Sapphire Lightning 784 November 10, 2015 Share November 10, 2015 I havent encountered like 80% of the stuff mentioned in this thread, so I have no idea about them. The one I do not get though is the massive and obsessive following of Octavia. Just don't get it. I mean it's not like she is cool (and mai waifu) like Vinyl Scratch ( <3 <3 <3 ). *shrugs* Not like I care, I enjoy the show, I enjoy most of the fandom. It's a fun ride! 1 You better believe I've got chill up my sleeve!My Hypno-Fluttershy Journal Click Here to chat with my friends and I on IRC! All nice ponies welcome! NEW! MLP FIM TableTop RPG game system! WIP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManyANewDay_36 178 November 10, 2015 Share November 10, 2015 Fanfics like My Little Dashie, Rainbow Factory and most of all, CUPCAKES. I hate that fanfic with every fiber of my being. 2 "It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live." ~Albus Dumbledore Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlootahBabby 265 November 10, 2015 Share November 10, 2015 I've never read Fallout Equestria. So I wonder what is so good about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
green 331 November 10, 2015 Share November 10, 2015 Queen Chrysalis is beyond overrated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merion 783 November 10, 2015 Share November 10, 2015 and also this clopping thing..../shudders/ Especially the clop depicting Maud's weird fixation with rocks... :scoots: 1 click here! ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
3Dode 55 November 10, 2015 Share November 10, 2015 (edited) No, I'm with Hypno here too, this is the first time I've heard about a lot of people liking Double Rainboom too. Last I remember, aside from the animation(which wasthe only thing about it that seemed universally liked), the majority dislikes DR Ehh I would say mixed to be honest, because well, there are people who defend the it as a fan animation. Edited November 10, 2015 by 3bode Look at this objectively. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tyrantt 4 November 10, 2015 Share November 10, 2015 I don't think anyting is overrated. All I can say is that...Applejack is freakin HOT HOT HOT!!!!! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Sabbath 2,486 November 10, 2015 Share November 10, 2015 Derpy. There is no way that there is something more overrated in this fandom than Derpy. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wonderbolt 68 November 10, 2015 Share November 10, 2015 Mane 6 ships and to a lesser degree Equestria Girls (EG films are good but proper MLP is sooo much better). ----Twitter ----tumblr----Deviantart----My Blog---- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmarston1 5,959 November 10, 2015 Share November 10, 2015 The Cutie Map and Starlight Glimmer as a villain, even though I actually like them. Just not as much as a lot of other people do. Also Bloom and Gloom and the first half of season 5. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tao 8,029 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 "Princess Molestia" . Also, Derpy is ok and all, but I don't understand the mega obsession with her. I like Derpy in a few good written fanfics and Princess M is kinda funny but I can see the why.... My other overrate: Making princess celestia look like a tyrant at times. I mean its sadly at times how the writer have put her and making her more of a background pony makes me sad in how she could really be used and given some real depth in the cartoon.... 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cimarronboy 248 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Definitely the grimdark stuff, fallout eauestria (fallout itself may be as possim grade a plane as the haloverse but I've never experienced it and don't have a definite opionion), and the lunar/solar war (that rift is centuries old, though the story behind it may make for some great fics), socks, the overabundance of anthro/pony humans as r63. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kiri 7,290 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Anything involving the combination of FNaF and ponies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
baba_booey 4,303 November 11, 2015 Share November 11, 2015 Friendship is Witchcraft - Most of the jokes are unfunny and run into the ground ("talk about eye candy" wasn't funny the first 50 times I heard it), the characters are one-dimensional, the humor is overall comparable to the average episode of Johnny Test or modern Family Guy, etc. Fluffle Puff - It was funny until it became milked and just became a "Chrysalis x Fluffle Puff" fanfic. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Celli 4,339 November 12, 2015 Share November 12, 2015 Most animations, though strangely I like SFM videos a lot, mostly by Argodaemon, Ferexes, and Juiceboxalvin, a lot of music(though I am guilty of liking a lot of D&B,and house remixes), memes, basically most Fictions, and "scary" creepypastas. Also, when I think of "Fandom-related" I think Fan-related stuff, and not the show itself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Qiviut 22,447 November 12, 2015 Share November 12, 2015 (edited) Does the show itself count? To call it overrated doesn't make it true. FIM is factually a great cartoon with well-written characters, a simple premise that dares to take risks, and has such a likeable charm that personally connects to thousands of people. It earns the accolades and popularity. Also, Derpy is ok and all, but I don't understand the mega obsession with her. There are several reasons, but the biggest is the fact that the fandom was responsible for building her. What started as a simple animation error in the background evolved into a very massive following. She's the fandom's mascot. As a result, DHX began inserting her into the background as her wall-eyed self, and she was featured as Easter Eggs and a major contributor in TLR. Slice of Life was a thank-you letter to the older bronies, and Derpy was one of the most prominent. To add to that, this fandom's obsession with Background characters, cannot stand it Just because you cannot stand it doesn't make it overrated. Background characters are there to fill in the background. But what attracts thousands of bronies comes from these: Expressive designs, either intentionally or otherwise. Derpy's wall-eyes, Vinyl's glasses and spiky hair, Octavia's posture from The Best Night Ever all hint personalities. Great background characters do something. Equestria ain't lifeless. If you're gonna catch someone's attention, make the background active. When background characters do something, you invite discussion. Lyra slumping on the bench, Derpy inside the coop or snow globe, Derpy waving a rally flag or eating out of the chocolate fountain, Topsy Turvy flying in front of Twilight and playing with her own muzzle, Bon Bon's multiple voices from seasons one and two, Vinyl Scratch bobbing to the beat, Button mashing the arcade controller, Lily Longsocks (the shy filly from Lost Mark) lifting heavy objects with ease, or Whooves wearing 3D glasses as he trots with Rose. When they do something, you invite interest. The headcanons and fanon that follow it create extra life out of them. From here, the chain begins to build, and so does the fanbase that goes with it. Most people like her because a big part of the fandom is a teenager, and she's edgy and has to do with the moon, so yeah... On the contrary, you take Luna's fanbase for granted. The real reasons why she's popular are the follows: Her character design is fascinating. The majority of the ponies are very pastel- or brightly colored. Luna contrasts by being several shades of pure blue. By having a dark-colored character, you trigger people's senses, because she stands out. The underdog status. Princess Celestia is very respected, noble, and caring. She has few challenges or goals. Luna is opposite. Minus Twilight, she's the most three-dimensional of the alicorn princesses. We see her struggle to fit in, earn others' forgiveness, become a mentor for the CMCs, intentionally hurt herself because her guilt was excruciating, earn a good-night's sleep in God knows how long, and feel proud of the CMCs once they got their cutie marks. Like the Mane Six, we witnessed Luna's journey, albeit in slices, and that makes bronies want to root for her. People like Luna exist. She extremely relatable on a very personal level; when you find a character you can identify with, you become very attached to that character and comprehend what she's going through. Princess Luna for sure. I do really like her though but wow her userbase is....something... It's beyond shallow to scapegoat the fanbase for hating a character, and it's just as shallow to scapegoat the fanbase for calling one overrated. Luna earned her popularity, and to use them to call her overrated suggests that you're looking for reasons and failing to find any that make sense. Edited November 12, 2015 by Dark Qiviut 1 "Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Luna the Great of all the Russias 3,002 November 12, 2015 Share November 12, 2015 (edited) In terms of what I think is overrated... I don't know. It seems to me that anything that becomes popular is automatically considered overrated regardless of whether they supposedly deserve it. Edit: Some seem to post more about what they hate than what they consider overrated. I don't understand why something should be hated just because it's popular... concept of overrated itself seems overrated to me. Most people like her because a big part of the fandom is a teenager, and she's edgy and has to do with the moon, so yeah... Luna to me is interesting because of idea of being under-appreciated for potentially centuries. People say that she was simply having immature tantrum, but I think it was result of what initially was mild annoyance which slowly evolved into full rage. Whether Celestia would be partially at fault for this I wouldn't be able to say. And the fact that she had to live with the guilt that she tried to dethrone Celestia and forced the population to obey her as Nightmare Moon, the history and how she deals with the past is interesting to me. They still haven't really given Celestia as much backstory as they did Luna. Humans turn ponies or ponies thrown into the mlp world via fanfics and also this clopping thing..../shudders/ and also ponies in socks and the freaking panties thing....and what is it when they make em Anthro, Fluttershy has huge boobs and so does Sunbutt? Someone once asked me about what I thought breasts size of mane6 would be if they were human. Initially I dismissed this question as a joke, but then if you think about it, Fluttershy is caretaker of many animals so having larger breasts could, in a way, put more emphasis on her being like a mother figure to them. While it was not part of discussion, I suppose same could apply to Celestia. But then again, it could very well not be because of what I just mentioned, but instead simpler explanation of people liking larger breasts therefore drawing them on characters. And for me, ponies look cute in socks; simple as that. Similarly, there is notable popularity of ponies in sweaters, and there was also ponies and juiceboxes I think. Edited November 12, 2015 by Tsaritsa Luna 1 Pony Art Thread Brony since ~25 July of 2011. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rawzy 1,302 November 12, 2015 Share November 12, 2015 Derpy....Vinyal....and Octavia Think For Yourself. Be Yourself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkiebow 49 November 12, 2015 Share November 12, 2015 Friendship is Witchcraft - Most of the jokes are unfunny and run into the ground ("talk about eye candy" wasn't funny the first 50 times I heard it), the characters are one-dimensional, the humor is overall comparable to the average episode of Johnny Test or modern Family Guy, etc. Fluffle Puff - It was funny until it became milked and just became a "Chrysalis x Fluffle Puff" fanfic. YES. Why does everybody love FiW? It has such a lazy writing and the VAs are okay at best. The only good thing about the series is the songs, and even then they're average compared to a lot of underrated fan songs. The Fluffle Puff videos are... meh. I actually love Cupcakes a lot. Not because it's OMG MURDER PONIES THAT'S AWESOME like most fans of the fic think, but because it's well written (in my opinion). I don't know why when people make fan art of the fanfic they draw Pinkamena and not Pinkie Pie. All the Celestia hate. Just why? One of the reasons to why I love Lullaby for a Princess is that Celestia is in character. By the way, Ponyphonic songs and the animation LFAP are one of the few things I don't find overrated at all and think it "deserves the hype". 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnArtisticPontato 91 November 12, 2015 Share November 12, 2015 The fanfics, especially Cupcakes. It was made to be a gore-fest and isn't scary at all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucky Shot 232 November 12, 2015 Share November 12, 2015 What do you find overrated in the fandom? Whether it be a focus on a character, a fanwork or anything else? It's a fandom. Everything's overrated, both the good things and especially the bad things. We have to understand that "fan" comes from "fanatic" which connotes a psychotic obsession. There are several reasons, but the biggest is the fact that the fandom was responsible for building her. Nope. Bronies need to realize that, because this isn't an anime following a manga, entire seasons are completed before the first episode airs. "Derpy" was placed in every season 1 episode and most of season 2 before bronies even existed. Of course, this didn't stop season 4+5 from being a brony circlejerk, but I digress. 2 DeviantArt | Tumblr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megas 27,786 November 12, 2015 Share November 12, 2015 To call it overrated doesn't make it true. FIM is factually a great cartoon with well-written characters, a simple premise that dares to take risks, and has such a likeable charm that personally connects to thousands of people. It earns the accolades and popularity. There are several reasons, but the biggest is the fact that the fandom was responsible for building her. What started as a simple animation error in the background evolved into a very massive following. She's the fandom's mascot. As a result, DHX began inserting her into the background as her wall-eyed self, and she was featured as Easter Eggs and a major contributor in TLR. Slice of Life was a thank-you letter to the older bronies, and Derpy was one of the most prominent. Just because you cannot stand it doesn't make it overrated. Background characters are there to fill in the background. But what attracts thousands of bronies comes from these: Expressive designs, either intentionally or otherwise. Derpy's wall-eyes, Vinyl's glasses and spiky hair, Octavia's posture from The Best Night Ever all hint personalities. Great background characters do something. Equestria ain't lifeless. If you're gonna catch someone's attention, make the background active. When background characters do something, you invite discussion. Lyra slumping on the bench, Derpy inside the coop or snow globe, Derpy waving a rally flag or eating out of the chocolate fountain, Topsy Turvy flying in front of Twilight and playing with her own muzzle, Bon Bon's multiple voices from seasons one and two, Vinyl Scratch bobbing to the beat, Button mashing the arcade controller, Lily Longsocks (the shy filly from Lost Mark) lifting heavy objects with ease, or Whooves wearing 3D glasses as he trots with Rose. When they do something, you invite interest. The headcanons and fanon that follow it create extra life out of them. From here, the chain begins to build, and so does the fanbase that goes with it. I'm sorry but I still don't care for BG characters. They do look nice, and I like some of their designs, but in the end, all they are to me is background, and will never understand why the fandom is so obsessed with them, especially when most of their fanon personalities feel really shallow most of the time; and I doubt I'll change my mind any time soon. It's beyond shallow to scapegoat the fanbase for hating a character, and it's just as shallow to scapegoat the fanbase for calling one overrated. Luna earned her popularity, and to use them to call her overrated suggests that you're looking for reasons and failing to find any that make sense. Wheatley never said she hated Luna, she even said she liked her. She's saying her fanbase drives her nuts 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucky Shot 232 November 12, 2015 Share November 12, 2015 what is it when they make em Anthro, Fluttershy has huge boobs and so does Sunbutt? Breasts symbolize compassion, caretaking, and motherhood. Celestia is every single pony's mother. She is also the sun, which blinds you with its beauty, therefore her "beauty" is highly exaggerated in contrast to say Luna, whose proportions should be more petite and elegant due to the moon's relative modesty. Fluttershy is not only the Element of Kindess (i.e. Compassion), but is also a poor flyer and anime moe parody. 1 DeviantArt | Tumblr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gestum 2,493 November 12, 2015 Share November 12, 2015 To call it overrated doesn't make it true. FIM is factually a great cartoon with well-written characters, a simple premise that dares to take risks, and has such a likeable charm that personally connects to thousands of people. It earns the accolades and popularity. I also think that it's a good cartoon, if I didn't I wouldn't be here. But it is still overrated. Some people act like it's the second coming of Jesus. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spikey-Wikey 378 November 12, 2015 Share November 12, 2015 Brony music. A lot of Bronies hate modern music... how is Brony music any different...? Also a few other things: -My Little Dashie -The Applejack background pony joke -Fallout Equestria -Button Mash Adventures -The episode "Hurricane Fluttershy -Hating on Flash Sentry There's probably more, but I can't remember them right now 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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