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spoiler Am I the only one who likes the CMC's Cutie marks?


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I like their design too! The symbols within the shields represent the individual talents, while the shields represent the will to stay united and help others!

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I doubt it Unkitty. There is no point. I mean, the CMC were meant to be together as Blank Flanks until they got their Cutie Marks by disbanding or stopped being friends. So that's why the CMC went their own separate ways by disbanding. They were going to help the others and sadly they didn't.


Oh come on. You can't hold this grudge forever, right?

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I doubt it Unkitty. There is no point. I mean, the CMC were meant to be together as Blank Flanks until they got their Cutie Marks by disbanding or stopped being friends. So that's why the CMC went their own separate ways by disbanding. They were going to help the others and sadly they didn't.


Since when? Firstly, it was never stated that they'd ever stop being friends even if one of them got their mark before the others, and this would be far too out of character for any of them.

Secondly, they haven't disbanded. I dunno what kind of fanfiction you've been reading, but as seen by canon their marks have done nothing other than strengthen their bonds.


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Since when? Firstly, it was never stated that they'd ever stop being friends even if one of them got their mark before the others, and this would be far too out of character for any of them.

Secondly, they haven't disbanded. I dunno what kind of fanfiction you've been reading, but as seen by canon their marks have done nothing other than strengthen their bonds.

No, I wasn't reading fanfics at all, I do realized when a CMC gets their cutie mark is no longer a Crusader. But the point is: They stopped being friends because a cutie mark DOES change anypony at all, for example, Twist. Twist used to be a friend of AB until she got her cutie mark in the Call of the Cutie episode. I bet some of the fans like me were angry at the cutie marked CMC right now. And FYI again, I'm just gonna pretend this COTLM episode as a dream.


Let me rephrase that: Crusaders of the Lost Mark WAS the last CMC-centered episode in Season 5, OK?

Edited by MAIKUN
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No, I wasn't reading fanfics at all, I do realized when a CMC gets their cutie mark is no longer a Crusader. But the point is: They stopped being friends because a cutie mark DOES change anypony at all, for example, Twist. Twist used to be a friend of AB until she got her cutie mark in the Call of the Cutie episode. I bet some of the fans like me were angry at the cutie marked CMC right now. And FYI again, I'm just gonna pretend this COTLM episode as a dream.


Let me rephrase that: Crusaders of the Lost Mark WAS the last CMC-centered episode in Season 5, OK?

You're right about Twist, kinda. Even though her and Applebloom became more distant over time, they never stopped contact as a whole. I'm quite sure the two still remained friends. Just not as close friends as the CmC. And on that note, they grew distant because one had a mark and the other did not. This is what made them split, not simply having a mark.

The CmC are also significantly closer than Applebloom and Twist were. There is absolutely no reason for them to stop being friends because they now have cutie marks. That's just nonsense. You're living in denial for absolutely no reason. I guarantee that this isn't the last we've seen of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They're still great friends.


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You're right about Twist, kinda. Even though her and Applebloom became more distant over time, they never stopped contact as a whole. I'm quite sure the two still remained friends. Just not as close friends as the CmC. And on that note, they grew distant because one had a mark and the other did not. This is what made them split, not simply having a mark.

The CmC are also significantly closer than Applebloom and Twist were. There is absolutely no reason for them to stop being friends because they now have cutie marks. That's just nonsense. You're living in denial for absolutely no reason. I guarantee that this isn't the last we've seen of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They're still great friends.

No it's NOT nonsense at all, I mean I want to know what happened to the CMC now, that's all. As long I'm finding an answer what DID happened to the CMC. And yes the last we've seen the CMC was the Pinkie Pie episode and the Scare Master episode. It looks like the CMC might suffer the same fate as Babs did.

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No it's NOT nonsense at all, I mean I want to know what happened to the CMC now, that's all. As long I'm finding an answer what DID happened to the CMC. And yes the last we've seen the CMC was the Pinkie Pie episode and the Scare Master episode. It looks like the CMC might suffer the same fate as Babs did.

There is nothing to support the idea that they will stop being the CmC. The evidence supports the complete opposite. Their special talents ARE finding ponies' special talents. They're more rooted in the roles of CmC than they ever were before. And their friendship has never been stronger. Find me a single piece of solid evidence(not speculation, clear notifications) that they're apparently splitting up, and I'll be able to take your nay-saying more seriously. :I


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No it's NOT nonsense at all, I mean I want to know what happened to the CMC now, that's all. As long I'm finding an answer what DID happened to the CMC. And yes the last we've seen the CMC was the Pinkie Pie episode and the Scare Master episode. It looks like the CMC might suffer the same fate as Babs did.


What did AJ say in Bloom and Gloom "A cutie mark won't change you, no matter what you get."


Besides, Twist is not there anymore, because the VA quit and they never replaced her, so it was kind of a bad accident.

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



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They could have been anything and some people would still be disappointing. Something they have been building up to for 4 1/2 seasons is guaranteed to disappoint someone. I personally like them.

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Actually, I broke down an analysis of the marks in the Crusadors of the Lost Mark thread, I'll quote it here, since I rather like them myself.



Most people were a bit surprised by the similarities of the marks.. but I like them, and there is a lot going on within them.. I'll break it down a bit.


First off, Shield: While the first aspect of a shield is that of a protection, gaining one's shield is also sort of a mark of moving from squire to knight... so our crusaders are knights and protectors.. fitting.  

Secondly: A shield is also the heart of a coat of arms, and each color has symbolic meaning

  • Orange: Worthy Ambition 
  • Silver or White: Peace & Sincerity
  • Red: Warrior or martyr; Military strength and magnanimity 
  • Purple: Royal majesty, sovereignty, and justice

Now the individuality of each mark


Apple Bloom

  • Apple: Represents generosity, happiness, peace and salvation
  • Heart: Represents sincerity (aka, honesty), also a symbol of goodness and charity



  • Wing: Represents swiftness and protection (generally 2 wings, but as Scootaloo already has two wings, I think it fits just fine)
  • Lightning: Putting clarity and force into matters of importance

Sweetie Bell

  • Star: Represents celestial goodness, a good person [Edited in: Also, it seems to mean magic in Equestria]
  • Note: This one is harder, there is no specific heraldic symbol that uses a note, but there are several objects that make use of music, so I take this to imply music in general, but considering her name includes a Bell...I will go with that first, a bell, which indicates power to disperse evil.. but some other musical instruments indicate festivity and rejoicing.

Now, this is likely reading a lot more into then perhaps I should, but it fits so very well all of them.. together and individually.


Edited in: Also, clearly signs that the girls are spending entirely too much time with their sisters and their friends, the virtues of the main six are seen all over the place here

  • Brohoof 1
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Actually, I broke down an analysis of the marks in the Crusadors of the Lost Mark thread, I'll quote it here, since I rather like them myself.


Wow good theory Reading Heart, the CMC are actually knights, but squires at all.


Let me rephrase that: CMC with Cutie Marks = Knights of Equestria?

Edited by MAIKUN
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I personally loved it. Way too tired from work to do the usual complex analysis on topics like these. XD




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They're not protecting anything, they're guiding it... shouldn't it have been like, a torch or something?

Shields are more than just protection. They also represent knighthood, as echoed by @@Reading Heart, and they're a common coat of arms for countries. Plus, the original CMC logo was a shield.

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Shields are more than just protection. They also represent knighthood, as echoed by @@Reading Heart, and they're a common coat of arms for countries. Plus, the original CMC logo was a shield.


Sure, but all of the heraldic elements mentioned by Reading Heart barely apply other than with extreme stretching, and even if they were accurate, how's an average kid going to know any of that??


We can make all kinds ofintricate justifications and excuses after the fact for the mark being chosen... the important thing is that it's a very boring mark with little visual distinction between the characters, doesn't match with any of their color schemes very well, and doesn't clearly identify their special talent to an average audience, especially not to kids.

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I really liked the cutie marks myself.
They have actual THOUGHT put into them. Look at other ponies cutie marks, they're clearly just kind of slapped on by marketing for toys, and the writers have to try and justify them, which doesn't really work. Cheerilee's flowers for example.


Twilight's the only cutie mark of the mane six that really has much thought or symbolism put into it really, with the 5 stars, five friends and the symbol of the element of magic on it. The others? Like RD's cutie mark is nice, but given how her passion and role in life is flying fast and essentially being a racer, the weather image really isn't that good of a symbol.


Now, The CMC's? They actually have real purpose and thought behind them, showing that all three are linked together in their purpose in life as crusaders (the shield) while still having individual talents (Like Sweetie belle's musical note for her singing). I like that.

that being said, I will aknowledge the weakness of these symbols, their imagery on the flanks. They're a little "busy" in that they have alot of parts to their cutie marks, which makes some people feel they stand out and look kind of off compared to the simplicity of other cutie marks. I can aknowledge this as a legitimate complaint. I myself don't mind it, but I can see where people are coming from there.

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I love them. I love that they all match, reflect their crusade together whilst incorporating an element of individuality in each. I really didn't know what to expect, I even doubted the CMC getting their marks until perhaps the end, but I personally think they're fantastic :) 

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Plus, the original CMC logo was a shield.


He's right.  I had a look at the original CMC logo and compared it to the shields on the Cutie Marks.  They're not exactly the same but are still quite similar.  So that element of their marks does make sense.



That being said, I will acknowledge the weakness of these symbols, their imagery on the flanks. They're a little "busy" in that they have alot of parts to their cutie marks, which makes some people feel they stand out and look kind of off compared to the simplicity of other cutie marks. I can aknowledge this as a legitimate complaint. I myself don't mind it, but I can see where people are coming from there.


That's another issue I have with their marks.  


I admit that the concept behind the CMC's new cutie marks is pretty interesting.  Matching markings that not only ensure that the Crusaders will stay together as a unit but also providing them with a new story arch to follow was a stroke of genius on the part of the writers.


But the marks themselves just have too much going on.  It's like having a cutie mark stacked on top of another mark.  And as @Lucky Shot stated, the tri-colored shields clash with the girls' coats. Plus they seem out-of-place if you compare them to the simplistic markings of just about any other pony around.   

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Twilight's the only cutie mark of the mane six that really has much thought or symbolism put into it really, with the 5 stars, five friends and the symbol of the element of magic on it. The others? Like RD's cutie mark is nice, but given how her passion and role in life is flying fast and essentially being a racer, the weather image really isn't that good of a symbol.


This is because the original characters were designed under the presumption they would only appeal to young girls who were going to buy brushable pony toys, and would likely not care what the mark symbolized. This is also why older characters tend to have names more blatantly similar to their cutie marks despite that not really making sense.


Even then, they're still better marks because the writers improvised -- the marks all bear a plausible relevance to the characters' individual special talents, which was expressly stated to be the entire point of the cutie mark in show lore:

  • Twilight Sparkle: Six points, six Elements of Harmony; despite her teaching she regularly messes up all other magic, but is the only one who can properly wield friendship magic specifically
  • Rarity: her only worthy magical talent is the ability to detect gemstones within the earth, which she uses in all of her dresses
  • Applejack: as a jack of all trades devoted to the Apple way of life and all-around "normal" of the group, her mark is just apples in general
  • Pinkie Pie: is effectively a giant balloon herself, she even deflates when sufficiently sad
  • Fluttershy: gentle and motherly persona; spends most of her time at about the volume, temperament, and flight speed of a butterfly
  • Rainbow Dash: fastest thing in Equestria, i.e. pretty much is a rainbow-colored lightning bolt

The Crusaders' marks have only one minor element that separates them from one another as individuals, despite each of them having at least one exclusive (from each other) talent hinted at over the course of the show.

  • Apple Bloom: Herbalism, possibly carpentry -- her shield has a heart inside of an apple, which is not really related to either
  • Sweetie Belle: Good singer, possibly songwriter -- her mark has a note inside of a star, implying she may become an idol, which fits
  • Scootaloo: Stunts, dancing, general choreography -- her mark is a lightning bolt inside of a wing, and unless she makes like Spike and wishes a genie for wings this makes no sense

The only reason I can think of that they all have essentially the same mark is to signify unity since that is a founding principle of their stories... the flaw is that this would better be done by giving each them a piece of a full cutie mark which created the entire thing once assembled.


To explain: all three copies of the shield bear one color each from all three of them (their hair colors more or less.) I would have removed the extra two colors, so that each filly had only one third of the shield, therefore only together was the design complete.

Edited by Lucky Shot
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There are a lot of bronies. To assume that you are the only one to like the cutie marks is absurd xD


Yes, I know you knew that. I just feel like making a big deal out of nothing today o3o


At any rate, I love the cutie marks! Looked weird at first, but got used them rather quickly. :3

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The marks themselves I don't mind, though I don't think the colors gel all that well together and yeah like many others I think they're too small.  As to the way they got them, that was so amazing and so brilliant!

My issue with the marks is more in their implication but it ties into a running issue I have with the show in general as well, which is that there is an immutable force destiny in the world and it's good that you should follow it.  Now I'm in camp Free Will, ie "Force your way down a path you choose to take and do it all on your own" sort of thinking and so having the shields and their intertwined destinies makes me think they lose initiative and a small part of their selfs and uniqueness nevermind that the Crusaders could have been the biggest champions for self-decriminalization as well as some of the problem with the idea of Cutie Marks. 

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