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Paris, France Terrorist Attacks 11/13/15


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Like I said I can never truly understand what the victims or their families went through,and I know I never can. Its a  horrific tragedy those people didn't deserve what happened to them no one did,and I can't  ever understand how their families feel but my heart still goes out to them.  Again I hope what I said isn't taken as me trying to set up a debate I have nothing but sympathy for the victims and their families because no one deserves to die like the victims of this terrorist attack did. NO ONE. This attack wasn't just on the french it was a attack on the very idea of peace and freedom,it was a attack against the world as a whole. It was an attack on humanity itself. My thoughts and heart goes out to the victims families. 

Edited by CookieK
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Sadly enough, there are lots of terrorist organisations, but only one of them is being bombed. By only one country... (Russia vs ISIS). US and EU need to care more about wiping out terrorists. Sadly, only thing that government is interested in, is giving shelter to "refuges" and "fighting" discrimination.


Russia has conducted two, maybe three airstrikes against IS in Syria. Nearly all of their attacks are aimed at civilians and the rebels fighting to overthrow Assad. Many of their airstrikes have actually targeted medical facilities, including several supported by Médecins Sans Frontières. Don't believe the Russian media's lies.

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It's becoming really scary. I hope the surviving victims receive good care. My sympathy goes to the victims and families.


But I'm also angry at the citizens who sympathize with the IS and governments who think that spending millions in "diversity" programs is more important than defending their people and sovereign nations against those zealots.


And currently the prime minister of The Netherlands is being sued for keeping the borders open for smuggled IS soldiers in refugee groups.

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Russia has conducted two, maybe three airstrikes against IS in Syria. Nearly all of their attacks are aimed at civilians and the rebels fighting to overthrow Assad. Many of their airstrikes have actually targeted medical facilities, including several supported by Médecins Sans Frontières. Don't believe the Russian media's lies.

At least they tried. I heard, that one of the explosives fell in Iraq.

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I think it's crazy! Why do people have to do horrible things like this just because of their beliefs? Just... why? Killing innocent people. It just makes me so mad, and also devastated at the same time. I'll be sending all of my love, condolences, and sympathy to everyone who is affected, and praying for all those who lost their lives. They didn't deserve it. People far from deserve this treatment. But we can't give in, we can't let up, we must stop the people inflicting this pain and terror upon many communities, countries, governments... everyone. Although I do just wish it would all end right now, because I don't want to hear of any more innocent lives being taken. #PrayforParis

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I heard the explosiosipons when I watched the game yesterday evening on TV. My first reaction by the first bang was: "What was this, a firecracker?" And after the second loud bang, it was clear that this was not a firecracker. It is really horrible, sad and incomprehensible what happened in paris yesterday. My condolance to all the people in paris. 

Edited by IronM17
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This is indeed quite saddening to hear. A tragic event like this results in so many innocent lives lost.

I extend my deepest condolences to the families and victims of the attack and hope that the terrorists responsible face the full brunt of the law.

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I heard about this not so long ago, and Im chocked. I have some friends who lives in Paris and Im really scared that something will or has happened happen to them. These godammed terrorists should get stopped before the whole world is in one big war. Its scaring me that I think like this but, I think that if they find any terrorist base, they should nuke it and spare NO ONE. Oh gosh what has the world come to...

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I have absolutely nothing against Islam, but Isis? Now this is where things go REAL bad. I just pray and hope that the citizens of Paris will be protected from the ultimately cruel acts of Isis. If only people could respect each other's beliefs, none of this would be occurring at the moment.

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I don't understand why France is being targeted so much. I do know there are a lot of Islamic people there, but that's not really indicative as to why France specifically is suffering so much. The attacks back in January was the latest before this tragedy. By my research, Islamic groups have targeted France since the 1980's. Why? What is France doing that other countries are not doing? I just don't understand the dynamics in which tragedy after tragedy happens in one specific developed nation, but not others....


That and I don't understand how the actual set up leading up to this tragedy went completely unnoticed. This isn't like the Boston Marathon Bombings where it was just two guys, with their backpacks concealed the bombs. The multiple attackers in France had assault weapons, bombs, and who knows what else to achieve their means. How did they go unnoticed considering France's strict gun laws?

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I'm all for the refugees, and big ups to countries like France and Germany for accepting them, but at the same time, they had a responsibility as a sovereign nation to make sure they knew exactly who was coming through their open borders. Media and intel sources have been saying from the beginning ISIS would use the refugees to smuggle terrorists into European countries, and to absolutely no one's surprise, they have and have already executed an attack. I hope France and Germany take immigration a "bit" more seriously moving forward. 



Second thing I want to say is, while the US holds blame for destabilizing the region, which created ISIS, the countries in the region have a combined fighting force of 5 million soldiers. The fact that ISIS was allowed to exist for more than 5 seconds falls on the complete indifference and mafia wife attitude these countries hold towards Islamic extremism. They do nothing because they know the US will always be there to wipe their ass, and that trend needs to stop. That entire corner of the globe needs to learn a bit about self determination, instead of expecting daddy to clean up all their messes. 

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Now the European football Association is debating if we should cancel all the upcoming international exhibition games on tuesday, because of the terrorist attacks.


I think this would be the worst approach, because the terrorists only want this kind of reaction. We shouldn't let these terrorists decide our lifes, because if we do, we let them win.

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I think this would be the worst approach, because the terrorists only want this kind of reaction. We shouldn't let these terrorists decide our lifes, because if we do, we let them win.

Yes but, we never know the consequences.. ;~; 

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Yes but, we never know the consequences.. ;~; 


And that's the thing. They want us to quiver in fear. I don't want to live in constant fear, because that wouldn't be a life worth living.

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What I'm concerned about is fact that propably it's going to result in growing hostility towards Muslim people even those, who have nothing in common with terrororism or fundamentalism of any kind. Of course the refugees (true refugees, not benefit seekers or smuggled terrorists) are also in trouble.

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[This post is hidden. No offense to anyone, but I am no longer part of the community and no longer wish to be an (active) part of the forums. I treasure the friendships I made along the way. Thank you!]

Edited by CadetGrey
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France and her people are strong, and they will stand up strong and fight back! Also they are alone in this and this might be the push for the whole world to really go after these insane people.....



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