisten and get bored then a month or longer of not hearing it it sounds good again.

Edited by Lil Pip
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Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, but I can't be sure that I agree here.  Season 5 has had some fantastic episodes with Crusaders of the Lost Mark being one of my all time favorites.  The huge shout out to the brony community in Slice of Life was also a real treat.  And there have been episodes much earlier on in the series that weren't really my cup of tea.  (Example: Baby Cakes in season 2)  If anything I would say that we just need more Twilight Sparkle in season 5, but it seems that there is some awareness of her exclusion by the way that she is sad when the map doesn't send her to solve a friendship problem.  I am sure they have some good plans for her coming up.  :P



Princess of Friendship

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Just a little. It has been feeling a little more like "MLP Tales" than "Friendship is Magic" lately.


Though to be fair, it's a similar situation. Just as Tales was made to appeal to the original Pegasisiters who were too old for fantasy and fairy tales, so too is FiM trying to keep up with its target demographic.

After all, Those little girls aren't so little anymore...

Not sure if that's a good argument though, as Equestria girls which is supposedly aimed at older audiences than FIM has more action/fantasy as its going for a more magical girl angle to it than FIM.

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It might just be me, but I'm not as into the show as I was when I first got into it.


It happens when you're into it for so long. You're in this forum for 3 years and maybe even longer in the fandom. Ponies sooner or later will become more and more a routine thing for you. The first few months, you can't think of anyhing different then ponies. Once that wears off, it becomes a bit more normal.


I speak from experience.

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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It happens when you're into it for so long. You're in this forum for 3 years and maybe even longer in the fandom. Ponies sooner or later will become more and more a routine thing for you. The first few months, you can't think of anyhing different then ponies. Once that wears off, it becomes a bit more normal.


I speak from experience.


In other words, the novelty wore off.

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In other words, the novelty wore off.


You could say that.


Ponies are not always in my head, as it used to be. But i still enjoy the show and the fandom.

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



Thank you Randimaxis for this Wonderful Avatar. smile.png

Please, don't be afraid to talk to me. I am not as unapproachable, as you might think.

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If you ask me, I'd say that S5 is the best yet. I mean, the S4 finale and 'Crusaders of the Lost Mark' were some of the only episodes of any TV show (save for GF's Not What He Seems and Weirdmageddon Pt 1) to leave me genuinely amazed and in awe, wanting to just talk about it for hours and nothing else.


But, we all have our own opinions and our own tastes. Some prefer S1 and S2 while others prefer S3+, while others just dislike the show entirely. It's perfectly fine if you feel the show isn't as good as it previously was, since really it's all subjective.


As the latest couple episodes had said, "To each their own".

I draw fan art (and crossovers) of MLP, Undertale, Gravity Falls, Homestuck, and more! If you're interested, check out my Deviantart, Tumblr, and Twitter!




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Nope, at least I don't think so,

I feel like the show is only getting stronger, You can't judge all of season 5 off of a few stinkers. Also, I think Hearthbreakers and Carousel Boutique are really good slice of life episodes with great morals. I don't see what's wrong with those, also Hearthbreakers was an Apple Family/Pie Family episode, not an Apple Family episode. It was miles better than what AJ's had in the last couple seasons.

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All fandoms end eventually, or they evolve into something else.  But despite this, I don't think the show is losing anything currently.  It seems like whenever arcs are resolved in MLP, they never just close doors; they always open other ones.

Edited by Time Shield

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